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常用CMYK颜色色值表典型的蓝天颜色:天蓝c60m23偏暖c60m45偏冷c60m15典型的肤色值:非洲人C35 m45 y53亚洲人c15 m43 y53典型记忆色及cmyk数值:C M Y K银色 20 15 14 0金色 5 15 65 0米色 5 5 15 0高亮灰 5 5 3 0浅灰 25 16 16 0中灰 50 37 37 0深紫 100 68 10 25深紫红 85 95 10 0海水色 60 0 25 0柠檬黄 5 18 75 0暗红 20 100 80 5橘红 5 100 100 5橙色 5 50 100 0深褐色 45 65 100 40粉红色 5 40 5 0鲜橙色 0 50 100 0电信兰 100 70 0 0咖啡色 33 81 68 29红金 0 35 60 35绿金 0 20 80 25金C:41 M:47 Y:77 K:7银C:46 M:38 Y:36 K:4常用颜色的CMYK值和RGB值这里收录了一些颜色的CMYK值和RGB值,这些数据,是在广告和印刷中常用到的。
品红Magenta(热情)CMYK:C15 M100 Y20 K0 RGB: R207 G0 B112洋红Carmine(大胆)CMYK: C100 M0 Y60 K10 RGB: R215 G0 B64宝石红Ruby(富贵)CMYK: C20 M100 Y50 K0 RGB: R200 G8 B82玫瑰红Rose-red(典雅)CMYK: C0 M95 Y35 K0 RGB: R230 G28 B100山茶红Camellia(微笑)CMYK: C0 M75 Y35 K10 RGB: R220 G91 B111玫瑰粉Rose-pink(女人味)CMYK: C0 M60 Y20 K0 RGB:R238 G134 B154浓粉Spinel-red(娇媚)CMYK: C0 M55 Y30 K0 RGB: R240 G145 B146紫红色Opera-mauve(优美)CMYK: C10 M50 Y0 K0 RGB: R225 G152 B192珊瑚粉Coral-pink(温顺)CMYK:C0 M50 Y25 K0 RGB: R241 G156 B159火烈鸟Flamingo(可爱)CMYK: C0 M40 Y20 K10 RGB: R245 G178 B178淡粉Pale-pink(雅致)CMYK: C0 M30 Y10 K0 RGB: R247 G200 B207贝壳粉Shell-pink(纯真)CMYK:C0 M30 Y25 K0 RGB:R248 G198 B181淡粉,婴儿粉Baby-pink(美丽动人)CMYK:C0 M15 Y10 K0 RGB:R252 G229 B223 鲑鱼粉Salmon-pink(有趣)CMYK:C0 M50 Y40 K0 RGB:R242 G155 B135朱红Vermilion(积极)CMYK:C0 M85 Y85 K0 RGB:R233 G71 B41绯红,绛红scarlet(生命力)CMYK:C0 M100 Y100 K0 RGB:R230 G0 B18深红Strong-red(华丽)CMYK:C0 M100 Y100 K10 RGB:R216 G0 B15绯红Cardinal-red(威严)CMYK:C0 M100 Y65 K40 RGB:R164 G0 B39酒红Buraunby(充实)CMYK:C60 M100 Y80 K30 RGB:R102 G25 B45土红Old-rose(柔软)CMYK:C15 M60 Y30 K15 RGB:R194 G115 B127橙ORANGE橙色Tangerine(生气勃勃)CMYK:C0 M80 Y90 K0 RGB:R234 G85 B32柿子色Persimmom(开朗)CMYK:C0 M70 Y75 K0 RGB:R237 G110 B61橘黄色Orange(美好)CMYK:C0 M70 Y100 K0 RGB:R237 G109 B0太阳橙Sun-orange(丰收)CMYK:C0 M55 Y100 K0 RGB:R241 G141 B0热带橙Tropical-orange(幻想)CMYK:C0 M50 Y80 K0 RGB:R243 G152 B57蜂蜜色Honey-orange(轻快)CMYK:C0 M30 Y60 K0 RGB:R249 G194 B112杏黄色Apricot(无邪)CMYK:C10 M40 Y60 K0 RGB:R229 G169 B107伪装沙Sandbeige(天真)CMYK:C0 M15 Y15 K10 RGB:R236 G214 B202浅茶色、米色Beige(纯朴)CMYK:C0 M15 Y30 K15 RGB:R227 G204 B169浅土色Pale-ocre(温和)CMYK:C20 M30 Y45驼色Camel(质朴)CMYK:C10 M40 Y60 K30 RGB:R181 G134 B84椰棕色Coconets-brown(古典)CMYK:C50 M80 Y100 K40 RGB:R106 G51 B21棕色、茶色Brown(安定)CMYK:C45 M75 Y100 K40 RGB:R113 G59 B18咖啡Coffee(坚实)CMYK:C60 M70 Y100 K25 RGB:R106 G75 B35黄YELLOW金盏花Marigold(华丽)CMYK:C0 M40 Y100 K0 RGB:R247 G171 B0铬黄Chrome-yellow(生动)CMYK:C0 M20 Y100 K0 RGB:R253 G208 B0茉莉Jasmine(柔和)CMYK:C0 M15 Y60 K0 RGB:R254 G221 B120淡黄色Cream(童话)CMYK:C0 M10 Y35 K0 RGB:R255 G234 B180象牙色Ivory(简朴)CMYK:C10 M10 Y20 K0 RGB:R235 G229 B209香槟黄Champagne-yellow(闪耀)CMYK:C0 M0 Y40 K0 RGB:R255 G249 B177月亮黄Moon-yelloe(智慧)CMYK:C0 M0 Y70 K0 RGB:R255 G244 B99鲜黄色Canaria-yellow(开放)CMYK:C0 M0 Y100 K0 RGB:R255 G241 B0含羞草、巴黎金合欢Mimosa(幸福)CMYK:C10 M15 Y80 K0 RGB:R237 G212 B67 芥子Mustard(乡土)CMYK:C20 M20 Y70 K0 RGB:R214 G197 B96黄土色Ochre(温厚)CMYK:C0 M35 Y100 K30 RGB:R196 G143 B0卡机色Khaki(田园)CMYK:C0 M30 Y80 K40 RGB:R176 G136 B39绿Green黄绿色Yellow-green(自由)CMYK:C30 M0 Y100 K0 RGB:R196 G215 B0苹果绿Apple-green(新鲜)CMYK:C45 M10 Y100 K0 RGB:R158 G189 B25嫩绿Fresh-leaves(快活)CMYK:C40 M0 Y70 K0 RGB:R169 G208 B107叶绿色Foliage-green(自然)CMYK:C50 M20 Y75 K10 RGB:R135 G162 B86草绿色Grass-green(成长)CMYK:C40 M10 Y70 K0 RGB:R170 G196 B104苔绿色Moss-green(柔和)CMYK:C25 M15 Y75 K45 RGB:R136 G134 B55橄榄绿Olive(诚意)CMYK:C45 M40 Y100 K50 RGB:R98 G90 B5常青藤Ivy-green(安心)CMYK:C70 M20 Y70 K30 RGB:R61 G125 B83钴绿Cobalt-green(自然)CMYK:C60 M0 Y65 K0 RGB:R106 G189 B120翡翠绿Emerald-green(希望)CMYK:C75 M0 Y75 K0 RGB:R21 G174 B103碧绿Turquoise-green(协调)CMYK:C70 M10 Y50 K0 RGB:R66 G171 B14灰绿色、青瓷色Celadon-green(潇洒)CMYK:C55 M10 Y45 K0 RGB:R123 G185 B155 孔雀石绿Malachite-green(和平)CMYK:C85 M15 Y80 K10 RGB:R0 G142 B87薄荷Mint(痛快)CMYK:C90 M30 Y80 K15 RGB:R0 G120 B80碧色Viridian(温情)CMYK:C90 M35 Y70 K30 RGB:R0 G101 B80孔雀绿Peacock-green(品格)CMYK:C100 M30 Y60 K0 RGB:R0 G128 B119蓝Blue地平线Horizon-blue(奇趣)CMYK:C35 M0 Y20 K0 RGB:R176 G220 B213浅天蓝色Light sky-blue(澄澈)CMYK:C40 M0 Y10 K0 RGB:R161 G216 B230水蓝Aqua-blue(正义)CMYK:C60 M0 Y10 K0 RGB:R89 G195 B226蔚蓝Azure-blue(爽快)CMYK:C70 M10 Y0 K0 RGB:R34 G174 B230天蓝Sky-blue(清凉)CMYK:C45 M10 Y10 K0 RGB:R148 G198 B221淡蓝Baby-blue(幻想)CMYK:C30 M0 Y10 K10 RGB:R177 G212 B219浅蓝Pale-blue(温和)CMYK:C40 M10 Y0 K20 RGB:R139 G176 B205水蓝、浅蓝Saxe-blue(宽容)CMYK:C60 M15 Y0 K30 RGB:R139 G176 B205蓝绿色、水蓝宝石Aquamarine(纯粹)CMYK:C75 M30 Y10 K15 RGB:R41 G131 B177 翠蓝、土耳其玉色Turquoise-blue(平衡)CMYK:C80 M10 Y20 K0 RGB:R0 G164 B197 蓝绿Cyan-blue(清楚)CMYK:C95 M25 Y45 K0 RGB:R0 G136 B144孔雀蓝Peacock-blue(贵重)CMYK:C100 M50 Y45 K0 RGB:R0 G105 B128天蓝Cerulean-blue(冷静)CMYK:C100 M35 Y10 K0 RGB:R0 G123 B187钴蓝Cobalt-blue(镇静)CMYK:C95 M60 Y0 K0 RGB:R0 G93 B172深蓝Ultramarine(深远)CMYK:C100 M80 Y0 K0 RGB:R0 G64 B152品蓝、宝蓝Royal-blue(格调)CMYK:C90 M70 Y0 K0 RGB:R30 G80 B162靛INDIGO青金石、靛色Lapis lazuli(睿智)CMYK:C95 M80 Y0 K0 RGB:R19 G64 B152鼠尾草Salvia-blue(洗练)CMYK:C70 M50 Y10 K0 RGB:R91 G119 B175韦奇伍德蓝Wedgwood-blue(高贵)CMYK:C55 M30 Y0 K25 RGB:R102 G132 B176 青蓝Slate-blue(静寂)CMYK:C60 M40 Y20 K20 RGB:R100 G121 B151天蓝、宝蓝Sapphire-blue(智慧)CMYK:C90 M45 Y10 K35 RGB:R0 G87 B137石青Mineral-blue(认真)CMYK:C100 M70 Y40 K0 RGB:R0 G81 B120亮蓝Strong-blue(礼节)CMYK:C100 M40 Y30 K35 RGB:R0 G89 B120海蓝Marine-blue(时髦)CMYK:C100 M60 Y30 K35 RGB:R0 G69 B107海军蓝、深蓝Navy-blue(纪律)CMYK:C100 M90 Y25 K45 RGB:R0 G28 B84靛青Indigo(庄严)CMYK:C90 M60 Y10 K60 RGB:R0 G46 B90深石青Dark mineral-blue(理智)CMYK:C80 M70 Y30 K3 0RGB:R56 G66 B106深蓝Midnight-blue(传统)CMYK:C100 M95 Y50 K50 RGB:R4 G22 B58紫PURPLE紫藤Wisteria(风雅)CMYK:C60 M65 Y0 K10 RGB:R115 G91 B159淡紫色Mauve(神秘)CMYK:C60 M75 Y0 K0 RGB:R124 G80 B157铁线莲Clematis(赞美)CMYK:C0 M20 Y0 K20 RGB:R216 G191 B203丁香Lilac(清香)CMYK:C30 M40 Y0 K0 RGB:R187 G161 B203薰衣草Lavender(品格)CMYK:C40 M50 Y10 K0 RGB:R166 G136 B177紫水晶Amethyst(直觉)CMYK:C60 M80 Y20 K0 RGB:R126 G73 B133紫色Purple(神圣)CMYK:C50 M85 Y0 K0 RGB:R146 G61 B146香水草Heliotrope(高尚)CMYK:C65 M100 Y20 K10 RGB:R111 G25 B111紫罗兰Mineral violet(怀旧)CMYK:C20 M30 Y10 K10 RGB:R197 G175 B192三色堇、蝴蝶花Pansy(思虑)CMYK:C35 M100 Y10 K30 RGB:R139 G0 B98锦葵Mallow(妖精)CMYK:C15 M70 Y0 K0 RGB:R211 G105 B164兰花Orchid(温和)CMYK:C0 M50 Y0 K20 RGB:R209 G136 B168浅莲灰Pale-lilac(萌芽)CMYK:C0 M10 Y0 K10 RGB:R237 G224 B230灰紫Gray-purple(神秘)CMYK:C25 M35 Y10 K30 RGB:R157 G137 B157纯红0-100-100-0 230-0-18 橙色0-50-100-0 243-151-0 纯黄0-0-100-0 255-241-0 黄绿色50-0-100-0 142-195-31 纯绿100-0-100-10 0-144-64 蓝绿色90-0-40-60 0-91-93 纯蓝100-60-0-0 0-91-172带蓝色的紫罗兰色100-80-0-40 0-40-112紫色80-100-0-10 79-22-126 紫红色0-100-0-60 126-0-66 粉红6-30-20-0 237-194-189 褐色34-53-86-26 150-107-44 红茶色0-70-70-70 107-40-14 深蓝色100-100-0-30 20-18-110 红褐色35-53-50-27 145-106-94 黄褐色0-50-100-40 172-106-0 深褐色51-51-49-39 103-90-86 海军蓝100-60-0-70 0-32-80紫水晶紫罗兰60-60-0-60 63-52-96浅粉色0-40-20-0 244-178-178 金色0-30-100-0 250-190-0银色5-0-0-30 193-198-201 黄赤石18-32-62-5 209-173-105 象牙黄9-10-15-0 236-229-218 那不勒斯黄5-18-49-0 243-214-143 金发色0-10-70-20 220-197-83 连翘黄0-10-90-0 255-226-0橘色6-38-90-0 237-173-31 香蕉黄0-10-100-0 255-255-0 金黄色3-26-96-0 246-196-0 奶油色7-10-27-0 241-229-195 奶酪色14-22-49-3 221-197-138 杏仁色9-27-39-2 231-194-156 砖红色27-52-56-14 177-124-97 可可色34-48-50-23 152-119-101 红豆色28-44-40-13 177-140-129 深紫灰44-47-44-27 130-111-107 红橙色0-80-100-10 219-79-3 红紫色22-75-18-4 195-90-136 玫瑰红9-64-32-1 222-120-132略带紫或灰的玫瑰色15-38-24-3 215-170-170草莓红18-77-35-6 199-85-113 珊瑚粉2-40-23-0 242-177-173颜料红18-77-44-5 200-86-102 婴儿粉3-16-10-0 246-224-221 残红色10-40-30-0 227-171-161 西草红22-66-48-9 190-105-103 栗色37-63-43-29 139-88-95 柠檬黄9-12-97-0 239-215-0绿茶色20-20-40-1 212-199-159 苔绿色42-26-62-10 154-161-106 橄榄绿51-36-60-21 122-129-96 翠绿色40-17-66-4 166-182-107 松叶绿48-24-49-9 140-161-132 白绿色21-4-15-0 210-229-222 常绿色79-16-60-4 0-152-122 钴绿色63-0-40-0 86-188-170 孔雀绿94-7-68-0 0-153-116 酒绿色71-38-55-27 68-109-98 灰绿色47-11-26-2 143-191-189 浓绿色85-20-54-6 0-142-128 竹绿色81-12-38-2 0-158-163 烫蓝色71-39-48-27 67-108-107 孔雀绿96-10-31-1 0-151-176 尼罗蓝65-15-20-2 82-170-193 孔雀蓝95-17-27-4 0-143-175 绿松石蓝86-3-7-0 0-167-222海蓝90-33-25-11 0-122-158 水蓝色32-5-5-0 182-217-236 靛青灰色56-31-25-9 117-148-165 蔚蓝色92-21-5-0 0-143-208 钴蓝色94-29-6-0 0-133-199 嫩蓝色29-11-7-0 190-211-227 岩石蓝57-28-16-3 117-158-188 普鲁士蓝69-46-27-13 85-115-144 午夜蓝72-53-40-35 64-84-100 青金色85-44-6-0 0-119-184铃铛花65-56-2-0 106-111-177 深蓝紫色72-64-15-4 89-94-151 淡紫色33-25-0-0 181-185-221 紫锦葵42-50-7-1 161-134-180 灰鸽色50-43-23-9 135-133-157 葡萄色80-100-0-20 73-17-118 紫丁香19-25-4-0 212-196-219 兰花色17-27-5-0 216-194-215 樱桃色4-8-4-0 246-239-241 茄子色56-52-35-25 108-101-117 杜鹃红12-61-20-2 216-125-151 玫瑰粉5-35-17-0 238-186-189 酒红色30-71-38-18 164-86-105 银灰色34-30-24-7 172-167-172 银器灰59-45-45-30 96-104-10 珍珠灰38-30-29-0 171-171-171 象牙色14-19-25-0 224-209-190 贝色9-10-11-0 236-230-225暗紫灰75-72-62-25 74-68-75 玫瑰灰50-51-44-0 147-127-128 咖啡色0-100-100-70四色混假金:黄金:C0 M0 Y100 K30重金加黑:C0 M0 Y100 K45暖金加红:C0 M15 Y100 K30银色一般用黑网代替K20 差不多白色#FFFFFF 2 红色#FF0000 3 绿色#00FF00 4 蓝#0000FF 5 牡丹红#FF00FF 6 青色#00FFFF 7 黄色#FFFF00 8 黑色#000000 9 海蓝#70DB93 0 巧克力#5C3317 1 蓝紫色#9F5F9F 2 黄铜色#B5A642 3 亮金色#D9D919 4 棕色#A67D3D 5 青铜色#8C7853 6 2号青铜色#A67D3D 7 士官服蓝色#5F9F9F 8 冷铜色#D98719 9 铜色#B87333 20 珊瑚红#FF7F00 21 紫蓝色#42426F 22 深棕#5C4033 23 深绿#2F4F2F 24 深铜绿色#4A766E 25 深橄榄绿#4F4F2F 26深兰花色#9932CD 27 深紫色#871F78 28 深石板蓝#6B238E 29 深铅灰色#2F4F4F 30 深棕褐色#97694F 32 深绿松石色#7093DB 33 暗木色#855E42 34 淡灰色#****** 35土灰玫瑰红色#856363 36 长石色#D19275 37 火砖色#8E2323 38 森林绿#238E23 39 金色#CD7F32 40 鲜黄色#DBDB70 41 灰色#C0C0C0 42 铜绿色#527F76 43 青黄色#93DB70 44 猎人绿#215E21 45 印度红#4E2F2F 46 土黄色#9F9F5F 47 浅蓝色#C0D9D9 48 浅灰色#A8A8A8 49浅钢蓝色#8F8FBD 59 浅木色#E9C2A6 60 石灰绿色#32CD32 61 桔黄色#E47833 62 褐红色#8E236B 63 中海蓝色#32CD99 64 中蓝色#3232CD 65 中森林绿#6B8E23 66 中鲜黄色#EAEAAE 67 中兰花色#9370DB 68 中海绿色#426F42 69 中石板蓝色#7F00FF 70 中春绿色#7FFF00 71 中绿松石色#70DBDB 72 中紫红色#DB7093 73 中木色#A6806474 深藏青色#2F2F4F 75 海军蓝#23238E 76 霓虹篮#4D4DFF 77 霓虹粉红#FF6EC7 78 新深藏青色#00009C79 新棕褐色#EBC79E 80 暗金黄色#CFB53B 81 橙色#FF7F00 82 橙红色#FF2400 83 淡紫色#DB70DB 84 浅绿色#8FBC8F 85 粉红色#BC8F8F 86 李子色#EAADEA 87石英色#D9D9F3 88 艳蓝色#5959AB 89 鲑鱼色#6F424290 猩红色#BC1717 91 海绿色#238E68 92 半甜巧克力色#6B4226 93 赭色#8E6B23 94 银色#E6E8FA 95 天蓝#3299CC 96 石板蓝#007FFF 97 艳粉红色#FF1CAE 98 春绿色#00FF7F 99 钢蓝色#236B8E 00 亮天蓝色#38B0DE 01 棕褐色#DB9370 02 紫红色#D8BFD8 03 石板蓝色#ADEAEA 04 浓深棕色#5C4033 05 淡浅灰色#CDCDCD 06 紫罗兰色#4F2F4F 07 紫罗兰红色#CC3299 08 麦黄色#D8D8BF 09 黄绿色#99CC32CMYK色值红RED品红Magenta(热情) CMYK:C15 M100 Y20 K0 RGB: R207 G0 B112洋红Carmine(大胆) CMYK: C100 M0 Y60 K10 RGB: R215 G0 B64宝石红Ruby(富贵) CMYK: C20 M100 Y50 K0 RGB: R200 G8 B82玫瑰红Rose-red(典雅) CMYK: C0 M95 Y35 K0 RGB: R230 G28 B100山茶红Camellia(微笑) CMYK: C0 M75 Y35 K10 RGB: R220 G91 B111玫瑰粉Rose-pink(女人味) CMYK: C0 M60 Y20 K0 RGB:R238 G134 B154浓粉Spinel-red(娇媚) CMYK: C0 M55 Y30 K0 RGB: R240 G145 B146紫红色Opera-mauve(优美) CMYK: C10 M50 Y0 K0 RGB: R225 G152 B192珊瑚粉Coral-pink(温顺) CMYK:C0 M50 Y25 K0 RGB: R241 G156 B159火烈鸟Flamingo(可爱) CMYK: C0 M40 Y20 K10 RGB: R245 G178 B178淡粉Pale-pink(雅致) CMYK: C0 M30 Y10 K0 RGB: R247 G200 B207贝壳粉Shell-pink(纯真) CMYK:C0 M30 Y25 K0RGB:R248 G198 B181淡粉,婴儿粉Baby-pink(美丽动人) CMYK:C0 M15 Y10 K0 RGB:R252 G229 B223鲑鱼粉Salmon-pink(有趣) CMYK:C0 M50 Y40 K0 RGB:R242 G155 B135朱红Vermilion(积极) CMYK:C0 M85 Y85 K0RGB:R233 G71 B41绯红,绛红scarlet(生命力) CMYK:C0 M100 Y100 K0 RGB:R230 G0 B18深红Strong-red(华丽) CMYK:C0 M100 Y100 K10 RGB:R216 G0 B15绯红Cardinal-red(威严) CMYK:C0 M100 Y65 K40 RGB:R164 G0 B39酒红Buraunby(充实) CMYK:C60 M100 Y80 K30 RGB:R102 G25 B45土红Old-rose(柔软) CMYK:C15 M60 Y30 K15 RGB:R194 G115 B127橙ORANGE橙色Tangerine(生气勃勃) CMYK:C0 M80 Y90 K0 RGB:R234 G85 B32柿子色Persimmom(开朗) CMYK:C0 M70 Y75 K0 RGB:R237 G110 B61橘黄色Orange(美好) CMYK:C0 M70 Y100 K0 RGB:R237 G109 B0太阳橙Sun-orange(丰收) CMYK:C0 M55 Y100 K0 RGB:R241 G141 B0热带橙Tropical-orange(幻想) CMYK:C0 M50 Y80 K0 RGB:R243 G152 B57蜂蜜色Honey-orange(轻快) CMYK:C0 M30 Y60 K0 RGB:R249 G194 B112杏黄色Apricot(无邪) CMYK:C10 M40 Y60 K0 RGB:R229 G169 B107伪装沙Sandbeige(天真) CMYK:C0 M15 Y15 K10 RGB:R236 G214 B202浅茶色、米色Beige(纯朴) CMYK:C0 M15 Y30 K15 RGB:R227 G204 B169椰棕色Coconets-brown(古典) CMYK:C50 M80 Y100 K40 RGB:R106 G51 B21棕色、茶色Brown(安定) CMYK:C45 M75 Y100 K40 RGB:R113 G59 B18咖啡Coffee(坚实) CMYK:C60 M70 Y100 K25 RGB:R106 G75 B35黄YELLOW金盏花Marigold(华丽) CMYK:C0 M40 Y100 K0RGB:R247 G171 B0铬黄Chrome-yellow(生动) CMYK:C0 M20 Y100 K0 RGB:R253 G208 B0茉莉Jasmine(柔和) CMYK:C0 M15 Y60 K0RGB:R254 G221 B120淡黄色Cream(童话) CMYK:C0 M10 Y35 K0RGB:R255 G234 B180象牙色Ivory(简朴) CMYK:C10 M10 Y20 K0RGB:R235 G229 B209香槟黄Champagne-yellow(闪耀) CMYK:C0 M0 Y40 K0 RGB:R255 G249 B177月亮黄Moon-yelloe(智慧) CMYK:C0 M0 Y70 K0 RGB:R255 G244 B99鲜黄色Canaria-yellow(开放) CMYK:C0 M0 Y100 K0 RGB:R255 G241 B0含羞草、巴黎金合欢Mimosa(幸福) CMYK:C10 M15 Y80 K0 RGB:R237 G212 B67芥子Mustard(乡土) CMYK:C20 M20 Y70 K0RGB:R214 G197 B96黄土色Ochre(温厚) CMYK:C0 M35 Y100 K30RGB:R196 G143 B0卡机色Khaki(田园) CMYK:C0 M30 Y80 K40RGB:R176 G136 B39绿Green黄绿色Yellow-green(自由) CMYK:C30 M0 Y100 K0 RGB:R196 G215 B0苹果绿Apple-green(新鲜) CMYK:C45 M10 Y100 K0 RGB:R158 G189 B25嫩绿Fresh-leaves(快活) CMYK:C40 M0 Y70 K0 RGB:R169 G208 B107叶绿色Foliage-green(自然) CMYK:C50 M20 Y75 K10 RGB:R135 G162 B86草绿色Grass-green(成长) CMYK:C40 M10 Y70 K0 RGB:R170 G196 B104苔绿色Moss-green(柔和) CMYK:C25 M15 Y75 K45 RGB:R136 G134 