ZigBee JN5148模块介绍
Zigbee是目前应用最为广泛的新技术ew Technology N56无线传感网络协议,是由Zigbee 联盟在IEEE802.15.4标准上定义了网络层、安全层及应用层等,于2004年12月正式获得批准,具有低功耗、低成本、大容量、短时延、协议简单和安全性高等优点,无线传感网采用Zigbee技术具有良好的通用性和可扩展性。
2.4GHz频段物理层采用直接序列扩频技术的(DSSS)O-QPSK 调制方式能提供最高250kb/s的传输速率,能够满足一般传感器节点的通信需求。
ZigBee1085 无线数据采集卡 说明书
n =N or N+1
N =读取数量/8 如果余数不为 0 则 N=N+1
错误 响应
0x02+ 0x80
0x1 or 0x2
00(h)~07 状态
功能码:02 数据起始地址:10001~10016 说明:读取输入开关量的状态
数据说明: 地址
10001 10002 10003 10004 保留 MODBUS 请求 功能码 起始地址 读取数量 MODBUS 响应
ZigBee1085 无线数据采集卡硬件使用说明书
GND.R: 数字量输入地端 2. LED 指示灯
ZIGBEE1082 模块有 2 个指示灯,分别为 c 黄灯: 网络指示灯,ZIGBEE1082 模块加入网络后,此灯闪烁 d 红灯: 通讯指示灯,ZIGBEE1082 模块与数据中心通讯时,此灯闪烁 3. 网络复位键 点击此键可复位本机的 ZIGBEE 网络,使模块重新搜寻网络 4. RS232 接口 对 XBEE 模块进行配置时,使用此口与计算机连接
0xA3(12 时制)
Bit15~Bit8: 无效, 写 0
hac-embee-a11n 2.4g 低功耗无线数传模块(zigbee)用户手册说明书
HAC-EmBee-A11D HAC-EmBee-A11N2.4G低功耗无线数传模块(ZigBee)用户手册V 2.02.2 2013/10/25深圳市华奥通通信技术有限公司SHENZHEN HAC TELECOM TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD地址 : 深圳市南山区西丽路4227号大学城创意园2栋6楼电话 : +86-755-23981078传真 : +86-755-23981007邮件:*****************************网址 : HAC EmBee ZigBee Series 深圳市华奥通通信技术有限公司高性能✧20dbm可视距离2.8km✧7dbm可视距离850m 低功耗✧20dbm发射电流145mA,接收电流38mA,休眠电流3uA✧7dbm发射电流42mA,接收电流29mA,休眠电流3uAMESH网络✧自动组网,自动路由,自动愈合✧点对点,点对多点传输✧最多高达16跳传输 使用简单✧AT命令✧API命令✧API远程AT命令✧透明传输符合标准✧Zigbee 2007 Pro✧A11 Profile高可靠性✧DSSS O-QPSK调制方式✧CSMA-CA 自动退避机制✧重发与应答机制高安全性✧网络层AES加密✧应用层AES加密目录1 EmBee模块 (6)1.1 EmBee模块尺寸及管脚顺序 (6)1.2 模块管脚分布 (7)1.3 模块性能参数 (8)1.3.1 HAC-EmBee-A11N参数 (8)1.3.2 HAC-EmBee-A11D参数 (9)2 EmBee模块操作 (10)2.1 UART串口介绍 (10)2.2 通信协议 (10)2.2.1 透明传输模式 (10)2.2.2 API传输模式 (11)2.3 AT命令模式 (11)2.3.1 进入AT命令模式 (12)2.3.2 发送AT命令 (12)2.3.3 AT命令响应 (12)2.3.4 退出AT命令模式 (13)2.4 回环功能 (13)2.4.1 透传模式的回环 (13)2.4.2 API模式的回环 (13)3 API操作 (14)3.1 API帧格式 (14)3.2 API帧 (15)3.2.1 AT命令帧(立即生效) (15)3.2.2 AT命令帧(不立即生效) (16)3.2.3 AT命令响应帧 (17)3.2.4 传输请求帧 (18)3.2.5 应用层可选的传输请求帧 (19)3.2.6 传输状态帧 (21)3.2.1 数据接收指示帧(AO=0) (22)3.2.2 数据接收指示帧(AO=1) (23)3.2.3 I/O接收指示 (24)3.2.4 节点发现指示 (26)3.2.5 模块状态指示帧 (28)3.2.6 远端AT命令请求帧 (29)3.2.7 远端AT命令响应帧 (30)4 AT命令 (32)4.1 地址命令 (32)4.2 网络命令 (34)4.3 射频参数命令 (36)4.4 串口参数命令 (37)4.5 I/O参数命令 (38)4.6 诊断参数命令 (41)4.7 AT命令参数 (42)4.8 休眠命令 (42)4.9 命令执行 (43)5 数字I/O和模拟I/O (45)5.1 本地I/O (45)5.1.1 AT命令模式下读取本地I/O电平值和采样值 (45)5.1.1 AT命令模式下配置本地I/O (46)5.1.2 API模式下配置本地I/O (47)5.2 远端I/O (47)5.2.1 API模式下配置远端I/O (47)6 EmBee ZigBee网络 (48)6.1 协调器 (48)6.2 路由器 (49)6.3 终端设备 (49)6.3.1 子节点与父节点关系 (50)6.3.2 子节点容量 (50)6.4 子节点工作过程 (51)6.5 父节点工作过程 (51)1EmBee模块1.1EmBee模块尺寸及管脚顺序EmBee模块的外形结构如下:管脚顺序从PIN1开始,逆时针依次至PIN20。
ZigBee过去又称为“HomeRF Lite”、“RF-EasyLink”或“FireFly”无线电技术,目前统一称为Zigbee技术。
不同的是,ZigBee网络主要是为自动化控制数据传输而建立,而移动通信网主要是为语音通信而建立;每个移动基站价值一般都在百万元人民币以上,而每个ZigBee"基站"却不到1000元人民币;每个ZigBee 网络节点不仅本身可以与监控对对象,例如传感器连接直接进行数据采集和监控,它还可以自动中转别的网络节点传过来的数据资料;除此之外,每一个ZigBee网络节点(FFD)还可在自己信号覆盖的范围内,和多个不承担网络信息中转任务的孤立的子节点(RFD)无线连接。
实践表明,利用该平台开展多层次、案例化教学和项目设计训练,可使学生较快掌握ZigBee 无线传感器网络的相关技术要点,有效提高无线传感器网络的应用开发能力。
关键词:ZigBee;ZigBee PRO;无线传感器网络;WSN;JN5148;实验平台中图分类号:TP393;G642.423 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-1302(2013)06-0028-030 引言无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN)是由大量微型智能传感器节点以无线多跳方式形成的自组织网络,在军事、工业、农业、医疗、交通、环境监测、智能家居等诸多领域有着广阔的应用前景[1-2]。
ZigBee增强版ZigBee PRO于2007年发布,已有多家知名半导体厂商为其提供芯片、协议栈和开发环境支持。
ZigBee 所依据的IEEE 802.15.4 标准规定了ZigBee的数据传输速率应在20 kbps、40 kbps 或250 kbps,并且采用ZigBee 的设备应能至少工作两年而无需更换电池。
ZigBee 拟应用于环境控制系统、安全系统、工业传感器以及医疗监控系统等传输数据量少、负载周期短的系统。
本说明书涉及到的QZ01-485-100和QZ01-485-1600均采用飞思卡尔半导体(原摩托罗拉半导体)的经济高效的单封装(SiP)MC13213 ZigBee解决方案。
二线制(无极性) 1~200
专用电子编码器 1500m
JBF5145 型输入/输出模块使用说明书V1.0
1.1 产品特点
● 内置微处理器; ● 采用 SMT 表面贴装工艺; ● 具有一组最大能量 DC27V/1.5A/300ms 输出端口; ● 模块工作电压范围广,可在 DC18-28V 范围内正常工作; ● 通信采用二总线技术,无极性要求; ● 施工中建议使用双绞线,导线截面积不小于1.5mm²; ● 回路信号处理电路与输入输出检测信号处理电路实现电气隔离,模块稳定性高,抗干扰能力强; ● 电子编码方式,可通过专用电子编码器编址; ● 模块采用易于客户施工、维护的插拔式结构。先安装底座,线路检查完成后再装主体进行开通调试。 ● 具备完善的故障检测功能(包括输入、输出端的断路、短路检测)。
VO- S- 5
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4.2 调试方法
图 3 接线示意图
● 首先使用电子编码器对JBF5145 输入/输出模块进行编码。
● 模块安装好后操作控制器对其进行登记,然后必须在系统中手动将其设置成电池储能设备。
● 进入手动启停现场设备界面,输入要启动的模块回路及地址启动,模块输出动作指示灯变为红 色常亮,被控设备动作,模块收到被控设备的无源反馈后输入动作指示灯变为红色常亮。
JN5121-xxx-Myy IEEE802.15.4 ZigBee模块系列初步数据手册说明书
