Variable stroke Variant S2 Variant S3 Variant S6 Variant S8 Variant S26
Stroke [mm]
Piston ∅ 32 [mm] Part No. Type1)
• Double-acting • For contactless position sensing • Comprehensive range of accessories
Internet: /catalogue/...
Type to be discontinued
-U- Available up to 2008
– 15 603 – – – 15 661 – –
DNUL-40-…-PPV-A DNUL-40-…-PPV-A-S6
Piston ∅ 50 [mm] Part No. Type1)
14 143 14 144 14 145 14 146 14 147 14 148 14 149 14 150 14 151 14 152 34 706 32 477 32 478 14 142 14 188 158 846 14 921 158 852 14 927
Piston rod Stainless steel S3
DNU-…-S2 Through
– piston rod
Heat resistant seal for temperatures up to 120 °C S6
High corrosion protection S8
Non-rotating piston rod
– – 15 604 – – – 15 662 –
FESTO 标准气缸 DNCI 说明书
![FESTO 标准气缸 DNCI 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c93e8a14f11dc281e53a580216fc700aba68527d.png)
标准气缸DNCI,带测量传感器DADESubject to change –2008/102标准气缸DNCI ,带测量传感器DADE主要特性元件,用于标准气缸DNCI定位和测量定位-V-新产品测量传感器DADE2008/10–Subject to change 3标准气缸DNCI ,带测量传感器DADE型号代码DNCI–––––––––型号DNCI标准气缸缸径∅[mm]行程[mm]缓冲形式P两端带弹性缓冲垫位置感测A用于接近开关活塞杆类型S2双端活塞杆活塞杆类型K8加长活塞杆夹紧装置KP 夹紧装置导向FENG导向单元,带滚珠轴承导轨不带测量头MS气缸,不带测量头Subject to change –2008/104标准气缸DNCI ,带测量传感器DADE外围元件一览附件类型简要说明页码1连接组件1)DPNC用于将两个相同缸径的气缸相互连接,以构成一个多位置气缸dpnc 2脚架安装件HNC用于将气缸安装到轴承和端盖上hnc 3法兰安装件FNC用于将气缸安装到轴承和端盖上fnc 4耳轴安装ZNCF/CRZNG 用于在轴承或端盖上实现气缸的摆动运动pivot pin 5耳轴支座LNZG/CRLNZG–lnzg2008/10–Subject to change 5标准气缸DNCI ,带测量传感器DADE外围元件一览附件类型简要说明页码6双耳环安装件1)SNC用于气缸在端盖上的摆动snc 7球铰耳环支座1)LSNG带球面轴承lsng 8球铰耳环支座1)LSNSG焊接,带球面轴承lsnsg 9双耳环安装件1)SNCS用于气缸在端盖上的摆动,带球面轴承sncs aJ 双耳环支座1)LBG–lbg aA 双耳环安装件1)SNCL用于气缸在端盖上的摆动sncl aB 双耳环安装件1)SNCB用于气缸在端盖上的摆动sncb aC 耳环支座1)LNG/CRLNG–lng aD 球铰耳环支座1)LSN带球面轴承lsn aE 耳轴安装组件ZNCM 用于气缸的摆动zmcm aF 关节轴承SGS/CRSGS带球面轴承sgs aG 直角球铰耳环支座LQG –lqg aH 双耳环SGA带外螺纹sga aI连接法兰KSG用于径向偏差补偿ksg 连接法兰KSZ用于带抗扭转活塞杆气缸的径向偏差补偿ksz bJ 双耳环SG/CRSG允许气缸在同一平面内摆动sg bA 自对中连接件FK用于径向和角度偏差补偿fk bB 连接件AD用于真空吸盘ad bC 导向单元FENG用于保护标准气缸,免于在高扭矩负载时发生扭转feng bD 安装组件SMB-8-FENG 与导向单元FENG 组合使用,用于安装接近开关smb-8bE 沟槽盖ABP-5-S 用于保护传感器电缆,防止灰尘进入传感器沟槽abpbF 接近开关SME/SMT-8可集成在气缸缸筒内proximity sensor bG 快插接头QS用于连接带标准外径的气管quick star bH测量传感器DADE-MVC将标准气缸DNCI 的传感器信号转换为0...10V 的电压信号和/或0...20mA 的电流信号161)不适用于派生型S22)导向单元FENG-KF 必须安装到活塞杆,以消除扭转间隙Subject to change –2008/106标准气缸DNCI ,带测量传感器DADE技术参数功能-N-缸径32...63mm -T-行程长度10...2,000mm主要技术参数缸径∅32405063结构特点活塞活塞杆缸筒工作模式双作用缓冲形式两端带弹性缓冲垫位置感测集成位移编码器用于接近开关1)测量原理(位移编码器)数字量安装方式通过脚架安装件行程[mm]10...2,000抗扭转/导向3)行程带连接板的导向杆,带滚珠轴承导轨[mm]100...500加长活塞杆[mm]1...500气接口G x G ¼G ¼G y电接口带8针插头的电缆,圆形M12电缆长度[m]1.51)不包括在供货范围内,可选购。
在安全相关的应用场合下需采取 额外措施。例如:在欧洲,必须 遵守欧盟机械指令中所列的标 准。
没有采取额外措施以遵守最低法 定要求的产品不适合应用于控制 系统中安全相关的部分。
该组件能保护活塞杆、密封件 和轴承,以防各种杂质进入。 例如:
• • • • •
灰尘 碎屑 油 油脂 燃料
波纹管组件的订购 若要配置波纹管组件,气缸必须 具有加长型活塞杆。 波纹管组件可通过模块化产品系 统或作为附件订购。此时需要注 意以下这些情况: 通过模块化产品系统订购: 在订购系统产品时选择特性P2, 则供货时会自动提供相应的波纹 管组件。 并且活塞杆类型会自 动改为加长型。这就意味着不 再需要为特性 …E指定一个值。 作为附件订购: 若将波纹管组件作为附件订购, 则必须在模块化产品系统中为特 性 …E 输入一个要求的值 41。
32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100, 125
10 … 2,000
DSBC-…-P2, 带波纹管组件,符合ISO 15552标准 DSBC-…-P2 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100
10 … 500
Internet: /catalogue/...
Subject to change – 2013/03
标准气缸 DSBC,符合 ISO 15552 标准
-V- 新产品
标准气缸 DSBC,符合 ISO 15552 标准
主要特性 一览
• 标准气缸,符合 ISO 15552 标 准(与已取消的 ISO 6431,DIN ISO 6431,VDMA 24 562,NF E 49 003.1 和 UNI 10290 标准一 致) DSBC-…-C – 带夹紧装置,标准孔型
11 57
12 24 M3
25 19
13.5 64 12
6 16.5 22 M4 5.5 32 27
16 68 13
8 16.8 25.7 M5
40 33
17 72 14
10 18.5 24.7 M5
紧凑型气缸 DMM/EMM, Multimount
1 关节轴承 SGS
2 双耳环 SG
3 自对中连接杆 FK
4 连接件 AD
5 接近开关 SME/SMT-8
6 单向节流阀 GRLA/GRLZ
7 快插接头 QS
带球面轴承 允许气缸在一个平面内摆动 用于补偿径向和纵向偏差 用于真空发生器 可集成到缸筒上 用于速度调节 用于连接标准外径气管
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50
5, 10, 15 5, 10, 15
缓冲 位置感测 安装方式
外螺纹 [bar]
1) 注意接近开关工作范围
神威气动 文档标题:费斯托气缸选型费斯托气缸选型的介绍:引导活塞在缸内进行直线往复运动的圆筒形金属机件。
耐磨环长使用聚氨酯、神威气动 聚四氟乙烯、夹布合成树脂等材料。
8 追求更高生产率
2向我们咨询!这样您就能采用最佳可用技术。 我们的软件工具帮助您获得最为适用且经济性尚 佳的解决方案。例如,抓取系统在线引导就能让 您在二十分钟内自己完成标准抓取系统的设计 – 包括报 价和 CAD 数据! 更多信息,请翻阅至第 16 页
1我们能为您做什么?让我们认识彼此! 我们尽一切努力在您与我们之间建立融洽的关系。例如,让您 方便地获取我们所有自动化产品组合的信息,包括用于工厂自 动化和过程自动化的电驱动和气动解决方案以及服务和工业培训。 本简册中包括的应用案例就是很好的证明。
21 应用中的抓取系统 22 复合运载系统
24 阀和阀岛
坚固、性能佳、经济: VUVS 是您日常使用的阀 26
电气终端 CPX,新县城总线和以太网节点以及快速计数器模块 内嵌 CODESYS V3 的控制器 CPX-CEC-C1/S1/M1-V3 PROFIsafe 输入模块 CPX-F8DE-P 27 IO-Link 接口 CPX-CTEL-2-M12-5POL-LK 阀岛 MPA-S 和 MPA-L 阀岛 VTSA/VTSA-F,控制模块 VOFA 28 现场总线节点 CTEU 易清洗型阀岛 MPA-C 阀系列 VG 29 小型阀 MH1 比例压力阀 VPPX 比例压力阀 VPPM
其产品理念与前一代产品差异巨大。DSBG 的行 程可定制,众多派生型形成了庞大的模块化系 统,如 ATEX 防爆派生型和最高耐受 150 °C 的派 生型,用途灵活 – 在恶劣条件下,亦能保证优 异的性能。
新设计的端盖 • 重量轻 20% • 同时更坚固
全新的活塞杆轴承 • 使用寿命更长 • ATEX 防爆派生型
更多关于 CPX 信息,请翻阅至第 26 页
10 气缸
1) 安装附件时,不得超过最大扭矩。
材料 剖面图
苏州威能机电有限公司 提供高品质费斯托元件及专业的气动技术支持
(0)15862357298 顾经理
尺寸 – 派生型 S2 – 双端活塞杆 基本型 DMM
苏州威能机电有限公司 提供高品质费斯托元件及专业的气动技术支持
(0)15862357298 顾经理
抗扭转型 DMML
CAD 相关数据
+ = 加上工作行程 ++ = 加上 2x 工作行程
S20 – 双端中空活塞杆 基本型 DMM
端, 推动
端, 拉动
端, 推动
端, 拉动
2008/10 – Subject to change
Internet: /catalogue/...
