
e.g: Please keep on and never give up.
give up 放弃
❖ e.g Don’t give up our study easily . ❖不要轻易放弃我们的学习。
The answers
❖ 1.He ran back to Athens to tell the good news. ❖ 2.At the end of 19th cencury, people were looking for a
give up. ❖ I like ping pong best.
❖She works as a secretary. ❖她担任秘书工作。
North of … 表示“…以北,在…的北面”
❖ North of=to the north of ❖ 几组词汇的运用区别: ❖ To the north of /in the north of /on the north of ❖ Japan is to the east of China. ❖ Xinjiang is in the west of China. ❖ Shanxi province is on the north of Henan.
think of 考虑,认为 ❖ e.g How do think of my new watch? ❖ 你认为我的新表如何?
take part in参与,加入 e.g We will take part in this sport meeting. 我们将参加这次运动会。
keep on 继续

B. once the week. C. once week.
3.His article is ____in his class.
A.better B.the best C.best
See you next
C. 动词的过去分词
(1)规则变化:与动词过去时的变化一样.在 词尾+ed. look---looked try---tried stay---stayed (2)不规则变化:没有规律可循. eat---eaten have---had do---done see---seen be---been meet---met drink---drunk…
downstairs(楼下) around(在周围) here(这儿) there(那儿) down(下面) near(附近) away(远处) She went away. He isn’t here.
really(真正的,实在的) very(很,非常) just(正好,仅仅) too(也,太…) quite(相当,十分) much(非常,多达) definitely(明确地,干脆地)
体育 运动
动宾搭配 表示频度的词 形容词比较级和最高级 动词+V-ing结构 副词 现在完成时
(1)频度副词的排列: 0 % ---------------------------------------100% Never (从不) 0% Occasionally(偶尔) 10% sometimes(有时) 30% often(经常) 50% usually(通常) 80% always(总是) 100%

足球是足球运动或足球比赛的简称。当然它也指足 球比赛中的用球。足球运动是一项古老的体育活动, 源远流长。最早起源于中国古代的一种球类游戏 “蹴鞠”,后来经过阿拉伯人传到欧洲,发展成现 代足球。不少国家将足球定为“国球”。
球类运动项目之一,球场长方形,中间隔有网,比 赛双方(每方六人)各占球场的一方,用手把球从 网上空打来打去。排球运动使用的球,用羊皮或人 造革做壳现方式做保护处理对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑并不能对任何下载内容负责
田径 游泳 体操 足球 排球 网球 乒乓球 羽毛球 冰球 举重 跳水
田径(track and field)或称田径运动是径赛、田赛 和全能比赛的全称。以高度和距离长度计算成绩 的跳跃、投掷项目叫“田赛”;以时间计算成绩 的竞走和跑的项目叫“径赛”。田径比赛由田赛、 径赛、公路路跑、竞走和越野跑组成,此外还包 括部分田赛和径赛项目组成的“十项全能”。
网球(tennis)是一项优美而激烈的运动,网球运 动的由来和发展可以用四句话来概括:孕育在法 国,诞生在英国,开始普及和形成高潮在美国, 现在盛行全世界,被称为世界第二大球类运动。
乒乓球,中华人民共和国国球。是一种世界流行 的球类体育项目。它的英语官方名称是“table tennis”,意即“桌上网球”。乒乓球一名起源自 1900年,因其打击时发出“Ping Pong”的声音而 得名,在中国就以“乒乓球”作为它的官方名称, 香港及澳门等地区亦同时使用。然而,台湾和日 本则称为桌球,意指球桌上的球类运动。
人教版2019 必修一 Unit 3 Sports and Fitness 课件(共47张PPT)

He is a teacher. (is与补足语一起说明主语的身份。)
Language Point:
重点句式 1: • One of the best players had been injured, and the team captain had
to leave because of heart problem.
• 最优秀的队员中有一人受伤了,而且队长也因为心脏问题离队。
• The rumor proved false. / The search proved difficult.
