• Writing Skills Tips • Suggested exam preparation
strategies and time planning
Basic English knowetic Alphabet
The English alphabet considerations of 26 letters, divided into vowels and consonants
keywords such as time, place, person, etc.
Record keywords
For important information, short symbols or text can be
used to record it for subsequent answers.
Expressions are combinations of words that convey a specific meaning or idea
Building a strong vocabulary and learning common expressions are critical for effective communication in English
Mimicking native speakers
Try to optimize the promotion and speech patterns of native speakers to achieve a more authentic account Record your speaking and compare it to native speakers to identify areas for improvement
✓ 充分利用各种教学手段,调动学员进行多感观学习。 ✓ 变换资料形式、场地及授课形式。 ✓ 精心布置授课场地。
大家会记住开始的内容,然后注意力随着时间的推移而下降。注意 力集中的黄金阶段只有 ? 分钟。
❖要知道为什么一定要学 ❖注意适用性和实用性 ❖被尊重、轻松 ❖需要更多的时间学习新的知识 ❖没有整块、大段的时间 ❖学而时忘之
❖集中注意一些现实生活中的问题 ❖将学习内容和以往经验联系起来 ❖喜欢表现、被肯定 ❖喜欢表达他的意见 ❖喜欢自由掌握学习的进度和时间 ❖容易疲倦
也叫及时反馈原则。学员需要及时从培训师的反馈中了解自 己的表现。如果我们及时表扬学员的正确和积极的表现,将可 以使学员发挥高水平和得到超出预想的效果,并保证正确的行 为的重复出现。
所以,要求培训师: ✓ 及时讲评 ✓ 及时奖励 ✓ 及时批评 ✓ 及时补充
❖自我介绍,正规传统型 适合于有高级领导参加的场合,人数15人左右
❖游戏 用来迅速熟悉,适用于人数超过15人(如“让我了解你”)
❖其他 交换名片,看谁得到的多有奖等(如用于人数多的销售类培训)
❖行动型 ❖反省型 ❖理论型 ❖实际型
开 放
兔 乌龟
❖行动型:实践经验 – 案例分析 – 报告 – 实地考察
太阳底下没有新鲜事, 排列组合就是创新!
3分钟演讲,自拟题目,不可与本专业有关;要包含一个道理、理论;理性+感性充分的“预演未来”;演讲前面壁进行1分钟的“开心金库”;以“我今天演讲的题目是…”开始,无需问好;演讲过程中请表现:正面、积极、微笑……;演讲完毕请拿B表,并即刻填写;助教将在2′30″时提醒一次,3′时提醒结束。卓Leabharlann 了解且易接受混乱不了解也不接受
数据 外观 性能
法规 道理 理论
图表 故事 举例/案例
比喻 游戏 活动
生活在批评中的孩子学会指责; 生活在仇视中的孩子学会斗争;生活在恐惧中的孩子学会懦弱;生活在嫉妒中的孩子学会内疚。 生活在快乐中的孩子学会乐观;生活在鼓励中的孩子学会信心;生活在赞美中的孩子学会欣赏;生活在包容中的孩子学会忍耐;生活在诚实中的孩子明白真理; 生活有安全感的孩子学会自信;生活在接纳中的孩子学会真爱; 你的孩子生活在什么环境中呢?教养孩童,使他走当行的路,就是到老也不偏离!
• 7% • 38%
• 55%
Communication Skills
The Importance of Communication Skills
“Without effective delivery, a speech of the highest mental capacity can be held in no esteem.
What is Communication Skills?
• Verbal (words spoken)
• Vocal (tone, range, appeal, credibility of voice)
• Visual (physical appearance, clothing, gestures, eye contact)
With effective delivery, even one with moderate abilities may surpass those of the highest talent.”
-- Cicero “The man who can think and does not know
how to express what he thinks is at the level of him who cannot think.”
21 Secrets to Becoming A Good Speaker
Kai-Fu Lee Managing Director Microsoft Research, China
We Present Every Day!
• Not just conference talks….
– Product group meetings – BillG / TAB meetings – Preamble to a demo – Convince a product group to be interested – Present patent to a lawyer – Present a group result at offsite – “Elevator” talks
Established in 1991, Microsoft Research is the company's research arm dedicated to fundamental and applied research in computer science and related fields
Case Studies
Case studies can help make abstract concepts more concrete and relevant to students They also provide an opportunity for students to apply their knowledge to real world situations, develop problem solving skills, and enhance critical thinking abilities
Natural Language Processing Overview: This module introduces the basic concepts and principles of natural language processing, including the processing of textual data for information extraction, question answering, and machine translation
Machine learning: This field is dedicated to teaching machines to learn from data and make predictions or decisions based on the learned information It involves technologies such as neural networks, support vector machines, and decision trees
Introduction to Train-the-Trainer
Styles in Training Learning
Presentation and Facilitation
I like to try things out.
