一、法律体系及法律原则1. Common Law(普通法):源于英国的法律制度,以判例为基础,注重司法判决的先例。
2. Civil Law(民法):法律体系以法典为基础,强调通过法典和条例规范法律事务。
3. Statute(法令):由立法机关制定通过的具有法律效力的规定。
4. Case Law(判例法):法院对特定案件的判决和裁决形成的先例,对类似案件具有法律约束力。
5. Precedent(先例):判决或裁决后的法律准则,被认为可以指导类似案件的判决。
6. Hierarchy of Laws(法律等级):指不同法律的优先级别,一般按照宪法、法令、法律、法规、命令、条例等顺序排列。
二、合同法1. Contract(合同):双方达成的协议,包括权利和义务。
2. Offer(提议):要约,表明愿意与他人达成协议。
3. Acceptance(接受):对提议的同意。
4. Consideration(对价):作为一方履行合同义务的回报。
5. Breach of Contract(违约):未能按照合同约定履行义务。
6. Force Majeure(不可抗力):无法预见或控制的事件,免除违约责任。
7. Jurisdiction(管辖权):法院对案件有管辖权的能力。
8. Damages(赔偿金):违约方需支付给另一方的经济损失补偿。
9. Termination(终止):合同约定的条件下,解除合同关系。
三、知识产权法1. Intellectual Property(知识产权):由创造性思维产生的无形资产。
2. Copyright(版权):保护个人作品的权益。
3. Patent(专利):保护新发明的独特性和可产业化的权益。
4. Trademark(商标):区分商品来源的标志。
1、TWO MAIN LEGAL FAMILIESCommon/English/English-American Law (Legal) System/Family普通法系- case law system- Anglo-Saxon case-law system- Anglo-American legal systemContinental/Roman/Civil Law (Legal) System/Family大陆法系- civilian legal system- civil-law system2、civil law民法、国内法、罗马法、大陆法3、substantive Law(实体法)VS procedural Law(程序法)4、case law(案例法)vs. statutory law(成文法)statutory / written / codified / enacted law制定法、成文法5、adversary trial system(对抗制)vs. inquisitorial system (纠问制)6、jury trial system陪审团制度7、The reports of the United States Supreme Court联邦最高法院判例汇编The reports of some States州法院判例汇编8、legal cases法律案例9、private law and / vs. public law10、the statutory law continues to be subject to binding interpretation through case law(其成文法继续适用通过判例法(注:即先例)进行的有约束力的解释)11、Common law (in narrow sense):- common general law- local law- itinerant judges of the English royal court- enforcement of a claim- special form of action: writ- classical Roman law- Provisions of Oxford (1258)牛津条例- “writ upon the case”本案令状12、enforcement 强制执行;claim 请求;action 诉讼行为;writ 法院令状;recourse 追索权;追索,追偿13、Equity law衡平法- “ equity ”——doing equity- chancellor- relief 救济- judiciary- Court of Chancery (衡平法院)and / vs. ordinary common law courts-maxim- fixed, inflexible- equitable doctrines (e.g. law of salvage at sea)- In a conflict between law & equity,equity should prevail.14、awardcompensatory, compensatedamagesspecific performance特定履行|实际履行injunction强制令real/immoveable property(不动产)and / vs. personal/moveable property (动产)15、c ommon law remedy/relief:普通法救济- (compensatory) damages金钱赔偿16、e quity/equitable remedies/relief:衡平法救济- injunction ( a temporary or final order to do or not to do a specific act)强制令- specific performance (a party to an agreement is ordered by the court to perform his obligations according to the terms of the agreement)- restitution17、judicialexpress (明示)vs. implied (默示)provision, providejurisdiction 管辖区域,法域; (司法)管辖权civil suit民事诉讼titlethe law of property财产法before the judge在法庭上17、a pply/applicable/available适用于be subject to受。
法律英语词汇学习1. 引言法律英语是法律学习的重要组成部分,掌握法律英语词汇是理解和运用法律文件的基础。
2. 常用法律英语词汇2.1 法律文件在学习法律英语之前,首先需要了解一些常见的法律文件类型。
