

PARKER 液压泵 VP1 系列 变量 说明书

PARKER 液压泵 VP1 系列 变量 说明书

液压泵VP1 系列变量样本 9129 8222-02/C 2002年 1月3-10- 2Parker Hannifin Corporation Hydraulics Group (Europe)轴向柱塞泵 - 变量VP1 系列样本 HY02-8029/C技术资料派克公司保留改进产品的权力,恕不预先告之。


目录页码 3-10-概述3设计3技术规格4订货资料4VP1 剖视图4安装尺寸5管路直径5BPV-VP1 旁通阀6FDV-VP1 卸荷阀6VP1 管接头套件6VP1 在负载传感系统中7 VP1-LS 负载传感控制8通轴连接9安装和起动10换算系数1 kg 2.20 lb 1 N 0.225 lbf 1 Nm 0.738 lbf ft 1 bar 14.5 psi 1 l 0.264 US gallon 1 cm 30.061 cu in 1 mm 0.039 in 9/5°C + 32 1 °F3-10- 3Parker Hannifin Corporation Hydraulics Group (Europe)轴向柱塞泵 - 变量VP1 系列样本 HY02-8029/C技术资料3设计大角度—紧凑设计泵的设计允许柱塞和滑履/斜盘间的角度大(20o ),因此结构紧凑,外部尺寸小。



寿命长VP1 泵设计用于具有负载传感系统的车辆,既坚固又简单,仅有几个运动零件,可靠性高,使用寿命长。

VP1 是世界上第一台用于车辆应用的变量泵,它能够和变速箱动力输出轴紧偶合或者和满足ISO 标准7653-1985的独立动力输出轴(例如发动机动力输出轴)联接。



液压注意 – 用户方责任 错误或不当地选择或使用本样本或有关资料阐述的产品,可能会导致人生伤亡及财产损失! 本样本以及其它由派克汉尼汾公司及其子公司、销售公司与授权分销商所提供的资料,仅供用户专业技术人员在对产品和系统的选型进行深入调查考证时参考。



目录目录页次概述 1 订货代号 2 技术参数 4 变量控制器 5 控制选项 “C”, 压力限定(恒压)变量控制器 5 控制选项 “L”, 负载传感及压力限定变量控制器 6 控制选项 “AM”, 带遥控口的标准型先导式压力限定变量控制器 7 控制选项 “AN”, 带ISO 4401 NG06先导阀安装界面的先导式压力限定变量控制器 8 控制选项 “AE”及“AF”, 带电磁比例调节的先导式压力限定变量控制器 9 控制选项 “AMT”, “ALT”及“LOT”, 带最高压力限定的扭矩限定(恒功率)变量控制器 10 P1性能特性 11典型流量特性 11 典型总效率特性 13 典型轴输入功率特性 15 典型噪声特性 18 典型轴承寿命 20 PD性能特性 22典型流量特性 22 典型总效率特性 24 典型轴输入功率特性 26 典型噪声特性 29 典型轴承寿命 31 安装尺寸 33 P1/PD 018 33 P1/PD 028 36 P1/PD 045 40 P1/PD 060 44 P1/PD 075 49 P1/PD 100 54 P1/PD 140 59 变量控制器安装尺寸 65 可提供的扩展的液压产品 75派克汉尼汾备记派克汉尼汾概述简介, 优点派克汉尼汾简介 • 开式回路用轴向柱塞式变量液压泵 • 中压,连续工作压力280 bar • 高驱动转速型,适用于行走机械; 低噪声型,适用于工业应用 • 静音及高效的控制效能 优点 • 总结构尺寸紧凑 • 低噪声• 流量脉动小,进一步降低噪声• 采用弹性密封,不使用密封垫,从而避免外泄漏的产生• 总效率高,功耗小,减小发热• 采用带无泄漏调节装的简单变量控制器 • 符合SAE 及ISO 标准的安装法兰及油口 • 采用圆锥滚柱轴承,使用寿命长 • 全功率后驱动能力• 后部或侧面油口配置可选• 泄油口的配置对水平安装及驱动轴向上垂直安装均适用• 带有最大及最小排量调节选项 • 具有壳体至吸口单向阀选项,可延长轴封寿命 • 使用、维修方便 脉动容腔技术下列图表所示为侧向油口配置P1/PD 18, 28及45泵采用 “脉动容腔” 技术的效果,脉动容腔可降低泵出口处的压力脉动幅值40-60%,这样,无需增加成本来加装噪声缓冲元件,便可大大降低液压系统的整体噪声,P1系列 PD 系列出口压力p / bar平均压力脉动 / b a rP1 045出口压力脉动2600 rpm 无脉动容腔2600 rpm 带脉动容腔订货代号18 ml, 28 ml, 45ml派克汉尼汾P 类型 01 驱动轴 转向R 5密封材料E 油口配置0 壳体-吸口 单向阀 0 排量调节 018 排量 S 安装法兰 及油口 S 轴封 M 应用范围A 设计系列0 通轴驱动选项 C0控制选项0附加控制选项 00油漆 00修改代号系列 P D * 仅适用于045排量, “S”型安装法兰及油口00 标准型, 无修改M2 按要求修改 代号修改代号 * 适用于028及045排量 ** 仅适用于045排量 代号设计系列 A 现行设计系列5 氟碳橡胶 (FPM) 代号密封材料 A 82-2 SAE A M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 3/8” 101-2 SAE B M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” 101-2SAE B M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”B ISO M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”,3/8”ISO M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”代号 018排量 028排量 045排量 安装法兰及油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装法兰螺纹油口法兰 油口辅助 油口 S 82-2 SAE A SAE 16/12 SAE 4/6 101-2 SAE B SAE 20/12 SAE 4/8 101-2SAE B SAE 24/16Ø38/2561系列SAE 4/10M ISO M33x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M16x1.5 ISO M42x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M22x1.5 ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25M12x1.5M22x1.5代号 018驱动轴 028驱动轴 045驱动轴 01 SAE A 11T 花键SAE B-B 15T 花键 SAE B-B 15T 花键02 SAE 19-1平键Ø0.75” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” 08— SAE B 13T 花键 SAE B 13T 花键 04 ISO/DIN 平键, Ø20ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25 06 SAE A 9T 花键— — PD 工业液压用 代号 系列P1 行走机械用 代号 排量 018 18 ml/rev (1.10 in 3/rev) 028 28 ml/rev (1.71 in 3/rev) 045 45 ml/rev (2.75 in 3/rev) 代号 类型 P 开式回路用变量柱塞泵 U*通用 代号应用范围 S 工业液压 (PD) M 行走机械 (P1) R 顺时针 (右转)L 逆时针 (左转)代号 转向 代号 轴封 S 单唇轴封 * 并不具有控制功能,仅在运输时予以防护,详情见第7页的控制说明。



(2) In
(1) Out
Dimensions Millimeters (Inches)
Ø 12.6 (.48)
27.8 (1.09)
39.3 (1.55)
Ø 25.4 (1.0)
3/4-16 UNF-2A Thread
Ø 2.4 (.09) Thru For Roll Pin Attachment 1/4-20 UNC-2A Thread
DMH085C2 ....... C08-4 .......... 3 Position, 4 Way, Open Center,
.............................................. Pull to Shift and Push to Shift ........................... 15/4 ...... 350/5000 ........ MV11-MV12 PV
PSI Bar 100 6.9
Hydraulic Oil 150 SSU @ 100°F (32 cSt)
Pressure Drop ( P)
75 5.1
50 3.5
25 1.7
Flow (Q)
Out (1) In (2)
32.2 (1.27)
Detent Position
54.6 (2.15)
31.8 (1.25)
28.2 (1.11)
7/8" Hex. 20 Nm (15 lb. ft.) Torque

