


Cathy and Wayne are in their late 20’s, have been married five years, and are childless. The last time a member of Cathy’s family asked, “When are you going to start a family?” her answer was, “We’re a family!”

Cathy and Wayne belong to a growing number of young married couples who are deciding not to have children. A recent survey showed that in the last five years the percentage of wives aged 25 to 29 who did not want children had almost doubled. What lies behind this decision which seems to fly in the face of biology and society?

Perhaps the most publicly outspoken childless couple are Ellen Peck and her husband William. They are not against parenthood but against the social pressures that push people into parenthood whether it is what they really want or not.

“It’s a life-style choice,” Ellen says. “We chose freedom and spontaneity (自发性), privacy (清静) and leisure. It’s also a question of where you want to give your efforts within your own family or in the larger community. This generation faces serious questions about the continuity of life on earth as well as its quality. Our grandchildren may have to buy tickets to see the last redwoods (红杉) or line up to get their oxygen ration (氧气量). There are men who complain about being caught in a traffic jam for hours on their way home to their five kids but can’t make the association between the children and the traffic jam. In a world seriously threatened by the consequences of overpopulation we’re concerned with making life without children acceptable and respectable. Too many children are born as a result of cultural pressure. And the results show up in the statistics on divorce and child-abuse.”

1. What does the member of Cathy’s family mean by saying “When are you going to start a


A. When are you going to have children?

B. When are you going to get married?

C. When are you going to buy a house?

D. When are you going to move to a new house?

2. The number of childless young couples _____.

A. is decreasing

B. is increasing

C. has more than doubled

D. remains unchanged

3. “To fly in the face of” in the s econd paragraph means _____.

A. to run into

B. to come across

C. to follow

D. to go against

4. Which of the following statements is true of the Pecks?

A. They propose that young couples have no children.

B. They urge that family planning be made obligatory.

C. They think that no pressure should be put on young couples who do not want children.

D. They think that there would be no divorce or child-abuse if young couples are not pressured

into parenthood.

5. Which of the following is NOT a consequence of overpopulation mentioned in this passage?

A. Traffic jam.

B. The using up of precious natural resources.

C. The lowering of the quality of life.

D. War.

Passage 2. ABDCD


“I ask you to drink to his health as a young man full of the sprit of adventure who has lit up the world with a flash of courage.” With these words the British Minister of Air turned and raised his glass to the young man who sat before him –a young man who, only a month before, was completely unknown. Yet on that summer day in 1927 his name was on the world’s lips – Charles Lindbergh, the first man to fly the Atlantic alone.

He had been an air mail pilot, flying back and forth between Chicago and the city of St. Louis. Determined to win the $25,000 prize offered by a fellow-American for the first flight from New York to Paris, Lindbergh had persuaded a group of St. Louis businessmen to finance the building of a special plane for them.

The news that Lindbergh intended to fly the Atlantic alone was received with disbelief. “The plane would never fly,” people said. It would run out of fuel. It had only a single engine. Lloyd’s of London refused to insure the flight. Men called Lindbergh the “flying fool.”

But on May 20th, 1927, just after ten to eight in the morning, Lindbergh’s “spirit of St. Louis,”heavily laden with fuel, struggled into air from a New York airfield. For several hours the weight to the petrol prevented the young pilot from flying more than a few feet above the wave-top. Night came, and thick fog covered up the stars. Lindbergh flew steadily on, hoping that his course was the right one. He struggled to keep awake, checking the fuel all the time to keep his mind active. Throughout the next day the “Spirit of St. Louis” flew on over the seeming limitless sea. Then a fishing boat appeared, and an hour later, land. It was Ireland. Lindbergh set a compass course for Paris.

By ten o’clock the light of France’s capital were shining beneath him. Tired, unshaven, suddenly hungry, the “flying fool” came on to Le Bourget Airport, and landed in front of a huge crowd of wildly cheering people. After 34 hours of continuous piloting, the flight of 3600miles was over. (70%)

31. The British Minister Of Air _________.

A) Praised Lindbergh for his intelligence B) encouraged Lindbergh to be adventurous

C) congratulated Lindbergh for his bravery D) warned Lindbergh to be sensible

32. “His name was on the world’s lips” means _________.

