医学英语 呼吸系统
支气管分为左支气管和右支气 管,分别进入左肺和右肺。
肺是呼吸系统的主要器官,负责氧气和二氧化碳 的交换。
肺由无数的肺泡组成,是氧气和二氧化碳进行交 换的主要部位。
肺泡之间有丰富的毛细血管,为氧气和二氧化碳 的交换提供便利。
胸膜是包裹在肺表面的薄膜,分为脏层和壁层两部分。 壁层胸膜紧贴肋骨和胸骨,形成胸廓的外部轮廓。
如深呼吸、腹式呼吸等,有助于加强呼吸肌 力量,改善肺功能。
如散步、慢跑、游泳等,可以提高心肺功能 ,增强体质。
如放松训练、心理疏导等,有助于缓解紧张 情绪,减轻呼吸困难症状。
戒烟限酒可以改善呼吸系统功能,减少呼吸 道疾病的发生。
呼吸系统疾病患者需要充足的营养支持,如蛋白质、维生素 、矿物质等,以增强免疫力和抵抗力。
• 呼吸系统概述 • 呼吸系统解剖结构 • 呼吸系统生理功能 • 呼吸系统疾病诊断与治疗 • 呼吸系统护理与康复 • 医学英语与呼吸系统疾病诊断与治疗
呼吸系统的入口,具有滤清、加湿 和加热空气的功能。
连接鼻腔和气管,具有调节空气流 量和防止吸入异物的作用。
患者应该选择清淡、易消化的食物,避免辛辣、油腻、刺激 性食物对呼吸道的刺激。同时要保持饮食均衡,摄入足够的 营养素。
学习与呼吸系统相关的医学英 语词汇,如肺部疾病、呼吸道 疾病、胸膜疾病等。
Respiratory system 呼吸系 统
Inhalation 吸入
Exhalation 呼
Breathing 呼吸
Pneumonia 肺炎 Asthma 哮喘
Emphysema 肺气肿
Tuberculosis 肺结核
通过肺泡和毛细血管之间的气体交 换将氧气和二氧化碳从外部环境运 输到血液和从血液运输到外部环境 的过程。
氧气从空气中进入血液并 从血液中排出,与血红蛋 白结合并被运输到身体的 各个部分。
二氧化碳从血液中进入空 气并从空气中排出,通过 呼吸运动排出体外。
肺泡通气量是指每分钟吸 入肺泡的新鲜空气量,是 衡量呼吸系统功能的重要 指标之一。
Lung cancer 肺癌
Cystic fibrosis 囊性纤维化
Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency α-1 抗胰蛋白酶缺乏症
一、内科常用字汇心血管系统 The Cardiovascular System Acute Myocardial Infarction AMI 急性心机梗塞Electrocardiogram DCG 心电图Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease 高血压性心脏血管疾病Congential Heart Disease 先天性心脏病Hemangioma 血管瘤Vasodilatation 血管扩张Arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化Hypertension 高血压Hypertrophy 肥大Hypotension 低血压Varicose veins 静脉曲张血液及淋巴系统The Hemic and Lymphatic SystemAdenitis 腺炎Acute Lymphogenous Leukemia 急性淋巴球性白血病Leukocyte 白血球Leukocytopenia白血球减少Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 全身性红斑性狼疮Splenomegaly 脾肿大Anemia贫血Aseptic 无菌的Septicemia败血症Hemostasis 止血Transfusion输血呼吸系统 The Respiratory SystemPulmonary embolism 肺栓塞Mucosa 黏膜Exhale呼吸Apnea窒息Tachypnea呼吸急促Pneumonia肺炎Bronchitis支气管炎Lung Empyema 肺积脓消化系统 The Digestive System Short of breath 呼吸短促Dysphasia说话困难Aphasia 失语症Aphonia失声Dysphagia 吞咽困难Gingivitis 齿龈炎Pharyngitis 咽炎Laryngitis 喉炎Esophagoscopy 食道镜检查Esophagus stricture 食道狭窄Abdominocentesis腹部穿刺术Gastric cancer 胃癌Gastritis 胃炎Gastroenteritis胃肠炎Gastrorrhagia胃出血Pyloric obstruction 幽门阻塞Duodenal Ulcer 十二指肠溃疡Peritonitis 腹膜炎Enterorrhagia 肠出血Enterorrhexis 肠破裂Appendicitis 阑尾炎Colon cancer结肠癌Proctoscopy 直肠镜检查Rectal cancer 直肠癌Anal Fistual 肛门廔管External hemorrhoid 外痔Internal hemorrhoid 内痔Excretion 排泄Hepatitis肝炎Hepatomegaly 肝肿大Gall Stone 胆结石Cholelithiasis 胆石症Liver Cirrhosis 肝硬化Ascites腹水内分泌系统 The Endocrine System Glycemia糖血症Goiter 甲状腺肿Diabetes Mellitus 糖尿病Diabetes Insipidus尿崩症Bromidrosis汗臭症Pituitary Tumor 脑下垂体肿瘤神经系统 The Nervous System Cerebral Arteriosclerosis 脑动脉硬化Cerebral Hemorrhage 脑出血Cerebral Edema 脑水肿Cerebra Palsy脑性麻痹Cerebral Thrombosis 脑栓塞Cranial Neruritis 脑神经炎Intracranial Hemorrhage 颅内出血Encephalitis 脑炎Electromyography 肌电图Neuritis神经炎Epilepsy 癜痫Trigeminal Neuralgia 三叉神经痛Rachitis 痀偻症Rachioscoliiosis脊柱侧弯Spondylitis 脊椎炎Quadriplegia 四肢麻痹Paraplegia 下半身瘫痪Immediately loss of consciousness 立即丧失意识Eye opening睁眼反应Verbal response 语言反应Motor response 运动反应Corneal reflex 角膜反射Plantar reflex 膝反射Sciatica坐骨神经痛Chorea 舞蹈症Muscle atrophy 肌萎缩Migraine 偏头痛Parkinson's Disease 巴金森式症Brain Swelling 脑肿胀brain Concussion 脑震荡brain Anoxia脑缺氧症brain Death 脑死肌肉骨骼系统The Musculoskeletal SystemAnterior Cruciate Ligament 前十字韧带Rheumatoid Arthritis 类风湿性关节炎Arthrosclerosis关节硬化Degenerated Joint Disease变性关节炎Clavicle Fracture 锁骨骨折Pelvic Fracture 骨盆骨折Plastic Paris Cast 整形硬石膏Matastatic Lesion转移性损害Osteoporosis骨质疏松症Amputation 截肢Bone graft 骨移植Hallux Valgus大拇指外翻Prosthesis Replacement 人工弥补置换术Range of Motion 运动范围Varus 内翻Chondromalacia软骨软化症泌尿及男性生殖系统 The Urinary and Male Reproductive SystemCystitis 膀胱炎Circumcision包皮环割术Cystoscopy 膀胱镜检查Hydronephrosis肾水肿Renal Stone 肾结石Acute Renal Failure 急性肾衰竭Cryptorchidism 隐睾症Spermatogenesis精子生成Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy 良性摄护腺肥大Ureteral stenosis 输尿管狭窄Dysuria 排尿困难Hematuria血尿Uremia尿毒症Urinary Tract Infection 尿路感染Vasoligation 输精管结扎Impotence 阳萎特殊感觉器官 The Organs of Special SensesAudiometer 听力计Otitis耳炎Otorrhea耳漏Tympanitis中耳炎Tympanotomy 鼓膜穿破术Nasitis鼻炎Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma鼻咽癌Rhinorrhea 鼻溢Intraocular Foreign Body 眼内异物Intraocular pressure 眼内压Oculus Uterque 双眼Oculus Sinister 左眼Oculus Dexter 右眼Extraocular Muscle 眼外肌Ophthalmologist 眼科医师Diplopia 复视Myopia 近视Blepharoptosis 眼睑下垂Corneitis 角膜炎Pupil Size Anisocoria瞳孔大小不等Retinopexy 视网膜固定术Retinal Detachment 视网膜剥落Visual field 视野Vocal nodular 声带结节Dermatologist 皮肤科医师Dermatitis皮肤炎Cataract白内障Glaucoma青光眼综合性字汇Contraceptive避孕的Contraindication 禁忌症Biology 生物学Hyperemesis 剧吐Polydipsia剧渴Homosexual 同性的Heterosexual 异性的Inject 注射Lipoma 脂肪瘤Lipoid 脂肪样的Lipomatosis 脂肪过多症Malformaiton 畸形Malaise 不适Necrosis坏死Nocturia 夜尿症Ployuria 多尿Narcotics 麻醉药Hyperplasia 增殖Dysplasia 发育不良Dyspepsia 消化不良Prognosis 预後Antipyretic 解热剂Hydrophobia 恐水症Photophobia 畏光Antibiotic 抗生素Syndrome 症候群Hydrotherapy 水疗法Perforation 穿孔Percussion叩诊Visceralgia脏器痛二、妇产科常用字汇Genital 生殖的Gynecology 妇科Menstruation 月经Menopause 更年期Menorrhagia经血过多Amenorrhea 无月经Dysmenorrhea经痛Menarche初经Cervical cancer 子宫颈癌Cervical Erosion子宫颈糜烂Cervicitis子宫颈炎Perineum会阴Endometriosis子宫内膜异位Ovary 卵巢Ovarian Cyst 卵巢囊肿Ovulation排卵Vaginitis阴道炎Colposcopy 阴道镜检法Galactocele乳腺囊肿Mammography 乳房X光摄影术Infertility 不孕症InVitro Fertilization 体外受精Amnion 羊膜Amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺术Amniotic Fluid Embolism 羊水栓塞Hydramnion 羊水过多Anterpartal 产前的Antepartum 分娩前Chorionic Villi Sampling 绒毛膜绒毛取样Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion 胎头骨盆不对称Artificial Insemination 人工受精Engagement 进入产位Estrogen动情基素Colostrum 初乳Termination of Pregnancy 终止怀孕Corpus Luteum 黄体Vacuum Extraction Delivery 真空吸出分娩Venereal Disease 性病Tubal Ligation 输卵管结扎Laparoscope 腹腔镜Embryo 胚胎Ectopic Gestation 子宫外孕Primipara 初产妇Attitude of Fetus 胎儿体位Dead Detus in Uterus 胎死腹中Multipara 经产妇Parity 经产Placenta Previa前置胎盘Postpartum 产後Postpartum hemorrhage产後出血Toxemia of Pregnancy 妊娠毒血症Adolescence青春期Basal Body Temperature 基础体温Cesarean Section 剖腹产Expected Date of Confinement 预产期Fallopian Tube 输卵管Forceps 产钳Hydatidiform Mole 水囊状胎块Labor Pain阵痛Painless Labor 无痛分娩Molding胎头变形Normal Spontaneous Delivery 正常自然生产Papanicolaou Smear 子宫颈抹片检查Premature Rupture of Membrance 早期破水Progesterone黄体素Stillbrith死产Suture 缝合Stump残物Withdrawal Bleeding 停经出血三、小儿科常用字汇Apnea呼吸暂停Aplastic Anemia再生不良性贫血Arterio Venous Malformation 动静脉畸形Bronchial Asthma支气管性气喘Bronchitis支气管炎Cephalopematoma头血肿Erythema红斑Hypospadia尿道下裂Dehydration 脱水Hydrocephalus水脑Hydrocele 阴囊积水Polydactylia多指畸形Pyoderma脓皮症Sepsis 败血症Tonsillitis扁桃腺炎Encephalitis脑炎Gastroenteritis肠胃炎Necrotizing Enterocolitis坏死性小肠结肠炎Malignant恶性的Congenital Malformation 先天性畸形Neonatal Asphyxia新生儿窒息Cleft Palate 颚裂Diarrhea腹泻Dental Caries 龋齿Facial Nerve Paralysis 颜面神经麻痹Hives Urticaria蕈麻疹Torticollis斜颈Vaccine疫苗Incubator 保温箱Cleft lip 兔唇Chicken pox 水痘Club foot 畸足Diphtheria白喉Dengue fever 登革热Eczema湿疹Congenital syphilis 先天性梅毒German Measles/ Rubella德国麻疹Giant baby巨婴Gonorrhea 淋病Hepatitis B B型肝炎Hand-foot-mouth disease 手足口病Jaundice 黄疸Mongolian spots 蒙古斑Mumps 腮腺炎Respiratory arrest呼吸停止Roseola infantum幼儿玫瑰疹Vomiting呕吐四、精神科常用字汇Mental retardation 智能不足autism自闭症dement 痴呆症alzheimer's dementia阿尔兹海默式形痴呆症alcoholism 酒瘾substances Intoxication 物质中毒alcohol Intoxication 酒精中毒amphetamine Intoxication 安非他命中毒schizophrenia精神分裂病delusional Disorder 妄想性病患Major Depressive Disorder重郁症疾患phobia畏惧症obsessive-Compulsive Disorder强迫性病患pedophilia恋童癖exhibitionism 暴露狂Transvestic Fetishism扮异性恋物癖Gender Identity Disorders 性别认同疾患Anorexia Nervosa心因性厌食症Bulimia Nervosa心因性暴食症临床症状blunted affect 感情迟钝silly Laughter 傻笑apathy冷漠irritable 易怒的euphoria欣快感depression 忧郁ambivalence感情矛盾Flat Affect感情平淡suicide attempt 自杀企图queer behavior 怪异行为bizarre behavior 特异行为hypertalkative 多话hypotalkative 少话mutistic不语hyperactivity 活动过多hypoactivity 活动过少compulsive behavior 强迫行为verbigeration 重复语言catelepsy 僵直negativism阻抗行动Mannerism作态行为destrctive behavior 破坏行为autistic thinking 自闭性思考poverty of speech 言语贫乏flight of ideas 意念飞跃loosening of association 思考连结松散illogical thinking 不合逻辑思考pressure speech 言语急迫thought blocking 思考中断incoherent 语无伦次thought Withdrawal 思想退缩irrelevant 答非所问delusion 妄想delusion of persecution 被害妄想delusion of grandeur 夸大妄想Phobia 恐惧症acrophobia 惧高症algophobia 惧痛症sexual drive 性欲illusion 错觉hallucination 幻觉auditory hallucination 听幻觉disoreinatation 失去定向力amnesia记忆丧失症confabulation 虚谈症orientation 定向力judgement 判断力derealization 失真感insight病识感no insight 无病识感intellectual insight 理性的病识感true emotional insight 真正具有情绪性病识感心理学名词free association 自由联想dream analysis 梦的解析ego 自我id 原我super ego 超我ego boundary 自我界限libido 原欲scapegoat 代罪羔羊internal conflict 内在冲突conscious 意识unconscious 潜意识preconscious前意识transference 情感转移depersonalization 人格解体derealization 脱离现实neurosis神经精神病Psychosis神经病Pleasure Principle 享乐原则Reality Principle 现实原则Moral Principle 道德原则Predisposing Factors 潜在因素Precipitating Factors 诱发因素Defense Mechanism 防卫机转compensation 补偿作用conversion 转化作用denial 否认作用displacement 转移作用dissociation 解离作用fantasy 幻想作用identification 认同作用introjection 内射作用projection 外射作用retionalization 合理化作用reaction formation 反向作用degression 退化作用repression 潜抑作用suppression 压抑作用restitution 归还作用sublimation 升华作用substitution 取代作用symbolism 象徵作用undoing 抵销作用distortion 曲解作用isolation 隔离作用Cognitive behavioral Therapy认知行为治疗Empathy 同理心Resistance阻抗testing out behavior 试探行为self-awareness自我了解separation anxiety 分离焦虑reinforcement 增强原则catharsis 情绪宣泄confrontation 面质listen 倾听restraint 约束physical restraint 身体的约束chemical 药物的约束五、各科常用缩写AAAD against-advice discharge 自动出院A abdomen 腹部ADL activities of daily life 日常生活活动A/G albumin /globulin ration 白蛋白/蛋球白比例AK above knee 膝上B.BE below elbow 肘下BH body height 身高twice a day 一日两次Bil bilateral两侧的BK below knee 膝下BM bowel movement 肠蠕动BMR basal metabolic rate 基础代谢率BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy良性摄护腺肥大BTI biliary tract infection胆道感染BUS blood, urine, stool 血液,小便,大便BW body weight 体重C.Ca. Carcinoma 癌CBC complete blood count 全血球计数CBD common bile duct 总胆管CH cerebral hemorrhage 脑出血Chest P-A chest posterio-anterio 前後胸部CO cardiac output 心输出量CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺复苏术CPS chronic paranasal sinusitis 慢性鼻窦炎C/T chemotherapy 化学治疗法CT cerebral thrombosis 脑栓塞CT Scan computerized axial tomography scan 电脑断层检查CVA cerebral vascular accident 脑血管意外CVP central venous pressure 中心静脉压D.DC discontinue 停止D&C dilatation and curettage 扩张及刮除术DM diabetes mellitus 糖尿病DPT diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus 白喉,百日咳,破伤风DU duodenal ulcer 十二指肠溃伤E.ECG eletrocardiogram 心电图EEG electroecephalogram 脑电波图ENT ear, nose, throat 耳鼻喉F.FH family history 家族史FHS fetal heart sounds 胎心音FOU fever of unknown 不明原因发烧Fr fracture 骨折G.GB gall bladder 胆囊GI tract gastric intestinal tract 胃肠道GSR general surgical routine 一般外科常规gtt. Drops 滴GU genitourinary 生殖泌尿的GYN gynecology 妇科学HHb hemoglobin 血色素HICH hypertensive intracerebral hemorrhage 高血压性脑内出血. at bedtime 睡前HT Hypertension 高血压Ht. Hct. Hematocrit 血球容积Hx History 病例IICP Intermittent catheterization program 间歇性导尿ICU Intensive care unit 加护病房ICT Intracerebral tumor脑内肿瘤I & D Incision and drainage 切开及流IICP Increased intracranial pressure 增高胪内压Imp. Impression 臆断IM Intramuscular 肌肉内的I & O Intake and output 输入及排出IV Intravenous 静脉内的IVKO Intravenous keep open 静脉点滴维持通畅JJej. Jejunum 空肠Jt. Joint 关节KKn. Knee 膝KUB Kidney, ureter, baldder 肾、输尿管及膀胱L.LFT liver function test肝功能试验LLQ left lower quadrant 左下象限LMP last menstrual period 最後一次月经MMBD may be discharged 可出院MN midnight 午夜NNKA non known allergy 不明原因的过敏NP nothing particular 并无特别的NPC nasopharyngeal carcinoma 鼻咽癌NPO nothing by mouth 禁食O.OA osteo-arthritis 骨性关节炎OB occult blood 潜血OBS obstetrics 产科OP operation 手术OPD outpatient department 门诊Ortho. Orthopaedic 骨科矫行的OS ocular sinistro 左眼OT occupational therapy 职能治疗OU Both eyes 双眼P. after meals 饭後PCT Penicillin test 盘尼西林测验PE Physical examination 身体检查PI Present illness 目前病况. by mouth 由口PPU Perforated petic ulcer 