Parker Hannifin Veriflo SQ2Micro高压微型压力调节器产品说明说明书

Parker Hannifin Veriflo SQ2Micro高压微型压力调节器产品说明说明书

VerifloContact Information:Parker Hannifin Corporation Veriflo Division 250 Canal BlvdRichmond, California 94804phone 510 235 9590fax 510 232 7396************************/verifloMobile App: /verifloValue Proposition:The SQ2Micro and SQ2Micro130E are miniature, high performance,point-of-use regulators with a small foot-print. The SQ2Micro provides excellent repeatability, stability, sensitivity and has extraordinary response to step function changes. The space savings allows a closer spacing of components and process lines while providing excellent regulation control.UHP Tied Diaphragm, Miniature Pressure Regulator Welded, Stainless SteelSQ2MICRO SeriesProduct Features:• Standard full internal electropolish • Extremely low particle counts • Both a 0.06 and 0.15 C v are available• Standard Hastelloy C-22® Poppet and Diaphragm • Miniature footprint, internal volume, and surface area • Small footprint allows for same spacing as Quantum Veriflo valves • No springs or threads are exposed to the wetted areaSQ2MICRO SeriesFlow CurveDimensional DrawingSQ2Micro Flow Curve0. S I G O u t l e t P r e s s u r eN 2Flow LPMBOTTOM VIEWø 1.44(36.6 mm)3.54(90 mm)1/4 FSLP1/4 FSHP0.44(11.2 mm)1.25 SQ(31.8 mm)2.78(70.6 mm)0.707 SQ(18 mm)1.00(25.4 mm)4X 10-32UNF-2B“A” Style BodyAdditional flow curves available upon requestBasic Series MICROMICRO130ERange30 = 30 psig60 = 60 psigBody Material= 316L Stainless SteelPorting2P = 2 Ports3P = 3 PortsSee Regulator Porting Guide for additionaloptions and port layoutsPort StyleFS = 1/4” Face SealTS = 1/4” Tube Stub Not availablewith “A” Style bodyConnectionsM = MaleF = FemaleI = Internal Face Seal Availablewith “A” style body onlyOptional FeaturesThis section can have multiple optionsSS = Stainless Steel InternalsIncludes 316L Stainless Steeldiaphragm, compresson memberand poppet. Recommended forCarbonyl Ni(CO)4 ServiceA = “A” Style Body FS Port StyleOnlyTH = Hastelloy C-22® TrimIncludes Hastelloy C-22®diaphragm, compresson memberand poppetVESP = Vespel® Seat Recommendedfor Nitrous Oxide N2O Service1 2 3457134567 SQ2 MICRO 30 2P FS MF TH SQ2M ICRO130E303P FS MIM ASQ2MICRO302PFSMFTHSQ2MICRO130E303PFSMIMASamples:Finished Orders:62Build a SQ2MICRO Series regulator by replacing the numbered symbols with an option from the corresponding tables below.Contact factory for most up to date lead time information.Blue = Configurations that have selections in blue may have an extended lead time and a minimum order quantity.LitPN: 25000242 Rev: J Date of Issue 04/2019© 2009 Parker Hannifin CorporationVerifloOFFER OF SALE:The items described in this document are hereby offered for sale by Parker-Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance are governed by the provisions stated in the detailed “Offer of Sale” elsewhere in this document or available at /verifloWARNING USER RESPONSIBILITYFAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT FACTORY FOR LATEST PRODUCT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONSThis document and other information from Parker-Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise.The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the system and components and assuring that all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The user must analyze all aspects of the application, follow applicable industry standards, and follow the information concerning the product in the current product catalog and in any other materials provided from Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors.To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors provide component or system options based upon data or specifications provided by the user, the user is responsible for determining that such data and specifications are suitable and sufficient for all applications and reasonably foreseeable uses of the components or systems. The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corp and it’s subsidiaries at any time without notice.Proposition 65 Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm.For additional information on materials of construction, functional performance andoperating conditions, please contact factory.Use mobile device to scan this QR Code.1. Design Pressure per KOSHA Guide D-5 - 2012, Para. 6.2.Vespel® is a registered trademark of DuPont Performance Elastomers L.L.C.Hastelloy C-22® is a registered trademark of Haynes International, Inc.VeriClean™ is a trademark of Parker Hannifin Corporation。

Parker Autoclave Engineers SOG高压控制器生产说明书

Parker Autoclave Engineers SOG高压控制器生产说明书

Oil and Gas Service Valves and FittingsAll general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.2All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.3Pressure/Tube Temperature Outside RatingSeries Diameter Orifice psi (bar) Size Connection Size Rated @ Room Inches Type Inches (mm) C v Temperature20GV 3/8 SF375CX 0.125 (3.18) 0.23 10,000 (690) 20GV 9/16 SF562CX 0.125 (3.18) 0.23 10,000 (690) 30GV 9/16 F562C 0.125 (3.18) 0.33 20,000 (1379)Bleed Valve20BV 3/8 SM375CX 0.093 (2.36) - 10,000 (690) 20BV 9/16 SM562CX 0.093 (2.36) - 10,000 (690)30BV9/16M562C0.093 (2.36)-20,000 (1379)*Ordering ProcedureWellhead Gauge Valve - 30GV-SOGWO valves are furnished without collars and glands unless otherwise specified.6-3/8”9-9/16”00 - one piece VEE stem 07- non-rotating VEE stem8 - 4 ports, 1 inlet, 3 outletsPatternTypeTube SizeSeries Wellhead Gauge and Bleed ValvesPressures to 20,000 psi (1379 bar)Notes:* Rating shown is in closed position.Rating @ 15,000 psi (1034 bar) in open position.Parker Autoclave Engineers' Wellhead Gauge valves are designed for reliable shut-off service at a maximum work-ing pressure of 20,000 psi (1379 bar). The Wellhead Gauge and Bleed Valves are standard in 316 stainless steel annealed material and comply with NACE MR0175. Special materials available on request.Applications:Wellhead Gauge Valve • Sample Lines• Instrument calibration Bleed Valve• Pressure bleedGauge Valve Features:• One inlet, three outlet ports, all ports are 9/16" API test and gauge connection ports.• Metal-to-metal bubble tight shut-off • Packing below stem threads• Two piece non-rotating stem on standard service and SOG valves• Optional use of long nipples in the inlet for installation on headers that are insulated.Bleed Valve Features:• One piece hex construction allows easy installation • Vent port tapped for plumbing to safe area • Tee handle for easy operation• Positive blow out prevention on stem• Compatible with standard API test and gauge connections for 15,000 psi (1034 bar) service.20GV 30GV6-3/8”9-9/16”00 - one piece VEE stem2 -AnglePattern TypeTube SizeSeries 20BV 30BVBleed ValveSour gas without glands and collarsSour gasWellhead Gauge ValveWellhead Gauge ValveFigure 2 - Bleed ValveAll general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.4All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.530VM-SOGWO SeriesOrdering ProcedureThe 30VM-SOGWO Series valves are furnished without collars and glands, unless otherwise specified. 4-1/4”6-3/8”9-9/16”00 - One piece rotating Vee stem 01 - One piece rotating Regulating stem 07 - non-rotating Vee stem (on-off service)08 - non-rotating Regulating stem (tapered tip for regulating and shutoff)80 - One piece Vee stem with replaceable seat 81 - One piece Regulating stem with replaceable seat 88 - Regulating stem with replaceable seat1 - two-way straight2 - t wo-way angle3 - three-way, two on pressure4 - three-way, one on pressure5 - three-way, two-stem manifold valvePatternTypeTube SizeSeriesSOG -Sour Gas SOGWO -Sour Gas without glands & collarsValve MaintenanceNote:Repair Kits: add “R” to the front of valve catalogAll general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold. 6All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.7G - Packing gland mounting hole drill sizeAll dimensions for reference only and subject to change. For prompt service,G 1 - Bracket mounting hole size* H Dimension is with stem in the closed position. Parker Autoclave Engineers stocks Panel mounting drill size: 0.22” all products. Consult factory.BlockThick- Valve A B C D D 1 E F G G 1H* M N ness PatternDimensions - inches (mm) Catalog Number Outside Diameter Tube Orifice Diameter Stem TypeAll general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.8All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.9Valve MaintenanceNote: All sour service valves and fittings supplied without col -lars and glands unless otherwise specified.Repair Kits: add “R” to the front of valve catalog number for proper repair kit.(Example: R60VM4071-SOGWO )Valve Bodies: Valve bodies are available. Order using the eight (8) digit part number found in the valve drawing or contact your Sales Representative for information.Consult your Parker Autoclave Engineers representative for pricing on repair kits and valve bodies. Refer to the Tools, Installation, Operation and Maintenance section for proper maintenance procedures.BlockThick- Valve A B C D D 1 E F G G 1H*MN ness PatternDimensions - inches (mm) Catalog Number Outside Diameter Tube Orifice Diameter Stem Type G - Packing gland mounting hole drill sizeAll dimensions for reference only and subject to change. For prompt service,G 1 - Bracket mounting hole size* H Dimension is with stem in the closed position. Parker Autoclave Engineers stocks Panel mounting drill size: 0.22” all products. Consult factory.All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.10All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.11fittings for both standard oil field service where H 2present and type SOGWO for service where H 2Tubing High Pressure Section.Connection ComponentsTo ensure proper fit use Parker Autoclave Engineers tubing.GlandCGL ( )- 316 SOGAdd tube size ( ) Example:1/4” - 40 1/4” Gland - CGL (40) - 316 SOG3/8” - 609/16” - 90PlugCP ( )- 316 SOGCollarCCL ( )- 316 SOGConnection Gland Collar Plug Connection Components Type (Industry Standard)F250C CGL40-316SOG CCL40-316SOG CP40-316SOG Parker Autoclave Engineer’s high pressure SOG fittings 1/4, 3/8 F375C CGL60-316SOG CCL60-316SOG CP60-316SOG and 9/16 connection components to 30,000 psi (2068 bar). F562CCGL90-316SOGCCL90-316SOGCP90-316SOGFor use with 30VM-SOGWO, 60VM-SOGWO valves and fittings.Type SOGWO valves and fittings are furnished without glands and collars. To order these components separately, use order num -bers listed. When using plug, collar is not required.Pressures to 30,000 psi (2068 bar)Associated ProductsA complete line of high pressure anti-vibration collet gland assemblies is available. Please refer to high pressure fitting and tubing section.All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.12All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.13Union Couplings are designed with a removable seat insert allowing disassembly and tubing removal without the necessity of loosening other items in a line.*Maximum pressure rating is based on the lowest rating of any component. Actual working pressure may be determined by tubing pressure rating, if lower.All dimensions for reference only and subject to change.For prompt service, Parker Autoclave Engineers stocks select products. Consult your local representative.NOTE: All sour oil and gas valves and fittings supplied without collars and glands unless otherwise specified.High Pressure TubingAll general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold. 14All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.15High Pressure Coned-and-Threaded Nipplesand fittings.Special lengthsMaterialscompliance with NACE MR0175.Note:1. See Sour Service tubing section for pressure ratings at various temperatures.2. Parker Autocalve Engineers does not recommend bending of SOG tubing.*Maximum pressure rating is based on the lowest rating of any component. Actual working pressure may be determined by tubing pressure rating, if lower.All dimensions for reference only and subject to change.For prompt service, Parker Autoclave Engineers stocks select products. Consult your local representative.Pressures to 30,000 psi (2068 bar)16Prevents reverse flow where leak-tight shut-off is not manda-tory. When differential drops below cracking pressure, valve closes. With all-metal components, valve can be used upto 1200°F (649°C). See Technical Information section for connection temperature limitations. (Not for use as a relief valve.)Ball and poppet are an integral design to assure positive, in-line seating without “chatter”. Poppet is designed essentially for axial flow with minimum pressure drop.Materials: Body, cover, poppet: 316 Annealed Stainless Steel, Cover gland: Annealed Stainless Steel, Ball, Spring: High Nickel AlloyProtects pressure gauges and pressure instrumentation from surges in flow or sudden venting in the event of line failure. Materials: Body, cover, sleeve: Type 316 Annealed Stainless Steel, Ball: 300 Series Annealed Stainless Steel, Cover gland: annealed stainless steel.Vertical Installation: Since this type of check valve employs a non-spring loaded ball, valve MUST be installed in VERTICAL position with arrow on valve body pointing UP. (cover gland up).Resetting Valve: Equalize the pressure across the ball. The ball will drop and reset automatically.Ball Type Excess Flow ValvesNOTE:All sour oil and gas valves and fittings supplied without collars and glands unlessotherwise specified.CAUTION:While testing has shown O-Rings to provide satisfactory service life, both cyclic and shelflife may vary widely with differing service conditions, properties of reactants, pressure and temperaturecycling and age of the O-ring. FREQUENT INSPECTIONS SHOULD BE MADE to detect any deterioration,and O-rings replaced as required.All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.17O-Ring Check ValvesBall Check Valves*Maximum pressure rating is based on the lowest rating of any component. Actual working pressure may be determined by tubing pressure rating, if lower.All dimensions for reference only and subject to change.For prompt service, Parker Autoclave Engineers stocks select products. Consult your local representative.NOTE: All sour oil and gas valves and fittings supplied without collars and glands unless otherwise specified.Adapters/CouplingsAll general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold. 18valve’s unique stem design includes a non-rotation ball pointas well as blow-out protection.Applications: Array• All areas where reliable shut-off is required in severeservice including abrasive, erosive, corrosive and sourfluids.• Sampling and blowdown lines.• Blow-out preventers• Wireline service equipment• Chemical processing industryParker Autoclave Engineers service valves feature:• Low operating torque• Non-rotating tungsten carbide (ball point) stem• Stem back seat for blow-out prevention• Dust seal prevents stem thread contamination• Stem packing adjustment not required• Complies with NACE MR0175• Moly lubricated stem threads• Panel mount option availab leAll general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.19All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.20Valve Pattern A B C D E F G H JDimensions - inches (mm)Catalog Number Inlet N.P .T.Outlet N.P .T.End ConnectionPressures to 20,000 psi (1379 bar)Material and Features:• Accuracy within 1.0% of full scale range• Stainless steel case and ring• K-Monel Bourdon tube and socket•resistance to atmospheric corrosion.dial cover for convenience.• Gauges can be liquid filled (Add - LF to Catalog #)*• All gauges furnished with SOG collar and gland• G auges are NACE MR175-2002Calibrated in PSI OnlyMinorInterval DialCatalog Pressure Value DiameterNumber psi (bar) psi (bar) inches (mm)H-0380 0-5000 (345) 50 (3.45) 4-1/2 (114.30)H-0336 0-10,000 (690) 100 (6.90) 4-1/2 (114.30)H-0071 0-15,000 (1034) 100 (6.90) 4-1/2 (114.30)H-0304 0-20,000 (1379) 200 (13.79) 4-1/2 (114.30)H-0360 0-30,000 (2068) 500 (34.5) 4-1/2 (114.30)* Glycerine is standard liquid fill for “LF” option.All general terms and conditions of sale, including limitations of our liability, apply to all products and services sold.21PH: 353 53 914 1566FAX: 353 53 914 1582PH: 814-860-5700 FAX: 814-860-5811 ISO-9001 Certified。