A) everybody was drinking his health B) everybody was jumping about because of him

C) he became suddenly unpopular D) everybody was talking about him

33. A group of St. Louis businessmen had been persuaded to _______ the building of a special


A) arrange for B) organize with C) stop to D) pay for

34. Which of the following statements is true?

A)Nobody heard the news that Lindbergh was going to fly the Atlantic.

B)Everybody believed that it was foolish for anybody to try to fly the Atlantic at all.

C)Everybody knew that Lindbergh was very adventurous.

D)People didn’t believe that Lindbergh really meant to fly the Atlantic alone.

35. The “spirit of St. Louis” here refers to _______.

A) the plane Lindbergh flew in B) the “flying fool”

C) the British Minister of Air D) the city of St. Louis


Scientists have discovered a tiny group of cells in the brain that act as a clock to control many body activities. The discovery was made by doctors at Harvard University. They began by studying the clock-like group of cells in the brains of monkeys.

Dr. Martin Moore Ede and Dr. Ralph Leidick recorded when during the day the monkeys ate, drank and slept. They found that most of the monkeys did the same things at about the same time each day. Then the doctors operated on the monkeys. They destroyed the tiny group of brain cells which they believed controlled the timing of activities.

After the operation they found that the animals ate, drank, and slept the same amounts as before. But they did these things at very different times each day. There no longer seemed to be a clock within them that told them when it was time to eat, drink or sleep.

Scientists could not do the same kinds of experiments with humans. But they were able to find evidence of a similar group of cells in the human brain.

Dr. Charles Seizler and the two Harvard researchers looked through many years of medical records to find patients who had tumors (肿瘤) or brain damage in that area of the brain. The records showed that such patients had the same kind of eating, drinking. and sleeping problems as the monkeys whose timer cells had been destroyed.

The scientists believe the cells above the optic nerves (视神经) are only one of two biological clocks in the brain. They said they had not yet found the one which governs changes in the body’s temperature. (274 words) (71%)

1. Dr. Martin Moore Ede and Dr. Ralph Leidick found in their research that ________.

A) the majority of monkeys did the same things at the same time even when the timer cells had

been removed from the brain

B) only the minority of the monkeys did the same things at the same time each day

C) after the operation the monkeys ate and drank the same, but slept less than before

D) after they destroyed the brain cells control ling the timing of activities, the monkeys didn’t

seem to do some things at the same time as before

2. Harvard doctors have discovered a group of timer cells ________.

A) in the biological clocks B) in the human body

C) in the brain D) in monkeys’ head

3. The sentence “Scientists could not do the same kinds of experiments with humans.” (Paragraph

4) implies that ________.

A) human brains were too complicated to operate on

B) it was illegal to operate on a human brain just for an experiment

C) human brains were too expensive to obtain

D) now that the cells had been found in the monkey’s brain, it was no use repeating the same research on the human brain

4. Scientist were keen on examining the histories of the brain-defective patients most probably

because ________.

A) they wanted to find evidence of the timer cells in the human brain

B) they wanted to cure the patients of the diseases

C) their sympathy for the patients drove them to do so

D) they didn’t fe el sure about the existence of such cells in the brain

5. The sentence “The scientists believe the cells above the optic nerves are only one of two biological clocks in the brain.” means ________.

A) only one biological clock is in the brain

B) the two biological clocks both lie in the brain

C) only one biological clock is found in the brain

D) none of the above


新编大学英语教案(第二册)_U n i t2 C o m m u n i c a t i o n P r o b l e m s -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

Unit Two Communication problems Teaching Objectives 1. Let the students have some ideas of the common ways we usually use in our daily life to communicate. 2. Make the students find the efficient ways to communicate with each other. 3. Let the students come up with the ways to avoid misunderstandings. Teaching allotment six academic hours Focus points 1.key words and phrases assume, conflict, convey, emphasis, ignore, misinterpret, react, verge, feel like, for effect, on the verge of, pull out, take----lightly 2.difficult sentences 1) When Martians and Venusians first got together, they encountered many of the problems with relationships we have today. 2) So when communication problems emerged, they assumed it was just one of those expected misunderstandings and that with a little assistance they would surely understand each other. 3) To fully express their feelings, women would tend to exaggerate the facts a little bit for effect and use various superlatives, metaphors, and generalizations. 3.grammar focus prefix “mis---”的不同意义 Related Information It is well-known that learning a second language is never easy, and, generally speaking, the older one is when one attempts a new language, the more difficult it becomes. This is at least partly due to what is known as language interference, meaning that the linguistic patterns of our first language interfere with those of the second because no two languages have exactly the same sounds and grammatical structures. The English language has a very large vocabulary because it has incorporated words from many other languages over the centuries. This is nowhere more apparent than in its color words. For example, there are many words that express the color “purple”, describing its different shades and hues: mauve, violet, lilac, or lavender. An interesting 2


Unit 1 lexf Organization

II. More Synonyms in Context 1) During the First World War, battles occurred here and there over vast areas. Some of the most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium. 2) Elizabeth made careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paid off. 3)1 spent hours trying to talk him into accepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to all my words. 4) Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, and I wondered how her fragile body could withstand the harsh weather.

