福建省部分优质高中2024-2025学年高二上学期第一次阶段性质量检测数学试卷一、单选题1.已知2b a c =+,则直线0ax by c ++=恒过定点( ) A .(1,2)- B .(1,2) C .(1,2)-D .(1,2)--2.已知两点()3,2A -,()2,1B ,过点()0,1P -的直线l 与线段AB (含端点)有交点,则直线l 的斜率的取值范围为( ) A .(][),11,-∞-+∞U B .[]1, 1-C .[)1,1,5⎛⎫-∞-⋃+∞ ⎪⎝⎭D .1,15⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦3.下列命题中正确的是( )A .点()3,2,1M 关于平面yOz 对称的点的坐标是()3,2,1--B .若直线l 的方向向量为()1,1,2e =-r ,平面α的法向量为()6,4,1m =-r,则l α⊥C .若直线l 的方向向量与平面α的法向量的夹角为120o ,则直线l 与平面α所成的角为30oD .已知O 为空间任意一点,A ,B ,C ,P 四点共面,且任意三点不共线,若12OP mOA OB OC =-+u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r ,则12m =-4.已知{},,a b c r r r为空间的一个基底,则下列各组向量中能构成空间的一个基底的是( )A .a b +r r ,c b +r r ,a c -r rB .2a b +r r,b r ,a c -r r C .2a b +r r,2c b +r r ,a b c ++r r rD .a b +r r ,a b c ++r r r ,c r5.过点()1,4A 的直线在两坐标轴上的截距之和为零,则该直线方程为( ) A .30x y -+=B .50x y +-=C .40x y -=或50x y +-=D .40x y -=或30x y -+=6.如图,在平行六面体1111ABCD A B C D -中,底面ABCD 是菱形,侧面11A ADD 是正方形,且1120A AB ∠=︒,60DAB ∠=︒,2AB =,若P 是1C D 与1CD 的交点,则异面直线AP 与DC 的夹角的余弦值为( )A B C D 7.在棱长为2的正方体1111ABCD A B C D -中,E ,F 分别为棱1AA ,1BB 的中点,G 为棱11A B 上的一点,且()102AG λλ=<<,则点G 到平面1D EF 的距离为( )A B C D 8.平面几何中有定理:已知四边形ABCD 的对角线AC 与BD 相交于点E ,且AC BD ⊥,过点E 分别作边AB ,BC ,CD ,DA 的垂线,垂足分别为1P ,2P ,3P ,4P ,则1P ,2P ,3P ,4P 在同一个圆上,记该圆为圆F .若在此定理中,直线AB ,BC ,AC 的方程分别为0x y -=,20x y +=,2x =,点()43,1P ,则圆F 的方程为( )A .()221252416x y ⎛⎫-+-=⎪⎝⎭B .()22113239x y ⎛⎫-+-= ⎪⎝⎭C .()221412416x y ⎛⎫-++= ⎪⎝⎭ D .()22125239x y ⎛⎫-++= ⎪⎝⎭二、多选题9.已知向量()1,1,0a =-r ,()1,0,1b =-r ,()2,3,1c =-r,则( ) A .6a b -=rr B .()()37a b b c +⋅+=r r rrC .()4a b c +⊥r r rD .()a b c -r rr ∥10.给出下列命题正确的是( )A .直线l 的方向向量为()3,1,2a =-r,平面α的法向量为12,1,2b ⎛⎫=- ⎪⎝⎭r ,则l 与α平行B .直线()()()1213m x m y m m -+-=-∈R 恒过定点()5,2-C .已知直线()2210a x ay ++-=与直线320ax y -+=垂直,则实数a 的值是43-D .已知,,A B C 三点不共线,对于空间任意一点O ,若212555OP OA OB OC =++u u u r u u u r u u u r u u u r,则,,,P A B C 四点共面11.如图,平行六面体1111ABCD A B C D -的所有棱长均为2,AB ,AD ,1AA 两两所成夹角均为60o ,点E ,F 分别在棱1BB ,1DD 上,且12BE B E =,12D F DF =,则( )A .A ,E ,1C ,F 四点共面B .1AA u u u r 在1AC uuu r 方向上的投影向量为113AC u u u urC .EF u u u rD .直线1AC 与EF三、填空题12.1:30l x y -+=,与直线2:220l x my +-=平行,则直线1l 与2l 的距离为.13.已知{},,a b c r r r是空间向量的一个基底,{},,a b a b c +-r r r r r 是空间向量的另一个基底,若向量p r 在基底{},,a b c r r r 下的坐标为()4,2,3,则向量p r在基底{},,a b a b c +-r r r r r 下的坐标为.14.“曼哈顿距离”是人脸识别中的一种重要测距方式,其定义如下:设()11,A x y ,()22,B x y ,则A ,B 两点间的曼哈顿距离()1212,d A B x x y y =-+-.已知()4,6M ,点N 在圆22:640C x y x y +++=上运动,若点P 满足(),2d M P =,则PN 的最大值为.四、解答题15.如图,在直四棱柱1111ABCD A B C D -中,底面ABCD 为矩形,且12,,AA AB AD E F ==分别为111,C D DD 的中点.(1)证明://AF 平面1A EB .(2)求平面11A B B 与平面1A BE 夹角的余弦值.16.已知ABC V 的顶点()1,2,A AB 边上的中线CM 所在直线的方程为210,x y ABC +-=∠的平分线BH 所在直线的方程为y x =. (1)求直线BC 的方程和点C 的坐标; (2)求ABC V 的面积.17.设直线1:230l x y -+=和直线2:30l x y ++=的交点为P .(1)若直线l 经过点P ,且与直线250x y ++=垂直,求直线l 的方程; (2)若直线m 与直线250x y ++=关于点P 对称,求直线m 的方程. 18.在空间几何体ABC DEF -中,四边形,ABED ADFC 均为直角梯形,π2FCA CAD DAB ABE ∠=∠=∠=∠=,4,5,6AB AC CF AD BE =====.(1)如图1,若π2CAB ∠=,求直线FD 与平面BEF 所成角的正弦值; (2)如图2,设π02CAB θθ⎛⎫∠=<< ⎪⎝⎭(ⅰ)求证:平面BEF ⊥平面DEF ;(ⅱ)若二面角E BF D --cos θ的值.19.已知圆C 经过坐标原点O 和点()2,2G -,且圆心C 在直线20x y +-=上. (1)求圆C 的方程;(2)设PA PB 、是圆C 的两条切线,其中,A B 为切点. ①若点P 在直线20x y --=上运动,求证:直线AB 经过定点; ②若点P 在曲线214y x =(其中4x >)上运动,记直线PA PB 、与x 轴的交点分别为 M N 、, 求PMN V 面积的最小值.。
4、函数y=的定义域为 ( )
A.[-4,1] B.[-4,0)
C.(0,1] D.[-4,0)∪(0,1]
16、设函数f(x)=,那么f(2 013)=。
(测试时间:120分钟 评价分值:150分)
河南省洛阳市2024小学数学一年级上学期人教版期末阶段质量检测(评估卷)完整试卷一、填一填(共10小题,28分) (共10题)第(1)题在里填上合适的数。
第(2)题妈妈买了多少双袜子( )双第(3)题1和3、2和2可以合成4;1和4、2和________可以合成5;1和5、2和________、3和3可以合成6。
20( )18 1+4( )5 6+4( )4+613( )16 0+3( )0 4+8( )10+5第(5)题把8颗糖放在3个盘子里,要求每个盘子里糖的颗数各不相同。
(每个数都只能用一次)2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9( )( )( )( )( )( )( )( )。
第(9)题1个十和6个一合起来是( );2个十是( )。
14里面有1个( )和4个( )。
与10相邻的两个数是( )和( )。
19添上( )是20,是( )个十。第(10)题下图有( )个组成。
二、轻松选择(共4题,12分) (共4题)第(1)题用两颗数珠,在计数器上不能表示几?()A.20B.11C.4第(2)题下列数字中,是14后面的数是()。
A.4B.6C.8三、算一算(共4题,32分) (共4题)第(1)题直接写得数。
14-4= 4+8= 10+5= 5+9=2+8= 9+9= 5+8= 9-3=第(2)题口算。
9-5= 3+6= 5-0= 1+0=3+7= 12-2= 11-9= 10+5=13-8= 6+5= 16-7= 18-8=第(3)题看图列式计算。
3+5=( ) 5+3=( )2+7=( ) 6+1=( )13+5=( ) ( )+( )=( )( )+( )=( ) ( )+( )=( )4-2=( ) 6-5=( )7-2=( ) 9-8=( )14-2=( ) ( )-( )=( ) ( )-( )=( ) ( )-( )=( )四、解答题(共4题,28分) (共4题)第(1)题数一数,填一填。
河南省南阳市2024小学数学一年级上学期人教版期末阶段质量检测(自测卷)完整试卷一、填一填(共10小题,28分) (共10题)第(1)题分一分,填序号。
第(2)题下面三个算式中,△、□和〇各代表多少?〇-2=7,〇+△=9,△+□=6,〇=( ),△=( ),□=( )。
第(3)题比3大2的数是( ),比3小2的数是( )。
第(4)题(1)正方体有( )个,长方体有( )个,球有( )个,圆柱有( )个。
(2)从左边数,排在第( )。
第(5)题1个十和2个一组成( )。
长方体有( )个,正方体有( )个。
圆柱有( )个。
球有( )个。
长方体比球多( )个。
( )和( )一样多。
( )+8=14 6+( )=7+5 7+( )>159+( )=16 8+3=( )+8 ( )+8<12第(8)题我会数。
( )个( )个,( )个( )个。
第(9)题左面的小棒表示( )个十和( )个一。
再添1根小棒后是( )个十,表示的数是( )。
二、轻松选择(共4题,12分) (共4题)第(1)题小朋友们排队上校车,从前往后数朵朵排在第5个,从后往前数她排在第6个,这一队共有()名小朋友。
A.19B.17C.18第(3)题学校门前有两排花,一排3盆,另一排4盆,一共有多少盆?()A.12B.14C.7第(4)题幼儿园大班有17人,每人一个球,选下面哪两袋比较合适?()A.B.C.三、算一算(共4题,32分) (共4题)第(1)题列算式。
8+9= 11-10= 19-9= 9-5+9=13-2= 6+9= 10-3= 11+7-8=2+9= 18-2= 15-4= 14-4+10=11+6= 4+9= 15-5= 12+4-4=第(3)题列式计算。
河南省南阳市2024小学数学一年级上学期人教版期末阶段质量检测(培优卷)完整试卷一、填一填(共10小题,28分) (共10题)第(1)题比多少。
比多( ),比少( )。
第一行:第二行:第一行移( )个到第二行,两行同样多。
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )第(5)题括号里最大能填几?8+( )<15 9-( )>3 10>( )+3第(6)题9比( )多2;9比( )少1。
第(7)题一共是( )个。
18( )20 7( )17-7 13-3( )9-312( )5 7+6( )13 8+4( )8+6第(9)题1个十和2个一合起来是( ),读作( )。
和( )。
二、轻松选择(共4题,12分) (共4题)第(1)题拨到6,还需要拨几颗珠子()。
A.10B.20C.15三、算一算(共4题,32分) (共4题)第(1)题填一填。
8-=1 8-=2 8-=39-=1 9-=2 9-=33+=8 4+=8 6+=83+=9 4+=9 6+=9第(2)题看谁算得又对又快。
5-4= 0+0= 5-3= 5+1=6-0= 3+3= 6+1=第(3)题看图写算式。
四、解答题(共4题,28分) (共4题)第(1)题从5、3、6、10、4这些数中,选择3个数组成两道加法算式和两道减法算式。
2024-2025学年度第一学期第一次阶段检测试卷高一数学(答案在最后)一、选择题(1-9题每题4分,10题5分)1.已知集合{}0,1,2A =,{}2,N x x a a A ==∈,则集合A N 等于()A .{}0; B.{}0,1; C.{}1,2; D.{}0,2.【答案】D【解析】【分析】求出集合N ,根据交集含义即可得到答案.【详解】当0a =时,20x a ==;当1a =时,22x a ==;当2a =时,24x a ==,故{}0,2,4N =,故{0,2}A N ⋂=,故选:D.2.已知集合{}12A x x =<<,302B x x ⎧⎫=<<⎨⎬⎩⎭,则下图阴影部分表示的集合是()A.{}01x x ≤≤B.{}01x x <≤C.{}01x x ≤<D.{}01x x <<【答案】B【解析】【分析】由图可知阴影部分表示的集合是()R A B ⋂ð,计算出结果即可.【详解】由图可知阴影部分表示的集合是()R A B ⋂ð, {}12A x x =<<,{1R A x x ∴=≤ð或}2x ≥,(){}01R A B x x ∴⋂=<≤ð.故选:B.【点睛】本题考查由Venn 图求集合,属于基础题.3.下图是王老师锻炼时所走的离家距离(S )与行走时间(t )之间的函数关系图,若用黑点表示王老师家的位置,则王老师行走的路线可能是()A. B.C. D.【答案】C【解析】【分析】根据图象中有一段为水平线段(表示离家的距离一直不变),逐项判断此时对应选项是否满足.【详解】图象显示有一段时间吴老师离家距离是个定值,故他所走的路程是一段以家为圆心的圆弧,所以A 、B 、D 三个选项均不符合,只有选项C 符合题意.故选:C .4.下面四个不等式中解集为R 的是()A.2230x x -+-≥ B.22340x x -+< C.26100x x ++> D.2210x x -+-<【答案】C【解析】【分析】根据一元二次不等式的解法,逐个分析判断即可得解.【详解】A :对应的方程为2230x x -+-=,41280∆=-=-<,所以方程无解,又函数223y x x =-+-图象开口向下,所以原不等式的解集为∅,故A 不符合题意;B :对应的方程为22340x x -+=,932230∆=-=-<,所以方程无解,又函数2234y x x =-+图象开口向上,所以原不等式的解集为∅,故B 不符合题意;C :对应的方程为26100x x ++=,364040∆=-=-<,所以方程无解,又函数2610y x x =++图象开口向上,所以原不等式的解集为R ,故C 符合题意;D :对应的方程为2210x x -+-=,440∆=-=,所以方程有一个解1x =,又函数221y x x =-+-图象开口向下,所以原不等式的解集为{}1x x ≠,故D 不符合题意;故选:C.5.下列对应关系或关系式中是从A 到B 的函数的是()A.A ⊆R ,B ⊆R ,221x y +=B.{}1,0,1A =-,{}1,2B =,:1f x y x →=+C.A =R ,B =R ,1:2→=-f x y xD.A =Z ,B =Z ,:→=f x y 【答案】B【解析】【分析】根据函数的定义逐一判断选项即可.【详解】对于A ,221x y +=可化为y =x A ∈(1x =±除外),y 值不唯一,故不符合函数的定义;对于B ,符合函数的定义;对于C ,当2x =时,对应关系无意义,故不符合函数的定义;对于D ,当x 为非正整数时,对应关系无意义,故不符合函数的定义.故选:B6.已知集合(){}2220,A x x a x a a =-++≤∈R ,若集合A 中所有整数元素之和为14,则实数a 的取值范围是()A.56a ≤< B.56a ≤≤ C.45a ≤≤ D.4a ≥【答案】A【解析】【分析】分2a <、2a =、2a >三种情况讨论,结合已知条件可求得实数a 的取值范围.