



复仇者联盟语录中英复仇者联盟语录中英整个宇宙归您The universe, yours.至于人类除了灰飞湮灭还能有下场?And the humans, what can they do but burn?所有人员注意All personnel,疏散命令已确认the evacuation order has been confirmed.联合暗能量任务西区飞马计划到底什么情况?How bad is it?问题就是我们也不知道That's the problem, sir. We don't know.塞尔维格博士观测到四小时前宇宙魔方能量爆发一次Dr.Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago.NASA没准许塞尔维格进入测试阶段NASA didn't authorise Selvig to go to test phase.他没在测试他根本就不在实验室里He wasn't testing it. He wasn't even in the room.这是魔方自发行为Spontaneous event.魔方自行启动?It just turned itself on?现在它的能量等级呢?Where are the energy levels now?不断上升塞尔维格控制不了我们就下令疏散了Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down, we orderedevac.全部撤离还要多久?How long to get everyone out?全部撤出基地还要半小时Campus should be clear in the next half-hour.再快点儿Do better.长官疏散人群怕是徒劳Sir, evacuation may be futile.那难道让他们坐这儿等?We should tell them to go back to sleep?如果我们无法控制宇宙魔方的能量If we can't control the Tesseract's energy,逃到天涯海角也躲不了there may not be a minimum safe distance.我要你确保I need you to make sure所有第二阶段的原型机撤离the Phase 2 prototypes are shipped out.长官当务之急在此吗?Sir, is that really a priority right now?不到地球毁灭那一刻Until such time as the world ends,我们都得做好本职工作we will act as though it intends to spin on.把技术部全部撤走Clear out the tech below.所有第二阶段研究的设备全都装车运走Every piece of Phase 2 on a truck and gone.是长官Yes, sir.跟我来With me.博士情况说说吧Talk to me, Doctor.指挥官Director.我们现在知道些什么?Is there anything we know for certain?宇宙魔方处于异常状态The Tesseract is misbehaving.会是虚惊一场吗? - 不看起来不妙- Is that supposed to be funny? - No, it's not funny at all.宇宙魔方不单单是活跃它在反应The Tesseract is not only active, she's behaving.你试过给它断电了吧I assume you pulled the plug.它是个能量源She's an energy source.我们试图切断它总会重启的We turn off the power, she turns it back on.如果能量饱和...If she reaches peak level...这不正是我们需要的吗博士掌握宇宙的.能量We prepared for this, Doctor. Harnessing energy from space.可我们还无法掌控But we don't have the harness.我的计算还远没有完成My calculations are far from complete.它还不断发射干扰波辐射And she's throwing off interference, radiation.没什么大碍低强度的伽玛射线Nothing harmful, low levels of gamma radiation.这可能就是大碍That can be harmful.特工巴顿在哪?Where's Agent Barton?鹰眼?The Hawk?跟平时一样窝自己巢里Up in his nest, as usual.呼叫特工巴顿Agent Barton, report.我把你带来I gave you this detail是为了让你凑近看个究竟so you could keep a close eye on things.远点我看得更清楚Well, I see better from a distance.那你有没有看到这东西怎么启动的?Have you seen anything that might set this thing off? 博士能量又开始攀升了Doctor, it's spiking again.没有人进出No one's come or gone.塞尔维格也没做过手脚And Selvig's clean.没有外部联系也没有即时通讯No contacts, no IMs.。



第一集我们那时候正坐在商店里\N有个人进来We were in a store and a guy in that store...就叫我们去参军...told us to put our uniforms on.“你到底在说什么?”"what the hell are you talking about?"他说:“美国与日本开战了”He says, "The USA is in a war with Japan."我们压根儿就不敢相信We couldn't believe it.我们的国家被攻击了Well, our country was attacked.这是不同的It's different.这与朝鲜战争或越南战争不同It wasn't like Korea or Vietnam.我们被攻击了We were attacked.你知道,这种感觉…And, you know, it was a feeling that... 或许我们是乡下老实人...maybe, we're just dumb country people but...但我们很多人都自愿参军...where I come from a lot of us volunteered.“谁要自愿加入坦克部队?”"Who would like to volunteer for the Tank Corps?“谁要自愿加入空军?”"Who would like to volunteer for the Air Force?“谁要自愿加入海军?”"Who would like to volunteer for the Navy?" or whatever.他们又说And then, they said:“谁愿意加入空降师?”"Who would like to volunteer for the Airborne?"什么是“空降”啊?Somebody says, "What the hell's the Airborne?"根本没有人听过Nobody ever heard of it.我们来自一个很小的城镇We came from a small, small town.镇上有三个人因为体检不合格而自杀And three fellows in that town that were 4F...因为他们不能从军mitted suicide because they couldn't go.真是个不同的年代A different time.我们做了些事I did things.不是为了勋章或荣誉I didn't do them for medals.我们做那些事只因那是必须做的事I didn't do them for accolades. I did 'em because it's what had to be done.各位,当你跳出飞机The guy says, "would you jump out of airplanes?你带着所有陆军给你的配备"You know, you got all your army equipment...跳出飞机,准备与敌人作战"...and you jump out of airplanes, to fight the enemy."我们说“去死吧”These guys, they said, "Go to hell."没有人举起手Nobody put up their hands.我不知道是谁提起的And then, I don't know what it was brought it up...但有个人演讲提到...but the guy giving the speech was saying:你一个月可以多赚50块钱"But you get paid $50 a month more."所以那就是100块So, that made it a hundred bucks.{\1c&H80FFFF&\i1}片名:兄弟连{\1c&H80FFFF&\i1}第一集:葛拉锡(新兵营)“1944年6月4日,英国,尤波泰瑞”…我真想来块鸡肉馅饼I want a whiff of chicken pie.弟兄们,把装备都收好Okay, boys, let's get this gear stowed.F连,我们五分钟内出发Fox Company...we go in five. 以圣父圣子之名"In the name of the Father..."第一排准备好轻型火力1st Platoon, draw small arms.你需要帮忙吗,中尉?\N敌人到了再准备就晚了Do you need a hand, Lieutenant?E连注意!整装!Easy Company! Listen up!朝我靠拢集合Gather up around me.动作快,大家快点。



1、Gone With the Wind 《乱世佳人》"... tomorrow is another day!" “明天又是新的一天!”【《乱世佳人》(1939)的结尾,命运乖舛的费雯丽站在树下迎向阳光,说出这句百折不挠的名句。

