Where is my car 微课课件


《Where's my car》PPT(完美版)

《Where's my car》PPT(完美版)

1. Where _i_s_ the apple? It’s ___o__n____ the tree.
2. Where _i_s_ the boy? He’s __u_n_d__e_r_ the tree.
3. Where _i_s_ the girl? She’s __b_e_h_i_n_d__ the tree.
Put your ruler on the winder.
《Where's my car》PPT
《Where's my car》PPT
Put your shoe in fhere's my car》PPT
《Where's my car》PPT
Put the stool on your right foot.
4. Where _i_s_ the ball? 5. Where _i_s_ the cat?
It’s ___i_n_f_r_o_n_t_o_f____ the tree. It’s __u_n_d__e_r__ the chair.
6. Where _i_s_ the sheep? It’s __b_e_s_id__e__ the chair.
《Where's my car》PPT
《Where's my car》PPT
Jerry is behind the curtain.
《Where's my car》PPT
《Where's my car》PPT
Jerry is in front of the lamp.
《Where's my car》PPT
《Where's my car》PPT 《Where's my car》PPT


1. The bird is __o_n___ the chair. 2. The dog is _u_n_d_e_r_ the desk. 3. The bag is ___in___ the desk. 4. The pencil box is __u_n_d_e_r the chair. 5. The pencil box is __o_n___ the desk. 6. The chair is __o_n___ the desk. 7. The desk is _u_n_d_e_r_ the chair.
Where is the cat ? It's under the box.
cat,cat. Where is the cat? under the box. under the box. It is under the box.
Put your foot under your chair.
Put your hand under your desk.
A Let's learn in on
Where is the ruler?
It's under the chair!
Where is the cat?
It's uoonndtethhreethcdeheacsdhkier.as.kir..
Look at the picture and fill in the blank with on/in/under.
Put your arm in your desk.
Where is the cat ? It's on the box.
cat,cat. Where is the cat? on the box. on the box. It is on the box .

《Where is my car》第一课时课件PPT

《Where is my car》第一课时课件PPT
(2) Draw your bedroom. And tell your partner where the things are in the bedroom according to the picture.
b. on the tree 在树上,长在树上 例句: The red apples are on the tree. 红苹果在树上。
Look at the picture and match the sentences.
( )(1)Where is the pen? ( )(2)Where is the bag? ( )(3)Where is the dog?
A. It’s on the desk. B. It’s in the pencil case. C. It’s under the chair.
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(1) Listen to and repeat “Let’s learn” and “Let’s do”.
Unit 4 Where is my car?
PPT模板下载:/moban/ 节日PPT模板:/jieri/ PPT背景图片:/beijing/ 优秀PPT下载:/xiazai/ Word教程: /word/ 资料下载:/ziliao/ 范文下载:/fanwen/ 教案下载:/jiaoan/
Where is my rabbit? Where is my rabbit? In the hat. In the hat. Where is my rabbit? Where is my rabbit? In the hat. In the hat.



汽车由发动机、底盘、车 身和电气设备等部分组成, 各部分协同工作,使汽车 能够正常行驶。
发动机是汽车的动力源, 通过燃烧汽油或柴油产生 动力,推动汽车行驶。
发动机产生的动力传递到 轮胎,使轮胎转动,从而 使汽车前进或后退。
随着科技的发展,GPS定位系统已经广泛应用于 人们的日常生活中,掌握如何使用GPS定位系统 寻找车辆是一项重要的生活技能。
了解GPS定位系统在日常生活和工作中的 应用场景
提高学生在实际操作中的动手能力和解决 问题的能力
小组讨论法是一种以学生为主体,通过小组合作、交流和 讨论来促进学习的教学方法。在Unit4 Where is My Car 公开课课件中,可以将学生分成小组,围绕汽车相关主题 展开讨论,如汽车设计、汽车文化、汽车安全等。通过小 组内部的讨论和小组之间的交流,可以激发学生的学习兴 趣,提高他们的沟通能力和合作精神。
案例分析法是一种以实际案例为基础的教学方法,通过引入与课程相关的实际案例,引导学生进行深入分析 和讨论,帮助学生更好地理解课程内容,提高解决问题的能力。在Unit4 Where is My Car公开课课件中, 可以采用与汽车相关的实际案例,如车辆故障、交通事故等,引导学生分析问题原因、提出解决方案,并总
强调安全驾驶的重要性,提醒学生在日常生活中 02 要时刻关注交通安全,遵守交通规则。