His plan turned out a success. (turn out表终止性结果)
• be动词(am,is,are), • 感官动词(feel,look,smell,sound,taste,
He looks tired.
He seems (to be) very sad.
4)感官系动词:感官系动词主要有feel, smell, sound, taste, 例如:
• This kind of cloth feels very soft.
• This flower smells very sweet.
• 现在完成进行时,表示过去开始并一直延续的动作,可能刚刚停 止,也可能还在进行。
• How long have you been waiting here?

• Para2
• Details or comments .
**在做热身运动.同学们都在为他加油 **领先了,他第一个到达终点。 比赛五分钟后就开始,气氛很紧张
** is warming up while his classmates is cheering for him .
** is taking lead, and he crosses the line first
Every teacher and student will work hard to guarantee
the success of the school sports meeting.
• Jack from class six, senior high grade two broke the record in the men’s 200-metre dash match. It was a fierce competition . The competitors were neck and neck with him. But he managed to cross the line first. We gave him our congratulations. Jack says it is wonderful to be able to say he's number one. In his moment of victory, he wants to say thanks to all the teachers and classmates who have helped him. Jack says, "It's the coolest thing to win the first place/ honor for my class."

A(1)在动词to be之后:
I’m usually ill on planes. He isn’t usually ill on boats. Are you usually ill on boats?
I always get up at 6.30. She never goes there.
downstairs(楼下) around(在周围) here(这儿) there(那儿) down(下面) near(附近) away(远处) She went away. He isn’t here.
really(真正的,实在的) very(很,非常) just(正好,仅仅) too(也,太…) quite(相当,十分) much(非常,多达) definitely(明确地,干脆地)
(1)单音节形容词和部分双音节形容词在词尾+er或est 分别构成比较级和最高级.
rich high small
richer higher smaller
richest highest smallest
(2)多音节形容词(含大部分双音节形容词)在原级前加more 和 most分别构成比较级和最高级
A. once a week.
B. once the week. C. once week.
3.His article is ____in his class.
A.better B.the best C.best

Athletics includes ?
Sprint 短跑
Middle distance running 中距离跑
Long distance running 长距离跑
Marathon 马拉松
Relay 接力跑
Hurdle 跨栏
Obstacle race 障碍跑
Heel-and-toe walking race 竞走
Name: Hammer Weight:7.26kg Long: 117.5-121.5 cm
Age:19 Come from:Japan
姓名:李祥宽 学号:1310302-35 时间:2015.4.14
Combined Events 全能
Shot put 推铅球
Discus throw 铁饼
Hammer throw 链球
Javelin throw 标枪
Bar High:0.914m Column width:3.96m
Major events:
IAAF:International Amateur Athletic Federation
July 17, 1912
North America
South America Oceania

▪ You never really lose until you stop trying. ▪ 在你停止努力尝试之前,你永远都不会失败。
▪ Jumping Events
➢ High jump ➢ Pole vault 撑杆跳高 ➢ Long jump ➢ Triple jump 三级跳远
Athletic: Jumping Events
▪ The winner is the contestant who successfully leaps the highest, and the winner is the loser of the high.
➢ Golden League ➢ IAAF ➢ Other running events. And give us a brief
introduction to these events.
▪ In addition, DO NOT FORGET
Rule observation at various places Matters
Running Events
▪ Condition:<=400m ▪ Crouch start ▪ Starting block ▪ On your mark ▪ Set ▪ Abreast ▪ Breast the tape ▪ Rival ▪ Sprint ▪ Dash
1st place
▪ Throwing Events
➢ Shot put, Javelin throw, Hammer throw

"Let's go for a run!"
"How many calories did you burn?"
"He is the best player in the team."
"She won't the race by a narrow margin."
Expressions for Joining a Sport
"I'd like to sign up for the marathon."
"Can I reserve a spot in the softball team?"
English expressions for participating in sports activities
Speaking Practice • Sports English Reading and
Introduction to Sports English
Definition of Sports English
Definition of Sports English: Sports English is an English language course specifically designed for the sports field, aimed at improving students' English communication skills in the sports field, including terminology, expression methods, communication skills, etc.

