选修六unit3 词汇
选修六Unit 3单词及音标
cigarette [ˌsiɡəˈret]n. 香烟;纸烟alcohol ['ælkəhɒl]n. 酒;酒精alcoholic[ˌælkəˈhɒlɪk]dj. 酒精的abuse [əˈbjuz] n. & vt. 滥用;虐待fitness [ˈfɪtnɪs] n. 健康sexual [ˈsekʃuəl]adj. 性的;性别的stress [stres]n. 压力;重音vt. 加压力于;使紧张stressful [ˈstresfl]adj. 产生压力的;紧张的obesity [əʊ'bi:sətɪ]n. (过度)肥胖;肥胖症adolescent [ˌædəˈlesnt]n. 青少年adj. 青春期的adolescence [ˌædəˈlesns]n. 青春期ban [bæn]vt. 禁止;取缔n. 禁令;谴责due [dju:]adj. 欠款的;预定的;到期的due to [dju: tu:]由于……tough [tʌf]adj. 困难的;强硬的addicted [ə'dɪktɪd]adj. 入了迷的;上了瘾的addicted to 对……有瘾nicotine [ˈnɪkəti:n]n. 尼古丁accustom [ə'kʌstəm]vt. 使习惯于accustomed [əˈkʌstəmd]adj. 惯常的;习惯了的accustomed to 习惯于……withdrawal [wɪð'drɔ:əl]n.收回;撤退;戒毒(或脱瘾)过程bad-tempered [ˌbædˈtempəd]adj. 脾气暴躁的;易怒的automatic [ˌɔ:tə'mætɪk]adj. 无意识的;自动的automatically [ˌɔ:tə'mætɪklɪ]adv. 无意识地;自动地mental [ˈmentl]adj. 精神的;智力的mentally [ˈmentəli]adv. 精神上;智力上quit [kwɪt]vt. 停止(做某事);离开effect [ɪ'fekt]n. 结果;效力lung [lʌŋ]n. 肺pregnant [ˈpregnənt]adj. 怀孕的abnormal [æbˈnɔ:ml]adj. 畸形的;异常的breathless ['breθləs]adj. 气喘吁吁的;屏息的unfit [ʌn'fɪt]adj. 不健康的;不合适的;不合格的strengthen['streŋθən]vt. 加强;巩固;使坚强vi. 变强resolve [rɪ'zɒlv]n. 决心;决定decide on [diˈsaid ɔn]对……作出决定packet [ˈpækɪt] n. 小包;小盒feel like (doing) 想要(做)……relaxation [ˌri:læk'seɪʃn]n. 放松;松弛desperate [ˈdespərət]adj. 绝望的;拼命的chemist [ˈkemɪst]n. 药剂师;化学家gum [ɡʌm]n. 树胶chewing gum [ˈtʃu:ɪŋ]口香糖disappointed [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd]adj. 失望的;沮丧的weaken ['wi:kən]vi.(对某事的决心)动摇;减弱vt. (使)变弱ashamed [ə'ʃeɪmd]adj. 感到惭愧或羞耻的comprehension [ˌkɒmprɪˈhenʃn]n. 理解(力)in spite of [in spait ɔv]不顾;不管take risks (a risk) 冒险get into 陷入;染上(坏习惯)etc (et cetera[et'setərə] )adv.诸如此类的事物;等等appendix [ə'pendɪks]n. 附录;附件illegal [ɪ'li:ɡl]adj. 不合法的;违法的pill [pɪl]n. 药丸;药片robbery ['rɒbərɪ]n. 抢劫;盗窃slippery [ˈslɪpəri]adj. 滑的at risk 处境危险;遭受危险immune [ɪˈmju:n]adj. 有免疫力的survival [səˈvaɪvəl]n. 幸存;幸存者sex [seks]n. 性;性别fluid ['flu:ɪd]n. 液体;流体inject [ɪn'dʒekt]vt. 注射injection [ɪnˈdʒekʃn]n. 注射;注射剂needle ['ni:dl]n. 针;(注射器的)针头spill [spɪl]vi. 溢出;洒落vt. 使溢出;使洒落male [meɪl]adj.男性的;雄性的n. 男人;雄性动(植)物female ['fi:meɪl]adj. 女性的;雌性的n. 雌性的动(植)物;女人condom ['kɒndəm]n. 避孕套homosexual [həʊməˈsekʃuəl]n.同性恋adj. 同性恋的prejudice ['predʒʊdɪs]n. 偏见;成见judgement [ˈdʒʌdʒmənt]n. 看法;判决;判断disco ['dɪskəʊ] n.迪斯科舞会;迪斯科舞厅abortion [əˈbɔ:ʃən]n. 流产;中途失败cigar [sɪ'ɡɑ: ]n. 雪茄烟embarrassed [ɪmˈbærəst]adj. 尴尬的;陷入困境的awkward [ˈɔ:kwəd]adj. 局促不安的;笨拙的142. n. 香烟;纸烟__________143. n. 酒;酒精__________144. adj. 酒精的__________145. n. & vt. 滥用;虐待__________146. n. 健康__________147. adj. 性的;性别的__________148. n. 压力;重音vt. 加压力于;使紧张__________ 149. 产生压力的;紧张的__________150. n.(过度)肥胖;肥胖症__________151. n.青少年adj. 青春期的__________152. n.青春期__________153. vt.禁止;取缔n.禁令;谴责__________ 154. adj.欠款的;预定的;到期的_________155. 由于……__________156. adj. 困难的;强硬的__________157. adj.入了迷的;上了瘾的__________158. 对……有瘾__________159. n.尼古丁__________160. vt.使习惯于__________161. adj. 惯常的;习惯了的__________162. 习惯于……__________163. n.收回;撤退;戒毒(或脱瘾)过程__________ 164. adj.脾气暴躁的;易怒的__________ 165. adj. 无意识的;自动的__________ 166. adv无意识地;自动地__________ 167. adj. 精神的;智力的__________ 168. adv. 精神上;智力上__________ 169. vt.停止(做某事);离开__________170. n.结果;效力__________171. n.肺__________172. adj.怀孕的__________173. adj.畸形的;异常的__________174. adj.气喘吁吁的;屏息的__________ 175. adj不健康的;不合适的;不合格的____ 176. vt.加强;巩固;使坚强vi.变强______177. n.决心;决定__________178. 对……作出决定__________179. n.