锐科P100M V2.1脉冲光纤激光器说明书8脉宽

● 激光器输出波长在 1060~1085nm 范围内,工作时可发出超过 60W 的激光辐射,属 于 IV 级激光产品。在使用过程中,请避免眼睛和皮肤接触到光输出端直接发出或 散射出来的辐射。
4 / 14
/ / / / 随重复频率变化 多脉宽可选 /
M2 1/e2
/ /
工作电压 功率消耗
冷却方式 工作温度 存储温度
湿度 模块尺寸
具体定义见表 5
5V 输入电压,报警信号光耦隔离用
激光器采用光纤耦合输出半导体激光器的方式进行泵浦,相对于传统的激光器,能够 将每瓦的泵浦光转换效率提高 10 倍以上;采用风冷系统,散热系统更紧凑,体积小巧, 能够在实验室或室外等多种环境使用;采用一体化全光纤设计,操作便捷,可独立使用, 亦可嵌入在用户设备上使用。
激光器输出的脉冲激光在 1060~1085nm 范围内,采用工业激光器标准 DB25 接口,使 用 24V 直流供电。

RFL-P20MX脉冲光纤激光器使用说明书武汉锐科光纤激光技术股份有限公司Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies CO.,LTD.安全信息在使用该产品之前,请先阅读和了解这份用户手册并熟悉我们为您提供的信息。
目录1.产品描述 (1)1.1.产品描述 (1)1.2.实际配置清单 (1)1.3.使用环境要求及注意事项 (2)1.4.技术参数 (2)2.安装 (5)2.1.安装尺寸图 (5)2.2.安装方法 (5)3.控制接口 (6)4.操作流程 (10)4.1.前期检查工作 (10)4.2.操作步骤 (11)4.3.打标过程中应注意的事项 (11)5.质保及返修、退货流程 (11)5.1.一般保修 (11)5.2.保修的限定性 (11)5.3.服务和维修 (12)1.产品描述1.1.产品描述锐科P20MX脉冲光纤激光器采用主振荡器功率放大MOPA(Master Oscillator Power Amplifier)结构,其中主振荡采用半导体激光器作为种子源,功率放大通过光纤放大器来实现。
RFL-ABP 系列连续光纤激光器使用说明书

RFL-ABP系列连续光纤激光器使用说明书适用机型:RFL-1500/1500-ABP RFL-2000/2000-ABP RFL-3000/3000-ABP RFL-4000/2000-ABP RFL-2000/4000-ABP RFL-4000/4000-ABP RFL-6000/6000-ABP武汉锐科光纤激光技术股份有限公司目录1安全信息 (1)1.1安全标识 (1)1.2激光安全等级 (2)1.3光学安全 (2)1.4电学安全 (2)1.5其他安全注意事项 (3)2产品说明 (3)2.1产品特性 (3)2.2实际配置清单 (4)2.3开箱及检查 (4)2.4运行环境 (4)2.5注意事项 (5)2.6产品性能 (6)3安装3.1安装尺寸图 (7)3.2安装注意事项 (11)3.3冷却系统要求 (13)4产品的使用 (15)4.1前面板 (15)4.2后面板 (16)4.3电源连接 (17)4.4控制接口定义 (20)4.4.1SAFETY XP2 24 PIN接口 (21)4.4.2HARDWIRING XP1 64 PIN硬线接口 (25)4.4.3RS232 XP3接口 (27)4.4.4Analog 接口XP4 (28)4.4.5INTERNET接口XP5 (28)4.5安全互锁介绍 (28)4.6激光器内部电气回路示意图 (29)4.7启动操作顺序 (30)5控制模式选择 (31)5.1ON模式 (33)5.1.1AD模式使能 (33)5.1.2出光外控使能 (33)5.1.3红光控制 (33)5.1.4编程模式 (34)5.2REM模式 (34)5.2.1AD模式使能 (34)5.2.2出光外控 (34)5.2.3红光控制 (34)5.2.4编程模式 (35)6激光器接线方式和操作步骤 (36)6.1ON模式下的内控 (36)6.2ON模式下的功率通讯设置出光外控模式 (37)6.3ON模式下功率模拟量设置出光外控 (38)6.4ON模式下的编程模式外控出光 (39)6.5REM模式下功率模拟量设置出光外控 (40)6.6REM模式下功率通讯设置出光外控 (41)6.7REM模式下的编程模式 (42)7RS232与INTERNET通讯指令 (44)7.1端口配置 (44)7.2激光器通讯协议(网口&串口) (44)8上位机软件使用说明 (50)8.1软件主界面 (50)8.2多激光器控制区 (50)8.2.1添加激光器 (51)8.2.2删除激光器 (52)8.2.3修改激光器IP (52)8.3主状态显示区 (54)8.3.1激光器累计工作时间显示区 (55)8.3.2激光器工作状态显示区 (55)8.3.3激光器上电、模式选择、出光控制区 (56)8.3.4编程模式测试区 (57)8.3.5缓升缓降参数区 (57)8.3.6出光参数读取设置区 (58)8.4激光器参数显示区 (60)8.5报警类型显示区 (60)8.6环形光参数设置 (60)8.7上位机软件工作模式选择 (61)8.8语言选择 (62)8.9授权(限时锁定) (63)8.9.1用户模式下的授权 (63)8.9.2授权模式下的授权 (63)8.10关于 (66)8.11日志(诊断模式下) (67)8.11.1下载运行日志 (67)8.11.2下载历史故障记录 (68)8.11.3下载后的文件地址 (68)8.12模块参数(诊断模式下) (69)8.13编程设置(波形编辑) (69)8.13.1查看当前激光器内部的波形条数 (70)8.13.2查看波形内容 (70)8.13.3清空所有波形 (71)8.13.4编辑波形 (71)8.13.5命令解释 (74)9质保及返修、退货流程 (75)9.1一般保修 (75)9.2保修的限定性 (75)9.3技术支持及产品维修 (75)1 安全信息感谢您选择锐科光纤激光器,本用户手册为您提供了重要的安全、操作、维护及其它方面的信息。
1080nm 300W单模连续光纤激光器操作说明书