紧凑型气缸 DMM/EMMห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ Multimount
Subject to change – 2008/10
紧凑型气缸 DMM, Multimount
订货数据 – 基本气缸
Brief description For mounting external proximity sensors For sensing the piston rod position via external proximity sensors For mounting the cylinder Flat proximity sensor for sensing the piston rod position Welding field-resistant proximity sensor for sensing the piston rod position For mounting the proximity sensor SME-/SMT-8 or SMTSO-8E on the sensor strip For mounting the proximity sensor SME-/SMT-8 or SMTSO-8E on the cylinder For mounting the drive and attachments on the rod clevis The scope of delivery of the drive includes 2 bolts, 2 retaining pins 0 0.7
63 1,870 1,682 1.3
80 3,016 2,721 1.8
Hinge cylinder 1 2 3 4 5 – Rod clevis Piston rod Bearing cap with mounting Cylinder barrel Cover Seals Note on materials Cast steel Hard chromium-plated tempered steel Die-cast aluminium Anodised wrought aluminium alloy Anodised die-cast aluminium Nitrile rubber RoHS-compliant
Tandem/high-force cylindersTandem/high-force cylindersProduct range overviewFunctional principleGeneralBy arranging 2, 3 or 4 cylinders with the same piston diameter and stroke inseries, the force in the advance stroke (thrust) can be doubled, tripled orquadrupled in comparison to a conventional cylinder.DNCT ADNH• A maximum of 2 cylinders can be combined• As with the thrust, the force of the return stroke is double that of a single cylinder with corresponding piston diameter.• A maximum of 4 cylinders can be combined• Owing to the internal compressed air distribution, a total of just 2 connections is required to pressurise all cylinders.• The force of the return stroke corresponds to that of a single cylinder with corresponding piston diameter.• Operation with external limit stop only. The cylinder should not advance to the forward end position.2d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/10Tandem/high-force cylinders Product range overview3 2022/10 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard hole patternPeripherals overview4d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/10Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard hole pattern Peripherals overview5 2022/10 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard hole patternType codes6d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/10Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard hole patternData sheet-N- Diameter32 … 125 mm -T-Stroke length@ 32 ... 50:2 … 500 mm@ 63 ... 125:3 … 500 mm Based on standard• DIN ISO 6431• VDMA 24562-W-80100125G3/8G3/8G1/2G1/2M16x1.5M20x1.5M20x1.5M27x23232421) Note operating range of proximity switches2) Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.7 2022/10 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...8d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/10Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard hole patternData sheetMaterialsSectional view321Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard hole pattern Data sheet9 2022/10 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard hole patternAccessoriesMaterial:Galvanised steel1) Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment. Array Flange mounting FNCMaterial:Galvanised steelRoHS-compliant1) Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070Low corrosion stress. Dry indoor application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, and parts which are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).10d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/10Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard hole pattern AccessoriesTrunnion flange ZNCFMaterial:Stainless steel castingRoHS-compliant1) Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard hole patternAccessoriesTrunnion flange kit DAMTThe kit can be attached at any positionalong the profile barrel of the cylinder.Material:Galvanised steelRoHS-compliant1) Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070Low corrosion stress. Dry indoor application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, and parts which are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard hole pattern AccessoriesTrunnion support LNZGMaterial:Trunnion support: AnodisedaluminiumPlain bearing: PlasticRoHS-compliant1) Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.Swivel flange SNCMaterial:Die-cast aluminiumRoHS-compliant1) Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070Low corrosion stress. Dry indoor application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, and parts which are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard hole patternAccessoriesSwivel flange SNCBMaterial:Die-cast aluminiumRoHS-compliant1) Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070Low corrosion stress. Dry indoor application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, and parts which are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).Swivel flange SNCLMaterial:Die-cast aluminiumRoHS-compliant1) Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070Low corrosion stress. Dry indoor application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, and parts which are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard hole pattern AccessoriesSwivel flange SNCSMaterial:SNCS 32 ... 50:Die-cast aluminiumSNCS 63 ... 125:Wrought aluminium alloyRoHS-compliant1) Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070Low corrosion stress. Dry indoor application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, and parts which are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.Tandem cylinders DNCT, standard hole pattern AccessoriesTandem cylinders DNCT, standard hole pattern AccessoriesTandem cylinders DNCT, standard hole pattern AccessoriesTandem cylinders DNCT, standard hole pattern AccessoriesHigh-force cylinders ADNH, standard hole pattern Peripherals overviewPeripherals overview-N- Diameter25 … 100 mm-T-Stroke length5 … 150 mm63100G1/8G1/8M12M16M16x1.5M20x1.51) Note operating range of proximity switches2) Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.1) Only the single force is available during retractingMax. lateral force Fq as a function of the projection x@ 25 mm@ 40 mm@ 63 mm@ 100 mmMaterialsSectional view 3124[1] K5 Only with piston rod thread A (male thread)[2] K5 Only with piston rod thread I (female thread)[3] K8 The sum of the stroke length and piston rod extension must not exceed the maximum permissible stroke lengthAccessoriesFoot mounting HNAMaterial:HNA: Galvanised steelHNA-...-R3: Steel with protectivecoatingRoHS-compliant1) Number of stroke lengths2 = 2x stroke length3 = 3x stroke length4 = 4x stroke length2) Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070Low corrosion stress. Dry indoor application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, and parts which are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).Corrosion resistance class CRC 3 to Festo standard FN 940070High corrosion stress. Outdoor exposure under moderate corrosive conditions. Externally visible parts with primarily functional surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.High-force cylinders ADNH, standard hole pattern AccessoriesMaterial:Galvanised steelRoHS-compliant1) Number of stroke lengths2 = 2x stroke length3 = 3x stroke length4 = 4x stroke length5 = 5x stroke length2) Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070Low corrosion stress. Dry indoor application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, and parts which are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).-NoteH-Screws with a special length are re-quired to mount diameter 100 mm.@ 100: M10x2531 2022/10 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...High-force cylinders ADNH, standard hole patternAccessoriesSNCL/SNCL- ...-R3Material:SNCL 25:Wrought aluminium alloySNCL 40 ... 63:Die-cast aluminiumSNCL-...-R3:Wrought aluminium alloy withprotective coatingRoHS-compliant1) Number of stroke lengths2 = 2x stroke length3 = 3x stroke length4 = 4x stroke length5 = 5x stroke length2) Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070Low corrosion stress. Dry indoor application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, and parts which are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.Corrosion resistance class CRC 3 to Festo standard FN 940070High corrosion stress. Outdoor exposure under moderate corrosive conditions. Externally visible parts with primarily functional surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.32d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/10High-force cylinders ADNH, standard hole pattern AccessoriesSNCS/CRSNCS/SNCS- ...