• act as their friends tather than parents.
Special training
• be ready to discover the kids's specialities and encourage them to make furthur improvements.
• China学历型 • immatured market
economy • low productivity • narrow job market • poor labor fluidity
among industries • high living pressure
Social conditions
The enlightment
• transformation of concepts
• change of the role • special training
Transformation of concepts
• lay more stress on children's sense of independence.
Thinking styles
• the Americans are rationalists, they apply rationality to both family membors and family affairs.
• Chinese people are emotionalists, emotion is the chief concern in dealing with interpersonal and social ralations.
1. Family Education.At present, the majority of family educational expert consider that family education can be divided in narrow and broad sense. Generalized family education indicates that family members teach each other in their daily life. In a narrow sense, it indicates that the elder members (especially for parents) of a family teach younger in their daily life. Family education as one part of family, school and society education has an irreplaceable meaning to other two educations. Family education is not only attaching importance to the health of children, but also their mental health which makes them more adaptable to competitive society in the future. More often than not, education is also an interaction between children and parents which means that they both be educated during the process of it.2.1The Feature of Chinese Family Education.First, Chinese parents usually charge of whole things of their kids to make them have enough time to study. Especially for those parents who have only child provide them anything what their kids need. There is also a new phenomenon that we can see most of elementary school students have mobile phones, digital camera, MP5 which are top grade cons umer goods. It’s detrimental to develop children’s independent ability and imperceptibly make them spend freely on money which given by their parents. A lot of Chinese parents only pay attention to their kids’ basic necessities of life but not their inner mind which easily make them have mental or moral character problems. In the meantime, it’s easy to make their kids have personality defect and lose ability of living all by themselves. Therefore, this kind of education is absolutely unreasonable and lack short of scientific.Second, the matters of family education one-sided emphasize test score. Chinese parents only attach importance to intelligent development of their kids but seldom evenly conduct the education of morality, intelligence, physique and art to their children. So that it’s the main cause of uneven in development of Chinese students’ integral ability. We also see a phenomenon that a lot of only children are high intelligent, vulnerable and sensitive. But in the fields of developing intelligence of children, Chinese parents only care for their result of ability of memory, comprehension and computational problem. On the contrary, innovation-oriented society is pressed for practical ability and creative ability.Third, Chinese parents always regard their kids as private property. They are concerned more about face-saving than their kids. They deserve their kids are their own and have right to control the children’s behavior. When their kids betray their orders, they also use their dignity or effect violence to their children but do not know it is illegal. They believe the concept of family education needs violence sometime to their naughty behavior. Furthermore, Chinese parents also think if they love their kids, whatever methods of expression, the kids should accept it and unconditional comply with it. As the times passes, the children would not like to communicate with their parents who will not be told by their kids when they have something mental problems.It affluence the kids’ mental health and is difficult to form a harmonious family relationships.2.2The Feature of American Family Education.First, American parents lay emphasis on cultivating equal consciousness. American parents always like to provide ample opportunities for their kids to perform themselves in daily life regardless of whether the result is successful or failure; they often approve their ability and praise them. The children who grown up in this kind of relax environment are active, innovative and confident. But American parents will not neglect any shortcomings of their kids who are told “they should correct their fault when the find it out immediately” by their parents. Sometimes American parents also punish their children when they do some mistakes. But it mainly depends on the foundation of respecting children’s self-respect and they do not use any insulting words to humiliate them.Second, American parents pay more attention to cultivate independent consciousness and hardship spirit to their children. When their kids were born, they usually try every means to provide opportunities or conditions to train their kids to make them full trained in every condition. It is never be heard of some American children sleeping with their parents when they are baby who need to sleep in a small bed alone and grow up to older they will have their own room to sleep. Large quantities of American parents support their kids to take a part-time job which can practice their capability of independent living. In United States, most of adolescents aged eighteen earn money by part-time job to pay the sky high college tuition. From children to adolescent in western countries take part-time job develop their hardship spirit. The average incomes of United States families are dozens of time to Ceehina, but American parents have a strict limit and requirement for giving pin money to their kids. A survey conclude that fifty four percent of American adolescent students do not have pin money which given by their parents and the more elder will not have chance to get it form parents.Third, American parents lay emphasis on creative ability of their kids. American parents almost will not inflict more pressure to their kids in studying and think they are willing to learn if are interest in certain knowledge. It will hurt kids’ emotion and personality if they force them to do what they do not want to do. American parents do not make their children to recite a large quantity of formula and theorem mechanically but eagerly teach them how to solve the difficulties and find out the ways of looking for an answer when they face an unfamiliar field. They also try all their best to affirm any effort of their kids and praise every answer of children’s thinking to protect and stimulate whole creative desire and trials. What they want to do which is usually is supported by their parents who make them to be a man who they are.2.3.5The Detail of Evaluation between Chinese and American Parents.Chinese parents think their most important job is study compare with other aspects which are all secondary. They also stick to the principle of high education background is everything? Therefore they always encourage their children pay all energy to study so that Chinese education attach more importance to test scores andbody health not moral quality and mental health. The evaluation of Chinese parents to their children often focus on their children’s test scores and urge them by saying,“You should study harder”, “Why your examine result is lower than before?” Which are not unfamiliar words to Chinese children who are seldom hear the praiseful words or objective evaluation to their works in other aspects. And recent survey manifest that the achievement and family happiness of a man eighty percents depends on nonintellectual factor but twenty pe rcent upon intelligent factor which is “human dignity” (人格)----“humanistic literacy”.(人文素养)American parents attach more importance to moral qualities, capability and integral quality of their children. Parents permit their children to do what they like and encourage them to find out questions in anything and try to solve it by themselves.2.3.2Critical and Praiseful Words.Critical words is usually more that praiseful ones from the mouth of Chinese parents who also take advantage of ironic, sharp-fanged and threatening words to crack down the confidence of their children. But American parents usually like to reward instead of punishment to children when they do a good job. The attitude of treating to them by American parents is honesty and down to the ground. We also see a phenomenon that Chinese parents always tell their children others are better than you and should work harder to catch up with them,. But American parents won’t do that, they never tell children are worse than others. They always regard their own children are the most smart ones to them.。