穿孔性胃溃疡PT Physical therapy 物理治疗PTA Prior to admission 入院前PTN Parenteral total nutrition 肠道外的高营养QQ every 每一. every day 每日every hour 每小时.every morning 每日早晨. every night 每日晚间RRA rheumatoid a arthritis 类风湿性关节炎RBC red blood cell 红血球RN registered nurse 护理师R/O rule out 可能是RR recovery room 恢复室R/T radio-therapy test 放射治疗RUQ right upper quadrant 右上象限Rx take取拿Medication 处方 Treatment 治疗SSc. Subcutaneous 皮下的SOB short of breath 呼吸短促S/P status/ post operation 手术後s-s half 一半Ststat immediately 立刻Staph. Staphylococcus 葡萄球菌TTPR Temperature, pulse, respirations 体温、脉搏、呼吸TURP Trans-urethral resection of prostate 经尿道切除摄护腺UURI Upper respiratory infection 上呼吸道感染WWBC White blood cell 白血球White blood count 白血球计数YY/O year old 年龄Z zero 零六、解剖式内外科常用字汇The cardiovascular system 心血管系统lungs 肺脏venisvessels血管capillaries微血管cardi 心脏arteriesblood clot凝血The Hemic and Lymphatic System血液及淋巴系统Blood 血液Red blood cell 红血球White blood cell白血球Platelet血小板The Respiratory System 呼吸系统Bronchial tube主支气管Alveoii气泡Pharynx咽Larynx喉Trachea气管Lung肺Bronchioles小支气管Pleura胸膜Chest 胸Air 气The Digestive System 消化系统Lips唇teeth 牙齿tongue舌bile duct 胆管gallbladder 胆囊duodenum十二指肠jejunum空肠ileum 回肠appendix 阑尾small intestine小肠large intestine大肠rectum 直肠anus 肛门pancreas胰stomach 胃esophagus食道pharynx咽The Endocrine SystemGlands 腺体Adrenals肾上腺Pancreas胰Pituitary 脑下腺Thyroid and parathyroids 甲状腺和副甲状腺Breasts 乳房Ovaries 卵巢Testes睾丸The Nervous SystemBrain 脑Spinal cord 脊髓Vertebra脊椎Cranium颅腔Meninges脑膜Nerves神经The Musculoskeletal System 肌肉骨系统Skull 头骨Clavicle锁骨Sternum 胸骨Ribs 助骨Joints 关节Ligaments 韧带Tendons 肌腱Cartilage 软骨The Urinary and Male Reproductive System 泌尿及男性生殖系统Cortex皮质Urinary膀胱Urethra尿道Ureters输尿管Kidney 肾脏Renal pelvis 肾孟Vas deferens精管Urinary bladder 膀胱prostate gland前列腺scrotum 阴囊testis 睾丸penis阴茎urethra尿道The Organs of Special Senses 特殊感觉器官Acoustic nerve听神经Ear 耳朵Hearing 听觉的tube 耳咽管Eardrum 耳骨膜Eustachian 欧式管Nasal cavities鼻腔Nose 鼻Eyelid眼睑Lens晶球体Carnea角膜Tear duct泪管Conjunctiva结膜Choroid layer 脉络膜Retina视网膜Sclera巩膜Optic nerve视神经Obstetrics & Hynecology 妇产科常用字汇Fallopian tube输卵管Ovary 卵巢Uterus子宫Vagina阴道Vulva女阴外生殖器官脑部系统cerebrum 大脑corpus callosum 胼胝体thalamus 视丘cerebellum 小脑diencephalon 间脑cerebral peduncles大脑脚infundibulum漏斗hypophysis 脑下垂体midbrain 中脑pons 桥脑medulla 延脑brain stem 脑干眼球构造pupil 瞳孔suspensory ligaments 悬韧带ciliary process捷状突retinal veins网膜静脉retinal arteries网膜动脉optic nerve视神经anterior chamber前眼房posterior chamber 後眼房iris虹膜vitreous body 玻璃状体internal rectus muscle 内直肌lacrimal puncta泪孔lacrimal canaliculi泪小管lacrimal gland 泪腺excretory lacrimal duct 泪腺管eyebrow眉毛耳朵构造cochlea 耳蜗eustachian tube 耳咽管helix 耳壳tympanic membrance 鼓膜external auditory canal 外耳道semicircular canals半规管malleus锤骨vestibulocochlear nerve前庭耳蜗神经口腔gingiva 齿龈molars 大臼齿premolars 小臼齿canines犬齿incisors 门齿vestibule of mouth 口腔前庭upper lip 上唇upper lip frenulum 上唇系带alveolar provess齿槽突hard palate硬颚palatine tonsil颚扁桃腺sublingual caruncle 舌下阜七、癌症相关单字1. gastric cancer胃癌2. pancreatic cancer胰脏癌3. colon cancer结肠癌4. rectal cancer直肠癌5. prostate cancer摄护腺癌6. nasotharyngdal carcinona鼻咽癌7. cervical cancer子宫颈癌8. lung cancer肺癌9. esophageal cancer食道癌10. bladder cancer膀胱癌11. laryngl caner喉癌12. ovarian cancer软巢癌13. liver cancer肝癌14. skin cancer皮肤癌15. breast cancer乳癌16. leukemia血癌17. bone cancer骨癌18. brain tumor脑癌19. heart disease 心脏病20. lymphoma 淋巴瘤八、医院内常见单字Hospital 医院Nursing school = nursing home 护理学校nursing home Private convalescence hospital慢性疾病或恢复期的患者寮养的私立小医院nursery school 处理幼稚园之幼儿的地方Department of Medicine = Department of Internal Medicine 内科Resident in medicine 内科住院医师Chief of Medicine 内科主任 Medical manInternist = intern = intern 实习生Internist = 内科医师House officer 医院医师的称呼Junior and senior students 医学院学生通常3或4学生Extern 医院实习生Clinical clerk 从事病历记录实习之学生Student nurse 护理学生Graduate nurse护理学校毕业的护士Registered nurse .取得考试许可证Supervisor督导护士Head nurse护士长Scrub nurse 手术助理护士Practicing physician = physician in practice = practitioner 开业医生Ambulance = ambulatory 救护车不限於车子只要是搬运病人的船或飞机Ambulant 可走动不必卧床的病人Ambulantory patient住院患者可走动May ambulate, ambulatory, up ad lib, may walkMalingerer 装病的人 malinger 装病Paretic 麻痹患者Malpractice 诊疗错误Emergency room 急诊室Ward 病房station护理站por恢复室Patient患者,病人Narcotic 麻醉药Nurse护士Doctor 医生Internist内科医生Surgeon外科医生Dentist 牙科医生Gynecologist 妇科医生Orthopedist 骨科医生Oculist 眼科医生Pediatrician 小儿科医生Psychiatrist 精神病医生Intern实习医生Examination table 诊疗台Clinical thermometer 体温计Stethoscope 听诊器Reflector 反光镜X-ray checkup X 光检查X-ray photograph X光像片Operation 手术Scalpel 手术刀Syringe 针筒Hypodermic needle 注射针Injection 注射Ice bag 冰袋Fixation forceps 固定镊Medicine, drug药品Bandage 绷带Absorbent cotton 脱脂棉Gauze 纱布Mask 口罩Wheel chair 轮椅Crutches 柺杖Ambulance 救护车Stretcher 担架Chart 病历表Prescription处方Blood pressure 血压Blood type 血型Artificial respiration 人工呼吸Pill 药丸Capsule胶囊Ointment 软膏Iodine tincture 碘酒Sedative 镇静剂Intensive care unit 加护病房Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation CPR 心肺复苏术Intravenous drip 点滴Chemotherapy化学治疗Computerized Topography电脑断层magnetic resonance imaging核磁共振Bureau of National Health Insurance 中央健保局Fracture骨折Gypsum 石膏九、病历表内常见单字Front sheet, Summary sheet 首页,摘要表History sheet 病历表Physical examination sheet 身体检查表Physician's order sheet 医嘱单Physician's progress note 医生用病情进展记录Laboratory reports 检验报告Radiographic reports X光检查报告Nursing notes 护理记录Graphic chart 图式病历Discharge summary sheet 出院摘要Operation report 手术报告Anesthesia record 麻醉记录Consultation sheet 会诊单Intake and output sheet 摄取与排泄记录Consent or permission for operation 手术同意书Emergency room record 急诊室记录住院病历表身家调查事项identifying data or biographic dataadmission date 住院日期hospital number = chart number 病历号码room number 病房号码namesexage birth datebirth placemarital status = civil status 婚姻状况addressoccupationempolyer 雇主公司行号health insurance number 医疗保险号码referring physician 转介医生各系统的表现状况--全身状态违和感malaise = a vague feeling of bodily discomfort, indefinite bodily weakness or discomfortfeel unwell ill, poorly疲劳感.倦怠感lassitudefatiguetirednesswearinesslanguorlack of energy vigor listlessness exhaustionworn-out虚脱无力状态weaknessfeeblenesslack loss of strength debility powerlessness prostration= extreme weakness or exhaustionasthenia睡眠状态sleepslumber =light sleepa nap =a short sleepa doze = a light or fitful sleep入睡 fall asleep ; go to sleep小睡 take a nap ; take a doze ; slumber ; doze ; drowse欲睡的 sleepy ; drowsy ; somolent ; lethargic睡意sleepiness ; drowsiness ; somnolence摧睡 become= feel =get sleepy=drowsy = somnolent睡眠不足 loss= lack = want of sleep 失眠insomnia ; sleeplessness ; wakefulness ; inability to sleep失眠症的人 insomniac熟睡 sound profound sleep睡醒awake ; wake ; rouse ; awaken作梦 dream恶梦 nightmare梦游症 sleepwalking ; somnambulism梦游病者 sleep-walker ; somnambulist ; night-walker体重方面weight ; body weight体重为 weigh~ ; be ~ in weight最高 maximum最低 minimum平均 average 最适 optimum现在 present体重减少 weight loss ; loss of weight 体重增加 weight gain ; gain in weight ; increase in weight瘦 thin ; lean ; skinny瘦弱 emaciated emaciation肥胖 fat ; stout ; fatty体温状况body temperature量体温 take one's temperature发烧 fever ; pyrexia ; rise elevation of temperature ; increase in temperature发烧的 feverish ; febrile ; fevered ; pyrexic ; pyrexial无发烧的afebrile ; feverless ; apyrexial发冷 a chill ; rigor ; have a cold fit 寒颤 shiver ; shake ; shaking chills ; shivering with chills退热 fall ; drop ; go down ; abate ; remit发汗 sweating ; perspiration弛张热 remittent fever间歇热 intermittent fever连续热 continuous fever危险期 by crisis转轻期 by lysis疼痛方面偏头痛migraine ; megrim ; hemicrania ;後头部痛 occipital pain侧头部痛 temporal pain 前头部痛 frontal pain头痛 havesuffer a headache ; one's head aches ; feel a pain in the head 耳痛 earache ; sore ears ; toalgia 咽喉痛 sore throat ; pharyngalgia眼痛 have painful eyes ; one's eyes hurtsmart齿痛 toothache胸痛 chest pain心前部痛 precordial pain心绞痛 anginal pain胸股下後痛 substernal retrosternal pain胸膜炎痛 pleuritic pain腹痛abdominal pain ; bellystomach ache上腹痛 epigastric pain ; pain in theepigastrium上腹部痛 upper abdominal pain下腹部痛 lower abdominal pain左上腹部痛 left upper quadrant pain 侧腹部痛 flank pain背痛 backache腰痛 low backache ; lumbago关节痛 joint pain肌肉痛 muscular pain神经痛 neuralgia绞痛 colic ; colicky pain胆石绞痛 biliary or gallstone colic 肾石痛 renal colic痛cramps ; crampy cramping pain; spasmodic 博动痛 throbbingpounding, thumping, pulsating pain转移性痛 radiating pain ; pain with radiation牵连痛 referred pain电击痛 lightning fulgurant, shooting pain带状痛 girdle pain神经根性痛 root pain空腹痛 hunger pain夜间痛 nocturnal pain自发痛 spontaneous pain压痛 tenderness固定痛fixed steady pain灼热痛 burning pain刺状痛lancinating ; piercing ; stinging ; darting; stabbing分裂状头痛 splitting ; racking撕裂状痛 tearing ; rending ;钝痛 dull ; obtuse ;剧烈痛sharp ; excruciating ; tormenting ; torturing ; racking ; agonizingly severe不断阵痛 gnawing ; griping擦伤痛 stinging ; smarting ; sore针刺痛 pricking ; pricking呼吸器管和循环器管系统呼吸 breath ; respiration呼吸困难 difficulty in breathing ; dyspnea呼吸短促be short of breath ; shortness of breath ;be short-winded; be out of breath ; lose one's breath 深呼吸 breathe deeply 叹息 sigh ; draw a long breath喘息 pant端坐呼吸 orthopnea劳动时呼吸困难 exertional dyspnea ; difficulty in breathing on exertion physical activity夜间呼吸困难 nocturnal dyspnea呼吸快速 tachypnea ; rapid breathing 喘呜 wheeze ; wheezing打喷嚏 sneezing ; sneeze打嗝 hiccup hiccough ; singultus咳嗽 cough阵发性咳嗽 have a fit of coughing ; have a paroxysmal清喉 clear the throat乾咳dry cough ; hacking couth ; nonproductive cough有痰咳 productive cough ; cough with sputum喀痰 sputum ; phlegm ; expectorate喀血hemoptysis ; bloody expectoration粘喀痰viscid tenaceous ; thick sputum浓喀痰 frothy sputum泡沫状喀痰 mucoid sputum脓性喀痰 purulent sputum血性喀痰 bloody sputum混血喀痰 blood-streaked sputum绿色喀痰 greenish sputum锈色喀痰 rusty sputum感冒 common cold流形性感冒 influenze ; flu ; grippe 胸膜炎 pleruisy气喘 asthma心悸 palpitation悸动 palpitate ; throb脉搏暂停 pause in the pulse ; skipped pulse heart beat速脉 rapid pulse ; tachycardia徐脉 slow pulse ; bradycardia高血压high blood pressure ; hypertension ; hypotension心脏麻痹 heart attack ; heart failure ; cardiac standstill狭心症 angina =angina pectoris心脏瓣膜症 valvular disease of the heart ; leaking heart valve leaky heart动脉硬化 hardening of the arteries ; arterioscalerosis血液循环不佳have a poor circulation of blood间歇性跛行 intermittent claudication消化器官系统食欲不振 a poor weak or bad appetite ; no little appetite ; loss lack or decrease ofappetite ; anorexia食欲增进increase improvement of appetite无食欲have no little ; a poor appetite食欲旺盛have a strong voracious appetite丧失食欲 lose one's apptite空腹 an empty stomach 咀嚼 chewing ; mastication吞咽 swallow gulp吞咽困难 difficulty in swallowing ; dysphagia嗳气打噎 belching ; eructation打酸噎 sour eructation心灼热heatburn ; pyrosis ; water brash逆流 regugitation恶心nausea ; retch ; heaving ; nauseous feeling ; sickly feeling感到恶feel nausea nauseous, nauseated, sick,queasy ; retch ; heave ; feel like vomiting呕吐 vomiting ; emesis ; vomit ; throw up ; bring up ; spew呕吐物vomit ; vomitus; vomited matter咖啡渣 coffee-grounds消化 digestion消化不良 indigestion ; dyspepsia腹部饱胀abdominal distention ; bloating ; flautulence; meteorism; gassiness腹鸣borborygmus ; gurgling ; growling ; rumbling黄疸 jaundice ; icterus腹水 ascites通便 bowel movement ; bowel habit ; pass stools ; move one's bowels ; defecate ; evacuate the bowels ;下痢 diarrhea ; loose bowels ;便秘 constipation水状watery stool feces血状 bloody stool 柏油状 tarry stool泥状 mushy stool软状 loose stool硬状 hard stool呈固状 formed stool呈半固状 semiformed stool大便失禁 fecal incontinence放屁pass gas ; pass wind ; pass flatus 泌尿与生殖器官系统排尿urination ; micturition ; passvoid urine ; urinate ; micturate 尿意 urge desire to urinate尿急 urinary urgency频尿 urinary frequency夜间频尿 frequent urination during the night ; nycturia多尿 polyuria少尿 oliguria无尿 anuria排尿困难 difficulty in urination ; dysuria闭尿 urinary retention尿失禁 urinary incontinence夜间多尿 nocutria夜尿症 bed-wetting ; enuresis混浊尿 cloudy turbid urine血尿 bloody urine ; hematuria性欲 sexual desire ; libido性交 sexual intercourse ; coitus ; coition杨萎 impotence勃起 erection 射精 ejaculation早泄 premature ejaculation遗精 pollution梦遗nocturnal pollutionemission; wet dream包茎phimosis ; tightening of the foreskin prepuce割礼 circumcision性病 veneral disease .