【详解】若2a <,解不等式()2220x a x a -++≤,即()()20x x a --≤,解得2a x ≤≤,即[],2A a =,当(]1,1a ∈-时,集合A 中的所有整数之和取最大值为123+=,不合乎题意;若2a =,则{}2A =,不合乎题意;若2a >,则[]2,A a =,234514+++= ,且集合A 中所有整数元素之和为14,5A ∴∈且6A ∉,因此,56a ≤<.故选:A.【点睛】关键点点睛:本题考查利用集合中整数元素和求参数,在解出集合后,关键就是确定集合中的整数元素有哪些,以便确定参数所满足的不等关系,进而求解.7.关于x 的不等式()()0()x a x b x c --≥-解集为{|1 2 3}x x x -≤<≥或,则点(,)P a b c +位于A.第一象限B.第二象限C.第三象限D.第四象限【答案】A【解析】【分析】由分式不等式的解集可得,,a b c 的值,再判断点P 位于的象限即可.【详解】解:因为关于x 的不等式()()0()x a x b x c --≥-解集为{|1 2 3}x x x -≤<≥或,由分式不等式的解集可得:1,3,2a b c =-==,或3,1,2a b c ==-=,即2,a b +=即点(2,2)P 位于第一象限,故选A.【点睛】本题考查了分式不等式的解法,属基础题.8.已知,a b 挝R R ,若集合{}2,,1,,0b a a a b a ⎧⎫=-⎨⎬⎩⎭,则20242024a b +的值为()A.2- B.1- C.1 D.2【答案】C【解析】【分析】利用集合相等,求出b ,再求出a ,检验代入求值即可.【详解】根据题意0a ≠,故0b a=,则0b =,故{}{}2,0,1,,0a a a =,则21a =,即1a =±,当1a =时,与集合的互异性相矛盾,故舍去,当1a =-,0b =时,{}{}1,0,11,1,0-=-,符合题意,所以202420241a b +=,故选:C .9.如果两个函数的对应关系相同,值域相同,但定义域不同,则这两个函数为“同族函数”,那么函数{}2,1,2y x x =∈的“同族函数”有A.3个B.7个C.8个D.9个【答案】C【解析】【分析】利用同族函数的定义可知,只要其对应关系,值域相同,定义域不同即可,易得答案.【详解】解:∵函数{}21,2,y x x =∈的值域为{1,4},所以对应关系是2y x =,值域为{1,4}的函数的定义域可以是:{﹣1,2},{1,﹣2},{﹣1,﹣2},{﹣1,1,2},{﹣1,1,﹣2},{2,1,﹣2},{2,﹣1,﹣2},{2,1,﹣1,﹣2},共8个.故选:C .10.(多选题)已知*(,)f m n ∈N ,且对任何*,m n ∈N 都有:(1)(1,1)1f =,(2)(,1)(,)2f m n f m n +=+,(3)(1,1)2(,1)f m f m +=.则以下结论正确的有()A.()1,59f = B.()5,116f = C.()5,626f = D.()3,513f =【答案】ABC【解析】【分析】A 选项,根据(1,1)1f =,(,1)(,)2f m n f m n +=+,求出()1,59f =;B 选项,根据(1,1)1f =,(1,1)2(,1)f m f m +=,求出()5,116f =;C 选项,在B 选项()5,116f =基础上,得到()5,626f =;D 选项,根据()3,14f =,(,1)(,)2f m n f m n +=+,得到()()3,53,4212f f =+=.【详解】A 选项,因为(1,1)1f =,(,1)(,)2f m n f m n +=+,所以(1,2)(1,1)2123f f =+=+=,同理可得(1,3)(1,2)2325f f =+=+=,(1,4)(1,3)2527f f =+=+=,(1,5)(1,4)2729f f =+=+=,A 正确;B 选项,因为(1,1)1f =,(1,1)2(,1)f m f m +=,所以()()2,121,12f f ==,()()3,122,14f f ==,()()4,123,18f f ==,()()5,124,116f f ==,B 正确;C 选项,由B 知,()5,116f =,故()()5,25,1218f f =+=,同理可得()()5,35,2220f f =+=,()()5,45,3222f f =+=,()()5,55,4224f f =+=,()()5,65,5226f f =+=,C 正确;D 选项,因为()3,14f =,(,1)(,)2f m n f m n +=+,所以()()3,23,126f f =+=,()()3,33,228f f =+=,()()3,43,3210f f =+=,()()3,53,4212f f =+=,D 错误.故选:ABC二、填空题(每题5分)11.已知函数()213f x x -=-,则()2f =_____.【答案】6【解析】【分析】赋值求出答案.【详解】令3x =得()231336f -=-=,故()26f =.故答案为:612.若集合{}2=10A x ax ax -+==∅,则实数a 的取值范围是__________.【答案】[)0,4【解析】【分析】本题首先要理解{}2=10A x ax ax -+==∅,即210ax ax -+=无实数解,即可求得答案.【详解】当0a =时,原不等式无实解,故符合题意.当0a ≠时,210ax ax -+=无实数解,故∆<0,可得:240a a -<解得:04a <<综上所述,实数a 的取值范围是:[)0,4.故答案为:[)0,4.【点睛】本题考查了根据集合为空集求参数,解题关键是掌握一元二次方程基础知识,考查了分析能力和计算能力,属于基础题.13.若集合{2},{,R}A xx B x x b b =>=<∈∣∣,试写出A B =R 的一个必要不充分条件_____________.【答案】1b >(答案不唯一)【解析】【分析】由题意,结合充要条件与必要不充分条件,利用集合的交集,可得答案.【详解】由A B =R ,则2b >,所以A B =R 的一个必要不充分条件是1b >.故答案为:1b >(答案不唯一).14.已知{}20(2)4,{1,2,3,4}A xx B =<-≤=∣,则A B _____________;A B ⋂_____________.【答案】①.{|04}x x ≤≤②.{1,3,4}【解析】【分析】先求出集合A,再用并集和交集概念计算即可.【详解】已知(){}2024{|04,2}A xx x x x =<-≤=≤≤≠∣且,则{|04}A B x x =≤≤ ,{1,3,4}A B = .故答案为:{|04}x x ≤≤;{1,3,4}.15.对于实数x ,当且仅当n ≤x <n +1(n ∈N *)时,[x ]=n ,则关于x 的不等式4[x ]2-36[x ]+45<0的解集为________.【答案】{x |2≤x <8}【解析】【分析】求解不等式4[x ]2-36[x ]+45<0,得出32<[x ]<152,根据题意,进而得出x 的范围.【详解】由4[x ]2-36[x ]+45<0,得32<[x ]<152,又当且仅当n ≤x <n +1(n ∈N *)时,[x ]=n ,所以[x ]=2,3,4,5,6,7,所以所求不等式的解集为{x |2≤x <8}.故答案为:{x |2≤x <8}【点睛】本题考查了二次不等式求解问题,考查了阅读能力、逻辑推理能力和数学运算能力,属于一般题目.三、解答题16.已知全集R U =,集合{121},{25}P xa x a Q x x =+≤≤+=-≤≤∣∣.(1)若3a =,求(),U U Q P Q 痧;(2)若“x P ∈”是“x ∈Q ”的充分不必要条件,求实数a 的取值范围.【答案】(1){2U Q x x =<-ð或>5,(){|24}U P Q x x =-≤< ð(2)(]2-∞,【解析】【分析】(1)当3a =时,可得{|47}P x x =≤≤,进而根据补集和交集的定义求解即可;(2)由充分不必要条件与集合的包含关系可得:若“x P ∈”是“x ∈Q ”的充分不必要条件,即P Q ,然后考虑P =∅和P ≠∅两种情况分别求解即可.【小问1详解】当3a =时,{|47}P x x =≤≤,{|4U P x x =<ð或7}x >,因为{|25}Q x x =-≤≤,所以{2U Q x x =<-ð或}5x >,(){|24}U P Q x x ⋂=-≤<ð.【小问2详解】若“x P ∈”是“x ∈Q ”的充分不必要条件,即P Q ,当121a a +>+时,即0a <,此时P =∅,满足PQ ,当P ≠∅时,则12215211a a a a +≥-⎧⎪+≤⎨⎪+≥+⎩,解得02a ≤≤,且12a +=-和215a +=不能同时成立,综上所述:实数a 的取值范围为(],2∞-.17.解关于x 的不等式211mx x -≥-.【答案】答案见解析【解析】【分析】根据题意,化简不等式为(1)101m x x --≥-,分类讨论,结合分式不等式的解法,即可求解.【详解】由不等式211mx x -≥-,可得221(1)110111mx mx x m x x x x ---+---==≥---,(1)若10m -=,即1m =时,等价于101x ≤-,解得1x <,不等式的解集为(,1)-∞;(2)若10m ->,即1m >时,等价于1()101x m x --≥-,当111m >-时,即12m <<时,解得1x <或11x m ≥-,不等式的解集为1(,1)[,)1m -∞+∞- ;当111m =-时,即2m =时,10≥恒成立,不等式的解集为(,1)(1,)-∞⋃+∞;当111m <-时,即2m >时,解得1x >或11x m ≤-,不等式的解集为1(,](1,)1m -∞+∞- .(3)若10m -<,即1m <时,等价于1()101x m x --≤-,解得111x m ≤<-,所以不等式的解集为1[,1)1m -.综上可得:当1m <时,不等式的解集为1[,1)1m -;当1m =时,不等式的解集为(,1)-∞;当12m <<时,不等式的解集为1(,1)[,)1m -∞+∞- ;当2m =时,不等式的解集为(,1)(1,)-∞⋃+∞;当2m >时,不等式的解集为1(,(1,)1m -∞+∞- .18.已知函数2()5f x ax bx =+-,对于任意x R ∈,有(2)(2),(2)7f x f x f -=+-=.(1)求()f x 的解析式;(2)若函数()f x 在区间[],3t t +上的最小值为8-,求t 的值;【答案】(1)2()45f x x x =--(2)2t =-或3t =【解析】【分析】(1)根据题意可得()f x 关于2x =对称,得出22b a-=,再由(2)7f -=即可求出,a b ;(2)讨论区间与对称轴的位置关系根据二次函数的性质可求出.【小问1详解】因为(2)(2)f x f x -=+,()f x \关于2x =对称,即22b a-=,又(2)4257f a b -=--=,则可解得1,4a b ==-,所以2()45f x x x =--;【小问2详解】当32t +≤,即1t ≤-时,()()()()2min 334358f x f t t t =+=+-+-=-,解得2t =-或0t =(舍去);当23t t <<+,即12t -<<时,()()min 29f x f ==-,不符合题意;当2t ≥时,()()2min 458f x f t t t ==--=-,解得1t =(舍去)或3t =,综上,2t =-或3t =.19.已知集合{}12,,(2)k A a a a k =≥ ,其中(1,2,)i a i k ∈=Z .定义:若对任意的x A ∈,必有x A -∉,则称集合A 其有性质G .由A 中元素可构成两个点集P 和:{(,),,}Q P x y x A y A x y A =∈∈+∈∣,{(,),,}Q x y x A y A x y A =∈∈-∈∣,其中P 中有m 个元素,Q 中有n 个元素.(1)已知集合{0,1,2,3}J =与集合{1,2,3}K =-,判断它们是否具有性质G ;若有,则直接写出其对应的集合P ,Q ;若无,请说明理由;(2)若集合A 具有性质G ,证明:m n =.【答案】(1){0,1,2,3}J =不具有性质G ,{1,2,3}K =-具有性质G ,()(){}1,3,3,1P =--,()(){}2,3,2,1Q =-;(2)证明过程见解析【解析】【分析】(1)0J ∈,则0J -∈,故J 不具有性质G ,{1,2,3}K =-具有性质G ,并求出()(){}1,3,3,1P =--,()(){}2,3,2,1Q =-;(2)分(),a b P ∈和(),a b Q ∈两种情况,若(),a b P ∈,推出P 的元素个数不多于Q 的元素个数,即m n ≤,若(),a b Q ∈,推出Q 的元素个数不多于P 的元素个数,即m n ≤,从而得到答案.【小问1详解】0J ∈,则0J -∈,故不满足定义,{0,1,2,3}J =不具有性质G ,{1,2,3}K =-,1K -∈,1K ∉,2K ∈,2K -∉,3K ∈,3K -∉,满足要求,故{1,2,3}K =-具有性质G ,由于132K -+=∈,其他均不合要求,故()(){}1,3,3,1P =--,由于231K -=-∈,()213K --=∈,其他不合要求,故()(){}2,3,2,1Q =-;【小问2详解】集合A 具有性质G ,对于(),a b P ∈,根据定义可知:,,a A b A a b A ∈∈+∈,又因为集合A 具有性质G ,则(),a b a Q +∈,如果()(),,,a b c d 是P 中不同元素,那么,a c b d ==中至少有一个不成立,于是b d =,a c b d +=+中至少有一个不成立,故()(),,,a b b c d d ++也是Q 中不同的元素,可见P 的元素个数不多于Q 的元素个数,即m n ≤,对于(),a b Q ∈,根据定义可知,,,a A b A a b A ∈∈-∈,又因为集合A 具有性质G ,则(),a b a P -∈,如果()(),,,a b c d 是Q 中不同元素,那么,a c b d ==中至少有一个不成立,于是b d =,a b c d -=-中至少有一个不成立,故()(),,,a b b c d d --也是P 中不同的元素,可见Q 的元素个数不多于P 的元素个数,即m n ≤,综上,m n =.【点睛】方法点睛:新定义问题的方法和技巧:(1)可通过举例子的方式,将抽象的定义转化为具体的简单的应用,从而加深对信息的理解;(2)可用自己的语言转述新信息所表达的内容,如果能清晰描述,那么说明对此信息理解的较为透彻;(3)发现新信息与所学知识的联系,并从描述中体会信息的本质特征与规律;(4)如果新信息是课本知识的推广,则要关注此信息与课本中概念的不同之处,以及什么情况下可以使用书上的概念.。
1学校 班级 考号 姓名__________________________ 八年级历史(上)阶段性质量检测试卷(一)(总分50分 时间50分钟) 一、单项选择题(每小题2分,12小题 , 共24分) 1.《南京条约》仿佛一记响亮的耳光打在了固步自封、夜郎自大的清政府脸上。
其影响包括: ( ) ①国家的主权和领土完整遭到破坏 ②促进了中华民族的觉醒 ③丧失了独立自主的地位 ④被卷入世界资本主义的漩涡 A . ②③④ B .①③④ C .①②④ D .①②③ 2.太平天国对英法侵略者的一份公文中,有这样一句话:“我军肩负重任,为上帝光复全国,不能放弃寸土于不顾。
”对此,最正确的理解是 ( ) A.太平军为了上帝而战 B.太平军仅是要推翻清朝政府,不打击列强 C.太平军与英法达成妥协 D. 太平军要保卫国土不受列强侵略 3. 假如你是19世纪中后期生活在新疆地区的一位平民,你最有可能经历下列哪些事情: ( ) ①曾遭阿古柏政权的压迫和剥削 ②参与收复新疆的军事行动 ③看到新疆建立行省 ④目睹林则徐虎门销烟 A .①②④ B .①②③ C .①③④ D .②③④ 4.在中国近代史上,总计割占我国领土最多和通过一个不平等条约得到我国赔款最多的国家分别是: ( ) ①1949年,以蒋介石为首的国民党败退台湾②以美国为首的外国反华势力的阻挠③以李登辉、陈水扁为代表的“台独”势力兴风作浪④海内外中国人没有共同心愿去实现统一 A .俄国、英国 B .俄国、日本 C .美国、日本 D .法国、日本5.“这一年,当时的世界大国们在东方进行了一次很不光彩的集体亮相。
由英法德美日俄等组成八国联军,侵入了中国的首都--北京”,他们的集体亮相给中国社会带来的严重后果是: ( )A .中国开始从封建社会逐步沦为半殖民地半封建社会B.进一步加深了中国的半殖民地化程度C.大大加深了中国的半殖民地化程度D.中国完全沦为半殖民地半封建社会6.下列关于第一、第二次鸦片战争的说法,正确的是:() A.都是外国资本主义列强为打开中国市场而发动的B.都使中国丧失了领土和主权C. 都强迫中国签订的不平等条约D.两次战争的侵略者都有英国7.北京在近代史上曾经两次被列强侵占,大量文物被破坏和掠夺。