以下是一些常用的法律文件的英文表达:•Constitution: 宪法•Statute: 法令•Regulation: 规定•Ordinance: 条例•Decree: 法令/法令书•Directive: 指令•Treaty: 条约•Agreement: 合同•Contract: 合同•Memorandum of Understanding (MoU): 谅解备忘录2.2 法律流程和程序学习法律英语,也需要了解一些常见的法律流程和程序。
以下是一些常用的法律流程和程序的英文表达:•Lawsuit: 诉讼•Hearing: 审理/听证会•Trial: 审判•Appeal: 上诉•Verdict: 裁决•Judgement: 判决•Defendant: 被告•Plntiff: 原告•Witness: 证人•Subpoena: 传票•Petition: 请愿•Settlement: 和解2.3 法律术语掌握常用法律术语对理解法律文件和案件非常重要。
以下是一些常见的法律术语的英文表达:•Legal liability: 法律责任•Breach of contract: 违约•Intellectual property: 知识产权•Tort: 侵权行为•Negligence: 过失•Force majeure: 不可抗力•Injunction: 禁令•Liability insurance: 责任保险•Statute of limitations: 诉讼时效•Confidentiality agreement: 保密协议•Arbitration: 仲裁3. 学习方法3.1 阅读法律文件阅读法律文件是学习法律英语的重要方法之一。
下面是一些常见的法律英语术语:1. Lawsuit(诉讼)诉讼是指在法院提起的一系列法律程序,目的是解决法律纠纷。
2. Plaintiff(原告)原告是在一起诉讼中提起诉讼的一方。
3. Defendant(被告)被告是在一起诉讼中被指控的一方。
4. Contract(合同)合同是由两个或多个当事人之间达成的法律协议。
5. Breach of Contract(合同违约)合同违约是指合同一方未能履行其在合同中规定的义务。
6. Tort(侵权行为)侵权行为指的是一方在未获得另一方同意的情况下,通过行为或不行为给另一方造成了伤害或损失。
7. Negligence(疏忽)疏忽是指一方在行为上未能按照合理的标准行事,从而给他人造成伤害或损失。
8. Crime(犯罪)犯罪是指违反法律的行为。
9. Plaintiff’s Attorney(原告律师)原告律师是代表原告在诉讼过程中提供法律援助的专业人士。
10. Defendant’s Attorney(被告律师)被告律师是代表被告在诉讼过程中提供法律援助的专业人士。
法律英语大赛参考词库Jurisprudence(法律体系)1.adjudication (法庭的)判决;裁定2.litigate 提出诉讼,打官司3.adjective 程序的4.Contract Law 合同法5.Property Law 财产法6.Tort Law 侵权法7.Constitutional Law 宪法8.Criminal Law 刑法9.Administrative Law 行政法10.International Law 国际法11.convention 公约12.security 担保13.precedent 先例14.Substantive Law 实体法15.Procedural Law 程序法16.Public Law 公法17.Private Law 私法18.Civil Law 民法,大陆法mon Law 普通法20.self defense 自我防卫21.stare decisis 遵循先例22.jurisdiction 司法管辖权Development of Constitutional Law(宪法学的发展)23.succession 继承(权)24.proscribe (正式)禁止25.prerogative 特权26.heir 继承人27.impeachment 控告;弹劾28.enfranchise 给予政治权利(尤指议会选举权)29.franchise 投票权,选举权30.plead 向法庭提出;提出31.convict 宣判某人有罪32.testimony 证词33.attorney 代理人;(美)律师34.prosecutor 检举人;公诉人;原告35.solicitor (英)初级律师;事务律师36.indict 控告,起诉37.veto (行政首脑对立法的)否决权38.Constitutionality 合宪性Doctrines of the Constitution (宪法学说)39.accountable 应负责的;有责任的40.supremacy 至高无上;最高地位;主权41.validity 效力;合法性;正确性;确实性42.libel 诽谤43.verdict 判决;决定44.haul 把某人带上来审问或训斥45.barrister 大律师;出庭律师46.allegation 断言;指控;陈词;宣称47.testify 提供证据;作证(尤指出庭)Division of Powers(权力分配)48.manifesto 宣言,声明49.electorate 全体选民,选区50.restraint 抑制,制止,约束51.scrutiny 详细审查52.consensus 一致同意,一致的意见Individual Rights and Liberties (个人权利和自由)53.unassailable 无可争辩的,无法否认的54.redress 赔偿,救济,矫正55.provision 规定;条款56.remand 送还,还押57.acquit 宣告无罪,脱卸义务和责任,还清(债务)58.felony 重罪59.award 裁定;判决;裁决;裁决书Torts(侵权行为)60.assault 殴打未遂,侵犯他人身体罪61.battery 殴打罪62.trespass 非法侵入,侵占63.nuisance 滋扰行为,滋扰侵权罪64.defamation 诽谤,毁损名誉65.bully 欺负,欺侮66.onus 责任,义务67.misstatement 错误陈述68.dictum 法官意见;权威意见;正式声明The Sale of Goods(商品销售)69.chattel 动产70.personal estate 动产mission 交付(某人)任务或工作;委托72.partner 合伙人73.injunction 禁令(法院强制被告从事或不得从事某项行为的正式命令)74.counterclaim 反诉75.solvent 有偿付能力的76.obligee 权利人,债权人77.obligor 