Preliminary Data Sheet – JN5121-xxx-MyyIEEE802.15.4/ZigBee Module FamilyPreliminary - JN-DS-JN5121-xxx-Myy v1.1 © Jennic 2006OverviewThe JN5121-xxx-Myy is a family of surface mounted modules that enable users to implement IEEE802.15.4 or ZigBee compliant systems with minimum time to market and at the lowest cost. They remove the need for expensive and lengthy development of custom RF board designs and test suites. The modules use Jennic’s JN5121 wireless microcontroller to provide a comprehensive solution, including all RF components. All that is required to develop and manufacture wireless control or sensing products is to connect a power supply and peripherals such as switches, actuators, sensors, considerably simplifying product development.Three basic hardware module variants are available: JN5121-xxx-M00 with an integrated antenna, JN5121-xxx-M01/M03 with an antenna connector and JN5121-xxx-M02/M04 with a power amplifier and LNA for extended range. Each of these can be provided pre-programmed with a ZigBee network stack (JN5121-Z01-Myy) or with customer-specific software.Block DiagramJennicii Preliminary - JN-DS-JN5121-xxx-Myy v1.1 © Jennic 2006Contents1. Introduction11.1.Variants12. Specifications 23. Product Development33.1. JN5121 Single Chip Wireless Microcontroller 34. Pin Configurations 44.1. Pin Assignment 5 4.2. Pin Descriptions 6 4.3. Power Supplies6 4.4.SPI Memory Connections6 5. Electrical Characteristics75.1. Maximum Ratings 7 5.2. Operating Conditions7 Appendix A Mechanical and Ordering Information 8 A.1 Outline Drawing8 A.2 Module PCB Footprint 11 A.3 Ordering Information 12 A.4 Accessories13 A.5 Tape and Reel Information:14 A.5.1 Tape Orientation and dimensions 14 A.5.2 Cover tape details 14 A.5.3 Leader and Trailer 15 A.5.4 Reel Dimensions: 15 A.6 Related Documents 16 A.7 Disclaimers 17 A.8 Version Control 17 A.9 Contact Details18Jennic Jennic© Jennic 2006 Preliminary - JN-DS-JN5121-xxx-Myy v1.1 11. IntroductionThe JN5121-xxx-Myy module family provides designers with a ready made component which allows IEEE802.15.4 [1]wireless applications, including ZigBee, to be quickly and easily included in product designs. The modules integrate all of the RF components, removing the need to perform expensive RF design and test. Products can be designed by simply connecting sensors and switches to the module IO pins. The modules use Jennic’s single chip IEEE802.15.4 Wireless Microcontroller, allowing designers to make use of the extensive chip development support material. Hence, this range of modules allows designers to bring wireless applications to market in the minimum time with significantly reduced development effort and cost.Three basic modules are available: JN5121-xxx-M00 (standard module with on board ceramic antenna), JN5121-xxx-M01 (standard module with SMA connector for use with external antennae) and JN5121-xxx-M02 (high RF power, improved sensitivity module for extended range applications). Each of these modules can be supplied with a range of protocol stacks, including a simple IEEE802.15.4 protocol for point to point and star applications and a ZigBee mesh networking stack. The variants available are described below.1.1. VariantsVariantDescriptionJN5121-000-M00 JN5121 Module (IEEE802.15.4 stack, ceramic antenna) JN5121-Z01-M00 JN5121 Module (ZigBee stack, ceramic antenna) JN5121-000-M01 JN5121 Module (IEEE802.15.4 stack, SMA connector) JN5121-Z01-M01 JN5121 Module (ZigBee stack, SMA connector)JN5121-000-M02 JN5121 Module (High Power (18.5dBm), IEEE802.15.4 stack, SMA connector) JN5121-Z01-M02 JN5121 Module (High Power (18.5dBm), ZigBee stack, SMA connector) JN5121-000-M03 JN5121 Module (IEEE802.15.4 stack, RP-SMA connector) JN5121-Z01-M03 JN5121 Module (ZigBee stack, RP-SMA connector)JN5121-000-M04 JN5121 Module (High Power (18.5dBm), IEEE802.15.4 stack, RP-SMA connector) JN5121-Z01-M04JN5121 Module (High Power (18.5dBm), ZigBee stack, RP-SMA connector)Jennic2 Preliminary - JN-DS-JN5121-xxx-Myy v1.1 © Jennic 20062. SpecificationsMost specification parameters for the modules are specified in JN-DS-JN5121 Datasheet for JN5121 single chip wireless microcontroller, [2]. Where there are differences, the parameters are defined here. VDD=3.0V @ +25ºCTyp. DC CharacteristicsNotesJN5121-xxx-M00/01/03 JN5121-xxx- M02/04 Deep sleep <11uA <11uASleep <14uA <14uA With active sleep timer Radio transmit 44mA 115mA CPU in doze, radio transmitting Radio receive49mA 60mA CPU in doze, radio receiving Centre frequency accuracy+/-25ppm+/-25ppmAdditional +/-15ppm allowance for temperature and agingTyp. RF CharacteristicsNotesReceive sensitivity -90dBm -93dBm Nominal for 1% PER, as per 802.15.4 section Max. Transmit power 0dBm 16dBm Nominal Transmit power at 3.6V 18.5dBm With Vcc=3.6VMaximum input signal -10dBm-15dBm For 1% PER, measured as sensitivity RSSI range-95 to -10 dBm -115 to -20 dBmRF Port impedance - SMA connector 50 ohm 50 ohm 2.4 - 2.5GHz VSWR (max)2:12:12.4 - 2.5GHzPeripheralsNotesMaster SPI port with five select outputs 250kHz - 16MHz Slave SPI port 250kHz - 16MHz Two UARTs16550 compatible Two-wire serial I/F (compatible with SMbus & I 2C) Up to 400kHz Two programmable Timer/Counters with capture/compare facility, Tick timer 16MHz clock Two programmable Sleep Timers32kHz clock Twenty-one digital IO lines (multiplexed with UARTs, timers and SPI selects)Four-channel, 