B55橄榄绿Olive(诚意) CMYK:C45 M40 Y100 K50 RGB:R98 G90 B5常青藤Ivy-green(安心) CMYK:C70 M20 Y70 K30RGB:R61 G125 B83钴绿Cobalt-green(自然) CMYK:C60 M0 Y65 K0 RGB:R106 G189 B120翡翠绿Emerald-green(希望) CMYK:C75 M0 Y75 K0 RGB:R21 G174 B103碧绿Turquoise-green(协调) CMYK:C70 M10 Y50 K0 RGB:R66 G171 B145灰绿色、青瓷色Celadon-green(潇洒) CMYK:C55 M10 Y45 K0 RGB:R123 G185 B155孔雀石绿Malachite-green(和平) CMYK:C85 M15 Y80 K10 RGB:R0 G142 B87薄荷Mint(痛快) CMYK:C90 M30 Y80 K15RGB:R0 G120 B80碧色Viridian(温情) CMYK:C90 M35 Y70 K30RGB:R0 G101 B80孔雀绿Peacock-green(品格) CMYK:C100 M30 Y60 K0 RGB:R0 G128 B119蓝Blue地平线Horizon-blue(奇趣) CMYK:C35 M0 Y20 K0RGB:R176 G220 B213浅天蓝色Light sky-blue(澄澈) CMYK:C40 M0 Y10 K0 RGB:R161 G216 B230水蓝Aqua-blue(正义) CMYK:C60 M0 Y10 K0RGB:R89 G195 B226蔚蓝Azure-blue(爽快) CMYK:C70 M10 Y0 K0RGB:R34 G174 B230天蓝Sky-blue(清凉) CMYK:C45 M10 Y10 K0RGB:R148 G198 B221淡蓝Baby-blue(幻想) CMYK:C30 M0 Y10 K10RGB:R177 G212 B219浅蓝Pale-blue(温和) CMYK:C40 M10 Y0 K20 RGB:R139 G176 B205水蓝、浅蓝Saxe-blue(宽容) CMYK:C60 M15 Y0 K30 RGB:R139 G176 B205蓝绿色、水蓝宝石Aquamarine(纯粹) CMYK:C75 M30 Y10 K15 RGB:R41 G131 B177翠蓝、土耳其玉色Turquoise-blue(平衡) CMYK:C80 M10 Y20 K0 RGB:R0 G164 B197蓝绿Cyan-blue(清楚) CMYK:C95 M25 Y45 K0RGB:R0 G136 B144孔雀蓝Peacock-blue(贵重) CMYK:C100 M50 Y45 K0 RGB:R0 G105 B128天蓝Cerulean-blue(冷静) CMYK:C100 M35 Y10 K0 RGB:R0 G123 B187钴蓝Cobalt-blue(镇静) CMYK:C95 M60 Y0 K0RGB:R0 G93 B172深蓝Ultramarine(深远) CMYK:C100 M80 Y0 K0RGB:R0 G64 B152品蓝、宝蓝Royal-blue(格调) CMYK:C90 M70 Y0 K0 RGB:R30 G80 B162青金石、靛色Lapis lazuli(睿智) CMYK:C95 M80 Y0 K0 RGB:R19 G64 B152鼠尾草Salvia-blue(洗练) CMYK:C70 M50 Y10 K0 RGB:R91 G119 B175韦奇伍德蓝Wedgwood-blue(高贵) CMYK:C55 M30 Y0 K25 RGB:R102 G132 B176青蓝Slate-blue(静寂) CMYK:C60 M40 Y20 K20 RGB:R100 G121 B151天蓝、宝蓝Sapphire-blue(智慧) CMYK:C90 M45 Y10 K35 RGB:R0 G87 B137石青Mineral-blue(认真) CMYK:C100 M70 Y40 K0 RGB:R0 G81 B120亮蓝Strong-blue(礼节) CMYK:C100 M40 Y30 K35RGB:R0 G89 B120海蓝Marine-blue(时髦) CMYK:C100 M60 Y30 K35 RGB:R0 G69 B107海军蓝、深蓝Navy-blue(纪律) CMYK:C100 M90 Y25 K45 RGB:R0 G28 B84Indigo(庄严) CMYK:C90 M60 Y10 K60RGB:R0 G46 B90深石青Dark mineral-blue(理智) CMYK:C80 M70 Y30 K30 RGB:R56 G66 B106深蓝Midnight-blue(传统) CMYK:C100 M95 Y50 K50 RGB:R4 G22 B58紫PURPLE紫藤Wisteria(风雅) CMYK:C60 M65 Y0 K10RGB:R115 G91 B159淡紫色Mauve(神秘) CMYK:C60 M75 Y0 K0RGB:R124 G80 B157铁线莲Clematis(赞美) CMYK:C0 M20 Y0 K20RGB:R216 G191 B203丁香Lilac(清香) CMYK:C30 M40 Y0 K0RGB:R187 G161 B203薰衣草Lavender(品格) CMYK:C40 M50 Y10 K0RGB:R166 G136 B177紫水晶Amethyst(直觉) CMYK:C60 M80 Y20 K0 RGB:R126 G73 B133紫色Purple(神圣) CMYK:C50 M85 Y0 K0RGB:R146 G61 B146香水草Heliotrope(高尚) CMYK:C65 M100 Y20 K10 RGB:R111 G25 B111紫罗兰Mineral violet(怀旧) CMYK:C20 M30 Y10 K10 RGB:R197 G175 B192三色堇、蝴蝶花Pansy(思虑) CMYK:C35 M100 Y10 K30 RGB:R139 G0 B98锦葵Mallow(妖精) CMYK:C15 M70 Y0 K0RGB:R211 G105 B164兰花Orchid(温和) CMYK:C0 M50 Y0 K20RGB:R209 G136 B168浅莲灰Pale-lilac(萌芽) CMYK:C0 M10 Y0 K10 RGB:R237 G224 B230灰紫Gray-purple(神秘) CMYK:C25 M35 Y10 K30 RGB:R157 G137 B157。
雷泰Raytek_ST80+ 红外线测温仪
Fluke ST60+
红外和接触式测温仪 Fluke ST60+ 包括:
K 型热电偶珠式探针
2 节 AA 电池
6 种语言版本的入门指南
6 种语言版本的用户手册光盘(英语、西班牙语、法语、德
Fluke ST80+ 红外和接触式测温仪 Fluke ST80+ 包括:
雷泰 ST20 红外点温仪
ST20 简介
请认准Fluke福禄克、Raytek雷泰中国地区一级总代理商:深圳市仪达仪器仪表有限公司 0755-3315 1231
Raytek ST20 非接触式测温仪是进行快速、精确地温度测量的专业诊断工具。专业人 员可利用该手持式便携工具进行研究供暖和通风问题、监控电力马达和配电盘的状 态,并可以轻松地诊断汽车故障。
Fluke 80+ 红外接触式点温仪
红外和接触式二合一测温仪,带创新点阵式显示屏。 凭借简约的 3 按钮屏显菜单 界面(6 种语言),Fluke ST80+ 和 ST60+ 数字激光测温仪使复杂的测量变得异常 简便。 只需轻轻按几下按钮,便可快速浏览高级功能以调节发射率、启动数据记录 或者开启和关闭警报。 Fluke ST80+ 和 ST60+ 接触式和非接触式二合一测温仪采 用坚固、易用的人性化设计,可以轻松应对苛刻的工业、电气和机械环境。 这些工 具的性能远远超出其他红外测温仪(或高温计),让用户可以在更多的应用领域中实 现更高的工作效率。 ST80+ 提供的额外功能: 使用附带的 FlukeView® Forms 软件轻松查看数据趋势并进行分析 通过 USB 接口快速下载存储的数据 无需离开现场,即可使用 USB 接口和笔记本电脑立即查看数据 数字测温仪通过 USB 接口从笔记本电脑上获取电源,延长了电池寿命 ST80+ 和 ST60+ 的特性和优点: 测量范围:-40 °C 至 800 °C /-40 °F 至 1472 °F (ST80+),或 -40 °C 至 650 °C/-40 °F 至 1202 °F (ST60+) 借助软键按钮和点阵式显示屏,轻松访问高级功能 可测量距离更远、体积更小的对象,D:S 比率达 50:1 (ST80+) 或 30:1 (ST60+) 兼容所有标准迷你接头 K 型热电偶,保留在热电偶上的投资
E+H 质量流量计80F 80M技术说明书
TI067D/06/en 50108972Technical InformationProline Promass 84F, 84MCoriolis Mass Flow Measuring SystemThe universal and multivariable flowmeter for liquids and gasesfor custody transferApplicationsThe Coriolis measuring principle operates independently of the physical fluid properties, such as viscosity and density.•Extremely accurate, verified measurement of liquids (other than water) and for gases under high pressure (> 100 bar)•Fluid temperatures up to +200 °C •Process pressures up to 350 bar•Mass flow measurement up to 2200 t/h Approvals for custody transfer:•PTB, NMiApprovals for hazardous area:•ATEX, FM, CSA, TIISApprovals in the food industry/hygiene sector:•3A, FDAConnection to process control system:•HARTRelevant safety aspects:•Secondary containment (up to 100 bar), Pressure Equipment DirectiveFeatures and benefitsThe Promass measuring devices make it possible to simultaneously record several process variables (mass/density/temperature) for various process conditions during measuring operation.The Proline transmitter concept comprises:•Modular device and operating concept resulting in a higher degree of efficiency•Diagnostic ability and data back-up for increased process qualityThe Promass sensors, tried and tested in over 100000 applications, offer:•Multivariable flow measurement in compact design •Insensitivity to vibrations thanks to balanced two-tube measuring system•Efficient protection against forces from piping thanks to robust construction•Easy installation without taking inlet and outlet runs into accountProline Promass 84F, 84M2Endress+HauserTable of contentsFunction and system design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Measuring principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Measuring system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Measured variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Measuring range in non-custody transfer mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Measuring range in custody transfer mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Operable flow range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Input signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7Output signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Signal on alarm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Low flow cut off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Galvanic isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Power supply. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Electrical connection Measuring unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Electrical connection, terminal assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Electrical connection Remote version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Supply voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Switching on the power supply in custody transfer mode . . . 9Cable entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Cable specifications,remote version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Power consumption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Power supply failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Potential equalisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Performance characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10Reference operating conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Maximum measured error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Repeatability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Influence of medium temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Influence of medium pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Operating conditions: Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13Installation instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Inlet and outlet runs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Length of connecting cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17System pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Operating conditions: Environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Ambient temperature range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Storage temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Degree of protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Shock resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Vibration resistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Operating conditions: Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Medium temperature range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Medium pressure range (nominal pressure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Limiting flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Pressure loss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Custody transfer measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22Custody transfer variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Suitability for custody transfer measurement, approval by the Standards Authorities, repeated calibration due to legal metrology controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Definition of terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Verification process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Stamp points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Mechanical construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25Design / dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53Material load curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55Process connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60Human interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61Display elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61Unified control concept for both types of transmitter: . . . . . . . . . 61Language groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61Remote operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61Certificates and approvals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61CE mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61Ex approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61Sanitary compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61Other standards and guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61Pressure device approval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61Approval for custody transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62Suitability for custody transfer measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62Ordering information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63Registered trademarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63Proline Promass 84F, 84MEndress+Hauser 3Function and system designMeasuring principleThe measuring principle is based on the controlled generation of Coriolis forces. These forces are always present when both translational and rotational movements are superimposed.F C = 2 · ∆m (v · ω)F C = Coriolis force ∆m = moving mass ω = rotational velocityv = radial velocity in rotating or oscillating systemThe amplitude of the Coriolis force depends on the moving mass ∆m, its velocity v in the system, and thus on the mass flow. Instead of a constant angular velocity ω, the Promass sensor uses oscillation.In the Promass F and M sensors, two parallel measuring tubes containing flowing fluid oscillate in antiphase, acting like a tuning fork. The Coriolis forces produced at the measuring tubes cause a phase shift in the tube oscillations (see illustration):•At zero flow, in other words when the fluid is at a standstill, the two tubes oscillate in phase (1).The phase difference (A-B) increases with increasing mass flow. Electrodynamic sensors register the tube oscillations at the inlet and outlet.System balance is ensured by the antiphase oscillation of the two measuring tubes. The measuring principle operates independently of temperature, pressure, viscosity, conductivity and flow profile.Density measurementThe measuring tubes are continuously excited at their resonance frequency. A change in the mass and thus the density of the oscillating system (comprising measuring tubes and fluid) results in a corresponding, automatic adjustment in the oscillation frequency. Resonance frequency is thus a function of fluid density. The microprocessor utilises this relationship to obtain a density signal.Temperature measurementThe temperature of the measuring tubes is determined in order to calculate the compensation factor due to temperature effects. This signal corresponds to the process temperature and is also available as an output.The temperature measurement cannot be used to generate data for invoicing in applications subject to legal metrology controls.Proline Promass 84F, 84M Measuring system The measuring system consists of a transmitter and a sensor. Two versions are available:•Compact version: transmitter and sensor form a single mechanical unit.