-R3Material:SNCS 40:Die-cast aluminiumSNCS 63 ... 100:Wrought aluminium alloyCRSNCS 40 ... 63:High-alloy stainless steelSNCS-...-R3 100:Wrought aluminium alloy withprotective coatingRoHS-compliant1) Number of stroke lengths2 = 2x stroke length3 = 3x stroke length4 = 4x stroke length5 = 5x stroke length2) Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070Low corrosion stress. Dry indoor application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, and parts which are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.Corrosion resistance class CRC 3 to Festo standard FN 940070High corrosion stress. Outdoor exposure under moderate corrosive conditions. Externally visible parts with primarily functional surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.Corrosion resistance class CRC 4 to Festo standard FN 940070Particularly high corrosion stress. Outdoor exposure under extreme corrosive conditions. Parts exposed to aggressive media, e.g. in the chemical or food industries. Such applications may need to be safeguarded by means of specialtesting (a also FN 940082), using appropriate media.33 2022/10 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...High-force cylinders ADNH, standard hole patternAccessoriesMaterial:Galvanised steelRoHS-compliant1) Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070Low corrosion stress. Dry indoor application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, and parts which are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).Material:High-alloy steelRoHS-compliant1) Corrosion resistance class CRC 4 to Festo standard FN 940070Particularly high corrosion stress. Outdoor exposure under extreme corrosive conditions. Parts exposed to aggressive media, e.g. in the chemical or food industries. Such applications may need to be safeguarded by means of specialtesting (a also FN 940082), using appropriate media.34d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/10High-force cylinders ADNH, standard hole pattern AccessoriesSNCB/SNCB- ...-R3Material:SNCB: Die-cast aluminiumSNCB-...-R3: Die-cast aluminium withprotective coatingRoHS-compliant1) Number of stroke lengths2 = 2x stroke length3 = 3x stroke length4 = 4x stroke length5 = 5x stroke length2) Corrosion resistance class CRC 1 to Festo standard FN 940070Low corrosion stress. Dry indoor application or transport and storage protection. Also applies to parts behind covers, in the non-visible interior area, and parts which are covered in the application (e.g. drive trunnions).Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.35 2022/10 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...High-force cylinders ADNH, standard hole patternAccessoriesMaterial:ZNCF: Stainless steel castingCRZNG: Electropolished stainless steelcastingRoHS-compliant1) Number of stroke lengths2 = 2x stroke length3 = 3x stroke length4 = 4x stroke length5 = 5x stroke length2) Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.Corrosion resistance class CRC 4 to Festo standard FN 940070Particularly high corrosion stress. Outdoor exposure under extreme corrosive conditions. Parts exposed to aggressive media, e.g. in the chemical or food industries. Such applications may need to be safeguarded by means of specialtesting (a also FN 940082), using appropriate media.Material:Trunnion support: AnodisedaluminiumPlain bearing: PolymerFree of copper and PTFERoHS-compliant1) Corrosion resistance class CRC 2 to Festo standard FN 940070Moderate corrosion stress. Indoor applications in which condensation can occur. External visible parts with primarily decorative surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.36d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/10372022/10 – Subject to changed Internet: /catalogue/...High-force cylinders ADNH, standard hole patternAccessoriesH- -NotePiston rod attachments for cylinders with special piston rod thread (variant K5) a High-force cylinders ADNH, standard hole patternAccessories38d Internet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2022/10High-force cylinders ADNH, standard hole pattern Accessories39 2022/10 – Subject to change d Internet: /catalogue/...Festo - Your Partner in AutomationConnect with us/socialmedia 1Festo Inc.2Festo Pneumatic 3Festo Corporation 4Regional Service Center 5300 Explorer DriveMississauga, ON L4W 5G4CanadaAv. Ceylán 3,Col. Tequesquináhuac 54020 Tlalnepantla, Estado de México1377 Motor Parkway Suite 310Islandia, NY 117497777 Columbia Road Mason, OH 45040Festo Customer Interaction CenterTel:187****3786Fax:187****3786Email:*****************************Multinational Contact Center 01 800 337 8669***********************Festo Customer Interaction Center180****3786180****3786*****************************S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e。
Round Cylinders DSNU, Double-acting – Inch SeriesPiston ∅ 5/16˝ to 2-1/2˝Stroke lengths up to 20˝Double-actingMeets the highest requirements for runningcharacteristics, service life and load carrying abilityExtensive range of accessoriesProduct Range OverviewFunction Type Piston ∅Stroke Force VariantsèPage [in][in][lbf]P PPV A S2Double-acting DSNU5/16, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 10.04 … 19.6 5.2 … 66.3n n1)n n21-1/4, 1-5/8, 2, 2-1/20.125 … 19.693 … 421n n1)n n151)Adjustable as of Piston ∅ 5/8”VariantsP Flexible cushioningat both ends PPV Adjustable air cushioningat both endsA Magnet for position sensingS2Through piston rodType Piston j Standard Stroke Variable Stroke1)[in][in][in]DSNU5/16, 3/81/2, 1, 2, 3, 40.04 (4)1/2, 5/81/2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 80.04 (8)3/41/2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 120.04 … 12.511/2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 120.04 … 19.61-1/4, 1-5/8, 2, 2-1/21, 1-1/2, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 120.125 (20)1)Reliable position sensing requires a minimum stroke of 0.4 inch.Technical Data -N-Diameter 5/16 … 1 in -T-Stroke length 0.04 … 19.6 inDouble-actingVariants:Through piston rod (S2)General Technical Data Piston ∅[in]5/163/81/25/83/41Pneumatic connection 10-32 UNF 10-32 UNF 10-32 UNF 10-32 UNF 1/8˝ NPT 1/8˝ NPT Piston rod thread 6-32 UNC 6-32 UNC 10-32 UNF 10-32 UNF5/16-24 UNF3/8-24 UNFConstructional designPiston Piston rod Cylinder barrelCushioningFlexible cushioning rings at both ends (P)–Adjustable air cushioning at both ends (PPV)Cushioning length (PPV)[in]–0.470.590.67Magnet for position sensing 1)Optional1)Position sensing via magnetic proximity sensor (ordered separately, see accessories).Operating Pressure [psi]Piston ∅[in]5/163/81/25/83/41Operating medium Filtered compressed air, lubricated or unlubricated Operating pressure22.1 … 147.014.7 … 147.0Ambient ConditionsAmbient temperature 1)[°F]–4 … +176Corrosion resistance class CRC2)21)Note operating range of proximity sensors2)Corrosion resistance class 2 according to Festo standard 940 070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.Technical DataForces [lbf] and Impact Energy [ft-lbf]Piston ∅ [in]5/163/81/25/83/41 Theoretical force at 90 psi, extending 6.710.615.327.242.566.3 Theoretical force at 90 psi, retracting Max. impact energy at the end positions0.0220.0370.0520.110.150.22Weights [oz]Piston ∅ [in]5/163/81/25/83/41 Product weight with 0 inch stroke 1.22 1.32 2.65 3.17 6.598.40 Additional weight per 1 inch stroke0.200.250.360.410.640.99DSNU1Piston rod High-alloy stainless steel2Bearing cap Wrought aluminum alloy3Cylinder barrel High-alloy stainless steel4End cap Wrought aluminum alloy–Seals Polyurethane, nitrile rubberTechnical Data∅[in]AM B∅BE BF CD∅D∅D4∅EE EW G KK KV5/160.50.5M12x1. UNC0.73/80.441/20.60.6M16x1. UNF0.95/80.683/40.80.9M22x1.50.80.3 1.00.841/8˝ NPT0.60.65/16-24 UNF1.310.90.9 1.043/8-24 UNF∅[in]KW L L2MM∅PL TO VD WF XC ZJß1[mm]5/160.20.2 2.5 2.4–3/81/ 2.855/8 2.2 3.2 3.13/ 1.23.7 3.671 2.740.4 1.1 4.1 3.89∅[in]ZJ ZM5/162.43.083/81/2 2.8 3.75/8 3.0 3.93/4 3.6 4.61 3.84 4.94Dimensions are in inches, unless otherwise noted.Ordering DataMandatory Data0M Options0OFunction Piston j