- 90 - Appendix I III. Usage 1)But often it is not until we fall ill that we finally learn to appreciate good health. 2)A rich old lady lay dead at home for two weeks—and nobody knew anything about it. 3)It's said he dropped dead from a heart attack when he was at work 1)Don't sit too close to the fire to keep warm—you could easily get burned, especially if you fall asleep. 4)In those days people believed in marrying young and having children early. 5)Little Tom was unable to sit still for longer than a few minutes. ■ Structure 1. 1) To his great delight, Dr. Deng discovered two genes in wild rice that can increase the yield by 30 percent. 2)To her great relief, her daughter had left the building before it collapsed. 3)To our disappointment, our women's team lost out to the North Koreans. 4)We think, much to our regret, that we will not be able to visit you during the coming Christmas. 2. 1) These birds nest in the vast swamps (which lie to the) east of the Nile. 2)By 1948, the People's Liberation Army had gained control of the vast areas north of the Yangtze River. 3)Michelle was born in a small village in the north of France, but came to live in the United States at the age of four. ■ 4) The Columbia River rises in western Canada and continues/runs through the United States for about 1,900 kilometers west of the Rocky Mountains. Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze (A) 1. invasion 3. Conquest 5. launching 7. campaign 9. reckon with 2. s tand in the way 4. c atching... off his guard 6. d eclaration 8. d rag on 10. b ringing...to a

全新版大学英语(第二版)综合教程 2 学生用书 单词表 Unit1-Unit6

Unit 1 style ,n行为方式,风格 bustle ,vi忙碌,奔忙 bustling ,a繁忙的,熙攘的elementary ,a基本的,初级的telling ,a难忘的,有力的lobby ,n大堂,大厅 attach ,vt系,贴,连接attendant ,n服务员,侍者,随从slot ,n狭缝,狭槽 vigorously ,ad用力的,精力充沛的vigorous ,a tender ,a年幼的,温柔的 bang ,v敲击,猛击exploratory ,a探索的harmless ,a 无害的phenomenon ,n现象 initial ,a开始的,最初的 assist ,v帮助 reposition ,vt改变…的位置insert ,vt插入,嵌入somewhat ,ad有点,稍微expectantly ,ad期待地 await ,vt等待,等候 occasion ,n时刻,场合 frown ,v&n皱眉 neglect ,vt忽略 parental ,a父的,母的,父母的incident ,n事件 relevant ,a有关的,切题的investigate ,v调查,探究creativity ,n创造力 anecdote ,n趣闻,轶事colleague ,n同事 desirable ,a值得向往的,称心的accomplish ,vt完成(某事) accomplishment ,n造诣,才艺, 完成,成就 sympathetically ,ad同情地 sympathetic ,a critical ,a至关重要的,危急的 effectively ,ad有效地 effective ,a principal ,a主要的,首要的 rear ,vt养育,抚养 misdeed ,n不端行为 creative ,a创造的 retrospect ,n回顾 artistic ,a艺术的 well-intentioned ,a好意的 intention ,n意图 observer ,n观察者,观察员 clumsily ,ad笨拙地 clumsy ,a facility ,n熟练,灵巧,设备,设施 gentleness ,n轻柔,优雅 mold ,vt塑造 performance ,n行为,表现,表演, 演出 tradition ,n传统 continual ,a不断的,一再重复的 apply ,vi适用,申请 calligrapher ,n书法家 craft ,n手艺,工艺 reversal ,n颠倒 priority ,n优先考虑的事,重点 bold ,a勇敢的,大胆的 departure ,n背离,出发,离开 inseparable ,a不可分离的 evolve ,v(使)逐步发展 summarize ,vt总结,概述 originality ,n新颖,独创性 independence ,n独立,自主 contrast ,v差异,对比 harbor ,vt怀有 fearful ,a害怕的,担心的 comparable ,a类似的,可比的 promote ,vt促进,推进 emerge ,vi出现 overstate ,vt将…讲得过分,夸大 enormous ,a巨大的 technological ,a技术的,工艺的 innovation ,n革新,新事物 exaggerate ,v夸大,夸张 breakthrough ,n突破 valid ,a有根据的 foster ,vt培养 worthwhile ,a值得的 superior ,a优良的,较好的 account ,n账户,描述,记述 notion ,n观念,想法 furthermore ,ad此外,而且 intend ,vt打算 swallow ,vt吞下,吞没 compound ,a复合的,vt使复合,使 合成 defect ,n缺陷,缺点 scheme ,n计划,方案,阴谋 consumption ,n消费(量) appall ,vt使惊骇 video ,n&a录像(的) resource ,n财力,资源 deposit ,n存款 [键入作者姓名] 2013-11-6 Dalian Polytechnic University [键入文档标题] [键入文档副标题]