义务人,债务人The Law of Contracts(合同法)mitment 许诺,承担义务petent 有权力的;由法定资格的80.performance 履行(合同)81.recognizance 保证书,保证金,保释金82.executory 待生效的;将来生效或实施的83.voidable 可撤销的;可使无效的84.legitimize 使合法化85.specific performance 实际履行86.consensus 合意87.guardian 监护人88.acceptance 承诺Government Regulation of Business(商业的政府调控)89.justify 证明……是正当的,辨明,认为无罪90.discriminate 歧视,区别,区别待遇91.ruling 裁决92.constituent (国会议员的)选举人93.misdemeanor 不正当的行为;轻罪The Nature and Purpose of Criminal Law(刑法的本质和目的)94.aggrieved 权利受到不法侵害的,受虐待的95.tortious 侵权行为的,侵权行为性质的96.decriminalize 非刑事化的97.arson 纵火,纵火罪98.indictable 可提起公诉的99.capital punishment 死刑100.incarcerate 监禁101.murder 谋杀102.culpability 有罪性103.beyond a reasonable doubt 排除合理怀疑The General Principles of Criminal Liability(刑事责任的一般原理)104.malice 恶意;蓄意犯罪105.encumbrance 债务负担106.accountability 对……负有责任107.duress 胁迫;监禁108.exculpatory 开脱罪责的109.acquittal 宣告无罪110.vacate 撤销111.release 释放Differences Between Homicide Offences(杀人犯罪之间的区别)112.homicide 他杀,杀人113.manslaughter 过失杀人114.infanticide 杀婴罪115.parricide 弑父(母),弑亲116.assault 殴打;威胁;胁迫;袭击;暴行117.accessory 同谋;从犯;帮凶;附属物118.parole 有条件的释放;假释119.conviction 深信,确信,定罪,宣告有罪120.perjury 伪证121.nonstatutory 非法定的122.counsel 讨论,商议,辩护律师;劝告123.rebuttal 辩驳,举反证124.throw out 排除125.exclude 排除,不包括Punishment(惩罚)126.sanction 制裁;处罚127.tribunal 法庭;裁判所128.breach 违犯(法律);违反(约定、协议等)129.Co Civil cases 民事案件130.criminal trial 刑事审判131.sexual assault 性侵犯132.cross-examination 交叉询问133.arraignment 传讯134.bail 保释Administrative Law(行政法)135.remedy 补救;赔偿136.sophistication 强词夺理,诡辩137.respondent 上诉者138.oust 剥夺,取代,驱逐139.legalistic 尊重法律的Liability Supervision and Remedy of Administrative Law (责任监督和行政法律救济)140.certiorari 案卷移送141.prohibition 禁止,阻止,<美>禁酒令142.relator 原告,告发人143.regime 体制,制度,政体,政权制度144.ad idem 【律】(条件、意见等)一致的145.formulation 有系统而确切的陈述或说明Judicial Review(司法审查)146.adjudicatory 宣判的,裁定的147.judiciary 司法部,司法官,审判员148.proceeding (诉讼)程序,(pl.)诉讼149.justifiable 有理由的General Features of Civil Procedures(民事程序的总体特征)150.claimant (根据权利)原告,提出要求者151.damages 赔偿金152.defamation 诽谤,中伤153.implicit 隐喻的,不言而喻的154.redress 赔偿,救济,纠正155.interlocutory 在诉讼期间判决的156.probate 遗嘱,遗嘱检验;检验遗嘱,加以监护General Features of Criminal Procedures(刑事程序的总体特征)157.motion 申请,动议158.detain 拘留,监禁159.summons 发传票,传唤;传票、传唤被告出庭的通知160.indictable 应予以指控的,可被控告的161.egregious 过分的,极其恶劣的162.bogus 假的,伪造的163.bias 偏见164.avoidance 回避,回避制度165.recuse (要求)撤换,(要求)回避166.assertion 主观断言167.custody 监管,保管,拘留168.verdict 裁决,判决,结论169.rule 作出裁决;裁决,裁定170.parole 假释The Criminal Court Process(刑事法院程序)171.jury 陪审团172.remand 送还,还押173.objection 反对174.allege 宣称,断言175.infraction 违反,违规操作,违法行为176.conviction 定罪,有罪判决177.contempt 藐视法庭178.probation 缓刑179.sustained 反对有效180.overruled 反对无效181.legitimacy 合法(性),正确(性),合理(性)mittal 收监183.strangle 扼死;勒死;绞死184.appeal 上诉185.overturn 推翻(裁决等)186.Alford Plea 阿尔弗德答辩[美](即被告声称自己是无辜的,但承认有足够的证据证明其有罪)Administrative Procedure(行政程序)187.elimination 排除,消除188.malfeasance 渎职189.validate 使生效,确认190.seizure 没收,查封191.raid 