•Remote version: transmitter and sensor are installed separately.4Endress+HauserProline Promass 84F, 84MEndress+Hauser 5InputMeasured variable•Mass flow (proportional to the phase difference between two sensors mounted on the measuring tube to register a phase shift in the oscillation)•Fluid density (proportional to resonance frequency of the measuring tube)•Fluid temperature (measured with temperature sensors)Measuring range in non-custody transfer modeMeasuring ranges for liquids (Promass F, M):Measuring ranges for gasesThe full scale values depend on the density of the gas. Use the formula below to calculate the full scale values:g max(G) = g max(F) ⋅ ρ(G) / x [kg/m 3]g max(G) = Max. full scale value for gas [kg/h]g max(F) = Max. full scale value for liquid [kg/h]ρ(G) = Gas density in [kg/m 3] for process conditionsx = 160 (Promass F DN 8...100, M); x = 250 (Promass F DN 150...250)Here, g max(G) can never be greater than g max(F)Calculation example for gas:•Sensor type: Promass F, DN 50•Gas: air with a density of 60.3 kg/m 3 (at 20 °C and 50 bar)•Measuring range: 70000 kg/h •x = 160 (for Promass F DN 50)Max. possible full scale value:g max(G) = g max(F) ⋅ ρ(G) / x [kg/m 3] = 70000 kg/h ⋅60.3 kg/m 3 ÷ 160 kg/m 3 = 26400 kg/h Recommended full scale values See →Page 19ff. (“Limiting flow”)DN Range for full scale values (liquids) g min(F)...g max(F)80...2000 kg/h 150...6500 kg/h 250...18000 kg/h 400...45000 kg/h 500...70000 kg/h 800...180000 kg/h 100 (only Promass F)0...350000 kg/h 150 (only Promass F)0...800000 kg/h 250 (only Promass F)0...2200000 kg/hProline Promass 84F, 84M6Endress+HauserMeasuring range in custody transfer modeMeasuring ranges for liquids in mass flow (Promass F, M):Measuring ranges for liquids in volume flow (also LPG) (Promass F, M):Measuring ranges for high pressure fuel gases CNG (Promass M):Operable flow range Over 20 : 1 for verified device Input signalStatus input (auxiliary input):U = 3...30 V DC, R i = 5 k Ω, galvanically isolated.Configurable for: totalizer reset, positive zero return, error message reset, start zero point adjustmentDN Range for mass flow (liquids) Q min [kg/min]...Q max [kg/min]Smallest measured quantity[kg]8 1.5...300.515 5...10022515...30054035...700205050 (10005080)150...3000100100 (only Promass F)200...4500200150 (only Promass F)350...12000500250 (only Promass F)1500 (35000)1000DN Promass FDN Promass MRange for volume flow (liquids)(with P = 1 kg/dm 3)Q min [l/min]...Q max [l/min]Smallest measured quantity[l]88* 1.5...300.51515* 5...10022525*15...30054040*35...700205050*50 (1000508080)150...3000100100200...4500200150350 (12000500250)1500 (35000)1000* NMi approval onlyDNRange for mass flow (liquids)Q min [kg/min]...Q max [kg/min]Smallest measuredquantity [kg]Maximum pressure[bar]80.1...100.2160 / 350*150.3...400.5160 / 350*251.0 (100)2.0160 / 350** High pressure versionProline Promass 84F, 84MEndress+Hauser 7OutputOutput signalCurrent output:Active/passive selectable, galvanically isolated, time constant selectable (0.05...100 s), full scale value selectable, temperature coefficient: typically 0.005% o.r./°C, resolution: 0.5 µA •Active: 0/4...20 mA, R L < 700 Ω (for HART: R L ≥ 250 Ω)•Passive: 4...20 mA; supply voltage V S 18...30 V DC; R i ≥ 150 ΩPulse / frequency output:For custody transfer measurement, two pulse outputs can be operated, phase-shifted 90°.Passive, galvanically isolated, open collector, 30 V DC, 250 mA•Frequency output: full scale frequency 2...10000 Hz (f max = 12500 Hz), on/off ratio 1:1, pulse width max. 2 s. For phase-shifted double pulse max. 5000 Hz.•Pulse output: pulse value and pulse polarity selectable, pulse width configurable (0.05…2000 ms)Signal on alarmCurrent output:Failsafe mode selectable (for example, according to NAMUR recommendation NE 43)Pulse / frequency output:Failsafe mode selectableStatus output:De-energised by fault or power supply failureLoadSee “Output signal”Low flow cut offSwitch points for low flow cut off are selectable.Galvanic isolation All circuits for inputs, outputs, and power supply are galvanically isolated from each other.Nominal diameter Low flow cutoff / factory settings (v ∼ 0.04 m/s)[mm]SI units [kg/h]US units [lb/min]88.000.3001526.00 1.0002572.00 2.60040180.00 6.60050300.0011.00080720.0026.0001001200.0044.0001502600.0095.0002507200.00260.000Proline Promass 84F, 84M8Endress+HauserPower supplyElectrical connection Measuring unitConnecting the transmitter, cable cross-section: max. 2.5 mm2A View A (field housing)B View B (stainless steel field housing)C View C (wall-mount housing)aCable for power supply: 85...260 V AC, 20...55 V AC,16...62 V DC Terminal No. 1: L1 for AC, L+ for DC Terminal No. 2: N for AC, L- for DCb Signal cable: Terminals No. 20–27 →Page 9c Ground terminal for protective earth d Ground terminal for signal cable shielde Service connector for connecting service interface FXA 193 (FieldCheck, FieldTool)fCover of the connection compartmentProline Promass 84F, 84MEndress+Hauser9Electrical connection, terminal assignmentPromass 84Replacements for modules which are defective or which have to be replaced can be ordered as accessories.Electrical connection Remote versionSupply voltage85...260 V AC, 45...65 Hz 20...55 V AC, 45...65 Hz 16...62 V DCSwitching on the power supply in custody transfer modeIf the device is started in custody transfer mode, for example also after a power outage, system error No. 271 “POWER BRK. DOWN” flashes on the local display. The fault message can be acknowledged or reset using the "Enter" key or by means of the status input configured accordingly.!Note!For correct measuring operation, it is not mandatory to reset the fault message.Cable entryPower supply and signal cables (inputs/outputs):•Cable entry M20 x 1.5 (8...12 mm)•Threads for cable entries, 1/2" NPT, G 1/2"Connecting cable for remote version:•Cable entry M20 x 1.5 (8...12 mm)•Threads for cable entries, 1/2" NPT, G 1/2"Cable specifications,remote version•6 x 0.38 mm 2 PVC cable with common shield and individually shielded cores •Conductor resistance: ≤ 50 Ω/km •Capacitance core/shield: ≤ 420 pF/m •Cable length: max. 20 m•Permanent operating temperature: max. +105 °COperation in zones of severe electrical interference:The measuring device complies with the general safety requirements in accordance with EN 61010, the EMC requirements of EN 61326/A1, and NAMUR recommendation NE 21/43.Terminal No. (inputs/outputs)Order variant 20 (+) / 21 (-)22 (+) / 23 (-)24 (+) / 25 (-)26 (+) / 27 (-)84***-***********MStatus inputFrequency output 2Frequency output 1Current output HARTProline Promass 84F, 84M10Endress+HauserPower consumptionAC: <15 VA (including sensor)DC: <15 W (including sensor)Switch-on current•max. 13.5 A (< 50 ms) at 24 V DC •max. 3 A (< 5 ms) at 260 V ACPower supply failureLasting min. 1 power cycle:•EEPROM or HistoROM T-DAT saves measuring system data if power supply fails.•HistoROM/S-DAT: exchangeable data storage chip which stores the data of the sensor (nominal diameter, serial number, calibration factor, zero point, etc.)•See Note on Page 9 (switching on the power supply in custody transfer mode)Potential equalisationNo measures necessary.Exception: explosion protected equipment must be included in the potential equalization.Performance characteristics!Note!The accuracy solely refers to the measuring device suitable for custody transfer measurement and not to the measuring system.Reference operating conditionsError limits following ISO/DIS 11631:•20...30 °C; 2...4 bar•Calibration systems as per national norms•Zero point calibrated under operating conditions•Field density calibrated (or special density calibration)Maximum measured errorThe following values refer to the pulse/frequency output. Deviation at the current output is typically ±5 µA.Mass flow (liquid):±0.10% ± [(zero point stability / measured value) x 100]% o.r.Mass flow (gas):Promass F:±0.35% ± [(zero point stability / measured value) x 100]% o.r.Promass M:±0.50% ± [(zero point stability / measured value) x 100]% o.r.Volume flow (liquid)Promass F:±0.15% ± [(zero point stability / measured value) x 100]% o.r.Promass M:±0.25% ± [(zero point stability / measured value) x 100]% o.r.o.r. = of readingZero point stability (Promass F, M):Sample calculationMaximum measured error in % of reading (example: Promass 84 F / DN 25)Calculation example (mass flow, liquid):Given: Promass 84 F / DN 25, measured value flow = 8000 kg/hMax. measured error: ±0.10% ± [(zero point stability / measured value) x 100]% o.r.Maximum measured error → ±0.10% ±0.54 kg/h ÷ 8000 kg/h ⋅ 100% = ±0.107%Density (liquid)Standard calibration (1g/cc = 1 kg/l):Promass F ±0.01 g/cc Promass M ±0.02 g/ccDNMax. full scale value [kg/h] or [l/h]Zero point stabilityPromass F [kg/h] or [l/h]Promass M [kg/h] or [l/h]820000.0600.1001565000.2000.32525180000.5400.904045000 2.25 2.255070000 3.50 3.50801800009.009.0010035000014.00−150********.00−250220000088.00−Special density calibration (optional), not for high temperature versionPromass F±0.001 g/ccPromass M±0.002 g/ccAfter field density calibration or under reference conditions:Promass F±0.0005 g/ccPromass M±0.0010 g/ccTemperaturePromass F, M:±0.5 °C ±0.005 x T (T = fluid temperature in °C)Repeatability Mass flow (liquid):±0.05% ± [1/2 x (zero point stability / measured value) x 100]% o.r.Mass flow (gas):±0.25% ± [1/2 x (zero point stability / measured value) x 100]% o.r.Volume flow (liquid):Promass F:±0.05% ± [1/2 x (zero point stability / measured value) x 100]% o.r.Promass M:±0.10% ± [1/2 x (zero point stability / measured value) x 100]% o.r.o.r. = of readingZero point stability: see “Max. measured error”Calculation example (mass flow, liquid):Given: Promass 84 F / DN 25, measured value flow = 8000 kg/hRepeatability: ±0.05% ± [(1/2 x zero point stability / measured value) x 100]% o.r.Repeatability → ±0.05% ±1/2 ⋅ 0.54 kg/h ÷ 8000 kg/h ⋅ 100% = ±0.053%Density measurement (liquid)Promass F:±0.00025 g/cc (1 g/cc = 1 kg/l)Promass M:±0.0005 g/ccTemperature measurement±0.25 °C ±0.0025 x T (T = fluid temperature in °C)Influence of medium temperature When there is a difference between the temperature for zero point adjustment and the process temperature, the typical measured error of the Promass sensor is ±0.0002% of the full scale value / °C.Influence of medium pressureThe table below shows the effect on accuracy of mass flow due to a difference between calibration pressure and process pressure.Operating conditions: InstallationInstallation instructionsNote the following points:•No special measures such as supports are necessary. External forces are absorbed by the construction of the instrument, for example the secondary containment.•The high oscillation frequency of the measuring tubes ensures that the correct operation of the measuring system is not influenced by pipe vibrations.•No special precautions need to be taken for fittings which create turbulence (valves, elbows, T-pieces, etc.), as long as no cavitation occurs.•For mechanical reasons and in order to protect the pipe, it is advisable to support heavy sensors.•Please refer to the verification ordinances for the installation conditions of the approval for custody transfer in question.!Note!The necessary steps for creating a measuring system and obtaining approval from the Standards Authorities must be clarified with the authority for legal metrology controls responsible.Mounting locationEntrained air or gas bubbles in the measuring tube can result in an increase in measuring errors Avoid the following locations:•Highest point of a pipeline. Risk of air accumulating.•Directly upstream of a free pipe outlet in a vertical pipeline.Mounting locationDN Promass F [% o.r./bar]Promass M [% o.r./bar]Promass M / (high pressure)[% o.r./bar]8No influence 0.0090.00615No influence 0.0080.00525No influence 0.0090.00340-0.0030.005-50-0.008No influence -80-0.009No influence−100-0.012−−150-0.009−−250-0.009−−o.r. = of readingThe proposed configuration in the following diagram, however, permits installation in a vertical pipeline. Pipe restrictors or the use of an orifice plate with a smaller cross-section than the nominal diameter prevent the sensor from running empty during measurement.Installation in a vertical pipe (e.g. for batching applications)1Supply tank2Sensor3Orifice plate, pipe restrictions (see Table)4Valve5Batching tankDN815254*********)1501)2501)∅ Orifice plate, pipe6 mm10 mm14 mm22 mm28 mm50 mm65 mm90 mm150 mm restriction1) only Promass FOrientationMake sure that the direction of the arrow on the nameplate of the sensor matches the direction of flow (direction in which the fluid flows through the pipe).VerticalRecommended orientation with upward direction of flow (View V). When fluid is not flowing, entrained solids will sink down and gases will rise away from the measuring tube. The measuring tubes can be completely drained and protected against solids build-up.HorizontalThe measuring tubes must be horizontal and beside each other. When installation is correct the transmitter housing is above or below the pipe (View H1/H2). Always avoid having the transmitter housing in the same horizontal plane as the pipe.Please note the special installation instructions! see Page16In order to ensure that the maximum permissible ambient temperature for the transmitter (–20...