n - 参与比赛和准备性训练(教学),是少儿 教育的两个重要方面。
•国际田联地区发展中心·北京 国际田联少儿田径项目简介Slide1
•18 •17 •16 •15 •13
•12 ••7
n 容易导致早期运动专项化 n 有些田径项目动作技术过于复杂 n 难以激发孩子们的兴趣 n 容易发生安全问题 n 对场地的要求难以得到满足 n 成人的器械难以被适应 n 竞赛规则过于严厉 n 难以让所有的孩子获得成就感
•国际田联地区发展中心·北京 国际田联少儿田径项目简介Slide1
•国际田联地区发展中心·北京 国际田联少儿田径项目简介Slide1
•国际田联地区发展中心·北京 国际田联少儿田径项目简介Slide1
•国际田联地区发展中心·北京 国际田联少儿田径项目简介Slide1
n 由国际田联、中国田径协会、中国教育学会联合推广 n 在全国已经发展50多所实验学校 n 成功举办国际田联少儿趣味田径指导员培训班 n 成功举办少儿趣味田径运动会 n 全国各地成功组织进行了多次教学展示活动 n 少儿趣味田径成为国内十几所知名体育院校体育教育专业正式课程 n 与全国中小学体育教学指导委员会和中国教育学会体育专业委员会联合召开了“中小学田径
n 由于不同国家、不同地区进行少儿田径项 目的时间长短不同,基础也不同所以造成 其水平也各有差异。

田径规则英语---------------------------------------田径规则英语第一节常用词语一,项目名称One hundred meters 100米Two hundred meters 200米Four hundred meters 400米Eight hundred meters 800米Fifteen hundred meters 1500米Three thousand meters 3000米Five thousand meters 5000米Ten thousand meters 10000米Marathon race 马拉松赛跑One hundred meters hurdle 100米栏One hundred and ten meters hurdlz 110米栏Four hundred meters hurdle 400米栏Three thousand meters steeplechase 3000米障碍Four by one hundred meters relay race 4乘100米接力Four by four hundred meters relay race 4乘400米接力Ten kilometers walking 10公里竞走twenty kilometers walking 20公里竞走fifty kilometers walking 50公里竞走high jump 跳高long jump 跳远tripe jump 三级跳远pole vault 撑杆跳高shot put 推铅球discus throw 掷铁饼javelin throw 掷标枪hammer throw 掷链球decathlon 十项全能heptathlon 七项全能二,赛次,组次preliminary 预赛round 赛次,轮次heat 组次the qualifying round 及格赛round one ,heat three 预赛第一组round two ,heat three 决赛第三组semi-final heat two 复赛第二组the additional round 附加赛final 决赛compete for place 决名次赛三,替换词汇additional trial 附加试跳\掷a fresh start 重新起跑aggregate score 累积分anchor man 最后一棒运动员announcement of results 成绩宣布bend knee 屈膝cleared 试跳成功commencing 起跳高度competition 竞赛须知default 弃权disqualify 取消资格赛doping control 兴奋剂检查draw lots 抽签dropped baton 掉棒first false start 第一次抢跑first place 第一名first leg 第一棒运动员five more laps 还有五圈flight 腾空forgo 弃权,免跳following wind 顺风go ahead by one lap 超一圈head wind 顶风invalid 无效jostle 撞入lane one 第一道last lap 最后一圈leaving the lane 离开跑道march off 退场mark 标记missed 试跳失败number 号码obstruct 阻碍on your mark set 各就位,预备passed 免跳pinched off 被挤protest 抗议push 推人relay team 接力队roll-call 点名;检录running in lanes 分道跑safe jump 试跳成功second leg 第二棒运动员spikes 鞋钉the first three 前三名the first trial 第一次试跳\掷the lapped competitor 被超圈者the third leg 第三棒运动员the timetable of events 竞赛日程third place 第三名tie 成绩相等time limit 时限to knock down a hurdle 碰倒栏架to reach home 到达终点trail the leg alongside the hurdle 腿从栏侧跨过unreasonable delay 无故延误valid trail 有效试跳\掷warning警告四.工作处及场所名称administration division行政处athletes lounge 运动员休息室athletes zone运动员观摩室awarding group lounge颁奖小组休息室call room 检录处cameramen zone 记者摄影区competition committee竞赛委员会competition office竞赛办公室competition division竞赛处computer operation room计算机工作室doping control Lab.兴奋剂检测室Entrance入口处First aid room医务急救室General affairs division综合处Information desk问询处Jury of appeal仲裁委员会Media and publicity division宣传处Men's locker room男运动员更衣室Office of technical delegate技术代表工作室Press office记者工作室Press zone记者席Referees lounge裁判员休息室Results statistics office成绩统计办公室Secretariat秘书处Security division安保处Technology division技术处Toilet 厕所VIP lounge 贵宾休息室Women's locker room女运动员更衣室五;官员,裁判和工作人员名称Organization delegates组织代表Technical delegates技术代表Medical delegates医务代表Doping control officials兴奋剂检查代表International technical officials 国际技术官员International walking