Stroke Cushioning Magnet for positionsensingType of piston rodDSNU5/163/81/25/83/410.04 … 19.6PPPVA S2DSNU1–7.5–P–A–S2Ordering TableSize5/163/81/25/83/41Conditions Code Entercode Function Standard cylinder, double-acting DSNU DSNU Piston [in]5/163/81/25/83/41-…Stroke[in]0.04 … 40.04 … 80.04 … 12.50.04 … 19.6-…Cushioning Flexible cushioning rings at both ends-P–––Adjustable air cushioning at both ends-PPV0O Magnet for position sensing For use with magnetic proximity sensor1-A Type of piston rod Through piston rod-S21Reliable position sensing requires a minimum stroke of 0.4 inch.Transfer order codeDSNU–––––Accessories OverviewMounting Attachments and AccessoriesèPage 1Rod eye SGS102Coupling piece KSZ103Rod clevis SG104Self-aligning rod coupler FK105Flange mounting FBN86Foot mounting HBN77Swivel mounting WBN98Swivel mounting SBN89Clevis foot LBN9aJ One-way flow control valve GRLA/GRLZ11aA Push-in fitting QS11aB Sensor mounting kit SMBR12aC Proximity switch SMEO/SMTO12aD Sensor mounting kit SMBR-813aE Proximity switch SME/SMT-813aF Sensor mounting kit SMBR-1014aG Proximity switch SME/SMT-1014aH Guide unit FEN10AccessoriesDimensionsAH AO AT AU R1SA TR US XA XS ∅AB∅[in]5/16, 3/ 2.7 1.0 1.4 2.90.9 1/ 3.1 1.3 1.7 3.4 1.3 5/ 3.3 1.3 1.7 3.6 1.3 3/40.26 4.0 1.6 2.1 4.3 1.4 10.26 4.08 1.6 2.1 4.51 1.6Ordering Data∅Basic version[in]CRC1)Weight [oz]Part No.Type5/16, 3/820.75123HBN-8/10x12 1.95124HBN-8/10x21/2, 5/82 1.45125HBN-12/16x12 3.75126HBN-12/16x23/4, 12 3.25127HBN-20/25x127.85128HBN-20/25x21)Corrosion resistance class 2 according to Festo standard 940 070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.Dimensions are in inches, unless otherwise noted.AccessoriesDimensionsAT TF UF UR W ZF ∅AB∅[in]5/16, 3/80.20.1 1.2 2.6 1.00.5 2.6 1/20.20.2 1.6 2.1 1.20.7 3.0 5/80.20.2 1.6 2.1 1.20.7 3.2 3/40.30.2 2.0 2.6 1.60.7 3.8 10.30.2 2.0 2.6 1.60.9 4.0Ordering Data∅Basic version[in]CRC1)Weight [g]Part No.Type5/16, 3/820.45129FBN-8/101/2, 5/820.95130FBN-12/163/4, 12 1.65131FBN-20/251)Corrosion resistance class 2 according to Festo standard 940 070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.Dimensions and Ordering Data∅CM FL GL HB L1LE MR RF RG UK UX CRC1)Weight Part No.Type [in]max.[oz]3/4, 1 1.5 2.4 1.81 1.627.1539927SBN-20/251)Corrosion resistance class 2 according to Festo standard 940 070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.Dimensions are in inches, unless otherwise noted.AccessoriesDimensions and Ordering DataTK TM UM UW XH XL CRC1)Weight Part No.Type∅TD∅[in][oz]5/16, 3/80.20.2 1.0 2.620.78608WBN-8/10 1/20.20.3 1.5 2.3 1.00.7 3.02 1.88609WBN-12/16 5/80.20.3 1.5 2.3 1.00.7 3.22 1.88609WBN-12/16 3/40.20.3 1.8 2.6 1.20.8 3.82 2.58610WBN-20/25 10.20.3 1.8 2.6 1.20.9 4.02 2.58610WBN-20/25 1)Corrosion resistance class 2 according to Festo standard 940 070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.DimensionsFor ∅CM EKFL GL HB LE MR RG UX ∅[in]5/16, 3/80.320.20.90.540.170.850.20.490.8 1/2, 5/80.480.2 1.0 3/4, 10.630.3 1.3Ordering Data∅Basic version[in]CRC1)Weight [oz]Part No.Type5/16, 3/820.86057LBN-8/101/2, 5/82 1.46058LBN-12/163/4, 12 2.96059LBN-20/251)Corrosion resistance class 2 according to Festo standard 940 070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.Dimensions are in inches, unless otherwise noted.AccessoriesAccessoriesAccessoriesAccessoriesAccessoriesTechnical Data Double-acting-N-Diameter1-1/4 … 2-1/2 inch -T-Stroke length1/8 … 20 inchVariants:Through piston rod (S2)Basic versionGeneral Technical Data Piston ∅ [in]1-1/41-5/822-1/2Pneumatic connection 1/8˝ NPT 1/4˝ NPT 1/4˝ NPT 3/8˝ NPT Piston rod thread 3/8-241/2-205/8-185/8-18Constructional designPiston Piston rod Cylinder barrelCushioningFlexible cushioning rings at both ends (P)Adjustable air cushioning at both ends (PPV)Cushioning length (PPV)[in]0.750.87 1.06 1.06Magnet for position sensing 1)Optional1)Position sensing via magnetic proximity sensor (ordered separately, see accessories).Operating Pressure [psi]Piston ∅ [in]1-141-5/822-1/2Operating medium Filtered compressed air, lubricated or unlubricated Operating pressure14.7 (150)Ambient ConditionsAmbient temperature 1)[°F]–4 … +176Corrosion resistance class CRC2)21)Note operating range of proximity sensors2)Corrosion resistance class 2 according to Festo standard 940 070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.Corrosion resistance class 3 according to Festo standard 940 070Components requiring higher corrosion resistance for use in industrial environments subjected to contact with solvents and cleaning agents.Technical DataForces [lbf] and Impact Energy [ft-lbf]Piston ∅ [in]1-1/41-5/822-1/2 Theoretical force at 90 psi, extending108169265421 Theoretical force at 90 psi, retracting93142223378 Max. impact energy at the end positions0.30.520,740,96Weights [oz]Piston ∅ [in]1-1/41-5/822-1/2 Product weight with 0 inch stroke13.123.338.351.0 Additional weight per 1 inch stroke 1.4 2.2 3.6 3.9DSNU1Piston rod High-alloy steel2Bearing cap Wrought aluminum alloy3Cylinder barrel High-alloy stainless steel4End cap Wrought aluminum alloy–Seals Polyurethane, nitrile rubber–Guide tape–Technical Data∅[in]AM B∅BE BF CD∅D∅D1∅D4∅EE EW G1-1/40.9 1.2M30x1.5 1.00.4 1.5 1.7 1.31/8˝ NPT0.60.71-5/80.9 1.5M38x1.5 1.20.5 1.8 2.0 1.61/4˝ NPT 1.8M45x1.5 2.8 2.63/8˝ NPT 1.1∅[in]KK KW L L2MM∅PL VD WF XC ZJ ZMß1[mm]1-1/43/8-240.30.5 1.3 4.6 4.1 5.4101-5/81/2-200.40.6 5.5 4.9 6.41325/8- 5.8 5.1 6.9172-1/2 3.70.5 1.8 6.1 5.57.3 Dimensions are in inches, unless otherwise noted.Ordering DataMandatory Data0M Options0OFunction Piston j Stroke Cushioning Magnet forposition sensingType of piston rodDSNU 1 1/41 5/822 1/20.125 … 20PPPVA S2DSNU– 1 5/8–16–PPV–A–Ordering TableSize1-1/41-5/822-1/2Conditions Code Entercode 0M Function Double-acting round cylinder DSNU DSNU Piston [in]1-1/41-5/822-1/2-…Stroke[in]1/8 … 20-…Cushioning Flexible cushioning rings at both ends-PAdjustable air cushioning at both ends-PPV0O Magnet for position sensing For use with magnetic proximity sensor1-A Type of piston rod Through piston rod-S21Reliable position sensing requires a minimum stroke length of 0.4 inch.Transfer order codeDSNU–––––Accessories OverviewMounting Attachments and AccessoriesèPage 1Rod eye SGS/CRSGS222Coupling piece KSG/KSZ223Rod clevis SG/CRSG224Self-aligning rod coupler FK225Flange mounting FBN/CRFV206Swivel mounting WBN217Swivel mounting SBN218Clevis foot LBN/CRLBN229One-way flow control valve GRLA/GRLZ/CRGRLA23aJ Push-in fitting QS23aA Sensor mounting kit CRSMBR24aB Proximity sensor SMEO/SMTO/CRSMEO-424aC Sensor mounting kit SMBR-825aD Proximity sensor SME/SMT-825aE Sensor mounting kit SMBR-1026aF Proximity sensor SME/SMT-1026 aG Clevis foot, lateral LQG21aH Clevis foot LBG21AccessoriesDimensionsAT H1TF TR US W ZF ∅AB∅[in]1-1/ 1.1 2.0 2.6 1.2 4.2 1-5/ 1.2 2.4 3.1 1.1 4.9 1.6 2.8 3.5 1.5 5.4 2-1/ 2.0 3.0 3.8 1.5 5.7Ordering Data∅Basic version High corrosion protection[in]CRC1)Weight [oz]Part No.Type CRC1)Weight [oz]Part No.Type1-1/42 3.6195855FBN-324 3.6161858CRFV-321-5/82 6.7195856FBN-404 6.7161859CRFV-402210.2195857FBN-50410.2161860CRFV-502-1/2212.9195858FBN-63412.9161861CRFV-631)Corrosion resistance class 2 according to Festo standard 940 070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.Corrosion resistance class 4 according to Festo standard 940 070Components requiring higher corrosion resistance. Parts subjected to aggressive media, e.g. food or chemical industry. These applications should be supported with special tests with the media if required. Dimensions are in inches, unless otherwise noted.2017/03 – Subject to change 21è Internet: /catalog/...AccessoriesDimensions and Ordering Data ∅TD ∅TKTM UM UW XH XLCRC 1)Weight Part No.Type[in][oz]1-1/40.30.5 2.0 3.0 1.6 1.1 4.32 4.6195863WBN-321-5/80.40.6 2.4 3.6 2.0 1.2 5.028.5195864WBN-4020.50.8 3.1 4.6 2.6 1.3 5.5221.5195865WBN-50/632-1/20.50.8 3.1 4.6 2.6 1.4 5.9221.5195865WBN-50/631)Corrosion resistance class 2 according to Festo standard 940 070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.Dimensions and Ordering Data ∅CM FL GL HB L1LE MR RF RG UK UXCRC 1)Weight Part No.Type[in]max.