1.4 性能参数
关键参数 型号 工作模式 偏振态 中心波长 全高半宽谱宽 额定最大输出功率 功率调节范围 光束质量 输入电压 最大调制频率 机箱尺寸 波形升/降时间 冷却方式 Key Parameters Model Number Operation Mode Polarization Central Wave length Spectral Width FWHM Rated Max Output Power Power Tuning Range Beam Quality Operation Voltage Max Modulation Freq Dimension(L*W*H) Rise/Fall Time Cooling Method W % % nm CW Random 1077-1083 <3nm 300 10~100 <0.4
指标 Specification
功率稳定性(>24 小时) Power Stability(>24h)
<1.2 220 50 718.8*490*171.9 5 Water
VAC KHz mm us
3.控制接口与操作 ........................................................... 3-5 4.质保及返修、退货流程 ................................................. 4-10
4.1 一般保修 ...................................................................................................................................... 4-10 4.2 保修的限定性 .............................................................................................................................. 4-10 4.3 服务和维修 .................................................................................................................................. 4-10
锐科P200 200W多模脉冲光纤激光器说明书V2版


目录1.产品描述 (1)1.1 产品描述 (1)1.2实际配置清单 (1)1.3使用环境要求及注意事项 (1)1.4技术参数 (2)2.安装 (3)2.1 安装尺寸图 (3)2.2 安装方法 (4)3.控制接口 (5)4.操作程序 (6)4.1 前期检查工作 (6)4.2 操作步骤 (6)4.3打标过程中应注意的事项 (7)5.质保及返修、退货流程 (7)5.1一般保修 (7)5.2保修的限定性 (7)5.3服务和维修 (8)1.产品描述1.1 产品描述锐科脉冲激光器是是为高速和高效的激光打标系统而专门发展的。

1000小体积切割连续激光器说明书武汉锐科光纤激光技术股份有限公司Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies Co.,Ltd.目录1安全信息 (1)1.1安全标识 (1)1.2激光安全等级 (1)1.3安全标识 (2)1.4光学安全 (3)1.5电学安全 (3)1.6其它安全注意事项 (3)2产品介绍 (4)2.1产品特性 (4)2.2型号说明 (4)2.3装箱清单 (5)2.4开箱及检查 (5)2.5运行环境 (5)2.6注意事项 (7)2.7产品性能 (7)3安装 (10)3.1整机尺寸图 (10)3.1.1RFL-C1000焊接整机尺寸 (10)3.2输出光缆的尺寸与安装 (11)3.2.1RFL-C1000输出光缆 (11)3.3冷却系统安装与要求 (12)3.4安装注意事项 (13)4产品使用 (15)4.1前面板 (15)4.2后面板 (15)4.3电源连接 (16)4.4接口定义 (17)4.4.1SERVICE安全接口 (17)4.4.2MODULATION调制信号接口 (17)4.4.3控制接口 (17)4.5安装顺序 (22)4.6启动操作顺序 (22)4.7控制模式选择 (23)4.7.1控制模式接线图 (23)4.7.2单机模式(内控模式) (24)4.7.3外控模式 (24)4.7.4AD模式 (25)4.7.5控制时序图 (25)4.7.6红光控制 (27)4.8关闭操作顺序 (27)5常见告警及处理措施 (28)5.1告警显示 (28)5.2告警处理 (28)6质保及返修、退货流程 (31)6.1一般保修 (31)6.2保修的限定性 (31)6.3技术支持及产品维修 (31)1安全信息感谢您选择锐科光纤激光器,本用户手册为您提供了重要的安全、操作、维护及其它方面的信息。
锐科 W W中功率单模激光器说明书 CW V

单模连续光纤激光器 说明书
武汉锐科光纤激光技术股份有限公司 Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies Co., Ltd.
武汉锐科光纤激光技术股份有限公司 RFL-P500 500W 脉冲光纤激光器 英文说明书