judge国际竞走裁判International photofinsh judge国际终点摄影裁判Jury member 仲裁委员会Chief referee 总裁判长Assistant chief refers副总裁判长Referee for track events径赛裁判长Referee for field events田赛裁判长Chief inspector检查主裁判Chief clerk of the course检录主裁判Starter发令员Chief finish judge终点主裁判Chief timekeeper计时主裁判Chief photo finish judge终点摄影主裁判Chief judge for jumping events跳部主裁判Chief throwing judge 掷部主裁判Referee for combined events 全能裁判长Chief judge for walking events 竞走裁判长Chief judge at Pre-Competition Control赛前控制中心主裁判Chief judge at Post Competition Control赛后控制中心主裁判Chief judge for program ,record announcement编排记录公告主裁判Referee for road events外场裁判长Chief judge for marathon race 马拉松主裁判Head for venue equipment场地器材组长Announcer 宣告员Electronic measurement judge 电动丈量裁判员Finish recorder终点记录员Lap scorer记圈员Official surveyor正式测量员Wind gauge operator风速测量员Steward服务员第二节赛场用语一,田径场内广播用语ladies and gentlemen ,the men's 100m dash will begin a few minutes late r. I’d like to introduce the competitors to you:lane one name team ;lane two name team;女士们,先生们,男子一百米比赛马上就要开始了,现在介绍运动员:第一道姓名,队员;第二道姓名,队员;等your attention please ,competitors of women's high jump final are ready for the competition.请注意,女子跳高决赛的运动员正在准备比赛.Ladies and gentlemen, attention please. The result of men's ten thousand meters final is displayed on the scoreboard.女士们,先生们,请注意.大屏幕上显示着男子一万米决赛的正式成绩.Ladies and gentlemen, the victory ceremony for women's shot put final now begins. 女士们,先生们,女子铅球决赛的发奖仪式现在开始.The winners and the awarding officials please enter.请获奖运动员,颁奖官员入场.The first place name,country\region,resultThe second place name,country\region,resultThe third第一名姓名,国家,地区,成绩.第二名姓名,国家,地区,成绩.第三Mr. is kindly requested to present prizes to the winning athletes.请向获奖运动员颁奖Present flowers to winning athletes.向获奖运动员献花.Now, the flag raising ceremony begins. stand up please.现在举行升旗仪式,请大家起立.Sit down,please.officials and winners march off the field.请坐,颁奖官员,运动员退场.Ladies and gentlemen, just now, in the competition of event ,athlete's name, from country broke the world record in .女士们,先生们,在刚才的比赛中, 运动员工以的成绩打破了世界记录.二,赛前控制中心广播用语The athletes of men's 100m in decathlon get ready please. in five minutes ,we'll begin to call the roll.参加男子十项之一100米比赛的运动员,请注意,还有5分钟进行检录.Women's discus throwers for the qualifying competition, attention please. it’s time for roll calling.参加女子铁饼及格赛的运动员请注意,现在开始检录.The athletes of men's 4 400, relay race round one two ,attention please time for roll calling now.参加男子4乖100米接力预赛第二组的运动员请注意,现在开始检录.Your attention please, athlete No.234,please come to the call room immediately . 请注意, 队的234号运动员请马上到检录处来.三, 各裁判组用语1,检录Show your ID card please .请您出示身份卡.Wait a moment, please请稍候As you are not engaged in the present contest ,you shall not be permitted to go into the call room.你与现在的比赛无关,不能入内.You are not allowed to go out, once you come in here.进入检录处后,是不允许随意出去的.No competitor shall be permitted to take any equipment into the arena.运动员不准自带器材入场.The roll-calling time is over; you are not allowed to come in here.这次检录已结束,不得入内.Come in, please wish you success.请进,祝您成功.Please sit down according to you lane number.请按各自道次号就座.Show your number ,please.请您显示号码.A number is missing from your chest.你胸前的号码少了一个.Please hand in the final declaration form about your competition shoes to be worn. 请上交你最后决定的比赛用鞋表.You aren't allowed to take part in the competition ,because your number isn't clear.