Comparison of Family Education between China and America○Peng Xiaoyan(Economics and Finance University of Inner Mongolia,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia,010070)[Abstract]By comparison,this paper analyzes the different family education between China and America mainly on aspects of family education’s methods,contents,aims and results.Among them,family education contains quality edu-cation and financial education etc.After comparison,the paper comes up with some suggestion for Chinese family educa-tion.[Key words]family education,differences,China,America[中图分类号]H319[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1672-8610(2012)08-0101-02I.IntroductionEntering twenty-first century,as one of the hot issues,family education is becoming more and more important in peo-ple’s life.Family,as the cell of society,is the first place that children receive education and the first unit that the children get in touch with the society.Education is a highly complicated process which is connected with families,schools and society throughout one’s whole life.Whether a modern society can pres-ent its special education function,which is already the base of the power to push the society and creation of family happiness.In modern society,family education’s contents become various.It includes not only family morality education,family relation ed-ucation and family financial education,but also financial educa-tion,and so on.The Chinese say that if you know the family,you do not need to know the individual.It is clear that family is important to every human being’s life.The family is among the oldest and most fundamental of all human institutions.We are born in fami-lies,mature in the families,from new families and leave them at our death.Family life is a universal human experience.It is also an experience that helps shape the manner of each individual in the world.A family education usually includes all kinds of aspects,such as a moral education and a financial education.But on each aspect,there are differences in different countries.Next,I will compare some detailed contents between China and America.Ⅱ.Comparison of the Family Education’s Process betweenChina and America2.1The comparison of the methods of family educationMost American parents educate their children by the way of the equality of democracy.They regard their children as an inde-pendent and an equal family member.However,Chinese parents hold that they are their children’s elders.Parents regard their children as their private property.Children should obey their parents’willing or decisions,no matter which aspect,such as study,life,even a child’s marriage.In the past two decades,an arranged marriage is general phenomenon in China.Even now,it still exists in some remote villages.In China,some people think hitting children is a kind of useful method of education.There is an old Chinese saying about it,“If you do not beat your child,he will not be successful.”Majority were hit by parents when they were children.In Ameri-ca,beating a child is a federal crime.If a social worker discov-ers that it is happening,the government can charge the parents with the crime and take their children away.Chinese parents believe that grades are more important than anything else.If one test grade dropped,parents would think during that time children had not studied well enough.Generally speaking,parents make their children all of their energy to stud-ying and never make them do other things that are not related to the study.However,American parents do not think so.They pay more attention to children’s all kinds of abilities.Furthermore,when a child does something wrong,American parents would talk to him about it.If he keeps on doing what he is doing,they will take away privileges,or make him do chores.But they never beat him for getting bad grades or making mistakes.Both Chinese and American parents love their children just the same.The only difference is that the methods of education are different.But that is related to every country’s culture and traditions.1.The preference for youth to old people in AmericaIn America,people do not have much respect for their sen-ior citizens(over the age of65),beyond giving them the honora-ble title.More often than not they are sent to nursing homes or the old people have to live on their own.Study shows that nearly two thirds of the heads of families query are opposed to having their aged parents live together with their children.There are some reasons for that.For example,the old people do not under-语文学刊·外语教育教学2012年第8期[作者简介]彭晓燕,内蒙古财经大学外国语学院讲师,硕士,研究方向:外国语言学和应用语言学。
The Defferent of Family Education between China and America 1st, emphasis emphasis is is is laid laid laid on on on family family family education. education. No No matter matter matter which which which country country country you you you come come come from,from, what what nationality nationality nationality you you you belong belong belong to to to all all all think think think t t he he family family family is is is a a a person's person's person's first first first school, school, school, and and and th th e e parent parent parent is is is the the the first first first teacher. teacher. teacher. Either Either Either China China or or Western Western Western countries, countries, countries, either either either the the the ancient ancient ancient ti ti mes mes or or or the the the modern modern modern times, times, times, family family family educatio educatio n n is is is always always always in in in the the the most most most fundamental fundamental fundamental positi positi on. 2nd, 2nd, family family family education education education should should should be be be started started since since childhood, childhood, childhood, perform perform perform the the the duty duty duty promptl promptl y. Family Family instruct instruct instruction ion ion of of of Yan Yan Yan said said said that,“ that,“ that,“ The The parents parents should should should do do do the the the missionary missionary missionary work, work, work, w w hen hen the the the infant infant infant is is is young. young. young. Judging Judging Judging from from from his his facial facial expression, expression, expression, we we we know know know whether whether whether he he he is is angry angry or or or happy, happy, happy, then then then give give give instructions.”[ instructions.”[ instructions.”[ “F “F amily amily Instruction Instruction Instruction of of of Yan” Yan” Yan” ,, Zhitui Zhitui Yan, Yan, So uthern uthern and and and Norther Norther Northern n n Dynasties] Dynasties] Dynasties] Because Because Because “i “i t’s t’s easy easy easy to to to concentrate concentrate concentrate a a a child’s child’s child’s attention.attention. After After he he he grows grows grows up, up, up, his his his attention attention attention is is is easily easily dispersed, dispersed, so so so a a a child child child must must must be be be caught caught caught earl earl y.” y.” Dewey Dewey Dewey also also also thought thought thought the the the family family family educatio educatio n n should should should be be be executed executed executed early. early. 3rd, 3rd, parents' parents' parents' unsuilable unsuilable unsuilable role role role division division division in in in e e ducation ducation brings brings brings about about about some some some bad bad bad results. results. Either Either in in in China China China or or or in in in the the the West West West mother mother mother is is almost almost described described described in in in many many many cultures cultures cultures as as as the the main main fosterer, fosterer, fosterer, and and and then then then father father father plays plays plays only only a a part. part. part. The The The father father father is is is the the the main main main undertaker undertaker who who teaches teaches teaches the the the child child child to to to know know know the the the rationa rationa lity lity education. education. education. Mother Mother Mother is is is responsible responsible responsible for for for c c hild's hild's food food food and and and drink drink drink in in in daily daily daily life, life, life, the the the mat mat erial erial guarantee, guarantee, guarantee, the the the emotional emotional emotional satisfaction satisfaction and and so so so on, on, on, is is is also also also the the the main main main undertaker undertaker undertaker of of child’s child’s emotional emotional emotional cultivation. cultivation. cultivation. Its Its Its result result result is is that that the the the child child child holds holds holds his his his father father father in in in awe awe awe and and veneration veneration and and and causes causes causes the the the poor poor poor relation relation relation be be tween tween child child child and and and father, father, father, and and and thus thus thus affects affects affects c c hild's hild's perfect perfect perfect development. development. 5th, 5th, attach attach attach importance importance importance to to to teaching teaching teaching by by by pe pe rsonal rsonal example example example as as as well well well as as as verbal verbal verbal instructio instructio n. The The parents parents parents are are are child's child's child's models, models, models, usually usually usually a a simple simple movement movement movement is is is more more more effective effective effective than than than t t he he inculcation inculcation inculcation of of of ten ten ten thousand thousand thousand instructions. instructions. However, However, the the the traditional traditional traditional family family family education education in in China, China, China, on on on account account account of of of the the the respective respective respective dif dif ferences ferences in in in more more more aspects aspects aspects is is is different different different from from that that in in in the the the West . West . They They have have have their their their own own own c c haracteristics haracteristics between between between regions regions regions andcultures. andcultures. To To begin begin begin with, with, with, the the the tendency tendency tendency of of of education education is is different. different. The The Chinese Chinese Chinese parents parents parents lay lay lay emphasis emphasis emphasis on on on so so cial cial enlightenment, enlightenment, enlightenment, ignore ignore ignore the the the growth growth growth of of of c c hildren. hildren. The The The Chinese Chinese Chinese parents parents parents take take take the the the soci soci al al compatible compatible compatible enlightenment enlightenment enlightenment seriously, seriously, seriously, but but often often neglect neglect neglect the the the development development development of of of children children 's 's characteristics, characteristics, characteristics, they they they often often often train train train the the the child child ren ren under under under established established established forms forms forms , , , and and and lay lay lay dow dow n n the the the broad broad broad road road road for for for their their their growth. growth. 中国和美国之间的家庭教育Defferent 第一,重点是放在家庭教育。
