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23. 我向你保证像这样的事从今以后再也不会发生了。(ensure)
24. 显然在考试中越是冷静,出的差错就越少。(obvious)
25. 多亏了那场大雨,持续了五个星期的森林大火终于被扑灭了。(put out)
36. 每一位驾驶员开车时都必须牢记任何的疏忽都可能造成事故,甚至死亡。(keep in mind)
37. 如果食品里含有过多的添加剂,就会对人体的健康造成损伤。(do harm to)
38. 非常感谢我不在的时候你对我孩子的照顾。(be grateful)
39. 汤姆说妈妈给她的巧克力被那个红头发的男孩拿走了。(take)
40. 在足球比赛中把球射进对方的球门就得一分。(kick)
46. 你能告诉我地球是怎样形成的,亦即是谁创造了我们人类?(create)
47. 按照中国传统风俗习惯,人们在除夕夜要守岁到一二点钟。(stay)
48. 从各方面判断,警方通缉的那个人就住在这个地区附近。(want)
49. 那个地区终年无雨,几乎没什么植物可以在那里生存。(survive)
50. 在中国古代,考试仅仅用来考查哪些人可以做官。(be fit for)
56. 在过去的五年里,上海转眼间变成一座花园城市。(turn)
57. 万一一家公司在战争中被毁了,保险公司是否会赔偿所有的损失?(In case)
58. 我一直对西方人喝茶的时候为什么加糖加奶感到好奇。(add…to)
59. 那位百岁老人说他的长寿秘诀只是没有烦恼。(noting but)
60. 要是月亮上有空气和水,我们就可以在上面安家了。(settle down)

Letter a—Letter c
1. 我们将面对的问题不是简单的而是复杂的 (but)

2. 短暂的犹豫使他失去了赢得奥运会金牌的机会。 (cost)

3. 你是否相信音乐可以治疗某种疾病? (cure)
4. 这些孩子对小象如何找食物很好奇。 (curious)
5. 居里夫人由于发现了镭元素获得了1903年诺贝尔物理奖。 (award)

6. 电脑的发明对科学的进步产生很大的影响。 (affect)

7. 我打扰了你,向你表示道歉。 (apologize)
8. 顺便问一下,你考虑去听后天的音乐会吗? (attend)
9. 你认为有没有可能在10小时内横越大西洋? (cross)
10. 对我们公司生产的产品感兴趣的人可以与我们联系。 (contact)

11. 如果人和动物喝了含有高浓度酸的水,就会很快死亡。 (contain)

12. 使我很吃惊的是,当他出现在舞台上时他一点都不紧张。 (appear)

13. 那溺水的孩子被马上送进了医院,一二个小时后就苏醒过来了。 (come to)

14. 参加上一届奥运会的国家加起来超过100个。 (add)
15. 你能告诉我第一次世界大战的起因以及它的历史背景吗? (cause)

16. 如果人们用电器时小心一点,许多事故是可以避免的。 (avoid)

17. 那个人在法庭上宣称他反对暴力,但

事实并不是这样。 (agree with)

18. 听说那场出人意料的大火造成了200多人失去了家。 (cause)

19. 就我所知,在叔叔居住的那座小城里购物很不方便。 (as far as)

20. 使我们高兴的是老师已经为我们下星期去美国梦幻乐园作了安排。 (arrange)

21. 大量地砍伐树木和使用杀虫剂肯定会扰乱生态平衡。 (certain)

22. 每个人都应该知道如何遵守交通规则,这样就可以避免很多交通事故。(avoid)

23. 他踮起脚尖走进房间,惟恐吵醒睡着的孩子。 (awaken)
24. 考试的目的是要检查学生是否掌握了所学的知识。 (check

25. 他继续进行实验,结果发现那种元素具有一种奇怪的特性。 (continue)
26. 与人们预料的相反,那所大学女学生的比例在下降。 (contrary)

27. 如果你从现在起比以往任何时候更努力工作,就能提前完成这项工作。 (ahead of)

28. 这本书里有50个小故事,包括我刚才讲的那一个。 (contain)

29. 年轻人不能老是想到自己,要学会如何关心别人。 (care for)

30. 他具有音乐天才,30岁就被任命为上海交响乐队的指挥。 (appoint)

31. 老师的鼓励是彼得对前途充满信心。 (confident)
32. 我向你保证,像昨天那样的事今后在也不会发生了。 (assure)

33. 那个撞倒老奶奶的驾驶员承认开车前喝了酒。 (admit)
34. 既然你不想错过去美国留学的机会,请尽快地与那所大学联系。 (contact)

35. 放射性物质既可以造福人类,也会给人类带来灾难。 (benefit)

36. 你相信“虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后”这句谚语吗? (believe)

