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5."I want to know." said the boy opening the box.
A.what's inside the boxB源自文库where the box is
C.that there's some candyD.how big is the box
—Not yet. Maybe some cities in the north.
A.where will you goB.where you will go
C.how will you goD.how you will go
句意:——莉莉,你决定今年夏天去哪儿旅行了吗?——还没有。也许北方的一些城市。考查宾语从句。本句是宾语从句,疑问词引导的宾语从句需用陈述语序,可排除AC选项。根据答语Maybe some cities in the north,说的是地点,可知需用where引导,故选B。
9.Many kids in China are crazy about the Western culture. But I still can't understandto us Chinese.
A.what does Christmas meanB.what Christmas does mean
4.—I'd like to know ________ for the party.
C.how the accident happenedD.how did the accident happen
C.what you did to get the good marks
句意“-干的漂亮,你在期末考试中做得很好。你能告诉我你做什么来取得好成绩的吗?-好的,我认真听老师讲课并且做了许多练习”。本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述句语序,排除A和B,且根据I listened to the teacher carefully and did lots of exercises可知,表示“做什么来取得好成绩”,故选C。
B.Why he could greet a lady by kissing her
C.Whether he can greet a lady by kissing her
D.Whether he could greet a lady by kissing her
试题分析:句意:-大卫问在中国和女士见面打招呼时,是否可以亲吻。-当然不行。中国人和女士见面打招呼时,通常握手。A.why he can greet a lady by kissing her为什么他可以和女士见面打招呼时亲吻她;B.Why he could greet a lady by kissing her为什么他可以和女士见面打招呼时亲吻她;C.Whether he can greet a lady by kissing her他是否可以和女士见面打招呼时亲吻她;D.Whether he could greet a lady by kissing her他是否可以和女士见面打招呼时亲吻她。根据回答可知问的是和女士打招呼时是否可以亲吻。A、B错。主语谓语动词asked是一般过去时态,宾语从句要用过去时态。故选D。
11.---Soldier, I don't care _____. In this army, there's only one hairstyle—short! Understand?
---Yes, sir!
A.what you are used to likingB.what are you used to liking
C.when should I return the books D.when I should return the books
【解析】句意:我是一个新读者,请你告诉我这本书我可以借多久吗?当然了,两周,你也可以续借。根据句意,结合答语中的内容为时间段,结合renew提示,所以引导词用how long。宾语从句要用陈述句语序,而A、C为疑问句语序,故选B.
句意:一你能告诉我你爸爸多久会回来吗?一两个小时后。本句为宾语从句,从句部分应用陈述句的语序,所以排除答案A.D。根据答语“In two hours”可知,问句询问“表示将来的时间点”。how soon多久,询问将来的时间的点;how long多长时间,询问一段时间。故选C。
7.—Lily, have you decided ___________ for traveling this summer?
C.what did you use to be likeD.what you used to be like
句意“-士兵,我不在意你们以前是什么样子的,在军队里,仅仅有一种发型—短发,明白吗?-理解”。本题考查宾语从句,宾语从句用陈述句语序,排除B和C;used to do过去常常做某事,be used to doing习惯于做某事。根据句意可知,译为“过去是什么样子的”,故选D。
12.---- David asked______ in China.
----- Of course not. Chinese usually shake hands with a lady as a greeting.
A.why he can greet a lady by kissing her
13.I could hardly understand ______ in class, so I raised my hand to ask.
A.what my teacher saidB.what did my teacher say
C.what has my teacher sayD.what my teacher has said
—I have no idea.
A.why did she buy so little food
B.what she has prepared
C.whether will she dance
D.when is she leaving
C.what mean Christmas doesD.what Christmas means
10.—Gina, I’d like to visit Alan tomorrow. Could you tell me?
1.— Excuse me, could you tell me?
— Sorry, sir. I wasn't there at that time yesterday.
A.how the accident happensB.how does the accident happen
A.how many words and expressions I should remember
B.how I could remember so many words and expressions
C.how I can remember so many words and expressions
2.--- I am a new reader. Could you tell me?
--- Certainly. Two weeks, and you can renew them.
A.how long can I keep the book? B.how long I can keep the books
—Sorry, I don’t know his address, either.
A.where does he liveB.where he livesC.where he livedD.where did he live
句意:-Gina,我明天想去看望Alan,你能告诉我他住在哪里吗?-对不起,我也不知道他的地址。where does he live他住在哪里,是疑问句;where he lives他住在哪里,陈述句语序;where he lived一般过去时;where did he live疑问句,一般过去时。根据句子结构可知,这里考查宾语从句,从句中应用陈述语序,故排除A和D。could这里表示语气委婉,并非表示过去。根据句意可知,这里说的是客观事实,应用一般现在时,故选B。
14.—Well done! You did very well in the final exam. Could you please tell me ________?
—Sure. I listened to the teacher carefully and did lots of exercises.
A.which is the best way to improve my grade
B.how did you deal with to get the good marks
6.一Could you please tell me?
一In two hours.
A.how long will your father be backB.how long your father will be back
C.how soon your father will be backD.how soon will your father be back
3.—Could you please tell me _____?
—Find out which you can’t remember, memorize them and then practice them in reading.
8.—I have no ideathe meeting room yesterday afternoon.
—Jack, I guess.
A.who cleansB.who cleanedC.why he cleaned
句意“我不知道昨天下午谁清扫了会议室。-我猜是杰克”。根据Jack, I guess可知,应问“谁清扫了教室”,问人,用who,排除C。且根据yesterday afternoon可知,用一般过去时,故选B。