A Comparative Study on Family Education in America and China 中美家庭教育差异
![A Comparative Study on Family Education in America and China 中美家庭教育差异](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e8c96ddd5fbfc77da269b147.png)
A Comparative Study on Family Educationin America and ChinaAbstract:In a lifetime , family is the first school , in which parents are the first teachers for the children . Children are the hopes of a nation , and family education is the elementary education for children . There are many types of family education in the world and each of them shows distinctive features and is closely responsive to its culture . And American family education is the most famous one among them1. There are great differences in the concepts of education , aim of education , methods of education and contents of education between American family education and Chinese family education . This thesis will complete the comparative study from the differences , the reasons and the results of family education between America and China . The author hopes to find a satisfied family education method through comparing the differences between American family education and Chinese family education . At the same time , the author hopes this thesis can provide some helpful suggestions for family education in order to make children grow more healthily and roundly .Keywords: family education childeren differences education for all-around development Main Body:Ⅰ.The differences of family education between America and China:1.The concepts of family education are different .The different education concepts between America and China lead children to receive differert education . In China , many parents only care about whether the children have a promising future , a good job , a good life or not . Based on these expectations , the majority of parents feel that their responsibility for their children is to create as good conditions as possible they can so that the children will not worry about anything in the future2. Chinese parents would like to provide everything what they can for their children in the process of children’s growth . In short , they would like to sacrifice anything if their children can live better with their help . Therefore, in the process of children’s growth, the most important thing the parents concerning is to develop their children’s intellect, except for caring children’s daily life . In order to make their children have a good performance in study , become outstanding , or even become a famous person in the future ,they would not let children do anything except studying . Contrastively , American parents generally believe that the growth of childeren must rely on their own strength and experiences. Based on this concept , most American parents emphasize more to train their children’s ability of independence once they are born because they think that children should form a self-supporting will and the capacity to live independently since their childhood . And the capacity comes from the training in the early age3.In the film 《Gua Sha Treatment》4, there is a scene that Datong orderded his son to apologize to his boss’s son when his saw his son was fighting with his boss’s son . What’s more , he slapped his son in the face when his son refused to apologize , which gave his boss aquite a shock . His boss became confused why the father would show the regret by striking his son . This scene and the boss’s confusion reflect the different concepts between the two countries . Traditonal Chinese family education emphasize kindheartedness and bedience5, so we can say that Chinese parents like Datong in the film always want to model their children . On the contrary , America children have more rights of autonomy because their parents emphasis on justice and freedom in the process of family education .2.The aim of family education are different6.The aim of family education is to foster the childeren to grow in some direction by family education . It is the restrictive factor for the direction of family education , deciding the general effect of it . So the aim of family education is the core of family education and the fundamental reason for the differences between the two countries on family education .There is an essential difference between two countrys’aim of family education , with to expect the child to become an outstanding personage and to hope the child to be an comprehensive and independent person giving expressions to the difference . To most Chinese parents , the aim is expecting their child to be a “dragon ”, which is “wang zi cheng long ”in Chinese . But American parents take hoping the child to be a man of ability which is “ wang zi cheng ren ” in Chinese as their aim . For Chinese parents, their aim is to do anyting to support their children to get high marks . What forms apparent contrast to it is , America parents give their children more training about improving abilities . They try to train their children to have the ability of adapting to environmental variety and the ability of living independently .3.The methods are different between America and China .The differences of concepts and aim cause the childen to be taught by different ways and methods . In Chinese family , affected by Chinese traditional culture , parents educate children by “ control ” and “ seal ” type . There are three tips for it 7:(1)Chinese parents prepare all things for their children in daily life . In Chinese family ,children don’t have to do any housework .(2)Chinese parents protect the children to excess in social activities . Many children areprevented from exposure to the outer world because their parents worry about children’s being affected by bad things 8.(3)Chinese parents have a rather strict attitude toward children’s study . Parents regard thegrades as the only standard for future success . “ Tasks Sea ” strategy is often used in study .Chinese children are tired of doing many extra exercises .So Chinese children spend more time in studying than doing other things . What about America children ? Let’s talk about the famous film 《The Pacifier》9. In the film , it may be unconcious , but Shane Wolfe had let the kids master many skills by training them during the time when he cared them . So American parents bring up their children by the method of “ letting go ”but “ not indulging ” to exercise children’s abilities of independent living .4. The different contents of family education between America and China .The differences of family education between the two countries are also reflected in the contents of family education . Although the contents of Chinese family education can also devided into moral education , intellectual education , physical education and artistic education , but intellectual education has been the most important one since they go to school . However , the contents of American family education is abundant , which pay more attention to the harmonious development of language , emotion , knowledge and so on . It is so-called “education for all-around development 10” .Ⅱ.The reasons for the differences mentioned above:1. Different historical background11China with a long histroy has a sort of cohesive and conservative sense of worth , which is lack of spirit of adventure and innovative consciousness . There is a shortage of environment in which people can accept new ideas . By contraries , America is a nation of immigrants with a short history , there remains so little traditional culture . With the influence of multi culture and sense ofworth , it is easy to accept new thoughts and culture . So America children are better at taking risks and innovating .2. Different economic formChina has a long histroy with a large population .Therefore , there are so few opportunities to find a job even a good job which can decide one’s life happiness . And getting high marks has become a necessary condition to have a good job and future . The condition of econemy in America is better than that in China , so there are more employment opportunities in America . American parents think profession is not distinguished whether it is noble or nidering as long as they can survive in society .3.Different social conditionsSo far , social security system and old-age care have not been perfect in China . Many Chinese parents take their children as their private possession in order to receive the children’s return , which is reflected in the methods of education . For this reason , their children’s high scores have become their origin of pride . But in America , there is a prosper development of econemy and sane social security system , so American parents don’t count on their children’s support . They see educating child to be an independent , conscientious and kindhearted person as their duties .4.Different traditional culture12In China , people advocate collectivism which emphasize the collective interests more important than personal interests . Therefore , Chinese parents usually replace children’s interests by their own wills and thoughts . They design children’s future standing in the adult angle . What’s more , in Chinese family , parents can raise their children in the lifetime . However , stressing personality , upholding individual development and caring about personal benefit are all the cores of American culture . Rationalistic American parents insist that children after 18 years old should be independent and not rely on their parents .