[oz]1-1/4 1.8 1.6 1.10.4 2.8 1.22.2 2.0210.4539924SBN-321-5/8 2.2 1.8 1.50.6 1.4 1.3 2.7 2.1216.4539925SBN-402, 2-1/22.8 2.0 1.30.4 4.0 1.70.6 1.7 1.43.2 2.6223.6539926SBN-50/631)Corrosion resistance class 2 according to Festo standard 940 070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents..Dimensions are in inches, unless otherwise noted.AccessoriesDimensionsFL GL HB LE MR RG UXFor ∅CM EK∅[in]1-1/40.60.4 1.41-5/80.70.5 1.6 1.00.4 1.40.5 1.2 1.82, 2-1/20.80.6 1.8 1.10.4 1.50.6 1.3 2.0Ordering Data∅Basic version High corrosion protection[in]CRC1)Weight [oz]Part No.Type CRC1)Weight [g]Part No.Type1-1/42 3.8195860LBN-324 3.8195866CRLBN-321-5/82 6.8195861LBN-404 6.5195867CRLBN-402, 2-1/2210.7195862LBN-50/63410.2195868CRLBN-50/631)Corrosion resistance class 2 according to Festo standard 940 070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.Corrosion resistance class 4 according to Festo standard 940 070Components requiring higher corrosion resistance. Parts subjected to aggressive media, e.g. food or chemical industry. These applications should be supported with special tests with the media if required.Dimensions are in inches, unless otherwise noted.22è Internet: /catalog/...Subject to change – 2017/03Accessoriesè Internet: /catalog/...2017/03 – Subject to change23Accessories24è Internet: /catalog/...Subject to change – 2017/03Accessoriesè Internet: /catalog/...2017/03 – Subject to change25Accessories26è Internet: /catalog/...Subject to change – 2017/03Festo - Your Partner in AutomationConnect with us/socialmedia 1Festo Inc.2Festo Pneumatic 3Festo Corporation 4Regional Service Center 5300 Explorer DriveMississauga, ON L4W 5G4CanadaAv. Ceylán 3,Col. Tequesquináhuac 54020 Tlalnepantla, Estado de México1377 Motor Parkway Suite 310Islandia, NY 117497777 Columbia Road Mason, OH 45040Festo Customer Interaction CenterTel:187****3786Fax:187****3786Email:*****************************Multinational Contact Center 01 800 337 8669***********************Festo Customer Interaction Center180****3786180****3786*****************************S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e。
Tie rod cylinders DNG/DNGL/DNGZK–Inch Series•Piston∅1-1/4˝to6˝•Strokes up to78.7˝•Double-acting•Robust tie rod design•Comprehensive range of accessories•Repairable•Non-rotating piston rod version available(DNGL)•Adjustable trunnion mounting version available(DNGZK) Product range overviewFunction Version Type Piston∅Stroke[in]Force Variants[in][lbf]PPV A S2S6Double-acting Basic version DNG1-1/4,1-5/8,2,2-1/2,3,4,5,60.4…78.7108.3…10,846Single-ended non-rotating piston rod DNGL1-1/4,1-5/8,2,2-1/2,3,40.4…24108.3…1,059––With adjustable central trunnion mounting DNGZK1-1/4,1-5/8,2,2-1/2,3,4,5,60.4…78.7108.3…10,846––VariantsPPV Adjustable air cushioning at both ends A Magnet for position sensingS2Through piston rodS6Heat-resistant up to150°CTie rod cylinders DNG/DNGL/DNGZK-Inch SeriesTechnical dataDNG DNGLGeneral technical dataPiston∅1-1/41-5/822-1/23456 Pneumatic connection1/8NPT1/4NPT1/4NPT3/8NPT3/8NPT1/2NPT1/2NPT3/4NPT Piston rod thread3/8-24UNF1/2-20UNF5/8-18UNF5/8-18UNF3/4-16UNF3/4-16UNF1-12UNF1-1/2-12UNF Operating medium Filtered compressed air,lubricated or unlubricatedDesign PistonPiston rodProfile barrelCushioning Adjustable air cushioning at both endsCushioning length[in] 1.2 1.2 1.6 1.6 Magnet for position sensing1)Standard1)Position sensing via magnetic proximity sensor(ordered separately,see accessories).Operating and environmental conditionsPiston∅1-1/41-5/822-1/23456 Operating pressure[psi]176.4147.0 Ambient temperature1)[°F]–4…+1761)Note operating range of proximity sensorsForces[lbf]Piston∅1-1/41-5/822-1/23456 Theoretical force at90psi,extending1081692564206781,0601,6552,712 Theoretical force at90psi,retracting931422233785129941,5472,543Tie rod cylinders DNG/DNGL/DNGZK -Inch SeriesTechnical dataLateral force F Q as a function of the stroke lengthll [in]F Q [l b f ]∅11/4∅15/8∅2,21/2∅3,4∅5∅61125900450675225180135112906745221813119742. [oz]Piston ∅1-1/41-5/822-1/23456DNG/DNGLProduct weight at 0inch stroke 19.927.949.460.8101.4144.6257.7609.0Additional weight per 1inch stroke 2.7 3.6 4.5 weight at 0inch stroke 28.945.068.697.5139.7219.0360.3688.2Additional weight per 1inch stroke2. rod cylinders DNG/DNGL/DNGZK-Inch SeriesTechnical dataMaterialsSectional view DNG/DNGLSectional view DNGZKStandard cylinder DNG/DNGL DNGZK1Bearing and end caps Aluminum Die-cast aluminum2Cylinder barrel Aluminum Aluminum(∅6˝:brass) 3Piston rod,tie rod High-alloy steel–Seals Polyurethane,nitrile rubberTie rod cylinders DNG/DNGL/DNGZK-Inch Series Technical dataTie rod cylinders DNG/DNGL/DNGZK-Inch Series Technical data∅[in]AM B∅d11B1f9BG C2C3D4∅D5∅E EE J2J31-1/40.9 2.8 3.4 1.50.2 2.01/8NPT0.3-1-5/80.9 3.4 4.1 1.80.2 2.21/4NPT0.40.10 2 1.3 3.9 4.6 2.20.3 2.61/4NPT0.50.22 2-1/2 1.3 4.6 5.4 2.70.3 3.03/8NPT0.60.23 1.6 5.4 6.1 3.40.4 3.93/8NPT0.60.34 1.6 6.17.4 4.20.4 4.71/2NPT0.50.35 2.1 2.4- 5.20.5 5.71/2NPT0.50.36 2.8 2.6-0.98.511.∅[in]KK L1L2L7MM∅PL RT TD∅e9TG TK TL1-1/43/8-24UNF0.7 3.7± 1-5/81/2-20UNF0.8 4.1±0, 1.5 1.00.6 25/8-18UNF 1.1 4.2± 1.8 1.10.6 2-1/25/8-18UNF 1.1 4.8± 2.2 1.20.8 33/4-16UNF 1.4 5.0±0.030.3 1.00.7M100.8 2.8 1.30.8 43/4-16UNF 1.5 5.4±0.030.5 1.00.7M10 1.0 3.5 1.5 1.0 51-12UNF 1.8 6.3±0.030.6 1.30.7M12 1.0 4.3 1.7 1.0 61-1/2-12UNF 2.27.1±0.03- 1.6 1.0M16 1.3 5.5 1.9 1.3∅[in]TM UW VA VD WH XG XJ XV ZJ ZMß1[mm]ß3[mm]ß4[mm]1-1/4 2.0 1.0 2.4±0.07 3.3±0.07 2.9±0.07 4.7 5.7106–1-5/8 2.5 1.2 2.7±0.07 3.8±0.07 3.2±0.07 5.3 6.5136–2 3.0 1.5 3.1±0.07 3.9±0.07 3.5±0.07 5.67.1178–2-1/2 3.5 1.5 3.4±0.09 4.3±0.09 3.8±0.09 6.27.7178–3 4.3 1.8 4.0±0.09 4.7±0.09 4.3±0.09 6.98.722–174 5.2 2.0 4.4±0.09 5.0±0.09 4.7±–175 6.3 2.6 5.4±0.09 6.1±0.09 5.7±0.098.911.427–19 3.1 6.1±0.10 6.7±0.10 6.7±0.1010.213.436–32Dimensions are in inches,unless otherwise noted.Tie rod cylinders DNG-Inch SeriesOrdering dataMandatory data0M Options0OFunction Piston∅Stroke Cushioning Magnet for positionsensing Type of pistonrodTemperature-resistantDNG11/415/8221/234560.4…78.7PPV A S2S6DNG–3–60–PPV–A––S6Ordering tableSize11/415/8221/23456Conditions Code Enter code 0M Function Basic version,standard cylinder,double-acting DNG DNG Piston∅[in]11/415/8221/23456-…Stroke[in]0.4…78.7-…Cushioning Adjustable air cushioning at both ends-PPV-PPV Magnet for position sensing For use with magnetic proximity sensor-A-A0O Type of piston rod Through piston rod-S2 Temperature-resistant Heat-resistant seals up to max.302°F1-S61Not available in combination with-S2Tie rod cylinders,non-rotating version DNGL-Inch SeriesOrdering data0MMandatory dataFunction Piston∅Stroke Cushioning Magnet forposition sensing0.4…24PPV ADNGL11/415/8221/234DNGL–3–20–PPV–AOrdering tableSize11/415/8221/234Code Enter code 0M Function Non-rotating piston rod,standard cylinder,double-acting DNGL DNGL Piston∅[in]11/415/8221/234-…Stroke[in]0.4…120.4…160.4…200.4…24-…Cushioning Adjustable air cushioning at both ends-PPV-PPV Magnet for position sensing1)Standard-A-A1)Position sensing via magnetic proximity sensor(ordered separately,see accessories).Tie rod cylinders,with adjustable trunnion mounting DNGZK-Inch SeriesOrdering data0MMandatory dataFunction Piston∅Stroke Cushioning Magnet forposition sensing0.4…78.7PPV ADNGZK11/415/8221/23456DNGZK–3–60–PPV–AOrdering tableSize11/415/8221/23456Code Enter code 0M Function Adjustable standard cylinder,double-acting,with central trunnion mounting DNGZK DNGZK Piston∅[in]11/415/8221/23456-…Stroke[in]0.4…78.7-…Cushioning Adjustable air cushioning at both ends-PPV-PPV Magnet for position sensing1)For use with magnetic proximity sensor-A-ATie rod cylinders DNG/DNGL/DNGZK-Inch SeriesAccessories overviewMounting attachments and accessoriesDescription1Adapter kitFor connecting two DNG cylinders with identical piston∅to form a multi-position cylinder DPNG2Foot mountingFor bearing and end capsHNG3Flange mountingFor bearing or end capsFNG4Trunnion flangeFor bearing or end capsZNG5Trunnion support For bearing or end caps6Swivel flange For end capsTie rod cylinders DNG/DNGL/DNGZK-Inch SeriesAccessories overviewMounting attachments and accessoriesDescription7Clevis foot mountingWith spherical bearingLSNG8Clevis foot mountingWeld-on,with spherical bearingLSNSG9Swivel flangeWith spherical bearing for clevis foot mounting LBGSSNGaJ Clevis foot mountingWith non-rotating pivot pinLBGaA Swivel flangeFor end capsSNGLaB Swivel flangeFor end capsSNGBaC Clevis foot mountingFor swivel flange SNGBLNGaD Clevis foot mountingWith spherical bearingLSNaE One-way flow control valveFor speed regulationGRLAaF Push-in fittingFor connecting compressed air tubing with standard O.D.QSaG Plug socket with cable,straight–SIM-M8aH