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稻瘟病Rice blast 水稻纹枯病Rice sheath blight

水稻细菌性条例斑病Rice bacterial leaf streak 水稻细菌性基腐病Rice bacterial foot rot

水稻恶苗病Rice bakanae disease

水稻苗期病害Rice seedling diseases

水稻矮缩病Rice dwarf

水稻条纹叶枯病Rice stripe

稻曲病Rice false smut

稻粒黑粉病Rice kernel smut

小麦赤霉病Wheat head scab

小麦纹枯病Sharp eye spot of wheat

小麦白粉病Wheat powdery mildew

小麦条锈病Wheat stripe rust

小麦叶锈病Wheat leaf rust

小麦杆锈病Wheat stem rust

小麦散黑穗病Wheat loose smut

小麦腥黑穗病Wheat common smut

小麦全蚀病Wheat take-all

小麦梭条花叶病Wheat spindle streak mosaic 大麦条纹病Barley stripe

玉米小斑病Southern blight of corn

玉米大斑病Nothern bilght of corn

玉米瘤黑粉病Corn smut

玉米纹枯病Corn sheath blight

玉米粗缩病Maice rough dwarf

玉米矮花叶病Maize dwarfmosaic

甘薯黑斑病Sweet potato black rot

甘薯茎线虫病Sweet potato stem nematode disease 甘薯根腐病Sweet potato root rot

甘薯病毒病Sweet potato virus diseases

棉花病害Cotton seedling diseases

棉花枯萎病Fusarium wilt of cotton

棉花黄萎病Verticillium wilt of cotton

棉铃病害Cotton boll diseases

油菜菌核病Rape scletotiniose

油菜病毒病Rape virus diseases

大豆胞囊线虫病Soybean cyst nematode disease

大豆花叶病Soybean mosaic

大豆菟丝子Soybean dodder

花生青枯病Peanut bacterial wilt

芝麻茎点枯病Sesame stem wilt

烟草花叶病Tobacco mosaic

烟草黑胫病Tabacco black shank

烟草赤腥病Tabacco brown spot

苹果、梨轮纹病Apple and Pear ring rot

苹果炭疽病Apple anthracnose

苹果树腐烂病Apple valsa canker

苹果早期落叶病Apple leaf spots

苹果白粉病Apple powdery mildew

梨黑腥病Pear scab

梨锈病Pear rust

梨黑斑病Pear black spot

柑橘溃疡病Citrus canker

柑橘疮痂病Citrus scab

柑橘炭疽病Citrus anthracnose

柑橘树脂病Citrus melanose

柑橘黄龙病Citrus Hunglongbing

柑橘贮运期病害Post-harvest diseases of citrus 葡萄黑痘病Grape black pox

葡萄白腐病Grape white rot

葡萄炭疽病Grape ripe rot

葡萄霜霉病Grape downy mildew

桃缩叶柄Peach leaf curl

核果类果树细菌性穿孔病Shot-hole of stone fruits 板栗疫病Chestnut blight

果树根癌病Crown gall of fruit crops

十字花科蔬菜软腐病Bacterial soft rot of crucifers 十字花科蔬菜霜霉病Downy mildew of crucifers 茄科蔬菜青枯病Bacterial wilt of nightshade family 茄科蔬菜灰霉病Grey mold of nightshade family 番茄病毒病Tomato virus diseases

番茄早疫病Tomato early blight

番茄叶霉病Leaf mold of tomato

茄褐纹病Phomopsis blight of eggplant

茄黄萎病Verticilliunm wilt of eggplant

辣椒疫病Phytophthora blight of pepper

黄瓜霜霉病Cucumber downy mildew

黄瓜疫病Phytophora blight of cucumber

瓜类枯萎病Fusarium wilt of cucurbit crops

瓜类炭疽病Anthracnose of cucurbit crops

菜豆细菌性疫病Bean bacterial blight

蔬菜根结线虫病Vegetable root knot nematode