12-bit, Analogue-to-Digital converterUp to 100ks/s Two 11-bit Digital-to-Analogue converters Up to 100ks/sProgrammable analogue comparatorUltra low power mode for sleepInternal temperature sensor and battery monitorJennic Jennic© Jennic 2006 Preliminary - JN-DS-JN5121-xxx-Myy v1.1 33. Product DevelopmentJennic supplies all the development tools and networking stacks needed to enable end product development to occurquickly and efficiently. These are all freely available from Jennic’s support website: /support/ . A range of evaluation/developer kits is also available, allowing products to be quickly breadboarded. Efficient development of software applications is enabled by the provision of a complete, unlimited, software developer kit. Together with the available libraries for the IEEE802.15.4 MAC and the ZigBee network stack, this package provides everything required to develop application code and to trial it with hardware representative of the final module. The modules can be programmed by the user, for both development and production, using Jennic supplied software. They can also be supplied ready loaded with customer defined software if required. The JN-UG-3007 Flash Loader User Guide [5], describes how to put the module into programming mode, download software onto the module and to load individual MAC addresses. Access to the on-chip peripherals, MAC and ZigBee stack software is provided through specific APIs. These are described in the JN-RM-2001 Hardware Peripheral Library Reference Manual [3], JN-RM-2002 Stack Software Reference Manual [4] and JN-RM-2014 ZigBee Application Development API Reference Manual [6]. Additional information is available on the Jennic support website.3.1. JN5121 Single Chip Wireless MicrocontrollerThe JN5121-xxx-Myy series is constructed around the JN5121 single chip wireless microcontroller, which includes the radio system, a 32-bit RISC CPU, ROM and RAM memory and a range of analogue and digital peripherals. The chip is described fully in JN-DS-JN5121 Datasheet for JN5121 single chip wireless microcontroller [2].Jennic4 Preliminary - JN-DS-JN5121-xxx-Myy v1.1 © Jennic 2006ADC4DAC1DAC2COMP+COMP-SPICLK SPIMISO SPIMOSI SPISSZDIO0/SPISEL1DIO1/SPISEL2DIO2/SPISEL3SPISSM SPISWP DIO3/SPISEL4D I O 4/C T S 0D I O 5/R T S 0D I O 6/T X D 0D I O 7/R X D 0D I O 8/T I M 0G T D I O 9/T I M 0_C A PD I O 10/T I M 0_O U T D I O 11/T I M 1G TV D D G N D V S S AADC3ADC2ADC1NC NCDIO20/RXD1DIO19/TXD1DIO18/RTS1DIO17/CTS1DIO16DIO15/SIF_D RESETNDIO14/SIF_CLK DIO13/TIM1_OUT DIO12/TIM1_CAPFigure 1: Pin Configuration (top view)Note that the same basic pin configuration applies for all module designs. However, DIO3/SPISEL4 and DIO2/SPISEL3 are not available with high power modules.Jennic Jennic© Jennic 2006 Preliminary - JN-DS-JN5121-xxx-Myy v1.1 54.1. Pin AssignmentModulePin SignalFunctionAlternative Function1 ADC4 Analogue to Digital input2 DAC1 Digital to Analogue output3 DAC2 Digital to Analogue output4 COMP+5 COMP- Comparator inputs6 SPICLK SPI master clock out/slave clock in7 SPIMISO SPI Master In/Slave Out8 SPIMOSI SPI Master Out/Slave In9 SPISSZ SPI select from module - SS0 (output)10 SPISEL1 SPI Slave Select1 (output) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO0 11 SPISEL2 SPI Slave Select2 (output) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO1 12 SPISEL3* SPI Slave Select3 (output) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO2 * 13 SPISSM SPI select to FLASH (input)14 SPISWP FLASH write protect (input) 15 SPISEL4* (not on Hi SPI Slave Select4 (output) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO3* 16 CTS0 UART0 Clear To Send (input) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO4 17 RTS0 UART0 Request To Send (output) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO5 18 TXD0 UART0 Transmit Data (output) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO6 19 RXD0 UART0 Receive Data (input) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO7 20 TIM0GT Timer0 clock/gate (input) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO8 21 TIM0_CAP Timer0 capture (input) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO9 22 TIM0_OUT Timer0 PWM (output) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO10 23 TIM1GT Timer1 clock/gate (input) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO11 24 VDD 3V power 25 GND Digital ground 26 VSSA Analogue ground 27 TIM1_CAP Timer1 capture (input) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO12 28 TIM1_OUT Timer1 PWM (output) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO13 29 RESETN Active low reset30SIF_CLKSerial Interface clock / Intelligent peripheral clockGeneral Purpose Digital I/O DIO14Jennic6 Preliminary - JN-DS-JN5121-xxx-Myy v1.1 © Jennic 2006ModulePin SignalFunctionAlternative Function31 SIF_D Serial Interface data / Intelligent peripheral data outGeneral Purpose Digital I/O DIO15 32 DIO 16 Intelligent peripheral device select General Purpose Digital I/O 33 CTS1 UART1 Clear To Send (input) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO17 34 RTS1 UART1 Request To Send (output) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO18 35 TXD1 UART1 Transmit Data (output) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO19 36 RXD1 UART1 Receive Data (input) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO2037 NC 38 NC Connect to ground39 ADC1 Analogue to Digital input 40 ADC2 Analogue to Digital input 41ADC3Analogue to Digital input *: These two pins are not connected for High power modules4.2. Pin DescriptionsAll pins behave as described in the JN5121 datasheet [2], with the exception of the following:4.3. Power SuppliesA single power supply pin, VDD is provided. Separate analogue (VSSA) and digital (GND) grounds are provided. These should be connected together at the module pins.4.4. SPI Memory ConnectionsSPISWP is a write protect pin for the serial flash memory. This should be held low to inhibit writes to the flash device. SPISSZ is connected to SPI Slave Select 0 on the JN5121. SPISSM is connected to the Slave Select pin on the memory.This configuration allows the flash memory device to be programmed using an external programmer if required. The JN5121 should be held in reset by taking RESETN low. The memory can then be programmed over the UART by using the programming mode described in JN-UG-3007 Flash Loader User Guide [5]. Alternatively, the memory can be programmed by connecting a SPI programmer to SPISSM, SPICLK, and SPIMISO and directly loading the code into the memory.For normal operation of the module, SPISSZ should be connected to SPISSM.Jennic Jennic© Jennic 2006 Preliminary - JN-DS-JN5121-xxx-Myy v1.1 75. Electrical CharacteristicsIn most cases, the Electrical Characteristics are the same for both module and chip. They are described in detail inthe chip datasheet. Where there are differences, they are detailed below.5.1. Maximum RatingsExceeding these conditions will result in damage to the device.ParameterMin Max Device supply voltage VDD1, VDD2 -0.3V3.6VVoltage on analogue pins ADC1-4, DAC1-2, COMP2M, COMP2P-0.3V VDD + 0.3VVoltage on 5V tolerant digital pins SPICLK,SPIMOSI, SPIMISO, SPISEL0, GPIO0-GPIO20, RESETN-0.3VVDD + 2V or 5.5V, whichever is the lesserStorage temperature-40ºC 150ºC Solder reflow temperature (According to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020C)260 °CThis device is sensitive to ESD and should only be handled using ESD precautions.5.2. Operating ConditionsSupplyMin Max VDD2.7V3.6V Ambient temperature range-20ºC70ºCJennic8 Preliminary - JN-DS-JN5121-xxx-Myy v1.1 © Jennic 2006Appendix A Mechanical and Ordering InformationA.1 Outline Drawingmm2.54mmmm1.27mmThickness: 3mmJN5121-xxx-M00 Outline Drawing2.79 mm 2.54 mm2.54 mm 1.27 mmThickness: 3mm over can, 10.6mm at SMA connectorJN5121-xxx-M01/M03 Outline Drawingmm 1.27 mmmmThickness: 3mm, 10.6mm at SMA connectorJN5121-xxx-M02/M04 Outline DrawingA.2 Module PCB FootprintAll Pads are 0.9mm square on 1.27mm pitch1.27mmNote: All modules have the same footprint.A.3 Ordering InformationPart Numbering:Software Variant000 IEEE802.15.4 Stack Z01 ZigBee StackShippingR Box (10 modules per pack) T Tape Mounted 500pcs (00 module only) V Tape Mounted 200pcs (01,02,03,04 modulesonly)Temp Range / Device Status D -20°C to +70°C, QualifiedModule Type 00 Standard Power, Ceramic antenna 01 Standard Power, SMA connector 02 High Power, SMA connector 03 Standard Power, RP-SMA connector 04 High power, RP-SMA connectorA.4 AccessoriesProduct DescriptionNoteJNAC001 JN5 serial level converter dongleConnects module UART port to PC serial port to allow code development and debugThe JNAC001 RS-232 level converter is used to translate the +/- 7V RS-232 levels to CMOS compatible logic levels.The CMOS levels are made available through a short flying lead with a 6-way IDC socket. This can be connected to the relevant module UART0 pins. The RS-232 Interface is available on a standard nine-way ‘D’ connector.J1C T R R TD SFigure 5-1: JNAC001 RS-232 Converter Connection26View looking at cableconnectorFigure 5-2: RS-232 ConnectorA.5 Tape and Reel Information:A.5.1 Tape Orientation and dimensionsModule type: A B W F E P0 P1 P2 T Cover Tapewidth (W) JN5121-xxx-M00 18.4 30.4 44 20.2 1.75 4.0 2.0 24.0 3.2 37.5JN5121-xxx-M01/3 18.4 30.4 56 20.2 1.75 4.0 2.0 24.0 11.4 49.5JN5121-xxx-M02/4 18.4 40.5 56 20.2 1.75 4.0 2.0 24.0 11.4 49.5 Tolerance ±0.1 ±0.1 ±0.3 ±0.1 +0.1 ±0.1 ±0.1 ±0.1 ±0.1A.5.2 Cover tape detailsThickness (T) 0.061mmSurface resistivity (component side) 104 to 107 Ohms/sqSurface resistivity (component side) Non-conductiveBacking type: PolyesterAdhesive type: PSASealing: Room ambientA.5.3 Leader and TrailerA.5.4 Reel Dimensions:Module type: A B C N W (min)JN5121-xxx-M00 330 ±1.0 2.2±0.5 13 ±0.2 100 +0.1 44.5 ±0.3JN5121-xxx-330 ±1.0 2.2±0.5 13 ±0.2 100 +0.1 56.5 ±0.3 M01/02/03/04A.6 Related Documents[1] IEEE Std 802.15.4-2003 IEEE Standard for Information Technology – Part 15.4 Wireless Medium Access Control(MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs)[2] JN-DS-JN5121 Datasheet for JN5121 single chip wireless microcontroller[3] JN-RM-2001 Hardware Peripheral Library Reference Manual[4] JN-RM-2002 Stack Software Reference Manual[5] JN-UG-3007 Flash Loader User Guide[6] JN-RM-2014 ZigBee Application Development API Reference ManualRoHS ComplianceJN5121-xxx-Myy devices meet the requirements of Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Restriction of Hazardous Substance (RoHS).Status InformationThe status of this Data Sheet is Preliminary.Jennic products progress according to the following format:AdvanceThe Data Sheet shows the specification of a product in planning or in development.The functionality and electrical performance specifications are target values and may be used as a guide to the final specification.Jennic reserves the right to make changes to the product specification at anytime without notice.PreliminaryThe Data Sheet shows the specification of a product that is in production, but is not yet fully qualified.The functionality of the product is final. The electrical performance specifications are target values and may used as a guide to the final specification. Modules are identified with an R suffix, for example JN5121-Z01-M00R.Jennic reserves the right to make changes to the product specification at anytime without notice.ProductionThis is the final Data Sheet for the product.All functional and electrical performance specifications, including minimum and maximum values are final.This Data Sheet supersedes all previous document versions.Jennic reserves the right to make changes to the product specification at anytime to improve its performance.A.7 DisclaimersThe contents of this document are subject to change without notice. Jennic reserves the right to make changes, without notice, in the products, including circuits and/or software, described or contained herein in order to improve design and/or performance. Information contained in this document regarding device applications and the like is intended through suggestion only and may be superseded by updates. It is your responsibility to ensure that your application meets with your specifications.Jennic assumes no responsibility or liability for the use of any of these products, conveys no license or title under any patent, copyright, or mask work right to these products, and makes no representations or warranties that these products are free from patent, copyright, or mask work infringement, unless otherwise specified.Jennic products are not intended for use in life support systems, appliances or systems where malfunction of these products can reasonably be expected to result in personal injury, death or severe property or environmental damage. Jennic customers using or selling these products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Jennic for any damages resulting from such use.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.A.8 Version ControlVersion Notes0.9 1st Issue of Preliminary Datasheet1.0 Update performance parameters & Ordering / Tape & Reel informationA.9 Contact Details Corporate HeadquartersJennic Ltd, Furnival StreetSheffield S1 4QT, UKTel: +44 (0)114 281 2655Fax: +44 (0) 114 281 2951***************Jennic Ltd JapanOsakaya building 4F1-11-8 Higashigotanda Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 141-0022, JapanTel: +81 3 5449 7501Fax: +81 3 5449 0741**************.comJennic Ltd Taiwan19F-1, 182, Sec.2 Tun Hwa S. Road. Taipei 106, TaiwanTel: +886 2 2735 7357Fax: +886 2 2739 5687**************.comJennic America Inc - East Coast Office 1322 Scott Street, Suite 203Point Loma, CA 92106, USATel: +619 223 2215Fax: +619 223 2081**************.comJennic America Inc - West Coast Office 1060 First Avenue, Suite 400King of Prussia, PA 19406, USATel: +1 484 868 0222Fax: +1 484 971 5015**************.com。
产品概述E75系列ZigBee无线模块是基于NXP JN5168芯片开发的低功耗、高性能型ZigBee模块,它提供一个完整的基于IEEE802.15.4标准ISM(2.4-2.5GHz)频段的应用集成方案。