RFL-P500 Pulsed Fiber Laser User GuideTABLE OF CONTENTS1 Safety Information (1)1.1 Security Warning (1)1.2 Laser Safety Grade (1)1.3 Safety Identification (2)1.4 Optical Safety (3)1.5 Electrical Safety (3)1.6 Other Safety Rules (3)2 Product Description (4)2.1 Features (4)2.2 Package Parts (4)2.3 Unpacking and Inspection (4)2.4 Operation Environment (5)2.5 Attentions (6)2.6 Specifications (6)3 Installation (7)3.1 Dimensions (7)3.2 Dimensions of Output Head (9)3.3 Cooling Requirements (10)4 Using the Product (12)4.1 Front Panel (12)4.2 Rear Panel (13)4.3 Power Connection (14)4.4 Interface Definitions (15)4.4.1 SERVICE (15)4.4.2Control Interface (16)4.4.3 RS-232 Serial Port (19)5 Application Steps of Laser Device (20)5.1 Pre-inspection (20)5.2 Operational Steps (20)5.3 Attention in the process of operation (21)6 Common Alarms and solutions (21)7 Warranty, Return and Maintenance (22)7.1 General Warranty (22)7.3 Service and Repair (23)1Safety InformationThank you for choosing Raycus fiber laser. This User Guide provides important safety, operation, warranty and other information. Please read it carefully before use this product. In order to ensure safe operation and optimal performance of the product, please follow the warnings, cautions, operating procedures and other instructions accordingly.1.1Security WarningWARNINGCAUTION:product damage.1.2Laser Safety GradeAccording to the European Community standards EN 60825-1, clause 9, this series of lasers are classified as a high power Class 4. This product emits invisible laser radiation at wavelength of 1064 nm, and the maximum power is 500W. Direct or indirect exposure of high power of laser radiation may cause damage to the eyes or skin. Despite the radiation being invisible, the beam may cause irreversible damage to the retina and cornea. Appropriate and approved laser goggles must be worn all the time during the laser device is operating.WARNING:thiswavelength emitted from this product. Users must ensure that the pretectrange of laser goggles over the entire range of laser wavelengths. Pleasedo not directly view the laser output head when laser emitting.1.3Safety IdentificationFigure 1 : Safety identification positionTable 1: Safety identificationEnglish Label Chinese Lable English Label(500W)Chinese Lable(500W)English LabelChinese Lable1: Laser Emit Head 2: Type 4 Laser Product 3: Class 2M Laser Product Label-2mW Red Laser4:CE Label 5: Electrical Hazard 6: ID Label1.4 Optical SafetyAny dust on the end of the collimator assembly can burn the lens and damage the laser device.CAUTION:otherwise the lens or crystal will be damaged.1.5 Electrical Safetya) Ensure the product is grounded through the PE line of the AC power cord. The grounding must be firm and reliable.WARNING: the enclosure, which may result in personal injury.b) Ensure that the AC voltage is supplied normally.CAUTION:un recoverable damage to the laser device.1.6 Other Safety Rulesa) Do not directly view the laser output head when laser emitting. Avoid usingthe laser in a dark environment.b) Do not use fiber lasers in dark environments.c) If this device is used in a manner not specified in this document, theprotection provided by the device may be impaired and the warranty will be voided.d) There are no user serviceable parts, equipment or assemblies inside theproduct. All service and maintenance shall be performed by Raycus. In order to prevent electric shock, please do not break the seal or uncover the shield. Failure to comply with this instruction will void the warranty.2Product Description2.1FeaturesRaycus pulse fiber laser is designed for industrial and scientific research applications with high pump conversion efficiency, low power consumption and excellent beam quality. It is compact and ready to use. It can be used as a stand-alone unit or easily inserted into use r’s apparatus.Main Features:Uniform distribution of stop energyFiber ouputHigh reliability, long-lifeMaintenance free operationHigh photoelectric efficiencyApplications:Laser cleaningScientific research2.2Package PartsPlease refer to package accessoriesare in the packing box.2.3Unpacking and InspectionRaycus fiber laser is delivered in a package, which is designed to offer the maximal safety. Upon the delivery, please inspect all packaging for evidence of mishandling or damage. If you find any evidence of mishandling, please keep the damaged material and contact the shipping agent and Raycus immediately.Please double check if each listed contents is inside the package; and contact Raycus as soon as possible if there is any issue.Take extra care when removing the unit from the package to make the fiber optic cable stay away from collision and vibration. Please do not distort,bend orpull the output cable when unpacking the device; and avoid any collision to the head of laser output.CAUTION:instrument, excessive bend to the cable will damage the instrument.2.4 Operation EnvironmentThe operation conditions are listed as the following table:Table 2: The Operation Environment Conditions for the Laser a) Make sure the product is properly grounded before use.b) The laser output head is connected with fiber optic cable. Please inspect the output head carefully for dust or other contaminations. Use appropriate lens paper to clean it if necessary.c) Failure to follow the instructions when operatingthelaser may cause malfunction and damage.d) It is not allowed to install the output head when the laser is in operation. e) Do not look into the output head directly. Wear appropriate protective eye glasses all the time when operating the laser.f) It is recommended to install the product in an environment with air conditioning.2.5Attentionsa)Make sure that the correct voltage of 220V AC is used. Failure to connectlyconnect power supply will damage the device.b)The output laser is collimated by the collimating lens, it is important tokeep the collimating lens clean, otherwise it will damage the device.c)Please cap the output head when it is not in use. Do not touch the outputlens at any e appropriate lens paper to clean it if necessary.d)Safety keep the cap when using the laser. To avoid dust, make sure theopening direction of the cap is put down.e)Failure to follow the instructions may cause laser power loss, such loss isnot covered by warranty.2.6SpecificationsTable 3 Product Specifications3Installation3.1DimensionsFigure 2 shows dimensions of the product.Figure 2: Dimensions of 200W Product (unit:mm)3.2 Dimensions of Output HeadThe output head of RFL-P500 is QBH, the following figure 3 show the details of the QBH output head.Figure 3 QBH Output head (unit: mm)CAUTION:3.3Cooling RequirementsTable 4 Cooling Requirementsa)Temperature setting of cooling water:25±1℃b)Requirements on Cooling Water:1)Purified water should be used.2)In order to prevent the growth of mould that may lead to blockage,adding alcohol solution to about 10% of the total volume isrecommended.3)If ambient temperature is between -10℃and 0℃, we recommend touse 30% alcohol(volume ratio), and replace it every 2 months.4)If ambient temperature is below -10℃, the chiller with both heating andcooling functions must be used, and keep it in full-time operation.c)Other requirements:1)Before start the device, ensure that the flow and return connections arecorrect connected, and confirm that there is no leakage in all the watercircuits. Any abnormal condition in the water circuits may cause afailure to the operation of the laser.2)If the device is not use in a long time, water must be emptied from thedevice, and then both the inlet and outlet must be blocked with the caps.Failure to do so may cause damage to the device.3)Pleaseuse compressed gas below 0.5MPa when emptying water fromthe device. Failure to do so may cause permanent equipment damage tocooling system.3.4Installation rulea)Place the product in an appropriate position, immobilize it if necessary.b)Check if the power supply has the correct voltage (220V AC±10%,50/60Hz), and the earth line is connected, make sure it is firm and reliable.c)Connect the power cable and control cable to the product when powersupply is OFF.d)Clamp the water pipes ontopipe connector, run the chiller to check if thereis any leakage in the water circulation.e)Check the output head and clean it before installation. This procedure mustbe performed by Raycus personnel or person authorized by Raycus.f)Prevent the delivery cable from treading, pinching or excessive bendingduring installation.g)Make sure the environment is clean, or the output head may becontaminated. It is prohibited to use fan during installation, which will cause dust in the air.h)The minimum bending r adius of the transmission cable of the laser shallnot be less than 20cm in the non-working state (such as transport and storage). The minimum bending r adius should not be less than 30cm when the laser is work.CAUTION:off. Hot plug may damage the device.CAUTION:CAUTION:4 Using the Product 4.1 Front PanelFigure 4 shows the front panel.Figure 4 Front Panel View51 2 3 41.REM/OFF/ON: Key switch, the power switch of the laser. Insert thekey and then turn the key clockwise to the 'ON' to active the laser.2.POWER:Power Indicator, indicates that the power is switched onwhen the green LED illumines.SER:Laser emission button, it’s a button with an red LED indicator.In RS-232 mode and AD mode, when this