Plug socket with cable,angled–SIM-M8aI Proximity sensors–SMEO-1/SMTO-1/SMPO-1-H-BbJ Sensor mounting kitFor proximity sensor SMEO-1/SMTO-1SMBbA Sensor mounting kitFor proximity sensor SMPO-1-H-BSMBSbB Rod eyeWith spherical bearingSGSbC Coupling pieceFor compensating radial deviationsKSZbD Rod clevisPermits a swivelling movement of the cylinder in one planeSGbE Self-aligning rod couplerFor compensating radial and angular deviationsFKbF Guided unitTo protect against torsion at high torque loadsFENGbG Right-angle clevis footWith non-rotating pivot pinLQGInternet:/catalog/...2010/11–Subject to change–DNG11DNG –Subject to change –2010/1112 Internet:/catalog/...Tie rod cylinders DNG/DNGL/DNGZK -Inch SeriesAccessoriesDimensions and ordering data For ∅F1ZJ Max.overall stroke length CRC 1)Weight Part No.Type[in][in][oz]1-1/4 1.1 4.739.42 3.0159485DPNG-321-5/8 1.1 5.339.42 4.1159486DPNG-402 1.3 5.639.427.4159487DPNG-502-1/2 1.1 6.239.4212.7159488DPNG-633 1.5 6.939.4221.9159489DPNG-8041.57.439.4242.0159490DPNG-1001)Corrosion resistance class 2according to Festo standard 940070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.Connecting two cylinders with identical piston ∅as a 3or 4-position cylinder A 3or 4-position cylinder consists of two separate cylinders whose piston rods advance in opposing directions.This means that depending uponactuation and stroke pattern,this type of cylinder can assume up to four positions.In each case the cylinder is driven precisely against a stop.Note that when one end of the piston rod isfixed,the cylinder barrel executes the movement.The cylinder must be connected with flexible line connections.To achieve 3positionsTo achieve 4positionsTwo cylinders with identical stroke length must be connectedtogether.Two cylinders with different stroke lengths must be connected together.NoteDo not exceed the maximum overall stroke length listed when combining cylinders and the adapter kit.Dimensions are in inches,unless otherwise noted.2010/11–Subject to change –DNG 13Internet:/catalog/...Tie rod cylinders DNG/DNGL/DNGZK -Inch SeriesAccessories Foot mounting HNGMaterial:Galvanized steelFree of copper,PTFE andsiliconeDimensions and ordering data For ∅AB AH AO AT AU SA TR US XA CRC 1)Weight Part No.Type [in]∅[oz]1-1/40.3 5.6 1.3 1.8 5.727.932947HNG-321-5/80.4 1.1 6.3 1.4 2.1 6.429.532948HNG-4020.4 1.3 6.7 1.8 2.5 6.9214.132949HNG-502-1/20.4 1.37.3 2.0 3.07.5216.932950HNG-6330.5 1.68.3 2.5 3.78.5238.132951HNG-8040.6 1.68.7 3.0 4.39.1244.132952HNG-10050.6 1.89.8 3.5 5.210.6271.432953HNG-12560.7 resistance class 2according to Festo standard 940070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.Flange mounting FNGMaterial:FNG-32…100:Galvanized steel FNG-125…160:Painted nodular graphite cast ironFree of copper,PTFE andsiliconeDimensions and ordering data For ∅E FB MF R TF UF W ZF CRC 1)Weight Part No.Type [in]∅[oz]1-1/4 1.3 2.5 3.10.6 5.128.632940FNG-321-5/8 1.4 2.8 3.50.8 5.7210.232941FNG-402 1.8 3.5 4.3 1.0 6.1218.332942FNG-502-1/2 2.0 3.9 4.7 1.0 6.7224.332943FNG-633 2.5 5.0 5.9 1.27.5258.632944FNG-804 3.0 5.9 6.9 1.48.1284.532945FNG-1005 1.89.62160.832946FNG-12567. resistance class 2according to Festo standard 940070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.Dimensions are in inches,unless otherwise noted.Tie rod cylinders DNG/DNGL/DNGZK-Inch Series AccessoriesTrunnion flange ZNGfor trunnion mountingMaterial:Corrosion resistant cast steel Free of copper,PTFE andsiliconeDimensions and ordering dataFor∅C2C3TD TK TL TM UW XH XL CRC1)Weight Part No.Type[in]∅[oz]1-1/4 2.8 2.0 2.00.7 5.02 6.731754ZNG-321-5/8 3.4 2.5 2.20.8 5.7211.631755ZNG-402 3.9 3.0 2.6 1.0 6.1218.931756ZNG-502-1/2 4.6 3.5 3.0 1.0 6.7228.231757ZNG-633 5.4 6.10.8 1.10.8 4.3 3.9 1.37.4248.731758ZNG-804 6.57.4 1.0 1.5 1.0 5.2 4.7 1.38.2296.831759ZNG-10057.68.5 1.0 2.0 1.0 6.3 5.9 1.69.82179.931760ZNG-1251)Corrosion resistance class2according to Festo standard940070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.Dimensions and ordering dataFor∅CR DA FK FN FS H1HB KE NH TH UL CRC1)Weight Part No.Type[in]∅∅∅∅[oz]1-1/ 1.3 1.82 4.432959LNZG-321-5/8, 1.4 2.2214.132960LNZG-40/502-1/2, 1.7 2.6216.932961LNZG-63/804,5 1.00.8 1.0 2.00.6 1.1 2.0 3.0233.932962LNZG-100/1256 1.3 1.0 1.2 2.40.9 1.6 2.4 3.6269.335780LNZG-160/2001)Corrosion resistance class2according to Festo standard940070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.Dimensions are in inches,unless otherwise noted.DNG–Subject to change–2010/11 14 Internet:/catalog/...Tie rod cylinders DNG/DNGL/DNGZK-Inch Series AccessoriesSwivel flange SNGfor clevis foot LSNG/LSNSGMaterial:Die-castaluminum Dimensions and ordering dataFor∅CG CP EK FL L SR XC CRC1)Weight PartNo.Type[in]∅[oz]1-1/40.6 5.62 6.732968SNG-32 1-5/80.6 1.60.5 6.329.532969SNG-40 20.8 1.80.6 6.7215.732970SNG-50 2-1/20.8 2.00.6 1.0 2.60.8 1.0 3.00.8 1.6 1.5 3.8 1.2 2.0 1.2 1.010.82141.132974SNG-1256 1.7 4.8 1.4 2.2 1.4 1.312.42231.3152597SNG-1601)Corrosion resistance class2according to Festo standard940070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.Swivel flange SNGB for clevis foot LN/LSNMaterial:Die-castaluminumDimensions and ordering dataFor∅CB CD FL L ML MR UB XC CRC1)Weight Part No.Type[in]∅∅[oz]1-1/4 2.20.4 1.8 5.62 4.434540SNGB-321-5/8 1.10.5 1.00.6 2.50.5 2.0 6.32 6.234541SNGB-402 1.30.5 1.10.6 2.80.5 2.4 6.728.634542SNGB-502-1/2 1.60.6 1.30.8 3.30.6 2.87.5213.434543SNGB-633 2.00.6 1.40.9 4.10.6 3.58.3221.534544SNGB-804 2.40.8 1.6 1.1 5.00.8 4.39.1236.734545SNGB-1005 2.8 1.0 2.0 1.2 5.8 1.0 5.110.8261.734546SNGB-1256 3.5 1.2 2.2 1.47.4 1.0 6.712.42109.334547SNGB-1601)Corrosion resistance class2according to Festo standard940070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.Dimensions are in inches,unless otherwise noted.2010/11–Subject to change–DNG15Internet:/catalog/...Tie rod cylinders DNG/DNGL/DNGZK-Inch Series AccessoriesSwivel flange SSNG with spherical bearing for clevis foot LBGMaterial:Nodular graphite castiron Dimensions and ordering dataFor∅CN EP EX FL LT MS XC CRC1)Weight Part No.Type[in]∅[oz]1-1/ 5.62 6.934291SSNG-32 1-5/ 1.0-0.7 6.329.034292SSNG-40 1.1-0.8 6.7215.234293SSNG-50 2-1/ 30.80.7 1.0 1.40.8 1.18.3233.234295SSNG-80 40.80.7 1.0 1.60.9 1.29.1253.334296SSNG-100 5 1.2 1.0 1.5 2.0 1.1 1.610.82108.734568SSNG-1251)Corrosion resistance class2according to Festo standard940070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.Swivel flange SNGLMaterial:Die-castaluminumDimensions and ordering dataFor∅CD EW FL L MR XC CRC1)Weight Part No.Type[in]∅[oz]1-1/40.4 5.62 2.6151527SNGL-321-5/80.5 1.1 6.32 3.7151528SNGL-4020.5 1.3 6.72 6.5151529SNGL-502-1/20.6 1.6 2.0 2.4 1.6 1.0 2.8 2.0 1.2 1.010.8250.5151533SNGL-1256 1.2 3.5 2.2 1.4 1.012.4279.4151534SNGL-1601)Corrosion resistance class2according to Festo standard940070Components with moderate corrosion resistance for use in normal industrial environments subjected to contact with coolants or lubricating agents.Dimensions are in inches,unless otherwise noted.DNG–Subject to change–2010/11 16 Internet:/catalog/...Tie rod cylinders DNG/DNGL/DNGZK-Inch SeriesAccessoriesInternet:/catalog/...2010/11–Subject to change–DNG17Tie rod cylinders DNG/DNGL/DNGZK-Inch SeriesAccessories18 Internet:/catalog/...DNG–Subject to change–2010/11Tie rod cylinders DNG/DNGL/DNGZK-Inch SeriesAccessoriesInternet:/catalog/...2010/11–Subject to change–DNG19Festo - Your Partner in AutomationConnect with us/socialmedia 1Festo Inc.2Festo Pneumatic 3Festo Corporation 4Regional Service Center 5300 Explorer DriveMississauga, ON L4W 5G4CanadaAv. Ceylán 3,Col. Tequesquináhuac 54020 Tlalnepantla, Estado de México1377 Motor Parkway Suite 310Islandia, NY 117497777 Columbia Road Mason, OH 45040Festo Customer Interaction CenterTel:187****3786Fax:187****3786Email:*****************************Multinational Contact Center 01 800 337 8669***********************Festo Customer Interaction Center180****3786180****3786*****************************S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e。
Festo 电缸说明书
![Festo 电缸说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5570a1b4534de518964bcf84b9d528ea80c72f50.png)
原版操作手册的译本© 2020 Festo SE & Co. KG 保留一切权利1适用文件有关产品的所有可用文件 è 。
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5.2产品配置1活塞杆2用于固定的螺纹孔3导向环4缸筒型材5气密封接口,带滤芯6电机安装组件的接口7驱动轮毂8用于传感器支架的安装槽9型材安装件安装槽10沟槽螺母安装槽Fig. 1 产品配置6运输和存放意外和未经制动的部件运动。
运输和存放条件–注意产品重量 è 14 技术参数。
其中,气缸是FESTO 最为常用的产品之一,本文将认真介绍FESTO气缸的正确选型和使用方法。