Unit 1 > alliance n.联盟 > campaign n.战役,运动> conquest n.战胜,征服> crucial adj.重要的 > decisive adj.决定性的> declaration n.公告 > efficient adj.有效率的> engage v.吸引 > heroic adj.英勇的 > instruct v.指导,命令> invasion n.入侵 > launch v.发动 > limp v.一瘸一拐地走 > minus v.减 > occupation n.职业,占有> offensive adj.冒犯的 > raw adj.阴冷的 > reckon v.计算,认为 > region n.地区 > render v.使成为 > resistance n.抵抗

> catch sb. off guard 趁某人不备> drag on 拖延 > be engaged in (doing) sth. 参加> in the case of 在…的情况下 > press on/ahead 继续进行 > reckon with 处理 > stand/get/be in the way 妨碍 > take a gamble 冒险,从事 > take its/a toll 造成损失 > thanks to 幸亏 > turn the tide 局势扭转 > call off 取消 > due to 由于 > hold out 提供 > in case 万一 > on the eve of 在…前夕 > pay off 取得好结果 > pin down 把…困住 > prior to 在…之前 Unit 2 > alert v.使警觉 > apart adj.分离的


Unit 1 Sports Part C Short Conversations You’re going to hear five short conversations. Listen carefully and choose the right answers to the questions you hear. 1. a. Basketball. b. Volleyball. c. Table tennis. d. Tennis. 2. a. Boxing is one of his favorite sports. b. Boxing is the only kind of sport he likes. c. He doesn’t like boxing at all. d. He doesn’t like boxing very much. 3. a. He finds it too long. b. He thinks it could be more exciting. c. He doesn’t like it at all. d. He likes it, but not very much. 4. a. H e doesn’t know how to play chess. b. He doesn’t like playing chess very much. c. He can’t play chess well. d. He’s a good chess player. 5. a. He was a good football player in high school. b. He kept track of the football players and games when he was in high school. c. He shows no interest in football now. d. He’s busy playing golf as well as football now. Script: 1. W: I like playing basketball, volleyball and table tennis. What about you? M: Well, tennis is my favorite sport. Q: Which sport does the man like? 2. W: You don’t like boxing very much, do you? M: It’s far from being my kind of sport. Q: What does the man mean? 3. W: I think yesterday’s football game was quite exciting. What about you, John? M: You said it. But it was a bit long. Q: What does the man think about the football game? 4. W: Do you like to play chess? M: I like the game, but I don’t play it often enough. I’m afraid I’m not a very good player. Q: What does the man mean? 5. M: I knew the names of all the football players and the dates of all the games in my high school days. But recently I have failed to keep up with football. W: Now you’re busy with your golf games. Q: What do you know about the man from the conversation? Unit 2 Food and Drinks

大学英语2 综合教程 课文词汇大全

词汇: 【1】 被系在…上be attached to 探索行为exploratory behavior 偶尔on occasion 父母的责任parental duties 揭示,阐明throw light on 最终目的ultimate purpose 要做的动作desired action 所希望的结果desirable outcome 关键critical point 育儿观value of child rearing 弥补某种错误行为making up for a misdeed 回想起来in retrospect 善意的well-intentioned 前来帮助某人come to sb.'s rescue