+60 °C, optional –40...+60 °C) is not exceeded, we recommend the following orientations:m = For fluids with low temperatures, we recommend the horizontal orientation with the transmitter head pointing upwards (Fig. H1) or the vertical orientation (Fig. V).n = For fluids with high temperatures, we recommend the horizontal orientation with the transmitter head pointing downwards (Fig. H2) or the vertical orientation (Fig. V).Special installation instructions for Promass F"Caution!The two measuring tubes for Promass F are slightly curved. The position of the sensor, therefore, has to be matched to the fluid properties when the sensor is installed horizontally .Promass F, installed horizontally1Not suitable for fluids with entrained solids. Risk of solids accumulating.2Not suitable for outgassing fluids. Risk of air accumulating.HeatingSome fluids require suitable measures to avoid loss of heat at the sensor. Heating can be electric, e.g. with heated elements, or by means of hot water or steam pipes made of copper. "Caution!•Risk of electronics overheating! Consequently, make sure that the adapter between the sensor andtransmitter and the connection housing of the remote version always remain free of insulating material. Note that a certain orientation might be required, depending on the fluid temperature see Page15.•When using electrical heat tracing whose heat is regulated using phase control or by pulse packs, it cannot be ruled out that the measured values are influenced by magnetic fields which may occur, (i.e. at valuesgreater than those permitted by the EC standard (Sinus 30 A/m)). In such cases, the sensor must bemagnetically screened (except for Promass M).The secondary containment can be shielded with tin plates or electric sheets without privileged direction(e.g. V330-35A) with the following properties:–Relative magnetic permeability µr≥ 300–Plate thickness d ≥ 0.35 mm•Information on permissible temperature ranges →Page18Special heating jackets which can be ordered as accessories from Endress+Hauser are available for the sensors.Thermal insulationSome fluids require suitable measures to avoid loss of heat at the sensor. A wide range of materials can be used to provide the required thermal insulation.Zero point adjustmentAll Promass measuring devices are calibrated with state-of-the-art technology. The zero point determined inthis way is imprinted on the nameplate. Calibration takes place under reference operating conditions.→Page10ff.Consequently, the zero point adjustment is generally not necessary for Promass!Experience shows that the zero point adjustment is advisable only in special cases:•To achieve highest measuring accuracy also with very small flow rates.•Under extreme process or operating conditions (e.g. very high process temperatures or very high viscosityfluids).Note the following before you perform a zero point adjustment:•A zero point adjustment can be performed only with fluids that contain no gas or solid contents.•Zero point adjustment is performed with the measuring tubes completely filled and at zero flow(v = 0 m/s). This can be achieved, for example, with shut-off valves upstream and/or downstream of thesensor or by using existing valves and gates.–Normal operation → valves 1 and 2 open–Zero point adjustment with pump pressure → Valve 1 open / valve 2 closed–Zero point adjustment without pump pressure → Valve 1 closed / valve 2 openZero point adjustment and shut-off valvesInlet and outlet runs There are no installation requirements regarding inlet and outlet runs.Length of connecting cable Max. 20 meters (remote version)System pressure It is important to ensure that cavitation does not occur, because it would influence the oscillation of themeasuring tube. No special measures need to be taken for fluids which have properties similar to water undernormal conditions.In the case of liquids with a low boiling point (hydrocarbons, solvents, liquefied gases) or in suction lines, it isimportant to ensure that pressure does not drop below the vapour pressure and that the liquid does not startto boil. It is also important to ensure that the gases that occur naturally in many liquids do not outgas. Sucheffects can be prevented when system pressure is sufficiently high.Consequently, it is generally best to install the sensor:•downstream from pumps (no danger of vacuum),•at the lowest point in a vertical pipe.。
电路输入级开始用的是6N8P SRPP+6P3P推动,经试验推动不足,实测FU80功率输出只有8~10瓦,如果用CD机播放功率可能大些。
后改用6N9P+6P3P推动,功率略有提高,还是不满意,之后又在另一个声道改用6J4P+6P3P推动,这次增益足够,接上喇叭试听,音量电位器只能转动1毫米,要么是无声,要么是震耳欲聋,调整了6J4P的廉栅极电压到100伏,接上10K 负反馈后,增益降低,用电脑播放一段发烧碟,效果不错,原来6J4P的声音也是这么甜美,点上一只烟,靠在椅子上,凝视着音箱开始慢慢的品位,这时看到音箱前面的一块瓷砖在震动,心想可能是瓷砖松了吧,没有在意,过了一会儿音箱也开始震动,又一想可能是音箱没放平吧,只顾欣赏音乐,仍是没有在意,片刻之后,桌子开始震动,桌上立着的机箱也开始大幅度震动,观看示波器调到最大分辨率波形也未见异常,声音也正常,心想这可能就是寄生震荡吧,如果不是次声波就是超声波,因为是低频,次声波的可能性大些,马上关机,待管子冷却后再次开机,现象依旧,负反馈加大到20K后现象消除,考虑到负反馈太大会影响音质,负反馈还是恢复到10K,重新调整了6J4P的廉栅极电压,发现廉栅极电压调到60伏时比较稳定,调到100伏时就容易产生寄生震荡。
漫画词汇:次重要词根(二)讲师:祁连山老师41、spond,spons,spous= promise,词根含义:承诺respond英[rɪ'spɒnd] 美[rɪ'spɑnd] vi. 回答;作出反应;承担责任词根词缀释义:re-回+spond承诺→回应承诺→回答response英[rɪ'spɒns] 美[rɪ'spɑns] n. 响应;反应;回答词根词缀释义:re-回+spons承诺+-e→回应承诺→答应correspond英[kɒrɪ'spɒnd] 美[,kɔrə'spɑnd] vi. 符合,一致;相应;通信词根词缀释义:cor-共同+re-回+spond承诺→共同的约定→一致irresponsible英[ˌɪrɪˈspɒnsəbl] 美[,ɪrɪ'spɑnsəbl] adj. 不负责任的;不可靠的词根词缀释义:ir-没有+responsible有责任的,应负责任的spontaneous英[spɒn'teɪnɪəs] 美[spɑn'tenɪəs] adj. 自发的;自然的;无意识的词根词缀释义:spont=spond,承诺+-aneous表形容词…的→发自内心的承诺→自愿42、par, pear = to come in sight, to appear词根含义:看见apparent英[ə'pær(ə)nt] 美[ə'pærənt] adj. 显然的;表面上的词根词缀释义:ap-加强+par看见+-ent表形容词…的→能看见的transparent英[træn'spær(ə)nt] 美[træns'pærənt] adj. 透明的;易懂的词根词缀释义:trans-越过+par看见+-ent表形容词…的→可以看穿的transparency英[træn'spær(ə)nsɪ] 美[træns'pærənsi] n. 透明,透明度词根词缀释义:trans-穿越+par看见+-ency表名词→透明度appear英[ə'pɪə] 美[ə'pɪr] vi. 出现;显得;似乎;出庭;登场词根词缀释义:ap-加强+pear看见disappear英[dɪsə'pɪə] 美['dɪsə'pɪr] vi. 消失;失踪;不复存在词根词缀释义:dis-不+appear出现漫画记单词apparel英[ə'pær(ə)l] 美[ə'pærəl] n. 服装;礼服词根词缀释义:ap-加强+par 看见+-el表名词物→穿出来的东西43、fab, fam, fan, fat, fess = speak词根含义:说,预言fable英['feɪb(ə)l] 美['febl] n. 寓言;无稽之谈vi. 编寓言;虚构词根词缀释义:fab-预言+-lefabulous英['fæbjʊləs] 美['fæbjələs] adj. 极好的词根词缀释义:fab说+-ul+-ous表形容词→像传说的一样好→极好的fame英[feɪm] 美[fem] n. 名声,名望;传闻,传说词根词缀释义:fam说+-econfess英[kən'fes] 美[kən'fɛs] vt.承认;坦白;忏悔;供认词根词缀释义:con-全部+fess说→全部的说出来→坦白professor英[prə'fesə] 美[prə'fɛsə] n.教授词根词缀释义:pro-在前面+fess说+or人profession英[prə'feʃ(ə)n] 美[prə'fɛʃən] n. 职业,专业词根词缀释义:pro-在前面+fess说+-ion表名词→在前面说话的职业44、bene-词根含义,善好benefit英['benɪfɪt] 美['bɛnɪfɪt] n. 利益,好处;救济金词根词缀释义:bene好+fit做→做事后的好处→利益benediction英[,benɪ'dɪkʃ(ə)n] 美['bɛnə'dɪkʃən] n. 祝福;赐福;恩赐;祈求上帝赐福的仪式词根词缀释义:bene好+dict说+-ion表名词→说好话benefaction英[,benɪ'fækʃ(ə)n] 美[,bɛnɪ'fækʃən] n. 善行;捐赠;恩惠词根词缀释义:bene善+fact做+-ion→做好事beneficent英[bɪ'nefɪs(ə)nt] 美[bɪ'nɛfɪsnt] adj. 慈善的;善行的词根词缀释义:bene好+fic做+-ent表形容词→做好事的45、mun,muni-= duty, function, gift, service,public词根含义:服务,职责,公共的municipal英[mjʊ'nɪsɪp(ə)l]美[mju'nɪsɪpl] adj. 市政的,市的;地方自治的词根词缀释义:muni公共+cip抓+-al表形容词…的→公家来抓的→市政的municipality英[mjʊ,nɪsɪ'pælɪtɪ] 美[mjʊ'nɪsə'pæləti] n. 市民;市政当局;自治市或区词根词缀释义:municipal市政的+-ity表名词commune英['kɒmjuːn] vi. 亲密交谈;密切联系词根词缀释义:com-完全+mune公共→大家一起说说心里话communicate英[kə'mjuːnɪkeɪt] 美[kə'mjunɪket] vi. 通讯,传达;相通;交流;感染词根词缀释义:commune交流+-ic+-ate构成动词→[大家]交谈→交流漫画记单词immunity英[ɪ'mjuːnɪtɪ] 美[ɪ'mjʊnəti] n. 免疫力;豁免权;免除词根词缀释义:im-不+mun公共+-ity表名词→不公共→不和别人一样[得病]→免疫漫画记单词46、em,empt,ampl= take, procure词根释义:拿,获得example英[ɪg'zɑːmp(ə)l; eg-] 美[ɪg'zæmpl] n. 例子;榜样词根词缀释义:ex-出+ ampl拿+-e→拿出来→作为榜样exempt英[ɪg'zem(p)t; eg-] 美[ɪg'zɛmpt] vt.免除;豁免词根词缀释义:ex-出+empt拿→拿出→豁免ample英['æmp(ə)l] 美['æmpl] adj. 丰富的;足够的;宽敞的词根词缀释义:ampl拿+-e→拿的多的sample英['sɑːmp(ə)l] 美['sæmpl] n. 样品;样本;例子词根词缀释义:s-[=se分开]+ampl拿+-e→分开拿出→标本redeem英[rɪ'diːm] 美[rɪ'dim] vt.赎回;挽回;兑换;履行;补偿;恢复词根词缀释义:red=[re回]+eem[=em]拿→拿回→赎回漫画记单词47、ceal,cel,cul= hide词根释义:藏cell英[sel] 美[sɛl] n. 细胞;电池;蜂房的巢室;单人小室词根词缀释义:cel=to hide表示藏cellar英['selə] 美['sɛlɚ] n. 地窖;酒窖;地下室词根词缀释义:cel藏+-ar表物或者人conceal英[kən'siːl] 美[kən'sil] vt.隐藏;隐瞒词根词缀释义:con-完全+ceal藏concealment英[kən'siːlm(ə)nt] 美[kən'silmənt] n. 隐藏,隐蔽;隐匿处词根词缀释义:conceal隐藏;隐瞒+-ment表名词occult英[ɒ'kʌlt; 'ɒkʌlt] 美[ə'kʌlt] adj. 神秘的;超自然的;难以理解的词根词缀释义:oc-去,向,表强调+cul隐藏+-t漫画记单词48、pact, pag, pect-= fastened词根释义:统一,拴紧,加强pact英[pækt] 美[pækt] n. 协定;条约词根词缀释义:pact加强→双方加强约定compact英[kəm‘pækt] 美[’kɑmpækt] n. 合同,契约词根词缀释义:com-全部+pact拴紧→全部压紧→压缩的impact英['ɪmpækt] 美[ɪm'pækt] n. 影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力词根词缀释义:im-进入+pact加强→压进去的力量→影响力compaginate英[kəm'pædʒɪneɪt] 美[kəm'pædʒɪneɪt] vt.使连接词根词缀释义:com-一起+pag紧+-inate表动词做,造成漫画记单词pectic英['pektɪk] 美['pɛktɪk] adj. 果胶的;粘胶质的词根词缀释义:pect紧+-ic表形容词…的漫画记单词49、und-= wave词根释义:波动abundant英[əˈbʌndənt] 美[ə'bʌndənt] adj. 丰富的;充裕的;盛产词根词缀释义:ab-不+und波浪+-ant表形容词→数量不会波动abundance英[ə'bʌnd(ə)ns] 美[ə'bʌndəns] n. 充裕,丰富词根词缀释义:ab-不+und波浪+-ance表名词redundant英[rɪ'dʌnd(ə)nt] 美[rɪ'dʌndənt] adj. 多余的;被解雇的词根词缀释义:red-反复+und波+ant表形容词...的→反复波动→多余的undulate英['ʌndjʊleɪt] 美['ʌndʒə'let] vi. 起伏,波动;震动;呈波浪形词根词缀释义:und波+-ul+-ate表动词,做,造成漫画记单词inundate英['ɪnʌndeɪt] 美['ɪnʌndet] vt.淹没;泛滥;浸水;(洪水般的)扑来词根词缀释义:in-进入+und波+ate表动词,做,造成→进入波浪→淹没漫画记单词50、war, ward, wer-词根释义:保护,守卫wardrobe英['wɔːdrəʊb] 美[ˈwɔrdˌrob] n. 衣柜;行头;全部戏装词根词缀释义:ward保护+robe长袍reward英[rɪ'wɔːd] 美[rɪ'wɔrd] n.奖励;赏金;回报词根词缀释义:re-回+ward保护steward英['stjuːəd] 美['stuɚd] n. 男乘务员;组织者词根词缀释义:sti=ste简陋的房子+ward保护award英[ə'wɔːd] 美[ə'wɔrd] vt.授予;给予n.奖项词根词缀释义:a-去+ward保护warn英[wɔːn] 美[wɔrn] vt.警告,提醒;通知词根词缀释义:war保护+-nwarrant英[‘wɒr(ə)nt] 美[’wɔrənt] vt.使…显得必要n. 搜查令,逮捕令词根词缀释义:warr保护+ant表名词51、stinct, sting, stimul= pierce词根释义:刺,刺激sting英[stɪŋ] 美[stɪŋ] n. 刺痛;讽刺,刺激;刺毛词根词缀释义:sting刺stingy英['stɪn(d)ʒɪ] 美['stɪndʒi] adj. 吝啬的,小气的;有刺的;缺乏的词根词缀释义:sting刺+-y表形容词→像刺一样[小的心胸]→小气的distinguish英[dɪ'stɪŋgwɪʃ] 美[dɪ'stɪŋɡwɪʃ] vt.区分;辨别;使著名词根词缀释义:dis-分开+stingu[=sting]刺+ish表动词造成...→把刺分开→区别distinct英[dɪ'stɪŋ(k)t] 美[dɪ'stɪŋkt] adj. 有区别的;显著的词根词缀释义:dis-分开+stinct刺→把刺分开→与众不同的→明显的extinguish英[ɪkˈstɪŋgwɪʃ] 美[ɪk'stɪŋɡwɪʃ] vt.熄灭;压制;偿清词根词缀释义:ex-出+stingu刺+ish表动词造成…的→灭火instinct英['ɪnstɪŋ(k)t] 美['ɪnstɪŋkt] n. 本能,直觉;天性词根词缀释义:in-内+stinct刺激→内在的刺激→本能)52、vel, velop-= cover词根含义:包,盖上develop英[dɪ'veləp] 美[dɪ'vɛləp] vt.发展;产生;发达词根词缀释义:de-不,非+velop包→放开,展开development英[dɪ'veləpm(ə)nt] 美[dɪ'vɛləpmənt] n. 发展;开发;发育词根词缀释义:develop开发;进步+-ment表名词envelop英[ɪn'veləp; en-] 美[ɪn'vɛləp] vt.包裹住词根词缀释义:en-使+velop盖envelopment [ɪn'vɛləpmənt] n. 包;包封,封套;封皮词根词缀释义:envelop包围;包封+-ment表名词漫画记单词53、joc,jol,jov,joy-词根含义:欢乐joyful英['dʒɒɪfʊl; -f(ə)l] 美['dʒɔɪfl] adj. 欢喜的;令人高兴的词根词缀释义:joy 欢乐+ -ful形容词后缀enjoy英[ɪnˈdʒɔɪ] 美[ɪn'dʒɔɪ] vt.欣赏,享受;喜爱;使过得快活词根词缀释义:en-使... + joy 欢乐jocose英[dʒə'kəʊs] 美[dʒə'kos] adj. 诙谐的;开玩笑的词根词缀释义:joc欢乐+ -ose形容词后缀jovial英['dʒəʊvɪəl; -vj(ə)l] 美['dʒovɪəl] adj. 天性快活的词根词缀释义:jov欢乐+ -ial形容词后缀漫画记单词jollification [,dʒɔlifi'keiʃən] n. 欢乐,热闹词根词缀释义:joll= jol欢乐+ -i-+ fic 做+ -ation名词后缀→ “快快乐乐地做某事”漫画记单词54、mach,mech-= machine词根含义:机器,机械machine英[mə'ʃiːn] 美[mə'ʃin] n. 机械,机器词根词缀释义:mach机器+-inemachination英[,mæʃɪ'neɪʃn] 美[ˌmækəˈneʃən, ˌmæʃ-] n. 阴谋诡计词根词缀释义:machine机器,引伸为操纵+-ation→操纵→搞阴谋mechanic英[mɪ'kænɪk] 美[mə'kænɪk] n. 技工,机修工词根词缀释义:mech机器+-an+-ic表形容词…的55、spher,sphero-=ball词根释义:球atmosphere英['ætməsfɪə] 美['ætməsfɪr] n. 气氛;大气;空气词根词缀释义:atmo-空气+spher球+-eatmospheric英[ætməs'ferɪk] 美[,ætməs'fɛrɪk] adj. 大气的,大气层的词根词缀释义:atmosphere(e)大气+-ic表形容词…的hemisphere英['hemɪsfɪə] 美['hɛmɪsfɪr] n. 半球词根词缀释义:hemi-半+sphere球biosphere英['baɪə(ʊ)sfɪə] 美['baɪosfɪr] n. 生物圈词根词缀释义:bio生物+sphere球centrosphere英['sentrə,sfɪ(ə)r] 美['sɛntrə,sfɪr] n. [细胞] 中心球;地核词根词缀释义:centro-中心+sphere球漫画记单词56、acid,acri,acrid,acu,acerb,acet-= sour,sharp词根释义:酸,尖,锐利acid英['æsɪd] 美['æsɪd] adj. 酸的;讽刺的;刻薄的词根词缀释义:acid酸的acrid英['ækrɪd] 美['ækrɪd] adj. 辛辣的;苦的;刻薄的词根词缀释义:acrid尖的acute英[ə'kjuːt] 美[ə'kjut] adj. 严重的,[医] 急性的;敏锐的;激烈的;尖声的词根词缀释义:acu尖的+-te表形容词acumen英[ˈækjʊmen;əˈkju:mən] 美[əˈkjumən] n. 聪明,敏锐词根词缀释义:acu锐利+-men表示名词→尖→敏锐漫画记单词57、clear,clar,clair-= clear, bright词根含义:清楚,明白clearance英['klɪər(ə)ns] 美['klɪrəns] n. 清除词根词缀释义:clear清楚+-ance表名词clarity英['klærɪtɪ] 美['klærəti] n. 清楚,明晰;透明词根词缀释义:clar清楚+-ity表名词具备某种性质clarify英['klærɪfaɪ] 美['klærəfaɪ] vt.澄清;阐明词根词缀释义:clar清楚+-ify表动词clarification [,klærɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] 美[,klærəfə'keʃən] n. 澄清,说明;净化词根词缀释义:clar清楚+-ific+-ation表名词declare英[dɪ'kleə] 美[dɪ'klɛr] vt.宣布,声明;断言,宣称词根词缀释义:de-向下+clar清晰+-e→清晰的宣布漫画记单词58、pass= pass through词根含义:通过passage英['pæsɪdʒ] 美['pæsɪdʒ] n. 