月经 menstruation ; menses ; periods ; menstrual periods初潮 menarche ; onset of menses停经 menopause更年期 climacteric ; changeof life 痛经dysmenorrhea ; painful menstruation无月经 amenorrhea ; missed periods月经过多 menrrhagia ; hypermenorrhea ; excessive bleeding; excessive flow白带 vaginal discharge阴道出血 vaginal bleeding少量时 yaginal spoting子宫出血metrorrhagia ; uterine bleeding妊娠 pregnancy ; conception怀孕 conceive ; be pregnant不妊sterility ; barrenness ; infertility ; inability to conceive 流产 abortion ; miscarriage ;人工流产induced abortion避孕contraception; birth control避孕药 contraceptive阵痛 labor 生产分娩childbirth ; delivery ; give birth to; be delivered坐月子childbed ; confinement; pueriperium ; puerperal period孕吐 morning sickness ; nausea and vomiting of pregancy骨关节与肌肉系统脱臼joint ; dislocation ; be dislocated be out of joint ; be put out of joint扭伤 sprain挫伤 sprain twist ; wrench关节炎 arthritis风湿症 theumatism痛风 gout gaut关节痛 arthralgia ; joint pain变形 deformity骨折 fracture石膏 cast ; plaster of Paris义腿肢 artificial limb肌肉痛 muscle pain ; myalgia ; sore muscle扭筋 strain ; sprain肩坚硬 stiffness in a shoulder ; a stiff shoulder ; a cramp in the calf ; leg cramp抽筋 have a cramp ; be cramped肌肉压痛tenderness of muscle ; muscular tenderness精神与神经系统意识混浊 clouding of consciousness丧失意识loss of consciousness ; unconsciousness 恢复意识 recover consciousness昏厥 fainting ; syncope昏睡 soma昏迷 stupor嗜睡somnolence ;sleepiness; drowiness ; lethargy错乱confusion ; distracted ; distraught胆妄的 delirious幻觉 hallucination痉挛 convulsion ; cramp ; spasm癫痫 epilepsy半身不遂 be paralyzed on one side ; become hemiplegic肌无力 muscular weakness步行困难 difficulty in walking说话不清 speak thickly蹒跚 stagger ; reel ; falter ; walk zigzag ; walk with an unsteady gait; reel along肌肉萎缩 atrophy of muscle左手性 left-handedness右手性 right-handedness运动失调 ataxia无感觉 loss of sensation ; numbness ; anesthesia失去感觉become numb ; loss sensibility知觉过敏 hypersthesia知觉迟钝 hypesthesia知觉异常 paresthesia神经质nervousness ; sensitive ; touchy 神经衰弱 nervous breaksown意志消沉 depressed ; in low spirits情绪佳in good mood ; cheerful ; euphoric情绪不稳定unstable ; labile capricious易受刺激 excitable ; easily excited ; irritable不安的anxious ; apprehensive ; uneasy内向的人 introvert外向的人 extrovert健忘 be forgetful ; have a poor memory漠不关心 indifferent ; nonchalant ; unconcerned自卑感 inferiority complex歇斯底里病 hysteria。
Medical Terminology of Internal Medicine (reference for medical students)Medical teaching and researching section of medical departmentof Jilin universityEditorial NoteIn order to supervise and urge medical students studying medical terminology ,medical teaching and researching section organized and edited medical terminology,according to systems of internal medicine.Teachers and students can refer to this book.Thank you for noting mistakes for correction.Members of editor:Chief editor:Chi BaorongSubeditor:Chen LigangRespiratory system:LüXiaohongCardiovascular System:Xing YueGastrointestinal System:Jin ZhenjingUrinary System:Wang ZhihongHematological system:Li WeiEndocrine System:Liu QingEmergency:Zhang WeihuaSecretary:Gao JieMedical teaching and researching sectionRespiratory systemabdominal breathing 腹式呼吸abscess 脓肿acetylcysteine 乙酰半胱氨酸,痰易净(用作各种支气管与肺部疾病的辅药)acid-base balance 酸碱平衡acidosis 酸中毒acute tracheobronchitis 急性气管--支气管炎acute cor pulmonale 急性肺源性心脏病acute lung injury, ALI 急性肺损伤acute upper respiratory tract infection 急性上呼吸道感染adenosine deaminase, ADA 腺苷脱氨酶adenocarcinoma 腺癌adenopharyngitis 咽扁桃体炎adult respiratory distress syndrome , ARDS 成人呼吸窘迫综合症aerobe 需氧菌aerodermectasia 皮下气肿aeroporotomy 呼吸道通气术(如用插管法或气管切开术)afebrile 无热(度)的,无发热病的β2-receptor agonist β2受体激动剂airway hyperresponsiveness, AHR 气道高反应性airway obstruction 气道阻塞airway remodeling 气道重塑alkalemia 碱血症alkalosis 碱中毒allergic airway inflammation, AAI 变态反应性气道炎症allergic bronchial-pulmonary aspergillosis, ABPA 变态反应性支气管肺曲菌病allergic granulomatosis 过敏性肉芽肿病allergy 变态反应性;变态反应,过敏反应alveolus ( [pl.]alveoli ) 肺泡amantadine 金刚烷胺(抗病毒药)ambroxol 盐酸氨溴索(化痰药)aminophylline 氨茶碱(用于舒张支气管平滑肌,平喘及利尿)amphoric breath sound 空瓮性呼吸音ampicillin 氨卡青霉素amygdala 扁桃体amygdalitis 扁桃体炎anaerobe 厌氧菌anaerosis 呼吸间断(尤指新生儿) anaphylaxis 过敏性,过敏反应,过敏症anaphylactic shock 过敏性休克anectasis 先天性扩张不全,原发性肺不张angina 咽峡炎,咽痛;绞痛anion gap, AG 阴离子间隙anoxia 缺氧(症)antasthmatic 止喘的,镇喘的、止喘药,镇喘药anthracosis 炭末沉着病,炭肺antibechic 镇咳的,镇咳药antibiotic 抗菌的,抗生的、抗菌素,抗生素anticancer 抗癌的anticarcinogen 抗癌药anticholinergic 抗胆碱能的、抗胆碱能药(副交感神经阻滞药)antiemetic 消水肿的,消水肿药antifebrile 解热的、解热药antifungal 抗真菌的、杀真菌药antigen-antibody reaction 抗原抗体反应antihemorrhagic 抗出血的,抗出血药物anti-infectious 抗感染的anti-infective 抗感染的,抗感染药anti-inflammatory 抗炎的,消炎的,消炎药antimycobacterial 抗分支杆菌的antineoplastic 抗肿瘤的、抗肿瘤药antiphthisic 抗痨的,抗结核的antipneumococcic 抗肺炎球菌的antispasmodic 镇痉的、镇痉药,解痉药antistaphylococcic 抗葡萄球菌的α1-antitrypsin, α1-AT α1-抗胰蛋白酶antituberculin 抗结核菌素antituberculotic 抗结核的、抗结核药antitussive 镇咳的、镇咳药apnea 呼吸暂停、窒息apneumatosis 肺无气,先天性肺不张apneumia 无肺(畸形)artificial respiration 人工呼吸asbestosis 石棉肺,石棉沉着病asphyxia 窒息aspiration pneumonia 吸入性肺炎aspirin induced asthma, ASA 阿司匹林引起的哮喘asthma 气喘,哮喘asthmatiform 气喘样的,哮喘样的asthmogenic 气喘原的,致气喘的、致喘剂atopy 遗传性过敏症auscultate 听诊auscultator 听诊者;听诊器axillary node 腋窝淋巴结bacille Calmette Guerin , BCG 卡介菌(BCG vaccine 卡介苗) backache 背痛bacteria ( bacterium的复数) 细菌bactericide 杀菌剂bacteriemia 菌血症Bamberger-Marie disease (Eugen Bamberger ; Pierre Marie)肥大性肺性骨关节病bambuterol 班布特罗(β2受体激动剂) barrel chest 桶状胸bathypnea 深呼吸bechic 咳嗽的、镇咳药beclomethasone dipropionate , BDP 二丙酸倍氯米松(糖皮质激素) benzopyrene 苯并芘benzylpenicillin 苄青霉素,青霉素Gbody mass index, BMI 体重指数Bouchut's repspiration (jean A. E. Bouchut) 布舒呼吸(小儿患支气管肺炎时吸气较呼气短)bovovaccination 牛结核菌苗接种bovovaccine 牛结核菌苗bradypnea 呼吸过慢,呼吸不正常的缓解breast 胸;乳房;乳腺breastbone 胸骨breath 气息;呼吸;正常呼吸力breather 呼吸者;通气孔breathing 呼吸的,活的、呼吸,呼吸运动,呼吸音Brock's syndrome (Russell C. Brock) 中叶综合征(右肺中叶膨胀不全,兼有慢性肺炎)bromhexine 溴苄环己铵,必消痰,必嗽平(祛痰药及粘液分解剂)bronchi ( bronchus的复数) 支气管bronchia ( brouchium的复数) 小支气管bronchial 支气管的bronchial asthma 支气管哮喘bronchial provocation test, BPT 支气管激发试验bronchiarctia 支气管狭窄bronchiectasis 支气管扩张bronchiloquy 支气管语音bronchiocele 细支气管扩大bronchiole 细支气管bronchiolectasis 细支气管扩张bronchiolitis 细支气管炎,毛细支气管炎bronchiospasm , bronchismus 支气管痉挛(痉挛性支气管收缩) bronchiostenosis 支气管狭窄bronchitis 支气管炎bronchium ([复]bronchia) 【拉】小支气管(支气管分支,小于支气管,大于细支气管) bronchoalveolar 支气管肺泡的bronchoalveolar carcinoma 支气管肺泡癌bronchoalveolitis 支气管肺炎bronchocandidiasis 支气管念珠菌病bronchocavernous 支气管空洞的bronchocele 支气管囊肿(支气管局部扩张)bronchocephalitis 支气管脑炎bronchoconstriction 支气管收缩,支气管狭窄bronchodilatation , bronchodilation 支气管扩张bronchodilator 支气管扩张器;支气管扩张药bronchoesophagoscopy 支气管食管镜检查bronchogram 支气管造影摄片bronchography 支气管造影术broncholith 支气管(结)石,肺石broncholithiasis 支气管结石病bronchomalacia 支气管软化bronchomotor 支气管舒缩的bronchomycosis 支气管真菌病,支气管霉菌病bronchophony 支气管(语)音bronchoplegia 支气管麻痹bronchopleural 支气管胸膜的bronchopleuropneumonia 支气管胸膜肺炎bronchopneumonia 支气管肺炎bronchopneumonitis 支气管肺炎bronchopneumopathy 支气管肺病bronchopulmonary 支气管肺的bronchoradiography 支气管X线照相术,支气管X线造影术bronchorrhagia 支气管出血bronchoscope 支气管镜bronchoscopy 支气管镜检查bronchospasm 支气管痉挛(痉挛性支气管收缩)bronchostenosis 支气管狭窄bronchotracheal 支气管气管的,气管支气管的bronchovesicular 支气管肺泡的bronchus ([复]bronchi) 【拉】支气管budesonide , BUD 布地奈德(糖皮质激素)bulla ( [复] bullae ) 肺大泡cadmiosis 镉尘肺candidiasis , candidosis 念珠菌病capreomycin 卷曲霉素(抗结核药)carcinoembryonic antigen , CEA 癌胚抗原cardioasthma 心病性哮喘cDNA fingerprinting 核酸指印技术ceftazidime 头孢他啶(三代头孢菌素) ceftriaxone 头孢曲松(三代头孢菌素)central sleep apnea syndrome, CSAS 中枢型睡眠呼吸暂停综合征chalcosis 铜屑肺,铜屑沉着病chalicosis 石末肺,石末沉着病chemotherapy 化学疗法,化学治疗chest 胸,胸廓chest tube drainage 胸腔闭式引流chloramphenicol 氨霉素(抗菌、抗立克次体药)choke 闷塞;阻塞;抑制;阻止、窒息;塞住、窒息;气哽,气阻chronic bronchitis 慢性支气管炎chronic desquamating eosinophlia bronchitis 慢性脱屑性嗜酸性粒细胞增多性支气管炎chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD 慢性阻塞性肺病chronic pulmonary heart disease 慢性肺源性心脏病clenbuterol 克仑特罗(β2受体激动剂) clindamycin 克林霉素clorprenaline 氯丙那林(β2受体激动剂)closure pneumothorax 闭合性气胸cloxacillin 氯唑西林cobaltosis 钴尘肺codeine 可待因(镇咳、麻醉止痛药)Cohn's pores 肺泡间孔coldsore 单纯性疱疹,唇疱疹common cold 普通感冒community acquired pneumonia, CAP 社区获得性肺炎coniofibrosis 肺尘性纤维变性,纤维性肺尘病connective tissue disease, CTD 结缔组织病continuous positive airway pressure, CPAP 持续气道正压conventional pulmonary angiography, CPA 选择性肺动脉造影cor pulmonale 肺源性心脏病(简称肺心病)cough 咳嗽、咳出、咳,咳嗽cough variant asthma, CV A 咳嗽变异性哮喘cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis, CFA 隐原性纤维化性肺泡炎cyanose 【法】发绀,青紫cyanosed 发绀的,青紫的cyanosis 发绀,青紫cyclophosphamide 环磷酰胺(免疫抑制剂及抗肿瘤药) cycloserine 环丝氨酸(结核菌抑制药,很少用于治尿路感染)cystic fibrosis 囊性纤维化deep venous thrombosis , DVT 深静脉血栓形成Directly Observed Treatmeat, Short Course Chemotherapy; DOTS督导短程化学治疗disodium cromoglycate 色甘酸二钠(非激素类抗炎药) drug-induced lung disease 药物性肺病dyspnea 呼吸困难edema 浮肿,水肿embolism 栓塞embolize 栓塞、成为栓子embolomycotic 感染性栓子的embolus ([复]emboli ) 栓子emphysema 气肿;肺气肿emptysis 【希】咯血empyema 积脓;脓胸eosinophilic granuloma 嗜酸性肉芽肿expiratory reserve volume,ERV 呼吸储备量extend spectrum beta lactases,ESBLS 超光谱酶ethambutol, EMB 乙胺丁醇(结核菌抑制药)exercise induced asthma , EIA 运动性哮喘exhalation 蒸发;发散物(如气体、气味);呼出,呼气exhale 呼气;蒸发,发散、呼出;发散出expiration 呼出,呼气;断气,死亡;期满,终止expiratory 呼气的expire 呼气,断气,死亡;期满,终止,呼出extrinsic allergic alveolitis, EAA 外源性过敏性肺泡炎febricant 致热的febricide 退热的,退热药febricity 发热febrifugal 退热的,解热的febrifuge 退热药,解热药、退热的,解热的febrile 热性的,发热的febris 【拉】发热,热fenoterol 非诺特罗(β2受体激动剂)forced expiratory volume in one second,FEV1 第一秒用力呼气量fever 发热,热fever blister 唇疱疹feverish 发烧的,引起热病的;兴奋的fibroblasts growth factor, FGF 成纤维细胞生长因子fibronectin, Fn 纤维连结素fieber 【德】发热,热fluorine -18-fluorodeoxyglcose, FDG 18F脱氧葡萄糖fluticasone propionate, FP 丙酸氟替卡松(糖皮质激素) formoterol 福莫特罗(β2受体激动剂)fungal真菌的,霉菌的fungicide 杀真菌剂fungicidin 制真菌素,制霉菌素fungistat 抑制真菌剂fungous 真菌的,霉菌的fungus ([复]funguses 或fungi) 【拉】真菌,霉菌;海绵肿furosemide 速尿,速尿灵(磺胺类强利尿药) forced vital capacity,FVC 用力肺活量gasp 喘气、气喘喘地说、喘息gasproof 防毒气的;不透气的gentamicin, gentamycin 庆大霉素Global Initiative For Asthma,GIFA 全球性哮喘防治建议Goodpasture's syndrome 肺出血--肾炎综合征(肾小球性肾炎咯血综合征,主要发生于青年男性,开始为呼吸道感染、肺浸润、咯血和贫血,继则迅速转为进行性肾病)granuloma--inciting factor 肉芽肿激发因子guttur 【拉】咽喉guttural 喉的,咽喉的gutturophony 喉音gutturotetany 喉痉挛性口吃Hamman-Rich Syndrome (Louis Hamman; Arnold R. Rich)弥散性间质性肺纤维化headache 头痛hemathorax 血胸,胸腔积血hematic 血的、补血药hematothorax 血胸hemopleura 血胸hemopneumothorax 血气胸hemoptysis 咯血hemothorax 血胸hospital acquired pneumonia, HAP 医院获得性肺炎hydropneumothorax 水气胸hyperpyrexia 高热,高烧hyperthermal 高温的,热的hyperventilation 过度换气;过度呼吸hypopharynx 下咽(部),咽喉(部)hypopnea 呼吸不足,呼吸不全hyposensitization therapy 减敏疗法idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, IPF 特发性肺纤维化idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis 特发性肺含铁血黄素沉着症immediate asthmatic reaction, IAR 速发相哮喘反应inflammation 炎(症)inflammatory 炎的,炎性的influenza 流行性感冒,流感infratracheal 气管下的isonicotinylhydrazine,INH 异烟肼,雷米封(商品名,抗结核药) Interstitial lung disease, ILD 弥漫性间质性肺疾病Intrabronchial 支气管内的intubation 插管(法)(尤指喉管插入法)intubate 插管,插入喉管intermittent positive pressure breathing,IPPB 间歇性正压呼吸ipratropium bromide 溴化异丙托品(抗胆碱药) isoniazid,INH 异烟肼(抗结核药)isoproterenol 异丙肾上腺素,喘息定,治喘灵(用于拟交感神经药.