突击,搜捕Legal Environment of Business (商务法律环境)192.incentive 动机193.exemption 免除194.wield 行使(权力)195.bribery 贿赂196.antitrust 反垄断的197.advocacy 辩护,主张Contract Law(合同法)198.enforceable 可强制执行的199.applicable 可适用的200.restitution 归还,赔偿201.corroborate 证实202.pleading 诉状203.undertaking 保证,承诺204.repudiation 拒付(债款)205.assurance 保证,担保206.sustain 承受207.formality 正式手续208.damage 赔偿金209.penalty 处罚210.disgorge 被迫交出pensatory 补偿性的212.decree 法令Warranties and Product Liability(担保和产品责任)213.warranty 担保214.merchantable 可买卖的215.precedence 优先216.negligence 过失,疏忽217.litigious 爱打官司的218.eliminate 排除Negotiable Instruments(流通票据)219.acknowledgement 承认220.restrictive 限制性的221.expressly 明示地222.fiduciary 信托的;受托人223.possessory 所有的,所有者的224.recoup 补偿225.assignee 受让人226.consideration 对价227.executory 实施中的,有效的228.observance 遵守229.stale 失时效的230.principal 本金231.rescind 废除;撤销232.transaction 交易233.duress 胁迫234.nullify 使无效235.inducement 诱因236.discharge 清偿,履行,免除,撤销237.prosecute 起诉Creditor’s Right and Liabilities(债权和债务)238.bailee (财物的)受托保管人239.foreclose 取消抵押品赎回权,预先处理240.foreclosure 丧失抵押品赎回权241.redeem 赎回,补偿,恢复242.attachment 财产抵押243.donee 受赠人244.surety 保证人245.guarantor 保证人246.default 拖欠,违约247.binding 有约束力的248.covenant 契约249.tender 偿还,交付250.mortgage 抵押251.trustee 受托人252.tortious 侵权行为的253.racketeering 敲诈勒索,诈骗Bankruptcy and Reorganization(破产与重整)254.liquidation 破产255.insolvent 无偿付能力的256.unfettered 不受约束的257.voidable 可以撤销的258.alimony 赡养费259.accommodate 和解260.quid pro quo 补偿物Personal Property and Bailment(个人财产和保释)261.trespasser 侵占262.dominion 控制权,支配263.gratuitous 无偿的264.unqualified 无条件的Intellectual Property and Real Property(知识产权和不动产)265.misappropriate 侵占266.proprietary 私人拥有的267.counterfeit 伪造268.conveyance 财产转让269.annul 废除270.reversionary 应继承的271.appurtenant 从属物272.leasehold 租赁的273.sufferance 默许274.acquiescence 默许Intentional Torts(侵权行为)275.tort 民事侵权行为276.tortfeasor 犯侵权行为者277.actionable 可控告的278.impulse 动机279.assault 攻击280.battery 殴打281.intruders 入侵者282.false imprisonment 错误拘留283.restraint 严禁284.shoplift 入店行窃285.allege 宣称286.defamation 诽谤287.refrain 避免288.slander 诽谤289.libel 文字诽谤290.immunity 豁免291.trespass 侵犯292.nuisance 妨害行为293.preempt 抢先占有294.unruly 不守规矩的295.warrant 证明……是正当的296.deprive 剥夺297.vandalism 恶意破坏298.injunction 禁令Business Torts(商业侵权行为)299.malice 蓄意犯罪300.appropriate 窃用301.rescission 废除或取消(合作)302.adjunct 附属的Insurance(保险)303.premium 保险费pse 权利终止305.malpractice 不当行为306.indemnify 赔偿307.coinsurance 共同保险308.underwriter 保险人309.surrender 让与;放弃;交付310.endowment 捐赠311.feloniously 犯重罪地Agency Law(代理法)312.artificial person 法人313.delegate 授权314.consensus 一致同意315.renunciation 弃权,脱离关系316.insanity 精神错乱317.incapacitated 无行为能力的318.default 违约;不出席319.surrender 放弃Partnership(合伙)320.indebtedness 负债321.incompetent 无法定行为能力的,无资格的322.disbar 逐出法庭,剥夺律师资格323.adjudicate 判定324.equitable 公平的325.entitle 给……权利326.trust 信托327.misconduct 明知故犯Corporation(法人)328.sue 控告;提出诉讼329.title 所有权330.pledge 典当物,质押331.incrimination 自证其罪332.abridge 