小包;小盒__________180. 想要(做)……__________181. n.放松,松弛__________182. adj.绝望的,拼命的__________183. 药剂师;化学家__________184. n.树胶__________185. 口香糖__________186. adj. 失望的;沮丧的__________187. vi. 对某事的决心)动摇;减弱vt.(使)变弱__________188. adj. 感到惭愧或羞耻的__________189. n.理解(力)__________190. 不顾;不管__________191. 冒险__________192. 陷入;染上(坏习惯)__________193. adv.诸如此类的事物;等等_______194. (复数-dixes,-dices)n.附录;附件__________ 195. adj.不合法的;违法的__________196. n.药丸;药片__________197. n.抢劫;盗窃__________198. adj.滑的__________199. 处境危险;遭受危险__________200. adj.有免疫力的__________201. n.幸存;幸存者__________202. n.性;性别__________ 203. n.液体;流体__________204. vt.注射__________205. n.注射;注射剂__________206. n.针;(注射器的)针头__________207. vi.溢出;酒落vt.使溢出;使酒落__________ 208. adj.男性的;雄性的n.男人;雄性动(植)物__________ 209. adj. 女性的;雌性的n.雌性的动(植)物;女人__________210. n.避孕套__________211. n.同性恋adj. 同性恋的__________212. n.偏见;成见__________213. n.看法;判决;判断__________214. n.迪斯科舞会;迪斯科舞厅__________215. n.流产;中途失败__________216. n.雪茄烟__________217. adj.尴尬的;陷入困境的__________218. adj.局促不安的;笨拙的__________142. cigarette n. __________143. alcohol n. __________144. alcoholic adj. __________ 145. abuse n. & vt. __________ 146. △fitness n. __________ 147. △sexual adj. __________148. stress n. vt. __________ 149. △stressful adj. __________ 150. △obesity n. __________151. adolescent n. adj. __________ 152. adolescence n. __________ 153. ban vt. n. __________154. due adj. __________155. due to __________156. tough adj. __________157. addicted adj. __________ 158. addicted to __________159. △nicotine n. __________160. accustom vt. __________ 161. accustomed adj. __________ 162. accustomed to __________163. withdrawal n. __________164. △bad-tempered adj. _________ 165. automatic adj__________. 166. automatically adv. __________ 167. mental adj. __________168. mentally adv. __________ 169. quit vt. __________170. effect n. __________171. lung n. __________172. pregnant adj. __________ 173. abnormal adj. __________ 174. breathless adj. __________ 175. unfit adj. __________176. strengthen vt. vi. __________177. △resolve n. __________ 178. decide on __________179. packet n. __________180. feel like (doing) __________ 181. △relaxation n. __________ 182. desperate adj. __________ 183. chemist n. __________184. △gum n. __________185. △chewing gum __________186. disappointed adj. __________ 187. △weaken vi. vt. __________ 188. ashamed adj. __________189. comprehension n. __________ 190. in spite of __________191. take risks (a risk) __________192. get into __________193. etc (et cetera) adv. __________ 194. appendix(复-dixes,-dices)n. ________ 195. illegal adj. __________196. pill n. __________197. △robbery n. __________198. △slippery adj. __________199. at risk __________200. △immune adj__________.201. survival n. __________202. sex n. __________203. △fluid n. __________204. △inject vt. __________205. △injection n. __________206. needle n. __________207. spill (spilt, spilt)vi. vt. __________ 208. male adj. n. __________209. female adj. n. __________210. △condom n. __________211. △homosexual n. adj. ______212. prejudice n. __________213. judgement n. __________214. △disco n. __________215. abortion n. __________216. cigar n. __________217. embarrassed adj. __________ 218. awkward adj. __________。
选修六 unit3 知识点