派克Parker定量斜轴柱塞泵F11 F12中文样本

派克Parker定量斜轴柱塞泵F11 F12中文样本

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Parker Hannifin SCPSD 12电子压力开关系列说明说明书

Parker Hannifin SCPSD 12电子压力开关系列说明说明书

12• Compact • Rugged • Reliable• Easy operation • Long-term stability• Excellent interference resistance • Metal housing• High protection class • Many variants • Rotatable• Analogue output • Password •MPa, bar, psiThe Pressure Controller combines the functions of a pres-sure switch, a pressure sensor and a display instrument:• Pressure display (manometer)• Switching outputs • Analogue signalSimple operation, compact design and high reliability are the most important features of the SCPSD. The Pressure Controller offers excellent technical performance and optimum pressure management. It is ideal for permanent use in industrial applications.Easy to operateParameter setting is carried out via the keys or with a programming module.High functionalityEvery switching output can be set individually:• Normally closed/normally open contacts • On and off switching pressures • Delay times• Hysteresis/window function • DampingIntelligent settings which are not possible with a mechani-cal switch can be achieved with these convenient switch functions. Several switches can be replaced by a single controller.The analogue output is individually settable• 0/4…20 mA switchable • Settable initial pressure • Settable final pressureReliable/safePressure is captured by a measuring cell with long-term stability. Any functional error is monitored and can be processed in accordance with DESINA. Thanks to a pass-word, unauthorized change of parameters is prevented. RuggedThe housing is made of metal and is resistant to humidity, shock and vibrations. The electronics are protected from reverse polarity, overvoltage and short circuits.Everything within viewThe large illuminated display is readable even from a considerable distance. Pressures are shown in MPa, bar or psi.Optimum installation possibilitiesWith its compact design and excellent interference resist-ance the SCPSD is suitable for installation under critical conditions.With its directionally settable housing, the display canalways be read very easily.UniversalMany versions are available to suit a wide variety of applications.Series SCPSD12Flexible installation• Compact• Rotatable 290°Thread• Internal thread•External threadTube clamp• Safe mounting witha rugged SCSD-S27clampProgramming module• Can be set withControllerWINsoftware• Optical interface• Switch status displayEverything in view• Chamfered display• Digital display• Large• Luminescent• Display• psi/bar/Mpa• Actual pressure• Minimum pressure• Maximum pressure• Switching pointsEasy to operate• 3 large keys• Display of unitsPressure connection• Stainless steel• Measuring cell stable long-term• Wide media toleranceRugged• Metal housing• Watertight• High interference resistance• Vibration resistant• ShockproofInstrument FeaturesSeries SCPSD12Technical Data1)Other sealing materials (FPM, EPDM etc.) on request.2)Does not apply to DIN EN 175301-803 form A (formerly DIN43650) version.Series SCPSD12Connection Designationsye = yellow gn = green wh = white gr = greybn = brownbk = blackbl = blueSCPSD-xxx-14-x52 switching outputs; 1 analogue output; M12x1; 5-poleSCPSD-xxx-04-x72 switching outputs; M12x1; 4-poleSCPSD-xxx-14-x71 switching output; 1 analogue output; M12x1; 4-pole SCPSD-xxx-04-x61 switching output;DIN EN 175301-803 form A (formerly DIN43650)Pressure range selectionWith pressure switches the settable pressure is very relevant.Because a 400 bar pressure switch shows the same resolution (1 bar) as a 600 bar pressure switch (also1 bar), a 600 bar pressure switch can be deployed even at a smaller nominal pressure (eg. 315 bar).The positive effects of this are the same accuracy withhigher safety and fewer product variants.Series SCPSD12External thread SCPSD-xxx-x4-1xInternal thread SCPSD-xxx-x4-2xHigh and low pressure DMS/ceramicHigh pressure (from 60 bar) DMS Low pressure (up to 16 bar) CeramicM12 plug-in connector SCPSD-xxx-x4-x5DIN EN 175301-803 form A (formerly DIN43650)SCPSD-xxx-04-x6Accessories ClampDimensionsSeries SCPSD12SCPSD - xxx - 04 - x 6SCPSD - xxx - 04 - x 7SCPSD - xxx - 14 - x 7SCPSD - xxx - 14 - x 5Pressure range004; 010; 016; 060; 100; 160, 400; 600 bar1 switching output; without analogue outputDIN EN 175301-803 form A(formerly DIN 43650) plug-in connector2 switching outputs; without analogue outputM12x1 plug-in connector; 4-pole1 switching output; with analogue outputM12x1 plug-in connector; 4-pole2 switching outputs; with analogue outputM12x1 plug-in connector; 5-poleTypeG1/4 BSPP external thread = 1G1/4 BSPP internal thread = 2SCPSD digital pressure switch Ordering examplesSCPSD-100-04-27Pressure range 100 bar2 switching outputsG ¼ BSPP internal threadM12 plug-in connectorSCPSD-60-14-27Pressure range 60 bar1 switching output1 analogue outputG ¼ BSPP internal threadM12 plug-in connectorSCPSD-004-14-17Pressure range 4 bar2 switching outputs1 analogue outputG ¼ BSPP external threadM12 plug-in connectorConnecting cable and separate plugsConnecting cable, ready-made SCK-400-xx-xx(open cable end)Cable length in m02 2 m05 5 m10 10 mPlug-in connector45 M12 cable socket; straight55 M12 cable socket; 90° angled56 DIN EN 175301-803 form A plug connector(formerly DIN 43650)Separate plugsM12 cable socket; straight SCK-145M12 cable socket; 90° angled SCK-155DIN EN 175301-803 Form A plug connector(formerly DIN 43650)SCK-006AccessoriesPC programming kit SCSD-PRG-KITFixing clamp SCSD-S27Reducing adaptor M22x1.5 SCA-¼-M22x1.5-EDReducing adaptor G ½ BSPP SCA-¼-ED-½-EDDamping adaptor SCA-1/X-EDX-1/X-DFlange adaptor for mechanical pressure switch SCAF-¼-40Ordering Codes / Accessories。