Ⅲ.The results of two different kinds of family education13: The results of family education in the two countries also display obvious differences because of the differences of education concepts , aim , methods and contents . These are mainly reflected in five aspects .1.Ability of adapting to the societyMost Ameican children can adapt to the society more smoothly than many Chinese children . They can face and overcome setbacks more easily .2.Ability of living independentlyCompared with independent American children , Chinese children have particularly much requirements and strong dependence ,and they always want to get others’ care .3.Interpersonal relationshipsAs a result of parents’overprotection , Chinese children have few ablities of personal interaction . American children are opposite at this point .4.Responsibility of supporting the oldGenerally speaking , Many American children lack the sense of responsibility to support their parents in comparison with Chinese children .5.The relationship among family membersAs a whole , the relationship among Chinese family members is more harmony than that among American family . The relationship of Chinese family is very close , but in America ,family members look like separate individuals .Ⅳ. Discussions and Suggestions14:In this thesis , it is only a generic comparative study on family education in America and China . Of course , there is also distinctiveness on it . In addition , compared with Chinese family education , American family education also has its obvious shortage . So the aim of this thesis is not totally to repudiate Chinese family education or wholly to accept American family education . In the end ,by the comparative study on family education in America and China , the writer wants to cause reform ideas of Chinese family education in order to improve Chinese education level .According to our country’s special circumstances, the number of one-child family is becoming larger , so family education must be improved in the project of educational reform and development and family education must be combined with school education and social education. Therefore, it is necessary to change traditional family education ideas .(1) Chinese parents should educate their children in social environment , in other words , theyshould not only teach their children the knowledge of survival , but also the responsibilities for the society .(2) Chinese parents must cultivate their children’s consciousness of independence,self-support , cooperation and the spirit of caring for others .(3) In China , education for all-around development should be vigorously advocated andimplemented effectively .(4) Much can be learned from each other on the ways of family education for America andChina .In a word , family education is very important . With the development of society , all aspects of family education needs to be improved .Epilogue:This is the first time for me to write thesis in English , and I haven’t had enough knowledge and experience , so there must be some shortcomings . I will appreciate it that my teacher can be kind enoug to point the mistakes and help me to correct them . In the meantime , I will study hard to know more about family education in America and China and make greater progress in the future .References :1.《浅谈中美家庭教育的差异》高维亮王丽艳(《科学时代》 2006.11)2.《学前儿童家庭教育(修订版)》李生兰华东师范大学出版社3.《美国家庭教育的启示》李盈(《教育实践与研究》2005.04)4. 《Gua Sha Treatment》郑晓龙导演5. 《不同文化传统下中美家庭教育中的评价比较》唐梅(《世界教育信息》2007.4)(加标注12)6.《论中美家庭教育的差异》曾芝兰(《太原师范学院学报》(社会科学版)2006.1)7. 校选修课《…………》授课教师:……8. 《中美家庭教育的对比与分析》(《联合早报网》)9.《The Pacifier》Adam Shankman10.《中美家庭教育比较分析及对策研究》李子银(《当代教育论坛》2007.06)(加标注13)11.Sina blog “tingting and her mother ”/jenniferyuting12.《American Family Education》ailin 中央编译出版社13.《East look , West see》zhaihua中图书店出版社14. 《中美家庭教育的六点比较》王乐(《家教指南》2008年第五期)15.《北大批判-中国高等教育有病》薛涌江苏文艺出版社16.《造就小主人:教导孩子在做家务中养成勤劳、负责的美德》帕特丽夏H·斯普林科知识产权出版社12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14。
A Comparative Study on Family Education in America and China中美家庭教育对比研究
![A Comparative Study on Family Education in America and China中美家庭教育对比研究](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fde23ef019e8b8f67c1cb985.png)
A Comparative Study on Family Education in Americaand China摘要自古以来,家庭教育在一个国家的教育事业中发挥着至关重要的作用。
关键词:家庭教育中国和美国差异A Comparative Study on Family Education in America and ChinaAbstractFrom ancient times to modern times, family education has been playing an important rolein the national educational cause. As we all know, parents are the first teachers for the children, and the family is the first school. Due to the differences of the historical background, economic forms, social conditions and the traditional cultures between China and America, the concepts, aims, and the methods of family education are different. And the two different kinds of family education bring different results to the children and family.As the exchanges between two countries have been increasingly frequent, learning from others’ strong points to offset one’s weakness, it is important to construct their own cultural education idea.Key words: family education, China and America, differencesContents摘要..................................................................................................................... (i)Abstract ............................................................................................................ .............................................. ii Chapter 1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... (1)1.1 The different concepts of family education ................................................................................... 1 1.2 The different method of family education ..................................................................................... 1 1.3 The different focal point of family education ................................................................................ 2 Chapter 2 The reasons for the differences (3)2.1 Different historical background .....................................................................................................3 2.2 Different economic forms................................................................................................................3 2.3 Different traditional cultures (3)2.3.1 Value orientation......................................................................................................... .......... 3 2.3.2 Thinking styles ................................................................................................................ (3)Chapter 3 The results of two different kinds of family education ........................... 错误!未定义书签。
Ability of adapting to the society
Ability of living independently Interpersonal relationships
The relationship among family members Responsibility of supporting the old
easy to accept new thoughts and culture
few opportunities to find a job even a good job
more employment opportunities
getting high marks has become a necessary condition to have a good job and future
children’s high scores have become their origin of pride
don’t count on their children’s support
educate a child to be an independent , conscientious and kindhearted person
the collective interests more important than personal interests
stressing personality , upholding individual development and caring about personal benefit
profession is not distinguished whether it is noble or nidering as long as they can survive in society
e into parents’ money
2.Flag-raising ceremony
❖ Many ways about child rearing in America is difficult to be accepted by Chinese. Especially are the three ways below. First, let children crawl on the ground. As the saying goes: Chinese kids grow up on the bed while American kids grow up on the ground. Many parents think that crawling on the ground is unsafe and unhealthy because there are much dirt and germ on the ground. Second, let the children drink cold water. Somebody said that American is growing up in the refrigerator because they drink cold water every day. But lots of Chinese parents consider that kids will suffer from diarrhea if they drink cold water. Third, let children wear fewer clothes. Many Chinese parents judge whether their kids are feeling warm by the temperature of the kids’ hand or foot. But American parents judge that by the temperature of the kids’ back or nick. Therefore, American kids wear fewer clothes than Chinese
Chinese family education
The social background
“Example is better than precept” is eternal proposition of China's traditional education for thousands years. Confucius, such education law, in several thousand years, but are distorted.
