
as politics、economy、culture、technology、education、tourism and so on. It’s
also the Chinese foreland to southest Asia and south Asia. With the advantages of
fly kite, ride bike there!
The rest of scenery sport
meters ◆the deepest point is more than
90 meters
◆Mosuo people(摩梭人) ◆ Matriarchal marriage system (母系氏族婚姻制度)
Thank you !!
• 昆明:中国首批历史文化名城、云南省省会昆明,是云南政治、经济、文化、 科技、教育、商贸、旅游、信息、金融中心和交通、通讯枢纽,是中国内地 和西南地区通向东南亚、南亚各国的一级口岸城。得天独厚的地理环境,使 昆明这座位于滇池之滨的高原城市,成为世界上少有的“天气常如二三月, 花枝不断四时春”以“春城”之美名享誉于世的观光旅游、休闲度假、探险 猎奇和商务会议胜地。
Lugu Lake
◆Lugu Lake is on the border between Yunnan and Sichuan province ◆200 kilometers from the center of Lijiang city. ◆5 islands on the lake
◆The average of water depth:45

Dad Where Are We Going
• Dad Where Are We Going is a popular Chinese TV show that features celebrity fathers and their children traveling to various destinations.
Historich history and folklore. One famous story is about a princess who drowned here and was guarded by a giant bird, which gave the name to the place.
• Location • Best time to visit • Literary and film works • Historical stories • The most recommended • Suggestions • Dad Where Are We Going • The Water-Splashing Festival • Thank you
• When visiting Xishuangbanna, it is recommended to wear comfortable walking shoes, apply sunscreen and wear sunglasses, and drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
The most recommended
• What I like most about Xishuangbanna is its unique ethnic culture and breathtaking natural scenery. Additionally, the tropical rainforests and diverse wildlife are truly remarkable.
云南旅游英文 ppt课件

ppt课X件 ishuangbanna
Kunming international tourist area in Yunnan
let’s go
. Kunming, the capital city, celebrated
as "City of Eternal Spring", is well
are meant to be built f
or each of the 25 ethni
c minorities in Yunnna
In the village you can
watch the song and d
performance given by
different minorities.
Colorful Kunming Yunnan Ethnic Villages
Are you ready?
Stone Forest
Expo Garden
Dianchi Lake
Yunnan Ethnic Villages
Yunnan Ethnic
YUNNAN, South of the Clouds
◆ the Kingdom of Plants ◆ the Kingdom of Animals
◆ 25 minorities
◆ The famous tourist cities:
Kunming, Dali, Lijiang,

Tian long ba bu studio
< Tian long ba bu > is a novel written by jinyong, This is the place where made the novel become film. It spent one hundred million yuan to build up. Every day many people come here to experience the world of martial arts .
Three tower of chongsheng temple
These three towers are the symbol of dali, and they are also one of the oldest building in south of china.
Hale Waihona Puke Diancang mountain
大理全称大理白族自治州,地处云南省中部偏西,市境东巡洱海,西及点苍山脉。 这里气候温和,土地肥沃,山水风光秀丽多姿,是中国西南边疆开发较早的地区之 一,远在四千多年前,大理地区就有原始居民的活动。大理有“风花雪月”的美称, 即下关风、上关花、苍山雪、洱海月
If you are going to visit dali, there are some scenic spots that you must have a look.
Dali is in the Midwest of Yuannan province, the east arrived in erhai lake, the west arrived the mountain of diancang. There is a temperate climate and Fertile land. It has been four thousand years that people live here. And there are beautiful landscapes. The most famous view is “wind flower snow and moon”, including the wind of xiaguan, the flowers of shangguan, the snow of mountain cang and the moon of erhai lake.
云南大理ppt 英文

Butterfly Spring Travel some 27 kilometers south of Dali and you will come to a popular beauty spot known locally as the 'Butterfly Spring'. There exits the beautiful Butterfly Tree and a plenty of romantic spectacle of the butterflies. The romantic spectacle of the butterflies as they feed and mate in such abundance has become a symbol of courtship and each Bai youth will seek to engage with the love of his life by joining in with the traditional antiphonal singing.
Dali Festivals
• Festival of Song Competition in Shibaoshan Date 27th-29th of the seventh lunar month This is one thegreatest festivals of the Bai people, which is yearly held in the beautiful Shibaoshan Mountain. • Gegen Fair Date: 5th of the first lunar month Gegen is a kind of nourishing vine that is available for eating.