37. 你是否能够就如何提高英语口语给我提些建议? (advice)
38. 我的祖父50多岁时谱了20多首歌曲,其中大部分在50年代非常流行。 (compose)

39. 据说上海每年30%的火灾是由于不小心使用电器造成的。 (cause)

40. 日语常常被认为比英语容易学,但事实并不是这样的。 (consider)

41. 地铁二号线的建成使浦东的房价不断地上升。 (continuously)

42. 新加坡政府实行“居者有其屋”的政策,而且非常成功。 (carry out)

43. 理论必须与实践相结合,这证明是个真理。 (combine)
44. 通向邻省的高速公路正在建造中,相信不久将完工。 (construction)

45. 那家服装店宣称所有衣物降价50%,然而,顾客仍然寥寥无几。(claim)

46. 一个人要成功,就必须在任何情况下不放弃,应该始终充满信心。(confident)

47. 人们走上前去祝贺他在演讲比赛中获得第一名。 (congratulate)
48. 如今越来越多的中国人承担的起国外旅游的费用。 (afford)
49. 全世界都对中国近十年来取得的巨大成就极为惊讶。 (amaze)
50. 地球表面大约70%被水覆盖,但其中只有一小部分是淡水。

51. 得知十年以后上海将建成地铁网,全体出席会议的人兴奋不已。 (come into being)
52. 在美国绝对不要问有关工资这样隐私的问题。 (ask about)
53. 对于任何民族来说,借用一些外来语是很自然的,也是很有必要的。(borrow)
54. 我觉得孩子成功的关键是学会对自己做的事情负责。(be responsible)
55. 只有患过重病的人才真正明白健康对于一个人意味着什么。(be aware of)
56. 我从心底里佩服姚明的球艺和他对祖国的热爱。(admire)
57. 作为一种良好的运动形式,游泳能增强人体的肌肉,并降低血压。(as)
58. 在我看来, 与西方人相比,中国人似乎更擅长于理财。(be good at)
59. 据估计,上海20年后将在许多方面赶上像纽约、伦敦这样的国际大都市。(catch up with)
60. 假如一个广告声称某种药能治愈一切疾病,那肯定是假的(claim)
61. 据研究,一个人的血型、头发的于是颜色、身高是从父母那里遗传下来的。(according to)
62. 至今为止,科学家们一直在研究地球的起源以及它的构造。(as well as)
63. 许多家长担心他们的孩子整天热衷于打游戏机,对其他任何事物都不感兴趣。(be keen on)
64. 如果你想申请那所美国大学的奖学金,请尽快通过与他们取得联系。(contact)
65. 非常感谢我不在的时候你对我孩子的照顾。(be grateful)
66. 后来他渐渐明白了为什么他们的英语老师经常叫他们背诵课文。(come to)
67. 你能告诉我地球是怎样形成的,以及是谁创造了我们人类?(create)
68. 在古代中国,考试仅仅用来考察哪些人可以做官。(be fit for)
69. 我真担心有一天计算机将会控制人们的生活。(control)
70. 我一直对西方人喝茶的时候为什么加糖、加奶感到好奇。(add…to)
71. 他热衷于当志愿者的原因是他觉得给别人带来快乐的人才是世界上最幸福的人。(be keen on)
72. 我们的英语老师富有幽默感,这就是他的课深受学生的欢迎。(be popular)
73. 这首乐曲我非常熟悉,但我讲不出是谁谱的曲。(be familiar)
74. 孩子做错一些事是很自然的,你不能过分责备他。(blame)
75. 那位中年妇女在柜台前犹豫了好几分钟,才下决心买了那件真丝衬衫。(before)
76. 他向我抱怨,他放在办公室抽屉里的三份中国日报不见了。(complain)
77. 热胀冷缩的原理可以运用于造桥和修建公路方面。(apply)
Reference answers
1. The problem that we will face is not simple but complicated.
2. A moment’s hesitation cost him the chance of winning the Olympic gold medal.
3. Do you believe that music can cure a certain kind of disease.?
4. These children are curious about how baby elephants look for food.
5. Madam Curie was awarded the 1903 Nobel Prize for Physics for her dis