(10 分)二、小小填空,奥秘多。
(10分)1.计量小学生的体重时,常用( )作单位,用符号( )表示。
2.估算31×7的乘积时,可以把31看作( ),31×7就约等于( )。
4.要使□4×3的积是两位数,□中可填的数有( );要使□4×3的积是三位数,□中可填的数有( )。
5.如图,小丽从家到博物馆,一共有( )条不同的路线。
( )2.一头成年河马重 1千克。
( )3.张老师的身高是162千克,体重是 60厘米。
( )4.100克比1千克多99克。
( )5.要使1□×6的积是三位数,□里最小填7。
( )四、轻松选择。
(将正确答案的序号填在括号里)(12分)1.小丽的体重为28( )。
A.吨B.千克C.克2.1 吨600 千克比 2000 千克少( )。
A.120千克B.80千克C.400千克3.58×5 的积大约是( )。
A.300B.250C.3504.在计算 21×4 时,2×4=8表示 8个( )。
A. 一B.十C.百5.两位数乘一位数,积至少是( )。
A.两位数B.三位数C.一位数6.小丽有 2件上衣和3条裙子,一共有( )种不同的穿法。
(27 分)1.直接写得数。
(6分)13×3= 12×4= 24×2= 6×90=44×2= 21×3= 11×6= 45×2=597 克+205 克= 158克+166克=424 克+270克= 609吨+200吨=2.请你估一估。
潍坊市初中学业水平考试 第一~三章 阶段检测卷(考试时间:120分钟 满分:120分)第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共36分)一、选择题(本大题共12个小题,每小题3分,共36分) 1.在1,-1,3,-2这四个数中,互为相反数的是( ) A .1与-1 B .1与-2 C .3与-2 D .-1与-22.提出了未来5年“精准扶贫”的构想,意味着每年要减贫约11 700 000人,将数据11 700 000用科学记数法表示为( ) A .1.17×107 B .11.7×106 C .0.117×107 D .1.17×1083.函数y =2x 4-x 中自变量x 的取值范围是( )A .x≠-4B .x≠4C .x≤-4D .x≤4 4.下列运算正确的是( ) A .x 3+x 3=2x 6 B .x 2·x 3=x 6 C .x 3÷x=x 3 D .(-2x 2)3=-8x 65.已知点P(a ,m),Q(b ,n)都在反比例函数y =-2x 的图象上,且a<0<b ,则下列结论一定正确的是( )A .m +n <0B .m +n >0C .m <nD .m >n6.同一直角坐标系中,一次函数y 1=k 1x +b 与正比例函数y 2=k 2x 的图象如图所示,则满足y 1≥y 2的x 的取值范围是( )A .x≤-2B .x≥-2C .x <-2D .x >-27.学校为创建“书香校园”,购买了一批图书.已知购买科普类图书花费10 000元,购买文学类图书花费9 000元,其中科普类图书平均每本的价格比文学类图书平均每本的价格贵5元,且购买科普书的数量比购买文学书的数量少100本.求科普类图书平均每本的价格是多少元?若设科普类图书平均每本的价格是x 元,则可列方程为( ) A.10 000x -9 000x -5=100 B.9 000x -5-10 000x =100C.10 000x -5-9 000x =100D.9 000x -10 000x -5=100 8.实数a ,b 满足a +1+4a 2+4ab +b 2=0,则b a 的值为( ) A .2 B.12 C .-2 D .-129.图1是一个边长为(m +n)的正方形,小颖将图1中的阴影部分拼成图2的形状,由图1和图2能验证的式子是( )A .(m +n)2-(m -n)2=4mnB .(m +n)2-(m 2+n 2)=2mnC .(m -n)2+2mn =m 2+n 2D .(m +n)(m -n)=m 2-n 210.下列图形都是由同样大小的菱形按照一定规律所组成的,其中第①个图形中一共有3个菱形,第②个图形中一共有7个菱形,第③个图形中一共有13个菱形,…,按此规律排列下去,第⑨个图形中菱形的个数为( )A .73B .81C .91D .10911.如图,平行于x 轴的直线与函数y =k 1x (k 1>0,x >0),y =k 2x (k 2>0,x >0)的图象分别相交于A ,B 两点,点A 在点B 的右侧,C 为x 轴上的一个动点,若△ABC 的面积为4,则k 1-k 2的值为( )A .8B .-8C .4D .-412.已知二次函数y =ax 2+bx +c(a≠0)的图象如图所示,分析下列四个结论:①abc<0;②b 2-4ac >0;③3a+c >0;④(a+c)2<b 2, 其中正确的结论有( )A .1个B .2个C .3个D .4个第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共84分)二、填空题(本大题共5个小题,每小题4分,共20分) 13.因式分解:x 2y -y 3=__________________________. 14.分式方程1x +2-3xx 2-4=0的解为x =________.15.对于两个非零实数x ,y ,定义一种新的运算:x※y=a x +by .若1※(-1)=2,则(-2)※2的值是________.16.如图,一座拱桥,当水面AB 宽为12 m 时,桥洞顶部离水面4 m .已知桥洞的拱形是抛物线,以水平方向为x 轴,建立平面直角坐标系.若选取点A 为坐标原点时的抛物线表达式是y =-19(x -6)2+4,则选取点B 为坐标原点时的抛物线表达式是______________.17.对一个实数x 按如图所示的程序进行操作,规定:程序运行从“输入一个实数x”到“结果是否大于88?”为一次操作.如果操作只进行一次就停止,则x 的取值范围是____________.三、解答题(本大题共7个小题,共64分.解答要写出必要的文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤) 18.(本题满分7分)(1)(1-2)0+|2-5|+(-1)2 018-13×45; (2)解不等式组⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧12(x +1)≤2,x +22≥x +33,并求出不等式组的整数解之和.19.(本题满分7分)先化简,再从-3,-2,0,2中选一个合适的数作为x 的值代入求值. x 2x +3·x 2-9x 2-2x -x 2x -2.20.(本题满分8分)某中学要为学校科技活动小组提供实验器材,计划购买A 型、B 型两种型号的放大镜,若购买8个A 型放大镜和5个B 型放大镜需用220元;若购买4个A 型放大镜和6个B 型放大镜需用152元. (1)求每个A 型放大镜和每个B 型放大镜各多少元?(2)该中学决定购买A 型放大镜和B 型放大镜共75个,总费用不超过1180元,那么最多可以购买多少个A 型放大镜?21.(本题满分9分)某市制米厂接到加工大米的任务,要求5天内加工完220吨大米,制米厂安排甲、乙两车间共同完成加工任务.乙车间加工中途停工一段时间维修设备,然后改变加工效率继续加工,直到与甲车间同时完成加工任务为止.设甲、乙两车间各自加工大米数量y(吨)与甲车间加工时间x(天)之间的关系如图1所示;未加工大米w(吨)与甲加工时间x(天)之间的关系如图2所示,请结合图象回答下列问题:(1)甲车间每天加工大米________吨,a=__________;(2)求乙车间维修设备后,乙车间加工大米数量y(吨)与x(天)之间函数关系式;(3)若55吨大米恰好装满一节车厢,那么加工多长时间装满第一节车厢?再加工多长时间恰好装满第二节车厢?22.(本题满分10分)俄罗斯世界杯足球赛期间,某商店销售一批足球纪念册,每本进价40元,规定销售单价不低于44元,且获利不高于30%.试销售期间发现,当销售单价定为44元时,每天可售出300本,销售单价每上涨1元,每天销售量减少10本,现商店决定提价销售.设每天销售量为y本,销售单价为x元.(1)请直接写出y与x之间的函数关系式和自变量x的取值范围;(2)当每本足球纪念册销售单价是多少元时,商店每天获利2 400元?(3)将足球纪念册销售单价定为多少元时,商店每天销售纪念册获得的利润w 最大?最大利润是多少元?23.(本题满分11分)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,矩形OABC的顶点B的坐标为(4,2),直线y=-12x+52与边AB,BC分别相交于点M,N,函数y=kx(x>0)的图象过点M.(1)试说明点N也在函数y=kx(x>0)的图象上;(2)将直线MN沿y轴的负方向平移得到直线M′N′,当直线M′N′与函数y=kx(x>0)的图象仅有一个交点时,求直线M′N′的表达式.24.(本题满分12分)已知:如图,抛物线y=ax2+bx+c与坐标轴分别交于点A(0,6),B(6,0),C(-2,0),点P是线段AB上方抛物线上的一个动点.(1)求抛物线的表达式;(2)当点P运动到什么位置时,△PAB 的面积有最大值?(3)过点P作x轴的垂线,交线段AB于点D,再过点P做PE∥x轴交抛物线于点E,连接DE,请问是否存在点P使△PDE为等腰直角三角形?若存在,求出点P的坐标;若不存在,说明理由.参考答案1.A2.A3.B4.D5.D6.A7.B8.B9.B 10.C 11.A 12.B13.y(x+y)(x-y) 14.-1 15.-116.y=-19(x+6)2+4 17.x>4918.解:(1)原式=1+5-2+1-5=0.(2)解不等式12(x+1)≤2得x≤3,解不等式x+22≥x+33得x≥0,则不等式组的解集为0≤x≤3,∴不等式组的整数解之和为0+1+2+3=6.19.解:原式=x2x+3·(x-3)(x+3)x(x-2)-x2x-2=x(x-3)x-2-x2x-2=x2-3x-x2x-2=-3xx-2.∵⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x+3≠0,x-2≠0,x≠0,∴x≠0,x≠-3且x≠2,故当x=-2时,原式=-3×(-2)(-2)-2=-32.20.解:(1)设每个A型放大镜x元,每个B型放大镜y元.根据题意得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧8x +5y =220,4x +6y =152,解得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x =20,y =12.答:每个A 型放大镜20元,每个B 型放大镜12元.(2)设可以购买a 个A 型放大镜,则购买B 型放大镜(75-a)个. 根据题意得20a +12(75-a)≤1 180, 解得a≤35.答:最多可以购买35个A 型放大镜. 21.解:(1)20 15(2)设y =kx +b ,把(2,15),(5,120)代入得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧15=2k +b ,120=5k +b ,解得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧k =35,b =-55,∴y=35x -55(2≤x≤5).(3)①当0<x≤1时,20+15=35<55,不合理; ②当1<x≤2时,20x +15=55,x =2;③当2<x≤5时,20x +35x -55=110,x =3,3-2=1(天). 答:加工2天可装满第一节车厢,再加工1天可装满第二节车厢. 22.解:(1)y =300-10(x -44), 即y =-10x +740(44≤x≤52).(2)根据题意得(x -40)(-10x +740)=2 400, 解得x 1=50,x 2=64(舍去).答:当每本足球纪念册销售单价是50元时,商店每天获利2 400元.(3)w =(x -40)(-10x +740)=-10x 2+1 140x -29 600 =-10(x -57)2+2 890,当x <57时,w 随x 的增大而增大, 而44≤x≤52,∴当x =52时,w 有最大值,最大值为-10(52-57)2+2 890=2 640. 答:将足球纪念册销售单价定为52元时,商店每天销售纪念册获得的利润w 最大,最大利润是2 640元.23.解:(1)∵矩形OABC 的顶点B 的坐标为(4,2), ∴点M 的横坐标为4,点N 的纵坐标为2. 把x =4代入y =-12x +52得y =12,∴点M 的坐标为(4,12).把y =2代入y =-12x +52得x =1,∴点N 的坐标为(1,2). ∵函数y =kx (x >0)的图象过点M ,∴k=4×12=2,∴y=2x(x >0).把N(1,2)代入y =2x得2=2,∴点N 也在函数y =kx (x >0)的图象上.(2)设直线M′N′的表达式为y =-12x +b ,由⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧y =-12x +b ,y =2x得x 2-2bx +4=0.∵直线y =-12x +b 与函数y =2x (x >0)的图象仅有一个交点,∴(-2b)2-4×4=0, 解得b 1=2,b 2=-2(舍去),∴直线M′N′的表达式为y =-12x +2.24.解:(1)∵抛物线过点B(6,0),C(-2,0), ∴设抛物线的表达式为y =a(x -6)(x +2), 将点A(0,6)代入得-12a =6, 解得a =-12,∴抛物线的表达式为y =-12(x -6)(x +2)=-12x 2+2x +6.(2)如图,过点P 作PM⊥OB 于点M ,交AB 于点N ,作AG⊥PM 于点G.设直线AB 的表达式为y =kx +b ,将点A(0,6),B(6,0)代入得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧b =6,6k +b =0,解得⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧k =-1,b =6, 则直线AB 的表达式为y =-x +6. 设P(t ,-12t 2+2t +6),其中0<t <6,则N(t ,-t +6),∴PN=PM -MN =-12t 2+2t +6-(-t +6)=-12t 2+2t +6+t -6=-12t 2+3t ,∴S △PAB =S △PAN +S △PBN =12PN·AG+12PN·BM=12PN·(AG+BM) =12PN·OB =12×(-12t 2+3t)×6=-32t 2+9t=-32(t -3)2+272,∴当t =3时,△PAB 的面积有最大值. (3)存在.如图,∵PH⊥OB 于点H , ∴∠DHB=∠AOB=90°, ∴DH∥AO. ∵OA=OB =6, ∴∠BDH=∠BAO=45°. ∵PE∥x 轴,PD⊥x 轴, ∴∠DPE=90°.若△PDE 为等腰直角三角形, 则PD =PE.设点P 的横坐标为a ,∴PD=-12a 2+2a +6-(-a +6)=-12a 2+3a ,PE =2|2-a|,∴-12a 2+3a =2|2-a|,解得a =4或a =5-17,∴P(4,6)或P(5-17,317-5).。
2.领到试卷和答题卡后,请用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔,分别在试卷和答题卡上填写姓名、班级和准考证号,同时用铅笔在答题卡上填涂对应的试卷类型信息点(A 或B )。