Shangri-La:“Garden of Eden”
Limestone plateau with karst scenery(喀斯特岩溶地貌)
Population:There are 5.8 Million people in KunMing , the capital of YunNan Province. Minority: Yunnan is China's most minority provinces, besides Han, is inhabited by 26 minorities, the province's minority population occupies the total population nearly 1/3. Ethnic Groups: Yunnan has the highest number of ethnic groups among all provinces and autonomous regions in China
China’s Yunnan Province
•Southwestern of China
•North of Vietnam, Laos, and Burma
•South of Sichuan Province
• Karst: Yunnan Eastern Yunnan-Guizhou Plateaus, after two million years of corrosion and weathering erosion, forming a unique magnificent primary Karst landform, karst terrain, especially the Lunan Stone Forest and Jiuxiang scenic area !

Yunnan’s beautiful scenery
岛上风光旖旎, 海天一色风月无 边千年古榕枝繁 叶茂,幽穴古洞 盘曲交错;岛屿 四围水清沙白, 苍洱百里壮景尽 收眼底,可谓" 山同人朗,水与 情长"。
Film base
大理天龙八部 影视城座落于 全国重点风景 名胜区苍洱景 区的中心和风 光秀丽的大理 省级旅游度假 区山丽片区: 背靠秀美的苍 山,东临碧波 万顷的洱海, 东距大理古城 1.5公里,北距大 理三月街会场 0.5公里,距崇圣 寺三塔2公理, 是大理省级旅 游度假区为<天 龙八的一个大 型影视拍摄基 地
Foreigner street
Foreigner street every building is full of imagination, reflected the unique idea. Builders Some houses are built, down from the like gravity, Some buildings outside the brightcoloured graffiti, embodies rich postmodern style, Even the most mediocre xiaolou, also to depict distinctive some details
The south of colorful
—— Yunnan
Yunnan is one of the cradles of the Chinese nation. As early as 1.7 million years ago. In the han dynasty began in southern ancient silk road"

Tiger-leaping Gorge
It is a most dangerous section of yangtze river about 17km long. Folks say that tigers often leap to the other side of the river by this rock, thus the gorge earns this name.
Yunnan Plateau neighboring the southeast side of
the Tibetan Plateau which is considered to be the
"Roof of the World" . It is impressive because of its
Good morning , I am your tour guide. Welcome to lijiang. Today I will give you some easy introduce about its beautiful scenery.
Lijiang is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest
scenery and lush vegetation.
1. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain 玉龙雪山 2. Tiger-leaping Gorge 虎跳峡 3.Lugu Lake 泸沽湖 4. Dayan Town 大研镇
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
Lugu Lake
Tiger-leaping Gorge
It is a most dangerous section of yangtze river about 17km long. Folks say that tigers often leap to the other side of the river by this rock, thus the gorge earns this name.
Yunnan Plateau neighboring the southeast side of
the Tibetan Plateau which is considered to be the
"Roof of the World" . It is impressive because of its
Good morning , I am your tour guide. Welcome to lijiang. Today I will give you some easy introduce about its beautiful scenery.
Lijiang is a beautiful shining jewel on the Northwest
scenery and lush vegetation.
1. Jade Dragon Snow Mountain 玉龙雪山 2. Tiger-leaping Gorge 虎跳峡 3.Lugu Lake 泸沽湖 4. Dayan Town 大研镇
Jade Dragon Snow Mountain
Lugu Lake