选修六unit3 知识点1.get into 陷入,染上坏习惯;养成某种习惯,对……产生兴趣2. due to 由于be due to do sth. 预期due to sb. 应支付,欠下3. have an / little / no effect on 对……(有/几乎没有/无)影响Come into effect / take effect 生效(通常用于主动语态)Bring / carry / put ……into effect 使……生效,实现……(常用于被动语态)4. feeling like doing sth. / sth. 想要做……5. place / put / lay stress on sth. 着重,强调,把重点放在……6.be / become addicted to sth. 沉溺于某事be addicted to doing sth. 专心做某事7. be / become / get accustomed to doing 习惯于……be / become / get accustomed to not doing8. quit + 名词/代词/动词ing “停止做某事”quit smoking 戒烟9. manage to do sth. = succeed in doing sth. 设法得以做成某事一般用于过去式Try to do sth. 尽力做某事(但并不一定能取得成功)Try doing sth. 尝试做某事(只想试试看)10. at the risk of doing 冒着做某事的风险Take a risk / run the risk of doing sth. 冒险At risk 有危险At your own risk 后果自负Risk doing sth. 冒险做某事Risk one’s life to do 冒生命危险去做……11. there is no doubt that ……毫无疑问……12. It takes sb. ……to do sth. 花某人……做某事选修六unit3 知识点1.get into 陷入,染上坏习惯;养成某种习惯,对……产生兴趣2. due to 由于be due to do sth. 预期due to sb. 应支付,欠下3. have an / little / no effect on 对……(有/几乎没有/无)影响Come into effect / take effect 生效(通常用于主动语态)Bring / carry / put ……into effect 使……生效,实现……(常用于被动语态)4. feeling like doing sth. / sth. 想要做……5. place / put / lay stress on sth. 着重,强调,把重点放在……6.be / become addicted to sth. 沉溺于某事be addicted to doing sth. 专心做某事7. be / become / get accustomed to doing 习惯于……be / become / get accustomed to not doing8. quit + 名词/代词/动词ing “停止做某事”quit smoking 戒烟9. manage to do sth. = succeed in doing sth. 设法得以做成某事一般用于过去式Try to do sth. 尽力做某事(但并不一定能取得成功)Try doing sth. 尝试做某事(只想试试看)10. at the risk of doing 冒着做某事的风险Take a risk / run the risk of doing sth. 冒险At risk 有危险At your own risk 后果自负Risk doing sth. 冒险做某事Risk one’s life to do 冒生命危险去做……11. there is no doubt that ……毫无疑问……12. It takes sb. ……to do sth. 花某人……做某事。
选修6 Unit3 vocabulary词汇
1.The government put ban on the sale of that drug.(C) 2.The law b__a_n_s_s_e_l_li_n_galcohol to those
under 18 in the country. (ban) 在那个国家, 法律规定禁止卖酒给18岁以下的人。 3.People _a_r_e_b_a_n_n__e_d_f_ro__m__s_m_o_k_i_n_g_in
bdaaR12bsae..uhnsul2Eepaassccmeeoohrmefacdtptoheemetipgteoatmristeo(dbbt选:roueew手eaaildclt)o.gcduuicessttesodsmotmeode sqes3tftu.rfrieeew1tWcnsmotshgridotnhsugeitunene.EsnsegslismhdfineoeoerscrelpiCldwiihkteiielenloeogdnsefoetiw2ngithin desppoeinrtast,eand thetaoktheerri,s1kpso(iant. d4i.s1amppinouitnetetodprerpiasrke).
_a_d_o_l_e_s_c_e_n_c_en.青春期 5. _d_u_e_ adj. 欠款的; 预定的; 到期的 6. _b_a_n_ vt. 禁止; 取缔 n. 禁令; 谴责 7._w__it_h_d_r_a_w__a_ln.收回,撤退_w_i_th__d_r_a_w_v.收回,撤 退
8. _a_d_d_i_c_t_e_dadj. 入了迷的; 上了瘾的→a__d_d_i_c_t n. 有瘾的人 vt. (使)沉溺; 使……上瘾 9. a_c__c_u_s_t_o_m_ vt. 使习惯于→_a_c_c_u_s_t_o_m__e_dadj. 惯常 的; 习惯了的 10. s_t_r_e_n_g_t_h_e_n_ vt. 加强; 巩固; 使坚强 vi. 变强 →_s_t_re__n_g_t_hn. 力量 11.d_is_a__p_p_o_i_n_t_e_d_ adj. 失望的; 沮丧的 →d_is__a_p_p_o_i_n_t_in__gadj. 令人失望的 →d_i_s_a_p_p__o_in__t vt. 使失望; 使扫兴 →d__is_a_p__p_o_i_n_t_m_e_n_tn. 失望 12.ju__d_g_e_m__e_n_t_ n. 看法; 判决; 判断→_ju_d__g_ev. 判断 n. 法官; 裁判
1)The manager stressed that the plan must be carried out in one week.
2)He stressed the importance of a good education.
3)Driving in cities really stressed me out.在城里开车让我真的很紧张。
stress the importance of 强调...的重要性
stress out/stress (sb) out. (使)焦虑不安,疲惫不堪 stressful adj有压力的,紧张的 stressed adj焦虑不安的(常修饰人)
3.In what ways is smoking harmful?Do you think smoking should be banned?
1. Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress.
2. Shoes with high heels put a great deal of stress on knees and ankles.
3. The course lays great stress on the importance of oral communication.
Unit3 Key Words
1.Drug abuse药物滥用 abuse n.滥用, 虐待,辱骂 常见搭配;
alcohol /drug abuse 酗酒/药物滥用 abuse of power/privileges 滥用权力/特权
1)If you did that in the USA,you'd get arrested for animal abuse. 如果你在美国那样做,你会因为虐待 动物而被捕。
单词必记(A)1.____________________消费,耗尽,吃完2.___________________胡乱的,任意的3.____________________现象4.__________同意,订阅,签署,捐助5.____________________燃料6. ________________量,数量7.___________________趋向,易于,照顾8._________________资料,数据9._____________________趋势,走向,倾向10.________________大灾难11._____________________洪水,水灾12________________.反对,反抗13.______________温柔的,淡的14._____________结果,后果,影响15._________________陈述,说明16._______________种类范围17______________________温室,花房18._______________能再生的,可更新的19___________________旱灾;干旱20__________________.环境的单词必记(A)1.____________________消费,耗尽,吃完2.___________________胡乱的,任意的3.____________________现象4.__________同意,订阅,签署,捐助5.____________________燃料6. ________________量,数量7.___________________趋向,易于,照顾8._________________资料,数据9._____________________趋势,走向,倾向10.________________大灾难11._____________________洪水,水灾12________________.反对,反抗13.______________温柔的,淡的14._____________结果,后果,影响15._________________陈述,说明16._______________种类范围17______________________温室,花房18._______________能再生的,可更新的19___________________旱灾;干旱20__________________.环境的单词必记(A)1.____________________消费,耗尽,吃完2.___________________胡乱的,任意的3.____________________现象4.__________同意,订阅,签署,捐助5.____________________燃料6. ________________量,数量7.___________________趋向,易于,照顾8._________________资料,数据9._____________________趋势,走向,倾向10.________________大灾难11._____________________洪水,水灾12________________.反对,反抗13.______________温柔的,淡的14._____________结果,后果,影响15._________________陈述,说明16._______________种类范围17______________________温室,花房18._______________能再生的,可更新的19___________________旱灾;干旱20__________________.环境的单词必记(B)1._____________________看一下,扫一下2.___________平稳的,持续的,稳固的3.______________________趋向,趋势4._________________分布广的,普遍的5.______________________平均的6._________________生存,存在7._______________________外部的,外面的8._________________提倡,主张,拥护9._____________________承诺,交托,信奉10.________________污染,弄脏11___________________.增长,生长12________________电的,与电有关的13___________________随意的,漫步经心的14.____________________环境15.____________________使恢复,使振作16_______________________.贡献17.____________________标题18.___________________显示,演出19.____________________核能的,原子的,20.___________________分歧不一致单词必记(B)1._____________________看一下,扫一下2.___________平稳的,持续的,稳固的3.______________________趋向,趋势4._________________分布广的,普遍的5.______________________平均的6._________________生存,存在7._______________________外部的,外面的8._________________提倡,主张,拥护9._____________________承诺,交托,信奉10.________________污染,弄脏11___________________.增长,生长12________________电的,与电有关的13___________________随意的,漫步经心的14.____________________环境15.____________________使恢复,使振作16_______________________.贡献17.____________________标题18.___________________显示,演出19.____________________核能的,原子的,20.___________________分歧不一致单词必记(B)1._____________________看一下,扫一下2.___________平稳的,持续的,稳固的3.______________________趋向,趋势4._________________分布广的,普遍的5.______________________平均的6._________________生存,存在7._______________________外部的,外面的8._________________提倡,主张,拥护9._____________________承诺,交托,信奉10.________________污染,弄脏11___________________.增长,生长12________________电的,与电有关的13___________________随意的,漫步经心的14.____________________环境15.____________________使恢复,使振作16_______________________.贡献17.____________________标题18.___________________显示,演出19.____________________核能的,原子的,20.___________________分歧不一致。
be opposed to / object to 反对
be devoted to 致力于,献身于
be attached to
adjust (adapt)… to be exposed to
look forward to
pay attention to
attend to
contribute to
turn to
举例: ① I saw a figure in the darkness. ②She has a slender figure. ③He has become a figure known to everyone. Where did you get those figures?
every time 在此句中引导时间状语,表示“每次…的时候”
举例:Every time I go to see her, she is always busy working.