】2、Titanic《泰坦尼克》Jack: "You must do me this honor... promise me you will survive... that you will never give up...no matter what happens... no matter how hopeless... promise me now, and never let go of that promise. Rose: "I promise."Jack: "Never let go.Rose: "I promise. I will never let go, Jack. I'll never let go."杰克:“我还有……还有一个心愿,你……你……必须答应我要活下去,不……不能绝望,无论发生什么,无论……有多艰难……快答应我,罗丝……答应我,一定做到,一定做到……”罗丝:“我答应你……杰克……一定做到……一定……”【即使再过一千年、一万年,这样“情真意切、感人肺腑、催人泪下”的话语也不会落伍于时代,因为它是人类崇高爱情的一种升华,是真爱的最高境界。

】3、《007系列》"Bond. James Bond." “我是邦德,詹姆斯?邦德。






以下是小编为大家准备的《friends》,希望大家喜欢!friends台词中英(一)1、Monica: Live together? There have been no signs for that.住在一起?可是并没有什么预兆呀?Chandler: Me asking is kind of a sign.那就让我的请求作为一种征兆吧。

2、Chandler: I love you!我爱你。

Monica: I love you!我也爱你。

Chandler: Are you hugging the door right now.你现在在紧贴着门说话吗?(Pause)Monica: No.没有。

Chandler: Yeah-yeah, me neither.咳、咳我也没有。


3、Joey: (To Monica) Okay! Look-look-look, uh, if youre gonna be moving in with him I feel its my responsibility to tell you the truth about him! Okay? Hes a terrible roommate! Terrible! He uh, forgets to umm Oh-oh he always, he always ummOh, who am I kidding! Hes the best roommate ever! (Hugs Chandler.) 如果你真打算和他一起住,你得清楚这意味着什么。