一段(文章);走廊;通路;通过词根词缀释义:pass通过+-age表名词状态passenger英['pæsɪndʒə] 美[pæsndʒɚ] n. 旅客;乘客;过路人;碍手碍脚的人词根词缀释义:pass通过+-eng+-er表人surpass英[sə'pɑːs] 美[sə'pæs] vt.超越;胜过,优于词根词缀释义:sur-超过+pass→通过并超过→胜过compass英['kʌmpəs] 美['kʌmpəs] n. 指南针,罗盘;圆规,范围,界限词根词缀释义:com-共同+pass→共同能过的地方→做事的范围漫画记单词encompass英[ɪn'kʌmpəs; en-]美[ɪn'kʌmpəs] vt.包含;包围,环绕;完成词根词缀释义:en-进入+compass范围→进入范围→包围漫画记单词59、cau,cou-= to take care词根含义:小心caution英['kɔːʃ(ə)n] 美['kɔʃən] n. 小心,谨慎;警告,警示词根词缀释义:caut小心+-ion表名词cautious英['kɔːʃəs] 美['kɔʃəs] adj. 谨慎的;十分小心的词根词缀释义:caut小心+-i-+ous表形容词…的precaution英[prɪ'kɔːʃ(ə)n] 美[prɪ'kɔʃən] n. 预防,警惕;预防措施词根词缀释义:pre-前+caut小心+-ion表名词acoustic英[ə'kuːstɪk] 美[ə'kʊstɪk] adj. 声学的;音响的;听觉的词根词缀释义:a去+cou小心+st+-ic表形容词…的漫画记单词60、plor-=cry, weep词根含义:留出,哭喊explore英[ɪk'splɔː; ek-] 美[ɪk'splɔr] vt.探索;探测;探险词根词缀释义:ex-出+plore哭喊→喊出来→探索[奥秘]exploration英[eksplə'reɪʃ(ə)n] 美[,ɛksplə'reʃən] n. 探测;探究;踏勘词根词缀释义:explore探索;探测+-ationdeplore英[dɪ'plɔː] 美[dɪ'plɔr] vt.谴责;悲悼;哀叹;对…深感遗憾词根词缀释义:de-坏+plore哭→不好的喊哭→悲叹deplorable英[dɪ'plɔːrəb(ə)l] 美[dɪ'plɔrəbl] adj. 可叹的;凄惨的词根词缀释义:deplore痛惜+-able表形容词…的implore英[ɪm'plɔː] 美[ɪm'plɔr] vt.恳求或乞求词根词缀释义:im-进入+plore哭喊→进入哭喊状态→乞求漫画记单词61、ploy-= use, invlve词根含义:用,参与employ英[ɪm'plɒɪ; em-] 美[ɪm'plɔɪ] vt.使用,采用;雇用;使忙于,使从事于词根词缀释义:em进入+ploy参与→进入用的状态→雇佣employment英[ɪm'plɒɪm(ə)nt; em-] 美[ɪm'plɔɪmənt] n. 使用;职业;雇用词根词缀释义:employ使用,采用;雇用+-ment表名词deploy英[dɪ'plɒɪ] 美[dɪ'plɔɪ] vt.配置;展开;使疏开词根词缀释义:de-加强+ploy参与→加强使用[部队]→调度ploy英[plɒɪ] 美[plɔɪ] n. 策略;手段词根词缀释义:ploy参与→策略62、lect,leg-词根含义:讲,读lecture英['lektʃə] 美['lɛktʃɚ] n. 演讲;讲稿;教训词根词缀释义:lect言,讲+-ure名词后缀lecturer英['lektʃ(ə)rə] 美['lɛktʃərɚ] n. 讲师,演讲者词根词缀释义:lecture演讲;讲稿;教训+-er表人dialect英['daɪəlekt] 美['daɪə'lɛkt] n. 方言,土话;同源语;行话;个人用语特征词根词缀释义:dia-在…之间+lect言→ 在一部分人之间说→方言legend英['ledʒ(ə)nd] 美['lɛdʒənd] n. 传奇;说明;图例;刻印文字词根词缀释义:leg讲+-end→讲出的东西→传奇故事;引申为地图的图例63、arm= weapon,词根含义:武装army英['ɑːmɪ] 美['ɑrmi] n. 陆军,军队词根词缀释义:arm武器+-y表名词armed英[ɑːmd] 美[ɑrmd] adj. 武装的;有扶手的词根词缀释义:arm武装+-ed表形容词…的disarming英[dɪs'ɑːmɪŋ] 美[dɪs'ɑrmɪŋ] adj. 使解除警戒心的;使人消气的词根词缀释义:dis-没有+arm物装+-ing表形容词…的armor美['ɑrmɚ] n. 装甲;盔甲词根词缀释义:arm武器+-or表名词物alarm英[ə'lɑːm] 美[ə'lɑrm] n. 闹钟;警报,警告器;惊慌词根词缀释义:al-全+arm武器漫画记单词64、bar, barr= bar词根含义:横木,棒条barrack英['bærək] 美['bærək] n. 营房;兵舍词根词缀释义:barr横木+-ack表名词→用木条搭的小房子barrier英['bærɪə] 美['bærɪɚ] n. 障碍物,屏障;界线词根词缀释义:barr横木+-i-+-er表名词物barrel英['bær(ə)l] 美['bærəl] n. 桶;枪管,炮管词根词缀释义:barr横木+-el表名词人或物embarrass英[ɪm'bærəs; em-]美[ɪm'bærəs] vt.使尴尬;使陷入麻烦词根词缀释义:em-进入+barr栅栏+-ass表动词65、biblio,bibli= book词根含义:书bibliographer英[,bɪblɪ'ɒɡrəfə] 美[,bɪblɪ'ɑgrəfɚ] n. 书志学家;书目编制人词根词缀释义:biblio书+ graph写+ -er后缀表示人bibliographic英[,bɪblɪə'ɡræfɪk] 美[,bɪblɪə'græfɪk] adj. 书目的;书籍解题的;著书目录的词根词缀释义:biblio书+ graph写+ -ic表形容词….的bibliography英[,bɪblɪ'ɒgrəfɪ] 美[,bɪblɪ'ɑɡrəfi] n. 参考书目;文献目录词根词缀释义:biblio书+ graph写+ -y名词后缀bibliopole英['bɪblɪə(ʊ)pəʊl] 美['bɪblɪə,pol] n. 书商词根词缀释义:biblio书+ pol 卖+ -e66、flex, flect= bend词根含义:弯曲flexible英['fleksɪb(ə)l] 美['flɛksəbl] adj. 灵活的;柔韧的;易弯曲的词根词缀释义:flex弯曲+-ible表形容词能……的flexibility英[,fleksɪ'bɪlɪtɪ] 美[,flɛksə'bɪləti] n. 灵活性;弹性;适应性词根词缀释义:flexible灵活的;柔韧的+-ity表性质reflex英['riːfleks] 美['riflɛks] n. 反射动作;下意识行为词根词缀释义:re-再+flex 弯曲→ 弯回来reflect英[rɪ'flekt] 美[rɪ'flɛkt] vt.反映;反射,照出;表达;显示;反省词根词缀释义:re-再+flect弯曲→ 弯回来inflex [in' fleks] vt.弯曲词根词缀释义:in-进入→ +flex 弯曲→ 使之不断变弯deflex[di'fleks] vt.使向下弯曲词根词缀释义:de-向下+flex弯曲漫画记单词67、norm = rule, norm,词根含义:规则norm英[nɔːm] 美[nɔrm] n. 标准,规范词根词缀释义:norm规则→标准normal英['nɔːm(ə)l] 美['nɔrml] adj. 正常的;正规的;标准的词根词缀释义:norm规则+-al表形容词…的abnormal英[æb'nɔːml] 美[æbˈnɔrməl] adj. 反常的,不规则的;变态的词根词缀释义:ab-离开+normal正常的enormous英[ɪ'nɔːməs]美[ɪ'nɔrməs] adj. 庞大的,巨大的词根词缀释义:e-出+norm规则+-ous表形容词…的→超出了正常状态漫画记单词68、opt ,opin= to choose to wish词根含义:选择adopt英[ə'dɒpt] 美[ə'dɑpt] vt.采取;接受;收养;正式通过词根词缀释义:ad-去+opt 选→选取,选用adoption英[ə'dɒpʃ(ə)n] 美[ə'dɑpʃən] n. 采用;收养;接受词根词缀释义:adopt采取;接受+-ion表名词option英['ɒpʃ(ə)n] 美['ɑpʃən] n. 选项;选择权词根词缀释义:opt选+-ion表名词optional英['ɒpʃ(ə)n(ə)l] 美['ɑpʃənl] adj. 可选择的,随意的词根词缀释义:option选择+-al表形容词可…的opine英[ə(ʊ)'paɪn] 美[o'paɪn] vt.以为;想词根词缀释义:opin选择+-eopinion英[ə'pɪnjən] 美[ə'pɪnjən] n. 意见;主张词根词缀释义:opin选择+-ion表名词69、plac, pleas = to please, to soothe, peace词根含义:取悦, 使高兴please英[pliːz] 美[pliz] vt.使喜欢;使高兴,使满意词根词缀释义:pleas取悦+-epleasant英['plez(ə)nt] 美['plɛznt] adj. 令人愉快的,舒适的词根词缀释义:pleas取悦+-ant表形容词…的displease英[dɪs'pliːz] 美[dɪs'pliz] vt.使生气;触怒词根词缀释义:dis-不,非+pleas取悦+-eplacate英[plə'keit; 'pleikeit; 'plæ-] 美['pleket] vt.抚慰;怀柔;使和解词根词缀释义:plac使平静+-ate表动词漫画记单词placid英['plæsɪd] 美['plæsɪd] adj. 平静的;温和的;沉着的词根词缀释义:plac取悦+-id表形容词入…的implacable英[ɪm'plækəb(ə)l] 美[ɪm'plækəbl] adj. 不能安抚的;难和解的;不能缓和的词根词缀释义:im-不能+plac使满意+-able表形容词….的漫画记单词70、plaud, plaus(plod, plos, ) = strike, clap词根释义:鼓掌plausible英['plɔːzɪb(ə)l] 美['plɔzəbl] adj. 貌似可信的;貌似有理的词根词缀释义:plaus鼓掌+-ible表形容词applaud英[ə'plɔːd] 美[ə'plɔd] vt.赞同;称赞;向…喝彩词根词缀释义:ap-加强+piaud鼓掌applause英[ə'plɔːz] 美[ə'plɔz] n. 欢呼,喝采;鼓掌欢迎词根词缀释义:ap-加强+plaus鼓掌+-e漫画记单词explode英[ɪk'spləʊd; ek-] 美[ɪk'splod] vi. 爆炸,爆发;激增词根词缀释义:ex-出来+plod打击+-e→出来打的声音implosion英[ɪm'pləʊʒən] 美[ɪm'ploʒən] n. 向内破裂;内破裂音词根词缀释义:im-= in 里面,内+ plos= plaud打+ -ion 名词后缀漫画记单词71、put = think,词根含义:“计算, 考虑”compute英[kəm'pjuːt] 美[kəm'pjʊt] vt.计算词根词缀释义:com一起+put计算+-e→放到一起想→计算,思考computer英[kəm'pjuːtə] 美[kəm'pjutɚ] n. 计算机词根词缀释义:com一起+put思考+-er表名词物→放到一起想→计算,思考dispute英[dɪ'spjuːt; 'dɪspjuːt] 美['dɪs'pjʊt] vt.争论;反驳词根词缀释义:dis分开+put思考+-e→过来思考→反驳disputatious英[dɪspjuː'teɪʃəs; -pjʊ't-]adj. 爱争辩的词根词缀释义:dispute反驳+-atious表形容词…的→喜欢反驳的漫画记单词reputation英[repjʊ'teɪʃ(ə)n] 美[,rɛpju'teʃən] n. 名声,名誉;声望词根词缀释义:re-再+put思考+-ation表名词漫画记单词72、rat = to reckon, reason词根含义:想,判断rate英[reɪt] 美[ret] n. 比率,率;速度;价格;等级词根词缀释义:rat判断+-eratify英['rætɪfaɪ] 美['rætɪfaɪ] vt.批准;认可词根词缀释义:rat判断+-ify构成动词使成…ratio英['reɪʃɪəʊ] 美['reʃɪo]n. 比率,比例词根词缀释义:rate比率+-io名词后缀思维导图rational英['ræʃ(ə)n(ə)l] 美['ræʃnəl] adj. 合理的;理性的词根词缀释义:rat判断+ion+-al表形容词…的rationality英[,ræʃə'nælətɪ] 美[,ræʃən'æləti] n. 合理性;合理的行动词根词缀释义:rational合理的+-ity表名词irrational英[ɪ'ræʃ(ə)n(ə)l] 美[ɪ'ræʃənl] adj. 不合理的;无理性的;荒谬的词根词缀释义:ir-不,非+rational合理的irrationality英[ɪ,ræʃə'nælətɪ] n. 不合理,无理性词根词缀释义:irrational不合理的+-ity表名词漫画记单词73、serv= to keep or protect词根含义:“保存,保护”conserve英[kən'sɜːv] 美[kən'sɝv] vt.保护;节省词根词缀释义:con全部+serv保存→全部保持下来→保护observe英[əb'zɜːv] 美[əb'zɝv] vt.观察;遵守词根词缀释义:ob-向+serv保存→一直保持→遵守,引申为观察preserve英[prɪ'zɜːv] 美[prɪ'zɝv] vt.维护;保护词根词缀释义:pre预先+serv保存→预先保留→保存。
格兰仕XQG80-Q812DE Q814DE Q812E W F812DE F814DE自动滚筒洗衣
售后服务手册After-sales Service Manual自动滚筒洗衣机Automatic Drum Washing MachineXQG80-Q812DE XQG80-Q814DEXQG80-Q812E/W XQG80-F812DEXQG80-F814DE中山格兰仕日用电器有限公司目录1.适用机型Models Covered (2)2.通用规范General Specifications (3)2.1电源规格Power Specification (3)2.2平台规格Platfrom Specification (3)2.3程序洗涤规格Program washing capacity (3)2.4主要部件规格Main components specifications (5)3.电路图Circuit Diagram (7)4.结构Structure (8)4.1结构图Structure diagram (8)4.2水管系统Water line system (8)5.功能设置及显示Function Settings and Display (10)5.1控制面板Control panel figures (10)5.2面板操作Panel operation (11)5.2.1整机状态描述Complete machine status description (11)5.2.2程序功能表Program function list (12)5.2.3按键/旋钮功能Button/Knob function (14)5.3特殊功能Special Functions (16)5.3.1自动断电Automatic power-off (16)5.3.2平衡Balance (16)5.3.3童锁Child lock (16)5.3.4预约Delay (17)5.3.5WIFI (17)5.3.6静音Mute (17)6.服务测试程序Service Testing Procedures (17)6.1按键注释Key notes: (17)6.2服务模式Service mode (18)6.2.1显示错误代码(t02) Display error code(t02) (20)6.2.2版本信息检测(t03) Version information detection(t03) (20)6.3检测模式Detection mode (21)7.异常报警/异常指示Abnormality Alarms / Abnormality Indications (24)8.爆炸图Exploded View (30)9.机器拆卸步骤Machine Disassembling Procedures (35)9.1工具明细Using tools: (35)9.2拆卸步骤Disassembling Procedures (36)1.适用机型Models Covered机型Model XQG80-Q812DE○1XQG80-Q814DEXQG80-Q812E/WXQG80-F812DEXQG80-F814DE品牌BrandGalanz20°C ●○○○○新欧标能效Eco●○○●●强洗40°CIntensive 40°●○○○○强洗60°CIntensive 60°●○○○○高温洗Anti-Allergy ●●●●●大件洗Bulky Item●●●●●桶清洁Drum Clean●●●●●单脱水Spin●●●●●漂洗/脱水Rinse/Spin●●●●●快洗Quick●●●●●静梦洗Night Wash●○○●●化纤Synthetie●●●●●真丝Silk●○○●●羊毛Wool●●●●●混合洗Mixed●●●●●40°C日常洗40°C Daily○●●○○20°C棉麻洗20°C Cotton○●●○○40°C标准洗40°C○●●○○60°C标准洗60°C○●●○○冷水洗Cool Wash○●●○○漂洗+Rinse+○●●○○注:○表示没有此程序,●表示有此程序,○1表示新欧标程序,供参考,以说明书为准Note: ○ means no such program, ● mans there is such a program, ○1mans the new European standard procedure, for reference, subject to the instruction manual.2.通用规范General Specifications2.1电源规格Power Specification220V-240V,50Hz2.2平台规格Platfrom Specification模型/平台Model/platform XQG80-Q812DEXQG80-Q812E/WXQG80-F812DEXQG80-Q814DEXQG80-F814DE洗涤方式Washing method滚筒式Drum type脱水方式Spinning method离心旋转Horizonal-axle Centrifugal spinning洗涤驱动方式Washing drive method串激电机+皮带Series motor + belt脱水驱动方式Spinning drive method串激电机+皮带Series motor + belt水位检测方法Water level detectionmethod膜片式Diaphragm type water level switch皮带Belt5 ribs桶尺寸Inner drum size303×φ481mm 包装尺寸(W×D×H)Pack dimension650×570×860mm 机器尺寸(W×D×H)Machine dimension595×545×845mm最高转速Top speed1200rpm 1400rpm 2.3程序洗涤规格Program washing capacity模型/平台Model/platform XQG80-Q812DE○1XQG80-Q814DEXQG80-Q812E/WXQG80-F812DEXQG80-F814DE注:○1表示新欧标程序,供参考,以说明书为准Note: ○1mans the new European standard procedure, for reference, subject to the instruction manual.2.4主要部件规格Main components specifications组件名称Component name规格Specification排水泵Drain pumpAC 220V-240V,50Hz启动/暂停开关Start/pause switch按键Touch水位开关Water level switch250V~,16A洗涤脱水电机Washing motor串激电机220V-240V,50/60Hz,55W/220W Series motor 220V-240V,50/60Hz,55W/220W洗涤加热管Heating element ofwashing230V~,1900W温度传感器Temperature sensor电阻R (25℃)=12kΩResistance R(25℃)= 12kΩ选项开关Options switch旋钮Rotary type门锁开关Door lock switch 250V~,PTC门锁250V~,PTC locks进水阀Water valve220V-240V,50Hz/60HzXQG80-Q812DE 、XQG80-Q814DE 、XQG80-Q812E/WXQG80-F812DE 、XQG80-F814DE3.电路图Circuit DiagramXQG80-Q812DE 、XQG80-Q814DE 、XQG80-F812DE 、XQG80-F814DEXQG80-Q812E/W4.结构Structure4.1结构图Structure diagram详见装配图See assembling drawing4.2水管系统Water line system进水:进水管—进水阀—进水阀软管—进水斗—外桶Water inflow: Inlet pipe—Water valve—Inlet hose—Inlet box—Outer drum 排水:外桶—排水软管—排水泵—排水管Drain: Outer drum—Drain hose①—Pump—Drain hose②示意图如下:Schematic diagram is as follows:排水泵 Pump 排水管Drainhose ②排水软管 Drain hose ①外桶Outer drum进水阀Water valve 进水斗 Inlet box进水阀软管 Inlet hose5.功能设置及显示Function Settings and Display 5.1控制面板Control panel figuresXQG80-Q812DE○1XQG80-Q814DEXQG80-Q812E/WXQG80-F812DE、XQG80-F814DE注:○1表示新欧标程序,供参考,以说明书为准Note: ○1mans the new European standard procedure, for reference, subject to the instruction manual.5.2面板操作Panel operation5.2.1整机状态描述Complete machine status descriptionNO.当前状态Current state描述describe1掉电Outage电源线没有插接,没有电源输入The power cord is not plugged in, there is no power input.2 关机Off只插上电源,无需任何按键操作,所有显示器和负载均关闭Just plug in the power, without any key operation, and all the displays andloads are off.3待机Standby在待机状态下,转动旋钮进入选择程序模式In standby mode, turn the knob to enter the program setting mode.4运行Running完成程序选择后,按“启动/暂停”按键,程序进入运行模式The program setting ends, press the " start / pause " button, and theprogram enters the running mode.5暂停Pause程序运行时,按“启动/暂停”键,程序进入暂停模式When the program is running, press the "Start/pause" key to enter thepaused mode of the program.6预约Delay按预约键选择程序预约时间,并按启动键进入预约状态Press the “Delay Start” key to select the appointment time, and press theStart button to enter the reservation status.7报警Alarm故障状态时,电脑板检测到相应的故障并显示对应的故障代码。
Endress+Hauser Proline Promass 80F、83F、84F 芯流量计产品