类似用法: the first time 第一次…的时候 the moment/minute/instant/immediately/instantly/directly 一….就… every time=each time 每次…的时候 last time 上次 next time 下次 by the time到…为止
The train is due in five minutes.(预定的,预期的)
My rent 付的)
拓展: because of “由于”, 较口语化,只作状语 owing to 较正式,须用逗号与主句隔开 thanks to “多亏了” ,多用于正面的意义 as a result of “因为” as a result 副短, “因此” therefore 副词, “因此” so并列连词, “因此” on account of与because of,owing to同义,但语气较 为正式。可作状语、表语,不作定语。
高中英语选修六单词表完整版Unit 1: Artappreciate: vt. 欣赏,赏识masterpiece: n. 杰作,名著gallery: n. 画廊,美术馆sculpture: n. 雕塑,雕塑品abstract: adj. 抽象的,抽象派的Unit 2: Poemsrhythm: n. 韵律,节奏metaphor: n. 隐喻,暗喻imagery: n. 描述,意象verse: n. 诗,诗句rhyme: n. 押韵,韵脚Unit 3: Musicmelody: n. 旋律,曲调harmony: n. 和声,和弦symphony: n. 交响乐conductor: n. 指挥orchestra: n. 管弦乐队Unit 4: Newspapers and Magazineseditorial: n. 社论,评论column: n. 专栏journalist: n. 新闻工作者,记者headline: n. 大,新闻circulation: n. 发行量,传播Unit 5: Films and TV Programmesscript: n. 剧本,脚本episode: n. (电视剧)集,一集director: n. 导演actor: n. 演员actress: n. 女演员Unit 6: Novelsplot: n. 情节character: n. 角色,人物setting: n. 背景,环境theme: n. 主题,题目genre: n. 类型,流派请同学们在学习过程中,不仅要记忆这些单词,还要学会如何在实际语境中运用它们。
Unit 7: Theatredrama: n. 戏剧,戏剧艺术stage: n. 舞台,阶段costume: n. 服装,戏装props: n. 道具scenery: n. 布景,风景Unit 8: Adsadvertisement: n. 广告promote: vt. 促进,提升brand: n. 品牌,类型target: vt. 瞄准,针对consumer: n. 消费者,顾客Unit 9: Culturetradition: n. 传统,惯例custom: n. 习俗,习惯heritage: n. 遗产,传统diversity: n. 多样性,差异 identity: n. 身份,特性Unit 10: Historyancient: adj. 古代的,古老的 medieval: adj. 中世纪的modern: adj. 现代的,近代的 era: n. 时代,年代civilization: n. 文明,文化Unit 11: Architecturestructure: n. 结构,构造design: n. 设计,构思foundation: n. 基础,地基arch: n. 拱门,拱形结构dome: n. 圆顶,圆屋顶Unit 12: Literatureprose: n. 散文poetry: n. 诗歌novel: n. 小说essay: n. 论文,散文fable: n. 寓言,神话联想记忆:尝试将单词与熟悉的事物或场景相联系,形成记忆链条。
一、 abuse
1、酗酒 alcohol abuse 2、虐待儿童 child abuse 3、滥用权力
abuse one's power 4、背信弃义 abuse one's trust/confidence 5、虐待宠物 abuse pets
He was ashamed to cheat,because he realized that it was shameful to cheat in the exam.
十三、 in spite of
1、不管;不顾 in spite of/despite/regardless of+n.
lay/place/put stress on 2、为……所迫
under the stress of 3、处于压力之下
be under stress 4、强调……的重要性
stress the importance of... 5、adj.感到压力的
He quickly accustomed himself to this new way of studying.
She found it necessary to accustom the child to getting up early .
risk doing sth.
选修六unit3知识点一、重点词汇1、 cigarette:名词,意为“香烟;纸烟”。
例如:“He lit a cigarette and started smoking”(他点燃了一支香烟并开始抽起来。
)2、 alcohol:名词,意为“酒;酒精”。
如:“Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to health”(过度饮酒对健康有害。
)3、 abuse:名词,意为“滥用;虐待;辱骂”。
比如:“The abuse of power is unacceptable”(滥用权力是不可接受的。
“He abused his position for personal gain”(他为了个人利益滥用职权。
)4、 stress:名词,意为“压力;重音;强调”。
“I'm under a lot of stress at work”(我工作压力很大。
“She stressed the importance of teamwork”(她强调了团队合作的重要性。
)二、重点短语1、 due to:由于;因为。
“The delay was due to bad weather”(延误是由于天气恶劣。
)2、 addicted to:对……上瘾;沉迷于。
“He is addicted to computer games”(他沉迷于电脑游戏。
)3、 accustomed to:习惯于。
“I'm accustomed to getting up early”(我习惯早起。
)4、 in spite of:尽管;不管。
“In spite of the difficulties, we carried on”(尽管有困难,我们还是继续进行。
)三、重点句型1、“It seems amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon” (在我这个年纪,身体还足够健康,能在一个下午骑 20 公里,这看起来令人惊奇。