目录1.技术参数 (3)1.1.E75-2G4M20S (3)1.2.参数说明 (3)2.机械特性 (4)2.2.1.E75-2G4M20S (4)2.2.2.尺寸图42.2.3.引脚定义43.推荐连线图 (5)4.注意事项 (5)4.1.天线布局规范 (5)4.1.1PCB天线布局 (5)4.1.2外接天线布局 (6)4.2模块使用注意 (6)5.生产指导 (7)5.1.回流焊温度 (7)5.2.回流焊曲线图 (7)6.常见问题 (8)6.1.通信距离很近 (8)6.2.模块易损坏 (8)7.重要声明 (8)8.关于我们 (8)1.技术参数产品型号核心IC尺寸模块净重工作温度工作湿度储存温度E75-2G4M20S JN516816*30mm 1.2±0.1g-40~85℃10~90-40~125°C1.1.E75-2G4M20S参数类别Min Typ Max单位发射电流136145160mA接收电流242629mA关断电流123μA发射功率192021dBm 接收灵敏度-98-100-102dBm推荐工作频段240524002480MHz 供电电压 2.0 3.3 3.6V通信电平 2.0 3.3 3.6V1.2.参数说明●在针对模块设计供电电路时,往往推荐保留30以上余量,有整机利于长期稳定地工作;●发射瞬间需求的电流较大但是往往因为发射时间极短,消耗的总能量可能更小;●当客户使用外置天线时,天线与模块在不同频点上的阻抗匹配程度不同会不同程度地影响发射电流的大小;●射频芯片处于纯粹接收状态时消耗的电流称为接收电流,部分带有通信协议的射频芯片或者开发者已经加载部分自行开发的协议于整机之上,这样可能会导致测试的接收电流偏大;●处于接纯粹收状态的电流往往都是mA级的,µA级的“接收电流”需要开发者通过软件进行处理;●关断电流往往远远小于整机电源部分的在空载时所消耗的电流,不必过分苛求;●由于物料本身具有一定误差,单个LRC元件具有±0.1的误差,但犹豫在整个射频回路中使用了多个LRC元件,会存在误差累积的情况,致使不同模块的发射电流与接收电流存在差异;●降低发射功率可以一定程度上降低功耗,但由于诸多原因降低发射功率发射会降低内部PA的效率。
ZM5168 系列 ZigBee 模块,将完整的射频收发电路集成在一个模块上,将无线通讯产 品复杂的通讯协议内嵌在内置的 MCU 中,化繁为简,大幅简化开发过程,使得用户产品更 快的投入市场,增加用户产品的竞争力,更好的把握住先机。
我们将针对不同的应用领域,开发两套不同应用通讯协议,分别为 JenNet-IP 组网通信 协议(ZNET 固件)和点对点通信协议(ZLG 固件),本文档仅适用于 ZLG 固件。模块软 硬件特征可通过如下产品命名规则大致了解。
2.3.1 额定值...............................................................................................................5 2.3.2 工作条件...........................................................................................................5 2.4 典型应用.......................................................................................................................5
E18系列产品规格书CC25302.4GHz ZigBee3.0无线模块目录第一章产品概述 (3)1.1产品简介 (3)1.2特点功能 (4)1.3应用场景 (5)第二章规格参数 (6)2.1射频参数 (6)2.2电气参数 (6)2.3硬件参数 (6)2.4网络系统参数 (7)第三章机械尺寸与引脚定义 (8)第四章硬件设计 (11)第五章软件设计 (11)第六章常见问题 (13)6.1传输距离不理想 (13)6.2模块易损坏 (13)6.3误码率太高 (13)第七章焊接作业指导 (7)7.1回流焊温度 (7)7.2回流焊曲线图 (7)第八章相关型号 (8)第九章天线指南 (8)第十章产品包装图 (8)修订历史 (9)关于我们 (9)第一章产品概述1.1产品简介E18系列是亿佰特设计生产的2.4GHz频段的ZigBee通信协议转串口无线模块,贴片型,PCB板载天线或IPEX-1接口,引脚间距1.27mm,出厂自带自组网固件,到手即用,适用于多种应用场景(尤其智能家居)。
1.2ZigBee 3.0优势E18系列模块固件基于Z-Stack3.0.2协议栈(ZigBee 3.0),该版本为CC2530/CC2538系列芯片最优协议栈,因此我司也此基础上做了许多优化,确保系统长期稳定运行。
ZigBee3.0与早前版本的应用方式区别:1.组网方式发生变化:ZigBee 3.0取缔了一上电就组网的方式,而是根据实际需要进行组网。
AW824P2EF ZigBee二次开发模块产品用户手册说明书
广州致远电子股份有限公司AW824P2EFZigBee 二次开发模块修订历史目录1. 产品简介 (1)1.1产品概述 (1)1.2产品特征 (1)1.3模块尺寸 (1)2. FastZigBee组网协议 (2)2.1特点 (2)2.2节点类型说明 (4)2.3软体基本配置参数 (4)3. 配置工具 (5)4. 参数配置协议 (6)4.1临时参数配置协议与命令 (7)4.2永久参数配置协议 (8)4.3命令详细介绍 (9)5. 应用函数 (14)5.1ZigBee.h (14)5.2ZigBee.c (15)5.3ZigBeeFor824.c (16)6. 免责声明 (19)1. 产品简介1.1 产品概述AW824P2EF系列无线开发模块是广州致远电子股份有限公司基于NXP 的JN5161(ZigBee芯片)、LPC824芯片开发的低功耗、高性能型ZigBee二次开发模块。
1.2 产品特征◆工作电压2.1V ~ 3.6V;◆采用NXP基于ARM Cortex – M0 + 的LPC824的处理器;◆32KB Flash,8KB SRAM;◆3路USART(可分配给任意IO管脚),4路I2C,2路SPI,12路ADC,6路PWM;◆支持FastZigBee固件,轻松实现串口透明传输;◆最大发射功率20dbm;◆最大接收灵敏度-95dbm;◆掉电模式下,工作电流为1.18μA;◆使用陶瓷天线,模块尺寸小;◆支持外置天线,增强信号覆盖范围;◆邮票孔焊接方式;1.3 模块尺寸图 1.3 模块尺寸图2. FastZigBee组网协议2.1 特点标准ZigBee网络协议包括协调器、路由器和终端节点,而建立一个ZigBee网络除了必须要有协调器之外,仅需加上路由器或终端节点即可。
Jennic (JN5148)TI(Chipcon)(CC2530)Freescal(MC13192)EMBER(EM260)ATMEL(LINK-23X)ATMEL(Link-212)ATMEL(Link-212)工作频率(Hz) 2.4~2.485G 2.4~2.485G 2.4~2.485G 2.4~2.485G 2.4~2.485G779~928M 可用频段数(个)16161616164无线速率(Kbit/s)250250250250250~200020~1000发射功率(dBm)+2.5+4.5+3.6+3+3+10接收灵敏度(dBm)-97-97-92-97-101-110最大发射电流(mA)15353537.52130最大接收电流(mA)18244241.52014休眠电流(uA)0.21110.280.5工作电压范围(V)2.0~3.6 2.0~3.6 2.0~3.4 2.1~3.6 1.8~3.6 1.8~3.6硬件自动CSMA-CA有有无无有有硬件自动帧重发有无无无有有硬件自动帧确认有无无无有有硬件自动地址过渡有有无无有有硬件FCS计算功能有有有有有有硬件清除无线通道确认有有无无有有硬件RSSI计算功能有有有有有有硬件AES/DES有有有有硬件开放度不开放部分开放部分开放部分开放全开放全开放目前,国内ZigBee模块的制造商并不多。
有线网络主要是利用家中的电话线或电力线进行组网,而无线网络主要利用 2. 4GHz 频段的免费无线资源进行组网。
AI-518 型人工智能温度控制器 说明书
使用说明书 (V7.5)1.1 主要特点 (3)1.2 型号定义 (4)1.3 模块使用 (6)1.3.1 模块插座功能定义 (6)1.3.2 常用模块型号 (7)1.3.3 模块安装更换 (8)1.3.4 模块的电气隔离 (8)1.3.5 部分模块应用说明 (9)1.4 技术规格 (10)1.5 接线方法 (12)2 显示及操作 (16)2.1 面板说明 (16)2.2 参数设置流程 (17)2.3 操作方法 (18)2.3.1 设置给定值 (18)2.3.2 设置参数 (18)2.3.3 自整定AT (19)13.1参数锁 (20)3.2完整参数表 (21)3.3 特殊功能补充说明 (31)3.3.1 单相移相触发输出 (31)3.3.2 上电时免除报警功能 (31)3.3.3 给定值切换 (31)3.3.4 通讯功能 (32)3.3.5 温度变送器/电流给定器 (32)21 概述1.1 主要特点●输入采用数字校正系统,内置常用热电偶和热电阻非线性校正表格,测量精确稳定。
Application Overview
The IEEE 802.15.4 standard for Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs) supports a maximum over-the-air data rate of 250 kbps for the 2400-MHz band. In practice, the effective data rate is somewhat lower due to the protocol built into the frame structure. Various mechanisms are also employed to ensure robust data transmission. These include channel access algorithms, data verification and frame acknowledgement. The data frame structure and associated protocol overhead are described, and used to determine the maximum data payload and packet transmission time. The channel access and frame acknowledge times are also calculated. An example actual data rate calculation is given for a non-beacon enabled network using unslotted CSMA-CA (with acknowledgements) and a transmission time calculated for 1 MB of data.