我的母校:庆来学校,这个被誉为全中国目前 最奢华的学校,涵盖小学、初中、高中、技工。 已申报的计划投资12亿余元,是全集美大学固 定资产的1.3倍,现已投入建设4亿元,占地面 积500余亩,较诚毅学院多出百亩有余,校区 宿舍楼为三层公寓别墅。这里,依山傍水。却 没有昂贵的学费、没有堕落的生活、更没有无 理的攀比,只有精彩甚于大学的活动以及极富 创造力的莘莘学子,更有百余名平均年龄不满 30岁的年轻教师,这里有高达20万元的奖学金 和极具人性化的管理制度。在这里,老师的选 聘千里挑一。想进入庆来,不需要钱、不需要 权,更无视任何学生的家庭背景和学习成绩, 唯一写入文件限制的入爸就很贪吃, 冰箱根本存不住东西,妈妈只好 两散天就都往菜市场跑一趟。然 后提着大包小包累的够呛。爸爸 曾笑着对妈妈说,五年之后,我 不要你再为我买菜了。就这样, 他亲自在自家楼顶开辟了近三百 平米的“空中花园”,养鱼,栽 花,种果树„„他要吃玉米,就 种玉米;妈妈需要芦荟,就栽满 芦荟,每当做菜时,妈妈就现摘 现炒,„„这样两年、三年、五 年„我记得,春天我在池子里捉 鱼、夏天在向日葵丛中追着小狗 打闹、秋天我摘下巨大的南瓜、 冬天裹着棉被挤在父母中间荡秋 千„„
Maotian Mountain (帽天山)
• Dinosaur fossils(恐 龙化石)
Fuxian Lake(抚仙湖)
• Wave resistance Fish (抗浪鱼)
• Shangri-la is located in the north of Yunnan province. It’s a famous Holy Land of tourism. There is 3,280m height.
Red River state Yi nationality Hani national minority autonomousprefecture
云南旅游介绍 英文

◆The streets are paved with the local stone slabs ◆souvenirs
◆delicious foods
Yulong Snow Mountain
◆The altitude of Yulong Snow Mountain is 5596 meters ◆Yulong Snow Mountain is the southernmost snow-capped mountain in China
YUNNAN, South of the Clouds
◆ the Kingdom of Plants ◆ the Kingdom of Animals
◆ 25 minorities ◆ The famous tourist cities: Kunming, Dali, Lijiang, Shangrila, Xishuangbanna
◆Mosuo people(摩梭人) ◆ Matriarchal marriage system (母系氏族婚姻制度)
Tiger-leaping Gorge
◆ It is a most dangerous section of Yangtze river about 17km long. ◆Folks say that tigers often leap to the other side of the river by this rock, thus the gorge earns this name.
The Old Town of Lijiang ◆ The Old Town of Lijiang became World Cultural Heritage in 1997

the world
Fuxian lake(抚仙湖)
Bamei is in Guangnan County of Yunnan province Wenshan(云南省 文山州广南县),It's named the last Land of idyllic beauty.
The other
beautiful scenery in
the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain(玉龙雪山)
A mountain of the four seasons, different weather: The risky, strange, beautiful and elegant scenery is famous in
Yuan Yang terraces located in south of ai lao mountain, is a masterpiece of hani people from generation to generation . Reclamation changes over to the mountain, adjust measures to local conditions.
Tengchong ginkgo village(腾冲银杏村)
Here is the movie "kung fu" location, "village in the forest, forest in the village of" relying (元阳梯田)
Babao is in Guangnan County of Yunnan province Wenshan (云南省文山 州广南县), Babao is known as "Plateau small Guilin".Babao also has much delicious food,such as Basha Sihang chicken、Basha Sihang fish、 Colorful Rice 岜夯鸡(酸汤鸡)、岜夯鱼、五色花米饭).
Fuxian lake(抚仙湖)
Bamei is in Guangnan County of Yunnan province Wenshan(云南省 文山州广南县),It's named the last Land of idyllic beauty.
The other
beautiful scenery in
the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain(玉龙雪山)
A mountain of the four seasons, different weather: The risky, strange, beautiful and elegant scenery is famous in
Yuan Yang terraces located in south of ai lao mountain, is a masterpiece of hani people from generation to generation . Reclamation changes over to the mountain, adjust measures to local conditions.
Tengchong ginkgo village(腾冲银杏村)
Here is the movie "kung fu" location, "village in the forest, forest in the village of" relying (元阳梯田)
Babao is in Guangnan County of Yunnan province Wenshan (云南省文山 州广南县), Babao is known as "Plateau small Guilin".Babao also has much delicious food,such as Basha Sihang chicken、Basha Sihang fish、 Colorful Rice 岜夯鸡(酸汤鸡)、岜夯鱼、五色花米饭).