心兴奋剂及解痉药,亦用于缓解支气管痉挛) isoproterenol hydrochloride 盐酸异丙肾上腺素(支气管扩张药) isoproterenol sulfate 硫酸异丙肾上腺素(支气管扩张药) kanamycin 卡那霉素Kartagener's syndrome (triad) (Manes Kartagener) 卡塔格内综合征(三征)(右位心<内脏易位>、支气管扩张、鼻窦炎) ketotifen 酮替芬(治疗哮喘的药物)Klebsiellar pneumonia 肺炎克雷伯杆菌肺炎Koch's bacillus (Robert koch) 郭霍杆菌(结核杆菌)Koch's phenomenon 郭霍现象(结核菌再感染剧烈反应) Langerhans cell granulomatosis 朗格汉斯细胞肉芽肿病Langhans' cells(Theodor Langhans) 朗汉斯细胞(构成细胞滋养层的多面形上皮细胞;结核性结节巨细胞)late asthmatic reaction, LAR 迟发相哮喘反应lactic dehydrogenase,LDH 乳酸脱氢酶Legionella pneumonia 嗜肺军团菌Legionnaies pneumonia 军团菌肺炎lincomycin 林可霉素liparodyspnea 肥胖性呼吸困难lobitis 叶炎(尤指肺叶炎)lobule 小叶lobulus ([复]lobuli ) 【拉】小叶lobus ([复]lobi ) 【拉】叶lung 肺lung abscess 肺脓肿lung cancer 肺癌lungmotor 肺充气机lungworm 肺蠕虫(如肺吸虫)Marie-Bamberger disease (Pierre Marie; Eugen Bamberger) 肥大性肺性骨关节病mechanical controlled hypoventilation, MCHV 控制性低通气量辅助呼吸mechanical ventilation 机械通气meningopneumonitis 脑膜肺炎mesobronchitis 支气管中层炎mesosternum 胸骨体metacortandralone 泼尼松龙,强的松龙,氢化泼尼松,去氢氢化可的松(糖皮质激素) metapneumonic 肺炎后的methylmorphine 甲基吗啡,可待因methylprednisolone 甲基去氢氢化可的松,甲基氢化泼尼松,甲基泼尼松龙(糖皮质激素) metronidazole 灭滴灵,甲硝唑mitomycin 自力霉素,丝裂霉素(抗肿瘤药) MMFR maximum midexpiratory flow rate 最大呼气中期流速moroxydine, ABOB 吗啉胍(抗病毒药)methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus,MRSA 耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌midsternal line,MSL 胸骨中线Multiple drug resistance tuberculosis, MDR-TB 耐多药结核病mycete 霉菌,真菌mycobacterium 分支杆菌mycobacterium avium 鸟(型)结核分支杆菌mycobacterium bovis 牛(型)结核分支杆菌mycobacterium other than M.tuberculosis, MOTT 其他分支杆菌mycobacterium paratuberculosis 副结核分支杆菌mycobacterium tuberculosis 结核分支杆菌,结核杆菌mycoplasma 支原体,类菌质体mycoplasma pneumoniae 肺炎支原体,肺炎支原菌mycoplasmal pneumonia 支原体肺炎mycoplasmosis 支原体病,支原菌病nafcillin 乙氧萘胺青霉素,萘夫西林,新青霉素IIInasal continuous positive airway pressure, nCPAP 经鼻持续气道正压necropneumonia 肺坏疽nedocromil sodium 奈多罗米钠(非激素类抗炎剂) needle aspiration 穿刺抽气nicoumalone 新抗凝(抗凝血药)non-inflammatory 非炎性的non-small cell lung cancer 非小细胞肺癌non-smoker 非吸烟者norepinephrine 去甲肾上激素noscapine 诺司咳平(1-α-那可丁,镇咳药,由鸦片中提出的一种生物碱,其含量约3----10%)obstructive hypoventilation 阻塞性通气不足obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, OSAS 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停old tuberculin, OT 旧结核菌素;简称旧结素oleothorax (人工)油胸oligopnea 肺换气不足orthopnea 端坐呼吸oxacillin 苯唑西林,新青II oxygen therapy 氧气治疗oxytetracycline 氧四环素,土霉素oxytropium bromide 溴化氧托品(抗胆碱药)pachypleuritis 肥厚性胸膜炎,纤维胸palpation 触诊,扪诊Pancoast tumor 肺上沟瘤para-aminosalicylic acid, PAS 对氨基水杨酸paraneoplastic syndrome 副癌综合征parapleuritis 胸壁炎,胸壁胸膜炎paratoloid, paratoloidin 结核菌素paristhmitis 扁桃体炎polymerase chain reaction,PCR 聚合酶链反应pectoral 胸的,祛痰的,舒胸的pectoralgia 胸痛,胸肌痛pectorophony 语音增强pectus 【拉】胸positive end-expiratory pressure,PEEP 呼气末正压peak expiratory flow,PEF 呼气流量峰值penicillin 青霉素percussion 叩击;叩诊(法)peribronchial 支气管周的peribronchiolar 细支气管周的peribronchiolitis 细支气管周炎peribronchitis 支气管周炎perithoracic 胸周的peritonsillar 扁桃体周的peritonsillitis 扁桃体周炎peritracheal 气管周的pertussis 百日咳pharyngalgia 咽痛pharyngeal, pharyngal 咽的pharyngodynia 咽痛pharyngotonsillitis 咽扁桃体炎phthisicky 气喘的,患气喘病的pimelorthopnea 肥胖性端坐呼吸(躺下时则难以呼吸)piorthopnea 肥胖性端坐呼吸(躺下时则难以呼吸)platypnea 平卧呼吸(端坐时所致的呼吸困难在平卧时得以缓解)pleura ([复]pleurae ) 胸膜pleuracentesis 胸腔穿刺术pleurectomy 胸膜部分切除术pleural effusion 胸腔积液pleuralgia 胸膜痛pleurisy 胸膜炎pleurobrochitis 胸膜支气管炎pleurocentesis 胸腔穿刺术pleuroclysis 胸膜腔灌洗术pleurodesis 胸膜粘连疗法pleurodynia 胸膜痛,肋肌痛(陈发性肋间肌痛)pleuroparietopexy 胸膜胸壁固定术pleuropneumonia 胸膜肺炎pleuropulmonary 胸膜肺的pleurorrhea 胸膜腔渗液pleuroscopy 胸膜腔镜检查paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, PND 陈发性夜间呼吸困难pneogaster 呼吸道(胚)pneumal 肺的pneumatocele 肺膨出;气瘤,气囊pneumatodyspnea 气肿性呼吸困难pneumoalveolography 肺泡X线照相术pneumoangiogram 肺血管(造影)照片pneumoangiography 肺血管造影术pneumobacillus 肺炎杆菌pneumocele 肺膨出;气瘤;气囊pneumocentesis 肺穿刺术pneumochysis 肺水肿pneumococcal pneumonia 肺炎球菌肺炎pneumococcemia 肺炎球菌血症pneumococcidal 杀肺炎球菌的pneumococcosis 肺炎球菌病pneumococcus ([复]pneumococci) 肺炎球菌pneumoconiosis 肺尘埃沉着病,尘肺pneumocystic 肺孢子虫的,肺孢子虫所致的pneumocystosis 肺孢子虫病(间质性浆细胞性肺炎)pneumocyte 肺细胞pneumoderma 皮下气肿pneumoempyema 气脓胸pneumohemothorax 气血胸pneumohydrothorax 气水胸pneumokoniosis 肺尘埃沉着病,尘肺pneumolith 肺石pneumolithiasis 肺石病pneumology 肺病学pneumomalacia 肺软化pneumomycosis 肺真菌病,肺霉菌病pneumonectasis, pneumonectasia 肺气肿pneumonedema 肺水肿pneumonemia 肺充血pneumonia 肺炎pneumonitis 肺炎,局限性肺炎pneumonocele 肺膨出;气瘤;气囊pneumonocentesis 肺穿刺术pneumonococcus 肺炎(双)球菌pneumonoconiosis, pneumonokoniosis 肺尘埃沉着病,尘肺pneumonocyte 肺细胞pneumonograph 肺X线(照)片pneumonolipoidosis 脂质性肺炎pneumonomelanosis 肺黑变病pneumonopathy 肺病pneumonophthisis 肺结核pneumonorrhagia 肺出血pneumonosis 肺病pneumopleuritis 肺胸膜炎pneumopyothorax 气脓胸pneumorrhagia 肺出血pneumosepticemia 肺炎败血病pneumoserothorax 浆液气胸pneumosilicosis 硅肺pneumotaxic 呼吸调节的pneumothorax 气胸pneusis 【希】呼吸polygenic inheritance 多基因遗传polypnea 呼吸急促,气促polysomnography 多导睡眠图positron emission tomography, PET 正电子发射断层显像Post-Hypercapnic alkalosis 二氧化碳排出后碱中毒purified protein derivative (of tuberculin),PPD 纯蛋白衍生物(结核菌素) presternum 胸骨柄pretracheal 气管前的pretuberculosis 初期结核病pretuberculous 结核发生前的primary bronchogenic carcinoma 原发性支气管肺癌primary pneumothorax 原发性气胸primary pulmonary tuberculosis 原发性肺结核procaterol 丙卡特罗(β2受体激动剂) pulmo ([复]pulmones ) 【拉】肺pulmogram 肺X线(照)片pulmonary 肺的pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, PAP 肺泡蛋白沉积症pulmonary arterial hypertension, PAH 肺动脉高压pulmonary aspergillosis 肺曲菌病pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, PCWP 肺小动脉楔压pulmonary embolism, PE 肺栓塞pulmonary emphysema 肺气肿pulmonary encephalopathy 肺性脑病pulmonary surfactant, PS 肺表面活性物质pulmonary thromboembolism, PTE 肺血栓栓塞pulmonary tuberculosis 肺结核pulmonic 肺的;肺动脉的pulmonitis 肺炎pulmotor 自动供氧人工呼吸器purr 猫喘音,呜呜purring 猫喘音样的Px. pneumothorax 气胸pyohemothorax 脓血胸pyopneumothorax 脓气胸pyoptysis 咯脓pyothorax 脓胸pyrazinamide , PZA 吡嗪酰胺(抗结核病)QP quanti-Pirquent reaction 定量皮尔盖反应(定量结核菌素划痕反应)quinsy 扁桃体周脓肿radiation therapy 放射治疗rale 罗音respiration 呼吸(作用);呼吸音respiratory 呼吸的respiratory acidosis 呼吸性酸中毒respiratory alkalosis 呼吸性碱中毒respiratory failure 呼吸衰竭respire 呼吸restriction fragment length polymorphism, RFLP 限制性内切酶片段多态性分析restrictive hypoventilation 限制性通气不足retrobronchial 支气管后的ribavirin 利巴韦林(抗病毒药)rifabutin RBU 利福布丁(抗结核药)rifampin RFP 利福平(抗结核药)rifamycin 利福霉素(对结核分支杆菌及其他细菌均有效)rifapentine DL473, RPE, RPT 利福喷丁(抗结核药)rigor 【拉】寒战,发冷; 强直,僵硬rimantadine 甲基金刚烷胺(抗病毒药)Rimifon 雷米封(异烟肼<isoniazid>的商品名) rimiterol 利米特罗(β2受体激动剂)Rostan's asthma (Louis L. Rostan) 心病性气喘RV residual volume 余气量,残气量salbutamol 沙丁胺醇(β2受体激动剂) salmeterol 沙美特罗(β2受体激动剂)Samter Syndrome 阿司匹林过敏-哮喘-鼻息肉三联症Sarcoidosis 结节病secondary pneumothorax 继发性气胸secondary pulmonary tuberculosis 继发型肺结核serothorax 浆液胸,胸膜(腔)积水,水胸severe acute respiratory syndrome ,SARS (infectious atypical pneumopia) 传染性非典型肺炎siderosilicosis 铁(硅)末沉着,铁硅尘肺siderosis 肺铁末沉着病,铁尘肺silicosis 矽肺silicotuberculosis 石末沉着性结核病,硅肺结核sleep apnea syndrome 睡眠呼吸暂停综合征small sell lung cancer 小细胞肺癌spacer 储雾罐spontaneous pneumothorax 自发性气胸staphylococcus ([复]staphylococci) 葡萄球菌staphylococcal pneumonia 葡萄球菌肺炎status asthmaticus 哮喘持续状态stethophone 胸音传播器,听诊器stethoscope 听诊strangulation (呼吸)窒息;绞窄streptococcus ([复]streptococci) 链球菌streptococcus pneumoniae 肺炎链球菌streptomycin SM 链霉素stridor 【拉】喘鸣suprathoracic 胸廓上的suspirious 深呼吸的,叹气的tension pneumothorax 张力性气胸terbutaline 特布他林(β2受体激动剂) the lung imaging fluorescence endoscope, LTFE 肺成像荧光屏内镜the respiratory disturbance index 呼吸紊乱指数thiosemicarbazone, TB 氨硫脲(抗结核药) thoracalgia 胸痛thoracentesis 胸廓穿刺术thoracic , thoracal 胸的,胸廓的thoracocentesis 胸腔穿刺术thoracocyllosis 胸畸形thoracodynia 胸痛thoracopathy 胸部疾病thoracoscope 胸腔镜thoracoscopy 胸腔镜检查thoracostenosis 胸廓狭窄thorax ([复]thoraxes或thoraces ) 胸,胸廓tiotropium bromide 溴化泰乌托品(抗胆碱能药) total lung capacity,TLC 肺总量tonsil 扁桃体tonsilla ([复]tonsillae ) 【拉】扁桃体tonsillitis 扁桃体炎trachea ([复]tracheas 或tracheae ) 【拉】气管trachea-bronchitis 气管-支气管炎tracheaectasy 气管扩张tracheitis 气管炎tracheobronchitis 气管支气管炎. tracheobronchomegaly 气管支气管扩大;巨大气管-支气管症tracheobronchoscopy 气管支气管镜检查tracheofistulization 气管穿刺投药法tracheophony 气管音tracheopyosis 气管化脓,化脓性支气管炎tracheorrhagia 气管出血tracheoscopy 气管镜检查tracheostenosis 气管狭窄tracheotomize 切开气管tracheotomy 气管切开术trachitis 气管炎tranilast 曲尼司特(治疗哮喘的药物) transforming oncogenes 转化癌基因transthoracic 经胸廓的,经胸腔的transtracheal 经气管的,经气管壁的transudate 漏出液,渗出液Triple acid-base disorders, TABD 三重酸碱失衡tubercle 结节,结核结节tuberculin 结核菌素,结素tuberculocide 杀结核菌药tuberculosilicosis 硅肺结核tuberculosis 结核(病)tuberculosis pleuritis 结核性胸膜炎tuberculostatic 结核菌抑制药、抑制结核菌的tulobuterol 妥布特罗(β2受体激动剂) unclosure pneumothorax 交通性气胸upper respiratory tract infection, URTI 上呼吸道感染uvulopalatopharygoplasty , UPPP 悬雍垂软腭成形术vaccinum 【拉】疫苗,菌苗Vancocin 万古霉素(商品名)vancomycin 万古霉素vital capacity,VC 肺活量viral pneumonia 病毒性肺炎virucide 杀病毒剂virus 【拉】病毒virusemia 病毒血(症)Wegener granulomatosis 韦格内肉芽肿wheeze 喘气,喘息、喘息地说、喘息声,喘鸣white lung 白肺(婴儿梅毒性肺炎)windpipe 气管Cardiovascular systemabscess 脓肿achropachy;acropachy 杵状指acute coronary syndrome 急性冠脉综合征acute myocardial infarction 急性心肌梗塞acute pericarditis 急性心包炎adrenergic blocking agent 肾上腺素能阻滞剂after load 后负荷alcoholic heart disease 酒精性心脏病aldosterone 醛固酮ambulatory blood pressure monitoring 动态血压监测amelioration 改善aminoglycosides 氨基糖甙类amoxicillin 阿莫西林ampicillin 氨苄西林anaerobic cultivation 厌氧培养anemia 贫血aneurysm 动脉瘤angina pectoris 心绞痛angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor;ACEI 血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂angiotensin 血管紧张素angiotensin-converting enzyme 血管紧张素转换酶anorexia 食欲不振anoxia 缺氧antibiotic 抗生素Anticoagulant drug 抗凝药anxiety 焦虑aortic sinus 主动脉窦aortic stenosis 主动脉口狭窄aortic valve 主动脉瓣apical hypertrophy 心尖部肥厚arrhythmia 心律失常arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy 致心律失常性右室心肌病arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia 心律失常性右室发育不良症arterial pressure 动脉压arterial septal defect 房间隔缺损arterial spasm 动脉痉挛arterioVenous fistula 动静脉瘘arthritis 关节炎artificial cardiac pacing 人工心脏起搏ascites 腹水asymmetric septal hypertrophy 心室间隔肥厚asymptomatic myocardial ischemia 无症状性心肌缺血asynchronous defibrillation 非同步电除颤asynchronous pacemaker 非同步型起搏器atheroma 粥样斑块atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化atrial fibrillation心房颤动atrial flutter 心房扑动atrial natriuretic factor 心钠素atrial tachycardia 房性心动过速atrioventricular block 房室传导阻滞atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia 房室结折返性心动过速atrophy 萎缩automatic tachycardia 自律性心动过速autosome 常染色体bacteremia 菌血症balloon catheter 球囊导管balloon expandable stent 球囊膨胀性支架bicuspidal valve二尖瓣bilateral basal rales 两肺底罗音bleeding 渗出blood flow reserve 血流储备blood volume 血容量body fluid 体液bradycardia 心动过缓Bradykinin 缓激肽brain death 脑死亡brain stem death 脑干死亡breathholding 屏气broad spectrum 广谱C reactive protein,CRP C反应蛋白calcification 钙化calcium channel antagonists 钙通道阻滞剂capillary network 毛细血管网cardiac catheter 心导管cardiac failure 心衰cardiac index 心脏指数cardiac insufficiency 心力衰竭cardiac output 心排血量cardiac soufflé心脏杂音cardiogenic shock 心源性休克cardiogenic syncope 心源性晕厥cardiophonogram 心音图cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺复苏cardioversion 心脏电复律carotid sinus syncope 颈动脉窦晕厥catecholamine 儿茶酚胺catheter ablation 心导管消融catheterization 心导管术cefalotin 头孢噻吩cefetaxime 头孢噻肟cell-mediate immunity 细胞免疫cerebral edema 脑水肿cerebral hemorrhage 脑出血cerebrovascular disease 脑血管疾病chaotic tachycardia 紊乱性心动过速chest pain 胸痛chill 寒战chorea 舞蹈病ciprofloxacin 环丙沙星clindamycin 克林霉素clinical features 临床特点coagulated necrosis 凝固坏死coarctation of aorta 主动脉缩窄coenzyme 辅酶collagen fiber 胶原纤维color doppler imaging 彩色多普勒血流显像color kinesis 彩色室壁运动技术coma 昏迷complement 补体complete left bundle branch block 完全性左束支传导阻滞complete right bundle branch block 完全性右束支传导阻滞compliance 顺应性complication 并发症complication 并发症concordant 协调性conduction block 传导阻滞congenital vascular malformation 先天性心血管畸形congestive heart failure 充血性心力衰竭conscious disturbance 意识障碍constrictive pericarditis 缩窄性心包炎contractility 收缩力contraction 收缩contrast echocardiography 心肌声学造影convulsion 惊厥coronary angiography 冠状动脉造影coronary arterial insufficiency 冠脉供血不足coronary artery bypass grafting 冠脉旁路移植术coronary artery bypass 冠状动脉旁路coronary artery embolism 冠状动脉栓塞coronary artery spasm 冠脉痉挛coronary revascularization 冠脉血运重建术coronary stenting 冠脉内支架术corticosteroid 皮质类固醇creatine phosphate kinase 磷酸肌酸激酶crepitations 捻发音cyanosis 紫绀deep vein thrombosis 深部静脉血栓形成defibrillation 心脏电除颤degeneration 变性diabetes mellitus 糖尿病diastolic insufficiency heart failure 