Declaration of Independence
learn freely and relax free learning
Most American parents' point of view is: the
children will naturally learn the knowledge what they are interested. Why should they force them to do this while they don't like to? If parents force them strongly, it would be hurt the feelings and personality of children .There are different interests, hobbies and abilities in different peoples. Parents should let children do what they want to and are suitable to do.
hope one's child will have a bright future study is very important
中美家庭教育差异 A Comparision on Family Education in America and ChinaⅠ.The differences of family education between America and China:1.The concepts of family education are different .The different education concepts between America and China lead children to receive different education . In China , many parents only care about whether the children have a promising future , a good job , a good life or not . Based on these expectations , the majority of parents feel that their responsibility for their children is to create as good conditions as possible they can so that the children will not worry about anything in the future.Chinese parents would like to provide everything what they can for their children in the process of children’s growth . In short , they would like to sacrifice anything if their children can live better with their help . Therefore, in the process of children’s growth, the most important thing the parents concerning is to develop their children’s intellect , except for caring children’s daily life . In order to make their children have a good performance in study , become outstanding , or even become a famous person in the future , they would not let children do anything except studying . Contrastively , American parents generally believe that the growth of children must rely on their own strength and experiences. Based on this concept , most American parents emphasize more to train their children’s ability of independence once they are born because they think that children should form a self-supporting will and the capacity to live independently since their childhood . And the capacity comes from the training in the early age.2.The aim of family education are different.The aim of family education is to foster the children to grow in some direction by family education . It is the restrictive factor for the direction of family education , deciding the general effect of it . So the aim of family education is the core of family education and the fundamental reason for the differences between the two countries on family education .There is an essential difference between two countrys’ aim of family education , with to expect the child to become an outstanding personage and to hope the child to be an comprehensive and independent person givingexpressions to the difference . To most Chinese parents , the aim is expecting their child to be a “ dragon ” , which is “ wang zi cheng long ” in Chinese . But American parents take hoping the child to be a man of ability which is “wang zi cheng ren ” in Chinese as their aim . For Chinese parents, their aim is to do anyting to support their children to get high marks . What forms apparent contrast to it is , America parents give their children more training about improving abilities . They try to train their children to have the ability of adapting to environmental variety and the ability of living independently .3.The methods are different between America and China .The differences of concepts and aim cause the children to be taught by different ways and methods . In Chinese family , affected by Chinese traditional culture , parents educate children by “ control ” and “ seal ” type . There are three tips for it:(1)Chinese parents prepare all things for their children in daily life . In Chinese family , children don’t have to do any housework .(2)Chinese parents protect the children to excess in social activities . Many children are prevented from exposure to the outer world because their parents worry about children’s being affected by bad things.(3)Chinese parents have a rather strict attitude towards children’s study . Parents regard the grades as the only standard for future success . “ Tasks Sea ” strategy is often used in study . Chinese children are tired of doing many extra exercises .So Chinese children spend more time in studying than doing other things . However, American parents bring up their children by the method of“ letting go ” but “ not indulging ” to exercise children’s abilities of independent living .4. The different contents of family education between America and China . The differences of family education between the two countries are also reflected in the contents of family education . Although the contents of Chinese family education can also devided into moral education , intellectual education , physical education and artistic education , but intellectualeducation has been the most important one since they go to school . However , the contents of American family education is abundant , which pay more attention to the harmonious development of language , emotion , knowledge and so on . It is so-called “ education for all-around development” .Ⅱ.The reasons for the differences mentioned above:1. Different historical backgroundChina with a long histroy has a sort of cohesive and conservative sense of worth, which is lack of spirit of adventure and innovative consciousness . There is a shortage of environment in which people can accept new ideas . By contraries , America is a nation of immigrants with a short history , there remains so little traditional culture . With the influence of multi-culture sense of worth , it is easy to accept new thoughts and culture . So America children are better at taking risks and innovating .2. Different economic formChina has a long histroy with a large population .Therefore , there are so few opportunities to find a job even a good job which can decide one’s life happiness . And getting high marks has become a necessary condition to have a good job and future . The condition of economy in America is better than that in China , so there are more employment opportunities in America . American parents think profession is not distinguished whether it is noble or nidering as long as they can survive in society .3.Different social conditionsSo far , social security system and old-age care have not been perfect in China . Many Chinese parents take their children as their private possession in order to receive the children’s return , which is reflected in the methods of education . For this reason , their children’s high scores have become their origin of pride . But in America , there is a prosper development of economy and sane social security system , so American parents don’t count on their children’s support . They see educating child to be an independent , conscientious and kindhearted person as their duties .4.Different traditional cultureIn China , people advocate collectivism which emphasize the collective interests more important than personal interests . Therefore , Chinese parents usually replace children’s interests by their own wills and thoughts . They design children’s future standing in the adult angle . What’s more , in Chinese family , parents can raise their children in the lifetime . However , stressing personality , upholding individual development and caring about personal benefit are all the cores of American culture . Rationalistic American parents insist that children after 18 years old should be independent and not rely on their parents .Ⅲ.The results of two different kinds of family education:The results of family education in the two countries also display obvious differences because of the differences of education concepts , aim , methods and contents . These are mainly reflected in five aspects .1.Ability of adapting to the societyMost Ameican children can adapt to the society more smoothly than many Chinese children . They can face and overcome setbacks more easily .2.Ability of living independentlyCompared with independent American children , Chinese children have particularly much requirements and strong dependence ,and they always want to get others’ care .3.Interpersonal relationshipsAs a result of parents’ overprotection , Chinese children have few ablities of personal interaction . American children are opposite at this point .4.Responsibility of supporting the oldGenerally speaking , Many American children lack the sense of responsibility to support their parents in comparison with Chinese children .5.The relationship among family membersAs a whole , the relationship among Chinese family members is more harmony than that among American family . The relationship of Chinese family is very close , but in America ,family members look like separate individuals .