剥夺某人权利333.immunity 豁免权334.defend 辩护335.action 诉讼336.liberalize 放宽对……的限制337.file 登记备案338.quorum 法定人数Securities Regulation(证券法)339.debacle (公司)信用债券340.exemption 豁免341.fraudulent 欺骗性的342.proxy 代理(权,人)343.discretionary 自由裁量的Monopoly and Merger(垄断和合并)344.monopoly 垄断,独占345.oligopolist 寡头垄断者346.conspire 密谋347.prosecutorial 起诉的Labor Law(劳动法)348.sabotage 蓄意破坏349.curb 控制350.empower 授权351.mediation 调停352.conciliation 调解353.plunder 抢夺354.mandate 委任355.bypass 回避356.grievant 申诉人357.misappropriation 盗用Corporate Social Responsibility(公司社会责任)358.tithe 捐税359.means 财产360.sanction 制裁361.concessionaire 受让人362.dismissal 驳回363.dereliction 玩忽职守364.goodwill 信誉365.estop 禁止反言366.privity(of contract) 合同关系不涉及第三人原则367.factum [律]事实368.waiver [律]弃权369.premise 前提370.chattels [律]实产371.dishonor [商]拒付372.forbearance 债务偿还期的延展373.lien 留置权,抵押品所产生的利息英语六级法律类词汇温馨补充:374.legitimate 合法的,法律认可的;使合法375.judicial 司法的,法庭的,公正的376.ratify 正式批准,使正式生效377.enact 制定(法律)378.amend 修订;赔罪,赔款379.adopt 正式通过,批准380.enforce 实施,执行381.restrict 限制,约束382.abolish 废止383.renounce 声明放弃;宣布中止384.repeal 废止,撤销385.terminate 终止386.inherit 继承387.heritage 遗产,继承物388.defendant 被告389.plantiff 原告390.client 委托人,当事人,客户391.referee 仲裁者,调解者,证明人392.petition 请愿书,申请书,诉状393.submit 呈送,提交;主张394.indict 控告,起诉395.accuse 指控,控告396.resort 求助397.plead 申诉,辩护,为……辩护(v.)398.plea 辩护,答辩(n.)399.cite 引用,引证;传唤400.testimony 证词,证明401.proof 证据402.uphold 维持ply 遵从,遵守404.defy 藐视,违抗405.smear 诽谤,诋毁406.defer 推迟;服从407.mediate 调解,调停408.forfeit (因过失、疏忽、犯罪等而)丧失(权利等)409.execution 死刑;执行410.deprive 剥夺411.deport 把……驱逐出境412.recess 休庭,暂停。
1. 法律术语•Lawsuit: 诉讼•Plntiff: 原告•Defendant: 被告•Complnt: 控诉书•Summons: 传票•Pleadings: 诉状•Subpoena: 传唤令•Evidence: 证据•Burden of proof: 举证责任•Statute: 法令•Tort: 民事侵权行为•Testimony: 证言•Criminal offense: 刑事犯罪•Misdemeanor: 轻罪•Felony: 重罪2. 法庭程序•Court hearing: 庭审•Trial: 审判•Opening statement: 开庭陈述•Cross-examination: 盘问•Closing argument: 闭庭陈述•Verdict: 裁决•Jury: 陪审团•Bench trial: 座席审判(没有陪审团的审判)•Judgment: 判决•Appeal: 上诉•Court reporter: 法庭记录员•Arrest: 逮捕•Bond: 保释金•Bl: 保释•Evidence: 证据3. 合同和协议•Contract: 合同•Agreement: 协议•Offer: 出价•Acceptance: 接受•Consideration: 对价•Breach of contract: 违反合同•Void contract: 无效合同•Negotiation: 谈判•Arbitration: 仲裁•Mediation: 调解•Termination: 终止•Amendment: 修改•Effective date: 生效日期4. 法律文件和法律文件结构•Legal document: 法律文件•Affidavit: 宣誓书•Power of attorney: 授权书•Will: 遗嘱•Trust: 信托•Deed: 契约•Contract: 合同•Agreement: 协议•Compliance: 遵守•Notice: 通知书•Affirmation: 证言•Declaration: 声明•Schedule: 时间表•Exhibit: 附表5. 法律职业•Attorney: 律师•Judge: 法官•Magistrate: 地方法官•Counsel: 律师•Paralegal: 法律助理•Legal secretary: 法律秘书•Legal consultant: 法律顾问•Court clerk: 法庭书记员•Barrister: 出庭律师(英国律师)•Solicitor: 执业律师(英国律师)以上是一些常用的法律英语表达。