单词音标词性adolescent [æd əˈles ənt ]n.chemist[ˈkemist ]n.survival [s əˈvaiv əl ]n.male [meil ]n.famale [ˈfi:meil ]n.alcohol [ˈælk əh ɔl ]n.appendix [əˈpendiks ]n.cigar [si ˈgɑ:]n.cigarette [ˌsig əˈret ]n.condom [k ən ˈd əm ]n.fluid [ˈflu:id ]n.gum [g ʌm ]n.lung[l ʌŋ]n.needle [ˈni:dl ]n.nicotine [ˈn ɪk əti ːn]n.packet [ˈpækit ]n.pill [pil ]n.HIV SARS AIDS obesity[əu'bi:siti ]n.chewing gum[t ʃu: i ŋ]时间adolescence [ˌæd əu ˈles əns ]n.地点disco [ˈdisk əu ]n.abortion [əˈb ɔ:ʃən ]n.abuse [əˈbju:z ]n.ban[bæn ]prehension [ˌk ɔmpri ˈhen ʃən ]n.homosexual ['h əum əu'sek ʃu əl ]n.injection[in ˈd ʒek ʃən ]n.judgement[ˈd ʒʌd ʒm ənt ]n.指人的名词指物的名词人或物的行为relaxation [ri:læk ˈsei ʃən ]n.predudice [ˈpred ʒədis ]n.resolve [ri ˈz ɔlv ]n.robbery [ˈr ɔb əri ]n.stress [stres ]n.withdrawal [wiðˈdr ɔ:əl ]n.effect [i ˈfekt ]n.fitness [fitnis ]n.sex[seks ]n.spill (spilt, spilt)[spil ]vi.strengthen [ˈstre ŋθən ]vi.weaken [ˈwi:k ən ]vi.take risks (a risk)strengthen [ˈstre ŋθən ]vt stress [stres ]vt abuse [əˈbju:z ]vt.accustom [əˈk ʌst əm ]vt.ban [bæn ]vt.inject [in ˈd ʒekt ]vt.quit [kwit ]vt.weaken [ˈwi:k ən ]vt.spill (spilt, spilt)[spil ]vt.decide on [di ˈsaid ]feel like (doing)get into abnormal [æb ˈn ɔ:m əl ]adj.accustomed [əˈk ʌst əmd ]adj.addicted [əˈdiktid ]adj.adolescent [æd əˈles ənt ]adj.alcoholic [ˌælk əˈh ɔlik ]adj.ashamed [əˈʃeimd ]adj.automatic[ˌɔ:t əˈmætik ]adj.人或物之间发生了什么人或物的行为属性类名词人或物发生了什么awkward [ˈɔ:kw əd ]adj.bad-tempered ['temp əd]adj.breathless [ˈbreθlis ]adj.desperate [ˈdesp ərit ]adj.disappointed [ˌdis əˈp ɔint ]adj.due [dju:]adj.embarrassed[im'bær əst ]adj.famale [ˈfi:meil ]adj.illegal [i ˈli:g əl ]adj.immune [i ˈmju:n ]adj.male [meil ]adj.mental [ˈmentl ]adj.pregnant [ˈpregn ənt ]adj.sexual [ˈsek ʃu əl ]adj.slippery [ˈslip əri ]adj.stressful ['stresf əl]adj.tough [t ʌf ]adj.unfit [ʌn ˈfit ]adj.homosexual ['h əum əu'sek ʃu əl ]adj.accustomed to [əˈk ʌst əmd ]addicted to [əˈdiktid ]at risk automatically [ɔ:t əˈmætikli ]adv.etcadv.mentally [ˈment əli]adv.due to [dju:]in spite of描述人或物的状态副词词义青少年药剂师;化学家幸存;幸存者男人;雄性动(植)物磁性的动(植)物;女人酒;酒精(复数-dixes,-dices) 附录;附件雪茄烟香烟;纸烟避孕套流体;液体树胶肺针;(注射器的)针头尼古丁小包;小盒药丸;药片人体免疫缺损病毒(艾滋病病毒)非典型性肺炎(严重急性呼吸道综合症)艾滋病(后天免疫缺损综合症)(过度)肥胖;肥胖症口香糖青春期迪斯科舞会;迪斯科舞厅流产;中途失败滥用;虐待禁令;谴责理解(力)同性恋注射;注射剂看法;判决;判断放松;松驰偏见;成见决心;决定抢劫;盗窃压力;重音收回;撤退;戒毒(或脱瘾)过程结果;效力健康性;性别溢出;洒落变强(对某事的决心)动摇;减弱冒险加强;巩固;使坚强加压力于;使紧张滥用;虐待使习惯于禁止;取缔注射停止(做某事);离开(使)变弱使溢出;使洒落对。
选修六unit 3(每日词汇)指人的名词adolescent[ædəˈlesənt]n.青少年记“意”笔记1:adult 成年人成年人得靠“u”自己adole-scent 青少年只需要张嘴“o”记“意”笔记2:ad-作为前缀译为“向……”“去……”。
整个单词的字面意思就是“向着成熟的方向变化的迹象”,“有接近成年人那味了”=青少年chemist[ˈkemist]n.药剂师;化学家记“意”笔记1:联系chemistry 化学,-ist一般都是指某一方面很专业的人,例如:scientist,physicist,artist,pianist,violinist等记“意”笔记2:chem如果追溯的话,最早是“黑色的土”的意思,所以字面意思就是“能从黑色土里搞出东西的人”=炼金术师,化学家,药剂师survival[səˈvaivəl]n.幸存;幸存者记“意”笔记1:联系survive 幸存;生存。
同时以-al结尾指人的名词还有arrival,official 等。
记“意”笔记2:-viv 生命。
联系vivid 逼真的;鲜活的;生动的。
survive 字面意思就是“生命超过(别人)”“活的长”=幸存。
合起来就是“生命超过别人的人”“活的长的人”=幸存;幸存者male[meil]n.男人;雄性动(植)物记“意”笔记:联系man 男人female[ˈfi:meil]n.雌性的动(植)物;女人记“意”笔记1:fe=“非”汉语“非”是“否定”“不”。
人教高中英语选修6 UNIT3重点词汇归纳ppt课件
18.judgement; judge 19.embarrassed;embarrass;
8.His success is entirely ____ his hard work.