Parker Pneumatic 压力阀门型号PDN1000-2US的说明书

Parker Pneumatic 压力阀门型号PDN1000-2US的说明书

D 1.30 (33) 1.38 (35) 1.57 (40)
E .39 (10) .59 (15) .79 (20)
F .31 (8) .39 (10) .51 (13)
G .39 (10) .43 (11) .59 (15)
H .18 (4.5) .20 (5) .28 (7)
J 17 (4.2) .18 (4.5) .24 (6)
Max. vacuum
Max. degree
Air consumption of vacuum
Part number NPT MCA10HSN1N1N2
F .31 (8) .31 (8) .39 (10) .51 (13) .63 (16) .79 (20)
G .39 (10) .39 (10) .43 (11) .59 (15) .79 (20) .79 (20)
H .18 (4.5) .18 (4.5) .20 (5) .28 (7) .22 (5.5) .22 (5.5)
B 1.17 (29.6)
Vacuum Generators MCA, CV, CV-CK
MCA Mounting bracket: MCA-B
.13 (3.25)
.14 (3.5)



Series R5Rh a s e O u t General DescriptionSeries R5R pilot operated pressure reducing valveshave a similar design as the subplate mounted R4Rseries. The SAE flanges allow to mount the valvesdirectly on the inlet flanges of actuators to achieve avery compact design.Features•Pilot operated with manual adjustment•Normally closed to avoid unintended motion•2-port body with SAE61 flange• 3 sizes (SAE 3/4", 1", 1-1/4")• 3 pressure stages• 3 adjustment modes:– Hand knob– Acorn nut with lead seal– Key lock•With optional vent function•Flow direction B → ATechnical InformationPressureReducingValve2-PortBodyX1, Y1 = SAE 4Size2R5RC ode Description06 SAE 3/4"08 SAE 1"10 SAE 1-1/4"SAE 61InterfaceCode Size Max. Pressure4 10 280 Bar (4060 PSI)5 06/08 350 Bar (5075 PSI)PressureRangeCode Description1 up to 105 Bar (1523 PSI)3 up to 210 Bar (3045 PSI)5 up to 350 Bar (5075 Bar)AdjustmentC ode Description1 Hand Knob3 Acorn Nutwith Lead Seal4 Key LockExternalDrain fromY1 Port6DesignSeriesASealC ode Description1 Nitrile5 FluorocarbonOptionsCheckwithFactorySwitchingTypeC ode DescriptionO mit Standard w/o vent function09* Solenoid not activ. unpress. circulation11** Solenoid activated unpress. circulation* Sol. de-energized: open to tankSol. energized: vent line blocked** Sol. de-energized: vent line blockedSol energized: open to tankSolenoidVoltageC ode DescriptionO mit Standard w/ovent functionG0R 12VG0Q 24VGAR 98VGAG 205VW30 110V 50Hz/120V 60HzW31 220V 50Hz/240V 60HzFurther options on request.Weight:R5R06 4.0 kg (8.8 lbs.)R5R08 4.6 kg (10.1 lbs.)R5R10 5.9 kg (13.0 lbs.)Ordering InformatonThis product can expose you to chemicals including Lead, Nickel (Metallic), or 1,3-Butadiene which are known to the State of California to go to .Series R5RSpecificationsSeries R5ReR5R06*R5R08*R5R10**Measured at 350 Bar (5075 PSI) primary pressure pB. Performance CurvesSeries R5RInch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**)Port FunctionPort Size R5R06R5R08R5R10B Inlet Pressure3/4" SAE 611" SAE 611-1/4" SAE 61A Reduced Outlet Pressure3/4" SAE 611" SAE 611-1/4" SAE 61Y1External Drain SAE 4X1Pressure GaugeSAE 4Size B1H1H2H3H4L1L2L3d1d20660.0(2.36)131.6(5.18)37.0(1.46)47.6(1.87)90.0(3.54)24.6(0.97)22.2(0.87)152.0(5.98)19.0(0.75)10.5(0.41)0860.0(2.36)137.6(5.42)45.0(1.77)52.4(2.06)96.0(3.78)26.5(1.04)26.2(1.03)171.0(6.73)25.0(0.98)10.5(0.41)1075.0(2.95)150.6(5.93)48.0(1.89)58.7(2.31)109.0(4.29)34.0(1.34)30.2(1.19)179.0(7.05)32.0(1.26)12.5(0.49)DimensionsSeal KitsSize Nitrile Fluorocarbon 06S16-91850-0S16-91850-508S16-91851-0S16-91851-510S16-91852-0S16-91852-5DimensionsInch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**)External DrainVent Valve Seal KitsNitrile FluorocarbonDC SolenoidS26-58515-0S26-58515-5AC SolenoidS26-35237-0S26-35237-5。