I am an active person. a chance to try out and practice. I like to see results from my work. I can try things out for myself. I am a responsible person.
I like to deal with my feelings. I trust my hunches and feelings. I have strong feelings and reactions.
feeling. I am open to new experiences. I am an intuitive person.
• Netscape: The course will open up in PowerPoint. Choose View > Slide Show or press F5 to start the course.
To view the Speaker Notes:
• Right-click the slide and choose Speaker Notes.
watching. I look at all sides of issues. I am an observing
•Abstract •conceptualization
•Reflective •Observation
1. 具體經驗(CE):感受 2. 反思觀察(RO):專注 3. 抽取概念(AC):思考 4. 主動學習(AE):行動
#1. 動機( Motivation )
• 動機來自需求 • 二種動機:正向(誘因)及負向(危機) • 成人學習需求與實務有密切關係 • 需求來自何處?
– 目標任務 – 問題困難
• 思考:如何增強學員動機?
#2. 專心( Concentration )
• 溝通協調技巧 • 領導與激勵技巧 • 團隊引導技巧 • 情緒管理技巧( EQ )
• 產品與技術 • 市場與競爭 • 顧客與供應商 • 經營管理與企業文化
•在下結論前會收集分析資料 •行事謹慎 •思慮週密 •喜歡用各種可能之角度觀察
•對複雜且邏輯完備之理論,會把觀察結 果帶進去 •採取垂直順序方式逐步進行 •傾向於完美主義者 •對基本假設原則理論模型與系統思考等 十分敏銳 •邏輯思考前後一致
培训师资料Secrets to Becoming A Good Speaker
Don’t ramble. Stop to think if you need to. Example one: Dan Quayle celebrates democracy: Example two: Dan Quayle trying to say “A mind is a terrible thing to waste”
-- Cicero “The man who can think and does not know how to express what he thinks is at the level of him who cannot think.”
-- Pericles
Communication Skills = Fake?
• But there are skills to be learned.
–Like reading, writing, typing…. –Must learn this, if you want your work to be understood!
Verbal Skills
Be simple and clear!
Most important factor is PASSION!
If you’re passionate, your vocal & visual skills will come naturally.
Passion could come from subject, experience, or environment. “There is just one sure cure for bad speeches – Get truly excited on the subject, and 99 percent of the faults of your speaking will disappear.” -- Robert Montgomery
Training courseware for English teachers目录CONTENCT •English teaching methods and techniques•English language knowledge and skills•English teaching resources and materials目录CONTENCT •Problems and Countermeasures in English Teaching•The Development Trends and Prospects of English Teaching01English teaching methods and techniquesdirect approach, communicative approach ListeningSummary: Cultivate students' listening comprehension abilityDetailed description: By playing English audio materials, guidestudents to understand and answer questions, and improve theirlistening comprehension ability.direct approach, communicative approachSituational approachdirect approach, communicative approachdirect approach, communicative approach Communicative approachSummary: English teaching methods that focus onpractical communicationDetailed description: Encourage students tocommunicate effectively in English through activitiessuch as organizing dialogues and role-playing.interaction, multimedia applicationSummary: Effective management of classroom order andteaching processesDetailed description: Develop classroom rules, arrangeteaching time reasonably, ensure classroom order, andimprove teaching efficiency.interaction, multimedia application01Student interaction02Summary: Promoting active participation and interaction amongstudents03Detailed description: Design interesting activities and tasks, encouragestudents to communicate and collaborate in English, and cultivateteamwork spirit.Teaching skills: classroom organization, student interaction, multimedia applicationEvaluation methodsSummary: Comprehensive evaluation of student performance using multiple evaluation methodsDetailed description: Combining formative assessment and summative assessment, comprehensively evaluate students' knowledge, skills, and attitudes.Feedback and correctionDetailed description: Provide specific and timely feedback on student performance andhomework, guide students to correct errors and improve learning methods.Summary: Provide timely feedback to students and correct errors02English language knowledge and skillsPhonetics: English has a complex promotion system, including various accounts and dialects It is essential for teachers to have a good grasp of telephone symbols and principles to help students correctly promote English words and intentions Grammar: Understanding Englishgrammar is critical for effectivecommunication English teachersshould have a solid knowledge ofpresence structure, tense usage,and graphical rules to helpstudents avoid common mistakesand improve their writing andspeaking skillsVocabulary: A rich vocabulary isessential for fluentcommunication in English Englishteachers should allocate studentsto expand their vocabularythrough reading, writing, andspeaking activities, and provideguidance on effective wordlearning strategiesPhonetics, grammar, vocabularyReading, writing, listening, speaking•Reading: Reading is an important skill for language learning Englishteachers should guide students in reading a variety of texts, includingfiction, non fiction, newspapers, and online articles They should alsoteach reading comprehension strategies and help students improvetheir reading speed and comprehension•Writing: Writing is a key component of language learning Englishteachers should provide students with opportunities to write essays,letters, and other types of documents They should also teach writingtechniques, such as outlining, paraphrasing, and editing, to helpstudents express their ideas clearly and effectively•Listening: Listening is essential for effective communication Englishteachers should provide students with listening materials, such aspodcasts, videos, and audio recordings They should also teachlistening comprehension strategies and help students improve theirlistening skills•Speaking: Speaking is the most practical skill in language learningEnglish