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Postgraduate English Listening and Speaking (3rd Edition)

Unit 2:

Part 1

Section A Sharing Good and Bad Times Conversation 1

Man 1: I can 's believe it! I got an A on my science test!

Man 2: Congratulations! That's great! Man 1: Thanks. I 'm so happy! I really worked hard for that A.

Man 2: I know you did. You deserve it. Conversation 2

Woman 1: I have the most wonderful news!

Woman 2: What happened?

Woman 1: My sister finally had a baby girl. It's great, because she has three boys!

Woman 2: How wonderful!

Conversation 3

Man 1 : Y ou'never believe this!

Man 2: What happened?

Man 1: I won ten dollars in the school raffle! How about that!

Man 2: Boy, are you lucky! Conversation 4

Woman 1: I'm so upset.

Woman 2: Wht' wrong? You really look worried.

Woman 1: My dog was hit by a car. Woman 2: Thafsterrible! Is he okay? Woman 1: I don't know. He' at thevet'. Woman 2: I hope hWllbe all right. Woman 1: Thank you. So do I. Conversation 5

Man 1: I'm so worried. I haven 'heard from my family in three months.

Man 2: How often do they usually write?

Man 1: Oh, at least once a month. Either my mother or my father writes.

Man 2: The mail is really slow sometimes. 「m sure you'll hear from them soon.

Man 1: I hope so.

Man 2: You know the saying, No news is good news” If something were wrong, they'd have contacted you.

Mani: Maybe you'e right. Thanks, Ada m. Section B

Conversation 1

A: Hello?

B: Hi, Laurie. This is Sue.

A: Oh, hi! How are you?

B: Fine, thanks. Listen, I "m afraid I can' really talk right now. I "m on my way to an interview. I just wanted to ask if you and Jim can come to dinner next Friday night at our place. About 7:00?

Conversation 2

A: Hey, Y oshi. How ya doing,?

B: Hi, Bod. OK, thanks. What 'new?

A: Not much. I' be glad when final exams are over.

B: Yeah. Me too. In fact, I've got one in about five minutes.

A: Well, good luck. Say, why don 'we get together and go to a game or something some day, huh?

B: Yeah. Sounds great. I' give you a call. Conversation 3

W: Well, it' been nice talking with you. M: Yeah.「m glad we finally got a chance to meet. Let' get together sometime.

W: Yeah. Good idea.

M: I 'call you, OK?

Conversation 4

W: Well, it' been nice talking with you. M: Yeah, I "m glad we finally got a chance to meet. Say, I know this is short notice, but if you're not busy tomorrow night, would you like to go to a movie? Section C

In general, it' polite to say Congratulations!” when a person has accomplished something. Examples of these kinds of occasions include graduation, job promotion, the birth of a child, and the purchase of a home. When congratulations are in order, it si sometimes also appropriate to give a gifr, especially when invited to a birthday, graduation, wedding, or anniversary part y.

An invitation may say RSVP on the bottom, an abbreviation that refers to a French expression meaning “espond, please". If the invitation says, RSVP