一、FESTO气缸选型选择适合的气缸是使用FESTO气缸的基础,其选型要考虑以下几个因素:1. 动力要求气缸的动力要求与所处理的物体有关。
2. 工作方式气缸的工作方式有很多种,常见的包括单作用气缸、双作用气缸、回转气缸等。
3. 活塞杆的材质和结构活塞杆的材质和结构也是选择气缸要考虑的因素,它们直接影响气缸的工作寿命和精度。
4. 工作环境气缸的工作环境也是影响选择的因素之一、例如,假如气缸将用于工作环境较为恶劣、存在较多异物的情况下,会影响气缸的寿命和使用效果。
5. 电气掌控与传感器FESTO气缸通常需要使用电气掌控和传感器等辅佑襄助设备才能实现快捷的掌控和监控。
以下是FESTO气缸使用的一些基本方法:1. 确定气缸的运动方向在使用气缸之前,需要确定气缸的运动方向。
2. 连接气源和气缸连接气源和气缸时,需要注意以下几点:(1)请确保气源的气压和气缸的运动压力相符合,并依照要求连接气源和气缸。
3. 调整气缸的行程调整气缸的行程重要是为了确保气缸的运动速度和精度。
Stainless-steel cylindersStainless-steel cylinders Key featuresTheir applicationsReliable components need to be fully functional and operational, even in harsh operating conditions. The aim is to maximise availability of machinery while minimising downtimes. Stain-less-steel cylinders are therefore used in applications where the surface fin-ish of normal pneumatic drives would not be able to withstand the surround-ing media. However, designing a corro-sion-resistant system involves more than simply selecting a suitable steel: it also requires the selection of a matching concept for mounting compo-nents and accessories.Sample application:The atmosphere in the maturing cellar of a cheese factory consists of an un-pleasant mix of ammonia, lactic acid and 98% humidity.Our strengthFesto’s stainless-steel cylinders arecharacterised by resistant materials,such as 1.4301 and 1.4401. Thesepopular high-alloy, stainless austeniticchrome-nickel and chrome-nickel-mo-lybdenum steels protect against chem-ical or electrochemical stress as wellas damage to the surface materialscaused by cleaning agents or disinfect-ants. These groups of materials areparticularly resistant to uniformsurface corrosion and offer increasedprotection against pitting and crevicecorrosion.The benefits to youFesto’s worldwide service network en-sures optimum availability of stain-less-steel cylinders. As well as a com-prehensive range of standards-basedcylinders to DIN ISO 15552 and 6432,we also offer a range of matchingmounting components and accesso-ries. The stainless-steel cylinders areassembled with grease that is compli-ant with NSF-H1 and wipers in accord-ance with BGVV (Federal Institute forRisk Assessment) guidelines. Thismeans that they are suitable for use inthe food area. We will be pleased toprovide you with further informationabout future additions to our stain-less-steel range. Just get in touch withus.Good to knowOur many years of experience in thearea of stainless steel are invaluablewhen you are investigating solutionsfor harsh environments. Our expertswill answer any questions you mighthave about surface finishes andchemical resistance.2d I nternet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Stainless-steel cylinders Key featuresResistanceComplete resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion is not always possi-ble, even with ideal application param-eters. The following parameters in-crease the pitting effect of chloride ions:• Concentration of chloride ions • Duration of contact• Temperature• Decreasing pH valueIt must therefore be ensured during design, assembly and operation that all parts of the machinery can be prop-erly cleaned to avoid an accumulation of chloride ions.Selected sealing materials ensure veryhigh resistance to a wide range ofchemical compounds.Further information on media resist-ance can be obtained on the Internetat .In principle, we recommend that thecylinder be cleaned with the piston rodin the retracted position to avoid therisk of washing out the lifetimelubrication.Various types of machinery contamina-tion make cleaning processes neces-sary in many industry sectors. The de-gree of cleaning required ranges fromwiping the machinery with a dry clothto wet cleaning to foam cleaning withdifferent exposure times andconcentrations.It is therefore impossible to make ageneral recommendation oncompatibility.Wet cleaning Foam cleaning3 2023/08 – Subject to change d I nternet: /catalogue/...Stainless-steel cylindersProduct range overview4d I nternet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Stainless-steel cylinders Product range overview5 2023/08 – Subject to change d I nternet: /catalogue/...Standards-based cylinders CRDSNU to ISO6432, stainless steel Key featuresVariantsCRDSNU Basic version CRDSNU-S2:Through piston rodCRDSNU-MQ:Short end cap without swivelmountingCRDSNU-MG/CRDSNU-B-MG:Bearing cap without mounting threadCushioning typesCushioning P Cushioning PPS Cushioning PPVMode of operation• The drive is equipped with polymerflexible end-position cushioning • The drive is equipped with self-ad-justing end-position cushioning• The drive is equipped withadjustable end-position cushioningApplication• Small loads• Low speeds• Low impact energies • Small to medium loads• Low to medium speeds• Medium impact energies• Medium to high loads• High speeds• High impact energiesAdvantages• No adjustment required• Saves time • No adjustment required• Saves time• Powerful• Very powerful6d I nternet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Standards-based cylinders CRDSNU to ISO6432, stainless steel Peripherals overview7 2023/08 – Subject to change d I nternet: /catalogue/...Standards-based cylinders CRDSNU to ISO6432, stainless steelType codes8d I nternet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Standards-based cylinders CRDSNU to ISO6432, stainless steel Data sheet-N- Diameter12 ... 25 mm-T-Stroke length1 ... 500 mmLonger strokes on request-É-Spare parts service2025G1/8G1/8M8M10x1.251) An increase in the minimum operating pressure is possible with variants2) Additional information /sp aCertificates.1) Note operating range of proximity switches2) Corrosion resistance class CRC 3 to Festo standard FN 940070High corrosion stress. Outdoor exposure under moderate corrosive conditions. External visible parts with primarily functional surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.9 2023/08 – Subject to change d I nternet: /catalogue/...Standards-based cylinders CRDSNU to ISO6432, stainless steelData sheet1)Note the ATEX certification of the accessories.The values are reduced by approx. 50% at an ambient temperature of 80°C10d I nternet: /catalogue/...Subject to change – 2023/08Standards-based cylinders CRDSNU to ISO6432, stainless steelData sheetMax. transverse force Fq as a function of projection lBasic versionS2 – Through piston rodl [mm]F q [N ]0.111010010000102030405060l [mm]0.111010010000204060801001201030507090110DSNU-12/16DSNU-20DSNU-2512341) Additional information /sp a CertificatesStandards-based cylinders CRDSNU to ISO6432, stainless steel Data sheetStandards-based cylinders CRDSNU to ISO6432, stainless steel Data sheetStandards-based cylinders CRDSNU to ISO6432, stainless steel Data sheetStandards-based cylinders CRDSNU to ISO6432, stainless steel Data sheetStandards-based cylinders CRDSNU to ISO6432, stainless steel Ordering dataStandards-based cylinders CRDSNU to ISO6432, stainless steel Ordering data-NoteH-The bearing cap on stocked parts is made of one piece.When ordered using the modular product system, the bearing cap is made oftwo pieces, which makes it possible to exchange the wiper in the event of arepair.Standards-based cylinders CRDSNU to ISO6432, stainless steel Ordering data[1]-...Longer strokes on request[2]PPS, A1, A2, A3Not with S6, TT[3]A2, S2, TT Not with MG[4]S2Not with MQ[5]K3Not with K2, K5[6]TT Not with S6[7]EX4Not with S6, TT[8]PPS Not with MQ for piston @ 16[9]A2, TT Not with S2, K3[10]P Not with B except for piston @ 16Round cylinders CRDSNU, stainless steel Key featuresVariantsCRDSNU Basic version CRDSNU-S2:Through piston rodCRDSNU-MQ:Short end cap without swivelmountingCRDSNU-MG:Bearing cap without mounting threadCushioning typesCushioning P Cushioning PPS Cushioning PPVMode of operation• The drive is equipped with polymerflexible end-position cushioning • The drive is equipped with self-ad-justing end-position cushioning• The drive is equipped withadjustable end-position cushioningApplication• Small loads• Low speeds• Low impact energies • Small to medium loads• Low to medium speeds• Medium impact energies• Medium to high loads• High speeds• High impact energiesAdvantages• No adjustment required• Saves time • No adjustment required• Saves time• Powerful• Very powerfulRound cylinders CRDSNU, stainless steel Peripherals overview-N-Diameter32 ... 100 mm-T-Stroke length1 ... 