第一部分(选择题 共24分)一、选择题(共8小题,每小题3分,计24分.每小题只有一个选项是符合题意的)1.在数轴上表示的点与原点的距离为( )A.2B. C. D.02.下列各组数中,互为相反数的一组是( )A.5和 B.2和C.和D.和3.计算的结果是( )A.1B. C.5 D.4.有三个正方体木块,每一块的各面都写上不同的数字,三块的写法完全相同,现把它们摆放成如图所示的位置,请你判断数字4对面的数字是()A.6B.3C.2D.15.有理数,在数轴上的对应点的位置如图所示,则下列各式成立的是()A. B. C. D.6.下列各式计算正确的是( )A. B. C. D.7.将若干个相同的小正方体堆成如图所示的图形,若每个小正方体的棱长为,则这个图形的表面积为()2B 2-2-2±5-123-13-3-13()()32---1-5-a b 1a >-a b>-1b -<a b<33--=()33-+=33-=-()33--=aA. B. C. D.8.如图,数轴上、两点分别对应实数、,则下列结论正确的是()A.B. C. D.第二部分(非选择题 共96分)二、填空题(共5小题,每小题3分,计15分)9.比较大小:______.(填“>”,“<”,“=”号)10.若比平均分高5分记作+5分,那么分表示______.11.在图中剪去1个小正方形,使得到的图形经过折叠能够围成一个正方体,则要剪去的正方形对应的数字是______.12.如图是某几何体从不同方向看所得图形,根据图中数据,求得该几何体的侧面积为______.(结果保留)13.,是绝对值最小的数,是最大的负整数,则______.三、解答题(共13小题,计81分.解答应写出过程)14.(5分)请把下列各数填入相应的集合中:,,5.2,0,,,,2024,,整数集合:{ …};负分数集合:{ …}.15.(10分)计算下列各题:(1);(2);230a 240a 250a 260a A B a b 0a b +>0a b +<0a b ->0a b ->34-45-2-π5a =b c a b c +-=2-12-2311653-0.3-()3--()()1111---()()3227-++(3);(4).16.(5分)一个几何体是由大小相同的小立方块搭成,其中小正方形上的数字表示在该位置上的小立方块的个数,请画出从正面和从左面看到的这个几何体的形状图.17.(5分)若,求的值.18.(5分)如图,用经过、、三点的平面截去正方体的一角,变成一个新的多面体,若这个多面体的面数为,棱数为,求的值.19.(6分)若,互为相反数,,,互为倒数,求的值.20.(6分)请画出数轴,并在数轴上标出下列各数:0.5,,,,.并把它们用“>”连接起来.21.(6分)下表列出了国外几个城市与北京的时差.城市纽约巴黎东京芝加哥时差/h(1)如果现在北京的时间是17:00,那么现在的东京时间是几点?(2)小荣想在北京时间9:00给在巴黎的姑妈打电话,你认为合适吗?请说明理由;(3)王老师从北京乘坐早晨7:00的航班经过约到达纽约,那么王老师到达纽约时当地时间大约是几点?22.(6分)如图是一张铁片.(单位:米)(1)计算这张铁片的面积;(2)这张铁片能否做成一个无盖长方体盒子?若能,请计算它的体积;若不能,请说明理由.23.(6分)设表示取的整数部分,例如:,.()()()733510+-++-+-()()67128510⎛⎫---+-- ⎪⎝⎭202320240x y -++=x y +A B C m n m n +a b 5x =c d ()a b cd x --+-4-1132.5- 1.5-–137-1+–1420h []a a []2.32=[]55=(1)求的值;(2)令,求.24.(6分)近几年,全球的新能源汽车发展迅猛,尤其对于我国来说,新能源汽车产销量都大幅度增加.小明家新换了一辆新能源纯电汽车,他连续7天记录了每天行驶的路程(如表).以为标准,多于的记为“+”,不足的记为“”,刚好的记为“0”.第一天第二天第三天第四天第五天第六天第七天路程+8+2+15(1)请求出小明家的新能源汽车这7天一共行驶了多少千米?(2)已知汽油车每行驶需用汽油5.5升,汽油价为8.2元/升,而新能源汽车每行驶耗电量为15度,每度电为0.56元,小明家换成新能源汽车后这7天的行驶费用比原来节省多少钱?25.(7分)有理数,,在数轴上的位置如图所示,且表示数的点、数的点与原点的距离相等.(1)用“>”,“<”或“=”填空:______0,______0,______0;(2)求的值.26.(8分)如图1,、两点在数轴上对应的数分别为和6.(1)直接写出、两点之间的距离______;(2)若在数轴上存在一点,使得到的距离是到的距离的3倍,求点表示的数;(3)如图2,现有动点、,若点从点出发,以每秒4个单位长度的速度沿数轴向右运动,同时点从点出发,以每秒2个单位长度的速度沿数轴向左运动,当点到达原点后立即以每秒3个单位长度的速度沿数轴向右运动,求:当到的距离是到的距离的4倍时的运动时间的值.图1图2咸阳市实验中学2024-2025学年第一学期阶段性检测(一)答案一、选择题(每小题3分,共24分)题号12345678答案AABBCDDC[][]12 3.675⎡⎤--+⎢⎥⎣⎦{}[]a a a =-[]312 2.4644⎧⎫⎧⎫-+⎨⎬⎨⎬⎩⎭⎩⎭40km 40km 40km -40km ()km 6-5-–511+100km 100km a b c a b a b +a c -b c -11b a -+-A B 16-A B P P B A P P Q P A Q B Q O P O Q O t二、填空题(每小题3分,共15分)9.10.比平均分低2分11.212.13.6或三、解答题(共81分)14.(5分)整数集合:负分数集合:15.(10分)(1,2小题各2分;3,4两小题各3分)(1)0;(2);(3);(4)16、(5分)(从正面看为3分,从左面看为2分)解:如图所示:17、(5分)【详解】解:由题意,得:,,,..18、(5分)【详解】解:由图可知,这个多面体的面数是7,即.又因为正方体有12条棱,被截去了3条棱,截面为三角形,所以增加了3条棱,故棱数不变,即.所以.19、(6分)或6解:由题知:,①当时原式>2π4-(){}2,0,3,2017---⋅⋅⋅15,,0.323⎧⎫---⋅⋅⋅⎨⎬⎩⎭5-4-1192-1-20230x -=20240y +=2023x ∴=2024y =-202320241x y ∴+=-=-19m n +=7m =12n =71219m n +=+=4-0a b +=5x =±1cd =5x =∴a b cd x=++-015=+-4=-②当时原式的值为或620、(6分)【详解】解:如图21、(6分)解:(1)现在的东京是18点(2)不合适,理由如下:当北京市9点时,巴黎是凌晨2点,姑妈正在休息,所以不合适。
五年级下册阶段过关检测卷Unit 1--Unit 2班级__________ 姓名 ___________ 得分___________一、找出句中含有与所给单词画线部分读音相同的单词。
(5分)1. I'm driving a train in the trees beside the street.try _____________ _____________ ______________2. Andy is drawing a dress.Andrew _____________ _____________二、单项选择。
(20分)( )1. The bus goes ____________ the town from north to south.A.downB.inC.throughD. round( )2. The fish is bad. We'd better not eat ____________.A.itB.theyC.itsD.them( 3.There3.There ___________ some water and pies on the table. Do you want some?A.isB.areC.amD.be( )4.-Anna, how does the dress look on me?-I'm sorry to say that it doesn't _____________ you well.A.likeB.fitC.makeD.look( )5. The Maths problem is difficult, but I ___________ get the answer.A.hardB.badlyuallyD.finally( )6. Beijing is a big city. Olivia wants ___________ it.A.visitB.visitingC.visitsD. to visit( )7. On the first day of Chinese New Year, we ___________ new clothes.A. put offB. take offC. put onD. try on( )8. It's ___________ us to go to bed early. We can have a good sleep.A. bad forB. good forC. bad atD. good at( )9.- ___________ can't you go with us?-____________ my leg hurts.A.Why; BecauseB. Why; ButC. What; BecauseD. What; But( )10.-The box is too heavy for me. -____________.A.Glad to hear thatB. Come onC. Let me help youD. Me too三、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。
上海市育才中学2021级高三第一学期10月练习考试时间120分钟,满分140分I.Listening Comprehension25分Section A10分Directions:In Section A,you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers.At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a conversation and the question about it,read the four possible answers on your paper,and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A.To a bank. B.To a travel agency.C.To a drugstore.D.To Spain.2. A.He forgot to submit his paper. B.He misremembered the deadline.C.He didn't finish his paper on time.D.He couldn't focus his mind on the paper.3. A.She is a movie enthusiast. B.She prefers thrillers to romances.C.She doesn't like thrillers.D.She is not in the mood for any movie.4. A.Because she is not good at calculating.B.Because she hurried to finish the report.C.Because she is quite a careless person.D.Because she cited unconfirmed figures.5. A.Lily forgot to deliver discs to the man.B.The man failed to renew the address.C.Lily planned to visit the new dormitory.D.The discs might have been mailed to the former place.6. A.The woman doesnt enjoy the leftovers.B.The man is an excellent cook in the army.C.The man has invited many people for lunch.D.The man intentionally prepared much food.7. A.The man should be more diligent.B.Cramming is effective for an exam.C.Biology is indeed difficult to learn.D.The man shouldn’t have stayed up that late.8. A.Arrange to apply for another room.B.Make a complaint about her roommate.C.Ask her roommate to move out of the room.D.Change rooms with someone in the housing office.9. A.Helen’s hard work is rewarding.B.Helen is an accomplished job hunter.C.Helen always complains about her job.D.Helen is viewed as a model by the speakers.10. A.Every student should value Chinese culture.B.Chinese students are humble and reserved.C.He is deeply impressed by Chinese culture.D..Chinese students lack the courage to share ideas.Section B15分Directions:In Section B,you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation,and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages and the conversations.The passages and the conversations will be read twice,but the questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question,read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions11through13are based on the following passage.11. A.To relocate to safer grounds. B.To migrate with the seasons.C.To seek more hunting grounds.D.To gather more food for survival.12. A.It once belonged to the North sea. B.It was drowned by the melt water.C.It was an island abundant in wildlife.D.It was unveiled by the modern fishermen.13. A.Polar ice caps will continue to melt at a rapid rate.B.The sea floor witnessed the rise and fall of the Europe.C.Doggerland is the birthplace of English civilization.D.Coastal residents are vulnerable to the climate change.Questions14through16are based on the following passage.14. A.Scientists in Britain are going to collect rocks on Mars.B.The discovery of Boron is a milestone in Mars exploration.C.Evidence indicates there exist plants and animals on Mars.D.The microscope is mainly used to identify different rocks.15. A.Basic molecules for life. B.More essential chemicals.C.Holes caused by microbes.D.Ancient material from Mars.16. A.The development of life on Mars. B.The search for signs of life on Mars.C.The