Ⅳ. Discussions and Suggestions :In this thesis , it is only a generic comparative study on family education in America and China . Of course , there is also distinctiveness on it . In addition , compared with Chinese family education , American family education also has its obvious shortage . So the aim of this thesis is not totally to repudiate Chinese family education or wholly to accept American family education . In the end ,by the comparative study on family education in America and China , the writer wants to cause reform ideas of Chinese family education in order to improve Chinese education level .According to our country’s special circumstances, the number of one-child family is becoming larger , so family education must be improved in the project of educational reform and development and family education must be combined with school education and social education. Therefore, it is necessary to change traditional family education ideas .(1) Chinese parents should educate their children in social environment , in other words , they should not only teach their children the knowledge of survival , but also the responsibilities for the society .(2) Chinese parents must cultivate their children’s consciousness of independence , self-support , cooperation and the spirit of caring for others .(3)In China , education for all-around development should be vigorously advocated and implemented effectively .(4)Much can be learned from each other on the ways of family education for America and China .In a word , family education is very important . With the development of society , all aspects of family education needs to be improved .。
The Comparison of Family Education英语毕业论文----中美家庭教育的比较[Abstract] In the last few years, with the development of diathetic education has stricken root into the hearts of the people, the family education has been a hot spot of society, in which tens of thousands of families#39; vital benefi ts and urgent need lie. Because, good family education is closely related to ch ildren#39;s quality and behaviour, and related to the future of our country. At present, the situation of family education is good, large number of parents an d schools have created successful experience, even many parents study the famil y education knowledge initiatively, the educational idea has undergone the prof ound change. Nevertheless, the family education is still a weak link, particula rly, As the Western educational thought is penetrating through the East and fac ing the traditional and modern thought about family education, the Chinese pare nts are torn between the two choices. Therefore, developing family education is either an opportunity, or a challenge. Moreover, Chinese and the Western famil y education each has its own good points, but in different aspects, the educati onal methods are different, so we need to understand the differences between Ch inese and Western family education, make up for one#39;s deficiency by learning from others#39; strong points, and push forward the family educational moderni zation instantaneously, inthat case, China will have the inestimable prospects.[key words] family education china and the west tradition difference comparison[]近儿年来,随着素质教育的深入人心,家庭教育已经成为当今社会关注的一个热点,足千万家庭的切身利益和迫切需求所在。
中美家庭教育差异论文(英文版)1A Comparative Study on Family EducationAbstract:In a lifetime , family is the first school , in which parents are the first teachers for the children . Children are the hopes of a nation , and family education is the elementary education for children . There are many types of family education in the world and each of them shows distinctive features and is closely responsive to its culture . And American family education is the most famous one among them1 . There are great differences in the concepts of education , aim of education , methods of education and contents of education between American family education and Chinese family education . This thesis will complete the comparative study from the differences , the reasons and the results of family education between America and China . The author hopes to find a satisfied family education method through comparing the differences between American family education and Chinese family education . At the same time , the author hopes this thesis can provide some helpful suggestions for family education in order to make children grow more healthily and roundly .Keywords: family education childeren differences education for all-around development Main Body:Ⅰ.The differences of family education between America and China:1.The concepts of family education are different .The different education concepts between America and China lead children to receive different education . In China , many parents only care about whether the children have a promising future , a good job , a good life or not . Based on these expectations , the majority of parents feel that their responsibility for their children is to create as good conditions as possible they can so that the children will not worry about anything in the future2 . Chinese parents would like to provide everything what they can for their children in the process of children’s growth . In short , they would like to sacrifice anything if their children can live better with their help . Therefore, in the process of children’s growth, the most important thing the parents concerning isto develop their children’s intellect , excep t for caring children’s daily life . In order to make theirchildren have a good performance in study , become outstanding , or even become a famous person in the future , they would not let children do anything except studying . Contrastively , American parents generally believe that the growth of childeren must rely on their own strength and experiences. Based on this concept , most American parents emphasize more to train their children’s ability of independence once they are born because they think that children should form a self-supporting will and the capacity to live independently since their childhood . And the capacity comes from the training in the early age3 .In the film 《Gua Sha Treatment》4 , there is a scene that Datong orderded his son to apologize to his boss’s son when his saw his son was fighting with his boss’s son . What’s more , he slapped his son in the face when his son refused to apologize , which gave his boss aquite a shock . His boss became confused why the father would show the regret by striking his son . This scene and the boss’s confusion reflect the different concepts between the two countries . Traditonal Chinese family education emphasize kindheartedness and bedience5 , so we can say that Chinese parents like Datong in the film always want to model their children . On the contrary , America children have more rights of autonomy because their parents emphasis on justice and freedom in the process of family education .2.The aim of family education are different6 .The aim of family education is to foster the childeren to grow in some direction by family education . It is the restrictive factor for the direction of family education , deciding the general effect of it . So the aim of family education is the core of family education and the fundamental reason for the differences between the two countries on family education .There is an essential difference between two countrys’ aim of family education , with to expect the child to become an outstanding personage and to hope the child to be an comprehensive and independent person giving expressions to the difference . To most Chinese parents , the aim is expecting their child to be a “ dragon ” , which is “ wang zi cheng long ” in Chinese . But American parents take hoping the child to be a man of ability which is “ wang zi cheng ren ” in Chinese as their aim . For Chinese parents, their aim is to do anyting to support their children to get high marks . What forms apparent contrast to it is , America parents give their children more training about improving abilities . They try to train their children to have the ability of adapting to environmental variety and the ability of living independently .3.The methods are different between America and China .The differences of concepts and aim cause the childen to be taught by different ways and methods . In Chinese family , affected by Chinese traditional culture , parents educate children by “ control ” and “ seal ” type . There are three tips for it 7:(1)Chinese parents prepare all things for their children in daily life . In Chinese family ,children don’t have to do any housework .(2)Chinese parents protect the children to excess in social activities . Many children areprevented from exposure to the outer world because their parents worry about children’sbeing affected by bad things 8.