button is pressed down, theproduct is ready to emit laser, and the LED illumines. Press again willrelease the button, and disable the laser emission.4.ALARM: Alarm indicator, indicates a fault condition when the yellowLED illumines.5.EMERGENCY STOP:Press it down to stop the laser immediately.Turn it clockwise to release, but the laser cannot start before i t’spowered on with key switch for a second time.4.2Rear PanelFigure 5 shows the rear panel:Figure 5: Rear Panel1.INPUT: The socket for supply input that can be only mated with theplug on the power cord we provided.The socket is provided with aprotective cover and a lock catch. Please use the protective cover andlock catch when not use the laser device.2.POWER:Air switch. Controlling the on-off of AC.3.CTRL-INTERFACE:Control interface. This interface provides allcontrol signals, including RS232 communication, laser switch control,laser remote control mode selection, analog control, modulation signal,Interlock interface. Please reference table 4 for specific definition ofcontrol line. The socket is provided with a protective cover and a lockcatch. Please use the protective cover and lock catch when not use thelaser device.4.RS-232:RS-232 interface. Provides remote control and faultinformation storage for lasers. See 4.4.3 for details.5.SERVICE:Provide some external functions for customers. See 4.4.1Interface Specification for details.6.WATER:The pagoda typepipe connector. The intake and outlet areused for inflow and reflux cooling water.4.3Power ConnectionCAUTION:A power cord is provided in the package, as in Figure 6Figure 6 : The Power Cord of the LaserOne end of the power cord is a plug; insert it into the socket ‘AC INPUT’ on the rear panel when using the laser. Notice that the plug is wrong-side preventing. After insert it, lock it with the lever.The other end of the power cord is stripped off,labeled L, N and PE, respectively. You should connect the wires to the 220V AC power supply according to the labels:L--Live WireN--Neutral WirePE--Earth Wire4.4Interface Definitions4.4.1 SERVICETurn the key anticlockwise to the 'REM' can active the laser in remote control mode.WARNING:device in remote control mode!Figure 7: SERVICE Definitions The pin definitions are shown in Table 5:Table 5:SERVICE DefinitionsSERVICE interface is a DB9 header. If the pins 6 and 7 are disconnected, the device will immediately interrupt the light, and the Yellow fault alarm lamp will be lit. Six and seven legs need to be short-jointed before the laser is emitted.CAUTION:4.4.2Control InterfaceFigure 8 shows a schematic diagram of the DB25 control interface.:Figuer 8: DB25 control interface.The DB25 behind the power module is the interface between the control system (such as marking machine) and the laser system. Be sure to connect reliably before working. The pins are defined as follows:Table 6: DB25 Control Interface Definitiona)The pump current of diode laser and the laser output power are controlledby setting the value of PIN1-PIN8 (TTL level). PIN1-PIN8 can be set from 0~255,corresponding to the laser output power from 0~100%(the actual laser power may not be strictly linear with the setting value). The relationship between PIN value and output power is shown in Table7:Table 7:Definition of power control PIN valueb)Pin 17 is an external 5V power input, which supplies power to the outputoptocoupler of the alarm signal; the input current is more than 20mA.c)The external input signals (Pin 1-8, 18, 19, 20, 22) of the laser are allconnected with optocouplers inside the system to ensure that the input level is high in the range of 3.3V-5V and low in the range of 1.7V. Pin input current is greater than 7 mA.d)Warning Signal Definition:Table 8 Warning Signal Definitionoptocouplers, and 17 pins 5V power supply is needed to get an effective signal.f)Note: The pre-output light signal (needle 18) must be at least 5 ms earlierthan the output light signal (needle 19), otherwise the laser will be damaged easily.Schematic diagram of input signal interface circuit:Figure 9: Schematic diagram of input signal interface circuitSignal input needs to be able to provide at least 7 mA of current. The schematic diagram of the output signal interface circuit is shown in Fig. 10.Figure 10: Schematic diagram of output signal interface circuit4.4.3 RS-232 Serial PortFigure 11 shows the RS-232 serial port schematic diagram.Figure 11 RS-232 serial port schematic diagram.The pins are defined as follows:Table 9 RS-232 PIN DescriptionRS232 interface is a special interface for Raycus internal personnel debugging.5Application Steps of Laser Device5.1 Pre-inspectiona)Check whether the size and connection of water pipe are correct, mainlyincluding water temperature, water flow rate, maximum input pressure,refrigeration capacity, whether the water cooler meets the systemrequirements (see Section 3.3 for details), whether the water cooler valve is opened, etc., to ensure that the water cooler is in normal working statebefore the laser is opened.b)Check whether the appearance of the laser device is normal and whetherthe output optical cable is bent or falling off.c)Check whether there is dust or other dirt in the protective lens of the outputoptical cable. Use compressed air to confirm whether it can be blown off. If not, wipe it gently with the lens paper dipped in alcohol, and then check itwith a special flashlight.d)Check whether the power supply and control signal of the laser areconnected correctly.e)Check whether the emergency stop switch is loose.5.2 Operational Stepsa)Start-up operation stepsPower on the laser, turn on the air switch, turn on the key switch (the keyswitch is turned clockwise to ON position, the power indicator lights up,indicating that the main control board has been powered on), wait 10seconds and then press the laser switch (the light of the indicator indicatesthat the power module of the laser has been powered on normally).b)Operational procedures for checking laser cleaning after laser is turned onWhen the device is started normally, the laser power will be increased from 10% to 100% when the laser is first tested. Watch whether the laser isgetting stronger and stronger as a cleaning material.5.3 Attention in the process of operationa)The repetition frequency range of the laser should not exceed 10-50 kHZ.b)Do not adjust the laser repetition frequency during marking.c)Turn OFF the laser until the power to zero, then turn off the laser powersupply, and finally turn off the water cooler.6Common Alarms and solutionsThe instructions and possible solutions of alarms are as follows:Table 10 Error instructions and possible solutionsIn addition to the above, if there are any other questions or errors, please contact Raycus to get help.7Warranty, Return and Maintenance7.1General WarrantyRaycus warrants that all Raycus fiber laser products are comformed to applicable product specifications under normal use and are free from defects in materials and work manship.The warranties start on the date of shipment from Raycus for a period of time as set forth in the applicable purchase contracts or product specifications. Raycus has the right to choose to repair or replace any product that proves to be defective in materials and workmanship selectively during the warranty period. Only products with particular defects are under warranty. Raycus reserves the right to issue a credit note for any defective products produced in normal conditions.7.2Limitations of WarrantyThe warranty does not cover the maintenance or reimbursement of our productof which the problem results from tampering, disassembling, misuse, accident, modification, unsuitable physical or operating environment, improper maintenance, damages due to excessive use or not following the instructions caused by those who are not from Raycus. The customer has the responsibility to understand and follow this instruction to use the device. Any damage caused byfault operating is not warranted. Accessories and fiber connectors are excluded from this warranty.According to the warranty, client should write to us within 31days after the defect is discovered. This warranty does not involve any other party, including specified buyer, end-user or customer and any parts, equipment or other products produced by other companies.WARNINGoperatingoperation-failureconnectors are not covered by this warranty.7.3Service and RepairDo not open the device. There are no user serviceable parts, equipment orassemblies for user in this product. All service and maintenance shall be performedby qualified Raycus personnel.Please contact Raycus as soon as possible when problems under warranty about maintenance happened to the product.The product returned with permission should be placed in a suitable container. If any damage happened to the product, please notify the carrier in document immediately.We reserve the right to make changes in design or constructions of any of our products at anytime without incurring any obligation to make changes or install the same on units previouslypurchased.All the items about warranty and service above provided by Raycus are for uses’reference; formal contents about warranty and service are subject to the contract.© 2021 Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser technologies Co. Ltd, All Rights Reserved.。
武汉锐科光纤激光器 100W连续光纤激光器 说明书