你佩戴的号码字迹不清,不准参加比赛.Now ,we are going to check, please show your shoes.请拿出比赛用鞋,现在开始检查.Your spikes exceed the limit .你的鞋钉超过了规定长度.Line up please come with me to the competition arena.排好队,请跟我进入比赛场地.The numbers of each relay team please line up according to the order of the stations. 请各队按棒次先后顺序排好.The first and the third runners, now follow me please.第一,三棒运动员,现在请跟我入场.Attention. right face ,left face ,at ease march, halt.立正向右转向左转便步走立定Here is your lane-number.戴上你的道次号码.Please hang it on the right side of your shorts.请戴在短裤右侧.2,起点Assemble here from left to right, facing the running direction and wait for the starter's order.大家在这里集合,面向跑进方向自左至右排好,等候发令员的口令.Wait a moment here please, and obey the starter's commands.请在这里等候片刻,听从发令员的召唤.Japanese athlete /doc/3b68ff87a58da0116c1749a1.htmlne oneKuwait athlete /doc/3b68ff87a58da0116c1749a1.htmlne two.日本运动员121号,一道.科威特运动员342号,二道.On your marks ,set各就位,预备This is your first false start. you are warned.这是你第一次起跑犯规,给予警告.Runner No.266 is disqualified for two fouls.266号运动员第二次抢跑,取消比赛资格.All competitors stand up please.全体运动员请请起立.Relax ,everybody.大家放松些.Start by the report of the pistol, don’t beat the gun.听枪声起跑,不要压枪跑.Let's go back to the assemble line ,ready for a fresh start.请回到集合线上,准备再次起跑.Stand by your marks.回到你原来的位置3,终点The runner of the leading team takes the inside lane please.领先队的接棒队员排在里道.No.345,five more laps to go.345号,还有五圈.4,检查Assemble here please.No.312 lane one.No.465 lane two请集合,312号一道,465号二道Take off your number and leave the track immediately, please.请立即取下号码布,离开跑道.5,竞走No.299,you are given a warning .299号,向你提出警告.Chief judge ,please show your red sign.裁判长,请你出示红牌.Athlete No.42,you accepted a soft drink offered by someone without permission. you are disqualified.42号运动员,你擅自接受他人提供的饮料,取消比赛资格.Athlete No.40,you accepted timing by a non-timer .you are cancelled.40号运动员,你接受非计时员的报告,取消比赛资格.Athlete No.314,you received instruction while walking. you are disqualified. 314号运动员,你在比赛中接受技术指导,取消比赛资格.Your legs are bending .你曲腿了.Your two feet are leaving the ground.你腾空了.6,全能Now the scores ,separate for each event and a cumulative total, are announced to the competitors.现在宣布运动员的单项得分和累积得分.Your attention please, the next event will begin after a thirty minutes rest. 运动员请注意,下一项大约休息三十分钟后进行.Now you may take your practice trials according to your jumping order.现在按试跳顺序练习.7,田赛Competitors attention please ,now competition will begin.运动员请注意,现在比赛开始.No.12,time for you please.12号,轮到你试跳了.All high jumpers, attention please, assemble here.跳高运动员请集合.Here is the trial order:No.32,No.54宣布试跳顺序:32号;54号;Now the trial jump practice starts.现在开始练习试跳.Each competitor may have two practice trials .每个人可练习两次.The practice trial jump is over now.练习完毕.The commencing height and the plan of raising the cross bar will be as follows. 现在向运动员宣布起跳高度和提升计划.The starting height is 1.80m,then 5cm is to be raised after each round. after 2.00m has been cleared.3cm is to be raised at the end of each round.走跳高度是1.80米,每次提升5厘米,2米以后,每次提升3厘米.Jumper No.31 unreasonably delayed the competition a fault was recorded.31号无故延误比赛,判为一次失败.Please submit the plan of the position of the uprights you want to use for yourattempts.请提交你试跳要用的撑竿跳高架子的位置计划.Line up please. follow me to leave the competition arena.请排队,跟我离开此比赛场地.The eight athletes for the final are as follows: they are number ,number,现在宣布参加决赛的前八名运动员名单, 号; 号What height do you want the bar to be raised?