
李清照《一剪梅》英译 一剪梅 作于词人与丈夫赵明诚离别之后, 寄寓着作者不忍离别的一腔深情, 反映出 初婚少妇沉溺于情海之中的纯洁心灵。
下面是小编为你带来的《一剪梅》 (李清 照 )英译 ,欢迎阅读。
一剪梅 李清照 红藕香残玉簟秋, 轻解罗裳,独上兰舟。
云中谁寄锦书来? 雁字回时,月满西楼。
花自飘零水自流, 一种相思,两处闲愁。
此情无计可消除, 才下眉头,却上心头。
Key: I Chien Mei Li Ch’ing-chao Lotus flowers fade as fall is felt on the bamboo mat. Gently taking off the silk coat; Lonesomely embarking the orchid boat. Who’s to send me love letters from the cloud or mist? When it’s time that one person returnest, Full moon shall fill my chamber with joy amidst. Let the flowers wither and water by itself drift, For love, there is only one sort, But sorrow has made two places its resort. ’Tis all in vain trying to dispel this sentiment: No sooner was it loosened from the brows,Than up to my heart a new one grows. (王季文 译) To the Melody Li Qingzhao The fragrant red lotuses have withered away, My jade-like mat turns cool on autumn day. Lightly putting off my skirt or silky coat, Alone I boarded on the pretty boat. Looking back, the wild geese fly, Who’s to send me a letter through clouds’ sky? My west chamber window’s full of moonlight. Flowers drift alone out of the smell, The creek running alone is natural. There’s one kind of lovesickness, Coming from two places with sadness. No way could cure such a sickness, Just falling down from my eyebrows, into my heart with sorrows. (朱曼华 译) To the Tune of A Spray of Flowering Plum Li Ch’ing-chao Falling fragrance of pink lotus, jade-green reeds of autumn. Gently I unfasten my robe of sheer silk, And step aboard the orchid boat all by myself. Who will bring me embroidered letters from the clouds? * When the wild geese return, The west balcony is flooded with moonlight. Flower petals drifting, water flowing, One and the same longing Makes two hearts sad with yearning. There is no way to dissipate this grief: As the brow ceases frowning, The heart begins aching.* During the 2nd century B.C., Su Wu, when he was a captive of the Hsiung Nu, conveyed his loyalty to the Han Emperor by tying a letter to the foot of a wild goose. In time, the expression “the wild goose brings letter from the clouds” has become a customary usage in referring to the delivery of any letter or message.。
李清照 声声慢英文翻译教学文案

Tune:"Slow, Slow Tune"[许渊冲译]寻寻觅觅冷冷清清I look for what I miss;I know not what it is.凄凄惨惨戚戚I feel so sad, so drear,So lonely, without cheer.乍暖还寒时候最难将息How hard is itTo keep me fitIn this lingering cold!三杯两盏淡酒怎敌他晚来风急Hardly warmed upBy cup on cupOf wine so dry,Oh, how could IEndure at dusk the driftOf wind so swift?雁过也正伤心却是旧时相识It breaks my heart, alas! To see the wild geese pass,For they are my acquaintances of old.满地黄花堆积憔悴损而今有谁堪摘The ground is covered with yellow flowersFaded and fallen in showers.Who will pick them up now?守着窗儿独自怎生得黑Sitting alonw at the window, howCould I but quickenThe pace of darkness which won't thicken?梧桐更兼细雨到黄昏点点滴滴这次第怎一个愁字了得On parasol-trees leaves a fine rain drizzlesAs twilightgrizzles.Oh! what can I do with a griefBeyond belief? 英译版本二:林语堂译So dim, so dark,So dense, so dull,So damp, so dank,So dead!The weather, now warm, now cold,Makes it harderThan ever to forget!How can a few cups of thin wineBring warmth againstThe chilly winds of sunset?I recognize the geese flying overhead:My old friends,Bring not the old memories back!Let Fallen flowers lie where they fall.To what purposeAnd for whom should I decorate ?By the window shut,Guarding it along,To see the sky has turned so black!And the dizzle on the kola nutKeeps on droning:Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat!Is this the kind of mood and momentTo be expressedBy one word "sad?"英译版本<三>龚景浩译A Rhyming Song — Long Form(Song)Li Qing zhaoI search and seek ,I’m lonely and depressed ,I’m sad , weepy , and feeling low . When’tis suddenly warm but remains cold ,That is the time really hard to cope .Two , three cups of light wine—How are they to resist the assault of evening gusts ?A flock of wild geese flew past ,In hurts to hear them cry , though we’re old acquaintances . Chrysanthemums lie about in piles .They are now withered and which ones are worth picking ? Alone by the casemeng ,How am I to bear the darkness ?Add to this , the parasol trees and a thin rain falling .By dusk time ,The dripping became incessant . Steeped in a mood such as this,To say I am sad is woefully inadequate .。
71. 中华优秀传统文化--宋词(中英文对照版) 声声慢 李清照(著)、许渊冲(译)