Let’s learn
cap ball car
boat map
Let’s learn cap ball
Mum,where is my boat?Is it in your toy box?No,it isn’t.妈妈,我的小船在哪里?在你的玩具盒里吗?不,不在。

Let’s check答案:□box □cap
(二)1.打开课本第44页,仔细观察Listen and tick or cross.部分的四幅图片, 看看各物体的位置。2.听录音,完成题目。3.听录音,核对答案并跟读。答案: √ × √ √
Row a boat.Bounce a ball.Drive a car.Put on a cap.Read a map.
Let’s doRow a boat.听录音,假装做出相应的
Unit 4 Where is my car?
Part B 第三课时
Unit 4 Where is my car? Part
1.仔细观察图中物体的位置,并尽量记下来。2.两人一组进行猜测物体位置游戏,要猜测 的人需闭上双眼,另一个人根据图片回答。
Unit 4 Where is my car?
Part B 第二课时
Unit 4 Where is my car? Part
Unit 4 Where is my car?
Part A 第一课时
Unit 4 Where is my car? Part

英语教学《Where's my car》[1]课件

英语教学《Where's my car》[1]课件

Let’s_p_l_a_y_a__g_am__e. Where is my car? Is it _in__t_he__b_o_x_?
No, it isn’t. Is it u_n_d_e_r_t_h_e__ch_a_i_r?
No, it isn’t. Is it _o_n_t_h_e_t_a_b_le__?
Jiamin, Ben, Janet and Xiaoling are playing
Where is my car?
Jiamin, Ben, Janet and Xiaoling are playing.
Where is my car?
It’s on the table.

《大闹天宫》应该说很成功,无论是 票房还 是口碑 。这主 要归功 于3D的 特效, 它完全 抓住了 电影的 本质, 电影就 是一场 梦,那 些触摸 不到的 渴望, 渴望被 变为现 实的欲 望。再 者要归 功于演 员,整 部电影 美女如 云,梁 咏琪的 嫦娥, 陈慧琳 的观音 菩萨, 张梓琳 的女娲 娘娘, 夏梓桐 的小狐 狸。还 有郭富 城被评 为影史 上最帅 的牛魔 王,周 润发的 玉皇大 帝也变 得和蔼 可亲, 最能打 的美猴 王甄子 丹,何 润东的 二郎神 变身叛 徒,还 有即将 要出场 的史上 黑脸唐 僧,都 让人耳 目一新 。
凡 事 都 是 多 棱 镜 , 不 同 的 角度 会
凡 事 都是 多 棱 镜 , 不 同 的 角 度 会 看 到 不 同 的 结果 。 若 能 把 一 些 事 看 淡 了 ,就 会 有 个 好 心 境 , 若 把 很 多事 看 开 了 , 就 会有 个 好 心 情 。 让 聚 散 离 合 犹 如 月 缺 月 圆那 样 寻 常 , 让 得 失 利 弊 犹 如花 开 花 谢 那 样 自 然 , 不 计 较, 也 不 刻 意 执 着; 让 生 命 中 各 种 的 喜 怒 哀 乐 , 就 像 风 儿一 样 , 来 了 , 不 管 是 清 风 拂面 , 还 是 寒 风 凛 冽 , 都 报 以自 然 的 微 笑 , 坦然 的 接 受 命 运 的 馈 赠 , 把 是 非 曲 折 , 都当 作 是 人

