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1.Now, Dad normally hates being disturbed when he ______ (write) (which is just about all the

time), and he also hates having to go anywhere, but despite the typical sighs and moans –why can’t he get a taxi? What’s wrong with the bus?

2.This quote can _______ (interpret) to mean that you may have strength or confidence to

start on your way right now to move toward your final goal.

3.However, it is also critical that committed action each day ______(build)to help you keep

going when obstacles arise or when you just don’t feel like you have the interest or energy to stay ______ (focus).

4.My ticket ______ (cost) £187(1,954 yuan), and I spent £30 a day on cheap food and extra

ticket supplements.

5.Surfer Mat Jones told Channel 7 News that he ________________ ( go ) into water off a New

South Wales beach and left his new iPhone 7, bought last week, ________________ ( wrap) in a pair of trousers in his car on the beach.

6.In the end, I reached the top and (30) ______(fascinate) by the warm breeze and sunshine.

Nothing could be more pleasant than that.

7.Two women who _______ (use) wheelchairs all their lives are two important members

ofthe National Group for Disabled Persons

8.In two days, it will be Christmas. Children all over the world ______ (look) forward to this

day for weeks.

9.I wish that sports day could ______ (abandon) and replaced with some other summer


10.Since it drew recent media attention, Woon______ (hear) from resorts and restaurants in 10

countries, including the United States.

11.We always hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and now new research

has confirmed what we _________ ( tell ) for years: skipping that morning meal is a very bad idea.

12.One evening, about a month after moving in, I ______ (occupy) in writing a mystery novel,

and at that time a “meow” sounded from outside the apartment door.

13.互联网经济在为中国的国内外贸易提供新的发展机遇。( provide )


1.We live on the island of Hale. It’s about four kilometers long and two kilometers wide at its

broadest point, and it’s joined to the mainland by a causeway ______ (call) Stand—a narrow road built across the mouth of the river ______ separates us from the rest of the country.

2.My first thought was how odd it was ______(see) someone walking on the Stand.

3.People are always thinking about success. It is usually in their brains as they go about their

daily routines ______(look) for something better.

4.However, it is also critical that committed action each day build to help you keep going when

obstacles arise or when you just don’t feel like you have the interest or energy to stay