teachers should create an environment that resources studentsto speak English as much as possible They should also teach speakingtechniques, such as effective promotion, fluent expression, andappropriate introduction, to help students communicate confidentlyand naturallyUnderstanding culture: Language and culture are closely intertwined English teachers should introduce the culture of English speaking countries to students through various activities, such as cultural exchange programs, film screenings, and discussions about cultural differences This will help students better understand the Developing cultural awareness: Itis important for English teachersto help students develop theircultural awareness byencouraging them to exploredifferent cultures andperspectives Teachers can provideopportunities for students tointeract with native Englishspeakers and participate ininternational exchange programsExamining cultural differences:Cross cultural communicationrequires examining the culturaldifferences between peopleEnglish teachers should teachstudents to be aware of their owncultural biases and help themdevelop the ability to accept andaccept cultural differences Thiswill enable students tocommunicate more effectively inCross cultural communication03English teaching resources and materialsOriginal textbooks and teaching aidsOriginal textbooksThese are textbooks written specifically for Englishlanguage learners, providing a wide range of authenticmaterials and language practice activitiesTeaching aidsThese are supplementary materials designed to enhanceEnglish teaching, such as workbooks, flashcards, andeducational gamesNetwork ResourcesThese are online resources that provide a wealth of information and materials for English teachers, including lesson plans, teaching strategies, and educational videosAPP ApplicationsThese are mobile applications designed for English learners andteachers, offering a variety of language learning tools and resourcesNetwork Resources and APP ApplicationsHomemade teaching aids and coursewareHomemade teaching aidsThese are materials created by teachers themselves tomeet the specific needs of their students, such ashandouts, PowerPoint presentations, and classroomgamesCurriculumThis refers to comprehensive teaching materialsdesigned to support English teachers in their teachingprocess, including coursebooks, lesson plans, andeducational videos04Problems and Countermeasures in English TeachingSummaryStimulating Students' Interest in LearningDetailed descriptionTeachers can stimulate students' learning interest and motivation through innovative teaching methods and means, such as using multimedia teaching resources, organizing classroom interactive activities, etc.SummaryCultivating Students' ConfidenceDetailed descriptionTeachers should provide positive feedback and encouragement to students, help them overcome shyness and nervousness, and cultivate their confidence in English expression.SummaryDetailed descriptionSummaryDetailed descriptionStudent Pronunciation and Grammar IssuesStrengthening Speech TrainingTeachers can correct students'pronunciation problems and cultivate their correct speech perception and expression abilities through systematic speech training.Emphasize the explanation and practice of grammar rulesTeachers should emphasize the explanation and practice of grammar rules in teaching, and help students understand and apply grammar knowledge through examples, scenario simulations, and other methods.studentsSummaryStrengthening oral practice trainingDetailed descriptionTeachers can organize practical activities such as oral corners and role-playing to encourage students to practice more and improve their oral expression and communication skills.studentsSummaryCultivating cross-cultural communication awarenessDetailed descriptionTeachers should focus on cultivating students' cross-cultural communicationawareness in teaching, guiding them to understand the cultural backgroundand customs of English speaking countries, and improving their languageapplication ability in practical situations.05The Development Trends and Prospects of English TeachingBlended learning and online educationOnline educationProviding education content andresources through digital platforms,enabling students to learn at theirown pace and from anywherePersonalized teachingTailoring teaching methods and materials to the unique needs, interests, and learning styles of individual studentsDifferentiatedteachingMeeting the diverse needs of students by providing different levels of challenge and support based on theirabilities and interestsPersonalized and differentiated teachingCommunication skills 01 Encouraging students to develop fluency in speaking, listening,reading, and writing in EnglishCultural understanding02 Helping students apply and understand English speakingcultures, enabling them to communicate effectively with nativeEnglish speakersCritical thinking03 Fostering the ability to analyze, evaluate, and synthesizeinformation in English, enabling students to make informed decisions and solve problemsThe cultivation of core competencies in the English subjectTHANK YOU感谢聆听。
– Rock, shake, lean too much.
Visual Skills – Hands
• Gesture complements talk.
– Should come naturally, without thinking. – Make sure they match!
• Need to exaggerate a little
Vocal Skills : Enthusiasm
• Passion & Enthusiasm!
– If you’re not passionate, why should we care?
• Example: Martin Luther King
– I have a dream. That one day This nation will rise up Live up to the true meaning to its creed: We hold these truths to be self-evident That all men are created equal.
– “I care a lot about this.” – “I really believe in this.” – “I love my work.”
• Sometimes (in response to questions).
