the change of communication 通讯方式 通讯工具

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•Definition 1:Communication is the process by which information is exchaged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behavior.
Two types of communication
Successful communication occurs when the recipient of the message actually understands what you are trying to tell him and then provides feedback letting you know that he understands the message.Therefore, there is no need to discuss which type of communication is better,unless others could fully understand what you want to express,your communication is successful.
Social media are computer-mediated tools that allow people or companies to create, share, or exchange information, career interests, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks.Mobile social media refers to the combination of mobile devices and social media. This is a group of mobile marketing applications that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content
•Definition 2:Communication(s) is methods of sending information, such as telephones,radio,computers,etc.or roads and railways
•Definition 3: Communication is a message, letter or telephone call.
verbal communication
Verbal communication consists of the spoken, as well as the written word. You can effectively express your message by using denotation, the dictionary meaning of a word, and connotation, the feelings associated with a word. Choosing exactly the right word increases the chances of your listener understanding the message you want to send.
Modern communication tool
With the rapid development of science and technology, communication methods of people have changed a lot. In the long history of the past, people communicated with people who were far from them only by letters, which took a very long time to get the message.
In the late 19thcentury, telephone was invented, but it was not widely used. Letter is still the main method. Later, telegraph came into being and was popular, which was much faster than letter, bringing great convenience to people. As time goes by, telephones become increasingly widely used. Now, the phones has been developed as mobile phone, fixed telephone, Internet telephone and other categories, being an essential communication tools in modern information society.
Ancient Chinese communication tools
01 Beacon tower 烽火台
02 Pigeon post 飞鸽传书
03 Flying kite
04 mail station
Beacon tower Pigeon post
mail station in ancient China
Ancient ways of communication
Early Communications
Before human beings created languages and alphabets, they communicated with both sound and body language.
the changing of
1 Common forms of communication 2 Ancient ways of communication 3 Modern comunication tools
What is communication?
Non-verbal communication
Non-verbal communication can complement or contradict the spoken message. The tone and inflection of the speaker's voice can emphasize the point, show conflict between what is spoken and what is meant, and reinforce the emotion of the message. Body language, such as eye contact and posture, can show interest or disinterest, welcome or warn, and reveal your level of confidence. Your appearance also communicates a message to listeners.
Why do we need communication tool?
Why communication tools become so important to us nowadays?
Common forms of communication
01 Making a phone call 02 Sending message 03 Face to face communication 04 Eye contact&Gestures 05 writing letters
The history of communication dates back to prehistoric times, with significant changes in communication technologies evolving in tandem with shifts in political and economic systems, and by extension, systems of power. Communication can range from very subtle processes of exchange, to full conversations and mass communication. Human communication was revolutionized with Origin of language|speech approximately 500,000 years ago. Symbols were developed about 30,000 years ago.
Feature of modern communication tools
It is hard to say that a cellphone is just a cellphone anymore. Not only does it let you hear Grandma's voice from miles away clearer than ever before, but it is providing even more important information services to its users. we rely on the telephone system for shopping,playing game,studying online, playing the stock market, making airline reservations, and watching television. The lives of heart patients may depend on cellphone with on line electronic systems altering their doctors to emergencies.What else,many user rely on their telephones for sales orders, inventory control, banking, video image transmission, and many other tasks.
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
today's technological advances of communication has made it very easy for people to find and contact with each other.There are tons of these kind of networking sites for people to communication with each other.For example,facebook is a popular networking site that allows one to find old friends and make new ones by simply typing in their information.however,since it is so easy stay in touch through the internet,the chances of meeting face to face for a lunch or dinner is becoming a rare event.this is a disadvantage because words through a keyboard is not the same as sitting down with friends and having a conversation.