1Script of Band of BrothersTranscribed by yangbaoEpisode 1We were in a1store and a guy in that1storetold us to put our uniforms on."what the hell are you talking about?" He says...The USA is in a war with Japan. We couldn't believe it.Well our country was attacked. It's different.It wasn't Iike Korea or Vietnam. We was attacked.And you know it was a feeling that... maybe we're just dumb country people but where I come from but a lot of us volunteered. Who would like tovolunteer for the tank corps? Who would like tovolunteer for the air force? Who would like tovolunteer for the navy or whatever? And then they said "who would like tovolunteer for the airborne?" Somebody says"what the hell's the airborne?" Nobody ever heard of it. We came from a small small townand three fellas in that town were that were "f" committed suicidebecause they couldn't go a different time.I did thingsI didn't do 'em for medals I didn't do 'em for accolades. I did 'em becauseit's what had to be done. The guy says"would you jump out of airplan "You knowyou got all your army equipment and you jump out of airplanes to fight the enemy." These guysthey said "go to hell".Nobody put up their hands. And then I don't know what it was brought it up but the guy giving the speech was saying "but you get paid $ a month more." So that made ita hundred bucks.I want a whiff of chicken pie. Okay boyslet's get this gear1stowed. Fox company we go in five.In the name of the father and the son and of the holy... 1st platoon draw small arms. Do you need a hand lieutenant? Easy company! Listen up!Gather up around me. Just move it up c'mon gentlemen. Let's go!Now the channel coastis socked in with rain and fog. High winds on the drop zone. No jump tonight. The invasion has been postponed.We're on an hour1stand-down. sonofabitch.Drill sergeants take charge. Well this is quite a surprise. Not particularly. It so happens I rather expected itWell I can't see how you people can pass up 80000$ for the cause. For whose cause? If you're so interested in serving a causewhy don't you join the army? Oh...I think it's clearing up. You think it's clearing up? No.I think it's clearing up. How are your men? They'll be fine.Five o'clock in New York. Four o'clock in Chicago. Happy hour huh? Yeah.Happy hour.A couple of drinks maybe an earlydinner before the theater. A civilized place for civilized men. Should've been born earlier Nix.What and give up all this? We'll go to ChicagoI'll take you there. Yeah. We'll see.Actually you know who's from there? Who? Oh him.712 days of thatsonofabitch and here we are. You people are atthe position of attention. Private Perconte have you been blousing your trousers over your boots like a paratrooper? No sir.Then explain the creases at the bottom. No excuse sir.V olunteering for the parachute infantry is one thing Perconte but you've got a long way to prove that you belong here. Your weekend pass is revoked. Name?Luz George.Dirt in the rear side aperture. Pass revoked.When did you sew onthese chevrons sergeant Lipton? Yesterday sir.Long enough to notice this. Revoked. Sir. Name?Malarkey Donald G . Malarkey?Malarkey's slang for bullshit isn't it? Yes sir.Rust on the butt platehinge spring private bullshit. Revoked. Name?Liebgott Joseph D sir. Rusty bayonet Liebgott. You wanna kill Germans? Yes sir.Not with this.I wouldn't take this rusty piece of shit to war and I will not take you to war in your condition. Now thanks to these men and their infractions every man in the company who had a weekend passhas lost it.Change into your pt gear we're running currahee. 2nd platoon fall out. We have two minutes. Fall out!I ain't going up that hill. Hey Percontewhat are you thinking of blousin' your pants? Shut up Martin alright? He gigged everybody. Yeah wellyou should know better. Don't give him no excuses. Excuses?Why don't you come here look at these trousersget down and you tell me if there's a crease on 'em? Alright let's goon the road in pt formation. Let's move move move! Perconte let's go Perconte. Private whitewhy are you not in your pt gear? I asked you a question private. Oh Easy company.and while you're running don't worrywe'll take your dames to the movies for you. Yeah good they need some female cmpany. Where do we run? Currahee.And what does "Currahee" mean? We1stand alone. How far up how far down? Three miles up three miles down.And what company is this? Easy company.And what do we do? Stand alone.Do not help that man! Do not help that man. We do not1stop.You've got 30 minutes to get to the top of this mountain If you wanna serve in the paratroopers. Hi-ho Silver!C'mon you can make it up there. C'mon.C'mon now c'monAlley let's go.C'mon Guarnere.Christenson c'mon.I never thought I'd seethe day private Wynn.We are coming on 23 minutes. That may be good enoughfor the rest of thebut that is not goodenough for Easy company.We can make itwe can do this c'mon.I'm gonna say something.To who?Lieutenant Winters.What is it?Permission to speak sir? Permission granted.Sir we got nine companies sir. That we do.Well how comewe're the only company marching every friday night12 miles full packin the pitch dark?Why do you thinkprivate Randleman?Lieutenant Sobel hates us sir. Lieutenant Sobel doesnot hate Easy companyprivate Randleman.He just hates you.Thank you sir.He hates him back.He hates you too Muck. Lieutenant WintersI want canteens out of beltsWith the caps unscrewed.Easy companycanteens out and open.On my command they willpour the contents onto the ground. On the co's orderyou will upend your canteen. Now lieutenant.Pour 'em.Who is this?Christenson.Why is there nowater in your canteen?You drank from yourcanteen didn't you?Sir I...Lieutenant Winters.Yes sir.Was this man orderedto not drink from his canteen during the friday night march? He was sir. Private Christensonyou have disobeyed a direct order.You will fill your canteenand repeat all 12 milesof the march immediately.Yes sir.Fall out!What in the name of godare you doing with my company?You're late and you allow troopersto disobey direct orders?No excuse sir.You're making melook bad lieutenant.This is not Dog company.This is not Fox company.This this is Easy company.And under my commandthis will be the firstand finest companyin this regiment.I want the names of six mentheir infractionsand your disciplinaryrecommendationson my desk by 1:30.Is that clear?What infractions sir?Find some.So what'd you do?Picked six men andgave 'em latrine duty.The lucky six?McDonald Toye PerconteLiptonMuck and Guarnere.Why them?It was their turn.Sobel's a genius.I had a headmaster justlike him in prep school.I know the type.LewisMichelangelo's a geniusBeethoven's a genius.You know a manin this companywho wouldn't double-timeCurrahee with a full packjust to piss in thatguy's morning coffee?Let's go let's go.Stand in the door.Go.One thousandtwo thousand.You just broke bothyour legs private Gordon.Are you trying toget yourself killed?No sir.Stand in the door.Shit.To the wallto the wall.Over as a team.Go onagainst the wall.Jesus what the hell is this?That's pig guts boy.Goddammit!Why are you hereprivate Gordon?I wanna be inthe airborne sir.I don't believe you.Why are you hereprivate Gordon?I wanna be inthe airborne sir.You have 15 minutesto the top and backand I will be watching you.What are you waiting for?Easy company has thefinest performance recordin the entire 2nd battalion.I believe every bit ofthat is thanks to you.Congratulationscaptain Sobel.Thank you sir.Isn't that lieutenant Wintersleading Easy company in pt?Yes sir.He's a damned good man.I was planning on givinghim a set of these today.Why don't you do it?He'd be proud toget 'em from you.Pornographycontraband.Non-regulation clothingcontraband.This man hadprophylactickits in his footlocker.How in the name of god washe gonna have the1strengthto fight the war?How is it privateprivate TipperHas spare time for somuch correspondence?Captain are personal lettersto be considered contraband?These men aren'tparatroopers yet lieutenant.They have no personal property.What is this?Anybody?Er it's a can of peaches sir.Lieutenant Nixon thinksthis is a can of peaches.That is incorrect lieutenant.Your weekend passis cancelled.This is United1statesArmy propertyWhich was takenwithout authorizationfrom my mess facilityand I will not toleratethievery in my unit.Whose footlocker is this?Private Parkes sir.Get rid of him.All weekend passesare cancelled.Officers included.Carry on.Lieutenant Winters.Colonel sink hasseen fit to promote you.As 1st lieutenantyou'll serve as my executive officer.Congratulations.Thank you sir.And as a test of yourorganizational skillsand command potentialI am designating you...mess officer for 14 days.Report to the messkitchen at 05:15hours.Company breakfastto be served at 06:00.Yes sir.Oh and Dick...There's rain forecast tomorrowSo the company willhave a light afternoonof lecture andclassroom instruction.I think a special mealbefore their afternoon offwould be a welcomechange of pace.Would you agree?Yes sir.I like spaghetti.Hold onmore coming.These guys are packing it away.This1stuff