importance of research on rocks.D.The discovery of surface water on Mars. Questions17through20are based on the following conversation.17. A.To practise skateboarding. B.To encourage teenagers in trouble.C.To support a non-profit organization.D.To fulfil his dream of touring Europe.18. A.They served as tour guides for Joe. B.They kept a record of Joe’s journey.C.They transported equipment for Joe.D.They took care of Joe’s accommodation.19. A.He covered a rather long distance. B.He tried to follow his friends’van.C.He fell down and broke the trainers.D.He climbed over the rugged mountains.20. A.Prepare for another trip. B.Resign from his current job.C.Write a book about his journey.D.Renew a contract with the organization.II.Grammar and Vocabulary20分Section A GrammarDirections:After reading the passage below,fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct.For the blanks with a given word,fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word;for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.10分Do you know someone who is exceptionally picky when it comes to the food to eat,the clothes to wear,or the people to date?Choosy people tend to be somewhat overly analytical-they carefully weigh the pros and cons of most decisions.As a result,they tend to take a lot of time (21)________(make)up their minds.Remember Jerry from Seinfeld?He was extremely picky regarding the people he dated.Any physical flaw,(22)________small,was Jerry's reason for rejecting a possible dating partner.I hada friend who was like that.He didn't like the shape of this girl's chin,or another(23)_______ears were“too large for her face.”As a result,he rarely dated anyone.A waitress told me a story of a particular picky woman.The restaurant had a special salad(24)________tons of ingredients.This woman would go down the list of ingredients and say,“I don't like cucumbers,take that out...take out the cilantro,no tomatoes,etc.”The waitress said that by the time she was done,it was(25)________salad of just iceberg lettuce!People who are not picky-the opposite end of the scale-tend to be(26)________(impulsive),flexible,and open to experience.Our research found that some people are only picky in particular areas of their lives-eating, dating,or when(27)________(evaluate)goods for purchase,although most were picky in most things.Picky people tend to analyze,and often overanalyze,the choices that they are about to make.Some of them can drive salespersons crazy as they hesitate,evaluate.and hesitate again.A contractor(承包商),who(28)________(remodel)a couple of houses,told me the story of two extreme clients.The first,who was extremely choosy,took forever to decideon bathroom fixtures,appliances,cabinets,and paint.(29)________________the non-picky one,looked at three similar colors and said,“They're all ok,you choose.”While choosy individuals(30)________spend long time deciding,being analytical and slowing to act,non-choosy people's impulsiveness may lead to quick,and unwise decisions. However,the truth is that non-choosy people may also make their quick decisions,and rationalize them to make them fit,even if it wasn't the best decision in the first place.Section B VocabularyDirections:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box.Each word can only be used once.Note that there is one word more than you need.10分A.claimedB.evacuateC.fabricsD.regularE.significantlyF.sinkG.rainstorms H.similar I.initially J.swallowing K.thought“It was a wave of water,”says Oulimata Sambe.She points out the still-sodden(湿透的) armchairs,muddy wardrobe and the water stain a metre and a half up the wall in her small house in Ngor,a fishing village within Dakar,the capital of Senegal.“I had two grandkids on my bed,I had to(31)______them out of the window,”she adds.Not faraway,underpasses on Dakar's scenic corniche(滨海路)became car-(32)______lakes.Just weeks earlier another downpour had turned quiet streets in Dakar into raging rivers and collapsed a section of motorway.(33)______events regularly occur across the region.Recent flooding and landslides also killed eight people in Freetown,the capital of Sierra Leone.In June flooding killed12people in Abidjan,the commercial capital of Ivory Coast.Floods in Lagos,Nigeria’s commercial capital, (34)______another seven lives.Even when they are not deadly,city floods ruin lives and livelihoods.Storm water recently flooded the biggest textile(纺织业)market in Kano,a city in northern Nigeria,destroying hundreds of thousands of dollars’worth of(35)______.Unusually heavy rains have become(36)______more common over the past30years, leaving huge numbers of people at risk.In places this is partly because of deforestation.A recent study by Christopher Taylor of the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology,a research institute, and his coauthors found that afternoon(37)______in deforested parts of coastal west Africa happen twice as often compared with30years ago.Their frequency went up by only about a third in places that kept their forests.Yet(38)______flooding of cities in west Africa is not only caused by heavier rain.Unplanned urbanization is also to blame.As cities have grown,builders have thrown up concrete walls with little(39)______about providing drainage,making it harder for water to find a clear path to the sea.As ever larger areas have been paved over,there has been less exposed soil into which water can gently(40)______away.And as cites get more packed with new arrivals,their few functioning drains get overwhelmed or clogged.III.Reading Comprehension45分Section ADirections:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.15分When Harry told me that he was leaving the company,one of the first things he said to me was that he didn’t like emotional goodbyes.I have decided to take him at his word.Everything you will hear me say tonight is straightforward and___41___,just like the man himself.Harry has been in the finance departent for seven years.In that time,he has not done anything remotely___42___.I asked several people if they had anecdotes(轶事)about him,and the best they could come up with is that he once accidentally changed a formula in the annual budget spreadsheet.Since the___43___was quickly spotted and fixed,it had no impact at all.Will Harry be___44___?Not at all,though for reasons that he may not fully grasp.This is an evening in which the person who is leaving receives presents(as well as a card from people whose names you don't recognize but who just loved working with you).But the___45___goes both ways.The leavers have a parting gift of their own to present:a convenient scapegoat(替罪羊).When someone dies,the convention is not to speak ill of the departed.When an employee ___46___a company,it's the opposite.Things that don't work as well as they should can be laid at the door of someone who won't___47___.Frustrations that have been suppressed can finally be blamed on someone.When we speak of you,we will say things like“Harry had many strengths but...",and we will___48___ourselves that you held us back a bit.This will not be true,but it will be___49___.I'd like to take this opportunity to tell you that we are grateful for this___50___ act of service,which can last for