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1、 比较等级的规则变化

2、 比较等级的不规则变化

3、 形容词和副词的原级用法

(1) 肯定句中常用”as+原级形容词或副词+as ”的结构,表示“……和……一样”。如: Tom is as tall as you.汤姆和你一样高。

My sister runs as fast as I do.我的妹妹跑的和我一样快。


第五讲 形容词原级与比较级

1、My cousin runs ________(fast) than me.



He isn’t as/so tall as you.他不如你高。

He cannot run so/as fast as you.他没你跑得快。

1、I can play basketball _____________you.我的篮球打得比你好。



You look much younger than I (do).你看上去比我年轻多了。

Bruce drives much more carefully than you.布鲁斯开车比你小心多了。

1、Jack did__________Bruce.杰克比布鲁斯做得好。



China is becoming stronger and stronger.中国正变得越来越强大。

He runs faster and faster.他跑的越来越快。

(2)“the+比较级,the+比较级”意为“越……就越……”,表示一方的程度随着另一方的变化而变化。如:The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes you’ll make.你越认真,你犯的错误就越少。

(3)表示“两者之间最……的一个(of the two)”时,常用“the+比较级”结构。如:

Mary is the taller of the twins.玛丽是双胞胎中较高的那个。


比较级要避免与自身进行比较,若比较的对象属于同一范围,要用“比较级+than any other+单数名词”或“比较级+than anyone/anybody/anything else”,表示“比其他的任何……都……”。如:

Lin Tao is taller than any other student in his class.林涛比他班级里的其他同学都高。

Jack studies harder than anyone else in his class.杰克比班上其他同学学习刻苦。


修饰比较级常用的词和短语主要有much,even,any,yet,far,a lot,a little,a bit,twice,five times,many times等。如:Are you feeling any better today?你今天感觉好多了吗?

He is ten years older than I。他比我大十岁。

He speaks Chinese a lot better than before.他说的中文比以前好多了。


1.The red pencil is _______than the green one.

A short

B shorter

C shortest

D the shortest

2. —What a careful body!

—Thank you. Bill does everything________than me

A more carefully

B more careful

C much careful

D much carefully

3.—The dish is delicious!

—Well,at least it’s as _________as the one I cooked yesterday.

A good

B well

C better

D best

4.After rebuilding our school is becoming__________.

A more and more beautiful

B more beautiful and beautiful

C beautiful and beautiful

D the more beautiful

5.—Which one of those two houses would you buy?

—I would buy the ________one,because I want a big family.

A. larger B largest C smaller D small

6.Alice is _________than her sister.

A more much outgoing

B more many outgoing

C much more outgoing

D many more outgoing

7.—Why don’t you like winter in Beijing?

—Because it is ________the winter in Guangzhou.

A. as cold as

B. much colder than

C. not so cold as

D. not colder than

8.—Let’s buy some cards for our teachers on Teachers’Day.

—Why not make some by hand?It’s much________.

A interesting

B more interesting

C the most interesting

D much interesting

9. Don't worry, sir. I'm sure I can run _________ to catch up with them.

A. slowly enough

B. enough slowly

C. fast enough

D. enough fast