Parker Hannifin Veriflo 压力调节器安装、操作和回收指南说明书

Parker Hannifin Veriflo 压力调节器安装、操作和回收指南说明书

VerifloContact Information:Parker Hannifin CorporationVeriflo Division 250 Canal BlvdRichmond, California 94804phone 510 235 9590*************************.com **************************.com/verifloMobile App: /verifloInstallation, Operation, and Recycling GuidePressure RegulatorsSee Safety Guide (pn: 25000194) for more information. Safety Guide available at /verifloInstallationVeriflo offers a variety of pressure regulators with various inlet connections, outlet connections, pressure gauges and other options. Before installing the regulator you should fully understand the options of your particular regulator and its suitability for the application.Step 1Verify that the regulator is rated for the system operating pressures and has the proper connections and accessories for the type of gas and pressuresrequired for your application.Step 2Verify the high pressure gauge is suitable for the pressure of the system or cylinder.Step 3Inspect the regulator and your system connections for evidence ofcontamination or damage. Regulators that are damaged or contaminatedshould not be used.Step 4The fluid supplied to the regulator must be clean. Contamination can damage the regulator’s seat and cause the regulator to malfunction. An upstream filteris recommended. Additionally, the gas supply should be dry. Condensationcaused by expansion of the gas through the regulator and high flows maycause the regulator to function improperly.Step 5Connect the port marked “HP” to the high pressure supply side of your system or cylinder valve and the “LP” port to low or regulated pressure side of yoursystem.Note: Two stage pressure regulators may have a medium pressure port marked “MP”.InstallationLOW PRESSURE GAUGE Array PORT IDENTIFICATION"LP" LOW PRESSURE"LP" OUTLET PORTLOW PRESSUREStep 6Securely tighten connection fittings in accordance with procedures recommended by the fitting manufacturer or appropriate industry standards. Step 7Perform leak tests to verify there are no leaks to atmosphere or across the regulator seat. Leak test methods should be appropriate for the system leakintegrity requirements.Step 8Close the regulator by turning the adjusting knob counterclockwise until the stop is reached. (See special instructions for preset and dome operatedregulators.)Step 9Slowly open the supply valve allowing pressure to the regulator to rise gradually. When applying pressure, stand such that the regulator outlet andadjusting knob are not pointing at you. If using a cylinder, stand such that thecylinder valve is between you and the regulator.Step 10When the high pressure gauge indicates the proper supply pressure, open the supply valve or cylinder valve fully.Step 11The regulator is now ready for operation.Adjusting Pressure: Turning the adjusting knob clockwise will increase the delivery pressure. It is recommended to have flowing gas when adjusting pressure. Turning the adjusting knob counter clockwise will decrease delivery pressure when gas is flowing.If gas is not flowing it will be necessary to vent the downstream system to reduce the pressure. (See special instructions for self-relieving, preset and dome operated regulators.) When setting the delivery pressure, the user must ensure that the maximum outlet pressure of the regulator is not exceeded for all operating conditions including increases in delivery pressure due to flow shutoff and supply pressure effect.Flow Shutoff: The regulator delivery pressure will rise as flow is decreased. After flow is stopped, there will be a small rise in the delivery pressure. The rise in pressure is typically referred to as lockup or creep. A regulator should not be used as a shutoff valve. Close the supply valve or cylinder valve when equipment is not operating or is unattended.Supply Pressure Effect (SPE): SPE is the increase in delivery pressure that occursdue to falling supply pressure as a gas cylinder is emptied. The approximate increasein delivery pressure can be determined from the SPE coefficient, also referred to as the regulation coefficient. The coefficient represents the delivery pressure increase for every 100 psi decrease in supply pressure. Each regulator model has its own unique SPE coefficient. The rise in outlet pressure due to SPE can cause a significant and dangerous pressure change. The following example demonstrates how to determine the increase in delivery pressure due to SPE.Example:SPE coefficient: 0.6 psig per 100 psig (see product literature)Starting cylinder pressure: 2200 psigFinal cylinder pressure: 400 psigDelivery Pressure Increase = SPE x (Starting Cylinder Pressure - Final Cylinder Pressure)= ( 0.6 ÷ 100 ) x ( 2200 - 400 ) = 11 psiSpecial InstructionsPreset Regulators: Preset regulators do not have an adjusting knob and are set at the factory to provide a specified delivery pressure at a specific supply pressure and flow condition. When pressure is applied to the inlet of the preset regulator, the delivery pressure may exceed the specified delivery pressure if the system is not flowing gas. The downstream system must be flowing or vented to reduce the pressure to the preset delivery pressure.Dome Operated Regulators: Dome operated regulators do not have an adjusting knob. Regulator delivery pressure is controlled by supplying air or nitrogen gas pressure to a port in the regulator bonnet. Delivery pressure is increased as dome pressure is increased and decreased as dome pressure is decreased. If gas is not flowing it will be necessary to vent the downstream system to reduce the pressure. When using dome operated regulators adhere to the following precautions:• Do not allow the dome pressure to exceed the maximum outlet pressure of the regulator.• Ensure that inlet pressure is present at all times when dome pressure is applied.Applying dome pressure without inlet pressure may cause the regulator tomalfunction.Self-Relieving Regulators: Self-relieving regulators vent downstream pressure when the regulator delivery pressure is decreased. Downstream pressure is vented through the regulator’s bonnet port as the adjusting knob is turned counter clockwise. When using self-relieving regulators adhere to the following precautions:• The self-relieving option is not an overpressure protection device. Proper pressure relief devices should be used to provide overpressure protectiondownstream of the regulator.•Do not use self-relieving regulators with hazardous gases.MaintenanceMaintenance: A pressure regulator should be checked periodically for proper and safe operation. A pressure regulator should also be checked after cylinder changesor system maintenance. The user is solely responsible for determining the frequencyof maintenance based on the application, that the recommended checks can be safely performed, and that the recommended checks are adequate to ensure proper and safe operation of the user’s system. A regulator that does not comply withthe recommended checks or malfunctions in any manner must be immediately removed from service. Do not attempt to repair the regulator.• Check for regulator seat leak. Leak test methods should be appropriate for the system leak integrity requirements. Suggested method: Fully close the regulator by turning the adjusting knob counter clockwise until the stop is reached. Applypressure to the regulator inlet. Close the upstream supply valve. Monitor thepressure between the supply valve and the regulator for 5 minutes. The pressure should not decrease.• Check flow shutoff. Confirm after flow is stopped, that delivery pressure does not exceed the regulator’s maximum outlet pressure.• Check the regulator function. Confirm delivery pressure increases when the adjusting knob is turned clockwise and decreases when turned counter-clockwise. To decrease delivery pressure the system must be flowing or vent the downstream system.• Check for leaks to atmosphere. There should be no leaks to atmosphere. Leak test methods should be appropriate for the system leak integrity requirements. Removing a regulator from service: Follow your system safety and maintenance procedures when removing a regulator from service. Before removing the regulator, the user must:• Isolate the regulator from all pressure sources upstream and downstream of the regulator by closing the appropriate valves.• Lockout valves and other system equipment needed to isolate pressure sources.• Properly purge hazardous gases from the regulator.• Vent all pressure in the regulator. The regulator adjusting knob should be turned clockwise to fully open the regulator to ensure pressure is not trapped in theregulator.Recycling GuidelinesParker Veriflo recommends that customers consider recycling product and packaging where possible.Consider the following prior to recycling.• Understand how the product was used (e.g. media) and determine if recycling isfeasible• Ensure compliance with local, state, and federal regulations• Confirm material is accepted by relevant recycling companyRecommendations for common materials used in Parker Veriflo product and packaging are below:• Metal: contact local scrap metal companies• Cardboard: typically accepted for curbside recyclingMaterials of construction for a typical regulator are below. For further details on specific product and packaging materials, contact the factory at **************************.comLitPN: 25000169 Date of Issue 2/2023© 2023 Parker Hannifin CorporationVeriflo。






因此,请与派克合作,准备改变这一切吧!/precisionfluidics 1 603 595-1500电子压力控制目录产品页OEM-EP 4VSO ®-GC 10VSO ®-EP 16VSO ®-EV 22VSO ®-HP 27VSO ®-LP33微型电子压力控制器专为快速系统响应和最小内部体积而设计微型电子压力控制器专为精密气流控制和微型流量控制而设计高性能微型压力控制器专为实现高性能 (HP) 快速压力放气而设计微型电子压力控制器专为低流量控制而设计微型电子真空控制器专为精密真空控制而设计使用寿命长的微型压力控制器专为要求快速压力放气工业应用而设计APC38微型电子压力控制器专为低功耗、要求高准确度和分辨率的便携应用而设计4OEM-EP 压力控制器OEM-EP 微型电子压力控制器将可变的电子控制信号转换为可变的气动输出。

OEM-EP 设定成标准的型号来减小内部体积和方便集成,对于精确控制压力十分关键的手动调节器、针阀和通气孔,它是理想的替换品。

OEM-EP 采用派克汉尼汾获得专利的 VSO ® 比例阀和内部闭环控制,是载气流量控制、微型流量控制、真空泵控制以及吸入/分配液体应用的完美之选。

• 通过静音操作来降低系统的噪音水平• 通过高准确度和无可比拟的分辨率来改进成果• 经过测试表明,使用寿命长,系统可用性高• 通过内部闭环控制来缩短系统开发时间• 内部体积小,系统效率高• 通过模拟控制提高设计灵活性•符合 RoHS 指令特征物理特性电的性能特点微型电子压力控制器典型应用• 载气压力控制 • 气顶液流量控制• 质谱用气体源的压力控制与流体接触的材料PRESSURESENSOR6机械集成基本尺寸,OEM-EPMolex #874380642至引线插入式线缆(包括在内)电接口OEM-EP 微型电子压力控制器公制螺纹适配器(可选项)UNITS IN. [mm.]2 Body, Basic Valve Dimensions (2-Way and 3-Way).305 [7.75]1.46 [37.1]1.73 [43.9](2-WAY).055 [1.40]Ø.500 [Ø12.70](3-WAY, NORMALLY OPEN)2.44 [62.0]ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR OUTPUT.18 [4.6]#10-32 UNF-2B .18 [4.6]INLET (REQUIREMENT).16 [4.1]OEM-EP:7安装指南OEM-EP 是一种动态压力控制器,采用比例阀技术提供精确稳定的压力源,以满足各种应用 要求。



液压注意 – 用户方责任 错误或不当地选择或使用本样本或有关资料阐述的产品,可能会导致人生伤亡及财产损失! 本样本以及其它由派克汉尼汾公司及其子公司、销售公司与授权分销商所提供的资料,仅供用户专业技术人员在对产品和系统的选型进行深入调查考证时参考。



