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一半的人会死 Half the people on this ship-are going to die.
不是好的那一半 Not the better half.
快来,露丝,快上船 Come on, Ruth, get in the boat.
First-class seats are right up here.
可惜那幅画没带 It's a pity I didn't keep that drawing.-It'll be worth more by morning.
Women and children towards the front.
你这人太坏了 You unimaginable bastard.
我不准,我说不行 No... No!
I said no!
露丝,别去! Rose!
Please stop!
下水 - And lower away!-- Rose!
露丝 - Man the tiller!-- No, wait!
Hold the left side there!
对 Listen, Rose... I trust you.
来吧 Go!
成功了 You did it!
走吧 Come on, let's go!
真冷!见鬼! Oh, shit, this is cold! Oh, shit!
真糟糕! Shit! Shit!
那是出路 This is the way out.
没有钥匙,没钥匙 No key.
- There's no key!-- Rose, listen.
好,你去找人帮忙 You have to go find help.
没关系 It'll be all right.
我马上回来 I'll be right back.
我在这等你 I'll just wait here.
船员通道 Crew passage...
“船员通道” Crew passage.
杰克 Jack!
杰克 Jack!
杰克 Jack!
露丝 Rose!
- 杰克-- 露丝,我在这里 Jack!
Rose, I'm in here!
我在这里 - I'm in here!-- Jack!
去你的 To hell with you.
Lower away!
Oh, God...
我的天! Oh, my God...
杰克 Jack!
露丝 Rose!
这个行不行? Will this work?
我们只有试试看了,来吧 I guess we'll find out. Come on.
这里 I'm in here!
杰克,对不起 - Jack!-- Rose!
Jack! Jack!
真是抱歉 I'm sorry!
I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!
是拉夫杰栽的赃 - Lovejoy put it in my pocket.-- I know! I know, I know, I know!
希望不会太挤 I hope they're not too crowded.
哦,妈妈,够了 Oh, Mother... Shut up!-Don't you understand?!
海水冰冷刺骨,而且救生艇不够 The water is freezing and there aren't-enough boats! Not enough by half.
快来,露丝,还有位子 Come on, Rose, darling.-There's plenty of room for you.
露丝,该你了 - Come on, Rose. You're next.-- Come into the boat, Rose.
露丝 Come.
到E层 "E" deck.
快… Come on... Come on, come on...
我要上去了 I'm going back up!
不要 No!
No! No!
Miss, wait!
回来 Come back! I'm going back up!
回来!我要上去了 I'm going back up!
我们得另外找出路 We have to find another way. Come on.
Put your backs into it! Pull!
这景象真是令人难忘 Now there's something-you don't see every day.
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走这边,姐姐-你听见了,上船 Come on, sister, you heard the man.-Into the boat.
- The lifts are closed.-- I do not care...
抱歉,小姐,升降梯停用了 The lifts are...
I'm sorry, miss,-but the lifts are closed.
妈的,我礼貌够了 I'm through being polite, goddamn it!-Now take me down!
怎么还带着行李? What's this luggage doing here?-Get rid of it! We need the room!
保持冷静 Keep calm!
Move along there. Make more room.-That's right. Look sharp.
救命 Help!
有人吗? Can anybody hear me!
喂!救命 Hello, help me!
Help me!
救命!有没有人? Help me! Can anybody hear me!
有没有人?救命! Somebody help me!
安德鲁先生? Mr Andrews!
里头有人吗? Anyone in here?
安德鲁先生!谢天谢地 Mr Andrews, thank God! Where would-they take someone under arrest?
什么?你必须快点坐上救生艇 You have to get to a boat right away.
快上船 Get into the boat!
露丝? Rose...
再见了,妈妈 Goodbye, Mother.
你去哪儿? Where are you going?
去找他? To him?!
去当那混混的情妇? To be a whore to a gutter rat?!
总比当你的妻子好 I'd rather be his whore than your wife!
露丝,快去找备用钥匙 Rose, you have to find-a spare key, all right?
在柜子里找找看 Look in that cabinet.
银制的小钥匙 It's a little silver one, Rose.
这些都是铜的 These are all brass!
检查右舷的通道 Check the starboard corridor.
穿救生衣,到救生艇甲板 Madam, please, put on a lifebelt.
洛茜,穿上救生衣 Lucy, for God's sake, put on-your lifebelt. Set a good example.
这里有个人被困住了 There is a man down here-and he is trapped!
这边 - No need to panic.-- I'm not panicking!
我没慌,走错方向了 You're going the wrong way!-Let go of Rose.
露丝,你怎么发现我没偷? Rose...
How did you find out I didn't do it?
我没有-我只是觉得你不会这么做 I didn't.
I just realized I already knew.
继续找 Keep looking!
来,把它砍断 Come on, Rose. You can do it.
Listen, just hit it really hard-and really fast.
等一下,两只手分开一点 Wait!-Open your hands up a little more.
这样吗? - Like that?-- Right.
有位子给绅士吗? - Any room for a gentleman, gentlemen?-- Only women at this time, sir.
救生艇能按等级分座位吗? Will the lifeboats be seated-according to class?
拉夫杰 - Lovejoy!-- She's not on the starboard side.
时间不多了 We're running out of time and this-martinet isn't letting any men on.
你帮不帮忙,我都得去 I'm doing this with or without your help,-but without will take longer.
坐升降梯下到底 Take the elevator to the very bottom.-Go left down the crewmen's passage.
喂?有人在吗? Hello, is there anyone here?
这里有人吗? Hello?
Is there anybody down here?
我们需要帮忙,喂? We need help! Hello!
妈的 Damn it!
有人吗?喂? Can anybody hear me! Please!-Hello! Hello!
等一下!先在那边试砍几下 Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Try some practice swings.
好,再砍同样的位置 Good. Try to hit the same mark-again, Rose. You can do it.
好,差不多了 Okay. That's enough practice.
再右转,到楼梯左转 Go right and left again at the stairs.-You'll come to a corridor.
事态严重了 This could be bad.
哦,见鬼 Oh, shit.
Oh, shit!
对不起,谢谢 Excuse me!
谢天谢地! Oh, thank God!
我需要帮忙,有个人在里面. I need your help. There's a man-back here and... Wait!
- 这里很危险,我带你上去-- 我需要你的帮助 - Miss, you shouldn't be here now.-- Please, I need your help.