浅谈手持医疗保健设备NXPJN5148NXP 公司的JN5148-001是超低功耗高性能无线微控制器(MCU),具有32位RISC处理器特性,还集成了2.4GHz IEEE802.15.4兼容的收发器,128KB ROM,128KB RAM和各种丰富的模拟与数字外设,可以运行JenNet 和ZigBee PRO。
收发器的数据速率500和667kbps,工作电压2.0V-3.6V,MCU的时钟速率4- 32MHz。
主要用在机器人和安全低功耗无线应用,JenNet和ZigBee PRO网络,智能计量,家庭和商业建筑物自动化,工业系统,遥控,手持医疗保健设备,玩具和游戏外设等。
The JN5148-001 is an ultra low power, high performance wireless microcontroller targeted at JenNet and ZigBee PRO networking applications. The device features an enhanced 32-bit RISC processor offering high coding efficiency through variable width instructions, a multi-stage instruction pipeline and low power operation with programmable clock speeds. It also includes a 2.4GHz IEEE802.15.4 compliant transceiver, 128kB of ROM, 128kB of RAM, and a rich mix of analogue and digital peripherals. The large memory footprint allows the device to run both a network stack (e.g. ZigBee PRO) and an embedded application or in a co-processor mode. The operating current is below 18mA, allowing operation direct from a coin cell. Enhanced peripherals include low power pulse counters running in sleep mode designed for pulse counting in AMR applications and a unique Time of Flight。
Data Sheet: JN5148-001-MyyJenNet, ZigBee PRO and IEEE802.15.4 ModuleJN-DS-JN5148-001-Myy 1v4 © NXP Laboratories UK 2010OverviewThe JN5148-001-Myy family is a range of ultra low power, high performance surface mount modules targeted at JenNet and ZigBee PRO networking applications, enabling users to realise products with minimum time to market and at the lowest cost. They remove the need for expensive and lengthy development of custom RF board designs and test suites. The modules use Jennic’s JN5148 wireless microcontroller to provide a comprehensive solution with large memory, high CPU and radio performance and all RF components included. All that is required to develop and manufacture wireless control or sensing products is to connect a power supply and peripherals such as switches, actuators and sensors, considerably simplifying product development.Three module variants are available: JN5148-001-M00 with an integrated antenna, JN5148-001-M03 with an antenna connector and the JN5148-001-M04 with an antenna connector, power amplifier and LNA for extended range. The modules can implement networking stacks such as JenNet and ZigBee PRO, as well as customer applicationsModule Block DiagramContents1. Introduction 3 1.1. Variants 3Approvals 31.2. Regulatory2. Specifications 43. Product Development 53.1. JN5148 Single Chip Wireless Microcontroller 54. Pin Configurations 6 4.1. PinAssignment 7Descriptions 8 4.2. PinSupplies 8 4.2.1 Power4.2.2 SPI Memory Connections 85. Electrical Characteristics 9Ratings 9 5.1. Maximum5.2. OperatingConditions 9Appendix A Additional Information 10 A.1 Outline Drawing 10 A.2 Module PCB Footprint 13 A.3 Manufacturing 14 A.3.1 Reflow Profile 14 A.3.2 Soldering Paste and Cleaning 14 A.4 Ordering Information 15 A.5 Tape and Reel Information: 16 A.5.1 Tape Orientation and dimensions 16 A.5.2 Cover tape details 16 A.5.3 Leader and Trailer 17 A.5.4 Reel Dimensions: 17 A.6 Related Documents 17 A.7 Federal Communication Commission Interference Statement 18 A.7.1 Antennas approved by FCC for use with JN5148 modules 19 A.7.2 High Power Module usage limitation 20 A.7.3 High Power Module channel restriction 20 A.7.4 FCC End Product Labelling 20 A.8 Industry Canada Statement 20 A.8.1 Industry Canada End Product Labelling 20 A.9 European R & TTE Directive 1999/5/EC Statement 21 A.10 RoHS Compliance 22 A.11 Status Information 22 A.12 Disclaimers 22 Version Control 23ii JN-DS-JN5148-001-Myy 1v4 © NXP Laboratories UK 20101. IntroductionThe JN5148-001-Myy module family provides designers with a ready made component that provides a fully integrated solution for applications, using the IEEE802.15.4 standard in the 2.4-2.5GHz ISM frequency band [1], including JenNet and ZigBee PRO, and can be quickly and easily included in product designs. The modules integrate all of the RF components required, removing the need to perform expensive RF design and test. Products can be designed by simply connecting sensors and switches to the module IO pins. The modules use Jennic’s single chip IEEE802.15.4 Wireless Microcontroller, allowing designers to make use of the extensive chip development support material. Hence, this range of modules allows designers to bring wireless applications to market in the minimum time with significantly reduced development effort and cost.Three variants are available: JN5148-001-M00 (standard module with integral antenna), JN5148-001-M03 (standard module with uFl connector for use with external antennae) and JN5148-001-M04 (high RF power with uFL connector, improved sensitivity module for evaluation of extended range applications). All modules have FCC modular approvals and are compliant with EU regulations. The variants available are described below.1.1. VariantsVariant Description FCCID Industry Canada IDJN5148-001-M00 Standard Power, integrated antenna TYOJN5148M0 IC: 7438A-CYO5148M0 JN5148-001-M03 Standard Power, uFl connector TYOJN5148M3 IC: 7438A-CYO5148M3 JN5148-001-M04 High Power, uFl connector TYOJN5148M4 IC: 7438A-CYO5148M41.2. Regulatory ApprovalsAll module types have been tested against the requirements of European standard ETS 300 328 v1.7.1 and a Notified Body statement of opinion for this standard is available on request. The High Power module with M04 suffixis approved for use in Europe with reduced output power: +10dBm EIRP is the maximum permitted in Europe. Additionally, all module types have received FCC “Modular Approvals”, in compliance with CFR 47 FCC part 15 regulations and in accordance to FCC Public notice DA00-1407, appendix A.7 contains details on the conditions applying to this modular approval. The modules are approved for use with a range of different antennas; further details of which can be found in section Appendix A.6.1. The modular approvals notice and test reports are available on request.The high power module variant is classified as ‘mobile’ device pursuant with FCC § 2.1091 and must not be used at a distance of less than 20 cm (8”) from any person.In addition, all modules have Industry Canada modular approval and RSS210e Issue 7 (June 2007) certification.