舒张功能不全性心力衰竭diastolic pressure 舒张压diffuse glomerulonephritis 弥漫性肾小球肾炎digitalis 洋地黄dilated cardiomyopathy 扩张型心肌病diltiazem 地尔硫卓dilution 稀释directional coronary atherectomy 定向冠脉内膜切除术dissecting aneurysm 夹层动脉瘤dissection of aorta 主动脉夹层diuretic 利尿剂doppler tissue imaging 组织型多普勒成像doppler ultrasound 多普勒超声心动图drug-induced heart disease 药物性心脏病dysfunction 功能障碍dyspnea 呼吸困难dystrophy 营养障碍Ebstein's anomaly 三尖瓣下移畸形ECG exercise test 心电图运动试验edema 水肿Eisenmenger syndrome 艾森曼格综合征ejection 射血ejection fraction 射血分数electrocardiography 心电图electrophysiology 电生理emboli 栓子emphraxis 闭塞end systolic volume 收缩末容量endemic cardiomyopathy 地方性克山病endocardium infarction 心内膜下心梗endothelin 内皮素enlargement 增大environmental factor 环境因素epidemiology 流行病学erectional syncope 直立性晕厥erythrocyte sedimentation 血沉erythromycin 红霉素Escherichia coli 大肠杆菌etiology 病因学family history 家族史Fatigue 疲劳fatty streak 脂质条纹fatty tissue 脂肪组织febrile 发热fibrosis 纤维化fibrous protein纤维蛋白filling resistance 充盈阻力filling 充盈first aid 急救fluid retention 液体潴留fourth heart sound 第四心音fundus of eye 眼底fungus 真菌gallop 奔马律gamma globulin 丙种球蛋白genetic background 遗传背景gentamycin 庆大霉素gonococcus 淋球菌headache头痛head-up tilt test 直立倾斜试验heart failure 心力衰竭heart rate variability 心率变异性heart rate 心率heart sign 心脏体征heart transplantation 心脏移植术hematom 血肿hematuria 血尿hemodynamics血流动力学heredity 遗传hyperemia 充血hyperlipemia 高脂血症hypertension 高血压hypertension crisis 高血压危象hypertension emergency 高血压急症hypertensive crisis 高血压危象hypertensive encephalopathy 高血压脑病hyperthyrea 甲状腺功能亢进hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 肥厚型心肌病hypocalcemia 低钙血症hypokalemia 低钾血症hypotension 低血压hypothermia 低温idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis 特发性肥厚性主动脉瓣下狭窄immune complex 免疫复合物immunosuppression 免疫抑制implantable cardioverter defibrillator 植入型心律转复除颤器inertia 乏力infective endocarditis 感染性心内膜炎inflammation 炎症inflammatory cell 炎症细胞in-stent restenosis 支架术后再狭窄insulin resistance 胰岛素抵抗intermittent myocardial ischemia 暂时心肌缺血interstitium 间质interventional cardiology 介入性心脏病学interventricular septum 室间隔intoxication 中毒intracranial pressure step-up 颅内压升高intravascular echocardiography 血管内超声成像intraventricular block 室内传导阻滞ischemia 缺血ischemic infarction 缺血性坏死joint pain 关节痛Keshan disease 克山病kidney sclerosis 肾硬化kidney 肾lactic dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶laser angioplasty 激光成形术left anterior hemiblock 左前分支阻滞left posterior hemiblock 左后分支阻滞leucocyte 白细胞lipid deposition 脂质沉积lymphoma 淋巴瘤malignant hypertension 恶性高血压manifestation 临床表现mapping 标测mean arterial pressure 平均动脉压meningitis 脑膜炎mesentery 肠系膜minimal inhibitory concentration,MIC 最小抑菌浓度microvascular abnormalities 微血管功能不良mictional syncope 排尿性晕厥mitral incompetence / mitral insufficiency 二尖瓣关闭不全mitral valve prolapse 二尖瓣脱垂moist rales 湿罗音monocyte 单核细胞monorail catheter 单轨导管mucosa 粘膜multifocal tachycardia 多源性心动过速multivalve disease 多瓣膜疾病mural thrombus 附壁血栓myocardial concussion syndrome 心肌震荡综合征myocardial contractility 心肌收缩力myocardial infarction 心肌梗死myocardial oxygen consumption 心肌氧耗量myocarditis 心肌炎myocardium bridging 心肌桥nafcillin 萘夫西林naked eye 肉眼native valve endocarditis 自体瓣膜心内膜炎nausea 恶心night sweats 盗汗nitrogen monoxide 一氧化氮nitroglycerin 硝酸甘油nocturnal paroxysmal dyspnea 夜间阵发性呼吸困难non- Q-wave infarction 非Q波心梗non- ST elevation 非ST段抬高normal coronary arteries at coronary angiography 冠脉造影正常obesity 肥胖obstruction 梗阻oncocytosis 嗜酸细胞增多症optic disc 视神经乳头oral cavity 口腔orthopnea 端坐呼吸outflow tract 流出道oxacillin 苯唑西林palpitation 心悸papillary muscle disruption 乳头肌破裂paradoxical pulse 奇脉paroxysmal tachycardia 阵发性心动过速patent ductus arteriosus 动脉导管未闭pathology 病理学percutaneous balloon mitral valve commissurotomy 经皮二尖瓣球囊成形术percutaneous coronary laser angioplasty 经皮激光冠脉成形术percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty 经皮冠状动脉腔内成形术percutaneous transluminal septal myocardial ablation 经皮经腔间隔心肌消融术perforation 穿孔pericardial rub 心包摩擦音pericardial tamponade 心包填塞pericarditis 心包炎peripartal heart disease 围产期心脏病peripheral arteriosclerosis obliteration 闭塞性周围动脉粥样硬化peripheral edema 末梢水肿peripheral resistance 外周阻力peritendinitis 腱鞘炎petechia 瘀点phagocyte 吞噬细胞pheochromocytoma 嗜铬细胞瘤physical examination 体格检查piperacillin 哌拉西林plaque rupture 斑块破裂pleural fluid 胸水pneumococcus 肺炎球菌poliomyelitis 脊髓灰质炎positive exercise ECG 心电图运动试验阳性positron emission tomography 正电子断层显像post streptococcus reactive arthritis 链球菌后反应性关节炎postmyocardial infarction syndrome 心肌梗死后综合征postpericardiostomy syndrome 心脏损伤后综合征predisposing factors 易感因素preexcitation syndrome 预激综合征preload 前负荷premature beats 过早搏动premature contraction 期前收缩pressoreceptor 压力感受器prevalence rate 患病率primary hypertension 原发性高血压primary aldosteronism 原发性醛固酮增多症primary arteritis of the aorta and its main branches 多发性大动脉炎primary prevention 一级预防prognosis 预后programmability 程序可控性programmable pacemaker 程控起搏器programmable stimulation 程序刺激器propafenone 普罗帕酮propranolol 普萘洛尔prostacyclin 前列环素prosthesis 人工瓣膜prosthetic valve endocarditis 人工瓣膜心内膜炎prosthetic valve replacement 人工瓣膜置换术proteinuria 蛋白尿pulmonary capillary wedge pressure 肺毛细血管楔嵌压pulmonary circulation 肺循环pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞pulmonic stenosis 肺动脉口狭窄pulmonic valve disease 肺动脉瓣疾病pulseless disease 无脉病Q-wave infarction Q波心梗radiate to the left arm\throat\jaw 放射到左肩、喉、下颌radiofrequency catheter ablation 经导管射频消融red cell cast 红细胞管型reentrant 折返refractory heart failure 顽固性心力衰竭regulation mechanism 调节机制relapse 复发remittent fever 弛张热remodelling 重构renal infarction 肾梗塞Renal parenchyma lesion 肾实质病变renal tubule 肾小管renin 肾素reperfusion 再灌注restrictive cardiomyopathy 限制型心肌病retina 视网膜rheumatic fever 风湿热rheumatoid factor 类风湿因子right heart infective endocarditis 右心瓣膜感染性心内膜炎right ventricular cardiomyopathy 右室心肌病rigor 寒战risk factor 危险因素risk stratification 危险分层Roth's spots Roth斑scar 瘢痕sclerosis 硬化secondary hypertension 继发性高血压secondary prevention 二级预防selective coronary angioplasty 选择性冠状动脉造影septicemia 败血症shock 休克sick sinus syndrome 病态窦房结综合征sinoatrial block 窦房阻滞sinus arrest 窦性停搏sinus rhythm 窦性心律。
医学专业英语词汇大全一、人体解剖学词汇1. 骨骼系统(Skeletal System)skull(颅骨)spine(脊柱)rib(肋骨)pelvis(骨盆)femur(股骨)tibia(胫骨)fibula(腓骨)2. 肌肉系统(Muscular System)biceps(二头肌)triceps(三头肌)deltoid(三角肌)quadriceps(四头肌)gluteus(臀大肌)rectus abdominis(腹直肌)3. 神经系统(Nervous System)brain(大脑)spinal cord(脊髓)neuron(神经元)synapse(突触)cerebellum(小脑)hypothalamus(下丘脑)4. 循环系统(Circulatory System) heart(心脏)artery(动脉)vein(静脉)capillary(毛细血管)blood(血液)plasma(血浆)5. 呼吸系统(Respiratory System) lung(肺)trachea(气管)bronchus(支气管)alveoli(肺泡)diaphragm(膈肌)二、临床医学词汇1. 疾病与症状diabetes(糖尿病)hypertension(高血压)asthma(哮喘)fever(发热)headache(头痛)nausea(恶心)2. 检查与诊断physical examination(体格检查)Xray(X光检查)CT scan(CT扫描)MRI(磁共振成像)biopsy(活检)diagnosis(诊断)3. 治疗与药物medication(药物治疗)surgery(手术治疗)vaccination(疫苗接种)antibiotic(抗生素)painkiller(止痛药)insulin(胰岛素)三、医学分支词汇1. 内科学(Internal Medicine) cardiology(心脏病学)gastroenterology(消化病学) nephrology(肾脏病学)endocrinology(内分泌学)hematology(血液病学)2. 外科学(Surgery)general surgery(普通外科) orthopedic surgery(骨科)neurosurgery(神经外科)plastic surgery(整形外科)cardiac surgery(心脏外科)3. 妇产科(Obstetrics and Gynecology)pregnancy(妊娠)childbirth(分娩)contraception(避孕)menopause(更年期)cervical cancer(宫颈癌)4. 儿科学(Pediatrics)immunization(免疫)growth chart(生长曲线)developmental milestones(发育里程碑)asthma in children(儿童哮喘)childhood obesity(儿童肥胖)本词汇大全旨在帮助医学专业人员和爱好者更好地掌握医学英语,提高专业英语水平。
Exercise 2 :
Write a word for each of the following definitions:
1. near the nose paranasal
2. inflammation of the pharynx
3. pertaining to the larynx
The smallest of the conducting tubes, the bronchioles( 细支气管), carry air into the microscopic air sacs, the aveoli(肺泡), whrough which gases are exchanged between the lungs and the blood.
I Suffix for Respiration
ROOT MEANING -pnea breathing
EXAMPLE orthopnea
-oxia Level of oxygen hypoxia
-capnia Level of carbon hypercapnia dioxide
-phonia voice
Inhaled air passes into the throat, or pharynx(咽), where it mixes with air that enters through the mouth and also with food destined for the digestive tract. The pharynx is divided into three regions: (1) an upper portion, the nasopharynx(鼻咽), behind the nasal cavity;(2) a middle portion, the oropharynx(口咽), behind the mouth; and (3) a lower portion, the laryngeal pharynx(喉咽), behind the larynx. The palatine tonsils(腭 扁桃体) are on either side of the soft palate(软腭) in the oropharynx; the pharyngeal tonsils, or adenoids(咽扁桃体 ), are in the nasopharynx.
呼吸系统词缀 医学英语
breath;-spiro-,pneumo-,pneumato-,-pnea1.breathometer 呼吸计2.breath-sounds 呼吸音3.breathing artificial 人工呼吸4.spirometry 肺量测定法5.spiroscope 呼吸量检视器6.pneumoalveolography 肺泡X线造影7.pneumoangiography 肺血管造影术8.pneumobacillin 肺炎杆菌属9.pneumobronchotomy 肺支气管切开术10.pneumocardial 肺心的nose ;naso-,rhino-1.nose cleft 鼻畸形2.nostril 鼻孔3.nasoantral 鼻上颌窦的4.nasolabial 鼻唇的5.nasomanometer 鼻压计6.nasopharyngeal 鼻咽的7.nasoseptal 鼻中隔8.nasosinusitis 鼻窦炎9.rhinocarcinoma 鼻癌10.rhinocnesmus 鼻痒11.rhinodynia 鼻痛12.rhinorrhea 鼻漏throat ;近义构型词laryngo-ryngalgia 喉痛ryngectomy 喉切除术ryngemphraxis 喉阻塞ryngendoscope 喉镜ryngismal 喉痉挛的ryngitis 喉炎ryngocarcinoma 喉癌ryngocele 喉膨出ryngocentesis 喉穿刺术ryngopharyngitis 咽喉炎glottis ;近义构型词glotto-1.glottidectomy 声门切除术2.glottidospasm 声门痉挛3.glottiscope 声门镜4.glottitis 舌炎5.glottogram 声门图6.glottis false 假声门7.glottography 声门描记法8.glottology 舌学9.glottal 声门的10.glottis vera 声门裂trachea,windpipe 近义构型词tracheo-1.tracheoaerocele 气管气疝2.tracheobronchitis 气管支气管炎3.tracheocarcinoma 气管癌4.tracheoesophageal 气管食管的5.tracheolaryngeal 气管喉的6.tracheole 小气管7.tracheomalacia 气管软化8.tracheopathy 气管病9.tracheorrhagia 气管出血10.tracheoscopy 气管镜检bronchus ;近义构型词broncho- ,bronchiolo-1.bronchia 小气管2.bronchiectasia 支气管扩张3.bronchiogenic 支气管源的4.bronchiolitis 细支气管炎5.bronchismus 支气管痉挛6.bronchitis 支气管炎7.bronchoadenitis 支气管淋巴结炎8.bronchodilatation 支气管扩张术9.bronchoedema 支气管水肿10.bronchoesophagoscope 支气管食管镜lung ;近义构型词pulmo(no)-,pneumono-1.pulmogram 肺X线照片2.pulmometer 肺量计3.pulmonectomy 肺切除术4.pulmonitis 肺炎5.pulmonohepatic 肺肝的6.pneumonemia 肺充血7.pneumomalacia 肺软化8.pneumochysis 肺水肿9.pneumococci 肺炎球菌10.pneumobacillus 肺炎杆菌air sacs,alveolus ;近义构型词alveolo-1.alveolitis 肺泡炎2.alveolocapillary 肺泡毛细血管的pleura ;近义构型词pleuro-1.pleurobronchitis 胸膜支气管炎2.pleurodesis 胸膜固定术3.pleurodynia 胸膜痛4.pleurography 胸膜腔X线摄影术5.pleurohepatitis 胸膜肝炎6.pleuropericarditis 胸膜心包炎7.pleuroperitoneum 胸腹膜8.pleurorrhea 胸膜腔渗液9.pleuroscopy 胸膜腔镜检查10.pleurotomy 胸膜切开术。
ox/o oxy/o
pneum/o pneumon/o
是一种常见的慢性呼吸道疾病,以气 道高反应性和可逆性气流受限为特征。
与遗传、环境因素(如过敏原、空气 污染物)等有关。
包括喘息、胸闷、咳嗽等,通常在夜 间和清晨加重。
以控制症状为主,包括使用吸入性糖 皮质激素、长效β2受体激动剂等药 物。
早期无明显症状,晚期可能出现咳嗽、咳痰、 胸痛、呼吸困难等症状。
平喘药是一类能够缓解支气管痉挛、减轻气道炎症的药物,主要用于治疗哮喘、慢性喘 息性支气管炎等呼吸系统疾病。常见的平喘药包括糖皮质激素、白三烯受体拮抗剂等。
用于抑制炎症反应,减轻呼吸道肿胀 。
抗炎药是一类能够抑制炎症反应、减 轻呼吸道肿胀的药物,主要用于治疗 各种呼吸系统疾病。常见的抗炎药包 括非甾体抗炎药、糖皮质激素等。
古代人们通过观察动物和人体的呼吸 现象,逐渐认识到呼吸的重要性。
随着科技的不断进步,未来对呼吸系 统的研究将更加深入,有望为呼吸系 统疾学的发展,人们对呼 吸系统的结构和功能有了更深入的了 解。
此外,血液中的氧气分压也会对呼吸产生影响,当氧气分压降 低时,会刺激呼吸中枢,使呼吸加深加快,从而吸入更多氧气
在进行剧烈运动或肌肉活动时,能量代谢增加,需要更多的氧气参与代谢过程,同时也会产生更多的二 氧化碳,此时呼吸系统会进行相应的调节以满足代谢需求。
通过定期检查、健康档案建立等方式对高危人群进行监测,及时发现并处理潜在的健康问 题。
针对高危人群采取一些干预措施,如提供戒烟咨询、定期进行肺功能检查等,以降低患呼 吸系统疾病的风险。
肺气肿是指肺泡壁受到破坏,导致肺容积增大的病 理状态。
肺气肿的症状包括呼吸困难、气短、胸闷等,严重 时可引起呼吸衰竭。
肺气肿的治疗主要包括戒烟、使用支气管扩张剂 和抗炎药物等,严重时需要使用氧气治疗。
询问患者症状出现的时间、频率和持续时间,以及症状 的诱因和缓解因素。
进行胸部CT检查,以更细致地观察肺部结构和病变情况,发 现微小病变和早期肿瘤。
高分辨CT能够更清晰地显示肺部结构和病变情况,对肺部 疾病的诊断和治疗具有重要意义。
CT引导下穿刺活检可以准确地获取病变组织样本,对肺部 肿瘤等疾病的诊断和治疗具有重要价值。
支气管炎是指发生在气管、支气管和周围组织 的炎症,通常由细菌或病毒感染引起。
支气管炎的症状包括咳嗽、咳痰、气喘等,严 重时可引起呼吸困难。
支气管炎的治疗主要使用抗生素和祛痰药,必 要时需要使用支气管扩张剂和氧气治疗。
哮喘是一种慢性炎症性呼吸道疾病,主要由气道高反应性引起 。
上呼吸道感染是指发生在喉部以上的呼吸道炎症,主 要包括鼻炎、咽炎和喉炎等。
上呼吸道感染通常由病毒引起,如流感病毒、腺病毒 等,也可由细菌引起,如链球菌等。
常见的上呼吸道感染症状包括鼻塞、流涕、喉咙痛、 声音嘶哑等。
医学英语 呼吸系统
Breathing is the exchange of gases between the cells of an organism and the external environment. The process of taking air into the lungs is called inspiration, or inhalation. The process of breathing air out is called expiration, or exhalation.