as long as a year after someone has actually left the building. After that,memories tend to fade.I wish I could promise you that you are part of company folklore,or that your role in banning plastic straws from the office will ring through the ages. ___51___,the only guarantee I can give is that no one here will ever read your exit-interview notes.This may all seem a little___52___.You have spent many years at the company,and yet will probably___53___.But in spite of that,you should still feel___54___in your time here.To have done your work well and to leave at a time of your choosing are achievements that are beyond most people.So please raise your glasses to Harry.He has been an excellent colleague and won't really be___55___.41.A.off the guard B.to the point C.in the swing D.on the horizon42.A.funny B.impressive C.correct D.creative43.A.breakdown B.discovery C.mistake D.crack44.A.hated B.remembered C.adored D.forgotten45.A.impact B.exchange C.ceremony D.end46.A.joins B.founds C.reforms D.exitse up B.answer back C.leave off D.back away48.A.persuade rm C.remind D.caution49.A.pointless B.consequential C.significant D.convenient50.A.selfless B.grand C.final D.accidental51.A.Instead B.Otherwise C.Besides D.Therefore52.A.weird B.amusing C.exciting D.sad53.A.make no difference B.leave little traceC.have some sayD.produce much impact54.A.regret B.guilt C.pride D.pain55.A.missed B.replaced C.erased D.blamedSection BDirections:Read the following three passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinjshed statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.22分AWorth nearly$ltrn,Facebook is the world’s sixth-most-valuable company.Its revenues have grown by56%in the past year,and its share price by more than a quarter.Nearly3bn people use its products every month.Why did such a successful company change its name as Meta?The likely official reason for the rebranding is that the firm has outgrown the social network that Mark Zuckerberg started17years ago in a Harvard dorm.Today it includes other social apps (Instagram,WhatsApp,Messenger)and video hardware(Oculus,Portal).It has launched a digital wallet(Novi)and may yet offer a currency(Diem).Mr Zuckerberg expects people eventually to associate his firm more with the“metaverse”(元字宙),a virtual space for work play and more, than with social media.Facebook wouldn't be the first tech giant to do so.In2015Google set up Alphabet,a holding company for the search engine and its many side projects.Under this model,Facebook would become just another app within a wider family,though by far it has been the biggest earner.There is another possible motive for a makeover.For all its financial success,the Facebook brand has become tarnished.The social network is blamed for fueling everything from teenage anorexia(厌食症)to uprising at the US Capitol.Public trust in it is lower than in most tech giants, and falling.Although two years ago the firm started branding its apps as being“from Facebook”, its new smart glasses,which can record video and take phone calls,feature only the logo of its partner,Ray-Ban.A former employee revealed that Facebook was trying to cover up a drop in young American users.Mr Zuckerberg himself has been a reason for much of the criticism of Facebook,and of bossy tech firms more generally.As the all-powerful founder,he has a higher profile than his opposite numbers at TikTok,YouTube and other social networks.Normally,a brand facing a reputational crisis might dump its unpopular CEO.But Mr Zuckerberg’s position is immovable, which may explain why he would want to dump the brand instead.56.Facebook changed its name because________.A.it wanted people to associate its name with universeB.it was trying to follow the fashion led by GoogleC.it expected to expand its business to a wider rangeD.its former name has brought bad reputation to the company57.What can we know about Facebook?A.It was founded by Zuckerberg in Harvard's dormitory.B.It has a positive influence on teenagers’mind and actions.C.It is as popular among young people in the US as it was.D.It produced smart glasses with two companies’logos on it.58.What does the underlined word“tarnished”mean in the passage?A.distinguishedB.abandonedC.globalizedD.spoiled59.This passage probably appears in________.A.a science reviewB.a business magazineC.a technical reportD.the website of FacebookBThe Pros and Cons of Napping●Daytime resting:helpful or harmful?Getting some sleep,even a short afternoon nap,may seem like a good thing for people with sleep disorders.But for those with insomnia and an already decreased desire to sleep at night, midday shut-eye can actually be counterproductive.So before you curl up on the couch this afternoon,consider whether your quick fix might backfire when you lie down in bed tonight.●Trouble sleeping at nightIf you have insomnia,naps present a problem,even if you feel tired during the day.Napping during the day can perpetuate bad sleep habits for people with temporary sleep issues caused by stress,illness,or jet lag too.“Even just a little bit of a power nap reduces your night time sleep drive,”says Ralph Downey III,PhD,director of the Sleep Disorders Center at Loma Linda University Medical Center in Califoria.“The nap becomes nothing more than another episode of fragmented sleep.”●Getting through the dayIf you don't have a problem getting your z’s at night,a quick nap can work wonders to pull you through a tiresome or sleep-deprived day.In fact,a2008study found that a45-minute daytime nap can improve memory function.And previous studies have found that naps can lower blood pressure.Those who suffer from narcolepsy or shift-work syndrome may also benefit from daytime naps,says James Wyatt,PhD,director of the Sleep Disorders Service and Research Center at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago.●Fatigue could be a warning signIf you're constantly fighting the urge to sleep during the day and falling asleep instantly at night,you might have obstructive sleep apnea,a condition in which you stop breathing while you sleep.In this case,naps won't help.By wearing a continuous positive airway pressure(CPAP) machine that flows oxygen through your nose,however,you'll likely sleep more soundly and wake refreshed whether from a good night's rest or a quick catnap.60.If you suffer from insomnia________.A.midday shut-eye may be helpfulB.a short afternoon nap is probably a good thingC.napping during the day is considered a good habitD.a little bit of a power nap decreases your night time sleep desire61.A quick nap can be beneficial for common people except those________.A.who have a problem falling into sleep at nightB.whose memory is not good enoughC.who suffer from shift-work syndromeD.whose blood pressure is too high62.It can be inferred from the passage that________.A.naps are helpful for those who have obstructive sleep apneaB.more oxygen through your nose might improve sleep qualityC.a45-minute daytime nap can be beneficial for those with insomniaD.a quick nap can pull everyone through a sleep-deprived dayCDelivering life-saving drugs directly to the brain in a safe and effective way is a challenge for medical providers.One key reason:the blood-brain barrier,which protects the brain from tissue-specific drug delivery.Methods such as an injection or a pill aren't as precise or immediate as doctors might prefer,and ensuring delivery right to the brain often requires invasive risky techniques.A team of engineers from Washington University in St.Louis has developed a new nanoparticle generation-delivery method that could someday vastly improve drug delivery to the brain,making it as simple as a sniff.