Constitution宪法public law 公法private law 私法common law 普通法civil law 罗马法, 大陆法; 民法case law 判例法statutory law 制定法equity law 衡平法Provisions of Oxford 牛津条例writ 令状writ upon the case 本案令状court of chancery 衡平法院injunction 强制令binding interpretation 具有约束力的法律解释civil suit 民事诉讼action 法律诉讼,诉讼行为the Bar 律师业,司法界barrister 诉讼律师, 大律师, 出庭律师solicitor 非诉律师, 诉状律师, 事务律师advocacy 出廷辩护,代理诉讼single practitioner 单独开业者house counsel 专职法律顾问public prosecutors 公诉人,检察官attorney 律师;检察官Attorney General 司法部长;检察总长Chief Justice 首席大法官litigation 诉讼litigant 诉讼当事人Juris Doctor (JD) 法律博士Master of Laws (LLM) 法学硕士Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD) 法学博士curriculum 课程required course 必修课elective course 选修课the case method 案例教学法the Socratic method 苏格拉底式教学法old boy networks 老哥们关系网the modern regulatory nation 现代规制国家Federal Court System 联邦法院系统: The Supreme Court 最高法院Courts of Appeals上诉法院District Courts地区法院Special Courts特别法院Three-tiered model 三级(审判)体制:trial court (审判法院;初审法院)appellate court , court of appeals(上诉法院)supreme court 最高法院Litigant 诉讼当事人capital punishment死刑writ of certiorari调案调卷令be on the bench担任法官career judiciary职业法官popular vote普选gross misconduct严重的过失行为doctrine of constitutional supremacy宪法至上原则malfeasance 渎职行为judicial interpretation 司法解释judicial review 司法审查constitutionality 合宪性impeachment 弹劾associate justice 陪审大法官administrative law 行政法agency action 行政行为adjudication 裁定;裁决sub-constitutional 准宪法性;亚宪法性statutory law 制定法Formal adjudication 正式裁决Informal adjudication 非正式裁决Formal rulemaking 正式规章制定Informal rulemaking 非正式规章制定Criminal Law 刑法Model Penal Code 标准刑法典Criminal liability刑事责任Capital punishment 死刑Insanity defense 精神不正常辩护Homicide 杀人罪Self-defense 自卫;正当防卫forcible felony暴力性重罪gross negligence严重过失criminal homicide 有罪杀人Malice恶意Murder谋杀Death penalty死刑Felony重罪co-felons重罪共犯first degree murder一级谋杀罪manslaughter非恶意杀人;非预谋杀人criminal sanction刑事惩罚conviction rate定罪率acquittal 宣告无罪gross negligence严重过失reckless homicide疏忽大意杀人negligent homicide过失杀人civil rights law 民权法invidious discrimination 嫉恨式歧视Magistrate治安法官;司法官summary judgment motion即决审判动议cause of action诉因Contract Law合同法Agreement-in-fact事实协议Agreement-as-written书面协议Uniform Commercial Code统一商法典Offer要约Acceptance承诺Consideration对价Contract performance合同履行Tangible property有形财产Intangible property无形财产Conveyance of property财产权的转让Primary authority首要法源Secondary authority次要法源Tax evasion逃税Restatements of the Law法律重述汇编Stare decisis遵从前例Tort Law 侵权法intentional tort故意侵权negligence or negligent tort过失侵权contingent fee 成功酬金tortfeasor 侵权人intangible damage 无形损害conversion of propertyfalse imprisonment 非法拘禁defamation 诽谤invasion of privacy侵犯隐私products liability 产品责任duty of care照看义务contributory negligence 共同过失comparative negligence 比较过失strict Liability 严格责任medical malpractice 医务渎职property law 财产法tangible property 有形财产intangible property无形财产security transaction 担保交易deficiency judgment不足额判决foreclosure 取消赎回权mortgage holder 抵押权人secondary financing 间接融资Corporation Law公司法individual proprietorships个体业主partnerships 合伙Uniform Partnership Act统一合伙条例Model Business Corporation Acts标准商务公司条例Securities Exchange Act证券交易条例Blue Sky Laws 蓝天法Federal Antitrust Laws 联邦反托拉斯法separate legal entities 独立法人实体general partnerships 一般合伙Limited