Medical English
Respiratory System
Fang, Xiao yi (Judy)房晓祎 Department of Neonatology, First Affiliated Hospital of SUMC
Describe the structures and the functions of organs in res. system Describe the process of breathing Know the common symptoms and signs of res. diseases Know several diseases of res. system
The Respiratory System
Accessory structures:
Diaphragm膈: The main muscle used for breathing; separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity. Diaphragmatic muscles膈肌 Mediastinum纵隔: Consists of the space between the lungs together with the organs contained in this space, including trachea, heart, esophagus, large vessels, and other tissues.
医学英语 呼吸系统之呼吸的机制
nerves impulses
External intercostal muscles
diaphragm Relaxes, rises and resumes its dome shape.
During inspiration, due to nervous stimulation, the _____1_____ lowers and the ___2___lifts up and out.
• inhale吸入 • exhale呼出 • tidal volume潮气量TV. vital capacity肺活量VC • inspiratory reserve volume IRV补吸气量 • expiratory reserve volume ERV补呼气量 • residual volume[rɪ'zɪdjʊəl]余气量 • external intercostal muscles 肋间外肌 • pleural membranes胸膜 • visceral pleura 脏胸膜 • intrapleural pressure胸膜内压 • diaphragm膈肌 • rib cage 胸腔 alveoli 【æl'viəlai】肺泡
respiratory center
(medulla 【me'dʌlə】 oblongata 延髓)
External intercostal muscles diaphragm
contract contracts and lowers
respiratory center
1.A continuous column of air from the pharynx to the alveoli肺泡 of the lungs.
Unit 12 呼吸系统 Respiratory System 医学英语 临床医学
Anatomy: The Right Order
nasal cavities
alveolar duct
alveolar sac
diaphragm / intercostal muscles / pleural cavity / visceral pleura / parietal pleura / mediastinum
流鼻血 鼻衄
nosebleed rhinorrhagia epistaxis
nasopharynx鼻咽 oral pharynx or oropharynx口咽 hypopharynx下咽部;喉咽
Language Focus
➢ nasopharynx n. 鼻咽 ➢ nas(o)- 鼻
intrapulmonary bronchi肺内的支气管 bronchioles细支气管 alveolar ducts肺泡管
Language Focus
➢ bronchiole n. 细支气管脏 ➢ bronch(i/o)- 支气管
➢ bronchitis ➢ bronchoconstriction支气管狭窄 ➢ bronchospasm支气管痉挛
4. trachea气管 5. nostrils鼻孔 6. bronchi细支气管 7. pleural cavity胸膜腔 8. nasal cavities鼻腔
9. laryngopharynx咽喉 10. nasopharynx鼻咽 11. oropharynx口咽 12. visceral pleura脏胸 13. parietal pleura胸膜壁层 14. mediastinum纵隔膜 15. bronchiole 细支气管 16. alveolar duct肺泡管
医学常用英语词汇(内外妇儿科均有)一、内科常用字汇心血管系统 The Cardiovascular SystemAcute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) 急性心机梗塞Electrocardiogram (DCG) 心电图Hypertensive Cardiovascular Disease 高血压性心脏血管疾病Congential Heart Disease 先天性心脏病Hemangioma 血管瘤Vasodilatation 血管扩张Arteriosclerosis 动脉硬化Hypertension 高血压Hypertrophy 肥大Hypotension 低血压Varicose veins 静脉曲张血液及淋巴系统 The Hemic and Lymphatic System Adenitis 腺炎Acute Lymphogenous Leukemia 急性淋巴球性白血病Leukocyte 白血球Leukocytopenia白血球减少Systemic Lupus Erythematosus 全身性红斑性狼疮Splenomegaly 脾肿大Anemia贫血Aseptic 无菌的Septicemia败血症Hemostasis 止血Transfusion输血呼吸系统 The Respiratory SystemPulmonary embolism 肺栓塞Mucosa 黏膜Exhale呼吸Apnea窒息Tachypnea呼吸急促Pneumonia肺炎Bronchitis支气管炎Lung Empyema 肺积脓消化系统 The Digestive SystemShort of breath 呼吸短促Dysphasia说话困难Aphasia 失语症Aphonia失声Dysphagia 吞咽困难Gingivitis 齿龈炎Pharyngitis 咽炎Laryngitis 喉炎Esophagoscopy 食道镜检查Esophagus stricture 食道狭窄Abdominocentesis腹部穿刺术Gastric cancer 胃癌Gastritis 胃炎Gastroenteritis胃肠炎Gastrorrhagia胃出血Pyloric obstruction 幽门阻塞Duodenal Ulcer 十二指肠溃疡Peritonitis 腹膜炎Enterorrhagia 肠出血Enterorrhexis 肠破裂Appendicitis 阑尾炎Colon cancer结肠癌Proctoscopy 直肠镜检查Rectal cancer 直肠癌Anal Fistual 肛门?I管External hemorrhoid 外痔Internal hemorrhoid 内痔Excretion 排泄Hepatitis肝炎Hepatomegaly 肝肿大Gall Stone 胆结石Cholelithiasis 胆石症Liver Cirrhosis 肝硬化Ascites腹水内分泌系统 The Endocrine System Glycemia糖血症Goiter 甲状腺肿Diabetes Mellitus 糖尿病Diabetes Insipidus尿崩症Bromidrosis汗臭症Pituitary Tumor 脑下垂体肿瘤神经系统 The Nervous System Cerebral Arteriosclerosis 脑动脉硬化Cerebral Hemorrhage 脑出血Cerebral Edema 脑水肿Cerebra Palsy脑性麻痹Cerebral Thrombosis 脑栓塞Cranial Neruritis 脑神经炎Intracranial Hemorrhage 颅内出血Encephalitis 脑炎Electromyography 肌电图Neuritis神经炎Epilepsy 癜痫Trigeminal Neuralgia 三叉神经痛Rachitis ?偻症Rachioscoliiosis脊柱侧弯Spondylitis 脊椎炎Quadriplegia 四肢麻痹Paraplegia 下半身瘫痪Immediately loss of consciousness 立即丧失意识Eye opening睁眼反应Verbal response 语言反应Motor response 运动反应Corneal reflex 角膜反射Plantar reflex 膝反射Sciatica坐骨神经痛Chorea 舞蹈症Muscle atrophy 肌萎缩Migraine 偏头痛Parkinson's Disease 巴金森式症Brain Swelling 脑肿胀brain Concussion 脑震荡brain Anoxia脑缺氧症brain Death 脑死肌肉骨骼系统 The Musculoskeletal SystemAnterior Cruciate Ligament 前十字韧带Rheumatoid Arthritis 类风湿性关节炎Arthrosclerosis关节硬化Degenerated Joint Disease变性关节炎Clavicle Fracture 锁骨骨折Pelvic Fracture 骨盆骨折Plastic Paris Cast 整形硬石膏Matastatic Lesion转移性损害Osteoporosis骨质疏松症Amputation 截肢Bone graft 骨移植Hallux Valgus大拇指外翻Prosthesis Replacement 人工弥补置换术Range of Motion 运动范围Varus 内翻Chondromalacia软骨软化症泌尿及男性生殖系统 The Urinary and Male Reproductive SystemCystitis 膀胱炎Circumcision包皮环割术Cystoscopy 膀胱镜检查Hydronephrosis肾水肿Renal Stone 肾结石Acute Renal Failure 急性肾衰竭Cryptorchidism 隐睾症Spermatogenesis精子生成Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy 良性摄护腺肥大Ureteral stenosis 输尿管狭窄Dysuria 排尿困难Hematuria血尿Uremia尿毒症Urinary Tract Infection 尿路感染Vasoligation 输精管结扎Impotence 阳萎特殊感觉器官 The Organs of Special Senses Audiometer 听力计Otitis耳炎Otorrhea耳漏Tympanitis中耳炎Tympanotomy 鼓膜穿破术Nasitis鼻炎Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma鼻咽癌Rhinorrhea 鼻溢Intraocular Foreign Body 眼内异物Intraocular pressure 眼内压Oculus Uterque 双眼Oculus Sinister 左眼Oculus Dexter 右眼Extraocular Muscle 眼外肌Ophthalmologist 眼科医师Diplopia 复视Myopia 近视Blepharoptosis 眼睑下垂Corneitis 角膜炎Pupil Size Anisocoria瞳孔大小不等Retinopexy 视网膜固定术Retinal Detachment 视网膜剥落Visual field 视野Vocal nodular 声带结节Dermatologist 皮肤科医师Dermatitis皮肤炎Cataract白内障Glaucoma青光眼综合性字汇Contraceptive避孕的Contraindication 禁忌症Biology 生物学Hyperemesis 剧吐Polydipsia剧渴Homosexual 同性的Heterosexual 异性的Inject 注射Lipoma 脂肪瘤Lipoid 脂肪样的Lipomatosis 脂肪过多症Malformaiton 畸形Malaise 不适Necrosis坏死Nocturia 夜尿症Ployuria 多尿Narcotics 麻醉药Hyperplasia 增殖Dysplasia 发育不良Dyspepsia 消化不良Prognosis 预後Antipyretic 解热剂Hydrophobia 恐水症Photophobia 畏光Antibiotic 抗生素Syndrome 症候群Hydrotherapy 水疗法Perforation 穿孔Percussion叩诊Visceralgia脏器痛二、妇产科常用字汇Genital 生殖的Gynecology 妇科Menstruation 月经Menopause 更年期Menorrhagia经血过多Amenorrhea 无月经Dysmenorrhea经痛Menarche初经Cervical cancer 子宫颈癌Cervical Erosion子宫颈糜烂Cervicitis子宫颈炎Perineum会阴Endometriosis子宫内膜异位Ovary 卵巢Ovarian Cyst 卵巢囊肿Ovulation排卵Vaginitis阴道炎Colposcopy 阴道镜检法Galactocele乳腺囊肿Mammography 乳房X光摄影术Infertility 不孕症InVitro Fertilization 体外受精Amnion 羊膜Amniocentesis 羊膜穿刺术Amniotic Fluid Embolism 羊水栓塞Hydramnion 羊水过多Anterpartal 产前的Antepartum 分娩前Chorionic Villi Sampling 绒毛膜绒毛取样Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion 胎头骨盆不对称Artificial Insemination 人工受精Engagement 进入产位Estrogen动情基素Colostrum 初乳Termination of Pregnancy 终止怀孕Corpus Luteum 黄体Vacuum Extraction Delivery 真空吸出分娩Venereal Disease 性病Tubal Ligation 输卵管结扎Laparoscope 腹腔镜Embryo 胚胎Ectopic Gestation 子宫外孕Primipara 初产妇Attitude of Fetus 胎儿体位Dead Detus in Uterus 胎死腹中Multipara 经产妇Parity 经产Placenta Previa前置胎盘Postpartum 产後Postpartum hemorrhage产後出血Toxemia of Pregnancy 妊娠毒血症Adolescence青春期Basal Body Temperature 基础体温Cesarean Section 剖腹产Expected Date of Confinement 预产期Fallopian Tube 输卵管Forceps 产钳Hydatidiform Mole 水囊状胎块Labor Pain阵痛Painless Labor 无痛分娩Molding胎头变形Normal Spontaneous Delivery 正常自然生产Papanicolaou Smear 子宫颈抹片检查Premature Rupture of Membrance 早期破水Progesterone黄体素Stillbrith死产Suture 缝合Stump残物Withdrawal Bleeding 停经出血三、小儿科常用字汇Apnea呼吸暂停Aplastic Anemia再生不良性贫血Arterio Venous Malformation 动静脉畸形Bronchial Asthma支气管性气喘Bronchitis支气管炎Cephalopematoma头血肿Erythema红斑Hypospadia尿道下裂Dehydration 脱水Hydrocephalus水脑Hydrocele 阴囊积水Polydactylia多指畸形Pyoderma脓皮症Sepsis 败血症Tonsillitis扁桃腺炎Encephalitis脑炎Gastroenteritis肠胃炎Necrotizing Enterocolitis坏死性小肠结肠炎Malignant恶性的Congenital Malformation 先天性畸形Neonatal Asphyxia新生儿窒息Cleft Palate 颚裂Diarrhea腹泻Dental Caries 龋齿Facial Nerve Paralysis 颜面神经麻痹Hives Urticaria蕈麻疹Torticollis斜颈Vaccine疫苗Incubator 保温箱Cleft lip 兔唇Chicken pox 水痘Club foot 畸足Diphtheria白喉Dengue fever 登革热Eczema湿疹Congenital syphilis 先天性梅毒German Measles/ Rubella德国麻疹Giant baby巨婴Gonorrhea 淋病Hepatitis B B型肝炎Hand-foot-mouth disease 手足口病Jaundice 黄疸Mongolian spots 蒙古斑Mumps 腮腺炎Respiratory arrest呼吸停止Roseola infantum幼儿玫瑰疹Vomiting呕吐六、解剖式内外科常用字汇The cardiovascular system 心血管系统lungs 肺脏venisvessels血管capillaries微血管cardi 心脏arteriesblood clot凝血The Hemic and Lymphatic System血液及淋巴系统Blood 血液Red blood cell 红血球White blood cell白血球Platelet血小板The Respiratory System 呼吸系统Bronchial tube主支气管Alveoii气泡Pharynx咽Larynx喉Trachea气管Lung肺Bronchioles小支气管Pleura胸膜Chest 胸Air 气The Digestive System 消化系统Lips唇teeth 牙齿tongue舌bile duct 胆管gallbladder 胆囊duodenum十二指肠jejunum空肠ileum 回肠appendix 阑尾small intestine小肠large intestine大肠rectum 直肠anus 肛门pancreas胰stomach 胃esophagus食道pharynx咽The Endocrine SystemGlands 腺体Adrenals肾上腺Pancreas胰Pituitary 脑下腺Thyroid and parathyroids 甲状腺和副甲状腺Breasts 乳房Ovaries 卵巢Testes睾丸The Nervous SystemBrain 脑Spinal cord 脊髓Vertebra脊椎Cranium颅腔Meninges脑膜Nerves神经The Musculoskeletal System 肌肉骨系统Skull 头骨Clavicle锁骨Sternum 胸骨Ribs 助骨Joints 关节Ligaments 韧带Tendons 肌腱Cartilage 软骨The Urinary and Male Reproductive System 泌尿及男性生殖系统Cortex皮质Urinary膀胱Urethra尿道Ureters输尿管Kidney 肾脏Renal pelvis 肾孟Vas deferens精管Urinary bladder 膀胱prostate gland前列腺scrotum 阴囊testis 睾丸penis阴茎urethra尿道The Organs of Special Senses 特殊感觉器官Acoustic nerve听神经Ear 耳朵Hearing 听觉的tube 耳咽管Eardrum 耳骨膜Eustachian 欧式管Nasal cavities鼻腔Nose 鼻Eyelid眼睑Lens晶球体Carnea角膜Tear duct泪管Conjunctiva结膜Choroid layer 脉络膜Retina视网膜Sclera巩膜Optic nerve视神经Obstetrics & Hynecology 妇产科常用字汇Fallopian tube输卵管Ovary 卵巢Uterus子宫Vagina阴道Vulva女阴(外生殖器官)脑部系统cerebrum 大脑corpus callosum 胼胝体thalamus 视丘cerebellum 小脑diencephalon 间脑cerebral peduncles大脑脚infundibulum漏斗hypophysis 脑下垂体midbrain 中脑pons 桥脑medulla 延脑brain stem 脑干眼球构造pupil 瞳孔suspensory ligaments 悬韧带ciliary process捷状突retinal veins网膜静脉retinal arteries网膜动脉optic nerve视神经anterior chamber前眼房posterior chamber 後眼房iris虹膜vitreous body 玻璃状体internal rectus muscle 内直肌lacrimal puncta泪孔lacrimal canaliculi泪小管lacrimal gland 泪腺excretory lacrimal duct 泪腺管eyebrow眉毛耳朵构造cochlea 耳蜗eustachian tube 耳咽管helix 耳壳tympanic membrance 鼓膜external auditory canal 外耳道semicircular canals半规管malleus锤骨vestibulocochlear nerve前庭耳蜗神经口腔gingiva 齿龈molars 大臼齿premolars 小臼齿canines犬齿incisors 门齿vestibule of mouth 口腔前庭upper lip 上唇upper lip frenulum 上唇系带alveolar provess齿槽突hard palate硬颚palatine tonsil颚扁桃腺sublingual caruncle 舌下阜七、癌症相关单字1. gastric cancer胃癌2. pancreatic cancer胰脏癌3. colon cancer结肠癌4. rectal cancer直肠癌5. prostate cancer摄护腺癌6. nasotharyngdal carcinona鼻咽癌7. cervical cancer子宫颈癌8. lung cancer肺癌9. esophageal cancer食道癌10. bladder cancer膀胱癌11. laryngl caner喉癌12. ovarian cancer软巢癌13. liver cancer肝癌14. skin cancer皮肤癌15. breast cancer乳癌16. leukemia血癌17. bone cancer骨癌18. brain tumor脑癌19. heart disease 心脏病20. lymphoma 淋巴瘤八、医院内常见单字Hospital 医院Nursing school = nursing home 护理学校(nursing home) Private convalescencehospital慢性疾病或恢复期的患者寮养的私立小医院(nursery school) 处理幼稚园之幼儿的地方Department of Medicine = Department of Internal Medicine 内科Resident in medicine 内科住院医师Chief of Medicine 内科主任 (Medical man) Internist = intern = intern 实习生 (Internist = 内科医师)House officer 医院医师的称呼Junior and senior students 医学院学生(通常3或4学生)Extern 医院实习生Clinical clerk 从事病历记录实习之学生Student nurse 护理学生Graduate nurse护理学校毕业的护士Registered nurse (R.N.)