“This would be a nanoparticle nasal spray,and the delivery system could allow medicine to reach the brain within30minutes to one hour,”said Ramesh Raliya,research scientist at the School of Engineering&Applied Science.“The blood-brain barrier protects the brain from foreign substances in the blood that may injure the brain,”Raliya said.“But when we need to deliver something there,getting through that barrier is difficult and invasive.Our non-invasive technique can delivel drugs via nanoparticles so there’s less risk and better response times.”The novel appronch is based on aerosol(气落胶)science and enginecring principles that allow the gencation of monodisperse nanoparticles,which can deposit on upper regions of the nasal cavity via spread.The nanoparticles were tagged with markers,allowing the researchers to track their movement.Next,researchers exposed locusts’antenna(触角)to the aerosol,and observed the nanoparticles travel from the antennas up through the olfactory nerve,which is used to sense the smell.Due to their tiny size,the nanoparticles passed through the brain-blood barrier,reaching the brain and spreading all over it in a matter of minutes.The team tested the concept in locusts because the blood-brain barriers in the insects and humans have similarities.“The shortest and possibly the easiest path to the brain is through your nose,”said Barani Raman,associate professor of biomedical engineering.“Your nose,the olfactory bulb and then olfactory cortex:two steps and you’ve reached the cortex.”To determine whether or not the foreign nanoparticles disrupted normal brain function,Saha examined the physiological response of olfactory neurons in the locusts before and after the nanoparticle delivery and found no noticeable change in the electrophysiological responses was detected.“This is only a beginning of a set of studies that can be performed to make nanoparticle-based drug delivery approaches more principled”Raman said.The next phase of research involves fusing the gold nanoparticles with various medicines,and using ultrasound to taarget a more precise dose to specific areas of the brain,which would be especially beneficial inbrain-tumor cases.63.This passage is mainly about________.A.a novel method of drug deliveryB.a challenge facing medical staffC.a new medicine treating brain diseasesD.a technique to improve doctors’ability64.According to the passage,which of the following statements is TRUE?A.Doctors prefer using methods like an injection to treat diseases.B.Locusts were taggged with markers to track their movement.C.The blood-brain barrier lowers the effectiveness of a pill.D.The medicine could reach the brain within half an hour.65.The researchers focused their study on locusts because________.A.human and locusts have similar structures that protect brain from foreign substances.B.the delivery process consists of the olfactory bulb and the olfactory cortexC.locusts have changeable electrophysiological responses to nanoparticlesD.The shortest and possibly the safest path to the brain is through human’s noses66.________would most be interested in reading this passage.A.A lung cancer patient who needs operation immediatelyB.A college student who majors in medical technologyC.A senior doctor who is about to retireD.A high school teacher who is teaching biologySection CDirections:Read the following passage.Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box.Each sentence can be used only once.Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A woman held tightly her phone to her heart,the way a missionary might hold a Bible.She was anxious to take a picture of a stunning bouquet of flowers,but first she had toget through a crowd of others who were doing the same.(67)___________For the34th year,florists were asked to create bouquets that respond to pieces of art on display,from ancient carvings to contemporary sculptures.A tower of baby’s breath imitates a waterfall in a nearby painting by Gustav Grunewald.Red flamingo flowers and neon blue sticks echo a surreal portrait of a woman by Salvador Dali.It's amazing and also extremely Instagrammable,to the point that it has become a problem.(68)__________Institutions of fine art around the world face similar problems as the desire to take photographs becomes a huge draw for museums as well as something that upsets some of their sponsors.So the de Young responded with a kind of agreement:carving out“photo free”hours during the exhibition’s six-day run.One common complaint in the ongoing debates over the effect of social media on museum culture is that people seem to be missing out on experiences because they are so busy collecting evidence of them.A study published in the journal Psychological Science suggests there is truth to this.It found that people who took photos of an exhibit rather than simply observing it had a harder time remembering what they saw.(69)__________Linda Butler,the de Young’s head of marketing,communications and visitor experience,acknowledges that not everyone wants amuseum to be“a selfie playland”.Yet a lot of other people do,and her take is that the de Young is in no position to claim that one motivation for buying a$28ticket is more valid than another.If we removed social media and photography,she says,“we should risk becoming irrelevant”.(70)__________On this visit to the museum,most people seemed to treat the photo craze as the new normal.Many politely waited their turn and got out of other people's shots even as visitors bumped into each other in crowded galleries.IV.Summary Writing:10分Directions:Read the following passage.Summarize the main idea and the main points)of the passage in no more e your own words as far as possible.71.It is a common sight on campus or in the streets:a young person rides by on an electric scooter,traveling quickly and proudly.But Beijing's traffic authorities have said that starting on Sept.5,people who are caught riding electric scooters on public roads or bicycle lanes will be fined10yuan.They will also be given a warning not to use the vehicles on public roads again.The announcement was made after traffic police in Shanghai started a campaign to get electric scooters off public roads,with police officers stopping riders because the scooters could cause traffic problems.The Beijing Consumer Association said it had tested more than20electric scooters of different brands recently and found that most had substandard brakes.It added that16 of the tested scooters could go faster than the maximum20km per hour set for electric bikes. According to the traffic police,people who ride electric scooters at certain speeds can easily bump into the vehicles in the vehicle lane and hurt people who walk in the bicycle lanes.But seeing the benefits that electric scooters have brought to young people,experts are worried that the ban may take effect slowly.Electric scooters are a great answer to the“last mile problem of getting from a public transport station to one’s home.They're light enough to throw over your shoulder.They're easy to ride just about anywhere and don't need a lot of physical effort.The scooter can travel25km on one charge.It's convenient and easy to control.They are also good for the environment.Unlike cars and buses.electric scooter produce no carbon dioxide,need no fuel and make almost no noise.For many young people,they use them to copy cool celebrities they have seen in videos.第II卷V.Translation:(3+3+4+5=15’)Directions:Translate the following sentence into English,using the words given in the brackets.72.在场的人都觉得他说的话不能证明他是无辜的。