– “This is the most outrageous thing I’ve ever heard.” – “I will have nothing to do with this.”
希尔顿集团培训师培训课程(全套英文)Train the TrainerSkills TrainingFACILITATOR'S GUIDEForwardHilton International's success as the number one hotel brand name derives from the outstanding quality we offer our customers.This quality is consistent worldwide. Ensuring this quality dependson the training available for all staff, and the skills of every trainer.Train the Trainer - Skills Training is a training programme designedfor new skills trainers. Training is a learned skill, one of those which learners must practice in order to develop. Consequently, this programmeis structured so that, as participants learn each topic, they build towards a skill training session. At the end of the programmeparticipants then deliver this session before the rest of the group.Participating is these sessions, together with observing others' sessions and both giving and receiving feedback is integral to the development of each new skills trainer.It is part of Hilton International's commitment to developing allits employees."The single most important element affecting the learning environment isyou, the trainer. Specifically, what is important is what you do, how whatyou do is perceived by the students and how these perceptions impact thestudent's behaviours and learning process."Stephanie BurnsArtistry in Training 1996, Hilton International 20001ContentsHow this pack is designed Page 3Aims and Objectives Page 4Programme Sessions Page 5Organising Skills Training the Hilton International Way Page 7Stages of Train the Trainer - Skills Training Page 11 Preparation Page 11Promoting the programme Page 11Preparing the administration details Page 14Preparing yourself Page 15 Implementing the Programme Page 16Opening and closing each session Page 16Training methods Page 16The facilitator's role Page 17Evaluating the Programme Page 19Measuring reaction and understanding Page 19Measuring change Page 19Measuring tangible business outcomes Page 21 Appendices 1-9 Page 22-34Certificate Page 35Handouts 1 - Page 36 -2How this pack is designedThis facilitator's guide contains:, Appendices, containing the welcome letter, pre-programme work and evaluation forms., Handout master sheets for each of the six sessions, Overhead masters for you to copy on to transparency sheets , The facilitator's notes, session by sessionIn the facilitator's notes these abbreviations appear:, A suggested question to ask the groupBullets The expected or possible answers in response. , Overhead transparency plus its title.Write on a flipchart. ,Handout Handout: each one is numbered.Bold Typeface Emphasize this pointExercise ExerciseExpected time required in minutes ,Summary Summarise3Aims & ObjectivesThe programme will enable pa rticipants to…, Understand how people learn, Analyse tasks in order to plan effective training, Design and carry out effective skills training to meet specified needs , Coach trainees on the job to ensure they are working to the required standard , Check the effectiveness of the training they provide , Follow-up their training with progress meetings4Programme StructureThe programme consists of six sessions, divided into one full dayand two half days of training runover a three week period. A seventh, practical session will take place with individual trainees, wheneach one performs their first 'live' training session. , Welcome letter and pre-programme assignment , Day One/Week One Learning and TrainingBeginning and Task AnalysisThe Breakdown Section, Preparation and planning for first practice session , Day Two/Week Two Practice session 1Checking Training, Preparation and planning for second practice session , DayThree/Week Three Practice session 2Training back at work, Follow-up session First real skills training session2 hours 1. Learning and TrainingIntroductionsThe role of the skills trainerHow people learnPlanning TrainingChoosing a training topic2 hours 2. Beginning and Task AnalysisInteresting the learnerTask analysis52 hours 3. The Breakdown45 minsDesigning questionsDefining ConsolidationDeveloping feedback skills3 hours 4. Practise Session 1 and Checking Training 20 minsPractise session 1Checking trainingPost-work exercise3 hours 5. Practise Session 210 minsRunning a complete skills training sessionPeer and facilitator review2 hours 6. Back at WorkCoaching and corrective trainingFollowing up training at workProgramme review7. Follow-up SessionThe first real skills training sessionFeedback and support from facilitatorStrengths and development needs identified6Organising Skills TrainingTHE HILTON INTERNATIONAL WAYCriteria for Selecting Skills TrainersTo be considered as a possible skills trainer, an individual's position must be stable. He or she must also have:, Excellent technical knowledge of their job, for example a very competent waiter or receptionist;they don't have to be a supervisor., Clear and concise communication skills, Fluency in the language spoken, A positive attitude, commitment and enthusiasm, Good interpersonal skills, Patience and confidence, The respect of other staff members.They must also have completed this Hilton International Train the Trainer - Skills Training Programme.Future PotentialIn the future we would expect a skills trainer to be an ideal condidate for the post of departmental trainer. The next stage of their development would be to get involved in off-the-job training with groups of 6-8 people.How skills trainers are selectedThe Department Head in liaison with the training department should select individuals. Once selected, they should have an interview withthe training department, to be fully briefed on their role and tasks.Role and Responsibilities of the Skills TrainerSkills trainers assist with training of new employees and retraining of existing employees. The position is concerned with the developmentand maintenance of job skills necessary for meeting performance standards.The departmental trainer coordinates the skills trainers and makes sure they are carrying out skills training as required.7Each skills trainer reports functionally to the departmental trainer. If a departmental trainer is not inplace, then the skills trainer should report functionally to the training department. Overall scope of the skills trainer's job The skills trainer's responsibilities include:, Assisting with departmental induction of new employees, Assisting with conducting on-the-job skills training, Ensuring that skills lists and relevant records are completed for any training they undertake , Assisting with setting and monitoring departmental standards, Assisting with the updating of Standard Operating Procedures