极其熟练、温和地with extreme facility and gentleness 适用于apply to 发展到evolve to 发展创造力promote creativity 值得追求的目标worthwhile goals 【2】 1.面临,遭遇be confronted with 2.仰头向上看look up at 3.填写fill out 4.属于fall into 5.仅仅,不多于,不强于nothing more than 6.转瞬即逝的念头 a passing whim 7.磨损,损耗wear and tear 8.虽然,尽管in spite of 9.期望,盼望look forward to 10.富裕的,有钱的well off 11.不自在,格格不入out of place 12.陈旧的家具dated furniture 13.…之后不久shortly after 14.走下坡路,失败go south


summarize not …in the least critical in retrospect make up for in itial phe nomenon await 1) To use the mach ine, first the correct coins, the n select the drink you want and press the butt on. 2) Professor Smith tran slated not only from the French but also, , __________ from the Polish. 3) Food chemists will the health food on sale to see if it really does give the ben efits claimed. 4) ______, it was the wrong time to open a new data processing center in this city. 5) My reaction to the news was relief, but as I thought more about it I bega n to feel an gry. 6) A full understanding of mathematics is sufficient to explain a wide variety of n atural . ______ 7) Make sue the label is firmly to the parcel before you mail it. 8) My boyfriend bought me dinner to being late the day before. 9) The committee a decision from the head office before it takes any actio n. 10) The little girl did __________ seem to be _____ ed of being left by herself in the house. 11) The WTO (=World Trade Organization) is intended to trade among its member states. 12) When the moon from behind the clouds I made out a figure moving in the dista nee. bless consequenee curiosity sen time nt dated emoti onal genuine primarily seem in gly abrupt nothing more tha n wear and tear con fusi on deny tickle in con trast to 1) Prof. Williams says that mycomposition is good except for the ending which seems too . ______ 2) Sufferi ng from insomnia for several days, Ann went to see her doctor and was told that the problem was more than physical. 3) The orga ni zer of the charity concert said, “ I ask all of you to join me in praying that God will those who have given so generously for the poor and n eedy. 4) The in sura nee policy does not cover damage to goods caused by no rmal . _____ 1. Vocabulary promote performa nee emerge attach in vestigate on occasi on in sert in due course


Vocabulary Unit 1 A 1、There are no simple solutions to the problem of overpopulation. 2、We often ignore advice which we do not wish to hear. 3、Even the doctor couldn’t persuade Tom to give up smoking. 4、The evening newspaper is going to assign a couple of reporters to cover(报道) the Olympic Games in Sydney. 5、“Next Monday is the deadline for handing in this essay,”said the professor to his class. “Be sure to meet it.” 6、I don’t think we can solve the problem this way. We should try a different approach 7、Alex bought a map of the world and stuck it on his bedroom wall. 8、He earns $ 200 a week and has little money for anything except the essentials of life. 9、Though she was very busy with her studies, Amanda managed to find time to play tennis regularly. 10、He is very rich, but that does not necessarily mean that he is happy. 11、Short-term memories are those which are retained only for a few minutes. 12、The essay is due next Monday. I have done a rough draft but haven’t written it up yet. 13、The doctor suggested that both of them put in 20 minutes a day doing taijiquan. 14、Tom studied hard. He wanted to make the most of his time in college to learn as much as he could. 15、In taking notes, you don’t have to put down everything the teacher says. 16、Active reading, according to education experts, will lead to a better understanding of what is being read. 17、During those years in the countryside, she was reading everything she could get her hands on. 18、It’s going to rain: we’d better put away and go indoors. 19、In spite of the new difficulties, we’ve decided to stick to our plan. 20、I have told you time after time not to exercise immediately after lunch or supper. 21、Taking his doctor’s advice, my uncle has cut down on smoking as the first step. 22、Knowing how to make the most of your abilities counts for much more than working hard. Unit 1 B 1、Tom is a very calm person, but his wife is just the opposite 2、Do you have any preference for a particular kind of music? 3、Many power stations are located on coastal land so that they are near to a good supply of water. 4、I like your idea but I don’t think it’s technically feasible 5、Alex said the sudden death of his best friend had given him a new perspective on life. 6、Public attention has shifted recently from the World Cup to the rising house prices. 7、The rise in unemployment is of great concern to the government. 8、The salary they’re offering is very attractive, but Amada still doesn’t want the job. 9、Thanks to the intensive care of the zoo-keepers, the animals there managed to survive the severe winter last year.