• Reputation: • the second batch which is approved by one of
China's famous historical and cultural city • world cultural heritage declared by the United
• • the last section, it drops 100 meters and its flow rate increases to an
amazing. it is the third and lowest section which is acclaimed for being the wildest attraction of all!
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
Pumi, Yi nationalities
Hugu Lake
• area :48.45 Square kilometers
17 aches
14 bays
3 peninsulas
1 sea island
Tiger Leaping Gorge
• Location: the river passes between Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Haba Snow Mountain.
经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量 Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More
China's famous historical and cultural city • world cultural heritage declared by the United
• • the last section, it drops 100 meters and its flow rate increases to an
amazing. it is the third and lowest section which is acclaimed for being the wildest attraction of all!
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
Pumi, Yi nationalities
Hugu Lake
• area :48.45 Square kilometers
17 aches
14 bays
3 peninsulas
1 sea island
Tiger Leaping Gorge
• Location: the river passes between Jade Dragon Snow Mountain and Haba Snow Mountain.
经常不断地学习,你就什么都知道。你知道得越多,你就越有力量 Study Constantly, And You Will Know Everything. The More

Square Street is the center of the ancient city of Lijiang, transport links around the alley through quiet, is said to be built by the Ming Dynasty Chieftain their seal of shape. Here is the most important hub in the Tea-Horse Road station. 四方街是丽江古城中心,交通 四通八达,周围小巷通幽,据 说是明代木氏土司按其印玺形 状而建。这里是茶马古道上最 重要的枢纽站。
位于云南 的西双版 纳,她的 美丽,丰 富,神奇 的南方, 犹如一颗 璀璨的明 珠,镶嵌 在祖国的 西南边 疆。。
Xishuangbanna, meaning "ideal and magical land", here with mysterious tropical rain forest natural landscape and minority amorous feelings is famous in the world, The water-sprinkling festival every year in mid-april, held attracts many tourists at home and abroad to participate. 西双版纳,意为“理想而神奇的土地”,因神秘的热带雨林自然景观和少 数民族风情而闻名于世,泼水节在每年的四月中旬举行,吸引了众多的国 内外游客参与。
参观西双 版纳野生 动物园
Visit Xishuan gbanna Wild Animal Park

Dali Ancient City
Besides the Bai ethnic minority traditional folk houses, the houses all with grey-green roof tiles, peculiar workshops, temples, schools and churches with an antique flavor are scattered.
Simply introduce Dali
Dali City, situated in the west of Yunnan Province, has an area of 28,500 square kilometers with a population of 3 million. There are big embankments along the banks of the lake. It belongs to the subtropical monsoon climatic zone with conspicuous dimensional climatic character, the annual average temperature of which is 15.1oC and the yearly precipitation of 1100 mm Dali City is a famous historic cultural city of China,
Three pagodas
Three pagodas, about 1 kilometer (0.6 mile) northwest of the ancient city of Dali, occupying a scenic location at the foot of Mt.