100W ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ续光纤激光器
100W连续光纤激光器具有高功率输出、完美的 光束质量、光纤传输及高电光转换效率、持续性 长时间工作等特性。
*微加工 *钻孔 *三维成形
*切割 *感热印刷
1064±1 100 5-100 <3 <1.2 3
220±10%, 50Hz 440 风冷
484×490.5×185.8 0-45 10-95 15
地址: 中国武汉东湖开发区华中科技大学科技园创新基地10号楼 ADD: Base 10th Bldg Hust Industry District Innov.Hi-Tech Devel.Zone,Hubei
连续光纤激光器 偏振 输出中心波长(nm) 额定输出功率(W) 功率调节范围(%) 长期平均输出率不稳定性(超过5小时)(%) 光束质量(M2) 输出光纤长度(m) 工作电压(VAC) 功率消耗(20℃)(W) 冷却方式 模块尺寸W×D×H(mm) 工作温度范 工作湿度范围(%) 重量(kg)
100W CW 任意
Wuhan,P.R.China 电话TEL: +86-27-81338818 传真FAX: +86-27-81338810 邮编P.C: 430223

1 安全信息
感谢您选择锐科光纤激光器,本用户手册为您提供了重要的安全、操作、维护及其它 方面的信息。故在使用该产品之前,请先仔细阅读本用户手册。为了确保操作安全和产品 运行在最佳状态,请遵守以下注意和警告事项以及该手册中的其他信息。
1.1 安全标识
1.1 安全标识 .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 激光安全等级 .................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 安全标识 .......................................................................................................................... 2 1.4 光学安全 .......................................................................................................................... 3 1.5 电学安全 .......................................................................................................................... 3 1.6 其他安全注意事项 .......................................................................................................... 3 2 产品介绍.....................................................................................................................................4
深圳锐科光电DALI2 DT8模块说明文档 V2.2

版本信息版本时间更新内容V1.02018.5.30发布V2.22021.8.1更新一、产品概述本公司的DALI2.0色温模块,符合IEC62386-101:2018Ed2.0、IEC62386-102:2018 Ed2.0、IEC62386-207:2018Ed2.0(DT6)和IEC62386-209:2011Ed1.0(色温)标准协议,同时支持DT6(LED模块)和DT8(颜色控制-色温)协议。
具备Push DIM、高压防误接、故障检测等功能。
二、模块图示图1DALI2.0色温模块RK-DALIT8-V3正面图2DALI2.0色温模块RK-DALIT8-V3反面图3DALI2.0色温模块RK-DALIT8-V3尺寸图板尺寸:37.5mm X17.5mm X1.2mm三、引脚说明引脚标识说明电气参数PIN1DA DALI接口引脚11.5V~22.5VPIN2DA DALI接口引脚11.5V~22.5VPIN3GND电源输入地引脚GNDPIN4ERC冷色温错误检测输入引脚低电平(小于0.7V)表示电源冷光正常(不开路不短路);高电平(3.6V-5V)表示冷光灯故障(开路或者短路)。

你公司所购买的是400瓦的光纤激光器,执行标准是21 CFR 1040.10,激光波长达到1070纳米,通过光纤输出的激光的功率实际上已经超过400瓦,对人的眼睛和皮肤都会造成伤害,尽管这种辐射是不可见的,但是这种激光对人的角膜的伤害是无法避免的,在设备工作的时候必须带上激光护目镜。

目录1.产品描述 (1)1.1.产品描述 (1)1.2 实际配置清单 (1)1.3 使用环境要求及注意事项 (1)1.4 性能参数 (2)2.安装 (3)2.1 安装尺寸图 (3)2.2 安装方法 (4)2.3 冷却系统要求 (5)3.控制接口与操作 (5)3.1.串口操作-超级终端 (9)3.2.外部RS232控制 (15)3.3.外部模拟量控制 (16)4.质保及返修、退货流程 (16)5.1一般保修 (16)5.2保修的限定性 (17)5.3服务和维修 (17)连续光纤激光器使用手册1.产品描述1.1. 产品描述光纤激光器相对于传统的激光器,能够使每瓦的泵浦光转换效率提高10倍以上,低能量消耗的自动设计,适合实验室或室外操作。