Products Solutions ServicesSD01397D/06/EN/02.1471272998Special DocumentationProline Promass 80F, 83F, 84FSupplementary documentation for cryogenic liquidsApplicationCryogenic liquids including •Nitrogen •Argon •Oxygen •CO•LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas)Your benefits•Robust flow measurement at cryogenic temperatures •Space-saving installation - compact devices requiring no inlet/outlet runs•Designed for custody transfer - featuring worldwide recognized metrological approvalsProline Promass 80F, 83F2Endress+HauserTable of contentsDocumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Function and system design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Measuring system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Measuring range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Performance characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Maximum measured error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Repeatability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Medium temperature range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Pressure-temperature ratings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Thermal insulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Mechanical construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8Design, dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Custody transfer measurement (only Promass 84F)11Suitability for custody transfer measurement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11Proline Promass 80F, 83FEndress+Hauser 3DocumentationThis manual is Special Documentation and is not a substitute for the Operating Instructions and Technical Information supplied with the device.This document describes the changes and additions and replace or supplement the specifications in the documentation concerned.For detailed information, refer to the Operating Instructions, Technical Informations and other documentation on the CD-ROM provided or visit "/deviceviewer".The Special Documentation is an integral part of the following Operating Instructions and Technical Information.This Special Documentation is available:•On the CD-ROM supplied with the device (depending on the device version ordered)•In the Download Area of the Endress+Hauser Internet site: → DownloadFunction and system designMeasuring systemRemote version: transmitter and sensor are mounted physically separate from one another.InputMeasuring rangeMeasuring ranges for liquids (non-custody transfer mode)Proline Promass 80F, 83F4Endress+HauserMeasuring ranges for liquids (custody transfer mode)The following are example data for MI-005 approval (liquids other than water)!Note!For information about the other approvals see corresponding certificatePerformance characteristicsMaximum measured erroro.r. = of reading; 1 g/cm 3= 1 kg/l; T = fluid temperature Base accuracyMass flow (cryogenic liquids)±0.35% o.r.Density (cryogenic liquids)•±0.05 g/cm 3Zero point stability!Note!In field zero point confirmation and adjustment may be difficult to realize due to evaporation of the cryogenic fluid. In general, the factory zero point should not be adjusted unless it can be absolutely confirmed that the fluid is completely in the liquid phase inside the flowmeter.Proline Promass 80F, 83FEndress+Hauser 5Repeatability Base repeatabilityMass flow (cryogenic liquids)±0.175% o.r.Density (cryogenic liquids)±0.025 g/cm 3InstallationOrientationMake sure that the direction of the arrow on the nameplate of the sensor matches the direction of flow (direction in which the fluid flows through the pipe).Vertical (Fig. V)Recommended orientation with upward direction of flow. When fluid is not flowing, entrained solids will sink down and gases will rise away from the measuring tube. The measuring tubes can be completely drained and protected against solids build-up.Horizontal (Fig. H1)The measuring tubes must be horizontal and beside each other. When installation is correct the transmitter housing is above or below the pipe. Always avoid having the transmitter housing in the same horizontal plane as the pipe. Please note the special installation instructions, in the "Technical Information" document, "Special mounting instructions" section= Impermissible orientationProline Promass 80F, 83F6Endress+HauserProcessMedium temperature rangeSensorStandard version: –196 to +200 °C (–320 to +392 °F)#Warning!The maximum differential of the application fluid temperature may not exceed 300 °K.Pressure-temperature ratings#Warning!The following pressure-temperature-ratings refer to the entire sensor and not just the process connection.Flange connection according to EN 1092-1 (DIN 2501)Flange material: 1.4404 (F316/F316L), Alloy C22Flange connection according to ASME B16.5Flange material: 1.4404 (F316/F316L), standard versionProline Promass 80F, 83FEndress+Hauser 7Flange connection to JIS B2220Flange material: 1.4404 (F316/F316L), Alloy C22Thermal insulationIn general it is not mandatory to insulate the sensor. If the sensor is insulated the maximumthickness of the insulation is 50 mm.Proline Promass 80F, 83FMechanical constructionDesign, dimensions Transmitter remote version, connection housing (II2G/Zone 1)Dimensions in SI unitsAll dimensions in [mm]Dimensions in US unitsAll dimensions in [in]8Endress+HauserProline Promass 80F, 83FTransmitter remote version, wall-mount housing (none Ex-zone and II3G/Zone 2)ADimensions in SI unitsSecuring screw for wall mounting: M6 (screw head max. 10.5 mm)All dimensions in [mm]Dimensions in US unitsSecuring screw for wall mounting: M6 (screw head max. 0.41")All dimensions in [in]Endress+Hauser9Proline Promass 80F, 83F10Endress+HauserSensor remote version, connection housing with an extended neckDimensions in SI and US unitsFor other dimensions and installation lengths of the device, see the "Technical Information" document, "Mechanical construction" section.WeightRemote version•Sensor: see the tables below•Wall-mount housing: 5 kg (11 lbs)Weight information in SI unitsWeight information in USWith 10" according to ASME B16.5 Cl 300 flangesAll values (weight) refer to devices with EN/DIN PN 40 flanges.Weight information in [kg].All values (weight) refer to devices with EN/DIN PN 40 flanges.Weight information in [lbs].Proline Promass 80F, 83FEndress+Hauser 11Custody transfer measurement (only Promass 84F)Suitability for custody transfer measurement MID approval, Annex MI-005 (liquids other than water)The device is qualified to OIML R117-1 and OIML R81NTEP approvalThe measuring instrument is qualified in accordance with the National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) Handbook 44 ("Specifications and Tolerances and other Technical Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices").Please see corresponding certificate for details.MC approvalThe measuring instrument is qualified in accordance with "The Draft Ministerial Specifications -Mass Flow Meters" (1993-09-21).Please see corresponding certificate for details.。
原创 i 米格15的死敌f86佩刀战斗机简介
原创I 米格15的死敌——F86佩刀战斗机简介F86是北美航空公司研制的美国第一种后掠翼喷气式战斗机,是美国的第一代喷气式战斗机的代表,是美国、北约集团及日本在五十年代使用最多的战斗机,美国和其它一些国家共生产了11400架左右。
除了大量的次型与军援之外,也衍生出海军型的FJ 怒火系列战机。
CF Micro:continue focus micro全程微距。
ED:Extra-low Dispersion超低色散镜片。
IF:Inter Focus内对焦。
M.O.D:Minimum Object Distance 最近对焦距离。
SMC:Super Mluti Coating超级多层镀膜,宾得特有的镜头镀膜技术,抗炫光能力比较强。
Soft Focus:柔焦镜头。
实例说明:FA* 80-200 F2.8 ED镜头表示焦距为80-200mm、最大光圈恒定F2.8、使用了ED超低色散镜片的宾得专业星镜;而FA31mm F1.8 AL Limited镜头表示焦距为31mm定焦、光圈F1.8、使用了非球面镜片的Limited限量版镜头。
二、“三公主”:Pentax SMC FA 43/1.9 Limited “长公主”镜头结构 6组7枚对焦方式自动最大光圈 1.9最小光圈 22最近对焦距离 0.45 m最大放大倍率 0.12 倍滤镜口径 49 mm镜头直径 64 mm镜头长度 27 mm镜头重量 155 g参考价格:¥53501997年面世,虽然年份最早,排名老大,但FA43却是小巧玲珑,俨然一副端庄淑娴的美女形象,“公主”绰号由此而来。
深圳市拓展光电有限公司 TZ35UVA+UVC02-016说明书
Model: TZ35UVA+UVC02-016Date:2020/10/10NO:SZTZ-DS-041Par NO : F.35.00041SPECIFICATION承制方确认制作审核业务品质接受方确认工程制定工程审核采购品质深圳市拓展光电有限公司SHENZHEN DEVELOPMENT PHOTOELECTRIC CO., LTD曹雪军版本修订日期文件修订内容备注A02020/10/10首次发行魏峰制作胡满意日期2020年10月10日核准魏峰日期2020年10月10日版本号A0受控日期2020年10月10日TZ35UVA+UVC02-016DatasheetThe 3535LED light source is a high-performance energy-saving device that can handle high heat and high drive current.此款3535LED 光源是一种高性能节能器件,可以处理高热量和高驱动电流。
The Purple LED light source with peak wavelength ranging from 270nm to 280nm and 390-400nm.紫外LED 光源峰值波长为270nm ~280nm,390-400nm.This part has a foot print that is compatible to most of the same size LED in the market today.此器件的焊盘兼容当今市场上大部分相同大小的LED 。
FEATURES/特点◼Deep UV LED with emissionwavelength between 270nm to 280nm and 390-400nm具有发射波长的深紫外光LED 在270nm 至280nm 和390-400nm.◼Compatible with reflow soldering process兼容回流焊工艺◼Low thermal resistance/热阻低◼Wide viewing angle at 120°120°大发光角度◼Superior ESD protection 优越的ESD 保护◼Environmental friendly, RoHS compliance材质环保,符合RoHS 要求Note: The information in this document is subject to change without notice.注:本文件中的信息如有变更,恕不另行通知。
转来的!康泰时蔡司镜头全系列,解毒帖!1.蔡司 T* Planar 50/1.42.蔡司 Distagon 35/1.4:3.蔡司 Planar 85/1.4 AEG4.蔡司 Distagon 28/25.蔡司 Planar 100/26.蔡司 Planar 135/27.蔡司 Distagon 21/2.88.蔡司 Makro-Planar 100/2.8 AEG 微距9.蔡司 S-Planar 60/2.8微距10.蔡司 Distagon 25/2.8 MMG11.蔡司 Tessar 45/2.8 100周年纪念版12.蔡司 T* Sonnar 180/2.8 MMG13.蔡司 T* PC-Distagon 35/2.8 移轴14.蔡司 T* Planar 85/1.215.蔡司 T* Planar 55/1.216.蔡司 T* Apo Sonnar 200/217.蔡司 T* F-Distagon 16/2.8 鱼眼镜头18.蔡司 Mirotar 500/819.蔡司 Distagon 28/2.820.蔡司 Distagon 35/2.821.蔡司 Tessar 2.8/45 T*22.蔡司 planar 1.7/50 T*23.蔡司 sonnar 85/2.8 T*24.蔡司 sonnar 100/3.5 T*25.蔡司 Makro-Planar 60/2.8C26.蔡司 Sonnar 135/2.827.蔡司Contax Distagon 15mm/3.5T*28.蔡司 Distagon T* 18mm/f429.蔡司Contax Tele-Tessar 300mm F4附:蔡司contax系列镜头大全图1.蔡司 T* Planar 50/1.4镜头简介、规格以及购买咨询,点击图片进入玩家A(casinoking):蔡司镜头是俺的最爱,也是手中焦段最齐的镜头群。
喜欢蔡司也很偶然,起初只想找一枚价廉物美的大光圈人像镜头,在论坛中潜水后选择了蔡司Planar 85/1.4,尽管需要转接环手动调焦,但优良的成像与色彩不得不令人折服,跟着又弄了Planar 50/1.4,最终一发不可收拾,几乎就奔蔡司YC的大光圈镜头而去,前后二年多也攒得七七八八了。
国家计算机二级(C++)80(总分460, 做题时间120分钟)选择题(每小题2分,共70分) 下列各题四个选项中,有一个是正确的,请选择正确答案。
#include<iostream.h>voidreverse(inta[],intn){inti,t;for(i=0;i<n/2;i++){t=a[i];a[i]=a[n-1-i];a[n-1-i]=t;}}voidmain( ){ int b[10]:={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};inti,s=0;reverse(b,8);for(i=6;i<10;i++)s+=b[i];cout<<S;}SSS_SINGLE_SELA (x=y=6,x+y,X+1)B (x=y=6,x+y,y+1)C (x=6,x+1,y=6,x+y)D (y=6,y+1,x+y,x+1)分值: 2答案:C在Visual Basic中,允许出现快捷菜单,对用户来说,提供了很大的方便,一般来说,菜单都在窗口的顶部,有时,用户需要执行菜单中的某一命令,就得把鼠标移动到窗口顶部,然后打开菜单选择命令,这对用户来说,会觉得麻烦。
设计快捷菜单仍然可以用Visual Basic中提供的菜单编辑器,只要把某个菜单设置成隐藏就可以了,实际上,不管是在窗口顶部菜单条上显示的菜单还是隐藏的菜单,都可以用PopupMenu方法把它们作为快捷菜单在运行时显示出来。
专题02整式及因式分解(优选真题80题)一、单选题1(2023·湖南·统考中考真题)计算:3a 2=()A.5a B.3a 2C.6a 2D.9a 22(2023·四川广安·统考中考真题)下列运算中,正确的是()A.a 2+a 4=a 6B.3a 3⋅4a 2=12a 6C.2a +b 2=4a 2+b 2D.-2ab 2 3=-8a 3b 63(2023·湖南怀化·统考中考真题)下列计算正确的是()A.a 2⋅a 3=a 5B.a 6÷a 2=a 3C.ab 3 2=a 2b 9D.5a -2a =34(2023·山东滨州·统考中考真题)下列计算,结果正确的是()A.a 2⋅a 3=a 5B.a 2 3=a 5C.(ab )3=ab 3D.a 2÷a 3=a5(2023·山东临沂·统考中考真题)下列运算正确的是()A.3a -2a =1B.(a -b )2=a 2-b 2C.a 5 2=a 7D.3a 3⋅2a 2=6a 5.6(2023·山东枣庄·统考中考真题)下列运算结果正确的是()A.x 4+x 4=2x 8B.-2x 2 3=-6x 6C.x 6÷x 3=x 3D.x 2⋅x 3=x 67(2023·四川内江·统考中考真题)对于正数x ,规定f (x )=2x x +1,例如:f (2)=2×22+1=43,f 12=2×1212+1=23,f (3)=2×33+1=32,f 13 =2×1313+1=12,计算:f 1101 +f 1100 +f 199 +⋯+f 13 +f 12+f (1)+f (2)+f (3)+⋯+f (99)+f (100)+f (101)=()A.199B.200C.201D.2028(2022·西藏·统考中考真题)按一定规律排列的一组数据:12,-35,12,-717,926,-1137,⋯.则按此规律排列的第10个数是()A.-19101B.21101C.-1982D.21829(2022·江苏南通·统考中考真题)已知实数m ,n 满足m 2+n 2=2+mn ,则(2m -3n )2+(m +2n )(m -2n )的最大值为()A.24B.443C.163D.-410(2022·湖南益阳·统考中考真题)下列各式中,运算结果等于a 2的是()A.a 3-aB.a +aC.a •aD.a 6÷a 311(2023·四川·统考中考真题)我国南宋时期数学家杨辉于1261年写下的《详解九章算法》,书中记载的图表给出了(a +b )n 展开式的系数规律.1 (a +b )0=11 1 (a +b )1=a +b1 2 1 (a +b )2=a 2+2ab +b 21 3 3 1 (a +b )3=a 3+3a 2b +3ab 2+b 3当代数式x 4-12x 3+54x 2-108x +81的值为1时,则x 的值为()A.2B.-4C.2或4D.2或-412(2022·黑龙江牡丹江·统考中考真题)观察下列数据:12,-25,310,-417,526,⋯,则第12个数是()A.12143B.-12143C.12145D.-1214513(2022·广东广州·统考中考真题)如图,用若干根相同的小木棒拼成图形,拼第1个图形需要6根小木棒,拼第2个图形需要14根小木棒,拼第3个图形需要22根小木棒⋯⋯若按照这样的方法拼成的第n 个图形需要2022根小木棒,则n 的值为()A.252B.253C.336D.33714(2022·内蒙古赤峰·统考中考真题)已知x +2 x -2 -2x =1,则2x 2-4x +3的值为()A.13B.8C.-3D.515(2022·湖北鄂州·统考中考真题)生物学中,描述、解释和预测种群数量的变化,常常需要建立数学模型.在营养和生存空间没有限制的情况下,某种细胞可通过分裂来繁殖后代,我们就用数学模型2n 来表示.即:21=2,22=4,23=8,24=16,25=32,⋯⋯,请你推算22022的个位数字是()A.8B.6C.4D.216(2022·广西玉林·统考中考真题)如图的电子装置中,红黑两枚跳棋开始放置在边长为2的正六边形ABCDEF 的顶点A 处.两枚跳棋跳动规则是:红跳棋按顺时针方向1秒钟跳1个顶点,黑跳棋按逆时针方向3秒钟跳1个顶点,两枚跳棋同时跳动,经过2022秒钟后,两枚跳棋之间的距离是()A.4B.23C.2D.017(2022·湖北武汉·统考中考真题)幻方是古老的数学问题,我国古代的《洛书》中记载了最早的幻方--九宫格.将9个数填入幻方的空格中,要求每一横行、每一竖列以及两条对角线上的3个数之和相等,例如图(1)就是一个幻方.图(2)是一个未完成的幻方,则x 与y 的和是()A.9B.10C.11D.1218(2022·新疆·统考中考真题)将全体正偶数排成一个三角形数阵:按照以上排列的规律,第10行第5个数是()A.98B.100C.102D.10419(2022·四川南充·中考真题)已知a>b>0,且a2+b2=3ab,则1a+1b2÷1a2-1b2的值是()A.5B.-5C.55D.-5520(2022·重庆·统考中考真题)对多项式x-y-z-m-n任意加括号后仍然只含减法运算并将所得式子化简,称之为“加算操作”,例如:(x-y)-(z-m-n)=x-y-z+m+n,x-y-(z-m)-n=x -y-z+m-n,⋯,给出下列说法:①至少存在一种“加算操作”,使其结果与原多项式相等;②不存在任何“加算操作”,使其结果与原多项式之和为0;③所有的“加算操作”共有8种不同的结果.以上说法中正确的个数为()A.0B.1C.2D.321(2022·内蒙古·中考真题)观察下列等式:70=1,71=7,72=49,73=343,74=2401,75=16807,⋯根据其中的规律可得70+71+⋯+72022的结果的个位数字是()A.0B.1C.7D.822(2021·江苏镇江·统考中考真题)如图,小明在3×3的方格纸上写了九个式子(其中的n是正整数),每行的三个式子的和自上而下分别记为A1,A2,A3,每列的三个式子的和自左至右分别记为B1,B2,B3,其中,值可以等于789的是()A.A1B.B1C.A2D.B323(2023·四川·统考中考真题)下列说法正确的是()A.多边形的外角和为360°B.6a2b-2ab2=2ab(3a-2b)C.525000=5.25×103D.可能性很小的事情是不可能发生的24(2022·湖北荆门·统考中考真题)对于任意实数a,b,a3+b3=(a+b)(a2-ab+b2)恒成立,则下列关系式正确的是()A.a3-b3=(a-b)(a2+ab+b2)B.a3-b3=(a+b)(a2+ab+b2)C.a3-b3=(a-b)(a2-ab+b2)D.a3-b3=(a+b)(a2+ab-b2)25(2022·山东济宁·统考中考真题)下面各式从左到右的变形,属于因式分解的是()A.x2-x-1=x(x-1)-1B.x2-1=(x-1)2C.x2-x-6=(x-3)(x+2)D.x(x-1)=x2-x26(2022·青海·统考中考真题)下列运算正确的是()A.3x2+4x3=7x5B.x+y2=x2+y2C.2+3x=9x2-4 D.2xy+4xy2=2xy1+2y2-3x27(2023·重庆·统考中考真题)用长度相同的木棍按如图所示的规律拼图案,其中第①个图案用了9根木棍,第②个图案用了14根木棍,第③个图案用了19根木棍,第④个图案用了24根木棍,⋯⋯,按此规律排列下去,则第⑧个图案用的木棍根数是()A.39B.44C.49D.5428(2023·重庆·统考中考真题)用圆圈按如图所示的规律拼图案,其中第①个图案中有2个圆圈,第②个图案中有5个圆圈,第③个图案中有8个圆圈,第④个图案中有11个圆圈,⋯,按此规律排列下去,则第⑦个图案中圆圈的个数为()A.14B.20C.23D.2629(2021·内蒙古·统考中考真题)若x=2+1,则代数式x2-2x+2的值为()A.7B.4C.3D.3-2230(2021·湖北随州·统考中考真题)根据图中数字的规律,若第n个图中的q=143,则p的值为()A.100B.121C.144D.169二、填空题31(2023·湖南永州·统考中考真题)2a2与4ab的公因式为.32(2023·甘肃武威·统考中考真题)因式分解:ax2-2ax+a=.33(2023·浙江台州·统考中考真题)因式分解:x2-3x=.34(2023·上海·统考中考真题)分解因式:n2-9=.35(2023·浙江嘉兴·统考中考真题)一个多项式,把它因式分解后有一个因式为(x+1),请你写出一个符合条件的多项式:.36(2022·湖北恩施·统考中考真题)因式分解:a3-6a2+9a=.37(2023·四川广安·统考中考真题)定义一种新运算:对于两个非零实数a、b,a※b=xa+yb.若2※-2=1,则-3※3的值是.38(2023·四川内江·统考中考真题)已知a、b是方程x2+3x-4=0的两根,则a2+4a+b-3=.39(2023·四川内江·统考中考真题)若a、b互为相反数,c为8的立方根,则2a+2b-c=.40(2023·四川遂宁·统考中考真题)烷烃是一类由碳、氢元素组成的有机化合物,在生产生活中可作为燃料、润滑剂等原料,也可用于动、植物的养护.通常用碳原子的个数命名为甲烷、乙烷、丙烷、⋯⋯、癸烷(当碳原子数目超过10个时即用汉文数字表示,如十一烷、十二烷⋯⋯)等,甲烷的化学式为CH4,乙烷的化学式为C2H6,丙烷的化学式为C3H8⋯⋯,其分子结构模型如图所示,按照此规律,十二烷的化学式为.41(2023·浙江·统考中考真题)如图,分别以a ,b ,m ,n 为边长作正方形,已知m >n 且满足am -bn =2,an +bm =4.