covery of the element radium.
6. The invention of the computer has affected the advance of science greatly.
7. I apologize to you for having disturbed you.
8. By the way, do you consider attending the concert the day after tomorrow?
9. Do you think it possible to cross the Atlantic Ocean within ten hours?
10. Those who are interested in the products made in our company may contact us.
11. If people and animals drink the water containing high level of acid, they will die soon.
12. To my great surprise, he was not a bit nervous when he appeared on the stage.
13. The drowning boy was sent to the hospital immediately and came to himself after an hour or two.
14. The countries which took part in the last Olympic Games added up to more than one hundred.
15. Can you tell me the cause and the historical background of the First World War?
16. If people are more careful in using electric appliances, many accidents can be avoided.
17. The man claimed on the court that he was against violence, but it didn’t agree with the fact.
18. It is said that the unexpected big fire caused more than two hundred people to lose their homes.
19. As far as I know, it is inconvenient to do shopping in the little town where my uncle lives.
20. To our joy, the teacher has arranged for us to go to American Dream Park next week.
21. It is certain that cutting down a large number of trees and using insecticide will disturb the balance of nature.
22. Everybody should know how to observe the traffic rules, and thus many traffic accidents can be avoided.
23. He tiptoed into the room, afraid of awakening the child who is asleep.
24. The purpose of examinations is to check whether the students have grasped the knowledge they have learned.
25. He continued his experiment only to find the element has a strange property.
26. Contrary to what people expected, the proportion of the girl students in that university is declining.
27. If you work harder than ever from now on, you can finish the work ahead of time.
28. This book contains fifty short stories, including the one I told just now.
29. Young people can’t always think of themselves, and must learn how to care for others.
30. He had a talent for music and was appointed conductor of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra at the age of thirty./ when he was thirty.
31. The teacher’s encouragement made Peter confident of/ about the future.
32. I assure you that anything like what happened yesterday won’t happen again from now on.
33. The driver who had knocked down an old woman admitted drinking before driving.
34. Now that you don’t want to miss the chance to study in America, please contact that university as soon as possible.
35. Radioactive substances can not only benefit human beings, but also bring disasters to mankind.
36. Do you believe in the proverb that modesty helps one to go forward and pride makes one fall behind?
37. Could you give me some advice on how to impr

ove my spoken English?
38. My grandfather composed more than twenty songs in his fifties, most of which were very popular in the 1950’s.
39. It is said that thirty percent of the fire accidents in Shanghai are caused by carelessness in using electrical equipment.
40. Japanese is usually considered to be easier to learn than English, but the fact is not so.
41. The completion of No.2 Subway made the prices of the houses in Pudong go up continuously.
42. The Singapore government is carrying out the policy that every resident should have his own house, and it is very successful.
43. theory must be combined with practice, which has proved to be a truth.
44. The highway leading to the neighbouring province is under construction, and it is believed to be completed soon.
45. The clothing shop claimed the prices of all the clothes had been reduced by 50%, and however there were still few customers.
46. Anyone who wants to be successful mustn’t give up in any circumstances, and should always be full of confidence.
47. People came up to congratulate him on winning the first prize in the speech contest.
48. Nowadays more and more Chinese can afford to travel abroad.
49. The whole world is amazed at the great achievements that China has made in the past ten years.
50. About seventy percent of the surface of the earth is covered by water, but only a small part of it is fresh water.
51. All the people present at the meeting were excited to learn that a network of underground railways would come into being in ten years’ time.
52. In America, never ask a person about any private affairs like salary.
53. It is quite natural and necessary for any nation to borrow some words from foreign languages.
54. I think the key to children’s success is to learn to be responsible for what they have done.
55. Only those who have suffered from serious illness are really aware of what health means to a person.
56. I admire YaoMing from the bottom of my heart for his skills of playing basketball and his love for our country.
57. As a good form of sports, swimming can strengthen people’s muscles and reduce their blood pressure.
58. In my opinion, Chinese people seem to be better at handling money compared with westerners.
59. It is estimated that Shanghai will catch up with the international cities like New York and London in many ways in twenty years.
60. If an advertisement claims that a certain medicine can cure anybody of any disease, it must be false.
61. According to the study, a person’s blood type, hair colour and height are all inherited for his parents.
62. Up to now, scientists have been studying the origin of the earth as well as the structure of it.
63. Many parents are worried that their children are keen on playing video games all day and show no interest in anything else.
64. If you intend/ want to apply for a scholarship of that American university, please contact them by e-mail as soon as possible.

65. I am grateful to you for taking care of my children while I was away.
66. Later he came to understand why their English teacher often asked them to recite the texts.
67. Can you tell me how the earth came into being and who created us human beings?
68. In ancient China, examinations were only held to test which people were fit for becoming officials.
69. I’m really worried that computers will control people’s life one day.
70. I have been curious why westerners add sugar and milk to tea when they drink it.
71. The reason why he is keen on becoming a volunteer is that he thinks the person who brings happiness to others is the happiest one in the world.
72. Our English teacher has a good sense of humour and that is why his lessons are so popular with the students
73. I am quite familiar with this piece of music, but I can’t tell who composed it.
74. It is natural for a child to do something wrong, so you can’t blame him too much for it.
75. The middle-aged woman hesitated for several minutes in front of the counter before she decided/ made up her mind to buy the shirt made of real silk.
76. He complained to me that the three copies of China Daily which he kept in the drawer in his office were missing.
77. The principle that a matter will expand when (it is)heated and (it will)shrink when (it is) cooled can be applied to the building of bridges and highways