你想让横竿升到多少?Now the height of the bar is two point eight meters.现在横竿的高度是2.38米.You have reached the qualifying standard and you need not take any more trials. 你已达到及格标准,无须再试跳了.Now you are in a tie, you shall have one more jump at the height.你们成绩相等,每人在这个高度再试跳一次.You have missed this round, but you may attend the next trial.你已错过一轮,但可以参加下一轮试掷.Why do you have the tape on your hand?你的手上为什么贴胶布?You are hampered in this trail and may have a substitute trial a few minutes later. 你在这次试跳中受阻,几分钟以后可补一次.Don't spray or spread any substance on the surface of the throwing circle.不许在圈内喷撒任何物质.The taping of fingers is not permitted.用胶布把手指扎在一起是不允许的.The competition has come to end .jumpers are requested to leave the arena.比赛结束,请运动员退场.8,赛后控制中心Don't stay here. follow me to the Post-event control center please.不要在这里停留,请随我到赛后控制中心去.You are welcome, come in please.欢迎你们,请进.Please sit according to your lane number and have a short rest.请按你的道次号坐下稍事休息.Give me your lane number, please;请把你的道次号码给我.Check the clothing in front of you .take it back please.请检查一下你面前的衣物并取回.This way please, see you later.请走这边,回头见.No.190,please sign your name on the form;190号,请在兴奋剂检查通知上签名.If you refuse to sign your name ,your result is invalid.如果你拒绝签字,你的成绩将无效.Please wait a while for the final results.请等一下,等候决赛成绩.Attention please. No. ,No. ,are the winners of the first place ,the second place and the third place, please follow me to the victory ceremony waiting room.请注意, 号, 号, 号运动员,你们获得第一,二,三名,请随我到运动员领奖休息室.No.190,please come here .a news reporter is waiting for you .190号运动员,请你到这里来,新闻记者在等你.Congratulations on your good result.祝贺你取得优异成绩.感谢阅读,欢迎大家下载使用!。
马拉松 英文 PPT

Good afternoon , everyone.my name is yll.Last year, I took part in a marathon race. And this PP is about my first marathon experience.The marathon is the longest track and field events in the world and it represent for the Olympics spirits.Since the advent of the first Olympic games in 1896 year, marathon held widely in the world.characters .first, The competition area is open. The city roads are the best choice, because the players can enjoy the view while the competition.Second, It is very magnanimous. No matter you are professional or not, you can take part in. third, There are many kinds of marathons, some are long, some are short, such as 10KM and 5KM fitness running.Every year, china has more than 60 cities hold marathon. Shanghai marathon is one of the four important marathon cities in china.Now I want to ask everybody, What can you see in a marathon race?May be you can see Professional athletes, blacks, tense and fierce competition? but, I see the streams of people busily coming and going through the crowd, the scene is lively and splendid. More than 60000 people gather together, much as they are participating a big party.Along the street road, there are people from all ages and walks of life shouted for the participant. In addition, the most attractive thing is the cosplay. They have special make up. Wear colorful clothes or arm into superman .They are mingled in the crowd but particularly conspicuous.From our college to kunshan is about 42KM, Some will say this process may be very tiring and boring .You can feel some positive energy in the marathon race. On one hand, Taking part in marathon can challenge ourselves. On the other hand, it is an enjoyable healthy runing. It is very great for me to run with thousands of people.。