(3)Chinese parents have a rather strict attitude toward children’s study . Parents regard thegrades as the only standard for future success . “ Tasks Sea ” strategy is often used in study .Chinese children are tired of doing many extra exercises .So Chinese children spend more time in studying than doing other things . What about America children ? Let’s talk about the famous film 《The Pacifier》9. In the film , it may be unconcious , but Shane Wolfe had let the kids master many skills by training them during the time when he cared them . So American parents bring up their children by the method of “ letting go ”but “ not indulging ” to exercise children’s abilities of independent living .4. The different contents of family education between America and China .The differences of family education between the two countries are also reflected in the contents of family education . Although the contents of Chinese family education can also devided into moral education , intellectual education , physical education and artistic education , but intellectual education has been the most important one since they go to school . However , the contents of American family education is abundant , which pay more attention to the harmonious development of language , emotion , knowledge and so on . It is so-called “ education for all-around development 10” .Ⅱ.The reasons for the differences mentioned above:1. Different historical background11China with a long histroy has a sort of cohesive and conservative sense of worth , which is lack of spirit of adventure and innovative consciousness . There is a shortage of environment inwhich people can accept new ideas . By contraries , America is a nation of immigrants with a short history , there remains so little traditional culture . With the influence of multi culture and sense of worth , it is easy to accept new thoughts and culture . So America children are better at taking risks and innovating .2. Different economic formChina has a long histroy with a large population .Therefore , there are so few opportunities to find a job even a good job which can decide one’s life happiness . And getting high marks has become a necessary condition to have a good job and future . The condition of econemy in America is better than that in China , so there are more employment opportunities in America . American parents think profession is not distinguished whether it is noble or nidering as long as they can survive in society .3.Different social conditionsSo far , social security system and old-age care have not been perfect in China . Many Chinese parents take their children as their private possession in order to receive the children’s return , which is reflected in the methods of education . For this reason , their children’s high scores have become their origin of pride . But in America , there is a prosper development of econemy and sane social security system , so American parents don’t count on their children’s support . They see educating child to be an independent , conscientious and kindhearted person as their duties .4.Different traditional culture12In China , people advocate collectivism which emphasize the collective interests more important than personal interests . Therefore , Chinese parents usually replace children’s interests by their own wills and thoughts . They design children’s future standing in the adult angle . What’s more , in Chinese family , parents can raise their children in the lifetime . However , stressing personality , upholding individual development and caring about personal benefit are all the cores of American culture . Rationalistic American parents insist that children after 18 years old should be independent and not rely on their parents .Ⅲ.The results of two different kinds of family education13:The results of family education in the two countries also display obvious differences because of the differences of education concepts , aim , methods and contents . These are mainly reflectedin five aspects .1.Ability of adapting to the societyMost Ameican children can adapt to the society more smoothly than many Chinese children . They can face and overcome setbacks more easily .2.Ability of living independentlyCompared with independent American children , Chinese children have particularly much requirements and strong dependence ,and they always want to get others’ care .3.Interpersonal relationshipsAs a result of parents’ overprotection , Chinese children have few ablities of personal interaction . American children are opposite at this point .4.Responsibility of supporting the oldGenerally speaking , Many American children lack the sense of responsibility to support their parents in comparison with Chinese children .5.The relationship among family membersAs a whole , the relationship among Chinese family members is more harmony than that among American family . The relationship of Chinese family is very close , but in America ,family members look like separate individuals .Ⅳ. Discussions and Suggestions14 :In this thesis , it is only a generic comparative study on family education in America and China . Of course , there is also distinctiveness on it . In addition , compared with Chinese family education , American family education also has its obvious shortage . So the aim of this thesis is not totally to repudiate Chinese family education or wholly to accept American family education . In the end ,by the comparative study on family education in America and China , the writer wants to cause reform ideas of Chinese family education in order to improve Chinese education level .According to our country’s special circumstances, the number of one-child family is becoming larger , so family education must be improved in the project of educational reform and developmentand family education must be combined with school education and social education. Therefore, it is necessary to change traditional family education ideas .(1) Chinese parents should educate their children in social environment , in other words , theyshould not only teach their children the knowledge of survival , but also theresponsibilities for the society .(2) Chinese parents must cultivate their children’s consciousness of independence , self-support , cooperation and the spirit of caring for others .(3) In China , education for all-around development should be vigorously advocated andimplemented effectively .(4) Much can be learned from each other on the ways of family education for America andChina .In a word , family education is very important . With the development of society , all aspects of family education needs to be improved .Epilogue:This is the first time for me to write thesis in English , and I haven’t had enough knowledge and experience , so there must be some shortcomings . I will appreciate it that my teacher can be kind enoug to point the mistakes and help me to correct them . In the meantime , I will study hard to know more about family education in America and China and make greater progress in the future .。
中美家庭教育英语论文(英语版)第一篇:中美家庭教育英语论文(英语版)Comparison betweenChinese and American Family EducationAbstract Family education is related to a person's life.Nowadays, social development needs high qualified talents and good family education is the key point to the high qualified talents.Because of the different social systems, culture backgrounds, education aims and so on, family education for the children are different in many aspects between China and America.This article will compare Chinese with American families in differences in educational aims, content and teaching method, what's more, analyze some reasons for these differences.Key words: children, parents, family education,Chinese ,American1.IntroductionGeert Hofstede, a master engaging in cultural studies, defines the word “culture” as “collective mental programming” possessed by people in the same environment.This program differs since people have different ways of thinking which derive from diverse educational background and work.From this, the significance of education in cultural differences can be seen.In additions, children are the hope of nation and “family education” is the earliest lesson children took.So it’s important to com pare our family education with others and develop it.2.Main different of family educationFirst, there exists great difference in educational conception and purpose between Chinese and American families.Chinese parents produce a great impact on children’s future.They often design a future for children, no matter they like it or not.Thelargest parental expectation to children is that they work hard and try to be promising.And parents would like to spare their no efforts to provide children with a more favorable growing environment——for they believe that everything they've done deserves if children get a better future.And during this process of giving, “good marks” are gradually considered as the only mission and goal on the path of development.At the same time, they ignore their children’s extraordinary abilities, damage their imaginations.Nevertheless, the largest expectation of American parents is to encourage their children to be a social man.