《Where's my car》PPT课件【精选推荐下载】

《Where's my car》PPT课件【精选推荐下载】

Where is the cat? It’s _n__ea_r__ the box.
Where is the cat?
Where is the cat? It’s _i_n_ the box.
Is it in the box?
Is it in the box?
Yes,it is.
Is it on the box?
No,it isn't.
• Is it in the box? • Is it under the chair?
• Is it on the table?
1:Let’s play a game. Where is my car?
2:Is it in the box? 3:No,it isn't. 4:Is it under the chair? 5:No, it isn’t. 6:Is it on the table? 7:Yes,it is.
Unit 3 Where is my car?
• on 在...上面 • in 在...里面 • under 在...下面 • near 在...附近
Let's do !
Put your hands ...
Let’s play a guessing game .
What’s this? It’s a cat.
Where is the cat? It’s _i_n_ the box.
Where is the cat? It’s _o_n_ the box.
Where is the cat? It’s _u_n_d_e_r_ the box.

《Where's my car》精美版课件

《Where's my car》精美版课件

bag . desk.
Under,under,under theFra bibliotekbed.
Behind,behind,behind the chair.
The cat is under the box. The cat is on the box. The cat is in the box.
The cat is behind the box.
WCahtocohsethaendviDdoeo and answer the following questions: OWnh,eroen,__o_ntthheeapple? deIstk’.s _________ the tree.
Where _____t_hethgeirflr?ogs? TheSyh’e’res _______t_h_etphoendt.ree.
CIatt,icsato,nmythleitbtelde. cat
LWehte'rse C_h_a_nthe cat?
It’s _________ the chair.
iJnerfrryonits oifn,tuhnedesrh,elifn., on, behind, beside
Itn’, sina, sipnidtehre.
The cat is under the box.
Where ______ the frogs? They’re ______ the pond.
Choose and Do
Where ___ the girl?
She’s _________ the tree.
In, in, in the
bag .
Put your shoe in front of the door.

《Where is my car》第一课时课件

《Where is my car》第一课时课件

愿知识与您相伴 让and repeat “Let’s learn〞 and
“Let’s do〞. (2) Draw your bedroom. And tell your partner where the things are in the bedroom according to the picture.
第一步、首先在能把远眺图都看清的位置,熟悉一 下最远处几个框细微的纹路,
第二步、然后逐渐加大距离至远眺图最远处的几个 框处于模糊与清晰之间的位置停止。
第三步、思想集中,认真排除干扰,精神专注,开 始远眺,双眼看整个图表,产生向前深进的感觉, 然后由外向内逐步辨认最远处几个框每一层的绿白 线条。
Look at the picture and match the sentences.
( )(1)Where is the pen? ( )(2)Where is the bag? ( )(3)Where is the dog?
A. It’s on the desk. B. It’s in the pencil case. C. It’s under the chair.
《Where is my car》第 一课时课件
Unit 4 Where is my car?
This is Liu ian. He is a magician.
Where is my rabbit? Where is my rabbit? In the hat. In the hat. Where is my rabbit? Where is my rabbit? In the hat. In the hat.
3、远眺开始,双眼看整个图表,产生向前深进的感 觉,然后由外向内逐步辨认每一层的绿白线条。
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Where is the ruler?
It’s on
↑ the desk.
Where is the pencil?
It’s under _____the chair ____.
Where is the pencil ?
in pencilbox It’s ___the _______.
Where is ……?
Where is the monkey?
in box It’s ____the ____.
Where is the monkey?
on desk It’s ___the ____.
Where is the monkey?
It’s under ____ the desk ____.
Unit 4 Where is my car?
一团中心小学 吴艳庆
Where is
the… ?
It’s on/in/under … 2、能够正确使用介词on,in,under来 描述物品的位置。 3、能够自由问答物品的位置。
Guessing game: Where is the ball ?
Is it on the box?
Is it under the box?
Is it in the box? Yes. It is . Nhomakorabea 在……上面
Where is the ball ? 球在哪里? It’s on the box . 它在盒子上。
The car is on the desk.
It’s in/on/under the ……
the ball ?
It’s in the box .
The book is in the box.
Where is the ball ?
It’s under the box .
The car is under the desk.
小结 on 在…上面 in 在…里面 under 在…下面