中华优秀传统文化 --- 宋词(中英文对照版)声声慢作者:李清照寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。
Slow, Slow Tune 翻译:许渊冲I l ook for what I miss, I know not what it is.I feel so sad, so drear, so l onely, without cheer.How hard is it to keep me fit in this lingering col d!Hardly warmed up by cup on cup of wine so dry,O how could I endure at dusk the drift of wind so swift?It breaks my heart, alas!To see the wild geese pass, for they are my acquaintances of ol d.The ground is covered with yell ow fl owers, faded and fall en in showers.Who will pick them up now? Sitting alone at the wind ow,how could I but quicken the pace of darkness that won't thicken?On plane's broad l eaves a fine rain drizzl es as twilight grizzl es.O what can I d o with a grief beyond belief?---摘自《画说宋词》。

林译:So dim, so dark,/ So dense, so dull,/ So damp, so dank,/ So dead! 杨译:Seeking, seeking,/ Chilly and quiet,/ Desolate, painful and miserable. 徐译:I’ve a sense of something missing I must seek./ Everything about me looks dismal andbleak./ Nothing that gives me pleasure, I can find.许译:I look for what I miss;/ I know not what it is./ I feel so sad, so drear,/ So lonely, withoutcheer.解析:1)林译全部选用单音节词,押头韵,且词语的选用层层递进,可谓独具匠心。
“dim”和“dark”表明天色已晚, “dense”和“dull”展现了浓重不化,寻觅不得的忧愁和失落,继而“damp”和“dank”渲染阴冷凄苦的氛围,最后“dead”推向高潮,体现了词人绝望无助,凄凉痛苦的内心。
4)许译增加了主语,点明了寻觅之物是“what I miss”,似乎过于直白,少了原词的委婉朦胧之感。
李清照 声声慢英文翻译教案资料

李清照声声慢英文翻译Tune:"Slow, Slow Tune"[许渊冲译]寻寻觅觅冷冷清清I look for what I miss;I know not what it is.凄凄惨惨戚戚I feel so sad, so drear,So lonely, without cheer.乍暖还寒时候最难将息 How hard is itTo keep me fitIn this lingering cold!三杯两盏淡酒怎敌他晚来风急Hardly warmed upBy cup on cupOf wine so dry,Oh, how could IEndure at dusk the driftOf wind so swift?雁过也正伤心却是旧时相识It breaks my heart, alas! To see the wild geese pass,For they are my acquaintances of old.满地黄花堆积憔悴损而今有谁堪摘The ground is covered with yellow flowersFaded and fallen in showers.Who will pick them up now?守着窗儿独自怎生得黑Sitting alonw at the window, howCould I but quickenThe pace of darkness which won't thicken?梧桐更兼细雨到黄昏点点滴滴这次第怎一个愁字了得 On parasol-trees leaves a fine rain drizzlesAs twilight grizzles.Oh! what can I do with a griefBeyond belief?英译版本二:林语堂译So dim, so dark,So dense, so dull,So damp, so dank,So dead!The weather, now warm, now cold, Makes it harderThan ever to forget!How can a few cups of thin wine Bring warmth againstThe chilly winds of sunset?I recognize the geese flying overhead: My old friends,Bring not the old memories back!Let Fallen flowers lie where they fall. To what purposeAnd for whom should I decorate ?By the window shut,Guarding it along,To see the sky has turned so black! And the dizzle on the kola nutKeeps on droning:Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat!Is this the kind of mood and momentTo be expressedBy one word "sad?"英译版本<三>龚景浩译A Rhyming Song — Long Form(Song) Li Qing zhaoI search and seek ,I’m lonely and depressed ,I’m sad , weepy , and feeling low .When’tis suddenly warm but remains cold ,That is the time really hard to cope .Two , three cups of light wine—How are they to resist the assault of evening gusts ?A flock of wild geese flew past ,In hurts to hear them cry , though we’re old acquaintances . Chrysanthemums lie about in piles .They are now withered and which ones are worth picking ? Alone by the casemeng ,How am I to bear the darkness ?Add to this , the parasol trees and a thin rain falling . By dusk time ,The dripping became incessant .Steeped in a mood such as this,To say I am sad is woefully inadequate .。