© NXP Laboratories UK 2010 JN-DS-JN5148-001-Myy 1v4 32. SpecificationsMost specification parameters for the modules are specified in the chip datasheet - JN-DS-JN5148 Wireless Microcontroller Datasheet, [2]. Where there are differences, the parameters are defined here.VDD=3.0V @ +25°CTypical DC Characteristics NotesJN5148-001-M00/03 JN5148-001-M04Deep sleep current 1.3uA 1.3uASleep current 2.6uA 2.6uA With active sleep timerRadio transmit current 15mA 110mA CPU in doze, radio transmitting Radio receive current 17.5mA 23mA CPU in doze, radio receivingCentre frequency accuracy +/-25ppm +/-25ppm Additional +/-15ppm allowance for temperature and ageingTypical RF Characteristics NotesReceive sensitivity -95dBm -98dBm Nominal for 1% PER, as per 802.15.4 section (Note 1)Maximum Transmit power +2.5dBm 18dBm Nominal (Note 1) Transmit power at 3.6V 20dBm With Vdd=3.6VMaximum input signal +5dBm -5dBm For 1% PER, measured as sensitivityRSSI range -95 to -10dBm-105 to -20dBmRF Port impedance – uFl connector 50 ohm 50 ohm 2.4 - 2.5GHz VSWR (max) 2:1 2:1 2.4 - 2.5GHzPeripherals Notes Master SPI port 5 selects 3 selects 250kHz - 16MHz Slave SPI port 99250kHz - 8MHz Two UARTs 9916550 compatible Two-wire serial I/F (compatible with SMbus & I2C) 99Up to 400kHzTwo programmable Timer/Counters with capture/compare facility, Tick timer 9916MHz clockTwo programmable Sleep Timers 9932kHz clockDigital IO lines (multiplexed with UARTs, timersand SPI selects)21 19Four channel Analogue-to-Digital converter 9912-bit, up to 100ks/sTwo channel Digital-to-Analogue converter 9912-bit, up to 100ks/sTwo programmable analogue comparators 99Ultra low power mode for sleep Internal temperature sensor and battery monitor 99The performance of all peripherals is defined in the JN-DS-JN5148 Wireless Microcontroller Datasheet [2]Note 1: Sensitivity is defined for conducted measurements on connectorised modules. Modules with an integrated antenna have approximately 4 dB less e.i.r.p and reciprocal receive sensitivity.4 JN-DS-JN5148-001-Myy 1v4 © NXP Laboratories UK 20103. Product DevelopmentJennic supplies all the development tools and networking stacks needed to enable end-product development to occur quickly and efficiently. These are all freely available from /jennic. A range of evaluation/developer kits is also available, allowing products to be quickly bread boarded. Efficient development of software applications is enabled by the provision of a complete, unlimited, software developer kit. Together with the available libraries for the IEEE802.15.4 MAC and the JenNet and ZigBee PRO network stacks, this package provides everything required to develop application code and to trial it with hardware representative of the final module.The modules can be user programmed both in development and in production using software supplied by Jennic. Access to the on-chip peripherals, MAC and network stack software is provided through specific APIs. This information is available on the Jennic support website, together with many example applications, user guides, reference manuals and application notes.3.1. JN5148 Single Chip Wireless MicrocontrollerThe JN5148-001-Myy series is constructed around the JN5148-001 single chip wireless microcontroller, which includes the radio system, a 32-bit RISC CPU, ROM and RAM memory and a range of analogue and digital peripherals.The chip is described fully in JN-DS-JN5148 Wireless Microcontroller Datasheet [2].The module also includes a 4Mbit serial flash memory, which holds the application code that is loaded into theJN5148 during the boot sequence and provides static data storage, required by the application.© NXP Laboratories UK 2010 JN-DS-JN5148-001-Myy 1v4 54. Pin Configurations123416ADC4DAC1DAC2COMP2+COMP2-SPICLK SPIMISO SPIMOSI SPISSZ DIO0DIO1DIO2SPISSM SPISWPDIO3D I O 4D I O 5D I O 6D I O 7D I O 8D I O 9D I O 10D I O 11V D D G N D V S S AADC3ADC2ADC1DIO20DIO19DIO18DIO17DIO16DIO15RESETN DIO14DIO13DIO125678910111213141517181920212223242526414039383736353433323130292827COMP1+COMP1-Figure 1: Pin Configuration (top view)Note that the same basic pin configuration applies for all module designs. However, DIO3 and DIO2 are not available on the high power modules.6 JN-DS-JN5148-001-Myy 1v4 © NXP Laboratories UK 20104.1. Pin AssignmentI2C© NXP Laboratories UK 2010 JN-DS-JN5148-001-Myy 1v4 7*: These two pins are not connected for High power modules4.2. Pin DescriptionsAll pins behave as described in the JN-DS-JN5148 Wireless Microcontroller Datasheet [2], with the exception of thefollowing:4.2.1 Power SuppliesA single power supply pin, VDD is provided. Separate analogue (VSSA) and digital (GND) grounds are provided. These should be connected together at the module pins.4.2.2 SPI Memory ConnectionsSPISWP is a write protect pin for the serial flash memory. This should be held low to inhibit writes to the flash device. SPISSZ is connected to SPI Slave Select 0 on the JN5148. SPISSM is connected to the Slave Select pin on the memory.This configuration allows the flash memory device to be programmed using an external SPI programmer if required. For programming in this mode, the JN5148 should be held in reset by taking RESETN low. Two potential flash 4Mbit memory devices may be used in the module, the Numonyx M25P40 and the SST SST25VF040B.The memory can also be programmed over the UART by using the flash programmer software provided by Jennic. This is available as part of the Software Developer kit and libraries available from /jennic . To enter this programming mode, SPIMISO (pin 7) should be held low whilst the chip is reset. Once programming has finished, the chip should be reset, when it will execute the new code downloaded.SPISSM.8 JN-DS-JN5148-001-Myy 1v4 © NXP Laboratories UK 2010这两个引脚没有连接高功率模块对于通过UART 模块和编程的正常运行丆SPISSZ 应连接到SPISSM 的。