is orange.Spaghetti ain'tsupposed to be orange.This ain't spaghetti.This is army noodleswith ketchup.2You ain't gotta eat it.Oh c'mon Gonorrheaas a fellow Italianyou should know thatcalling this crap spaghettiis a mortal sin.You don't want itI'll have it.No no noI'm eating here.Hey get outta here.Orders changed get up! Lectures are cancelled.Easy company isrunning up Currahee.Move move!Three miles upthree miles down.Hi-ho Silver!Let's golet's go.You're a washoutprivate Hoobler!You should pack up bothyour ears and go home.Looks like Gordon's done. Aren't you Gordonyou finished?You do not deserveto get your wings.Private Randlemanyou look tired.There's an ambulance waiting for you at the bottom of the hill. It can all be over right now.No more painno more Currahee.No more captain Sobel.We pull upon the riserswe fall upon the grasswe never land upon our feetwe always hit our ass.Aye aye Christ almightywho the hell are wezim-zam goddamnwe're airborne infantryWe pull upon the riserswe fall upon the grasswe never land upon our feetwe always hit our ass.Aye aye Christ almightywho the hell are wezim-zam goddamnwe're airborne infantry.So do we feel like we'reready to be army paratroopers? Yes sergeant.I hope so.This'll be the first of fiveexits from a c aircraft scheduled for today.Get ready.Stand up.Hook up.Upon successful completionof your fifth and final jumpyou'll be certifiedarmy paratroopers.Check equipment!Sound-off forequipment check!Nine okay.Eight okay.Seven okay.Six okay.Five okay.Four okay.Three okay.Two okay.One okay.There'll be a lot of mendropping from the sky today.Hopefully underdeployed canopies.Stand in the door!I guarantee you'regonna love it lieutenant.Go go!Jumping fromfeetin1sticks ofjumpers per aircraft.All you have to do isremember what you were taughtand I guarantee you gravitywill take care of the rest.Go go go go!Go go go!Go go go!Damnit.And gentlemenrest assuredany refusals in theaircraft or at the door...and I guarantee youyou will...be out of the airborne.Four okay.Three okay.Two okay.One okay.Stand in the door.Go!!Hi-ho Silver.Now just think if you hadany class or1style like meSomebody mightmistake you for somebody.You mean likeyour fucking sergeant?I'm just kidding.Congratulations Martin.Corporal Toye there will beno leaning in my company.Are those dustyjump wings?How do you expectto slay the hunswith dust onyour jump wings?Luz just give me a drink.Hell of an idea Joe.There you go.Three miles upthree miles down.Ten-hut!Well at easeparatroopers.Good eveningEasy company.Evening sir.Now parachute infantryis a brand new conceptin American military history.But by God theis gonnaforge that brand new conceptinto victory.Yes sir.I want you to knowthat I'm damned proudof each and every one of you.Now you deserve this party.Thank yousergeant Grant.sir.So I want you to have fun...and remember our motto...Currahee!Petty.Map.C'mon.Ah Christ.We're in the wrong position.We're in the wrong position.We're textbookposition for ambush sir.We should sit tightlet the enemy teamcome into our killing zone.They're right outthere somewhere.Let's just get 'em.Sir we haveperfect cover here.Lieutenantdeploy your troops.2nd platoonmove out.What?Tactical column.Captainyou've just been killedalong with 95 %of your company.Your outfit?Easy company2nd battalion 4th.Leave three woundedmen on the groundand report back tothe assembly area.Goddammit.You you you.Well what are you gonna do?Nothing just keeptraining the men.Am I interrupting?No no.Lieutenant Lewis Nixon.Lieutenant Harry Welshjust in from the 2nd.Congratulations on the promotion.Ah thanksif you wanna call it that.You'll learn him pretty quicklyNo flaws no vicesno sense of humor.Just like your chumsup at battalion1staff.What's up?I'm hearing a lot of rumblings.Sobel?Just talking about that.So he gets a littlejumpy in the field?hmm-mmm.He gets jumpy andthen you get killed.That's nice.Yeah listenif we discuss itI think it should justbe among 1st ourselves.Oh absolutely.2nd platoon ready?Ready sir.Then get them in formation.We're moving out.Yes sir.Shut up Cobb.Eh you gotta admit it.He's got no chance.Either the krauts will get himor one of us.Who Sobel?He screwed up one maneuver.Well you knowI'm always fumbling with grenades.It would be easy if one34went off by accident you know? Well now they must have put him in charge for a reason. Yeah 'cause the army wouldn't make a mistake right Shift? Going my way?Wherever the train takes me. Where do yousuppose that might be? I haven't got a clue. Yeah c'mon take a guess. Atlantic Pacific Atlantic?I'm not the intelligence officer. mmm.Well as such I of course know but if I told you I'd have to kill you. So don't tell me. New York city. Troop ship. England.We're invading Europe my friend.Fortress Europa.Since when do I drink? If I thought you'd drink it I wouldn't offer it to you. Nix?What are you gonna do when you get into combat? Oh I have every confidence in my scrounging abilities. And I have a case of vat hidden in your footlocker. Really? Oh yeah. Morning. mmm.This could turn into a real nice trip. "Dear sir or madam soon your son will drop from the sky to engage and defeat the enemy.Your frequent letters of love and encouragement will arm him with a fighting heart.With that he cannot fail but will win glory for himself make you proud of him and his country ever grateful for his service in its hour of need.Signed Herbert M. Sobel captain commanding." Right now some lucky bastard's headed for the south pacific. Oh what I'd give. He's gonna get billeted on some tropical island... Keep talking. Sitting under a palm tree with six naked native girls helping him cut up coconuts so he can hand-feed 'em to the flamingos. Flamingos are mean. They bite. So do the naked native girls. With any luck. Hey guys I'm glad I'm going to Europe. Hitler gets one of these right across the windpipe. Roosevelt changes thanksgiving to Joe Toye day and pays me 10 grand a year for the rest of my fucking life. What if we don't get to Europe? What if they send us to north Africa? My brother's in north Africa. He says it's hot. Really it's hot in Africa? Shut up. The point is it don't matter where we go. Once we get into combat the only person you can trust is yourself and the fella next to you. Hey as long as he's a paratrooper. Oh yeah? And what if that paratrooper turns out to be Sobel? If I'm next to Sobel in combat I'm moving on down the line. Hook up with some other officer like Heyliger or Winters. I like winters he's a good man. But when the bullets1start flying I don't know if I want a quaker doing my fighting for me. How do you know he's a quaker? He ain't catholic. Neither's Sobel. That prick's the son of Abraham. He's what? He's a Jew. I'm a Jew. Congratulations. Get your nose out of my face. What's all that about? Gonorrhea called Sobel a Jew. Liebgott took offense 'cause he's a Jew too. Fighting over Sobel that's smart. Attack! No you wanna kill him! Parry right parry left. Thrust! Take cover. Okay. Yesterday we talked about magnetic declination and the left add right subtract rule. Today we're gonna put it into practice. There are two basic types of fighting positions. The first is the prepared position. The advantages of a prepared position are that it gives you cover and concealment. Commence fire! We'll then maneuver right in through these trees. At the same time our2nd platoon in this particular case moves over here. He's then gonna close with and kill or capture that German. Sobel's late. Why is there a fence here? There should be no fence here. Tipper! Yes sir. Give me the map. Perconte Luz. Get the men get 'em b-- Take cover behind those trees. Alright you heard the word. There should be no there should be no fence here. Um... We could go over it sir. Really? That's not the point where are the goddamn-- Where the goddamn hell are we? Perconte? Yeah.Sobel's lost again right?Yeah he's lost. Fucking Christ.Can you do major Horton? Does a wild bear crap in the woods son? Shh shh shh.Maybe the good major can goose this schmuck. Get us moving? No way... Oh yeah yes.You gotta you gotta. Alright just this once. Shh shh.Three five six eight three three.Isn't that the intersection? No sir it's here.You're a full grid off. Goddammit.Is there a problem captain Sobel? Who said that? Who broke silence?I think it's major Horton sir. Major Horton?What is he did he join us? I think maybe he's moving between the platoons sir. What is the goddamn holdup Mr. Sobel? A fence sir. Um god...A barbed wire fence. Oh that dog just ain't gonna hunt.Now you cut that fence and get this goddamn platoon on the move! Yes sir!Where are mygoddamn wire cutters? We have to move. Sir without captain Sobel and1st platoon? It's a T intersection. We improvise.Double envelopment laid on a base of fireto cut the road in all directions. Hook right with 1st squad. Tell Guarnere to move left with 2nd. I'll be right up the middle with 3rd go. Yes sir. Deary me. Bloody hell.You've done it now yanks.You've captured me.Hi-ho Silver!Would that be the enemy?As a matter of fact yes.Good work 2nd