manuals, Informing the department trainer and department head of any training needs they identify An Ideal Organisation Chart The figure below shows the ideal structure for ensuring that skills training will be effective within a department. The example taken is a restaurant.Restaurant ManagerTraining Manager Assistant Restaurant Manager(Department Trainer)Supervisor Supervisor(Skills Trainer)NOTE: Waiters (Skills Trainer)The number of skills trainers required will depend on:, The size of the department, Employee turnover, Operational difficulties, Level of skill of department employees8Organising Skills TrainingIt is not the purpose of this section to focus on the organisation of all department training, not merely skills training. Department training meetings are included to show how the skills trainers fit into the overall picture.Trainer's meetingsThe training manager should hold monthly meetings with alldepartment trainers, who in turn should cascade the agenda with amonthly meeting for their own skills trainers. If such regular meetings are not realistic, adapt them, involving skills trainers, as you prefer.The objectives of these meetings are to:, Monitor the level of training activity, including skills and offthe job training. , To guide the department trainers in such areas as identifying real training needs and compilingdepartmental training plans., To communicate the overall hotel training activities., To develop department trainers in their role. This may include,for example: showing differentways of compiling a departmental training needs analysis, or developing their group trainingtechniques., To discuss new initiatives.Development of their training skills is a priority for all trainers. To achieve this, the training manager should quality control training by regularly sitting in on the training events and giving the trainersclear feedback and support.Skills trainers meetingsDepartmental trainers should in turn brief their skills trainers ona regular basis. The objectives of these meetings are:, To monitor the level of skills training in the department, To ensure all training records are up to date, To brief skills trainers on areas covered at department trainer meetings, To discuss any new initiativesDepartment trainers should quality control skills training by regularly assessing each skill trainer's training and providing feedback on strengths and development needs.9Standard Operating Procedures ManualsEach department should have a S.O.P. manual in which all tasks are broken down and standards are clearly stated, possibly with the help of photos or diagrams. It should be updated regularly. The manual should be referred to at all times when training staff, and they should be encouraged to use it for themselves.A skills checklist lists all the skills necessary to complete a specific job. Once trained, the trainee and skills trainer sign off a particular skill.Once the trainee is competently carrying out the task in the workplace, the skills trainer will sign off for a second time.If the individual is not performing to standard, the skills trainer will coach them. They should only sign off when satisfied that the trainee is completing the task to the required standard. It is for this very reason that it's important to have standards written down.10PreparationPromoting the ProgrammeTrain the Trainer - Skills Training requires each participant to be away from their department for one full day and two half days over three weeks. This will require their supervisor or manager to organise other employees to cover the participant's workload, in addition to the cost of attending the programme.For this reason, you need to become a 'salesperson', your'customers' being the management team. You must persuade them to invest time and money in employees, so promoting the programme is your first objective.Programme promotion is in two stages:, Promotion, Presentation1. PromotionThis step involves gaining the management team's interest in the programme and you should be as creative as you wish. For example, you might consider designing flyers or distributing advertisement teasers before making your presentation.If you know that managers are already aware of the need for systematic training of skills trainers, or that they are aware of a broader need, such as to ensure quality standards, exploit this in yourpromotion. However if you know that training has a low profile, youmight benefit by first gaining the commitment of your General Managerand then visiting your internal customers to gain an insight into their training needs and priorities.2. PresentationPrepare thoroughly for the presentation to the management team because you need their full support for the training to be successful.It's useful to describe the programme in terms of its:, Features, Advantages, BenefitsTo be successful, you must work out the precise details for yourself; here are some guidelines on the features, advantages and benefits tohelp you.11Features, Describe the programme, explaining its content, structure and objectives., Distribute a copy of the programme schedule, Explain the selection criteriaAdvantages of the programme, Train the Trainer - Skills Training is highly participative and practical., It sets a high standard of skills trainer training, It includes a follow-up session in which each participant is observed and critiqued whileconducting their first live training session. This is to ensure each skills trainer achieves therequired standard in skills training.Benefits, Any department will benefit from the improved skills training available to all employees. , Each participant will have a personal action plan adapted to their own needs and the needs ofyour department., Increased motivation of participants, Better quality standards within the department, Reduction in customer (internal & external) complaints, Higher standards will move the business forward, The training has been fully evaluated and produces tangible results.Note: In the administration section of this facilitator's guide is an explanation of the evaluation forms. It is important to ensure these evaluations are completed and filed. This information will provide you with powerful case studies to support your list of benefits and advantages. After this, be prepared to answer objections or barriers.Below are five barriers that managers often give to training. Each one contains a way you might respond to the barrier to help break itdown. Be aware of barriers you might expect within your hotel. Barrier: "Two days of training is too much."Response: "Yes, it does sound a lot, but it is spread over three weeks and it is a smallproportion of each