取得考试许可证Supervisor督导护士Head nurse护士长Scrub nurse 手术助理护士Practicing physician = physician in practice = practitioner 开业医生Ambulance = ambulatory 救护车(不限於车子只要是搬运病人的船或飞机)Ambulant 可走动不必卧床的病人Ambulantory patient住院患者可走动(May ambulate, ambulatory, up ad lib,may walk)Malingerer 装病的人 (malinger 装病)Paretic 麻痹患者Malpractice 诊疗错误Emergency room 急诊室Ward 病房station护理站por恢复室Patient患者,病人Narcotic 麻醉药Nurse护士Doctor 医生Internist内科医生Surgeon外科医生Dentist 牙科医生Gynecologist 妇科医生Orthopedist 骨科医生Oculist 眼科医生Pediatrician 小儿科医生Psychiatrist 精神病医生Intern实习医生Examination table 诊疗台Clinical thermometer 体温计Stethoscope 听诊器Reflector 反光镜X-ray checkup X 光检查X-ray photograph X光像片Operation 手术Scalpel 手术刀Syringe 针筒Hypodermic needle 注射针Injection 注射Ice bag 冰袋Fixation forceps 固定镊Medicine, drug药品Bandage 绷带Absorbent cotton 脱脂棉Gauze 纱布Mask 口罩Wheel chair 轮椅Crutches ?收?br />Ambulance 救护车Stretcher 担架Chart 病历表Prescription处方Blood pressure 血压Blood type 血型Artificial respiration 人工呼吸Pill 药丸Capsule胶囊Ointment 软膏Iodine tincture 碘酒Sedative 镇静剂Intensive care unit 加护病房Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) 心肺复苏术Intravenous drip 点滴Chemotherapy化学治疗Computerized Topography电脑断层magnetic resonance imaging核磁共振Bureau of National Health Insurance中央健保局Fracture骨折Gypsum 石膏九、病历表内常见单字Front sheet, Summary sheet 首页,摘要表History sheet 病历表Physical examination sheet 身体检查表Physician's order sheet 医嘱单Physician's progress note 医生用病情进展记录Laboratory reports 检验报告Radiographic reports X光检查报告Nursing notes 护理记录Graphic chart 图式病历Discharge summary sheet 出院摘要Operation report 手术报告Anesthesia record 麻醉记录Consultation sheet 会诊单Intake and output sheet 摄取与排泄记录Consent (or permission) for operation 手术同意书Emergency room record 急诊室记录住院病历表身家调查事项 ( identifying data or biographic data)admission date 住院日期hospital number = chart number 病历号码room number 病房号码namesexagebirth datebirth placemarital status = civil status 婚姻状况addressoccupationempolyer 雇主公司行号health insurance number 医疗保险号码referring physician 转介医生各系统的表现状况--全身状态违和感malaise (= a vague feeling of bodily discomfort, indefinite bodily weakness or discomfort)feel unwell (ill, poorly)疲劳感.倦怠感lassitudefatiguetirednesswearinesslanguorlack of energy (vigor)listlessnessexhaustionworn-out虚脱无力状态weaknessfeeblenesslack (loss) of strengthdebilitypowerlessnessprostration(= extreme weakness or exhaustion) asthenia睡眠状态sleepslumber (=light sleep)a nap (=a short sleep)a doze (= a light or fitful sleep)入睡 fall asleep ; go to sleep小睡 take a nap ; take a doze ; slumber ; doze ; drowse 欲睡的 sleepy ; drowsy ; somolent ; lethargic睡意 sleepiness ; drowsiness ; somnolence摧睡 become(= feel =get) sleepy(=drowsy = somnolent) 睡眠不足 loss(= lack = want) of sleep失眠insomnia ; sleeplessness ; wakefulness ; inability to sleep失眠症的人 insomniac熟睡 sound (profound) sleep睡醒awake ; wake ; rouse ; awaken作梦 dream恶梦 nightmare梦游症 sleepwalking ; somnambulism梦游病者 sleep-walker ; somnambulist ; night-walker 体重方面(weight ; body weight)体重为 weigh~ ; be ~ in weight最高 maximum最低 minimum平均 average最适 optimum现在 present体重减少 weight loss ; loss of weight体重增加 weight gain ; gain in weight ; increase in weight瘦 thin ; lean ; skinny瘦弱 emaciated (emaciation)肥胖 fat ; stout ; fatty体温状况(body temperature量体温 take one's temperature 发烧fever ; pyrexia ; rise (elevation) of temperature ; increase in temperature发烧的 feverish ; febrile ; fevered ; pyrexic ; pyrexial无发烧的 afebrile ; feverless ; apyrexial发冷 a chill ; rigor ; have a cold fit寒颤 shiver ; shake ; shaking chills ; shivering with chills退热 fall ; drop ; go down ; abate ; remit发汗 sweating ; perspiration弛张热 remittent fever间歇热 intermittent fever连续热 continuous fever危险期 by crisis转轻期 by lysis疼痛方面偏头痛 migraine ; megrim ; hemicrania ;後头部痛 occipital pain侧头部痛 temporal pain前头部痛 frontal pain头痛 have(suffer) a headache ; one's head aches ; feel a pain in the head耳痛 earache ; sore ears ; toalgia咽喉痛 sore throat ; pharyngalgia眼痛 have painful eyes ; one's eyes hurt(smart) 齿痛 toothache胸痛 chest pain心前部痛 precordial pain心绞痛 anginal pain胸股下後痛 substernal (retrosternal) pain胸膜炎痛 pleuritic pain腹痛 abdominal pain ; belly(stomach) ache上腹痛 epigastric pain ; pain in the epigastrium 上腹部痛 upper abdominal pain下腹部痛 lower abdominal pain左上腹部痛 left upper quadrant pain侧腹部痛 flank pain背痛 backache腰痛 low backache ; lumbago关节痛 joint pain肌肉痛 muscular pain神经痛 neuralgia绞痛 colic ; colicky pain胆石绞痛 biliary or gallstone colic肾石痛 renal colic痛 cramps ; crampy (cramping) pain; spasmodic博动痛throbbing(pounding, thumping, pulsating) pain转移性痛 radiating pain ; pain with radiation牵连痛 referred pain电击痛 lightning (fulgurant, shooting) pain带状痛 girdle pain神经根性痛 root pain空腹痛 hunger pain夜间痛 nocturnal pain自发痛 spontaneous pain压痛 tenderness固定痛fixed (steady) pain灼热痛 burning pain刺状痛 lancinating ; piercing ; stinging ; darting; stabbing分裂状头痛 splitting ; racking撕裂状痛 tearing ; rending ;钝痛 dull ; obtuse ;剧烈痛 sharp ; excruciating ; tormenting ; torturing ; racking ; agonizingly severe不断阵痛 gnawing ; griping擦伤痛 stinging ; smarting ; sore针刺痛 pricking ; pricking呼吸器管和循环器管系统呼吸 breath ; respiration呼吸困难 difficulty in breathing ; dyspnea呼吸短促 be short of breath ; shortness of breath ;be short-winded; be out of breath ; lose one's breath 深呼吸 breathe deeply叹息 sigh ; draw a long breath喘息 pant端坐呼吸 orthopnea劳动时呼吸困难 exertional dyspnea ; difficulty in breathing on exertion( physical activity)夜间呼吸困难 nocturnal dyspnea呼吸快速 tachypnea ; rapid breathing喘呜 wheeze ; wheezing打喷嚏 sneezing ; sneeze打嗝 hiccup (hiccough) ; singultus咳嗽 cough阵发性咳嗽 have a fit of coughing ; have a paroxysmal 清喉 clear the throat乾咳 dry cough ; hacking couth ; nonproductive cough 有痰咳 productive cough ; cough with sputum喀痰 sputum ; phlegm ; expectorate喀血 hemoptysis ; bloody expectoration 粘喀痰 viscid (tenaceous ; thick ) sputum浓喀痰 frothy sputum泡沫状喀痰 mucoid sputum脓性喀痰 purulent sputum血性喀痰 bloody sputum混血喀痰 blood-streaked sputum绿色喀痰 greenish sputum锈色喀痰 rusty sputum感冒 common cold流形性感冒 influenze ; flu ; grippe上呼吸道感染upper respiratory infection (U.R.I.)胸膜炎 pleruisy气喘 asthma心悸 palpitation悸动 palpitate ; throb脉搏暂停pause in the pulse ; skipped pulse (heart beat)速脉 rapid pulse ; tachycardia徐脉 slow pulse ; bradycardia高血压high blood pressure ; hypertension ; hypotension心脏麻痹 heart attack ; heart failure ; cardiac standstill狭心症 angina (=angina pectoris)心脏瓣膜症valvular disease of the heart ; leaking heart valve (leaky heart)动脉硬化hardening of the arteries ; arterioscalerosis血液循环不佳have a poor circulation of blood 间歇性跛行 intermittent claudication消化器官系统食欲不振 a poor (weak or bad) appetite ; no little appetite ; loss (lack or decrease) of appetite ; anorexia食欲增进 increase (improvement) of appetite无食欲 have no (little ; a poor) appetite食欲旺盛 have a strong (voracious) appetite丧失食欲 lose one's apptite空腹 an empty stomach咀嚼 chewing ; mastication吞咽 swallow gulp吞咽困难 difficulty in swallowing ; dysphagia 嗳气打噎 belching ; eructation打酸噎 sour eructation心灼热 heatburn ; pyrosis ; water brash逆流 regugitation恶心 nausea ; retch ; heaving ; nauseous feeling ; sickly feeling感到恶feel nausea (nauseous, nauseated, sick,queasy) ; retch ; heave ; feel like vomiting 呕吐 vomiting ; emesis ; vomit ; throw up ; bring up ; spew呕吐物 vomit ; vomitus; vomited matter咖啡渣 coffee-grounds消化 digestion消化不良 indigestion ; dyspepsia腹部饱胀abdominal distention ; bloating ; flautulence; meteorism; gassiness腹鸣 borborygmus ; gurgling ; growling ; rumbling 黄疸 jaundice ; icterus腹水 ascites通便 bowel movement ; bowel habit ; pass stools ; move one's bowels ; defecate ; evacuate the bowels ;下痢 diarrhea ; loose bowels ;便秘 constipation水状watery stool (feces)血状 bloody stool柏油状 tarry stool泥状 mushy stool软状 loose stool硬状 hard stool呈固状 formed stool呈半固状 semiformed stool大便失禁 fecal incontinence放屁pass gas ; pass wind ; pass flatus泌尿与生殖器官系统排尿 urination ; micturition ; pass(void) urine ; urinate ; micturate尿意 urge (desire ) to urinate尿急 urinary urgency频尿 urinary frequency夜间频尿frequent urination during the night ; nycturia多尿 polyuria少尿 oliguria无尿 anuria排尿困难 difficulty in urination ; dysuria闭尿 urinary retention尿失禁 urinary incontinence夜间多尿 nocutria夜尿症 bed-wetting ; enuresis 混浊尿 cloudy (turbid) urine血尿 bloody urine ; hematuria性欲 sexual desire ; libido性交 sexual intercourse ; coitus ; coition杨萎 impotence勃起 erection射精 ejaculation早泄 premature ejaculation遗精 pollution梦遗 nocturnal pollution(emission); wet dream 包茎phimosis ; tightening of the foreskin (prepuce)割礼 circumcision性病 veneral disease (V.D.)月经 menstruation ; menses ; periods ; menstrual periods初潮 menarche ; onset of menses停经 menopause更年期 climacteric ; changeof life痛经 dysmenorrhea ; painful menstruation无月经 amenorrhea ; missed periods月经过多menrrhagia ; hypermenorrhea ; excessive bleeding; excessive flow白带 vaginal discharge阴道出血 vaginal bleeding少量时 yaginal spoting子宫出血 metrorrhagia ; uterine bleeding妊娠 pregnancy ; conception怀孕 conceive ; be pregnant不妊sterility ; barrenness ; infertility ; inability to conceive流产 abortion ; miscarriage ;人工流产induced abortion避孕contraception; birth control避孕药 contraceptive阵痛 labor生产分娩 childbirth ; delivery ; give birth to ; be delivered坐月子 childbed ; confinement; pueriperium ; puerperal period孕吐 morning sickness ; nausea and vomiting of pregancy骨关节与肌肉系统脱臼 joint ; dislocation ; be dislocated be out of joint ; be put out of joint扭伤 sprain挫伤 sprain (twist ; wrench )关节炎 arthritis风湿症 theumatism痛风 gout (gaut)关节痛 arthralgia ; joint pain变形 deformity骨折 fracture石膏 cast ; plaster of Paris义腿(肢) artificial limb肌肉痛 muscle pain ; myalgia ; sore muscle扭筋 strain ; sprain肩坚硬 stiffness in a shoulder ; a stiff shoulder ;a cramp in the calf ; leg cramp抽筋 have a cramp ; be cramped肌肉压痛 tenderness of muscle ; muscular tenderness 精神与神经系统意识混浊 clouding of consciousness丧失意识 loss of consciousness ; unconsciousness 恢复意识 recover consciousness昏厥 fainting ; syncope昏睡 soma昏迷 stupor嗜睡somnolence ;sleepiness; drowiness ; lethargy 错乱 confusion ; distracted ; distraught胆妄的 delirious幻觉 hallucination痉挛 convulsion ; cramp ; spasm癫痫 epilepsy半身不遂 be paralyzed on one side ; become hemiplegic 肌无力 muscular weakness步行困难 difficulty in walking说话不清 speak thickly蹒跚 stagger ; reel ; falter ; walk zigzag ; walk with an unsteady gait; reel along肌肉萎缩 atrophy of muscle左手性 left-handedness右手性 right-handedness运动失调 ataxia无感觉 loss of sensation ; numbness ; anesthesia 失去感觉 become numb ; loss sensibility知觉过敏 hypersthesia知觉迟钝 hypesthesia知觉异常 paresthesia神经质 nervousness ; sensitive ; touchy神经衰弱 nervous breaksown意志消沉 depressed ; in low spirits 情绪佳 in good mood ; cheerful ; euphoric情绪不稳定 unstable ; labile capricious易受刺激 excitable ; easily excited ; irritable 不安的 anxious ; apprehensive ; uneasy内向的人 introvert外向的人 extrovert健忘 be forgetful ; have a poor memory漠不关心 indifferent ; nonchalant ; unconcerned 自卑感 inferiority complex歇斯底里病 hysteria眼耳鼻咽喉视力丧失 lose one's sight 9eyesight) ; become blind失明 loss of vision ; blindness视力减退 impairment of visual acuity ; impaired vision ; fogglness (dimness) of vision ; poor (defective) vision ; blurring近视 near-sightedness ; myopia myopy远视 far-sightedness ; hypermetrope ; hyperope 折射异常 refractive error乱视 astigmatism斜视 strabismus ; squint复视 diplopia ; double vision夜盲 night-blindness ; nyctalopia盲点 scotoma ; blind spot眼睛疲劳 eyestrain流泪过多 overflow