目录目录页次概述 1 订货代号 2 技术参数 4 变量控制器 5 控制选项 “C”, 压力限定(恒压)变量控制器 5 控制选项 “L”, 负载传感及压力限定变量控制器 6 控制选项 “AM”, 带遥控口的标准型先导式压力限定变量控制器 7 控制选项 “AN”, 带ISO 4401 NG06先导阀安装界面的先导式压力限定变量控制器 8 控制选项 “AE”及“AF”, 带电磁比例调节的先导式压力限定变量控制器 9 控制选项 “AMT”, “ALT”及“LOT”, 带最高压力限定的扭矩限定(恒功率)变量控制器 10 P1性能特性 11典型流量特性 11 典型总效率特性 13 典型轴输入功率特性 15 典型噪声特性 18 典型轴承寿命 20 PD性能特性 22典型流量特性 22 典型总效率特性 24 典型轴输入功率特性 26 典型噪声特性 29 典型轴承寿命 31 安装尺寸 33 P1/PD 018 33 P1/PD 028 36 P1/PD 045 40 P1/PD 060 44 P1/PD 075 49 P1/PD 100 54 P1/PD 140 59 变量控制器安装尺寸 65 可提供的扩展的液压产品 75派克汉尼汾备记派克汉尼汾概述简介, 优点派克汉尼汾简介 • 开式回路用轴向柱塞式变量液压泵 • 中压,连续工作压力280 bar • 高驱动转速型,适用于行走机械; 低噪声型,适用于工业应用 • 静音及高效的控制效能 优点 • 总结构尺寸紧凑 • 低噪声• 流量脉动小,进一步降低噪声• 采用弹性密封,不使用密封垫,从而避免外泄漏的产生• 总效率高,功耗小,减小发热• 采用带无泄漏调节装的简单变量控制器 • 符合SAE 及ISO 标准的安装法兰及油口 • 采用圆锥滚柱轴承,使用寿命长 • 全功率后驱动能力• 后部或侧面油口配置可选• 泄油口的配置对水平安装及驱动轴向上垂直安装均适用• 带有最大及最小排量调节选项 • 具有壳体至吸口单向阀选项,可延长轴封寿命 • 使用、维修方便 脉动容腔技术下列图表所示为侧向油口配置P1/PD 18, 28及45泵采用 “脉动容腔” 技术的效果,脉动容腔可降低泵出口处的压力脉动幅值40-60%,这样,无需增加成本来加装噪声缓冲元件,便可大大降低液压系统的整体噪声,P1系列 PD 系列出口压力p / bar平均压力脉动 / b a rP1 045出口压力脉动2600 rpm 无脉动容腔2600 rpm 带脉动容腔订货代号18 ml, 28 ml, 45ml派克汉尼汾P 类型 01 驱动轴 转向R 5密封材料E 油口配置0 壳体-吸口 单向阀 0 排量调节 018 排量 S 安装法兰 及油口 S 轴封 M 应用范围A 设计系列0 通轴驱动选项 C0控制选项0附加控制选项 00油漆 00修改代号系列 P D * 仅适用于045排量, “S”型安装法兰及油口00 标准型, 无修改M2 按要求修改 代号修改代号 * 适用于028及045排量 ** 仅适用于045排量 代号设计系列 A 现行设计系列5 氟碳橡胶 (FPM) 代号密封材料 A 82-2 SAE A M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 3/8” 101-2 SAE B M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” 101-2SAE B M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”B ISO M33x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”,3/8”ISO M42x2 M27x2 BSPP 1/4”, 1/2” ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25BSPP 1/4”, 1/2”代号 018排量 028排量 045排量 安装法兰及油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装 法兰 螺纹 油口 辅助 油口 安装法兰螺纹油口法兰 油口辅助 油口 S 82-2 SAE A SAE 16/12 SAE 4/6 101-2 SAE B SAE 20/12 SAE 4/8 101-2SAE B SAE 24/16Ø38/2561系列SAE 4/10M ISO M33x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M16x1.5 ISO M42x2 M27x2 M12x1.5 M22x1.5 ISO M48x2M33x2Ø38/25DN51/25M12x1.5M22x1.5代号 018驱动轴 028驱动轴 045驱动轴 01 SAE A 11T 花键SAE B-B 15T 花键 SAE B-B 15T 花键02 SAE 19-1平键Ø0.75” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” SAE B-B 平键Ø1” 08— SAE B 13T 花键 SAE B 13T 花键 04 ISO/DIN 平键, Ø20ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25ISO/DIN 平键, Ø25 06 SAE A 9T 花键— — PD 工业液压用 代号 系列P1 行走机械用 代号 排量 018 18 ml/rev (1.10 in 3/rev) 028 28 ml/rev (1.71 in 3/rev) 045 45 ml/rev (2.75 in 3/rev) 代号 类型 P 开式回路用变量柱塞泵 U*通用 代号应用范围 S 工业液压 (PD) M 行走机械 (P1) R 顺时针 (右转)L 逆时针 (左转)代号 转向 代号 轴封 S 单唇轴封 * 并不具有控制功能,仅在运输时予以防护,详情见第7页的控制说明。



Parker压⼒传感器-中⽂样本1.1 SCP 迷你型压⼒传感器迷你型SCP 压⼒传感器符合⼯业应⽤要求,主要⽤于控制、调节和监测系统,输出随压⼒变化的模拟信号。

SCP 迷你型压⼒传感器由于其紧凑的结构、⾼线性和优秀的抗⼲扰能⼒⽽备受关注。

ü 不锈钢元件ü 体积⼩ü ⾼爆破压⼒ü 抗压⼒峰值ü 抗冲击、防振动ü 介质兼容性好ü 线性好ü 长期稳定结构SCP 迷你型压⼒传感器只包含少量零部件:传感元件、信号处理集成电路和⼀个转换开关。

特定⽤途集成电路(ASIC )是⼀种可编程的精密CMOS-ASIC, 携带了EEPROM 资料存储器和模拟信号通道,适⽤温度范围很⼴。




其标准的G1/4 BSPP 连接螺纹采⽤防腐蚀不锈钢材料,有很好的介质兼容性。



1.1 SCP 迷你型压⼒传感器技术参数* 见82页, 6.3订货号压⼒范围*004; 006; 010; 016; 025;040; 060; 100; 160, 250; 400; 600 barDIN EN 175301-803 类别A,G1/4 BSPP, 等级 0.5 %0...20 mA; 3芯SCP-xxx-14-064...20 mA; 3芯 SCP-xxx-24-064...20 mA; 2芯 SCP-xxx-34-060...10 V; 3芯SCP-xxx-44-06M12插⼝, G1/4 BSPP, 等级 0.5 %0...20 mA; 3芯SCP-xxx-14-074...20 mA; 3芯SCP-xxx-24-074...20 mA; 2芯SCP-xxx-34-070...10 V; 3芯SCP-xxx-44-07* 见82页, 6.3DIN EN 175301-803 类别A (旧版本为DIN 43650)插⼝M12插⼝连接电缆及独⽴插件连接电缆SCK-400-xx-xx电缆长度(m )02 2 m 05 5 m 10 10 m插⼝45 M12 电缆接线座;直通 55 M12 电缆接线座;90°56 DIN EN 175301-803 类别A 插⼝ (旧版本为DIN 43650)独⽴插件M12 电缆接线座; 直通SCK-145M12 电缆接线座; 90°SCK-155DIN EN 175301-803 类别A 插⼝ (旧版本为DIN 43650) SCK-0061.1 SCP 迷你型压⼒传感器尺⼨参数及订货号。

Parker电子压力、 vacuum和流量控制器说明书

Parker电子压力、 vacuum和流量控制器说明书

TMParker Electronic PressureControllers Make it Easy!By converting an electrical control signal into a closed-loop, tightly regulated pneumatic output, Parker’s EPC solutions precisely control critical pressure, vacuum, and fl ow. Replacing manual regulators, needle valves, fl ow controllers, and bleed orifi ces, Parker’s EPC products are available in a range of confi gurations and are ideal for use in:● fl ow cytometry● liquid chromatography ● gas chromatography ● air over liquid ● mass spectrometry ● analyzers● liquid dispensing ● hydro-dynamic focusing ● forensic science● and more...Fast Set-up, Constant Flow, Automatic Adjustments, and Reliable DataDPPC TM - Digital Pneumatic Process Controller*VSO EP TM - Pressure Control ModuleAlso Available:VSO EV TM - Vacuum Control Module VSO GC TM - Flow Control Module57 x 57 x 31mm 57mm57mm 31m m 60m m26mm27mm OEM EP TM -Miniature PressureControl Module26 x 60 x 27mm 75 x 75 x 38mm75mm75m m38m m 39 x 71 x 42mm71mm39m m42m m *Patent pendingEliminate costly manual adjust-ments and set-ups and gain proportional control over a range of dynamic applications.Parker’s full suite of electronic pressure control devices offer “Set and Forget” closed-loop control, high accuracy, and low power consumption.Stop doing things the hard way.OEM-EP MiniaturePressure Controller Basic closed-loop pressure controller with onboard pressuresensor in a compact size.VSO-EP Pressure Control Module VSO-EV Vacuum Control Module VSO-GC Flow Control Module VSO-HP High Performance Pressure ControllerDPPC Digital Pneumatic Process ControllerEPC Product Comparison ChartVSO HP TM -High Performance Pressure ControllerDescriptionTypical ApplicationsFeedback/Output Signal ProductHighly confi gurable pressure controller with choice of onboard or remote pressure sensor .Vacuum controller with range to -345 mbar & choice of onboard or remote pressure sensor . Highly repeatable fl ow controller ideal for GC/MS applications. Solves the most demanding pressure & fl ow control applications with the fastest response & depressurization.Stand alone fl uidic controller that combines the functionality of a 3 channel pressure controller and a PLC Controller . Portable environmental sensing, TOC analyzers, portable GC/MS, column and split fl ow control, air over liquid Pilot pressures, air over liquid,fl ow control Vacuum pressure range,sample aspiration, evacuation,vacuum fl ow control Column head pressure, fl ow control (purge gas and split fl ow)Pilot pressures, dynamic pressure switching, I-to-P applicationsAny application where it is desirable for pressure, vacuum, or fl ow control decisions to be made remotely by a “smart” fl uidic controller 1 Internal Transducer (std)1 Analog Output (std)1 Internal Transducer (std)1 Analog Output (std)1 Internal Transducer (std)1 External Transducer (opt)1 Analog Output (std)1 Internal Transducer (std)1 External Transducer (opt)1 Analog Output (std)1 Internal Transducer (std)1 External Transducer (opt)1 External Digital Trigger (opt)1 Analog Output (std)6 total inputs (confi gurable)Any combination up to 3 Analog or 6 Digital 6 max outputs (confi gurable)1 (Analog Pressure), 3 (Digital),2 PWM, 5 Amplifi edEPC APPLICATIONSABOUT PARKER LIFE SCIENCESParker Life Sciences, a business unit within the Pneutronics Division of Parker Hannifi n, brings leading motion control and fl uidic control solutions together for life sciences applications. Parker products, sub-systems, and systems are integral to the world’s drug discovery, bioanalytical, and medical instrumentation. From miniature solenoid valves to highly integrated automation systems, Parker Life Sciences develops solutions that help OEM instrument builders speed their products to market faster and lower their overall cost of ownership.PARKER HANNIFINPARKER LIFE SCIENCES 26 Clinton Dr ., Unit 103Hollis, NH 03049T: 603-595-1500F: 603-595-8080www.parker .com/lifesciences PNDInfo@parker .comDownload:> Application Notes & Animations > CAD Files> Detailed Specifications/pneutronics/epcLab-on-a-ChipManage fl ow and maintain analytically clean processes.Gas ChromatographyEliminate thermal drift and manual adjustments.Flow CytometryPrecisely control small pressure differentials.Contact us to see if you qualify for a free evaluation unit!。