platoon.We took the objective.Who is the idiot whocut that man's fence?I was ordered to sir.By whom?Major Horton sir.Major Horton?Yes sir.Major Horton told you to do that? Yes sir.Major Horton orderedyou to cut the fence?Yes he did.Major Horton is on leave in London. Get those cows out of here. Lieutenant Winters.With captain Sobel's compliments sir.Lieutenant.Oh for crying out loud.This spells court-martial.No sir I do not understand.Your orders to mewere to inspect the latrinesat 10:00 hours.From 9:30 to 9:55 I was censoring the enlisted men's mailby order of colonel1strayer.At 10:00 hours I followedyour orders to the minute.I changed that time to 09:45.No one told me sir.I telephoned.I'm quartered with afamily that has no telephone.And sent a runner.No runner found me captain. Irregardless when given atask to perform by a ranking officer to another officer.You failed to do so.Were I to let such a failure ofduty by my own XO go unpunished What kind of messageis that to the men?I performed my dutyas I was ordered sir.And I disagree.So your options arequite simple lieutenant. Punishment for youroffenses will be denial ofa -48 hour passfor 60 days.Stand before me at attention.Or you may initiatea letter of appealand request a trialby court-martial.You spend your weekendson the base anyway Dick.Be a mantake the punishment.May I borrow your pen sir?My endorsement sir.I request trialby court-martial.We lost Wintersto battalion mess.You're shitting me.No.Strayer did it while they tryto figure out the proceduresfor his court-martial.Well Nix better find aloophole and get him out.And if he don't?Winters scrambles eggswhile the rest of us makethe big jump with Sobel.Not me.So we're going throughwith this right?We've gotta do something.Yeah.Alright.Good.But we'd all better be clearof the consequences.I don't care aboutthe consequences.We could be lined upagainst a wall and shot.Now I'm ready to face thatand every one ofus had better be too.I will not followthat man into combat.Me neither.Alright.Then let's do it.I hereby...no longer...wish to serve...as a non-commissioned officer...in Easy company.Alright boys.Good luck.I ought to have you all shot!This is nothing lessthan an act of mutinywhile we prepare for thegoddamn invasion of Europe.Sergeant Harris.Yes sir.Turn in your1stripescollect your gear.You are herebytransferred out of my regiment.Yes sir.Get out.Sergeant Ranney.Sir.You consider yourself luckyI'm only busting you to private.All of you NCOs havedisgraced the1st airborne.You can consider yourselflucky that we are on the eveof the largest actionin the history of warfarewhich leaves me no choicebut to spare your lives.Now get out of my officeand get out of my sight.Get.Keep 'em comingthat-a-boy.That's it.I can only speculate sir.Most of the men wouldwould never do thisbut I believe just afew of the sergeantsmay have felt their loyaltylay more to the platoonthan to the company.And these few sergeants convincedall of the other NCOs in yourcompanyto turn in their1stripes?As1staff sergeantsthey have a greatamount of influence sir.But as I saythe rest are good men.I know themI can work with them.This business with theWinters' court-martialhas been anunpleasant distraction.Indeedindeed it has sir.However...Your command of Easycompany has been exemplary.Thank thank you sir.In fact except for the actionsof a few of your noncomsI believe you've fielded one ofthe finest companies of soldiersI've ever seen.Yes sir.Herbertdivision has establisheda parachute training schoolat Chilton Foliat.The idea is fornon-infantry types who...were vital to thecoming invasionsuch as doctors and chaplainsto take jump training there.Frankly I can't think of anyonemore qualified to commandsuch a school than you are.Sir?I'm reassigning youto Chilton Foliat.I'm losing Easy company?The war effortneeds you elsewhere.Permission to speak sir?Granted.Is whowho will be replacing me?Lieutenant Meehanfrom Baker company is senior.Good luck atChilton Foliat Herbert.Don't let us down now.No sir.Carry on.nd platoon listen up.I want the1st squadand a-side tents right up there.rd squad second row...Holy shit.No it's all rightmate we're tommiesnot bleedin' bosch.Is all this real?Yeah yeah.Well some of it'sfrom the hermansthat somebody'stailors knocked upfor you lads actuallyso you can get your mince pieson some of this jerry clobberif you know what I mean.Not really.Eh?Hey mac you got a luger?I'm dying to get myhands on a real luger.Yeah go on then.Quick butchers yeah?Boy she sure is a doozy.Yeah it's pukka innit.What?Hey Petty.Hey mate.5You're having a bath if you think you're half-inching that. Oh yeah.Sorry.Well good luck.You too mate.What's up Hoobs?These men have been through the toughest training the army has to offer.Under the worstpossible circumstances.And they volunteered for it. Christ Dick I was just shooting craps with them.It's not like...You know whythey volunteered?So when things got reallybad the man in the foxhole next to them would be the best. Not some draftee who's gonna get him killed.Are you tickedbecause they like me? Because I'm spending timeto get to know my soldiers?I mean c'mon you've beenwith these guys for whattwo years?I've been here for six days. You're gambling Bob.So what soldiers do that.I don't deservea reprimand for it.What if you'd won?What?What-if-you'd-won?Never put yourself in a position where you can takefrom these men.Lieutenant Meehan?Enter.On the last training jumpI had a compass.Close the flap.Then we turn left.Yeah.Bearing zero four two12 minutes.Then another left?Yes.Yeah.Call it three five eightFor 10 and a half minutes. Green lightright over Ramsbury. Ramsbury.Every single time.Linear distance on the grid of about...Okay.RamsburyUpottery.So...It's Normandy.st. Marie du Mont.Causeway number one.Causeway number two.The ultimate field problem.The estuary of the Douve riverdivides two beachheadscode-named Utah hereand Omaha here.Seaborne infantry willhit these beaches in forceat a date and timeto be specified.h-hour d-day.Airborne's objectivegentlemenis to take the town of Careltanor Carentanthus linking Utah and Omahainto a single continuous beachhead....linking Omah and Utah intoone continuous beachhead.Each trooper will learnthis operation by heartand know his andevery other outfits' missionto the detail.Lieutenant Meehan?Yes dukeman.Sir are we dropping tonight?When it's time for you to knowwe'll let you know.In the meantimestudy these sand tables mapsand reconnaissance photosuntil you can draw a mapof the area by memory.Now we will dropbehind this Atlantic wallfive hours before theth infantry lands at Utah.And between our assemblyarea and the battalion's objectivethere is a German garrisonright here in this areast. Marie du Mont.Easy company willdestroy that garrison.Three day supply of k-rationschocolate bars charms candypowdered coffeesugar and matches.Compass bayonetentrenching toolammunition gas mask.Musette bag with ammomy webbing my . canteentwo cartons of smokes.Hawkins minetwo grenadessmoke grenadegamma grenadetnt this bullshitand a pair of nasty skivvies.What's your point?You know this1stuffweighs as much as I do.I've1still got my chutemy reserve chutemy mae westmy m-.Where are you keepingyour brass knuckles?I could use somebrass knuckles.Sergeant Martin.Hey Vestanything for me?No.Sergeant Martin.For Talbert.Your condoms?I don't know probably.What you got?"Dear Floyd give 'em hell."It's from chief of theKokomo police department.Right.Whoa you've gotta love cops.Alright listen up listen up.If you did not sign yourGI life insurance policyyou go on overand see sergeant Evansat the headquarterscompany tent.You boys don'tlet your familiesmiss out on 10000$.You hear that Gerry?Hey Lip?Yeah boy.Has Guarnere said anythingto you about his brother?No.I got a problem.My wife keeps upwith things back homecasualty lists and like that.Yeah?Guarnere's brother in Italy?Henry?Killed in Monte Cassino.Well I'm sure he doesn't know.Damn.What'd you think I should do?If it were me I'd tell him.Couple of hours before we jump?I don't know.Why they springingthese things on us now?It's just an extrapoundsstrapped to your leg.Does anybody have any ideahow the hell this thing works?Colonel Sink.Colonel Sink."Soldiers of the regimenttonight is the nightof nights.Today as you read thisyou are enrouteto the great adventure forwhich you have trained forover two years."So that's why theygave us ice cream.Easy company listen up!Channel coast is sockedin with rain and fog.No jump tonight.The invasion hasbeen postponed.We're on a -hourstand-down.Well this is quite a surprise.Not particularly.It so happens I rather expected it.Well I can't see how youpeople can pass up $for the cause.For whose cause?If you're so interestedin serving a causewhy don't you join the army?Next please.Oh -m.You look -A to me.Hey you don't lookso bad yourself."Dearest Johnny."Well should yoube giving blood?I woke up.I got the wronggoddamn jacket.Shh.I was1struck by lightning.Nobody dancing.It doesn't matter."Your palBill Guarnere's brother..."Good luck lads.See you Tommy.See you mate.6。