1.addicted to 2.leaving out 3.been accustomed to
4.a great deal 5.manage to
6.decided on
7.at risk
8.due to
1.due 2.addicted 3.accustom 4.ashamed 5.stress 6. Mental 7.pregnant 8.effect 9.quitted 10.automatically
Ⅱ. 选用所给短语的适当形式填空
addicted to; due to; decide on; be accustomed to;
Unit 3 A healthy life
Words and expressions
1.____ n.酒;酒精→____ adj. 酒精的 2.____ n. 压力;重音;vt. 加压力于;使紧张→____ adj. 产生压力的;
紧张的 3.____ n.青少年;adj. 青春期的→____ n. 青春期 4. _____ vt.禁止;取缔→_____ v.(同义词)禁止;阻止 5._____ vt. 使习惯于→____ adj. 惯常的;习惯了的 6._____ n. 收回;撤退;戒毒过程→_____ v.收回;撤退 7._____ adj.无意识的;自动的→ _____ adv.无意识地;自动地 8. _____ adj. 精神的;智力的→_____ adv.精神上地;智力上地
vt. 使溢出;使酒落
male adj.
female dj.
△condom n. 避孕套
△homosexual n. 同性恋
prejudice n.
judgment n.
△disco n.
Syndrome) 非典型性肺炎
△immune adj. 有免疫力的
survival n. 幸存;幸存者
sex n.
△fluid n.
△inject vt.
△injection n. 注射;注射剂
needle n.
△spill (spilt, spilt) vi. 溢出;酒落
停止(做某事);离开 结果;效力 肺 . 怀孕的 畸形的;异常的 气喘吁吁的;屏息的
unfit adj.
strengthen vt. 加强;巩固;使坚强
△resolve n. 决心;决定
decide on
packet n.
feel like (doing)想要(做)……
△obesity n.
adolescent n. 青少年
adj. 青春期的
adolescence n. 青春期
选修6 unit 3 单词
• 22.breathless adj. 气喘吁吁的 • breathe v. 呼吸 • breath n. 呼吸 • 1)breathe in 吸入 • 2)breathe out 呼出 • 3)out of breath 上气不接下气 • 23.strengthen vt. 加强,巩固,使坚强,
• 4.cigarette n. 香烟 • 1)a packet/pack of cigarettes 一包香烟 • 2)light a cigarette 点燃香烟 • 5.alcohol n. 酒,酒精,含酒精的饮料 • alcoholic adj. 酒精的,含有酒精的,酒
• 6.abuse n. &vt. 滥用,虐待 • 1)alcohol/drug abuse 酗酒/嗜毒 • 2)child abuse 虐待儿童
• 19.lung n. 肺 • 1)lung cancer 2) lung disease 肺病 3)
heart and lung 心肺 phthisis 肺结核 • 20.pregnant adj. 怀孕的 • 1)be pregnant with...怀着... • 21.abnormal adj. 畸形的,不规则的 • abnormally adv. 异常地 • 反:normal adj. 正常的 • 1)behave abnormally 举止异常 • 2)It is normal/abnormal (for sb.) to do
• 3.give up 放弃,停止 +n. /doing • give in 屈服,让步,投降 + to sb. 向某人
• give out 用完,耗尽,分发 • give away 赠送,泄漏,背叛 • 4.decide on 就...作出决定 • decide to do sth. 决定做某事 • decide against 决定不做,判决不利
• 2. stress vt.加压于;使紧张;强调 • The teacher stress the importance of reading. • lay stress on sth 把重点放在…… • ? Stressful • adj. 产生压力的 • ? press
Although it rained, we went out.
• 11. take risks (a risk) 冒险 If you want to make more money, you have to take risks. take risks in doing sth 在……冒险 risk v. 冒险 risk doing sth 冒险做某事 at risk 处境危险;遭受危险
扩展: prefer to do A rather than do B would rather do A than do B enjoying doing sth
• 10. in spite of 不管;不顾;尽管 (介词短语,后跟名词或动名词, 不接从句)=despite In spite of all his efforts, he failed finally. 改错: In spite of it rained, we went out.
• ?accustomed adj. 习惯了的 已学:be/get/become used to doing sth 模仿:be/get/become accustomed to doing sth
1.because of or cause by sth/owing to / thanks to
7 have an effect on
2.unable to stop taking 4 decide on
drugs or using or doingΒιβλιοθήκη sth as a habit
5 feel like doing
ashamed disappointed
语 1.You haven't finished your homework,
境 when it is due.