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Bolt‟s Last Run Results in World Record and Third Gold
LONDON — The Jamaican team that Bolt anchored(末捧的) had set a world record of 36.84 seconds to edge the United States squad(小组;队), which tied(打平) the Jamaicans‟ previous world mark of 37.04 seconds. Bolt, 25, become the first man to successfully defend his 100and 200-meter titles, and he helped Jamaica become the first country to successfully defend its men‟s sprint relay title
Live reports
Usain Bolt
Thank you!
Bolt Returned Quietly Because of Crazy Fans,Declaring That:I am the best,and I will remain the best!
• Before the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, Bolt came in second at the Jamaican trials in both 100 m and 200 m. However, at the Olympics, he won the 100 metres gold medal with a time of 9.63 seconds, setting a new Olympic record for that distance and defending his gold medal from the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics. • After the competition,Bolt returned home quietly for fear of causing disorders at the airport .()
The record breaker
• In 2004 Bolt ran the 200 m in 19.93 seconds, becoming the first junior to break the 20-second mark; breaking Lorenzo Daniel„s (美国短跑选手 洛伦佐丹尼尔 )world junior record. • In Beijing Olympic Games, Bolt ran the 100m in 9.69; breaking himself record . .
Pole Vault撑竿跳高 Long jump跳远 Triple Jump三级跳远 Shot Put推铅球 Discus Throw铁饼 Hammer Throw链球 Javelin Throw标枪 Combined Events全能
The record holder
• Usain Bolt (born 21 August 1986) is a Jamaican sprinter (短跑选 手)and reigning Olympic champion over 100 m. He is the current world record holder in the 100 m (9.58 s), world in the 200 metres (19.93 s), and Jamaican record holder in the 200 m (19.19 s). His name and achievements in sprinting have earned him the media nickname "Lightning Bolt".来自Live reports
LONDON — After an unforgettable performance in the 4x100-meter relay(400米接力赛), Usain Bolt of Jamaica wanted a souvenir with which to remember his second Olympics. His grip tightened around his object of choice: not a trinket(小饰品) featuring the London Games‟ omnipresent(无处不在的) one-eyed mascots (吉祥物), but the baton (接力棒)he had received from his training mate, Yohan Blake, and carried across the finish line in world-record time moments earlier.
Bolt Is First to Repeat as Winner of 100 and 200 Meters
LONDON — Usain Bolt is an all-but-
impossible track and field(田径) actor to follow . Bolt won while slowing in his final four strides (步幅) in a time of 19.32 seconds, and he crossed the line with his head turned to keep a firm gaze on Blake. He won it with an index finger pressed to his lips . “For me, that was for all the doubters,” Bolt said. “That was for all the people that were saying I wasn‟t going to win, that I wasn‟t going to make myself a legend(传奇); that was just for them to say: „You can stop talking now. I‟m a living legend.‟ ”
Track and field
-----Lightning Bolt
Track and field
Sprint 短跑 Middle distance running 中 跑 Long distance running 长跑 Hurdle 跨栏跑 Relay Race接力跑 Steeplechase障碍跑 Marathon马拉松 Heel-and-toe walking race 竞走 High jump跳高