“Social man” is not a utopia idea, but a requirement which is pr actical and easy to achieve.They pay much attention to train their children’s independent ability.They provide children with more freedom, inspiring them to develop through experience.American children take part-time job during their spare time.For example, they do house cleaning;send newspapers to make money for the cost of living.Second, their teaching method diverges a lot.The method in China is often no more than the mode of “Teaching by holding his hand”.Parents prefer to directly telling children the results, rather than show the process.Over time, they will suffer from psychological dependence, ignoring the importance of self-exploration.And that's why most Chinese students lack of creativity.What’s more, Chinese parents pay more attention to class lessons than learning in life.we can find the following scenes easily: Parents take their children to various kinds of lessons after school.On the contrary, American parents pay attention to practical training, emphasis on training children in practice instead of preaching.Parents always let children do what they want and like to do.And it is this kind of method that cultivate their autonomous learning and spirit ofinnovation.Besides, in American, children take part in all kinds of activities;do a lot of outdoor exercises.There are a lot of good places for them to do exercises.In the process of playing, the children develop their intelligence, such as imagination, judgments, communication with other people and emotion adjusting and so on..But, undeniably, American indulgent type of family education also has harmful affections.Over indulgent education made a lot of social problems, such as, teenage crime.Third, the content of education also accounts for the difference.The differences of family education between the two countries are also reflected in the contents of family education.Although the contents of Chinese family education can also divided into moral education, intellectual education, physical education and artistic education, but intellectual education has been the most important one since they go to school.However, the contents of American family education are abundant, which pay more attention to the harmonious development of language, emotion, knowledge and so on.It is so-called “education for all-ar ound development”.3.The reasons for the differences mentioned above: Reasons results in these differences are as followings.Firstly, China and America have different traditional culture.China, with a long history, has a sort of cohesive and conservative sense.By contraries, America is a nation of immigrants’ culture, in which people like accept new ideas.Secondly, different economic form and social conditions led to the different.American parents think a useful person is better than others.They see educating child to be an independent, conscientious and kindhearted person as their duties.Conclusion These above are the analysis on differences between Chinese and American family education.There is no point saying whichkind of education is superior.Every child grows up under his parents’ family education, what kind a person will be, depends on what kind of family education he received.Children’s character and destiny have great relationship with family education and children’s education determines nation's prospect.We would improve ourselves continuously only if we could find out our weaknesses in this comparison and learn from the best.References:《The Aims of Education same areas of controversy 》薛连《美国家庭教育启示录》李盈《论中美家庭教育的差异》曾芝《中美家庭教育差异-英文版》新浪博客作者:王路(200900210072)环境科学与工程学院环境工程2009级第二篇:中美家庭教育之所见中美家庭教育之所见摘要:中美两大教育体系的家庭教育呈现出不同的特征。
1 the value of family education 2 education method 3 emotional education and punishment 4 education in managing money
different educational purposes
All in all, there are many differences between China and Western family education and each has its strong points and weak points. We should reject the
✓Try every means to satisfy the children with the money.
Western Countries
✓Teach the child to make plans for budget items, learn to spend money reasonably.
Main problems in Western family education
3. pay too much attention on happy learning
American take happy learning serious. But, in fact, happy learning is good when children are young. Only pay attention to happy, parents may find that children’s learning levels are declined. For example, some students who get used to happy learning, can’t calculate without calculator.
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• (3) In China, education for all-round development should be vigorously advocated and implemented effectively. • (4) Much can be learned from each other on ways of family education for America and China.
Utilitarian Confucian Culture Practicability Mode of Thinking Lack of Innovation
Colonization Wave in the Colonial Period
• Multiculture
No Feudal Society
• America:"education for all-round development". they lay stress on the
harmonious development of language, emotion, knowledge and so on.
Form of Existence
Chinese and American Parenting
Group Members:王玉、张婷、张婷婷、熊家莉、 王祺、尹美玲、董雯、李勤
• Introduction • General Difference Between Chinese and American Parenting • Difference in Teaching Method • Difference in Contents of Education • Historical Reasons • Different Value Orientations and Thinking Mode • Difference in Economic and Social Conditions • Discussions and Suggestions
• Innovation
Under Great Oppression Seek Freedom and Equality
• Open • Democratic
Traditional Culture Differences between China and US
Value Orientation
Form of Thinking
Personality is emphasized by Americans, so they pursue individualism, concern for their own benefits, and try to realize their own value of lives. However, Chinese people think highly of collectivism, and they always put the group’s benefits into priority.
Different Social Conditions
• So far, Social security system and old-age care have not been perfect in China. Many Chinese parents take their children as their private possession in order to receive the children’s return, which is reflected in the methods of education. For this reason, their children’s high scores have become their origin of pride. • But in America, there is a prosper development of economy and sane social security system, so American parents don’t count on their children’s support. They see educating child to be an independent, conscientious and kind-hearted processing.
Discussions and Suggestions
• (1) Chinese parents should educate their children in social environment, in other words, they should not only teach their children the knowledge od survival, but also the responsibilities for the society. • (2) Chinese parents must cultivate their children’s awareness of independence, self-support, cooperation and the spirit of caring for others
பைடு நூலகம்
Difference in Teaching Method
• China:China is often no more than the mode of “Teaching by holding his hand”.Chinese parents prefer to directly telling children the results, rather than show the process. • America:American parents pay attention to practical training, emphasis on training children in practice instead of preaching. Their methods aim to cultivate children’ s self-study ability and creative spirit .
Different Economic Forms
China: developing country backward economy emphasizing degree (学历社会) US: developed country advanced economy emphasizing ability (能力社会)
Wolf Father
Name: 萧百佑 Job: a Hong Kong businessman Book: Therefore, Peking University Brothers and Sisters(《所以,北大兄 妹》) Parenting: hitting children
Chinese and American family education are quite different in many aspects. In general:
Americans’ family education is based on the rationalism, many American parents regard their duties of raising their children as the duties to society. Their education is not oriented to their own benefits. While in China, the family education is based on the human relations and ethics, which is more emotional. In the family education, the parents expect the reward from their children when old. And they give their children special and numerous love.
Tiger Mother
Name: 蔡美儿
Job: a teacher
Book: Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother(《虎妈战 歌》) Parenting: Ten Rules (by cursing, threatening, bribing and luring children)
Difference in Contents of Education
• China: intellecture education is most
impotant, although the contents including
moral education, intellecture education, physical education and artistic education.
Chinese parents attach great importance to the children’ s future. They often design a future for children, no matter they like it or not. Parents always spare no efforts to provide children with a more favorable growing and educating environment. They believe that everything they’ve done deserves if their children get a better future. American parents pay much attention to train their children’ s independent ability. They provide children with more freedom, and inspire them to develop themselves through experiences. In a word, the largest expectation of American parents is to encourage their children to be a “social man”. “Social man ” is a requirement which is practical and easy to achieve.