partnerships 有限合伙publicly held corporations公众持股公司close corporations 内部持股公司Insurance Law保险法group insurance 团体保险insurance policy 保险单accident insurance 意外保险liability insurance 责任保险insurance proceeds 保险收益buy-out agreement (股权)承买协议premium 保险费stock retirement plan 赎股计划Commercial Law商法The Uniform Commercial Code 统一商法典commerce clause 商业条款complete grant of power 完全授权commerce power 商务权力Modern Commerce Power Tests现代商务权力检验标准Modern Delegation of Power Doctrine现代授权原则rulemaking 规章制定due process 正当程序学习好资料欢迎下载。
法律英语重点专业术语1. 异议(Objection)- 定义:宣称对某项证据、诉讼程序或推定事实的合法性提出质疑。
- 例句:The defense lawyer raised an objection to the admissibility of the witness's statement. (辩护律师对证人陈述的可证据性提出了异议。
)2. 陪审团(Jury)- 定义:由普通公民组成的法庭成员小组,负责听取证据并对案件作出裁决。
- 例句:The defendant requested a trial by jury. (被告请求进行陪审团审判。
)3. 遗嘱(Will)- 定义:被遗嘱人在生前所做的书面声明,规定了他们在去世后财产、遗产、监护权等方面的安排。
- 例句:The deceased's will was read out in the presence of the family members. (在家人面前宣读了亡人的遗嘱。
)4. 聆讯(Hearing)- 定义:在法庭上进行的非正式讨论或审理,目的是解决特定问题。
- 例句:The hearing was adjourned until next week. (聆讯被延期至下周。
)5. 保释(Bail)- 定义:通过支付一定金额或提供财产作为抵押,被告在审判期间被保释出狱,以确保其出庭接受审判。
- 例句:The judge granted bail to the defendant pending further investigation. (法官在进一步调查前准许了被告的保释。
)6. 联邦调查局(FBI)- 定义:美国联邦调查局,是美国国内主要负责执法和情报收集的联邦机构。
- 例句:The FBI is conducting an investigation into the case. (FBI 正在对该案展开调查。
Tort Law
a civil wrong which unfairly causes someone else to suffer loss or harm
★It does not include breach of contract or trust. (A civil wrong can be a tort, breach of contract or breach of trust.)
Many judges utilize the Restatement of Torts (2nd) as an influential guide.
The Restatement is an influential treatise issued by the American Law Institute, which summarizes the general principles of common law United States tort law.
With the tort of assault, a perceived threat by the victim is paramount.
*A defendant who throws a rock at a sleeping victim and misses can only be guilty of the attempted battery assault, since the victim would not be aware of the possible harm.
下面是一些常用的法律英语词汇:1. Law - 法律2. Legal - 法律的3. Legislation - 立法4. Statute - 法令5. Act - 法案6. Constitution - 宪法7. Court - 法院8. Judge - 法官9. Jury - 陪审团10. Plaintiff - 原告11. Defendant - 被告12. Attorney - 律师13. Witness - 证人14. Evidence - 证据15. Trial - 审判16. Verdict - 裁决17. Appeal - 上诉18. Jurisdiction - 司法权19. Bail - 保释20. Sentencing - 判决21. Tort - 侵权行为22. Contract - 合同23. Breach - 违约24. Liability - 责任25. Damages - 赔偿金26. Negligence - 疏忽27. Fraud - 欺诈28. Property - 财产29. Estate - 房地产30. Will - 遗嘱31. Trust - 信托32. Patent - 专利33. Copyright - 版权34. Trademark - 商标35. Infringement - 侵权36. Bankruptcy - 破产37. Contractual - 合同的38. Criminal - 刑事的39. Civil - 民事的40. Administrative - 行政的41. Constitutional - 宪法的42. International - 国际的43. Liability - 责任44. Negligence - 疏忽45. Intentional - 故意的46. Due Process - 正当程序47. Jurisprudence - 法学48. Precedent - 先例49. Stare Decisis - 依据先例50. Habeas Corpus - 