(1)若a =3,b =4,则图1阴影部分的面积是;(2)若图1阴影部分的面积为3,图2四边形ABCD 的面积为5,则图2阴影部分的面积是.42(2023·山东临沂·统考中考真题)观察下列式子1×3+1=22;2×4+1=32;3×5+1=42;⋯⋯按照上述规律,=n 2.43(2023·山东枣庄·统考中考真题)若x =3是关x 的方程ax 2-bx =6的解,则2023-6a +2b 的值为.44(2023·湖南岳阳·统考中考真题)观察下列式子:12-1=1×0;22-2=2×1;32-3=3×2;42-4=4×3;52-5=5×4;⋯依此规律,则第n (n 为正整数)个等式是.45(2023·天津·统考中考真题)计算7+6 7-6 的结果为.46(2023·四川成都·统考中考真题)定义:如果一个正整数能表示为两个正整数m ,n 的平方差,且m -n >1,则称这个正整数为“智慧优数”.例如,16=52-32,16就是一个智慧优数,可以利用m 2-n 2=(m +n )(m -n )进行研究.若将智慧优数从小到大排列,则第3个智慧优数是;第23个智慧优数是.47(2023·四川凉山·统考中考真题)已知x 2-2x -1=0,则3x 3-10x 2+5x +2027的值等于.48(2023·四川成都·统考中考真题)若3ab -3b 2-2=0,则代数式1-2ab -b 2a 2÷a -ba 2b,的值为.49(2023·重庆·统考中考真题)对于一个四位自然数M ,若它的千位数字比个位数字多6,百位数字比十位数字多2,则称M 为“天真数”.如:四位数7311,∵7-1=6,3-1=2,∴7311是“天真数”;四位数8421,∵8-1≠6,∴8421不是“天真数”,则最小的“天真数”为;一个“天真数”M 的千位数字为a ,百位数字为b ,十位数字为c ,个位数字为d ,记P M =3a +b +c +d ,Q M =a -5,若P MQ M能被10整除,则满足条件的M 的最大值为.50(2020·贵州黔南·中考真题)若a m -2b n +7与-3a 4b 4是同类项,则m -n =.51(2022·山东济南·统考中考真题)利用图形的分、和、移、补探索图形关系,是我国传统数学的一种重要方法.如图1,BD 是矩形ABCD 的对角线,将△BCD 分割成两对全等的直角三角形和一个正方形,然后按图2重新摆放,观察两图,若a =4,b =2,则矩形ABCD 的面积是.52(2022·内蒙古鄂尔多斯·统考中考真题)按一定规律排列的数据依次为12,45,710,1017⋯⋯按此规律排列,则第30个数是.53(2022·湖南益阳·统考中考真题)已知m ,n 同时满足2m +n =3与2m -n =1,则4m 2-n 2的值是.54(2022·青海·统考中考真题)木材加工厂将一批木料按如图所示的规律依次摆放,则第n 个图中共有木料根.55(2022·山东聊城·统考中考真题)如图,线段AB =2,以AB 为直径画半圆,圆心为A 1,以AA 1为直径画半圆①;取A 1B 的中点A 2,以A 1A 2为直径画半圆②;取A 2B 的中点A 3,以A 2A 3为直径画半圆③⋯按照这样的规律画下去,大半圆内部依次画出的8个小半圆的弧长之和为.56(2022·湖北恩施·统考中考真题)观察下列一组数:2,12,27,⋯,它们按一定规律排列,第n 个数记为a n ,且满足1a n +1a n +2=2a n +1.则a 4=,a 2022=.57(2022·内蒙古包头·中考真题)计算:a 2a -b +b 2-2aba -b =.58(2022·内蒙古包头·中考真题)若一个多项式加上3xy +2y 2-8,结果得2xy +3y 2-5,则这个多项式为.59(2022·山东威海·统考中考真题)幻方的历史很悠久,传说最早出现在夏禹时代的“洛书”.把洛书用今天的数学符号翻译出来,就是一个三阶幻方(如图1),将9个数填在3×3(三行三列)的方格中,如果满足每个横行、每个竖列、每条对角线上的三个数字之和都相等,就得到一个广义的三阶幻方.图2的方格中填写了一些数字和字母,若能构成一个广义的三阶幻方,则m n =.60(2022·黑龙江大庆·统考中考真题)观察下列“蜂窝图”,按照这样的规律,则第16个图案中的“ ”的个数是.三、解答题61(2023·新疆·统考中考真题)计算:(1)-1 3+4-2-2 0;(2)a +3 a -3 -a a -2 .62(2023·浙江嘉兴·统考中考真题)(1)解不等式:2x -3>x +1.(2)已知a 2+3ab =5,求(a +b )(a +2b )-2b 2的值.63(2023·浙江宁波·统考中考真题)计算:(1)(1+38)0+|-2|-9.(2)(a +3)(a -3)+a (1-a ).64(2023·浙江金华·统考中考真题)已知x =13,求2x +1 2x -1 +x 3-4x 的值.65(2023·四川凉山·统考中考真题)先化简,再求值:(2x +y )2-2x +y 2x -y -2y x +y ,其中x =122023,y =22022.66(2023·四川南充·统考中考真题)先化简,再求值:a -2 a +2 -a +2 2,其中a =-32.67(2023·重庆·统考中考真题)计算:(1)x x +6 +x -3 2;(2)3+n m ÷9m 2-n 2m.68(2022·内蒙古·中考真题)先化简,再求值:3x -1-x -1 ÷x 2-4x +4x -1,其中x =3.69(2022·湖北襄阳·统考中考真题)先化简,再求值:(a +2b )2+(a +2b )(a -2b )+2a (b -a ),其中a =3-2,b =3+2.70(2022·贵州安顺·统考中考真题)(1)计算(-1)2+(π-3.14)0+2sin60°+1-3 -12.(2)先化简,再求值:(x +3)2+(x +3)(x -3)-2x (x +1),其中x =12.71(2022·贵州六盘水·统考中考真题)计算:(1)32+13 0+13-1;(2)若a +1 2+b -2 +c +3=0,求a b +c 的值.72(2022·广东广州·统考中考真题)已知T =(a +3b )2+(2a +3b )(2a -3b )+a 2(1)化简T ;(2)若关于x 的方程x 2+2ax -ab +1=0有两个相等的实数根,求T 的值.73(2022·湖北荆门·统考中考真题)已知x +1x=3,求下列各式的值:(1)x -1x 2;(2)x 4+1x 4.74(2022·山东济宁·统考中考真题)已知a =2+5,b =2-5,求代数式a 2b +ab 2的值.75(2022·吉林·统考中考真题)下面是一道例题及其解答过程的一部分,其中A 是关于m 的多项式.请写出多项式A ,并将该例题的解答过程补充完整.例先去括号,再合并同类项:m (A )-6(m +1).解:m (A )-6(m +1)=m 2+6m -6m -6=.76(2023·山东临沂·统考中考真题)大学生小敏参加暑期实习活动,与公司约定一个月(30天)的报酬是M 型平板电脑一台和1500元现金,当她工作满20天后因故结束实习,结算工资时公司给了她一台该型平板电脑和300元现金.(1)这台M 型平板电脑价值多少元?(2)小敏若工作m 天,将上述工资支付标准折算为现金,她应获得多少报酬(用含m 的代数式表示)?77(2023·浙江嘉兴·统考中考真题)观察下面的等式:32-12=8×1,52-32=8×2,72-52=8×3,92-72=8×4,⋯(1)写出192-172的结果.(2)按上面的规律归纳出一个一般的结论(用含n 的等式表示,n 为正整数)(3)请运用有关知识,推理说明这个结论是正确的.78(2023·安徽·统考中考真题)【观察思考】【规律发现】请用含n 的式子填空:(1)第n 个图案中“”的个数为;(2)第1个图案中“★”的个数可表示为1×22,第2个图案中“★”的个数可表示为2×32,第3个图案中“★”的个数可表示为3×42,第4个图案中“★”的个数可表示为4×52,⋯⋯,第n 个图案中“★”的个数可表示为.【规律应用】(3)结合图案中“★”的排列方式及上述规律,求正整数n ,使得连续的正整数之和1+2+3+⋯+n 等于第n 个图案中“”的个数的2倍.79(2023·江苏连云港·统考中考真题)目前,我市对市区居民用气户的燃气收费,以户为基础、年为计算周期设定了如下表的三个气量阶梯:阶梯年用气量销售价格备注第一阶梯0∼400m 3(含400)的部分 2.67元/m 3若家庭人口超过4人的,每增加1人,第一、二阶梯年用气量的上限分别增加100m 3、200m 3.第二阶梯400∼1200m 3(含1200)的部分 3.15元/m 3第三阶梯1200m 3以上的部分3.63元/m 3(1)一户家庭人口为3人,年用气量为200m 3,则该年此户需缴纳燃气费用为元;(2)一户家庭人口不超过4人,年用气量为xm 3(x >1200),该年此户需缴纳燃气费用为y 元,求y 与x 的函数表达式;(3)甲户家庭人口为3人,乙户家庭人口为5人,某年甲户、乙户缴纳的燃气费用均为3855元,求该年乙户比甲户多用多少立方米的燃气?(结果精确到1m 3)80(2022·湖北随州·统考中考真题)《几何原本》是古希腊数学家欧几里得的一部不朽著作,是数学发展史的一个里程碑.在该书的第2幕“几何与代数”部分,记载了很多利用几何图形来论证的代数结论,利用几何给人以强烈印象将抽象的逻辑规律体现在具体的图形之中.(1)我们在学习许多代数公式时,可以用几何图形来推理,观察下列图形,找出可以推出的代数公式,(下面各图形均满足推导各公式的条件,只需填写对应公式的序号)公式①:a +b +c d =ad +bd +cd 公式②:a +bc +d =ac +ad +bc +bd公式③:a-b2=a2-2ab+b2公式④:a+b2=a2+2ab+b2图1对应公式,图2对应公式,图3对应公式,图4对应公式;(2)《几何原本》中记载了一种利用几何图形证明平方差公式a+ba-b=a2-b2的方法,如图5,请写出证明过程;(已知图中各四边形均为矩形)(3)如图6,在等腰直角三角形ABC中,∠BAC=90°,D为BC的中点,E为边AC上任意一点(不与端点重合),过点E作EG⊥BC于点G,作EH⊥ADF点H过点B作BF⎳AC交EG的延长线于点F.记△BFG与△CEG的面积之和为S1,△ABD与△AEH的面积之和为S2.①若E为边AC的中点,则S1S2的值为;②若E不为边AC的中点时,试问①中的结论是否仍成立?若成立,写出证明过程;若不成立,请说明理由.11。
之阳早格格创做PS颜色代码颜色代码1红色 #FFFFFF2红色 #FF00003绿色 #00FF004蓝色 #0000FF5牡丹黑#FF00FF6青色 #00FFFF7黄色 #FFFF008乌色 #0000009海蓝 #70DB9310巧克力色 #5C3317 11蓝紫色 #9F5F9F12黄铜色 #B5A64213明金色 #D9D91914棕色 #A67D3D15青铜色 #8C7853 162号青铜色 #A67D3D 17士官服蓝色 #5F9F9F 18热铜色 #D9871919铜色 #B8733320珊瑚黑 #FF7F0021紫蓝色 #42426F22深棕 #5C403323深绿 #2F4F2F24深铜绿色 #4A766E25深橄榄绿 #4F4F2F26深兰花色 #9932CD27深紫色 #871F7828深石板蓝 #6B238E29深铅灰色 #2F4F4F30深棕褐色 #97694F32深绿紧石色 #7093DB 33暗木色 #855E4234浓灰色 #54545435土灰玫瑰红色 #856363 36少石色 #D1927537火砖色#8E232338森林绿 #238E2339金色 #CD7F3240陈黄色 #DBDB7041灰色 #C0C0C042铜绿色 #527F7644猎人绿 #215E2145印度黑 #4E2F2F46土黄色 #9F9F5F47浅蓝色 #C0D9D948浅灰色 #A8A8A849浅钢蓝色 #8F8FBD 59浅木色 #E9C2A660石灰绿色 #32CD32 61桔黄色 #E4783362褐红色 #8E236B63中海蓝色 #32CD99 64中蓝色 #3232CD65中森林绿 #6B8E2366中陈黄色 #EAEAAE 67中兰花色 #9370DB 68中海绿色 #426F4269中石板蓝色 #7F00FF 70中秋绿色 #7FFF0071中绿紧石色 #70DBDB 72中紫红色 #DB7093 73中木色 #A6806475海军蓝 #23238E76霓虹篮 #4D4DFF77霓虹粉黑 #FF6EC778新深躲青色 #00009C 79新棕褐色 #EBC79E80暗金黄色 #CFB53B81橙色 #FF7F0082橙红色 #FF240083浓紫色 #DB70DB84浅绿色 #8FBC8F85粉红色 #BC8F8F86李子色 #EAADEA87石英色 #D9D9F388素蓝色 #5959AB89鲑鱼色 #6F424290猩红色 #BC171791海绿色 #238E6892半苦巧克力色 #6B4226 93赭色 #8E6B2394银色 #E6E8FA95天蓝 #3299CC96石板蓝 #007FFF97素粉红色 #FF1CAE98秋绿色 #00FF7F99钢蓝色 #236B8E100明天蓝色 #38B0DE101棕褐色 #DB9370102紫红色 #D8BFD8103石板蓝色 #ADEAEA104浓深棕色 #5C4033105浓浅灰色 #CDCDCD106紫罗兰色 #4F2F4F107紫罗兰红色 #CC3299108麦黄色 #D8D8BF109黄绿色 #99CC32称呼背景数值背景颜色称呼华文称呼十六进造RGB 十进造RGB 细细字体配色参照white 红色 #ffffff 255,255,255 红色[华夏搜]ivory 象牙色 #fffff0 255,255,240 象牙色[华夏搜]lightyellow 明黄色 #ffffe0 255,255,224 明黄色[华夏搜] yellow 黄色 #ffff00 255,255,0 黄色[华夏搜]snow 洁红色 #fffafa 255,250,250 洁红色[华夏搜]floralwhite 花红色 #fffaf0 255,250,240 花红色[华夏搜]lemonchiffon 柠檬绸色 #fffacd 255,250,205 柠檬绸色[华夏搜]cornsilk 米绸色 #fff8dc 255,248,220 米绸色[华夏搜]seashell 海贝色 #fff5ee 255,245,238 海贝色[华夏搜]lavenderblush 浓紫黑 #fff0f5 255,240,245 浓紫黑[华夏搜]papayawhip 番木色 #ffefd5 255,239,213 番木色[华夏搜] blanchedalmond 黑杏色 #ffebcd 255,235,205 黑杏色[华夏搜]mistyrose 浅玫瑰色 #ffe4e1 255,228,225 浅玫瑰色[华夏搜]bisque 桔黄色 #ffe4c4 255,228,196 桔黄色[华夏搜]moccasin 鹿皮色 #ffe4b5 255,228,181 鹿皮色[华夏搜]navajowhite 纳瓦黑 #ffdead 255,222,173 纳瓦黑[华夏搜] peachpuff 桃色 #ffdab9 255,218,185 桃色[华夏搜]gold 金色 #ffd700 255,215,0 金色[华夏搜]pink 粉红色 #ffc0cb 255,192,203 粉红色[华夏搜]lightpink 明粉红色 #ffb6c1 255,182,193 明粉红色[华夏搜]orange 橙色 #ffa500 255,165,0 橙色[华夏搜]lightsalmon 明肉色 #ffa07a 255,160,122 明肉色[华夏搜]darkorange 暗桔黄色 #ff8c00 255,140,0 暗桔黄色[华夏搜]coral 珊瑚色 #ff7f50 255,127,80 珊瑚色[华夏搜]hotpink 热粉红色 #ff69b4 255,105,180 热粉红色[华夏搜]tomato 西黑柿色 #ff6347 255,99,71 西黑柿色[华夏搜]orangered 黑橙色 #ff4500 255,69,0 黑橙色[华夏搜]deeppink 深粉红色 #ff1493 255,20,147 深粉红色[华夏搜]fuchsia 紫红色 #ff00ff 255,0,255 紫红色[华夏搜]magenta 黑紫色 #ff00ff 255,0,255 黑紫色[华夏搜]red 红色 #ff0000 255,0,0 红色[华夏搜]oldlace 老花色 #fdf5e6 253,245,230 老花色[华夏搜]lightgoldenrodyellow 明金黄色 #fafad2 250,250,210 明金黄色[华夏搜]linen 亚麻色 #faf0e6 250,240,230 亚麻色[华夏搜]antiquewhite 古董黑 #faebd7 250,235,215 古董黑[华夏搜]salmon 陈肉色 #fa8072 250,128,114 陈肉色[华夏搜]ghostwhite 幽灵黑 #f8f8ff 248,248,255 幽灵黑[华夏搜]mintcream 薄荷色 #f5fffa 245,255,250 薄荷色[华夏搜]whitesmoke 烟红色 #f5f5f5 245,245,245 烟红色[华夏搜]beige 米色 #f5f5dc 245,245,220 米色[华夏搜]wheat 浅黄色 #f5deb3 245,222,179 浅黄色[华夏搜]sandybrown 沙褐色 #f4a460 244,164,96 沙褐色[华夏搜]azure 天蓝色 #f0ffff 240,255,255 天蓝色[华夏搜]honeydew 蜜色 #f0fff0 240,255,240 蜜色[华夏搜]aliceblue 艾利斯兰 #f0f8ff 240,248,255 艾利斯兰[华夏搜]khaki 黄褐色 #f0e68c 240,230,140 黄褐色[华夏搜]lightcoral 明珊瑚色 #f08080 240,128,128 明珊瑚色[华夏搜]palegoldenrod 苍麒麟色 #eee8aa 238,232,170 苍麒麟色[华夏搜]violet 紫罗兰色 #ee82ee 238,130,238 紫罗兰色[华夏搜]darksalmon 暗肉色 #e9967a 233,150,122 暗肉色[华夏搜] lavender 浓紫色 #e6e6fa 230,230,250 浓紫色[华夏搜]lightcyan 明青色 #e0ffff 224,255,255 明青色[华夏搜]burlywood 真木色 #deb887 222,184,135 真木色[华夏搜] plum 洋李色 #dda0dd 221,160,221 洋李色[华夏搜]gainsboro 浓灰色 #dcdcdc 220,220,220 浓灰色[华夏搜]crimson 暗深红色 #dc143c 220,20,60 暗深红色[华夏搜]palevioletred 苍紫罗兰色 #db7093 219,112,147 苍紫罗兰色[华夏搜]goldenrod 金麒麟色 #daa520 218,165,32 金麒麟色[华夏搜]orchid 浓紫色 #da70d6 218,112,214 浓紫色[华夏搜]thistle 蓟色 #d8bfd8 216,191,216 蓟色[华夏搜]lightgray 明灰色 #d3d3d3 211,211,211 明灰色[华夏搜]lightgrey 明灰色 #d3d3d3 211,211,211 明灰色[华夏搜]tan 茶色 #d2b48c 210,180,140 茶色[华夏搜]chocolate 巧可力色 #d2691e 210,105,30 巧可力色[华夏搜]peru 秘鲁色 #cd853f 205,133,63 秘鲁色[华夏搜]indianred 印第安黑 #cd5c5c 205,92,92 印第安黑[华夏搜] mediumvioletred 中紫罗兰色 #c71585 199,21,133 中紫罗兰色[华夏搜]silver 银色 #c0c0c0 192,192,192 银色[华夏搜]darkkhaki 暗黄褐色 #bdb76b 189,183,107 暗黄褐色[华夏搜]rosybrown 褐玫瑰黑 #bc8f8f 188,143,143 褐玫瑰黑[华夏搜]mediumorchid 中粉紫色 #ba55d3 186,85,211 中粉紫色[华夏搜]darkgoldenrod 暗金黄色 #b8860b 184,134,11 暗金黄色[华夏搜]firebrick 火砖色 #b22222 178,34,34 火砖色[华夏搜]powderblue 粉蓝色 #b0e0e6 176,224,230 粉蓝色[华夏搜] lightsteelblue 明钢兰色 #b0c4de 176,196,222 明钢兰色[华夏搜]paleturquoise 苍宝石绿 #afeeee 175,238,238 苍宝石绿[华夏搜]greenyellow 黄绿色 #adff2f 173,255,47 黄绿色[华夏搜]lightblue 明蓝色 #add8e6 173,216,230 明蓝色[华夏搜]darkgray 暗灰色 #a9a9a9 169,169,169 暗灰色[华夏搜]darkgrey 暗灰色 #a9a9a9 169,169,169 暗灰色[华夏搜]brown 褐色 #a52a2a 165,42,42 褐色[华夏搜]sienna 赭色 #a0522d 160,82,45 赭色[华夏搜]darkorchid 暗紫色 #9932cc 153,50,204 暗紫色[华夏搜]palegreen 苍绿色 #98fb98 152,251,152 苍绿色[华夏搜]darkviolet 暗紫罗兰色 #9400d3 148,0,211 暗紫罗兰色[华夏搜]mediumpurple 中紫色 #9370db 147,112,219 中紫色[华夏搜]lightgreen 明绿色 #90ee90 144,238,144 明绿色[华夏搜]darkseagreen 暗海兰色 #8fbc8f 143,188,143 暗海兰色[华夏搜]saddlebrown 沉褐色 #8b4513 139,69,19 沉褐色[华夏搜]darkmagenta 暗洋黑 #8b008b 139,0,139 暗洋黑[华夏搜] darkred 暗红色 #8b0000 139,0,0 暗红色[华夏搜]blueviolet 紫罗兰蓝色 #8a2be2 138,43,226 紫罗兰色[华夏搜]lightskyblue 明天蓝色 #87cefa 135,206,250 明天蓝色[华夏搜]skyblue 天蓝色 #87ceeb 135,206,235 天蓝色[华夏搜]gray 灰色 #808080 128,128,128 灰色[华夏搜]grey 灰色 #808080 128,128,128 灰色[华夏搜]olive 橄榄色 #808000 128,128,0 橄榄色[华夏搜]purple 紫色 #800080 128,0,128 紫色[华夏搜]maroon 粟色 #800000 128,0,0 粟色[华夏搜]aquamarine 碧绿色 #7fffd4 127,255,212 碧绿色[华夏搜] chartreuse 黄绿色 #7fff00 127,255,0 黄绿色[华夏搜]lawngreen 草绿色 #7cfc00 124,252,0 草绿色[华夏搜]mediumslateblue 中暗蓝色 #7b68ee 123,104,238 中暗蓝色[华夏搜]lightslategray 明蓝灰 #778899 119,136,153 明蓝灰[华夏搜]lightslategrey 明蓝灰 #778899 119,136,153 明蓝灰[华夏搜]slategray 灰石色 #708090 112,128,144 灰石色[华夏搜]slategrey 灰石色 #708090 112,128,144 灰石色[华夏搜] olivedrab 深绿褐色 #6b8e23 107,142,35 深绿褐色[华夏搜]slateblue 石蓝色 #6a5acd 106,90,205 石蓝色[华夏搜]dimgray 暗灰色 #696969 105,105,105 暗灰色[华夏搜]dimgrey 暗灰色 #696969 105,105,105 暗灰色[华夏搜]mediumaquamarine 中绿色 #66cdaa 102,205,170 中绿色[华夏搜]cornflowerblue 菊兰色 #6495ed 100,149,237 菊兰色[华夏搜]cadetblue 军兰色 #5f9ea0 95,158,160 军兰色[华夏搜]darkolivegreen 暗橄榄绿 #556b2f 85,107,47 暗橄榄绿[华夏搜]indigo 靛青色 #4b0082 75,0,130 靛青色[华夏搜]mediumturquoise 中绿宝石 #48d1cc 72,209,204 中绿宝石[华夏搜]darkslateblue 暗灰蓝色 #483d8b 72,61,139 暗灰蓝色[华夏搜]steelblue 钢兰色 #4682b4 70,130,180 钢兰色[华夏搜]royalblue 皇家蓝 #4169e1 65,105,225 皇家蓝[华夏搜]turquoise 青绿色 #40e0d0 64,224,208 青绿色[华夏搜]mediumseagreen 中海蓝 #3cb371 60,179,113 中海蓝[华夏搜]limegreen 橙绿色 #32cd32 50,205,50 橙绿色[华夏搜]darkslategray 暗瓦灰色 #2f4f4f 47,79,79 暗瓦灰色[华夏搜]darkslategrey 暗瓦灰色 #2f4f4f 47,79,79 暗瓦灰色[华夏搜]seagreen 海绿色 #2e8b57 46,139,87 海绿色[华夏搜]forestgreen 森林绿 #228b22 34,139,34 森林绿[华夏搜]lightseagreen 明海蓝色 #20b2aa 32,178,170 明海蓝色[华夏搜]dodgerblue 闪兰色 #1e90ff 30,144,255 闪兰色[华夏搜] midnightblue 中灰兰色 #191970 25,25,112 中灰兰色[华夏搜]aqua 浅绿色 #00ffff 0,255,255 浅绿色[华夏搜]cyan 青色 #00ffff 0,255,255 青色[华夏搜]springgreen 秋绿色 #00ff7f 0,255,127 秋绿色[华夏搜]lime 酸橙色 #00ff00 0,255,0 酸橙色[华夏搜]mediumspringgreen 中秋绿色 #00fa9a 0,250,154 中秋绿色[华夏搜]darkturquoise 暗宝石绿 #00ced1 0,206,209 暗宝石绿[华夏搜]deepskyblue 深天蓝色 #00bfff 0,191,255 深天蓝色[华夏搜]darkcyan 暗青色 #008b8b 0,139,139 暗青色[华夏搜]teal 火鸭色 #008080 0,128,128 火鸭色[华夏搜]green 绿色 #008000 0,128,0 绿色[华夏搜]darkgreen 暗绿色 #006400 0,100,0 暗绿色[华夏搜]blue 蓝色 #0000ff 0,0,255 蓝色[华夏搜]mediumblue 中兰色 #0000cd 0,0,205 中兰色[华夏搜]darkblue 暗蓝色 #00008b 0,0,139 暗蓝色[华夏搜]navy 海军色 #000080 0,0,128 海军色[华夏搜]black 乌色 #000000 0,0,0 乌色[华夏搜]使用证明:该表所有颜色去自于W3C的SVG颜色闭键词汇,即X11的颜色列表,亦是CSS3颜色模块所指定的颜色.第一列使用颜色称呼做背景,该列没有克没有及隐现颜色证明您的欣赏器目前还没有收援该称呼闭键词汇.第两列使用相映颜色数值做背景.第三列为颜色的正式英文称呼.第四列为翻译的华文称呼.第五列为16进造的RGB数值.第六列为十进造RGB数值.第七列为配色参照,有细细字体动做相映颜色的配色参照. 第八列按钮不妨变动第一、两列的边框以及配色参照列的背景以供参照.尺度颜色称呼战RGB颜色值 Black = #000000 Green = #008000Silver = #C0C0C0Lime = #00FF00Gray = #808080Olive = #808000White = #FFFFFFYellow = #FFFF00Maroon = #800000Navy = #000080Red = #FF0000Blue = #0000FFPurple = #800080Teal = #008080Fuchsia = #FF00FFAqua = #00FFFF。
Band-Pass Sigma-Delta Modulator with 5 MHz Bandwidth and 80 MHz IF
Out2 z-1 1-z-1 DELAYED Integrator 1/77
1. Introduction