500 mmLonger strokes on request-É-Spare parts service63801001) An increase in the minimum operating pressure is possible with variants2) Additional information /sp a Certificates.1) Note operating range of proximity switches2) Corrosion resistance class CRC 3 to Festo standard FN 940070High corrosion stress. Outdoor exposure under moderate corrosive conditions. External visible parts with primarily functional surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.3) Corrosion resistance class CRC 4 to Festo standard FN 940070Particularly high corrosion stress. Outdoor exposure under extreme corrosive conditions. Parts exposed to aggressive media, e.g. in the chemical or food industries. Such applications may need to be safeguarded by means of special testing (d also FN 940082), using appropriate media.1) Note the ATEX certification of the accessories.1) The values are reduced by approx. 50% at an ambient temperature of 80°CMax. transverse force Fq as a function of projection lBasic versionS2 – Through piston rodl [mm]F q [N ]0.1110100100001002003004005006007008009001000l [mm]0.111010010000400800120016002000DSNU-32DSNU-40DSNU-50/63DSNU-80/100Materials Sectional view 1234-NoteH-The bearing cap on stocked parts is made of one piece.When ordered using the modular product system, the bearing cap is made of two pieces, which makes it possible to exchange the wiper in the event of a repair.Round cylinders CRDSNU, stainless steel Ordering data[1]-...Longer strokes on request[2]PPS, A1, A2, A3Not with S6, TT[3]A2, S2, TT Not with MG[4]S2Not with MQ[5]K3Not with K2, K5[6]TT Not with S6[7]EX4Not with S6, TTRound cylinders CRHD, stainless steel Peripherals overviewRound cylinders CRHD, stainless steelType codesRound cylinders CRHD, stainless steel Data sheet-N- Diameter32 ... 100 mm -T-Stroke length10 ... 500 mm -É-Spare parts service VariantS6The variant S6 is not suitable for direct contact with food products because ofthe seals and the grease used.1) Note operating range of proximity switches2) Additional information /sp a Certificates.3) Corrosion resistance class CRC 3 to Festo standard FN 940070High corrosion stress. Outdoor exposure under moderate corrosive conditions. External visible parts with primarily functional surface requirements which are in direct contact with a normal industrial environment.Round cylinders CRHD, stainless steel Data sheetPermissible transverse force Fq as a function of stroke length l[1] @ 32[2] @ 40[3] @ 50, 63[4] @ 80, 100MaterialsSectional view1234Round cylinders CRHD, stainless steel Data sheetRound cylinders CRHD, stainless steel Data sheetRound cylinders CRHD, stainless steel Data sheetRound cylinders CRHD, stainless steel Data sheetStandards-based cylinders CRDNG to ISO15552, stainless steel Peripherals overviewVariantCRDNG-S2Standards-based cylinders CRDNG to ISO15552, stainless steel Peripherals overviewStandards-based cylinders CRDNG to ISO15552, stainless steelType codesStandards-based cylinders CRDNG to ISO15552, stainless steel Data sheet-N- Diameter32 ... 125 mm -T-Stroke length10 ... 2000 mm -É-Spare parts service VariantS2S6The variant S6 is not suitable for directcontact with food products because ofthe seals and the grease used.Conforms to standard• ISO 15552• ISO 6431•VDMA 245621) Note operating range of proximity switches2) Additional information /sp a Certificates.3) Corrosion resistance class CRC 4 to Festo standard FN 940070Particularly high corrosion stress. Outdoor exposure under extreme corrosive conditions. Parts exposed to aggressive media, e.g. in the chemical or food industries. Such applications may need to be safeguarded by means of special testing (aalso FN 940082), using appropriate media.Standards-based cylinders CRDNG to ISO15552, stainless steel Data sheetMaterialsSectional view CRDNG1234Standards-based cylinders CRDNG to ISO15552, stainless steel Data sheetStandards-based cylinders CRDNG to ISO15552, stainless steel Data sheetStandards-based cylinders CRDNG to ISO15552, stainless steel Data sheet1) Assembly grease included in the scope of deliveryAccessories for stainless-steel cylindersData sheetFoot mounting CRHBN Scope of delivery:CRHBN-... x1: 1 footCRHBN-... x2: 2 feet, 1 nutMaterial:High-alloy steel1) Corrosion resistance class CRC 4 to Festo standard FN 940070Particularly high corrosion stress. Outdoor exposure under extreme corrosive conditions. Parts exposed to aggressive media, e.g. in the chemical or food industries. Such applications may need to be safeguarded by means of special testing (a also FN 940082), using appropriate media.Swivel mounting CRSBN Material:High-alloy steel1) Corrosion resistance class CRC 4 to Festo standard FN 940070Particularly high corrosion stress. Outdoor exposure under extreme corrosive conditions. Parts exposed to aggressive media, e.g. in the chemical or food industries. Such applications may need to be safeguarded by means of special testing (a also FN 940082), using appropriate media.Accessories for stainless-steel cylinders Data sheetFoot mounting CRH Material:High-alloy steel1) Corrosion resistance class CRC 4 to Festo standard FN 940070Particularly high corrosion stress. Outdoor exposure under extreme corrosive conditions. Parts exposed to aggressive media, e.g. in the chemical or food industries. Such applications may need to be safeguarded by means of special testing (a also FN 940082), using appropriate media.Foot mounting CRHNC Material:High-alloy steel1) Corrosion resistance class CRC 4 to Festo standard FN 940070Particularly high corrosion stress. Outdoor exposure under extreme corrosive conditions. Parts exposed to aggressive media, e.g. in the chemical or food industries. Such applications may need to be safeguarded by means of special testing (a also FN 940082), using appropriate media.Accessories for stainless-steel cylindersData sheetFlange mounting CRFBN Material:High-alloy steel1) Corrosion resistance class CRC 4 to Festo standard FN 940070Particularly high corrosion stress. Outdoor exposure under extreme corrosive conditions. Parts exposed to aggressive media, e.g. in the chemical or food industries. Such applications may need to be safeguarded by means of special testing (a also FN 940082), using appropriate media.Flange mounting CRFV Material:High-alloy steel1) Corrosion resistance class CRC 4 to Festo standard FN 940070Particularly high corrosion stress. Outdoor exposure under extreme corrosive conditions. Parts exposed to aggressive media, e.g. in the chemical or food industries. Such applications may need to be safeguarded by means of special testing (a also FN 940082), using appropriate media.。
Festo SLF小型滑台气缸操作手册说明书
![Festo SLF小型滑台气缸操作手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f7e9a38581eb6294dd88d0d233d4b14e84243e03.png)
3其他信息–技术问题请联系当地 Festo 联络人 è .–附件和备件 è /catalogue.4产品配置插图 2:产品配置滑台弹性缓冲,无终端位置调节装置气源口,返回气源口,推进接近开关的安装槽 (2x)用于固定滑台单元的通孔,底部(5x)用于固定工作负载的螺纹孔,前部 (2x)用于固定工作负载的带定位沉头的螺纹孔,顶部,取决于行程(2x, 4x)用于固定工作负载的螺纹孔,顶部,取决于行程 (4x, 6x)5功能该产品是一种带滚动轴承导轨的抗扭转双作用气缸。
2.将产品固定在整个行程长度上平整度为 0.05 % 的安装面上,但最大不得超过 0.1 mm。
插图 3:定位有效负载插图 4:定位有效负载•将工作负载放置到滑台上,使杠杆臂 a 和静态作用力 F 所造成的倾斜力矩尽可能的小。
6.3安装接近开关插图 5:安装接近开关接近开关的安装槽 (2x)接近开关1.将接近开关 [9] 插入安装槽 [5] 中。
原版操作手册的译本1适用文件有关产品的所有可用文件 è /pk。
如果没有特别说明,则公差为 ± 20 %。
Fig. 12.3专业人员的资质仅允许由具备资质的专业人员进行安装、调试、保养及拆卸。
3详细信息–附件 è /catalogue 。
–备件 è /spareparts 。
4服务若有技术问题,请联系 Festo 公司在您所在地的联系人 è 。
5产品概览5.1功能小型滑台式气缸 DGST 是一种带滚轮导轨的防扭转双活塞气缸。
DGST-...-E1 是带有内部弹性缓冲垫、行程无法调整的标准型产品。
在 DGST-…-P 型号上,滑块通过外部外部弹性缓冲元件制动,在 DGST-…-Y12 型号上,滑块通过外部液压缓冲器制动。
5.2结构1带定位孔的螺纹孔,用于固定工作负载2定位孔3用于固定工作负载的螺纹孔4滑块5带缓冲元件的螺纹套筒:- 弹性缓冲 (P)- 液压缓冲 (Y12) 6用于从上方固定小型滑台式气缸的安装孔(隐藏在滑块下方)7接近开关的安装槽8用于从下方固定小型滑台式气缸的螺纹孔(隐藏在底侧)9气接口 (推进)10气接口 (返回)Fig. 2 工作部件和接口6运输意外和未经制动的部件运动。
–注意产品重量 è 12 技术参数。
标准气缸 DNG/DNGL/DNGZK/DNGZS,符合ISO 6431 和 VDMA 24 562标准
派生型 S2
-N- 缸径
32 …320 mm
-T- 行程长度
10 …2000 mm
-W- /en/
S3 S6 S8
驱动力 [N] 活塞直径 ∅
6 bar时的理论值,推进力 6 bar时的理论值,返回力
1,178 1,870 3,015 4,712 7,360 12,064 18,850 29,450 48,250
1,682 2,720 4,418 6,880 11,310 18,096 28,270 46,380
1 / 1.2-102 1/1.2-100
1 / 1.2-101
2003/10 – Subject to change – Products 2004/2005
1 / 1.2-83
ISO 标准气缸 符合ISO 6431 和 VDMA 24 562标准
标准气缸 DNG/DNGL/DNGZK/DNGZS,符合ISO 6431 和 VDMA 24 562标准
ISO 标准气缸 符合ISO 6431 和 VDMA 24 562标准
标准气缸 DNG/DNGL/DNGZK/DNGZS,符合ISO 6431 和 VDMA 24 562标准
功能 双作用
结构特点 基本型
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神威气动 文档标题:费斯托气缸选型手册
神威气动 聚四氟乙烯、夹布合成树脂等材料。
神威气动 在工程设计时选择气缸缸径,可根据其使用压力和理论推力或拉力的大小,从经验表1-1中查出。
神威气动 带阀气缸:
神威气动 笔型气缸