A Dream Lyric
Gust of wind and heavy rain came last night, Sound sleep hardly reduced the wine effect. I asked the house maid to examine the flower, Cherry-apple trees being fine is the answer. You know? Or you may not know? Flowers should be withered and leaves greener.
Statue of Li Qingzhao in the Li Qingzhao Memorial, Jinan
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure. - Colin L. Powell
• • • •
Where is my hometown? Unless drunken, it remained forgotten. I burned the eng when lying down Dissipated is the aroma, not the wine.
Li Qingzhao Memorial at Baotu Spring garden in Jinan
《A Dream Lyric》; 《By the Sand Brook 》; 《Each Slow Echo》

Tune:"Slow, Slow Tune"[许渊冲译]寻寻觅觅冷冷清清I look for what I miss;I know not what it is.凄凄惨惨戚戚I feel so sad, so drear,So lonely, without cheer.乍暖还寒时候最难将息 How hard is itTo keep me fitIn this lingering cold!三杯两盏淡酒怎敌他晚来风急Hardly warmed upBy cup on cupOf wine so dry,Oh, how could IEndure at dusk the driftOf wind so swift 雁过也正伤心却是旧时相识It breaks my heart, alas! To see the wild geese pass,For they are my acquaintances of old.满地黄花堆积憔悴损而今有谁堪摘The ground is covered with yellow flowersFaded and fallen in will pick them up now守着窗儿独自怎生得黑Sitting alonw at the window, howCould I but quickenThe pace of darkness which won't thicken 梧桐更兼细雨到黄昏点点滴滴这次第怎一个愁字了得On parasol-trees leaves a fine rain drizzlesAstwilight ! what can I do with a griefBeyond belief 英译版本二:林语堂译So dim, so dark,So dense, so dull,So damp, so dank,So dead!The weather, now warm, now cold,Makes it harderThan ever to forget!How can a few cups of thin wineBring warmth againstThe chilly winds of sunsetI recognize the geese flying overhead:My old friends,Bring not the old memories back!Let Fallen flowers lie where they fall.To what purposeAnd for whom should I decorateBy the window shut,Guarding it along,To see the sky has turned so black!And the dizzle on the kola nutKeeps on droning:Pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat!Is this the kind of mood and momentTo be expressedBy one word "sad"英译版本<三>龚景浩译A Rhyming Song — Long Form(Song) Li Qing zhaoI search and seek ,I’m lonely and depressed ,I’m sad , weepy , and feeling low .When’tis suddenly warm but remains cold ,That is the time really hard to cope .Two , three cups of light wine—How are they to resist the assault of evening gustsA flock of wild geese flew past ,In hurts to hear them cry , though we’re old acquaintances .Chrysanthemums lie about in piles .They are now withered and which ones are worthpickingAlone by the casemeng ,How am I to bear the darknessAdd to this , the parasol trees and a thin rain falling .By dusk time ,The dripping became incessant .Steeped in a mood such as this,To say I am sad is woefully inadequate .精心搜集整理,只为你的需要。

昨 浓 试
夜 睡 问
雨 不 卷
疏 消 帘
风 残 人
骤 酒
last night
rain sparse wind sudden
Deep slumber not dispel remaining wine blind- person
by 叶 维 廉
? 绿
green fat
? 瘦
begonia –
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
The green is getting thicker?/ But the red is getting sparser.(茅于美) The green must have grown fat and the red gone thin.(u) Now leaves should be large and flowers should be small?(徐忠杰) Now is the time when green should be corpulent / And red should be gaunt.(龚景浩) The leaves should be lush, and the petals frail.(欧阳桢)
Porcelain pillows; gauze nets: Aside must all such things be thrown. When, at midnight or thereabouts, One feels one is chilled to the bone.

Like A dreamThis is another funny day and there is a lot of luxuriant lotus not far away from my sight. Let me forget those circumstances changed with the time and something about Song dynasty temporarily. I miss my youth in Luoyang so much.I always remember those unforgettable days. While the sun was downing, and the fiery red sunset clouds were shining upon the fantastic pavilion by a river, there were almost no tourists but me there who was enjoying herself so much.Maybe it was because I had drunk some limpid wine that I nearly forgot the way back. If the scenery had not been so fantastic I would not had had so much drink. When I thought I was boating home after playing, I found the beautiful lotus swung in the breeze as if they were smiling to me. I felt theirtender petal, smelt their joyful fragrance as the boat tipple in the lotus pond. I could not help swinging the twin screw forward.Finally I became aware of that I was in deep of lotus pond by mistake. I did not know whether to go forward or go back that time for I had already loose the direction. What I only did was trying to put forth my strength to get away. Suddenly I heard a rustle from no far away just when I felt upset. What a surprise that gulls and egrets flied frightened by me.Time flies. Youth will never come. But that time would be my happiest time in my life. The following happiness has gone with my dear husband. And now who can save my great country??。