版本号密级内部A0会签阶段标记PRFL-P100QA100QA激光器英文说明书RFL-P100QA·JS02部门脉冲激光器技术研究部编写陶斌凯校对颜鹏晖审核李科标审李其军批准黄保武汉锐科光纤激光技术股份有限公司帅维文邓俊杰王晓民旧底图登记号/底图登记号/User Instruction RFL-P100QAWuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies CO.,Ltd.2021Safety InformationPlease read this instruction carefully and familiarize yourself with the information we have provided before you use the product.In this brochure,important operation procedures,safety and other information are provided for you and all future users.In order to ensure operating safely and optimal performance of the product,please do according to following warnings,cautions and other information.Raycus pulsed fiber laser is classified as a high power Class IV laser device.Before supplying the power to the device,please make sure that the correct voltage of24VDC power source is connected and the anode and cathode are right.Failure to connect power source correctly will cause damage to the device.The device emits invisible1060~1085nm wavelength light with average power70W.Do not expose your eyes or skin to the radiation of the laser.Do not take apart the device,because there are no replaceable accessories available for users to use.Any maintenance can only be proceeded in Raycus.Do not look into the light output end e appropriate laser safety eyewear when operating the device.Safety labels and locationsThe two labels above are located on the top of the cover of the device,representing laser radicalization.Content1.Description (1)1.1.Product description (1)1.2.Actual configuration list (1)1.3.Environmental requirements and cautions (1)1.4.Specifications (2)2.Mounting (3)2.1Mounting dimensions (3)2.2Method of installation (3)3.Control Interface (4)4.Operation Regulations (6)4.1Pre-inspection (6)4.2Operation procedures (7)4.3Cautions (7)5.Instructions for warranty,return and maintenance (7)5.1General warranty (7)5.2Limitations of warranty (8)5.3Service and repairs (8)1.Description1.1.Product descriptionRaycus pulsed laser is an ideal high power laser source with high speed and high efficiency. It is specially designed for industrial laser making system and other applications.Compared with traditional lasers,pulsed laser has some unique advantages in increasing the conversion efficiency of the pump light10times higher.Its low power consumption and automotive design make it appropriate for operating both in and outside the lab.Besides,it is exquisite and convenient for its independence in placement,free time in using and facility in connecting to equipment directly.The device can emit1060~1085nm wavelength pulsed light under the control of industrial laser’s standard interface driven by24VDC power source.1.2.Actual configuration listTable1Configuration listItems Quantity Remark Fiber Laser module11.3.Environmental requirements and cautionsPulsed laser should be driven by24±1VDC power source.a)Caution:Make sure the corresponding wires of the device are properly grounded.b)All the maintenance to the device should only be done by Raycus,because there is noreplacement or accessory provided with the device.Please do not try to damage the labels or open the cover in order to prevent against electric shock,or the warranty will be invalid.c)The output head of the product is connected with an optical cable.Please be careful handlingthe output head.Avoid dirt and any other contaminations.Please use the specialized lens paper when cleaning the lens.Please lid the laser with protective cover of the light isolator to be against dirt only when the laser is not installed in the device or not in working.d)If the operating the device fails to follow this instruction,the protective function will beweakened.Therefore,it should be used under normal conditions.e)Do not install the collimating device into the output head when the laser device is in working.f)The device has three cooling fans at the rear panel to dissipate heat.In order to guaranteeenough airflow to help giving heat off,there must be a space of at least10cm’s width for airflow in front and rear side of the device.As the cooling fans are working at blow condition,if laser is mounted in a cabinet with fans,the direction should be same as laser’s fans.g)Do not look into the output head of the device directly.Please do wear appropriate lasersafety eyewear during the time when operating the device.h)Make sure the pulse repetition rate higher than80kHz.i)For the longest time without pulse is only100us.If there is no pulse output,please stopmarking at once,to avoid further damage of the device.j)Power source sudden interruption will do great harm to the laser device.Please make sure the power supply works continuously.1.4.SpecificationsTable2100QA pulsed fiber laser specificationsPulsed fiber laser100QAWavelength(nm)1060~1085Polarization RandomOptical isolator YesNominal average output power(W)≥100Single pulse energy(mJ) 1.25@80kHzBeam quality(M2)<1.6Beam diameter(mm) 5.5~8Pulse duration(ns)250-290@80kHzPulse repetition rate(kHz)80-120Output power tunability(%)10-100Output fiber cable length(m) 3.0Working voltage(VDC)24±1Power consumption(20℃)(W)380Cooling Forced Air CooledDimension W×H×D(mm)310×116.5×260Operating temperature(℃)0℃~40℃Store temperature(℃)-20℃~60℃Operating humidity(%)≤802.Mounting2.1Mounting dimensionsa)Fiber Laser module dimensions(As shown in Fig.1).Figure1Dimension drawing of laser module(Unit:mm).b)Isolated output head dimensions(As shown in Fig.2).Figure2Dimension drawing of output isolator(Unit:mm).2.2Method of installationa)Fix the module stable to the bracket and keep the laser in good ventilation.b)Connect the power line to24VDC power and ensure enough DC output power.Keep it clearto the polarity of the electric current:anode-brown;cathode-blue;PE-yellow and green.The definition figure is shown in Fig.3.Figure 3Definition of power line wiresc)Make sure that the interface of the external controller matches the laser and the control cable is well connected to the laser’s interface.The recommended electrical connection is shown in Fig.4.Figure 4Schematic of recommended electrical connectiond)The bending radius of the delivery fiber should