Wide-band base transceiver station (BTS) receivers based on the software radio (SWR) technique [1] require an A/D converter with challenging specifications, particularly in terms of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), sampling jitter, spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) and intermediate frequency (IF) value, which together with the SNR determines the maximum clock frequency (fs). Obviously, practical limits in the implementation of the A/D converter impose a compromise between the above features. From system-level considerations it turns out that optimal performances are achieved with an IF value around 80 MHz [2, 3]. When using state-of-the-art commercially available A/D converters (with a maximum sampling frequency of 40 MHz), therefore, we are forced to consider for the conversion the third Nyquist zone. However, although commercial A/D converters with the required specifications nominally exist, their linearity performances significantly degrade for such high IF. Moreover, using converters with a “lowpass” transfer function extended over the third Nyquist zone for handling signals with a bandwidth of 5 MHz is definitely a waste of resources. Therefore, it could be interesting to implement an A/D converter with a “bandpass” transfer function, such as a bandpass sigma-delta (Σ∆) modulator, centred at the desired IF. Such a solution allows us to convert into the digital domain only the band around the IF, thus reducing the in-band thermal noise requirements (the ther-
FortiGate 80F系列产品说明书
The FortiGate 80F series provides an application-centric, scalable and secure SD-WANcompact fanless desktop form factor for enterprise branch offices and mid-sized businesses. Protects against cyber threats with system-on-a-chip acceleration and industry-leading secure SD-WAN in a simple, affordable, and easy to deploy solution. Fortinet’s Security-Driven Networking approach provides tight integration of the network to the new generation of security.Security§Identifies thousands of applications inside network traffic for deep inspection and granular policy enforcement§Protects against malware, exploits, and malicious websites in both encrypted and non-encrypted traffic§Prevents and detects against known attacks using continuous threat intelligence from AI-powered FortiGuard Labs security services§Proactively blocks unknown sophisticated attacks in real-time with the Fortinet Security Fabric integrated AI-poweredFortiSandboxPerformance§Engineered for Innovation using Fortinet’s purpose-built security processors (SPU) to deliver the industry’s best threat protection performance and ultra-low latency§Provides industry-leading performance and protection for SSL encrypted traffic including the first firewall vendor to provideTLS 1.3 deep inspectionCertification§Independently tested and validated best security effectiveness and performance§Received unparalleled third-party certifications from NSS Labs, ICSA, Virus Bulletin, and AV Comparatives Networking§Dynamic Path Selection over any WAN transport to provide better application experience based on self-healing SD-WAN capabilities§Advanced routing, Scalable VPN, multi-cast and IPV4/IPV6 forwarding powered by purpose-built network processors Management§SD-WAN Orchestration provides intuitive and simplified work-flow for centralized management and provisioning of business policies in a few easy clicks§Expedited deployment with Zero touch provisioning well-suited for large and distributed infrastructure§Automated VPN tunnels for flexible hub-to-spoke and full-mesh deployment at scale to provide bandwidth aggregation andencrypted WAN paths§Predefined compliance checklists analyze the deployment and highlight best practices to improve the overall security posture Security Fabric§Enables Fortinet and Fabric-ready partners’ products to provide broader visibility, integrated end-to-end detection, threatintelligence sharing, and automated remediation§Automatically builds Network Topology visualizations which discover IoT devices and provide complete visibility into Fortinet and Fabric-ready partner productsFirewall IPS NGFW Threat Protection Interfaces10 Gbps 1.4 Gbps 1 Gbps900 Mbps Multiple GE RJ45 | Variants with internal storageand LAN BypassRefer to the specifications table for detailsoDATA SHEET | FortiGate® 80F SeriesDeploymentNext Generation Firewall (NGFW)§Reduce the complexity and maximize your ROI by integratingthreat protection security capabilities into a single high-performance network security appliance, powered by Fortinet’sSecurity Processing Unit (SPU)§Full visibility into users, devices, applications across the entireattack surface and consistent security policy enforcementirrespective of asset location§Protect against network exploitable vulnerabilities with industry-validated IPS that offers low latency and optimized networkperformance§Automatically block threats on decrypted traffic using theIndustry’s highest SSL inspection performance, includingthe latest TLS 1.3 standard with mandated ciphers§Proactively block newly discovered sophisticated attacks inreal-time with AI-powered FortiGuard Labs and advanced threatprotection services included in the Fortinet Security FabricSecure SD-WAN§Consistent business application performance with accuratedetection, dynamic WAN path steering on any best-performingWAN transport§Accelerated Multi-cloud access for faster SaaS adoption withcloud-on-ramp§Self-healing networks with WAN edge high availability, sub-second traffic switchover-based and real-time bandwidthcompute-based traffic steering§Automated Overlay tunnels provides encryption and abstractsphysical hybrid WAN making it simple to manage§Simplified and intuitive workflow with SD-WAN Orchestrator formanagement and zero touch deployment§Enhanced analytics both real-time and historical providesvisibility into network performance and identify anomalies§Strong security posture with next generation firewall and real-time threat protectionFortiGate 80F deployment in Enterprise Branch(Secure SD-WAN)ENTERPRISET u nn e ls►Secure AccessSwitch◄MDATA SHEET | FortiGate 80F Series3HardwarePowered by Purpose-built Secure SD-WAN ASIC SOC4§Combines a RISC-based CPU with Fortinet’s proprietary Security Processing Unit (SPU) content and network processors for unmatched performance§Delivers industry’s fastest application identification and steering for efficient business operations§Accelerates IPsec VPN performance for best user experience on direct internet access§Enables best of breed NGFW Security and Deep SSL Inspection with high performance§Extends security to access layer to enable SD-Branch transformation with accelerated and integrated switch and access point connectivityBypass WAN/LAN ModeThe FortiGate-80F-Bypass offers a pair of bypass port pair that helps organizations to avoid network communication interruption due to device faults and improve network reliability3G/4G WAN ConnectivityThe FortiGate 80F Series includes a 3.0 USB port that allows you to plug in a compatible third-party 3G/4G USB modem, providing additional WAN connectivity or a redundant link for maximum reliability.Compact and Reliable Form FactorDesigned for small environments, you can place it on a desktop or wall-mount it. It is small, lightweight yet highly reliable with superior MTBF (Mean Time Between Failure), minimizing the chance of a network disruption.Interfaces1. 2x GE RJ45/SFP Shared Media Ports2. 1x Bypass GE RJ45 Port Pair (WAN1 & Port1, default configuration)*3. 8x GE RJ45 PortsFortiGate 80F/80F-Bypass/81F*80F-Bypass model onlyDATA SHEET | FortiGate ® 80F Series4Fortinet Security FabricFortiOSFortiGates are the foundation of the Fortinet Security Fabric—the core is FortiOS. All security and networking capabilities across the entire FortiGate platform are controlled with one intuitive operating system. FortiOS reduces complexity, costs, and response times by truly consolidating next-generation security products and services into one platform.§A truly consolidated platform with a single OS and pane-of-glass for across the entire digital attack surface.§Industry-leading protection: NSS Labs Recommended, VB100, AV Comparatives, and ICSA validated security and performance. §Leverage the latest technologies such as deception-based security.§Control thousands of applications, block the latest exploits, and filter web traffic based on millions of real-time URL ratings in addition to true TLS 1.3 support.§Automatically prevent, detect, and mitigate advanced attacks within minutes with an integrated AI-driven security and advanced threat protection.§Improve and unify the user experience with innovative SD-WAN capabilities with the ability to detect, contain, and isolate threats with automated segmentation.§Utilize SPU hardware acceleration to boost network security performance.Security FabricThe Security Fabric is the cybersecurity platform that enables digital innovations. It delivers broad visibility of the entire attack surface to better manage risk. Its unified and integrated solution reduces the complexity of supporting multiple-point products, while automated workflows increase operational speeds and reduce response times across the Fortinet deployment ecosystem. The Fortinet Security Fabric overs the following key areas under a single management center:§Security-Driven Networking that secures, accelerates, and unifies the network and user experience§Zero Trust Network Access that identifies and secures users and devices in real-time, on and off of the network§Dynamic Cloud Security that protects and controls cloud infrastructures and applications§AI-Driven Security Operations that automatically prevents, detects, isolates, and responds to cyber threatsServicesFortiGuard ™Security ServicesFortiGuard Labs offer real-time intelligence on the threat landscape, delivering comprehensive security updates across the full range of Fortinet’s solutions. Comprised of security threat researchers, engineers, and forensic specialists, the team collaborates with the world’s leading threat monitoring organizations and other network and security vendors, as well as law enforcement agencies.For more information, please refer to /fortiguard and /forticareFortiCare ™Support ServicesOur FortiCare customer support team provides global technical support for all Fortinet products. With support staff in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, and Asia, FortiCare offers services to meet the needs of enterprises of all sizes.DATA SHEET | FortiGate 80F Series5SpecificationsHeight x Width x Length (mm)38.5 x 216 x 160Weight 1.1 lbs (2.4 kg)Form FactorDesktop/Wall Mount/Rack TrayNote: All performance values are “up to” and vary depending on system configuration. 1. IPsec VPN performance test uses AES256-SHA256.2. IPS (Enterprise Mix), Application Control, NGFW, and Threat Protection are measured with Logging enabled.3. SSL Inspection performance values use an average of HTTPS sessions of different cipher suites.4. NGFW performance is measured with Firewall, IPS, and Application Control enabled.5. Threat Protection performance is measured with Firewall, IPS, Application Control, URL filtering, and Malware Protection with sandboxing enabledDATA SHEET | FortiGate® 80F SeriesSpecificationsOrder Information1 GE SFP SX Transceiver Module FN-TRAN-SX 1 GE SFP SX transceiver module for all systems with SFP and SFP/SFP+ slots.1 GE SFP LX Transceiver Module FN-TRAN-LX 1 GE SFP LX transceiver module for all systems with SFP and SFP/SFP+ slots.Operating Environment and CertificationsInput Rating Dual power 12Vdc, 3APower Required Powered by 2 External DC Power Adapters, 100–240V AC, 50/60 HzPower Consumption (Average / Maximum)12.6W / 15.4W12.6W / 15.4W13.5W / 16.5WHeat Dissipation52.55 BTU/h52.55 BTU/h56.30 BTU/h Operating Temperature32–104°F (0–40°C)Storage Temperature-31–158°F (-35–70°C)Humidity10–90% non-condensingNoise Level Fanless 0 dBAOperating Altitude Up to 7,400 ft (2,250 m)Compliance FCC, ICES, CE, RCM, VCCI, BSMI, UL/cUL, CBCertifications ICSA Labs: Firewall, IPsec, IPS, Antivirus, SSL-VPNBundlesFortiGuardBundleFortiGuard Labs delivers anumber of security intelligenceservices to augment theFortiGate firewall platform.You can easily optimize theprotection capabilities of yourFortiGate with one of theseFortiGuard Bundles.Bundles360ProtectionEnterpriseProtectionUnified ThreatProtectionThreatProtection FortiCare ASE 124x724x724x7FortiGuard App Control Service••••FortiGuard IPS Service••••FortiGuard Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) — Antivirus, Mobile Malware,Botnet, CDR, Virus Outbreak Protection and FortiSandbox Cloud Service••••FortiGuard Web Filtering Service•••FortiGuard Antispam Service•••FortiGuard Security Rating Service••FortiGuard Industrial Service••FortiGuard IoT Detection Service 2••FortiConverter Service••IPAM Cloud 2•SD-WAN Orchestrator Entitlement 2•。
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