Unit 1 ●Part Two Reading centered activities Pre-reading Reading Comprehension 1.Understanding the structure of the passage Para.1-4 c para.5-7 a para.8-11 b para.12-13 d 2. 1) They would stare at them. 2) He felt embarrassed/ ashamed 3) He never let on. 4) He usually walked there with the help of his son 5) He was pulled on a child’s sleigh to the subway station 6) He like basketball, dances, and parties 7) He asked them to sit down and fight with him. 8) He was proud of his son 9) He missed him very much and was sorry for what he had thought about him. 10) He learned to have a good heart from his father. 3. 1) C 2) A 3) C 4) B 5) D 6) A7) B 8) C 9) D 10) A 4. Understanding the reference Words. 1)the difficulty in coordination the steps 2)whether a person has a good heart 3) a good heart 4)the baseball team 5)sat down to fight 6)what the son has achieved 7)sensed 8)the reluctance to walk with him ●Vocabulary 1. 1) urged 2) halted 3) bother 4) embarrassed 5) adjusted 6) complain 7) kid 8)engage 9)subject 10)saw to it that 11)coordinate 12)participate 2.Word-building patience


Unit1 Alternative n.可供选择的事物;取舍;抉择Constant a.不断的;连续发生的;一再重复的Cripple vt.严重损坏或削落;使残废 Impressive a.给人以强烈或良好印象的,令人难忘的Initial a.开始的,最初的 Move n.步骤;行动 Put v.安置,放 React vi.反应;反对 Shallow a.肤浅的,浅薄的 Tackle v.处理;应付;解决

Universal a.全体的;与全体有关的 Capture vt.占领;刻画;俘获 Construct vt.建造;创立;构造 Contact n.接触;联系 Entitle vt.给……提名 Generate vt.产生;创造 Genuine a.真的;真诚的 Rough a,粗超的 Count sth against sb 认为某事物不利于某人;因某事而低估某人 Do sb wrong 中伤某人;冤枉某人;虐待某人

Find it in oneself to do sth Like it or not 不管喜欢与不喜欢 Root out sth 根除 Take hold 固定下来;确立 Warts and all 不隐瞒缺点的,毫不遮丑的Aware of 意识到;知道 In any case 无论如何 Unit2 adopt vt.采取 characterize vt.是…的特征,以…为特征confine vt.把…局限于,把…限制于

convince vt.使确信,使信服 emphasize vt.强调,着重 picture vt.想象,设想 remarkable a.值得注意的;十分不平常的;出众的 response n.回答 reveal vt.展现,显露(出) stretch vi. (时间和空间)延伸,延续,绵延 lower vt.降下,把…放低 owe vt.欠(债)等;感激 propose vt.提议为…干杯;提议,建议;提出(行动﹑计划或供表决的方案等) remedy n.补救(方法);纠正(办法)


全新版大学英语第二册单词第一单元 n.行为方式,风格 a.繁忙的,熙攘的 n.幼儿园 a.基本的,初级的,基础的 a.难忘的;有力的 n.大堂,大厅 vt.系,贴,连接 n.服务员;侍者,随从 n.狭缝,狭槽 ad.用力的;精力充沛地 a.年幼的;温柔的 一点也不 到达;进入,流入 v.猛敲,猛击 a.探索的 n.现象 n.全体职工,全体雇员 a.开始的,最初的 v.帮助 vt.改变...的位置 vt.插入,嵌入 ad.稍微,有点 ad.期待地 vt..等待,等候 n.时刻,场合 有时,间或 v.,n.皱眉 a.轻微地 vt.忽视 a.父的,母的,父母的 a.有关的,切题的 v.调查;探究 n.创造力 n.趣闻,轶事 n.例外 n.同事 n.动作;行为 独立地;独自地 a.值得向往的;称心的vt.完成(某事) n.活动,行为 n.本领,技艺;完成,成就 在适当时机 ad.同情地 a.至关重要的;危急的 ad.有效地 n.依靠自己,自力更生 a.首要的,主要的 v.养育,抚养 a.极度的,极端的n.极端,过分补偿,弥补 n.不端行为 vt.看待,考虑 a.独创的 n.解决(问题的办法);解答 回顾 a.艺术的 a.好意的 n.意图 n.观察者,观察员 ad.笨拙地 n.熟练,灵巧;设备,设施 vt.塑造 n.表现,行为;演出,表演 n.传统 a.不断的,一再重复的 vi.适用;申请 从事 n.手艺;工艺 n.颠倒 n.优先考虑的事;重点 a.勇敢的,无畏的 n.背离;出发,离开 a.不可分离的 v.使逐步发展 vt.总结,概述 n.新颖;独创性 n.独立,自主 n.对比 n.文化 vt.怀有 a.害怕的,担心的 一方面...,另一方面...