Parker Hannifin Veriflo BPRMicro系列压力回压器产品说明说明书

Parker Hannifin Veriflo BPRMicro系列压力回压器产品说明说明书

Contact Information:Parker Hannifin Corporation Veriflo Division 250 Canal BlvdRichmond, California 94804phone 510 235 9590*************************.com **************************.com /verifloMobile App: /verifloValue Proposition:Compact back-pressureregulator offered in face-seal, tube-end, and surface mount interfaces. The BPRMICRO provides superior upstream pressure control over a large flow range in the compact 1.125 inch body platform. The BPRMICRO is based on the semiconductor industry’s highest performance pressure regulator, the SQMICRO.Back Pressure RegulatorUltra High Purity • Stainless SteelBPRMicro SeriesProduct Features:• Hastelloy C-22® diaphragm standard • FKM seat• Internally Electropolished Body standard • 1 1/8" surface mount interface availableSafety Guide and Installation and Operating Instructions available at/veriflo10. a c k P r e s s u r e (P S I G )Flow Rate (SLM) N2SMBPRMICRO30102 Flow Curve4X [ C-SealW-SealBPRMicro SeriesFlow CurvesDimensional DrawingsAll dimensions in inches. Metric dimensions are for reference only.Build a BPRMicro Series regulator by replacing the numbered symbols with an op-tion from the corresponding tables below.Connections (blank) = surface mount M = Male F = FemaleBasic SeriesSMBPRMICRO = Surface Mount BPRMICRO = Face Seal orTube Stub12412345SMBPRMICRO 30 10 2SMBPRMICRO30102Sample:Finished Order:5Porting10 = 2 Ports C-Seal 60 = 2 Ports W-Seal 2P = 2 Ports3 Control Pressure Range30 = 1 - 30 psig (0.1 to 2.1 barg)Contact factory for most up to date lead time information.Blue = Configurations that have selections in blue will require a price quote and lead time from the factory.Port Style(blank) = surface mountFS = 1/4" Face Seal TS = 1/4" Tube Stub6Body Type (surface mount only)2= 1-1/8" interface6© 2022 Parker Hannifin CorporationLitPN: 25000346Rev: -Date of Issue: 04/2022Hastelloy ® is a registered trademark of Haynes International, Inc.All specifications subject to change without notice.For additional information on materials of construction, functional performance and operating conditions, please contact factory.OFFER OF SALE:The items described in this document are hereby offered for sale by Parker-Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance are governed by the provisions stated in the detailed “Offer of Sale” elsewhere in this document or available at /verifloWARNING USER RESPONSIBILITYFAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. THIS DOCUMENT IS FOR REFERENCE ONLY. PLEASE CONSULT FACTORY FOR LATEST PRODUCT DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONSThis document and other information from Parker-Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise.The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the system and components and assuring that all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The user must analyze all aspects of the application, follow applicable industry standards, and follow the information concerning the product in the current product catalog and in any other materials provided from Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors.To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors provide component or system options based upon data or specifications provided by the user, the user is responsible for determining that such data and specifications are suitable and sufficient for all applications and reasonably foreseeable uses of the components or systems.The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corp and it’s subsidiaries at any time without notice.Proposition 65 Warning: This product contains chemicals known to the state of California to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm.1. Design pressure per KOSHA Guide D-5-2012, Para. 6.2.。

Parker Hannifin 控制系统变电压值 Series ERV091N 中文名称说明书

Parker Hannifin 控制系统变电压值 Series ERV091N 中文名称说明书

General DescriptionThe ERV091N Series, Normally Open, Pressure Control Valves are used on systems requiring variable electronic control of pressure. They are well suited for increase or decrease of pressure in load control circuits for higher flow applications up to 30 LPM(8 GPM).OperationWith the solenoid coil de-energized, the pilot dart is held open by the spring. This allows the main spool to open at 10.4 Bar (150 PSI). As current is applied to the coil, the pilot dart is moved towards the pilot seat restricting pilot flow. This restriction raises the effective pressure setting of the valve. Once a constant elec-tronic signal is given, the pilot dart is held in a given position, holding a given pressure setting. This is maintained by a balance between electronic force andinlet pressure. As the electronic signal is reduced, the pilot dart is moved away from the pilot seat. This lowers the effective pressure setting of the valve. Features•Low hysteresis•Adaptable to regulated analog or PWM•On-off type solenoid coils •Contamination tolerant•Standard valve bodies and common cavities •Manual override standard. Seal variations and other options available SpecificationsRated Flow ERV091N3 - 11 LPM (3 GPM) When Valve is at 17.2 Bar (250 PSI) ∆PFully Open ERV091N8 - 30 LPM (8 GPM) (De-energized)at 24.1 Bar (350 PSI) ∆P Maximum Inlet275 Bar (4000 PSI)PressureHysteresis8% MaximumCracking10 - 25% of input signal (Deadband)Frequency100 - 400 Hz (200 Hz Preferred) Viscosity Range36 SSU (3 cSt) or3000 SSU (647 cSt)Operating Temp.-40°C to +93.3°C (Nitrile)Range (Ambient)(-40°F to +200°F)-31.7°C to +121.1°C (Fluorocarbon)(-25°F to +250°F)Cartridge Material All parts steel. All operatingparts hardened steel.Body Material Steel or AluminumFiltration ISO Code 16/13,SAE Class 4 or betterMounting No restrictionsCavity Common Cavity No. C09-2 Outlet (2)Series ERV091N*Inch equivalents for millimeter dimensions are shown in (**)DimensionsSee Coil Information For Terminal ConnectorsCartridge OnlySeries ERV091NOrdering Information1Type09SizeERVProportional Pressure Control Valve3/4-16UNF-2B Threaded CavitySealsCode Type Omit Nitrile VFluorocarbonOverride Option******calls out voltage. For example: 851024-012VDC is a 12 volt, 30 watt DC Double Wire coil.Coil Assemblies851018******30 Watt Conduit Coil 851020******30 Watt DIN(Hirschmann) Coil851022******30 Watt Double Spade CoilSERVICE PARTSNitrile Seal Kit: SK09-2Coil Nut: 118113-00Fluorocarbon Seal Kit: SK09-2V DIN Connector:Grey - 692914Black - 692915851024******30 Watt Double Wire Coil 851026******30 Watt Single Screw Coil 851028******30 Watt Single Wire CoilShipping Weight Cartridge Only .32 kg (0.7 lbs.)Cartridge in Body .43 kg (1.0 lbs.)Flow OptionBody OptionCoil VoltageCoil TerminationMPilotOperatedCode Port Size & MaterialOmit Cartridge Only 4P 1/4″ NPTF (B09-2-4P)SteelA4P 1/4″ NPTF (B09-2-A4P)Aluminum 6P3/8″ NPTF (B09-2-6P)SteelA6P 3/8″ NPTF (B09-2-A6P)Aluminum 4T SAE-4(B09-2-4T)SteelA4T SAE-4(B09-2-A4T)Aluminum 6TSAE-6(B09-2-6T)SteelA6TSAE-6(B09-2-A6T)Aluminum4B 1/4″ BSPG (B09-2-4B)SteelA4B 1/4″ BSPG (B09-2-A4B)Aluminum 6B 3/8″ BSPG (B09-2-6B)SteelA6B3/8″ BSPG (B09-2-A6B)AluminumCode DescriptionOmitCartridge Without Coil C1/2″ NPTF Conduit Connector with 24″ Class H Wire D DIN 43650(Hirschmann) Plug Face PSAE 1B-0.25 SAE Double Spade (DC Only)S1Single 8-32 screw & nut internally ground (DC Only)W Double wire 24″ Class H (DC Only)W1Single wire, internally ground, 24″ Class H (DC Only)Code TypeOmit Cartridge Without Coil D006 6 VDC D01010 VDC D01212 VDC D01818 VDC D02424 VDC D03636 VDC D04848 VDCCode Type MPush TypeManual Override with Flush RodCode Description N3Normally Open 11 LPM (3GPM)N8Normally Open 30 LPM (8GPM)。