它有20米高。它有24层檐 三层,五种颜色的凤凰鸟 欢迎世界各地朋友的到来。 这就是为什么叫这个名字 的原因
The FivePhoenix Towers 五凤楼
It once was political, economic and cultural center of the song dynasty. It distributes on a north-south axis, and its center has a ladder square, around which four lanes lead to the four wings.它曾经是
It is 20 meters high .It has 24 eaves in its three layers, as if five colorful phoenixes are spreading its wings to welcome people all around the world. And it is why it is called the name. Baisha residential buildings
important traditional festival of Yi, Bay, Maxi and other ancient peoples重要的传统节日, 白族、纳西族和其他古 老的民族
It held mostly in the lunar calendar, June 24. the main activities of bull, fighting sheep, cock fighting, horse racing, wrestling(摔跤), dance performances, beauty contests and so on它主要是在农历6月24日。
The FivePhoenix Towers 五凤楼
It once was political, economic and cultural center of the song dynasty. It distributes on a north-south axis, and its center has a ladder square, around which four lanes lead to the four wings.它曾经是
It is 20 meters high .It has 24 eaves in its three layers, as if five colorful phoenixes are spreading its wings to welcome people all around the world. And it is why it is called the name. Baisha residential buildings
important traditional festival of Yi, Bay, Maxi and other ancient peoples重要的传统节日, 白族、纳西族和其他古 老的民族
It held mostly in the lunar calendar, June 24. the main activities of bull, fighting sheep, cock fighting, horse racing, wrestling(摔跤), dance performances, beauty contests and so on它主要是在农历6月24日。
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Kunming, Dali, Lijiang, Shangri-la, Xishuangbanna
• Kunming(昆明)
• Lijiang(丽江)
• Dali(大理)
• Xishuangbanna(西双版纳)
• Shangri-La(香格里拉)
Have you ever been to Yunnan?
Do you want to go to Yunnan for travel?
◆ the Kingdom of Plants ◆ the Kingdom of Animals
◆ 25 minorities ◆ The famous tourist cities:
• Kunming, one of the first group cities which famous for the histories and cultures in China. It’s not only the capital of Yunan, but also the centres of the province such as politics、economy、culture、technology、education、tourism and so on. It’s also the Chinese foreland to southest Asia and south Asia. With the advantages of climate and geography, Kunming is becaming a Holy—land for tourism、exploration、hunting and meeting in the world!
Dianchi Haigeng park, a marvelous place which is full of warmth、romantic、cosiness.
You can also fly kite, ride bike there!
◆the deepest point is more than 90 meters
◆Mosuo people(摩梭人) ◆ Matriarchal marriage system (母系氏族婚姻制度)
Thank you !!
• 昆明:中国首批历史文化名城、云南省省会昆明,是云南政治、经济、文化、 科技、教育、商贸、旅游、信息、金融中心和交通、通讯枢纽,是中国内地 和西南地区通向东南亚、南亚各国的一级口岸城。得天独厚的地理环境,使 昆明这座位于滇池之滨的高原城市,成为世界上少有的“天气常如二三月, 花枝不断四时春”以“春城”之美名享誉于世的观光旅游、休闲度假、探险 猎奇和商务会议胜地。
七彩云南,这样的火烧云经常可以见到,特别是在晴朗的仲夏夜 。
Colourful Yunnan! You can find the splendid cloud like this photo in the sunshiny evening! Especially the summer evening!
Lijiang Old Town
◆Lijiang Old Town became World Cultural Heritage in 1997 ◆old beautiful buildings,clear rivers,stone bridges,waterwheels
◆The streets are paved with the local stone slabs
◆Beautiful scenery and brilliant culture ◆Lijiang has become one of the most
favourite destinations in China.
Famous scenic spots:
◆ Lijiang Old Town ◆ Yulong Snow Mountain ◆ Lugu Lake ◆ Tiger-leaping Gorge
◆souvenirs ◆delicious foods
Yulong Snow Mountain
◆The altitude of Yulong Snow Mountain is 5596 meters ◆Yulong Snow Mountain is the southernmost snow-capped mountain in China
Lugu Lake
◆Lugu Lake is on the border between Yunnan and Sichuan province ◆200 kilometers from the center of Lijiang city. ◆5 islands on the lake
◆The average of water depth:45 meters