of tears异物感foreign body sensation ; a feeling of something ; grittiness ; sandiness怕光 photophoia ; abnormal intolerance of light ; inability to stand light结膜炎 conjunctivitis砂眼 trachoma听力减退 impaired hearing ; decreased hearing ; loss of hearing重听 be hard of hearing耳聋 deaf耳鸣 ringing of ears ; tinnitus耳痛 earache ; otalgia耳垢 cerumen ; erawax ;中耳炎 otitis media ; inflammation of the middle ear流鼻水 snivel ; run at the nose ; have a running nose ;鼻伤风 sniffles ; snuffles ; head cold ; coryza 擤鼻涕 blow the nose ;鼻声 a nasal voice鼻塞 nasal obstruction ; nasal stuffiness ; nasal blockage ; nasal congestion鼻出血 nosebleed ; bleeding from the nose ; nasal hemorrhage ; epistaxis鼻炎 rhinitis扁桃 tonsil扁桃炎 tonsillitis齿痛 toothache蛀齿 decayed tooth ; dental caries ; tooth caries ; tooth cavity义齿 an artificial tooth装假牙 wear false teeth (a denture)无齿 toothless ; edentulous掉齿 lose a tooth ; come out拔齿 pull out ; extract a tooth齿龈 gums ; gingiva皮肤发疹 eruption ; rash ; exanthema ; exanthem湿疹 eczema荨麻疹 urticaria ; hives胎记 birth mark(红斑)青斑 bruise黑斑 mole水泡 welt ; wheal ;wale头皮屑 dandruff ; scurf痂 scab ; curst ; slough丘疹 pimple ; acne香港脚 athlete's foot ; ringworm of the feet痱子 prickly heat ; heat rash龟裂 chaps ; cracks糜烂 sore ; erosion ; festering疣 warts冻疮 chilblain ; festering尿布疹 diaper rash黄癣 favus ; scaldhead脓泡 impetigo雀斑 freckles晒斑 sunburn骚养 itching ; pruritus骚养伤 scratch生脓 fester ; form pus ; suppurate渗出 exude ;ooze ; weep股擦伤 have a thigh sore (chafing in the groin)脱毛 loss of hair ; falling-out of hair多毛症 hirsutism 无毛 hairless ; bald ;秃头 baldness ; bald- headedness秃头症 alopecia十、诊断用具stethoscope 听诊器sphygmomanometer (blood pressure cuff) 血压计thermometer 体温计ophthalmoscope 捡眼镜otoscope 耳镜laryngeal mirror 喉镜flashlight 手电统tongue depressor (tongue blade) 压舌板hammer (percussion hammer ; reflex hammer) 叩诊锤tuning fork 音叉tape measure 卷尺scale (ruler) 尺loupe (magnifying glass ; hand lens) 放大镜rubber gloves 橡胶手套finger cot 指套vaginal speculum 阴道镜。
医学英语重要词汇一、呼吸系统——respiratory system1、呼吸(breath): -pneaOrtho pnea端坐呼吸,dys pnea 呼吸困难,tachypnea/bradypnea呼吸过速/过缓-pneum(o):pneumothorax 气胸[,njuːmə(ʊ)'θɔːræks]2、鼻nose:-nas,rhin-itis鼻炎3、喉throat:laryng-itis炎,-ectomy切除术,-cele囊肿4、气管windpipe:trache-otomy切开术-al...的支气管bronchi:broch-ectasis扩张细支气管bronchiole:bronchiol- 肺泡air sac:alve-5、肺lung:pneumon-ia 肺炎,6、胸膜pleura:pleur-itis胸膜炎,pleural rub胸膜摩擦音7、胸chest:thorac- + -centesis=thoracentesis胸腔穿刺术8、痰sputum/phlegm,湿性咳嗽productive cough脓pus/purulent,咯血haemoptysis,语音共振vocal resonanceloose清稀/dry, 听诊器stethoscope,喘wheeze,哮喘asthma。
二、心循环系统——circulatory system心heart:cardio- electrocardiogram心电图心房:atri-,心室:ventricul-,瓣膜:valvul-血管vessel:vas-,angi-,动脉artery:arteri-主动脉aorta:aort-,静脉vein:wen-,phleb-毛细血管capillary:capillar-,脉搏pulse,小动脉arteriole心率heart rhythm,irregular rhythm=ar-rhythm-ia心率失常早搏premature beats ,房颤fibrillation,心悸palpitations Shortness of breath on exertion 劳力性呼吸困难Mitral valve二尖瓣,replacement置换术,episodes发作Peripheral oedema外周水肿(swelling)pitting oedema 凹陷性水肿四诊:视inspect——inspection,触palpat——palpation叩percuss——percussion,听auscultate——auscultation发绀cyanosis,杵状指clubbing,桡动脉脉搏radial pulse颈静脉压jugular venous pressure,心尖搏动apex beat,肋间隙intercostal space,锁骨中线midclavicular line,杂音murmur心包摩擦音pericardial friction rubs,粗糙rough,二尖瓣区mitral area,三尖瓣区tricuspid area,主动脉瓣区aortic area,肺动脉瓣区pulmonary area,收缩期systolic,舒张期diastolic。
呼吸系统的英文单词总结问诊句型How long have you had cough?您咳嗽多久了?Do you have chest pain when you cough?您咳嗽的时候胸痛吗?Does your chest hurt when you breathe in and out?您呼吸的时候胸口痛吗?Do you have any sputum when you cough?您咳嗽的时候有痰吗?What’s the sputum like? What color is it?痰是怎样的? 什么颜色?It is yellow and thick,clear and thin.它是黄色黏稠痰/稀薄痰。
Do you suffer from asthma?您有哮喘病吗?I need to listen to your lungs.Would you help me?我需要听一听您的肺,请配合一下行吗?I need to take your temperature, feel your pulse and measure your bloodpressure.我需要量一下您的体温、脉搏和血压。
The results of your physical examination show that you suffer from mild pneumonia.You need to have intra-venous antibiotics.and I’ll prescribe some pain-killers for your chest pain.您的检查结果表明您有轻度肺炎。
As your pneumonia is mild, I will also prescribe some oral tablets foryou.But if you do not feel better in three days, please come back to seeme.您患的是轻度肺炎,我会给您开些口服药。
呼吸系统和遗传学词汇(周六日):周一词汇:Abdomin/oabdominal [æb'dɒmɪn(ə)l]腹部的abdominoplasty [æb'dɔminə,plæsti] 腹壁整形术abdominocystic [æb,dɒmɪnə'sɪstɪk]腹胆囊的alveo/oalveolar [æl'vɪələ; ,ælvɪ'əʊlə]肺泡的alveolitis [æl,viə'laitis]肺泡炎alveolocapillary [ælviələʊ'kæpɪlərɪ]肺泡毛细管的ambi- 二;两方ambiguous [æm'bɪɡjuəs]模棱两可的ambisexual [,æmbɪ'sekʃʊəl; ,æmbɪ'seksjʊəl]两性的ambidexterity [,æmbədɛks'tɛrəti]两手俱技巧独特Bronch/obronchus ['brɒŋkəs] 气管bronchoscope ['brɒŋkəskəʊp]支气管镜bronchiectasis [,brɒŋkɪ'ektəsɪs]支气管扩张bronchitis [brɒŋ'kaɪtɪs]支气管炎bronchial ['brɒŋkɪəl]支气管的bronchiole ['brɒŋkɪəʊl]细支气管-capnia 二氧化碳hypercapnia [,haɪpɚ'kæpnɪə]血碳酸过多症eucapnia [jʊ'kæpnɪə]血碳酸正常hypocapnia [,haipəu'kæpniə]n.(血内)碳酸过少,低碳酸血(症)cyan/o 蓝;青紫;绀cyanosis [,saɪə'nəʊsɪs]n.发绀;苍白病,黄萎病cyanopathy [sa'ɪænəpəθɪ]n.发绀,绀色cyanobacterium [,saɪənobæk'tɪriəm; saɪ,ænobæk'tɪriəm]n.藻青菌周二词汇:di- 两;二;双dioxide [daɪ'ɒksaɪd]二氧化物dicyclic [dai'saiklik]双环的dicytosis [daisi'təusis]两种细胞情况-ectasis 扩张bronchiectasis [,brɒŋkɪ'ektəsɪs]支气管扩张症atelectasis [,ætɪ'lektəsɪs]肺不张pneumonectasis [njuːmə'nektəsɪs肺气肿-ema 状况empyema [,empaɪ'iːmə]积脓emphysema ['ɛmfɪ'simə]肺气肿edema [i'dimə]水肿Epiglott/oepiglottis [,ɛpɪ'ɡlɑtɪs]会厌epiglottiditis [epɪɡlɒ'tɪdaɪtɪs]会厌炎epiglottectomy [epɪɡ'lɒtektəmɪ]会厌切除术inter-intercostal [,ɪntɚ'kɑstl]肋间的肋间肌interstitial [,ɪntɚ'stɪʃl]细胞间质的intermittent [ɪntə'mɪt(ə)nt]间歇热laryng/o 喉laryngoplasty [lə'rɪŋɡəʊ,plæstɪ]喉成形术laryngectomy [,lærɪn'dʒɛktəmi]喉切除laryngotracheobronchitis [lə,rɪŋɡəʊ'treɪkɪə,brɒntʃ'aɪtɪs]喉气管支气管炎lob/o 叶lobes [lob]脑肺肝的叶lobar ['ləʊbə]肺叶的lobectomy [ləʊb'ektəmɪ]肺叶切除术周三词汇:macro- 大的macrophage ['mækrə'fedʒ]巨噬细胞macromolecule [,mækrə'mɑlə,kjʊl]高分子大分子macrocyte ['mækro,saɪt]巨红细胞meta- changemetastatic [,mɛtə'stætɪk]转移性的metastasize [mə'tæstəsaɪz]转移metastasectomy [metətə'sektəmɪ]转移灶切除术medi- Middlemediastinum [,midɪæs'taɪnəm]纵膈mediastinoscopy [mediəs'tɪnɒskəpɪ]纵膈镜检查mediastinogram [mediəs'tɪnəɡræm]纵膈x射线照片-osmia smellanosmia [æn'ɑsmɪə]嗅觉缺失anosmatic [,ænɔz'mætik]嗅觉缺乏的hyperosmia [,haipə'rəuzmiə]嗅觉过敏-oxia 氧量hypoxia [haɪ'pɑksɪə]缺氧anoxia [æn'ɑksɪə]缺氧症hyperoxia [,haipə'rɔksiə]氧过多Ox/o 氧hypoxemia [,haɪpɑk'simɪə]血氧不足oxyacid [,ɑksɪ'æsɪd]含氧酸oxygenate ['ɑksɪdʒənet]氧化周四词汇:Pleur/o 胸膜pleural ['plʊərə]胸膜的pleura ['plʊrə]胸膜pleuritis [pluə'raitis]胸膜炎pleurodynia [,plʊrə'dɪniə]胸膜痛Pneumon/o lung;airpneumonia [nʊ'monɪə]肺炎pneumothorax [,njʊmə'θɔræks]气胸pneumoconiosis [,njʊmə,konɪ'osɪs]尘肺病Pseud/o falsepseudotumor ['(p)sjuːdəʊtjuːmə]假瘤pseudopregnancy [sjuːdə(ʊ)'pregnənsɪ]假孕pseudoedema [sjuːdəʊiː'diːmə]假水肿-ptysis spittinghemoptysis [hɪ'mɑptəsɪs]咯血emptysis ['ɛmptɪsɪs]咳血melanoptysis ['melənɒptɪsɪs]咳黑痰Sin/osinus ['saɪnəs]窦sinography [sai'nɔɡrəfi]窦腔x射线照相术sinusitis [,saɪnə'saɪtɪs]窦炎paranasal sinus [pærə'neɪzəl]副鼻窦(注意:是两个单词)-stasis controlhemostasis [hɪ'mɒstəsɪs]止血hemostasia [,hi:mə'steiʒə]止血法周五词汇:Thorac/o cheatthoracoplasty ['θorəko,plæsti]胸廓成形术thoracic [θɔː'ræsɪk]胸廓的thoracentesis [θɔ:rəsen'ti:sis]胸腔穿刺术Tonsil/o 扁桃体tonsillectomy [,tɒnsɪ'lektəmɪ]扁桃体切除术tonsillitis [tɒnsɪ'laɪtɪs]扁桃腺炎tonsillar ['tɔnsilə]扁桃体的Trache/o 气管trachea ['trekɪə]气管tracheotomy [,trekɪ'ɑtəmi]气管切开术tracheal ['trekiəl]气管的tracheostomy [,trekɪ'ɑstəmi]气管造口术Tubercul/o small swellingtuberculosis [tjʊ,bɜːkjʊ'ləʊsɪs]肺结核tuberculous [tjʊ'bɜːkjʊləs]结节状的tuberculoma [tjuː,bɜːkjʊ'ləʊmə]结核瘤周六词汇:ab- (away from;脱离)abnormality [,æbnɔr'mæləti](不正常,畸形)abortion [ə'bɔrʃən](流产)aboral [æb'orəl](反口的,对口的)aberration ['æbə'reʃən](畸变,神经错乱)abnormal [æb'nɔrml](不正常的,变态的)amni/o (amnion;羊膜)amniotic [,æmnɪ'otɪk](羊膜的)amniocyte ['æmniːəʊsaɪt](羊水细胞)amniotomy [,æmini'ɔtəmi](羊膜穿破术)amnioma ['æmniəmə](羊膜瘤)is/o (equal,alike;同等)isochromosome [,aisəu'krəuməsəum](等臂染色体)isotope ['aɪsə'top](同位素)isotonic [,aɪso'tɑnɪk](等张的,等渗的)mut/a (change;变)mutation [mjuː'teɪʃn](突变)mutant ['mjutənt](突变体)mutational [mjuː'teɪʃnəl](突变的)nat/I (birth;出生)prenatal [,pri'netl](出生前的)natimortality [neɪtɪmɒ'tælɪtɪ](死产率)antenatal ['æntə'netl](出生前的)natality [ne'tæləti](出生率)postnatal [pəʊst'neɪtl](出生后的)周日词汇:ov/o- 或ov/I (female gamete, egg 卵)oviduct ['əʊvɪdʌkt](输卵管)ovum ['ovəm](卵)ovary ['əʊv(ə)rɪ](卵巢)prostat/o(prostate gland;前列腺)prostaglandin [,prɑstə'glændɪŋ](前列腺素)prostatitis [,prɒsteɪ'taɪtɪs](前列腺炎)prostatectomy [,prɑstə'tɛktəmi](前列腺切除术)-rrhea(discharge,flow;漏出)amniorrhea [,æmniɔ'ri:ə](羊水溢出)diarrhea [,daɪə'riə](腹泻)hemorrhea [hemə'riə](大出血)menorrhea [,menə'ri:ə](月经过多)ultra-(beyond,excess;超)ultrasonogram [,ʌltrə'sɔnəɡræm](超声记录图)ultramicroscopy [ʌltrəmaɪ'krɒskəpɪ](超显微术)ultrastructure ['ʌltrəstrʌktʃə](超微结构)umbilic/o (navel;脐)umbilical [ʌm'bɪlɪkl](脐的)umbilectomy [ʌmbɪ'lektəmɪ](脐切除术)periumbilical [piəriəm'bɪlaɪkl](脐周的)。
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Lung lobes
Right upper lobe, RUL Right middle lobe, RML Right lower lobe, RLL
The Respiratory System
Accessory structures:
Pleural membrane: Covering the lung and lining the chest cavity, this membrane has 2 thin layers, within which is pleural cavity.
Intercostal muscles肋间肌: Thin sheets of muscle between each rib that expand (when air is inhaled) and contract (when air is exhaled).
The Respiratory System
Left upper lobe, LUL Left lower lobe, LLL
The process of breathing
Respiration, respiratory, breath, breathe, breathing 呼吸
Ventilation通气 Inspiration吸气, inhalation, inhale吸入 Expiration呼气, exhalation, exhale呼出
The Respiratory System
Lower respiratory tract:
Trachea (windpipe). Bronchi (pl. of bronchus):
main, secondary and tertiary Bronchioles: Pulmonary alveoli (pl. of alveolus) Lungs
Respiratory System
Fang, Xiao yi (Judy) Department of Neonatology, First Affiliated Hospital of SUMC
Describe the structures and the functions of organs in res. system
The process of breathing
Breathing is the exchange of gases between the cells of an organism and the external environment.
The process of taking air into the lungs is called inspiration, or inhalation.
Accessory structures:
Diaphragm膈: The main muscle used for breathing; separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity.
Diaphragmatic muscles膈肌 Mediastinum纵隔: Consists of the space
The Respiratory System
Upper respiratory tract:
Nasal cavity Nose hairs Paranasal sinuses (frontal,
sphenoid, ethmoid, maxillary)
Pharynx (throat) Epiglottis Larynx (voice box) Glottis, vocal cords Eustachian tubes
Ribs肋骨: Bones attached to the spine and central portion of the breastbone, which support the chest wall and protect the heart, lungs, and other organs in the chest.
Describe the process of breathing Know the common symptoms and signs
of res. diseases Know several diseases of res. system
Related roots
pneumo-, pulmo-: to the lung or air肺的,气的 spir-, -pnea: breath呼吸 naso-, rhin-: to the nose鼻的 oro-: to the mouth口的 pharyngo-: to the pharynx咽的 laryngo-: to the larynx喉的 tracheo-: to the trachea, tracheal气管的 bronchi-, broncho-: to the bronchi支气管的 alvic-: to the diaphragm膈的 pleuro-: to the pleural membrane 胸膜的 thoraco-, stetho-: to the thorax or chest 胸的 -oxia: level of oxygen…氧血症 -capnia: level of carbon dioxide…碳酸血症 phono-, -phonia: voice声音