not less than 15cm.3.Control InterfaceThere are DB9and DB25interfaces at the rear of the laser.The DB9is a RS232interface only used for debugging,no needs to connect.And DB25is the joint interface connecting control system with the laser device,please make sure the connection is reliable before operating.Feet of the DB25are defined as follows in Fig.5.24V+GND24V-Figure 5Connect port of controllerTable 3Definition of connect ports of controllerPIN Description1-8(D0-D7)Power Setting 8bit Parallel port;D0is minimum bit and D7is maximum bit;Range:0-255(hexadecimal:0X00-0XFF);0is minimum power and 255is maximum power.10,14GroundDigital GND11,12,16,21Laser alarms statussee alarm codes in the table below 17VCC+5VDC power supply input for independent operation of the guidelaser and PCB.Maximum current consumption is0.1A.18EEEmission Enable (EE)signal.HIGH:Emission Enable LOW or disconnected:EmissionDisable19EMEmission Modulation (EM)input.HIGH (>3V):Emission ON LOW or disconnected (<1V):Emission OFF 20Sync Pulse Repetition Rate(Synchronization)input,squarewave.22Guide Laser signal Guide Laser (red diode)ON/OFFinput.9,13,15,23,24,25Obligate PINReserved for Raycus onlya)The pump current of diode laser and the laser output power are controlled by setting the value of PIN1-PIN8(TTL level).PIN1-PIN8can be set from 0~255,corresponding to the laser output power from 0~100%(the actual laser power may not be strictly linear with the setting value).The relationship between PIN value and output power is shown in Table 4:Table 4Definition of power control PIN valueSetting 1Setting 2Setting 3Setting 4Setting 5PIN 100001PIN 200001PIN 300001PIN 41PIN500011PIN600111PIN701111PIN811111Current~50%~75%~87.5%~93.75%100%b)PIN17is the external5V input,providing power supply for alarm signal:input current>20mA.c)Those external input signals(PIN1-8,18-20,22)are connected to the optical coupler insidethe system.Input voltage3-5V are defined as digital High,below1V are defined as digital Low.The input current should be above2mA.d)Alarms status:Pins11,12,16and21are the alarm and status outputs which driven by+5Vpower from PIN17.PIN12is reserved(always be high).These pins indicate the following device states.Table5Definition of alarm statusPIN12PIN11PIN16PIN21Alarm item×Low Low Low Temperature alarm×Low Low High Normal×Low High High System alarm×High Low Low Supply voltagee)PIN10、PIN14are all digital GND.f)PIN20is the pulse repeating rate signal(PRR,TTL level).If the PRR need to be changedduring the work,it must be changed5ms earlier than the EM signal turning into high.g)PIN22is the guide laser(red diode)on/off signal.High level switch on the guide laserwhile low level switch off the guide laser.4.Operation Regulations4.1Pre-inspectiona)Make sure the device appearance is in good condition and the output fiber is neitherexcessively bended nor broken.b)Make sure signal line of laser and marking system are properly connected.4.2Operation proceduresa)Starting proceduresPlease make sure the control system is on before you turn on the fiber laser.Only after at least1minute since the power turned on,the subsequent operations can be preceded.b)Frequency set introductionsFor model P100QA,the frequency setting range is from80kHz to120kHz.c)Laser marking checkingFor the device initial testing,first turn the power down to zero without turning on the marking system after the device is successfully started.Then draw a quadrate,marking continuously while slowly increasing the power from zero to100%at the same time.Meanwhile,use a ceramic material to observe the laser and the laser should become stronger, otherwise shut down the device and check.If operating normally,the marking system can be used in common order afterwards.4.3Cautionsa)Marking frequency must be in the range of80~120kHz for P100QA.b)It should not modulate the frequency while marking.c)Stop marking first before shutting down the device,then turn the power down to zero and cutthe power off.5.Instructions for warranty,return and maintenance5.1General warrantyAll products are warranted by Raycus against defects and problems in materials and workmanship during the warranty period according to the purchase order or specifications and we guarantee the product will accord with the specification under normal use.Raycus has the right to choose to repair or replace any product that proves to be defective in materials and workmanship selectively during the warranty period.Only products with particular defects are under warranty.Raycus reserves the right to issue a credit note for any defective products produced in normal conditions.5.2Limitations of warrantyThe warranty does not cover the maintenance or reimbursement of our product of which the problem results from tampering,disassembling,misuse,accident,modification,unsuitable physical or operating environment,improper maintenance,damages due to excessive use or not following the instructions caused by those who are not from Raycus.Customer has the responsibility to understand and follow this instruction to use the device.Any damage caused by fault operating is not warranted.Accessories and fiber connectors are excluded in this warranty. According to the warranty,client should write to us within31days since the defect is discovered. This warranty does not involve any other party,including specified buyer,end-user or customer and any parts,equipment or other products produced by other companies.5.3Service and repairsRaycus is responsible for all the maintenance,for there is no accessory available inside for users to use.Please contact Raycus as soon as possible when problems under warranty about maintenance happen to the product.The product returned with permission should be placed in a suitable container.If any damage happens to the product,please notify the carrier in document immediately.All the items about warranty and service above provided by Raycus are for uses’reference,formal contents about warranty and service are subject to the contract.©2021Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies Co.Ltd.All Rights Reserved.。
创鑫激光 MFPT 20~70 脉宽可调脉冲光纤激光器 用户手册说明书