这次第,怎一个愁字了得!(?)英译一(许渊冲译文):Slow,Slow TuneLi QingzhaoI look for what I miss;I miss not what it is.I feel so sad,so drear,So lonely,without cheer.How hard is itTo keep me fitIn this lingering cold!Hardly warmed upBy cup on cupOf wine so dry,O how could IEndure at dusk the driftOf wind so swift?It breaks my heart,alas!To see the wild geese pass,For they are my acquaintances of old.The ground is covered with yellow flowers,Faded and fallen in showers.Who will pick them up now?Sitting alone at the window,howCould I but quickenThe pace of darkness that won’t thicken?On plane’s broad leaves a fine rain drizzlesAs twilight grizzles.O what can I do with a griefBeyond belief?———摘自《宋词三百首鉴赏》(汉英对照),P682。

渔家傲翻译李清照Fisherman's Pride: A Translation of Li QingzhaoIn the vast blue sea, the sky and water merge as one. With the wind blowing, the waves dance with joy. Standing on the sandy shore, I witness the limitless expanse of the ocean. The sight fills my heart with boundless pride and joy.As a fisherman's daughter, I have spent my days growing up by the sea. The sound of the waves crashing against the rocks becomes a symphony that resonates with my soul. The salty air fills my lungs, invigorating my spirit. This is where I belong, in this picturesque coastal village.Every morning, before the break of dawn, I embark on my boat. The sea becomes my companion, guiding me to the best fishing spots. With each cast of my net, my heart beats with excitement. The ocean rewards my efforts with an abundance of fish, sparkling like silver under the golden sun. It is a testament to my skills and dedication.The seagulls encircle my boat, their graceful flight mesmerizing. They soar higher and higher, as if challenging the heavens. I envy their freedom, their ability to traverse the vastness of the ocean without hesitation. Yet, deep down, I know that I am privileged; I am part of this magnificent symphony of the sea.The evenings are the most enchanting here. The setting sun paints the sky in hues of orange and pink, casting a warm glow on everything it touches. As the night falls, the stars begin to twinkle,illuminating the darkness. The moon rises, its reflection shimmering on the calm sea. In these peaceful moments, I feel connected to something greater than myself.At times, storms rage across the sea, challenging my strength and resilience. The waves crash against my boat, threatening to swallow me whole. But I stand tall, facing the tempest with unwavering determination. For I am a fisherman's daughter, and I have inherited the courage of the sea.In this village, there is a sense of camaraderie among the fishermen. We share stories of our victories and failures, providing comfort and support to one another. Together, we brave the challenges of the sea, knowing that we are never alone.But beyond the pride and joy, there is also a sense of melancholy. The sea is vast and ever-changing, just like life itself. As I gaze into the endless horizon, I cannot help but ponder the transient nature of existence. Like the waves that come and go, we too are but fleeting moments in the grand tapestry of time.Yet, as I navigate the vastness of the sea, I am reminded of my purpose. I am connected to something greater than myself, something timeless and eternal. For the sea is my home, and the fisherman's pride runs deep within my soul.。

To the Tune of Yijianmeiby Li Qingzhao (Song Dynasty)tr Rhapsodia_晚枫(poem edition)Red lotus scent fades, mat feels autumn coldUnlace my gauze robe, I alone step on the boatWho can bring his letter on silk through clouds?When courier geese return, West chamber th’ moon would foldWater has to flow, flowers fade and floatOne lovesickness ties two sorrow places remoteThis feeling has no way to be repelledOnce off my eyebrows, upon my heart it would holdTo the Tune of Yijianmeiby Li Qingzhao (Song Dynasty)tr Rhapsodia_晚枫(Lyrics Edition)Lotus scent fades, mat feels coldUnlace my robe, step on my boatWho could bring the note to alight?When geese return, the moon shines load*Flowers fade and fall, water has to flowOne love ties two hearts in sorrowNo way to repel the grief so trueOff my eyebrows, on my heart it’d growOn my heart it’d grow*我试唱的英⽂版(俺没有唱歌的嗓⼦,知道⼀下唱出来的效果就好了,⼤家多包涵):。