person's working year. In return you'll benefit from bettertrained employees and higher standards."12Barrier: "Training doesn't work because nothing changes afterwards."Response: "If the training is effective, then a major reason why it doesn't work is thatchange is not expected when the participant returns to work. This programme isdesigned to both support the participant in getting started with the real training,and to ensure you are involved with their development. Your support andguidance will ensure better skills training occurs from the start."Barrier: "I've no time to get involved with training."Response: "Sorry, but you are responsible for your employees development. We only ask asmall investment of your time: to select candidates and guide themin the primaryskills training needs within your department."Barrier: "Can't you make the programme shorter?"Response: "No. To become effective skills trainers, each person needs to practice, reviewtheir performance and practice again. They cannot learn everything and applytheir learning in a shorter time."Barrier: "I'd like to have more skills trainers but we're too busy to allow more than oneperson off the job at a time."Response: "No problem. The programme is for only six people at a time, but we will offerit regularly, so you could send one person on each programme. Remember that,the quicker sufficient candidates are trained, the sooner you will see the benefitsin improved skills standards."Close the PresentationThis is like closing any sale:Summarise important points that managers have raisedSummarise the main benefitsClarify when the first programme will be held, and how regularly the programme may be repeated. Issue notification forms.13Preparing the administration detailsCompleting the administration of this programme is essential. Youwill need to: , Select participants, Schedule each session, Inform the participants, Issue the pre/post programme assignment, Plan for a number of general matters1. Selecting participantsThe programme is designed to accommodate six participants.Candidates could be any employees with the right attitude to become a skills trainer. They need technically sound skills, attention todetail and a good personality: one with enthusiasm and patience. They may hold a supervisory position. They should have been in their current position long enough to be thoroughly familiar with the appropriate standards and procedures.2. Scheduling the sessionsPlan the programme to run at a time that best suits the needs of the hotel. It must be run as one full day and two half days spread over three weeks. It is important to follow the sequence of sessions to allow participants to build their skills in a logical order.3. Informing participantsAt least one month in advance, send each participant:, A welcome letter with all the necessary information about the programme (Appendix 3) , The programme schedule (Appendix 1) , The pre-programme work (Appendix 2), A list of other participantsThe month gap between invitation and programme allows line managersto plan for their absence and for you to answer any questions or doubts.4. Other things to do in advance, Draw up an attendance log (Appendix 4), Book the training or conference room, Book a syndicate room14, Order tea/coffee and refreshments, Order equipment if necessary. The flipchart and overhead projector are all that the programmerequires, though you may need equipment and/or other resources for your demonstrations. , 4 or 5 days before the programme, check that participants are still able to attend. , Photocopy and hole-punch handouts, Prepare name cards, participants' files, paper and pencilsBefore each session, checkThe main room: is it spotless? Are there enough chairs arranged asyou want them? Is there enough light, a waste-paper bin, spare pens, pencils, and sharpeners?Flipchart: are there sufficient marker pens and flipchart paper? Isit the correct height and position? Do you need more than one flipchart?Overhead projector: is it free from dust, focused and in goodworking order? Will all participants see it?Handouts: are they the correct ones for that session? Are there sufficient copies of each one? Is the quality good enough to read easily?Transparencies: are these the correct ones for the session, in the correct order?The syndicate room: are there enough chairs, flipchart paper, marker pens?The 'Don't forget to check' sheet is in the front of thefacilitator's guide for each session. Preparing Yourself, To estimate how long you should spend preparing yourself to lead a session for the first time,double the training time. This means that, for the whole programmeyou'll need four day'spreparation., Consider using your own examples of standards and skills withinthe programme. For example,in the first session you'll need to demonstrate a short skillstraining session. Do not demonstratea task at which you are not fully competent yourself. Either choosean alternative task at whichyou are competent, or ask a training colleague to perform the taskfor you. (Appendix 5) , Anticipate questions, reactions or areas, which your participants may find difficult. , Strengthen your knowledge and therefore your confidence by advance pre-reading of all the materials.15Implementing the ProgrammeOpening and closing each sessionIn the facilitator's notes, you will notice that each session begins and ends in a standardised format. This is important to ensurecontinuity in all sessions.OpeningEach session should begin by reviewing the key learning points ofthe previous session(s). This acts as an essential recap and refresher.The session's opening sets the scene for what is to follow. This involves:Interest: Catching the attention and interest of the participants by using a creative opening. Need: Specifying how this session will benefit them personally.Title: Clarifying the title or name of the session.Range: This includes describing the general range of topics and the training method,using the first overhead transparency as a guide and to prepare participants forwhat follows. On the transparency there is an illustration of a coffee cup andclock to remind you to inform them of timings and breaks.Objective: Use the first transparency to explain what participants will be able to do by theend of the session.Remember: since you will be training participants in subjects like these, they will see your performance as a model to follow.ClosingUse the consolidation questions at the end of each session to help learners reflect on and digest what they have learned.Also ensure that you provide a link between what has been learned and what is to follow in the remaining sessions, and that participants have the