【美剧480P】【兄弟连-Band of Brothers】【双语双字幕】

【美剧480P】【兄弟连-Band of Brothers】【双语双字幕】




监制: 史蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格Steven Spielberg;汤姆·汉克斯Tom Hanks导演: 菲尔·奥尔登·罗宾森Phil Alden Robinson(第1集);理查德·隆克莱恩Richard Loncraine(第2集);迈克尔·塞罗蒙Mikael Salomon (第3集、第10集);大卫·纳托DavidNutter(第4集);汤姆·汉克斯Tom Hanks (第5集);大卫·勒兰David Leland(第6集);大卫·弗兰科尔David Frankel(第7集、第9集);托尼·杜Tony To(第8集);主演: 达米安-刘易斯Damian Lewis 大卫·修蒙David Schwimmer 德克斯特·弗莱彻Dexter Fletcher Dan van Husen 科林·汉克斯Colin Hanks 唐尼·沃尔伯格Donnie Wahlberg Kirk Acevedo Doug Allen地区: 美国英国( 拍摄地)影片长度: 平均60分钟集数: 原版共10集中国放映14集投资:$125,000,000 (estimated)语言:英语颜色:彩色级别:Argentina:13 / Germany:16 / Norway:15 / Sweden:15 / UK:15 / Brazil:14 / Australia:MA / Germany:18 / Belgium:KNT / Brazil:16 / Netherlands:16 / Singapore:M18 / USA:TV-MA / New Zealand:R15拍摄背景2002年12月11日,“二战”时的一位美国老兵莱斯特·哈什伊悄然辞世——他曾是美国101空军部队506团“英雄连”——E连里最年轻的士兵。


































蒋勋所以我们都变了,变得不轻易笑了,不再为自由而活,却被生活捆绑着,拥有太多却不够深刻如果我们是花,长在同一棵树上 / 会散发出一样的香气吗 / 亲吻是一件事 / 并肩走过花气熏人的原野是一件事远方的竹林也偷偷抽长了 / 我们知道雨过天晴是一件事 / 彩虹是另一件事 / 即将走过的树影底下 / 为你倾倒是一件事新芽是另一件事回家的路上萤火明灭 / 总有些伟大的理由吧 / 总是有些音乐即将从这里诞生吧 / 梦是一件事,斗争是一件事/ 让我们继续下去」学生涂在墙上的诗歌,来自罗毓嘉为《女朋友,男朋友》而作的《继续合唱》,全诗如下:如果我们是浪向沙滩起跑潮汐的起落会不会激起同样的浪花如果我们是花,长在同一棵树上只是在不同季节盛开会散发出一样的香气吗亲吻是一件事并肩走过花气薰人的原野是一件事远方的竹林也偷偷抽长了我们知道雨过天晴是一件事彩虹是另一件事即将走过的树影底下为你倾倒是一件事新芽是另一件事所以当我们面向夜晚地球旋转是一件事流星是一件事让我们继续下去回家的路上萤火明灭总是有些伟大的理由吧总是有些音乐即将从这里诞生吧梦是一件事,斗争是一件事让我们继续下去你没有如期归来,而这正是离别的意义。



1,Frankly,my dear,I don’t give a damn.坦白说,亲爱的,我一点也不在乎。

(《乱世佳人》1939)2,I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.我会开出他无法拒绝的条件。

(《教父》1972)4,Toto,I’ve got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.托托,我想我们再也回不去堪萨斯了。

(《绿野仙踪》1939)5,Here’s looking at you,kid.永志不忘。

(《卡萨布兰卡》1942)8,May the Force be with you.愿原力与你同在。

(《星球大战》1977)9,Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy night.系紧你的安全带,这将是一个颠簸的夜晚。

(《彗星美人》1950)10,You talking to me?你是在和我说话吗?(《出租车司机》1976)12,I love the smell of napalm in the morning.我喜欢闻弥漫在清晨空气中的汽油弹味道。

(《现代启示录》1979)13,Love means never having to say you’re sorry.爱就是永远不必说对不起。

(《爱情故事》1970)116、“Gif me a visky, ginger ale on the side, and don'be stingy, baby.”“给我一杯威士忌,里面兑一些姜味汽水。


” ——《安娜?克里斯蒂》Anna Christie,193018,Made it,Ma!Top of the world!好好去做吧,站在世界之巅!(《歼匪喋血战》1949)19,I’m as mad as hell,and I’m not going to take this anymore!我疯狂得如同地狱中的恶魔,我不会再这样继续下去了!——《电视台风云》197620,Louis,I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.路易斯,我认为这是一段美好友谊的开始。



12. "The jerries are gonna shit themselves when they see this" (完成工事建筑)
13. "It's no Tower of London, but it'll do!"
4. "Told you it wouldn't last. Now let's go"
5. "Let's hope I'll do better than that sorry bugger" (捡起铁拳)
17. "Attack Airborne!"
18. "Show 'em what you got Airborne!"
19. "Suck it up Airborne, they're taking potshots at us!"
14. "Maybe the captain would like to build some Bren carriers for us eh?"
15. "SUCK MY MUZZLE JERRY" (击杀敌单位后)



























《老友记》经典台词中英对照1、 Up yours! 去你的2、 I would like to propose a toast.(英美电影宴会婚礼场景经典句型;提议为什么事情举杯祝福时用:)3、 I hear you. 我知道你要说什么。

/ 我懂你的`意思了4、success would be surrogacy. (given表示考虑到的意思;非常简洁好用)5、 I mean it! 我是认真的!6、I don”t give a/an damn / f*k / shoot / ass… 表示不在乎7、 Make it three/two.再来一杯/份(和老外一起到酒吧,餐厅点同样东西时的经典用语,言简意赅)8、You are so sweet/ that’s so sweet. 你真好。