领 悟
as_ah_sa_hm_a_em_d_eo_df_osfths/tshb/s/obn/oenseeslflf 2.When my friends came,
8.do sth even though you know that sth bad could
be accustomed to
happen to you
1.While coughing may not be harmful it can have a major effect on the quality of life. 2.Have you decided on a date for the party? 3.It is such a fine day. I feel like going out for a picnic. 4.In spite of ups and downs, she never takes her fate lying down. 5. I encourage people to take risks by trying new things. 6. They are accustomed to not talking at meals. 7. Some of the disease's spread is due to global warming. 8.He is addicted to football.
4.Ididn’tknowitcoulddoterribledamagetoyourheartandlungsorthatitwasmorediffi cultforsmokingcouplestobecomepregnant.我不知道抽烟会危机损害人的心脏和肺,也不知道吸烟的夫妇的生育能力会下降。
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词汇大比拼 充满压力的 感到压力的 v. 使失望 感到失望的 使习惯于 尴尬的 上瘾的 感到惭愧或羞耻的 令人失望的 习惯了的 n.压力 vt.加压
2.addicted 3.accustomed
Phrases: 1.have an effect on 2.decide on 3.feel like doing 4.in spite of 5.take risks/a risk 6.due to 7.be addicted to 8.be accustomed to
语 1.You haven’t finished your homework, 境 when it is due. ashamed of sth/sb/oneslf _________ 领 ashamed of sth/sb/oneself 悟 2.When my friends came, my bedroom was so untidy. embarrassed about sth __________ embarrassed about sth 3.When I failed my driving test, I felt… disappointed with sth/ sb __________ 4.Kids like playing computer games so much, we say they are… addicted to sth _______
1.She was a person accustomed to having ________(have) eight hours’ sleep a night. accustomed position with his 2.He took up his__________ back to the fire. (accustom) accustomed 3.The boy has________ himself to getting up early. (accustom) be addicted to 4.People can__________ (沉溺于) different things- e.g. alcohol, drug, certain foods, or even television. (addict) Addicted 5. _____ to surfing the Internet, he fell behind with his lessons. (addict)
Learning goals: 1.Know the meaning of some words clearly. 2.Grasp(掌握) the usage of some important words and phrases. 3.Understand the sentence pattern. Preparations: 课本 导学案 笔记本 双色笔
1.While coughing may not be harmful it can have a major effect on the quality of life. 2.Have you decided on a date for the party? 3.It is such a fine day. I feel like going out for a picnic. 4.In spite of ups and downs, she never takes her fate lying down. 5. I encourage people to take risks by trying new things. 6. They are accustomed to not talking at meals. 7. Some of the disease’s spread is due to global warming. 8.He is addicted to football.
1.because of or cause by 7 have an effect on sth/owing to / thanks to 4 decide on 2.unable to stop taking drugs or using or doing sth as a habit 5 feel like doing 3.be/get used to doing sth 6 in spite of 4.make up minds to do sth 8 take risks/a risk 5.would like to do 6. despite/ regardless of 1 due to 2 be addicted to 7.affect 8.do sth even though you 3 be accustomed to know that sth bad could happen to you
词性变化 1. stress v.n--- stressful adj. ---stressed adj. 2.addicted adj.--- --addictive adj.对…着迷 3.accustom v.---accustomed adj. 4.disappoint v.—disappointed adj.— disappointment n. 5.ashamed adj.— shame n&v 6. embarrass v. ---embarrassed adj. embarrassing adj.
对 … 作出决定 习惯于 对 想要做 … 有影响 …. 不管;不顾 由于 冒险 对 …有瘾
1.My eyes slowly grew __________ to the dark. 2.If we go to war, innocent lives will be________. 3.He felt he had to________ every step instead of __________. 4.The town was cut off from the rest of the world ______ heavy snow. 5.A textaholic can be defined as someone who __________ sending and receiving messages 6.It is such a fine day. I feel like ________ for a picnic. 7._________ ups and downs she never takes her fate lying down. 8.Global warming is ________plants and animals.
4.How _________ it is to see a_______ disappointing disappointed look on his face.(disappoint) embarrassedat being the centre of 5.He felt____________ attention. (embarrass) 6.It was so embarrassing ____________having to sing in public. (embarrass)
of 1.I felt ashamed _____myself when I thought of the things I had said to him. 2.I don’t feel embarrassed about _______ making a speech in public. with 3.I was disappointed ______my dress when I finally tried it on. It didn’t fit. to 4.Many students are addicted_____ computer games and leave their studies aside.
语法填空 ashamed 1.The little girl was ____________(shame) of having failed in the final exam. stressful 2.After a ____________week of work,all the stressed employees were extremely ____________and tired. They complained that few could work stress efficiently under____________. (stress) 3.Playing computer games is highly addictive addicted ____________.Once you get ____________to it, you will find it hard to get rid of it. (ad,尤其是对青少年。 2.青少年一旦吸毒活下来的可能性就很小。 3.他们会感到不安,可耻,失望甚至绝望。 4.他们想戒毒,但效果不好,所以他们感到 巨大的压力 提示:用本单元词汇表达 连句成篇 将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文。
2.addicted 3.accustomed