opportunity to ask questions and comment on what they are learning.Training methodsMethods include demonstrations, games and exercises, and role-play or practice sessions. Every game and activity has a serious learning point; please make sure that learners know what it is.16Much of the facilitator's script consists of a dialogue between facilitator and participants, in the formof short talks peppered with questions. The questions help:, Encourage participants to think things out for themselves., Give participants the opportunity to display their understanding and knowledge. , Provide the facilitator with feedback on how well they understand the topic. , Maintain interest and help participants to concentrate., The facilitator to give positive feedback and reinforcement, so increasing learning. The facilitator's roleAs your title suggests, your objective should be to act as'facilitator' in order to create an environmentconducive to learning. Remember, the facilitator does not create learning; you create the conditionsfor learning. In general, as a facilitator you will be mindful ofthe following considerations: , Find time for individuals, coach and counsel if necessary, Be active, energetic and enthusiastic, Create a good team spirit, Be imaginative and creative in training style, Adapt a light-hearted approach, but know where 'fun' ends and'serious' begins , Do not tolerate unprofessional standards of behaviour, e.g. absence or lateness , Be tuned into the 'real' world, includingday-to-day needs and hotel pressures , Be assertive when required, Be trustworthy and honest with feedback, Be organised and well-researched for each session, Relate theory to practice, give good examples to make the subject easier The ultimate objective of the programme is to bring about a positive change in behaviour. The adultlearner generally experiences four levels of learning before this occurs: Awareness… the participant is introduced to the learning situation.Understanding… the participant puts the information into context.S kill… the participant tests how the information can be used.Attitude… the participant decides to do things differently and is motivated to adoptnew skills17The facilitator plays a major role in the first three levels, but the only person to achieve number four (becoming an effective skills trainer) is the participant.Whether or not this change in behaviour occurs depends on the environment to which the participant returns after the programme. This is the reason why the manager's role is so important, and why each participant's first real skills training session will be supported by the facilitator.18Evaluating the ProgrammeEvaluation can be defined as an objective, measurable assessment of the costs and benefits of a training experience. It is the third andlast stage of 'Train the Trainer - Skills Training'. It involves: , Measuring participant's reaction and knowledge at the end of the programme., Measuring change at the follow-up session., Measuring tangible business outcomes.Without evaluation it is impossible to assess the true value of any training experience. Measuring reaction and understanding Reaction is the easiest part of the post-programme evaluation to measure. It simply involves getting participants' feedback on what they found useful, interesting, liked, disliked, and so on. Reaction is important because it affects motivation levels - an essential prerequisite to change in behaviour. It also affects the reputation of the programme, important for future promotions and 'sales' presentations to 'internal' customers.You can evaluate reaction by asking the group for their opinions verbally or by distributing a programme reaction questionnaire during the last group session (see appendix 6). Based on the suggestions that participants make, consider any appropriate action, which could improve the programme in the future.To measure knowledge and understanding, you can issue a quiz or questionnaire to measure howmuch information participants have retained. This, of course, is only a first check, because measuring the change in behaviour is the more significant outcome, but participants who cannot recall the key learning points cannot transfer them to their skills training at work.Measuring changeFor skills trainer training, change can generally be regarded as new competence. For this reason there is no pre- and post- measurement of change. You have a choice of three approaches to measuring the competence of the skills trainer.The three resources available to measure change or competence are:1. Participants are required to complete a two-stage evaluation of their own development by: , Commencing and maintaining an action learning journal., Co-ordinating with the departmental trainer to schedule a training session once every 3 monthsfor critique, for a period of 9 months post training.19Action Learning JournalMaintain an action learning journal (ALJ). The ALJ is for recording learning experiences and relating those experiences in a structured way to the concepts covered in skills training. Use an exercise book or thetemplate provided to make entries (participants may have an ALJ from previous supervisory training and a template is included as appendix 9). The ALJ forms the basis for assessment of participants completing the programme and it provides a structure which participants can use for tracking their learning journal.Journal entries should be made after each training session.The skills trainer will be required to:a) Reflect on what occurred in the skills training session, focusing on what went well and whatcould be improved.b) Contemplate what was learned in the Train the Trainer - Skills Training programme and howthose principles could be applied more effectively next time.c) Implement an initiative or change in the next skills training session.d) Report on the outcome of the application in the skills training session.The skills trainers journal should be submitted for assessment tothe Departmental Trainer after each of the first three skills training sessions run by the skills trainer.CritiqueThe purpose of critique is to:, Raise awareness, Give the audience/trainee's perspective。
培训师的培训资料(英文版)(ppt 107页)
Example: 0. When I learn:
4 I am happy 1 I am fast
2 I am logical
3 I am careful
1. When I learn: 2. I learn best when: 3. When I am learning: 4. I learn by: 5. When I learn: 6. When I am learning: 7. I learn best by: 8. When I learn: 9. I learn best when: 10. When I am learning: 11. When I learn: 12. I learn best when:
watching. I look at all sides of issues. I am an observing
observations. I take my time before acting. I rely on my observations. I am a reserved person.