Parker Hannifin 品牌的 VBY 系列手动调节 Pilot 操作压力放置器产品说明书

Parker Hannifin 品牌的 VBY 系列手动调节 Pilot 操作压力放置器产品说明书

1) Port B for remote control, otherwise to be blocked. 2) Port X for remote control, otherwise to be blocked.
Max. 160 bar
4 Max. 210 bar
Max. 315 bar
p/Q performance curves NG10 Max. 64 bar
Max. 160 bar
Max. 210 bar
Max. 315 bar
All characteristic curves measured with HLP46 at 50 °C. * For all pressure stages.
Features • Subplate mounting acc. to ISO 5781 • Main stage spool type
4 • Pilot stage seated type • 4 pressure stages • 2 adjustment modes: - screw with hexagon socket - cylinder lock
Ordering code
Pressure relief valve
Pressure Adjustment Nominal
Design series (not required
for ordering)
Code 064 160 210 315
Pressure stages up to 64 bar up to 160 bar up to 210 bar up to 315 bar
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1 +Ub
4 S1 out
2 S2 out
3 0V/GND
bn +Ub bk wh bl
SCPSD-xxx-14-x7 1 开关量输出; 1 模拟量输出; M12x1; 4芯
SCPSD-xxx-14-x5 2 开关量输出; 1 模拟量输出; M12x1; 5芯
1 +Ub
4 S1 out
2 DESINA Analog
4.1 SCPSD 压力控制器
SCPSD-xxx-04-x6 1 开关量输出;
DIN EN 175301-803 类型 A (旧版本为 DIN43650)
1 +Ub
3 S1 out
2 0V/GND
ye +Ub
bn gn
SCPSD-xxx-04-x7 2 开关量输出; M12x1; 4芯
10 12 (20.1)
93.5 9.1 (20.1)
93.5 14.1 (25.1)
4.1 SCPSD 压力控制器
外螺纹 SCPSD-xxx-x4-1x
内螺纹 SCPSD-xxx-x4-2x
SCPSD-060-14-27 压力范围 60 bar 1 开关量输出 1 模拟量输出 G1/4 BSPP 内螺纹 M12 插口
SCPSD-004-14-15 压力范围 4 bar 2 开关量输出 1 模拟量输出 G1/4 BSPP 外螺纹 M12 插口
压力控制器最大的特点就是操作简单、结构紧凑和可靠 性高,非常适合在工业场合中长期使用。
操作简单 参数设置可通过按键或程序设计模块来完成。
多功能性 每个开关量输出都可独立设置以下参数: 常闭/常开形式 开启或关闭的压力点 迟滞时间 迟滞模式/窗型模式 迟滞压力
控制器可以进行以上的智能设置,而普通机械开关是无 法实现此功能的。因此,一个控制器可以替代多个开 关。
G1/4A ø18.8
高压/低压 DMS/陶瓷
G1/4 ø26.8
高压 (大于 60 bar) DMS
G1/4 ø26.8
低压 (小于 16 bar) 陶瓷
73.4 73.4
M12 插口 SCPSD-xxx-x4-x5
1 开关量输出;无模拟量输出 DIN EN 175301-803 类型 A (旧版本为 DIN 43650) 插口
2 开关量输出;无模拟量输出 M12x1 插口;4芯
1 开关量输出;有模拟量输出 M12x1 插口;4芯
2 开关量输出;有模拟量输出 M12x1 插口;5芯
类型 G1/4 BSPP 外螺纹 = 1 G1/4 BSPP 内螺纹 = 2
4.1 SCPSD 压力控制器
结构紧凑 坚固 性能可靠 操作简单 长期稳定 抗干扰 金属外壳 高防护等级 种类多样 可旋转 模拟输出 密码保护 MPa, bar, psi
压力控制器集压力开关、压力传感器和显示设备的功能 于一身:
显示压力 (压力计) 开关量输出 模拟信号
模拟输出可独立设置以下参数: 0/4…20 mA 输出值 可设置起始压力 可设置最终压力
可靠/安全 压力由一个长期可靠的测量元件测量得到,任何功能性 错误都可以识别出来,并根据DESINA的要求进行进一步 处理。由于存在密码保护,未经允许而修改参数的行为 可以得到有效的避免。
坚固 控制器的金属外壳具有防潮、抗振、抗冲击的作用,同 时其电路具有反向极性保护、过电压保护和短路保护。
典型± 0,5 % FS ; 最大± 1 % FS ± 0,02 % FS/°K 典型 (在-20…+85 °C时),± 0,03 % FS/°K 最大 ± 0,2 % FS/a ± 0,25 % FS ± 0,5 % FS 典型; ± 1 % FS 最大 ± 0,5 % FS 典型 数值 ± 1 ± 1 % FS 最大 数值 ± 1
20 g; 10…500 Hz IEC60068-2-6*** 50 g; 11 ms IEC60068-2-29***
EN 61000-6-3
EN 61000-6-2
开关量输出 触点功能 开关电压
2 × PNP 常开/常闭; 窗型/迟滞; 电源 1,5 VDC
PC 编程工具包 固定管夹 转换接头 M22x1,5 转换接头 G1/2 BSPP 阻尼接头 法兰接头,用于机械压力开关
电缆长度(m) 02 2 m 05 5 m 10 10 m 插口 45 M12 电缆接线座;直通 55 M12 电缆接线座;90° 56 DIN EN 175301-803 类型 A 插口
光接口 开关状态显示
可视化 圆整显示 数码显示
大屏幕 背光灯 显示 psi/bar/Mpa 实际压力 最小压力 最大压力 开关点
操作简单 3个大按键 显示单位
压力连接 不锈钢 长期稳定的测量元件 介质兼容性好
坚固 金属外壳 防水 抗干扰性好 抗振动 抗冲击
≤ 10 ms ≤ 10 ms
15…30 VDC 标称 24 VDC; 防护等级 3 M12x1; 4芯; 5芯 带镀金触点。电气插座接头符合DIN EN 175301-803 类型 A (旧版本为 DIN43650) 是

< 100 mA
可旋转度达 290°
Z410压铸锌合金; 喷涂
显示 防护等级 环境状况
4-位 7-段 LED; 红色;数字高度 9 mm IP67 DIN EN 60529; DIN EN 175301-803 类型A 插口为 IP65 (旧版本为 DIN43650)
-20…+85 °C
储存温度 振动阻尼 抗冲击性 EM 兼容性
-40…+100 °C
004 -1...4
10 12
010 -1…10
25 陶瓷材料
016 -1...16
40 50
060 0…60 120 550
100 0…100
200 800
250 0…250
1200 DMS薄膜
400 0…400
800 1700
600 0…600 1200 2200
输入量 可靠周期(106) 扫描速度
(旧版本为 DIN 43650) 独立插件 M12 电缆接线座;直通 M12 电缆接线座;90° DIN EN 175301-803 类型 A 插口
(旧版本为 DIN 43650)
SCPSD - xxx - 04 - x 6 SCPSD - xxx - 04 - x 7 SCPSD - xxx - 14 - x 7 SCPSD - xxx - 14 - x 5
out 3 0V/GND
bn +Ub bk wh b ye = 黄色 bn = 棕色 bk = 黑色 bl = 蓝色 gr = 灰色

1 +Ub
4 S1 out
2 DESINA S2 out
5 Analog
out 3 0V/GND
bn +Ub bk wh gr bl
灵活安装 结构紧凑 290°旋转
螺纹 内螺纹 外螺纹
管夹 与SCSD-S27管夹连接
程序设计模块 可用ControllerWIN 软件 进行设置
4.1 SCPSD 压力控制器
压力范围* Pn (bar) 过载压力 Pmax (bar) 爆破压力 Pburst (bar)
可视化 控制器的大屏幕保证了即使距离很远也可以清楚地读取 数据。其压力单位为MPa、bar或psi。
安装形式多样 由于其紧凑的结构和抗干扰性,SCPSD控制器适合用于 恶劣的安装位置。 而由于其外壳具有可旋转性,因此读取数据非常方便。
通用 针对不同的应用,压力控制器有多个种类。
4.1 SCPSD 压力控制器
SCA-1/4-M22x1.5-ED SCA-1/4-ED-1/2-ED SCA-1/X-EDX-1/X-D SCAF-1/4-40
SCK-145 SCK-155 SCK-006
SCPSD-100-04-27 压力范围 100 bar 2 开关量输出 G1/4 BSPP 内螺纹 M12 插口
每个开关 0,5 A
短路电流 模拟量输出
每个开关 2,4 A
0/4…20 mA; 可编程; 可缩放; RL ≤ (电源 - 8 V) / 20 mA (≤ 500 Ω)
* 见 82 页, 6.3 ** 可定制其他密封材料 (FKM, EPDM 等) *** DIN EN 175301-803 类型 A (旧版本为 DIN43650) 未申请
SW27 ø32