全新版大学英语综合教程 2 学生用书 单词表

Dalian Polytechnic University New College English 2 Words Unit1-Unit6 For English Class A x 2013/11/6

Unit 1 style ,n行为方式,风格 bustle ,vi忙碌,奔忙 bustling ,a繁忙的,熙攘的elementary ,a基本的,初级的telling ,a难忘的,有力的 lobby ,n大堂,大厅 attach ,vt系,贴,连接attendant ,n服务员,侍者,随从slot ,n狭缝,狭槽 vigorously ,ad用力的,精力充沛的 vigorous ,a tender ,a年幼的,温柔的 bang ,v敲击,猛击 exploratory ,a探索的 harmless ,a 无害的phenomenon ,n现象 initial ,a开始的,最初的 assist ,v帮助 reposition ,vt改变…的位置insert ,vt插入,嵌入 somewhat ,ad有点,稍微expectantly ,ad期待地 await ,vt等待,等候occasion ,n时刻,场合 frown ,v&n皱眉 neglect ,vt忽略 parental ,a父的,母的,父母的 incident ,n事件 relevant ,a有关的,切题的 investigate ,v调查,探究 creativity ,n创造力 anecdote ,n趣闻,轶事 colleague ,n同事 desirable ,a值得向往的,称心的 accomplish ,vt完成(某事) accomplishment ,n造诣,才艺,完 成,成就 sympathetically ,ad同情地 sympathetic ,a critical ,a至关重要的,危急的 effectively ,ad有效地 effective ,a principal ,a主要的,首要的 rear ,vt养育,抚养 misdeed ,n不端行为 creative ,a创造的 retrospect ,n回顾 artistic ,a艺术的 well-intentioned ,a好意的 intention ,n意图 observer ,n观察者,观察员 clumsily ,ad笨拙地 clumsy ,a facility ,n熟练,灵巧,设备,设 施 gentleness ,n轻柔,优雅 mold ,vt塑造 performance ,n行为,表现,表演, 演出 tradition ,n传统 continual ,a不断的,一再重复的 apply ,vi适用,申请 calligrapher ,n书法家 craft ,n手艺,工艺 reversal ,n颠倒 priority ,n优先考虑的事,重点 bold ,a勇敢的,大胆的 departure ,n背离,出发,离开 inseparable ,a不可分离的 evolve ,v(使)逐步发展 summarize ,vt总结,概述 originality ,n新颖,独创性 independence ,n独立,自主 contrast ,v差异,对比 harbor ,vt怀有 fearful ,a害怕的,担心的 comparable ,a类似的,可比的


精心整理Unit1 Alternative n.可供选择的事物;取舍;抉择 Constant a.不断的;连续发生的;一再重复的 Cripple vt.严重损坏或削落;使残废 Generate vt.产生;创造 Genuine a.真的;真诚的 Rough a,粗超的 Count sth against sb 认为某事物不利于某人;因某事而低估某人 Do sb wrong 中伤某人;冤枉某人;虐待某人

Find it in oneself to do sth Like it or not 不管喜欢与不喜欢 Root out sth 根除 Take hold 固定下来;确立 Warts and all 不隐瞒缺点的,毫不遮丑的 lower vt.降下,把…放低 owe vt.欠(债)等;感激 propose vt.提议为…干杯;提议,建议;提出(行动﹑计划或供表决的方案等) remedy n.补救(方法);纠正(办法) tremble vi.颤抖,发抖,震颤,战栗

all but 几乎,差不多 in particular 特别;尤其in search of 搜索 long for 切盼,渴望 take in 看到,注意到 Favourable a .博得好感的refresh vt. 使恢复精神Remark v .谈起,说起resolve vt. 下决心Somewhat ad. 有几分,稍微

sufficient a. 足够的,充足的Undergo v .遭受,经历 worthy a.值得…的 Come across 遇到,发现 come up with 提出,想出 curse v. 诅咒 highlight vt. 使….显着;使注意力集中incredible adj. 不可相信的;难以置信的issue n. 问题;流出 perspective n. (观察问题的)视角