Learner: Relatively Unchanged
Practice Experimentation
Reasoning & Reflecting
Learner: Changed & More
Learning is a change in behavior and cognitive abilities.
relationships. I feel personally involved in things.
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Visual Skills
• Visual Skills – THE most important
– Appear trustworthy & respectful. – US Election 1960 was won on visual skills.
• Components of Visual Skills
• Always OVERPREPARE!!!!! • Preparation includes:
– – – – – Researching the background. Organizing the talk. Writing the slides. Rehearsing the talk. Last minute things….
What You’ll Learn Today:
• • • • • Communication skills Preparing the Talk Delivering the Talk Handling Q&A 21 secrets to becoming a good speaker.
Preparing the Talk
What is Communication Skills?
• Verbal (words spoken) • Vocal (tone, range, appeal, credibility of voice) • Visual (physical appearance, clothing, gestures, eye contact)
Verbal Skills
• Speaking is not like writing!!!
– Use simple words. – Don’t use complex sentences. – Can you understand this:
• Don’t use ambiguous words in speech.
Vocal Skills
• Project & resonate your voice. • No “UM”s and “ER”s. (Pause instead). • Silence is a tool (To draw attention).
Vocal Skills
• Play your voice with pitch and tempo. • To amplify a point, slow down, speak loudly, exaggerate inotation, pause in the right places.
– Don’t ramble. – Stop to think if you need to. – Example one: Dan Quayle celebrates democracy: – Example two: Dan Quayle trying to say “A mind is a terrible thing to waste”
– Especially with large audience.
• Don’t fidget or put in pocket. • Videotape whole talk & watch.
Visual Skills – Face
• Show emotion! • Most of the timre!
Vocal Skills : Same message; many ways to deiver
• John Kennedy:
– “You need to contribute to your country”’ – “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”.
• Look at people’s faces (not eyes)
– 3-6 seconds per person. – Shift randomly. – Nod, smile, use facial expression.
Visual Skills – Body
• Stand up when talking. • Walk around = informal. • Don’t:
Researching the Background
• When you’re invited, find out:
– How long is the talk? – What’s the topic?
• (Say no if you don’t care about the topic).
– Who’s the audience.
– “I care a lot about this.” – “I really believe in this.” – “I love my work.”
• Sometimes (in response to questions).
– “This is the most outrageous thing I’ve ever heard.” – “I will have nothing to do with this.”
– “You are right. I am wrong” – Stalin to Trotsky – “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country” -- John F. Kennedy – BAD EXAMPLE : “I welcome this kind of examination, because people have to know whether their president is a crook. Well, I’m not a crook.” -- Richard M. Nixon
– – – – – – – Product group meetings BillG / TAB meetings Preamble to a demo Convince a product group to be interested Present patent to a lawyer Present a group result at offsite “Elevator” talks
• 7% • 38% • 55%
Communication Skills
The Importance of Communication Skills
“Without effective delivery, a speech of the highest mental capacity can be held in no esteem. With effective delivery, even one with moderate abilities may surpass those of the highest talent.” -- Cicero “The man who can think and does not know how to express what he thinks is at the level of him who cannot think.” -- Pericles
• Quayle vs. Benson Debate:
– Quayle: "I have as much experience in the Congress as Jack Kennedy did when he sought the presidency." – Answer 1: “Jack Kennedy is better than you.” – Answer 2: "Senator, I served with Jack Kennedy. I knew Jack Kennedy. Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy.“
Communication Skills = Fake?
• Most important factor is PASSION!
– If you’re passionate, your vocal & visual skills will come naturally.
• Passion could come from subject, experience, or environment. – “There is just one sure cure for bad speeches – Get truly excited on the subject, and 99 percent of the faults of your speaking will disappear.” -- Robert Montgomery
– – – – Eyes Body Hands Face
Visual Skills – Eyes
• Look forward at audience (trust)
– Don’t shift eyeballs; don’t look in corner. – Don’t look too much at computer screen or your notes.
But I’m not good at it….
• Presentation skills can be acquired. • Examples:
– Bill Gates – Kai-Fu Lee
What You’ll Learn Today:
• • • • • Communication skills Preparing the Talk Delivering the Talk Handling Q&A 21 secrets to becoming a good speaker.