9、Part of me thinks the kid’s right. 一方面我觉得这孩子没错but another part of me thinks……(选自拯救大兵瑞恩)10、I’m with you 我同意你的观点12、I’m a laundry virgin.(注意virgin的用法,体会老美说话之鲜活)13、 Nothing to see here!这里没什么好看的/看什么看!14、 You do the math.你自己来算一下15、 I was/will be there for you.我支持(过)你!(还记得老友记主题曲最后一句吗)16、I’ve been through this!我有经验/我也经历过17、 Rachel, Can you pass me the TV guide? 能把电视报递给我吗?(非常实用的口语句型,叫别人递东西可以引用19、Plus, I’m gonna take you out a lot for free dinner. (plus 除此之外)20、 Bravo on the hot nanny!为那个性感的保姆喝彩!/赞一下那个性感的保姆!(重点是brave on sth/sb这个句型,表示为……喝彩/赞叹的意思)21、Good for you!你真不错/好!(老友记中极其常见的赞扬、表扬句型)22、 To hell with that bitch! 让那婊子见鬼去吧!(咒骂别人的时候,to hell with)23、 I think I should give it a shot/go!我觉得应该尝试一下!24、 I think it works for me. (work为口语中极其重要的小词)25、Let’s make a deal!我们做笔交易吧。



国外电影中最经典的战前演讲(中英对照)中外电影和回忆录中最经典战前演讲(中英对照)魔戒3 王者归来中最后决战时,阿拉贡率领刚多和洛汗的军队在魔多⾯临着数倍于⼰的魔军时,冈多洛汗联军最勇敢的战⼠眼中也流露出恐惧时,阿拉贡对冈多洛汗联军所作的演讲:冈多,罗翰的⼦民们,我的兄弟们!我从你们眼睛⾥看到了和我⼀样的恐惧,⼈类也许有⼀天会失去勇⽓,也许有那么⼀天我们会抛弃朋友,背叛同伴,但那绝不是今天!也许总有⼀天豺狼将横⾏,⼈类的时代也许会逝去,但那绝对不是今天!——今天我们会浴⾎奋战!为了这美丽的⼤地上,为了你我珍视的⼀切!我命令你们,西⽅的勇⼠们!战⽃到最后!Aragorn:Sons of Gondor, of Rohan, my brothers!I see in your eyes...The same fear that would take the heart of me.A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship,But not this day.An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of Men comes crashing down,But it is not this day!This day we fight!By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!WALLACE在与英格兰军队第⼀次⼤战前的演讲被誉为古装电影中最激动⼈⼼的战前演讲之⼀,发来与⼤家分享WILLIAM WALLACE:I am William Wallace, and I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny. You have come to fight as free m en, and free men you are. What will you do without that freedom? “Fight,and you may die.Run,and you’ll live at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now. Would you be willing to trade? All the days from this day to that, for one chance,just for one chance, to come back here a nd tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ ll never take our Freedom! Freedom——Freedom, our Freedo m” 我是威廉华莱⼠,我看到的是⼀⽀由我的同胞组成的雄师。


- 瑞秋? - 来了!试试床下行不行!
There's no room under the bed..
- Is everything okay? - Yeah.
- 出什么事了? - 没……
- Hey. Do you know where Joey is? - Hi.
- 嘿。 - 嗨… - 你知道乔伊在那儿吗?
- Is everything okay? - It's just.. I don't think I can do this.
- 呃……怎么啦? - 对,只是……我想我不能这么做……
Oh, is it because of what might be on the bed?
- I saw that report, with the infrared.. - No! No.
- 我也看过那些报道了,在红外线下和... - 不,不!
Look, I need to talk to Joey. I mean, you guys just broke up.
呃,我要跟乔伊谈谈。 你们才刚刚分手。
- 好了,过会儿见。 - 好的……
That's the door. He's gone.
And she's turning on the TV..
and watching Miss Congeniality.
Honey? If you know it through a wall, you know it too well.























〈兄弟连〉中那位德军将军对士兵的讲话以下是那位投降的德军将军对与自己共同战斗的士兵说的话这是一场漫长的战争也是一场艰苦的战争你们英勇并骄傲的为祖国作战你门是不平凡的一群彼此紧密相连这样的情谊只存在战斗中在弟兄之间使用共同的伞兵坑在最需要的时刻彼此扶持你们看过死亡一起接受磨难我很骄傲能与你们每个人共同服役你们有权享受永远快的的和平生活英语:Men,It's been a long war .It's been a tough war.You fight bravely and proudly for your country.You're special group.We found another bonded and exits only in compain among brothers. We've dig fassula help each other in die moments,we've seen death and suffered together.I'm proud to serve with each of you.You deserve long and happy life in peace.德语:Männer,Es war ein langer Krieg.Es war ein harter Krieg.Ihr habt tapfer und stolz fur euer Vaterland gekämpft.Ihr seid eine ganze besondere Gruppe,die miteinander einen Zusammenhalt gefunden habt,wie er sich nur im Kampf entwickeln kann.Unsere Kameraden,die Schutzenlöcher geteilt haben...die sich in schrecklichen Momenten gegenseitig gestutzt haben... die den Tod zusammen gesehen haben und gemeinsam gelitten haben. Ich bin stolz mit euch gedient zu haben.Sie alle verdienen ein langes und gluckliches Leben in Frieden.。



战争电影最感人的10段台词10、《黑鹰坠落》"Mike Thurrent, We won''t leave without you!"“Mike Thurrent, 我们决不丢下你!”《黑鹰坠落》中一名游骑兵在直升机上对着下面被困的战友喊道。


面对德国将军的审问,他的回答是:“将军,现在您知道一俄里有多远了吧?”(战前德军宣称这个距苏德边境仅一俄里的要塞一个冲锋就能拿下)8、《拯救大兵瑞恩》任务完成,米勒中尉临死前说道:“Earn it……”这句话很难直译,大意为“别辜负我们(以后你要好好的活着)”。









3、《莫斯科保卫战》苏军连政治指导员克洛奇科夫—季耶夫率领28名战士同几十辆德军坦克进行了4小时的艰苦战斗,在牺牲前高呼:“俄罗斯虽大,但我们已无路可退,身后就是莫斯科!”2、《兄弟连》I remember my grandson asked me the other day, he said: "Grandpa, were you a hero in the great war?""No,"I replied,"But I served in a company of heroes."有一天我的小孙子问我“爷爷,你是大战中的英雄吗?我回答:不......但我与英雄们一同服役。