南京一中2024-2025学年度第一学期8月阶段性检测试卷高三英语 2024.8命题人:高三英语备课组校对人:高三英语备课组审核人:高三英语备课组第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面 5 段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
1. What does the woman usually use the bigger car for?A. Holidays.B. Work.C. Shopping.2. What will the speakers probably do on Saturday?A. Borrow books.B. Attend a book sale.C. Visit a children's park.3. What is probably the woman's hobby?A. Dancing.B. Taking pictures.C. Growing house plants.4. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Prepare for the presentation.B. Work late into the night.C. Get enough sleep.5. What has the woman greatly improved according to the man?A. Her use of words.B. Her handwriting.C. Her story ideas.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
江西省赣州市2024小学数学一年级上学期人教版期末阶段质量检测(自测卷)完整试卷一、填一填(共10小题,28分) (共10题)第(1)题在多的后面画“√”。
( ) ( ) ( )( )第(3)题在括号里填上“>”“<”或“=”。
7( )13 10-1( )16 3+8( )11 7+5( )13第(4)题我在9的后面,我是( )。
比△少( )个,△比多( )个。
7( )11 14-4( )718-8( )9 8+7( )6+9第(7)题在括号里填上“+”或“-”。
3( )1=2 4( )3=1 3( )6=9 4( )1=57( )5=2 1( )1=2 7( )4=3 8( )1=96( )5=1 1( )4=5 5( )4=9 8( )5=3第(8)题在多的后面画“√”。
(1)长方体有( )个,正方体有( )个,圆柱有( )个,球有( )个。
(2)正方体比长方体多( )个。
圆柱比球少( )个。
长方体有( ) 个;正方体有( ) 个;圆柱有( )个;球有( )个。
二、轻松选择(共4题,12分) (共4题)第(1)题小红吃了8个饺子,还剩5个,原来有()个饺子。
A.第5首B.第7首C.第8首三、算一算(共4题,32分) (共4题)第(1)题算一算。
3+4= 1+5= 6-1= 7-3= 0+5=4-0= 5+2= 7-4= 1+6= 6-4=4+2= 2+3= 7-5= 6-6= 2+2=9-3= 6+2= 7-4= 3+6= 6-2=第(2)题夺红旗。
阶段检测一 集合、常用逻辑用语、函数与导数一、选择题1.D 由题意知,原命题的否定为“对任意的x ∈R ,2x>0”,故选D. 2.B 由题意得,0∈∁U A,3∈∁U A,且5∉∁U A,则0∉A,3∉A,且5∈A.故选B. 3.D 因为log 2a>log 2b,故a>b>0,故(13)a <(13)b <(12)b,故选D.4.A f(m)=∫m1(1-4x 2)dx =(x +4x )|1m=m+4m -5≥4-5=-1,当且仅当m=2时等号成立,故选A.5.A 因为x 3<x 2,所以x 2(x-1)<0,解得x<0或0<x<1,显然在这个范围内没有自然数,所以命题p 为假命题.命题q 显然为真命题.故选A.6.D 函数f(x)=(x -1x )cos x(-π≤x ≤π且x ≠0)为奇函数,排除选项A,B;当x=π时, f(x)=(π-1π)cos π=1π-π<0,排除选项C,故选D. 7.C 因为f(x)=2x -12x +1+x 3=1-22x +1+x 3,所以f(x)在R 上是增函数,又f(-x)=2-x -12-x +1-x 3=-(2x -12x +1+x 3)=-f(x),所以f(x)在R 上是奇函数,故f(2a)+f(1-a)>0⇒f(2a)>-f(1-a)=f(a-1)⇒2a>a-1⇒a>-1. 8.B 因为2a=3,3b=2,所以a>1,0<b<1.因为f(x)=a x+x-b,所以f(x)在R 上单调递增,又f(-1)=1a-1-b<0, f(0)=1-b>0,故由零点存在性定理可知f(x)在区间(-1,0)上存在零点.故选B.9.D 观察题中图象知,当x<-3时,y=x ·f '(x)>0,∴f '(x)<0;当-3<x<0时,y=x ·f '(x)<0,∴f '(x)>0;当0<x<3时,y=x ·f '(x)>0,∴f '(x)>0;当x>3时,y=x ·f '(x)<0,∴f '(x)<0.∴f(x)的极小值为f(-3), f(x)的极大值为f(3).10.B 由题意知,n=log 2m+2,所以m=2n-2.又BC=2,△ABC 为正三角形,所以B(m+√3,n-1),又点B 在y 1=log 2x 的图象上,所以n-1=log 2(m+√3),即m=2n-1-√3,所以2n=4√3,所以m=√3,所以m ·2n=√3×4√3=12.故选B.11.D 由幂函数的定义可得(m-1)2=1,解得m=0或m=2.当m=2时, f(x)=x -2在(0,+∞)上单调递减,与题设矛盾,舍去,∴m=0, f(x)=x 2.根据幂函数和指数函数的单调性可知,当x ∈[1,2)时, f(x),g(x)均单调递增,∴A=[1,4),B=[2-k,4-k).∵A∪B=A,∴B ⊆A,∴{2-k ≥1,4-k ≤4,解得0≤k ≤1.故实数k 的取值范围是[0,1].12.C 对于①,∀x 1,x 2∈R , f(x 1+x 2)=2(x 1+x 2)+3<2(x 1+x 2)+6=f(x 1)+f(x 2),故①满足条件;对于②,∀x 1,x 2∈[-12,12], f(x 1+x 2)=x 12+x 22+2x 1x 2, f(x 1)+f(x 2)=x 12+x 22,当x 1x 2>0时,不满足f(x 1+x 2)≤f(x 1)+f(x 2),故②不是“定义域上的M 函数”;对于③,∀x 1,x 2∈[-12,12],f(x 1+x 2)=x 12+x 22+2x 1x 2+1, f(x 1)+f(x 2)=x 12+x 22+2,因为x 1,x 2∈[-12,12],所以2x 1x 2≤12<1,故f(x 1+x 2)<f(x 1)+f(x 2),故③满足条件;对于④,∀x 1,x 2∈[0,π2], f(x 1+x 2)=sin x 1·cos x 2+sin x 2cosx 1≤sin x 1+sin x 2=f(x 1)+f(x 2),故④满足条件;对于⑤,∀x 1,x 2∈[2,+∞),f(x 1+x 2)=log 2(x 1+x 2),f(x 1)+f(x 2)=log 2(x 1x 2),因为x 1,x 2∈[2,+∞),所以1x 1+1x 2≤1,可得x 1+x 2≤x 1x 2,即f(x 1+x 2)≤f(x 1)+f(x 2),故⑤满足条件.所以是“定义域上的M 函数”的有①③④⑤,共4个. 二、填空题 13.答案 3解析 f '(x)=(x 2+ax+1)'=(x 2+a)'(x+1)-(x 2+a)(x+1)'(x+1)2=x 2+2x -a(x+1)2,∵x=1为函数的极值点,∴f '(1)=0,即1+2×1-a=0,解得a=3(经检验满足题意). 14.答案 -2解析 因为函数f(x)={x 2,x >0,x +1,x ≤0,g(x)=log 2x,所以g(2)=log 22=1, f(g(2))=f(1)=1,由f(a)+f(g(2))=0,得f(a)=-1.当a>0时,因为f(a)=a 2≠-1,所以不符合题意;当a ≤0时, f(a)=a+1=-1,解得a=-2. 15.答案 5解析 由方程(12)|x|+a+1=0恰有一个解,得a=-2.由题意知{4-|x|>0,1≤4-|x|≤4,x ≥-2,解得-2≤x ≤3,所以函数f(x)的定义域为[-2,3](经检验满足题意),b=3.所以b-a=3-(-2)=5. 16.答案 [2,+∞)解析 依题意得f '(x)=13x 3-m 2x 2-3x,当x ∈(1,3)时, f ″(x)=x 2-mx-3<0,即m>x-3x恒成立.函数y=x-3x 在区间(1,3)上是增函数,因此m ≥3-33=2,即实数m 的取值范围是[2,+∞). 三、解答题17.解析 集合A={x|1<x<2},B={x|a ≤x ≤3a},C={x|x<2或x>4}. (1)因为A ∪B=B,所以A ⊆B,故{a ≤1,3a ≥2,得23≤a ≤1.(2)“若x ∈B,则x ∈C ”为真命题,则B ⊆C,所以{a >0,3a <2或a>4,所以a 的取值范围是0<a<23或a>4.18.解析 (1)因为f(x)为奇函数,所以对定义域内任意的x,都有f(-x)+f(x)=0,即lg1-x1-ax+lg1+x1+ax=lg1-x 21-a 2x 2=0,所以a=±1,由条件知a ≠1,所以a=-1(经检验满足题意).(2)因为f(x)为奇函数,所以f (-12)+f (12)=0. 令h(x)=21+2x ,则h (12)+h (-12)=1+√2+21+1√2=2,所以g (12)+g (-12)=2.19.解析 (1)对已知函数f(x)求导,得f '(x)=1-lnx x 2.令f '(x)=0,即1-ln x=0,得x=e.当x ∈(0,e)时, f '(x)>0,当x ∈(e,+∞)时, f '(x)<0,∴函数f(x)在(0,e)上单调递增,在(e,+∞)上单调递减.(2)由h(x)=xf(x)-x-ax 2,可得h(x)=ln x-x-ax 2,h'(x)=1x -1-2ax=-2ax 2-x+1x.设φ(x)=-2ax 2-x+1,易知函数φ(x)的图象的对称轴为直线x=-14a ,开口向下,又a>0,故函数φ(x)在(0,2)上单调递减.易知φ(0)=1>0,结合题意可知φ(2)<0,解得a>-18,又a>0,∴实数a 的取值范围是(0,+∞).20.解析 (1)当x=1时, f(1)=p(1)=37,当2≤x ≤12,且x ∈N *时,f(x)=p(x)-p(x-1)=12x(x+1)(39-2x)-12(x-1)x(41-2x)=-3x 2+40x,经验证x=1时也满足此式,所以f(x)=-3x 2+40x(x ∈N *,且1≤x ≤12). (2)由题意知第x 个月的旅游消费总额(单位:万元)为g(x)={(-3x 2+40x)(35-2x)(x ∈N *,且1≤x ≤6),(-3x 2+40x)·160x(x ∈N *,且7≤x ≤12),即g(x)={6x 3-185x 2+1 400x(x ∈N *,且1≤x ≤6),-480x +6 400(x ∈N *,且7≤x ≤12).①当1≤x ≤6,且x ∈N *时,g'(x)=18x 2-370x+1 400,令g'(x)=0, 解得x=5或x=1409(舍去).当1≤x ≤5时,g'(x)≥0, 当5<x ≤6时,g'(x)<0, ∴g(x)max =g(5)=3 125(万元).②当7≤x ≤12,且x ∈N *时,g(x)=-480x+6 400是减函数,∴g(x)max =g(7)=3 040(万元).综上,2017年5月份的旅游消费总额最大,最大月旅游消费总额为3 125万元. 21.解析 (1)对f(x)求导,得f '(x)=1x +a-2,则f '(1)=1+a-2=0,解得a=1.所以f(x)=ln x-x,定义域为(0,+∞),且f '(x)=1x -1=1-x x,当0<x<1时, f '(x)>0;当x>1时, f'(x)<0.所以f(x)在(0,1)上是增函数,在(1,+∞)上是减函数,于是f(x)max =f(1)=ln 1-1=-1.(2)设f(x)(x ∈(1,2))的值域为A,g(x)的值域为B,则由对于任意的x 1∈(1,2),总存在x 2∈(1,2),使f(x 1)-g(x 2)=0,得A ⊆B.由(1)知f(x)在x ∈(1,2)上单调递减, 所以A=(ln 2-2,-1).对g(x)=13mx 3-mx 求导,得g'(x)=mx 2-m=m(x-1)(x+1).因为m>0,所以g(x)在x ∈(1,2)上是增函数,故B=(-23m,23m).又A ⊆B,则{23m ≥-1,-23m ≤ln2-2,结合m>0,解得m ≥3-32ln 2.所以实数m 的取值范围是[3-32ln2,+∞).22.解析 (1)对f(x)求导,得f '(x)=1x , f '(x)>0在(0,1]上恒成立,所以f(x)=ln x 在(0,1]上是增函数. 又F(x)=f(x)x=lnx x,求导得F'(x)=1-lnx x 2.因为x ∈(0,1],所以ln x ≤0,故F'(x)>0在(0,1]上恒成立,所以F(x)=lnx x在(0,1]上是增函数.由定义知, f(x)在(0,1]上不是“非完美增函数”.(2)若g(x)=2x+2x+aln x(a ∈R )是[1,+∞)上的“非完美增函数”,则g(x)=2x+2x+aln x 在[1,+∞)上单调递增,G(x)=g(x)x=2+2x+alnxx在[1,+∞)上单调递减.①g'(x)=2-2x 2+ax ≥0在[1,+∞)上恒成立,则a ≥2x -2x 在[1,+∞)上恒成立,又y=2x -2x 在[1,+∞)上单调递减,则a ≥0.②G'(x)=-4x3+a(1-lnx)x2≤0在[1,+∞)上恒成立,即-4+ax-axln x≤0在[1,+∞)上恒成立,令t(x)=-4+ax-axln x,x∈[1,+∞),因为t'(x)=-aln x,由①知a≥0,又x≥1,所以t'(x)≤0恒成立,所以t(x)=-4+ax-axln x在[1,+∞)上单调递减,则t(x)≤t(1)=a-4,要使t(x)=-4+ax-axln x≤0在[1,+∞)上恒成立,则a-4≤0,即a≤4.所以实数a的取值范围为[0,4].。
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”材料中的选官制度是(C) A.世卿世禄制B.九品中正制C.察举制D.科举制4.从秦汉到明清中央机构的变化反映了(B)A.中央与地方矛盾的消除B.君主专制制度的强化C.地方机构权力的加强D.君权与相权矛盾的弥合5.“掌侍奉进奏,参议表章。