深圳市创鑫激光股份有限公司引 语欢迎您使用深圳市创鑫激光股份有限公司研发生产的MFPT 系列光纤激光器产品,为便于更好使用及维护您的激光器设备,我们组织人员编撰了本文档。
再次感谢您使用创鑫激光的产品!在使用本产品前,请您仔细阅读创鑫激光提供的《MFPT 脉冲光纤激光器用户手册》,以熟悉操作和维护本设备。
版权说明此用户手册版权为深圳市创鑫激光股份有限公司(以下简称“创鑫激光” )所有,创鑫激光保留所有权。

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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
2. 安装
2.1. 安装尺寸图 1)尺寸图
图 1 激光器尺寸图(单位 mm)
脉冲光纤激光器使用手册 V2.1
图 2 输出光隔离器尺寸图(单位 mm) 隔离器输出头以最终出厂产品为准
请不要损坏标签和揭开盖子,否则产品的任何损坏将不被保修。 3) 激光器的输出头是与光缆相连接的,使用时请小心处理输出头,防止灰尘或其它污
染,清洁输出端透镜时请使用专用的镜头纸。激光器没有安装在系统设备上且不 出光的时候,请将光隔离器保护罩盖好以免灰尘污染。 4) 如果不按本使用手册规定的方法使用激光器,它所产生的保护功能将被削弱。因 此,该产品必须在正常的环境下使用。 5) 激光器处于运行状态时,严禁安装输出端准直器。
7) 不要直接观看输出头,在操作该机器时要确保长期配戴预防 1μm 波长激光防护 眼境。
8) 没有脉冲的最长使用时间为 50 x 10-6 秒。 9) 电源中断对激光器的危害很大,请提供连续电源。
1.4. 技术参数
表 2 100W 脉冲激光器系列参数表 条件
光学 特性
电学 特性 机械
2 平均输出功率@250ns
8 脉冲建立时间@250ns
9 脉冲关断时间@250ns
重复频率可调范围 10
光束质量 M2
/ RR=20kHz Pmax RR=100kHz Pmax RR=400kHz Pmax
1. 产品描述
1.1. 产品描述 锐科脉冲激光器是是为高速和高效的激光打标系统而专门发展的。为工业激光打标机
和其它应用提供了一款理想的高功率激光能量源。 脉冲激光器相对于传统的激光器,能够对每瓦的泵浦光转换效率提高 10 倍以上,低
能量消耗的自动设计,适合实验室或室外操作。精巧,可独立放置,可随时使用,能够直 接嵌入用户的设备上。
RFL-P100M 脉冲光纤激光器
武汉锐科光纤激光技术股份有限公司 Wuhan Raycus Fiber Laser Technologies CO., LTD.
脉冲光纤激光器使用手册 V2.1
在使用该产品之前,请先阅读和了解这份用户手册并熟悉我们为您提供的信息。 这份用户手册提供了重要的产品操作,安全以及其他信息给您以及所有将来的用户作 参考。为了确保操作安全和产品的最佳性能,请遵循以下注意和警告事项以及该手册 的其他信息去操作。
● 锐科公司脉冲光纤激光器是 IV 级的激光产品。在打开 24V DC 电源前,要确保连接 是正确的 24V DC 的电源并确认正负极,错误连接电源,将会损坏激光器。
● 该激光器在 1060~1085nm 波长范围内发出超过 100W 的激光辐射。避免眼睛和皮肤 接触到光输出端直接发出或散射出来的辐射。
2. 安装....................................................................................................................3 2.1.安装尺寸图................................................................................................. 3 2.2.安装方法..................................................................................................... 4
当前波形最小频率对应 功率/W
100-104W 18-20W 28-30W 40-44 75-85W 17-21W 60-65W 65-75W
当前波形 最小频率
/kHZ 1000 100 100 100 100 20 70 70
基频对应 功率/W
100-104W 100-104W 100-104W 100-104W 100-104W 100-104W 100-104W 100-104W
脉冲光纤激光器使用手册 V2.1
特性 其他
①:表 2 为默认 250ns 脉宽下激光器的性能参数。
表 3 不同脉宽下的频率功率参数
脉宽 波形 /ns 10 20 30 60 100 200 250 350
4. 质保及返修、退货流程................................................................................... 9 4.1.一般保修..................................................................................................... 9 4.2.保修的限定性............................................................................................. 9 4.3.服务和维修............................................................................................... 10
2.2. 安装方法 1)将激光模块可靠固定在支架上,注意保持激光器通风良好。 2)将电源线接在 24V 直流电源上,并确保直流电源能够提供足够的输出功率。注意电 源线的极性。电源线棕色为正极,蓝色为负极,黄绿线接保护地。
图 3 电源线接头定义 3)请确认外部控制器的控制接口与激光器相匹配,将控制电缆接在激光器控制接口上,
/ RR=100kHz P=Pmax RR=100kHz P=Pmax 5Hrs 后/RR=100kHz
P=Pmax 可选 RR=100kHz P=0~90% Pmax RR=100kHz P=100%~ 10%Pmax 以表 3 为准 RR=100kHz/P=Pmax RR=100kHz/P=Pmax
激光器可发出 1060~1085nm 波长的脉冲激光,通过工业激光器标准接口来控制,激光 器需要使用 24V 直流供电。
1.2. 实际配置清单
请根据图表 1 参考所包括的清单。
1.3. 使用环境要求及注意事项
脉冲激光器需使用 24V DC±1V 直流电。 1) 注意:使用激光器时要将接地线可靠接地。 2) 没有内置可供使用的零件,所有维修应由合格的锐科人员来进行,为了防止电击,
10,13-15,24,25 11,12,16,21 17 18
19 20 22 23
图 5 控制接口图
表 4 控制端口引脚定义
GND 报警信号
VCC 预出光信号
出光信号 频率信号 红光信号
描述 并口 8bit,D0 为最低位,D7 为最高位; 范围:0-255(16 进制:0X00-0XFF); 0:输出最小功率;255:输出最大功率
打标板卡的信号地(数字地) 具体定义见表 2
5V 输入电压,DB25 接口内部隔离光耦供电使用 MO、PA 预出光信号
高电平开启,低电平关闭 出光信号
高电平开启,低电平关闭 设置激光器打标频率, TTL 电平,20KHz-1000KHz
高电平红光开启,低电平红光关断 预留管脚,客户不允许连接
● 不要打开机器,因为没有可供用户使用的产品零件或配件。所有保养或维修只能在 锐科公司内进行。
● 不要直接观看输出头,在操作该机器时要确保长期配戴激光安全眼镜。
脉冲光纤激光器使用手册 V2.1
脉冲 17≤P≤21 100≤P≤104 100≤P≤104
10-100 1064±5
≤5 10,20,30, 60,100,200,250,350
6.5±1 ≤1.6 24±1V <450 396*360*123
单位 /
% nm nm %
us us kHz mm / V W mm
基频 /kHZ
1000 490 315 189 144 100 100 100
当前波形最大 频率对应功率
/W 100-104W 100-104W 100-104W 100-104W 100-104W 100-104W 100-104W 100-104W
当前波形最 大频率/kHZ