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第一集我们那时候正坐在商店里\N有个人进来We were in a store and a guy in that store...就叫我们去参军...told us to put our uniforms on.“你到底在说什么?”"what the hell are you talking about?"他说:“美国与日本开战了”He says, "The USA is in a war with Japan."我们压根儿就不敢相信We couldn't believe it.我们的国家被攻击了Well, our country was attacked.这是不同的It's different.这与朝鲜战争或越南战争不同It wasn't like Korea or Vietnam.我们被攻击了We were attacked.你知道,这种感觉…And, you know, it was a feeling that... 或许我们是乡下老实人...maybe, we're just dumb country people but...但我们很多人都自愿参军...where I come from a lot of us volunteered.“谁要自愿加入坦克部队?”"Who would like to volunteer for the Tank Corps?“谁要自愿加入空军?”"Who would like to volunteer for the Air Force?“谁要自愿加入海军?”"Who would like to volunteer for the Navy?" or whatever.他们又说And then, they said:“谁愿意加入空降师?”"Who would like to volunteer for the Airborne?"什么是“空降”啊?Somebody says, "What the hell's the Airborne?"根本没有人听过Nobody ever heard of it.我们来自一个很小的城镇We came from a small, small town.镇上有三个人因为体检不合格而自杀And three fellows in that town that were 4F...因为他们不能从军mitted suicide because they couldn't go.真是个不同的年代A different time.我们做了些事I did things.不是为了勋章或荣誉I didn't do them for medals.我们做那些事只因那是必须做的事I didn't do them for accolades. I did 'em because it's what had to be done.各位,当你跳出飞机The guy says, "would you jump out of airplanes?你带着所有陆军给你的配备"You know, you got all your army equipment...跳出飞机,准备与敌人作战"...and you jump out of airplanes, to fight the enemy."我们说“去死吧”These guys, they said, "Go to hell."没有人举起手Nobody put up their hands.我不知道是谁提起的And then, I don't know what it was brought it up...但有个人演讲提到...but the guy giving the speech was saying:你一个月可以多赚50块钱"But you get paid $50 a month more."所以那就是100块So, that made it a hundred bucks.{\1c&H80FFFF&\i1}片名:兄弟连{\1c&H80FFFF&\i1}第一集:葛拉锡(新兵营)“1944年6月4日,英国,尤波泰瑞”…我真想来块鸡肉馅饼I want a whiff of chicken pie.弟兄们,把装备都收好Okay, boys, let's get this gear stowed.F连,我们五分钟内出发Fox Company...we go in five. 以圣父圣子之名"In the name of the Father..."第一排准备好轻型火力1st Platoon, draw small arms.你需要帮忙吗,中尉?\N敌人到了再准备就晚了Do you need a hand, Lieutenant?E连注意!整装!Easy Company! Listen up!朝我靠拢集合Gather up around me.动作快,大家快点。

Just move it up. Come on, gentlemen. 快点!Let's go!现在英伦海峡笼罩在雨雾之中Now, the Channel coast is socked in with rain and fog.空投区风太大High winds on the drop zone.今晚不跳了\N怎么这样啊No jump tonight.登陆行动已经延后The invasion has been postponed.现在进入24小时戒备状态\N可恶We're on a 24-hour stand-down. Son of a bitch.各排排长集合部队Drill sergeants, take charge.这真是出人意料之外Well, this is quite a surprise.倒不见得Not particularly.既来之则安之It so happens I rather expected it.我实在无法理解你们怎能\N为了八万块钱就从军Well, I can't see how you people can pass up $80,000 for the Cause我可不是为钱从军的For whose cause?如果是为了薪给If you're so interested in serving a cause... 为何不干脆加入陆军?...why don't you join the Army?天气要放晴了I think it's clearing up.你觉得会变晴?You think it's clearing up?不会No.我想是要放晴了I think it's clearing up.你的弟兄准备得如何?How are your men?他们没问题的They'll be fine.现在纽约是五点钟5:00 in New York.芝加哥是四点钟4:00 in Chicago.快乐时光,对吧?\N是的Happy hour, huh? Yeah.快乐时光Happy hour.喝它几杯A couple of drinks.或许在看电影前提早吃晚餐Maybe an early dinner before the theater.那是文明人享受文明的地方A civilized place for civilized men.真该早点出生的,尼克Should've been born earlier, Nix. 然后抛弃这一切?What, and give up all this?我们会去芝加哥的,\N我带你去We'll go to Chicago, I'll take you there.是喔。

Yeah.再说吧We'll see.事实上,你知道谁是芝加哥人?Actually, you know who's from there?谁?他喔Who? Oh, him.忍受他712个日子,我们终于熬过来了712 days of that son of a bitch and here we are.“两年前,乔治亚州塔可亚军营”你们所有人应该立正站好!You people are at the position of attention.派康提二等兵,你是不是\N学伞兵把裤管塞进靴子里?Private Perconte, have you been blousing your trousers over your boots like a paratrooper?没有,长官No, sir.那你的裤脚怎么有皱摺?Then explain the creases at the bottom.长官,没有理由No excuse, sir.志愿加入空降部队是一回事V olunteering for the Parachute Infantry is one thing...但是…派康提,要成为伞兵,你还早咧...but you've got a long way to prove you belong here.你的周末外出取消了Your weekend pass is revoked.名字?\N乔治鲁兹Name? Luz, George.准星后方有灰尘Dirt in the rear side aperture.外出取消Pass revoked.你何时把这些阶级绣上去的,\N李普中士?When did you sew on these chevrons, Sergeant Lipton?昨天,长官Yesterday, sir.线头太长\N外出取消Long enough to notice this. Revoked.是,长官Sir.名字?Name?唐诺马拉其\N马拉其?Malarkey, Donald G.换成俗语就是狗屎的意思,是吧?Malarkey's slang for bullshit, isn't it?是,长官Yes, sir.枪托折轴弹簧生锈,\N二等兵狗屎Rust on the butt plate hinge spring, Private Bullshit.外出取消Revoked.名字?Name?乔瑟夫李高特,长官Liebgott, Joseph D., sir.刺刀生锈,李高特Rusty bayonet, Liebgott.你想杀德国佬吗?You want to kill Germans?是,长官Yes, sir.不是靠这玩意儿Not with this.我不会带这块废铁上战场I wouldn't take this rusty piece of shit to war.你们这种表现,我也不会带你们上战场And I will not take you to war in your condition.由于你们这些人犯错Now, thanks to these men and their infractions...连上所有周末外出的人...every man in the company who had a weekend pass...全部取消休假...has lost it.换上你们的操练服,我们要去跑步Change into your PT gear, we're running Currahee.第二排解散2nd Platoon, fall out.你们有两分钟时间We have two minutes.解散!Fall out!我可不想上那座山I ain't going up that hill.派康提,你干嘛摺你的裤管?Perconte, what are you thinking of blousing your pants?马丁,你闭嘴好吗?Shut up, okay?他挑每个人的毛病He gigged everyone.那你就应该更小心You should know better.不要给他任何籍口Don't give him no excuses.籍口?Excuses?你过来看看我的裤子Why don't you come here, look at these trousers...蹲下来仔细瞧,告诉我哪里有摺痕?...get down and tell me if there's a crease?好了,我们出发了\N成体能训练队形Let's go on the road in PT formation.动作快!Let's move, move, move!派康提,出发了。