人身保护权51. Confidentiality - 保密性52. Dispute - 争端53. Injunction - 禁令54. Public - 公共的55. Private - 私人的56. Liability - 责任57. Malpractice - 不当行为58. Probate - 遗产审计59. Slander - 诽谤60. Libel - 诽谤罪61. Suing - 控告62. Settlement - 和解63. Restitution - 赔偿64. Breach of contract - 违约65. Act of God - 天灾66. Affidavit - 宣誓书67. Doctrines - 教条68. Breach of trust - 违背信任69. Jurisdiction - 司法权70. Lien - 留置权71. Remedy - 补救72. Statutes of limitations - 时效法73. Contempt - 蔑视74. Acquittal - 无罪释放75. Inadmissible - 不可采用的76. Null and void - 无效77. Alibi - 不在场证明78. Arraignment - 传讯79. Litigation - 诉讼80. Conviction - 有罪定罪81. Cross-examination - 盘问82. Defamation - 诽谤83. Inquest - 审讯84. Disbar - 剥夺执业权85. Extradition - 引渡86. Fiduciary - 受托人87. Indictment - 起诉书88. Plea - 奏折89. Pro bono - 免费律师90. Testimony - 证词91. Warrant - 法令92. Appeal - 上诉93. Bailiff - 安保人员94. Dismiss - 解雇95. Embezzlement - 盗窃罪96. Forfeit - 剥夺97. Injunction - 禁制令98. Mitigating - 降低99. Notary - 公证人100. Tortfeasor - 侵权者以上是一些常见的法律英语词汇,希望对您有所帮助!。
1.a writ of execution
2.judgement creditor
4.judgement debtor判决债务人
5.dispose of 处理
7.exempt from使。。。免受
8.set aside保全程序
20.federal question(jurisdiction)联邦问题(管辖权)
21.the us courts of appeals美国法院的上诉
22.the court of appeals for the district上诉法庭区
23.the court of appeals for the federal circuit联邦巡回上诉法院
erning law适用法律,准据法
23.the operation of the judicial process
lesson two
1.choice of law 法律的选择
2.multi—state transactions跨洲交易、事项
3.substantive rights实体权利
13.summons 传票
14.affirmative defense 积极抗辩
15.counter—claim 反诉
16.on one’s part就某人而言,在某人一方
17.give notice to 通知
18.under penalty of 违者以。。。惩治
19. in essence 实质上
4.choice of forum选择法院
一、常见法律英语词汇列表1. Legal system - 法律体系2. Jurisdiction - 司法权3. Legislation - 立法4. Statute - 法规5. Regulation - 规章6. Amendment - 修正案7. Adjudication - 判决8. Defendant - 被告9. Plaintiff - 原告10. Evidence - 证据11. Trial - 审判12. Appeal - 上诉13. Attorney - 律师14. Advocate - 辩护人15. Judge - 法官16. Court - 法庭17. Legal precedent - 法律先例18. Contract - 合同19. Tort - 侵权行为20. Intellectual property - 知识产权21. Copyright - 版权22. Trademark - 商标23. Patent - 专利24. Liability - 责任25. Injunction - 禁令26. Arbitration - 仲裁27. Fraud - 欺诈28. Negligence - 过失29. Confidentiality - 保密30. Compliance - 合规二、法律英语词汇解析1. Legal system(法律体系):法律体系指的是一国或地区的法律制度和机构的总称,包括宪法、法律、司法权力等。
2. Jurisdiction(司法权):司法权指的是法院对特定案件的管辖权,包括管辖范围和地域范围。
一、通用法律术语w - 法律2.Legislation - 法规3.Statute - 法令4.Regulation - 规章5.Act - 法案6.Case - 案例7.Jurisdiction - 管辖权8.Court - 法院9.Judge - 法官10.A ttorney - 律师11.D efendant - 被告12.P lntiff - 原告13.W itness - 证人14.E vidence - 证据15.V erdict - 裁决二、合同法1.Contract - 合同2.Offer - 出价3.Acceptance - 接受4.Consideration - 对价5.Breach - 违约6.Performance - 履行7.Damages - 损害赔偿8.Termination - 终止9.Agreement - 协议10.C ounteroffer -还盘三、刑法1.Crime - 犯罪2.Offense - 违法行为3.Murder - 谋杀4.Robbery - 抢劫5.Theft - 盗窃6.Assault - 袭击7.Fraud - 欺诈8.Sentence - 判决9.Conviction - 定罪10.G uilty - 有罪11.I nnocent - 无罪四、知识产权法1.Copyright - 版权2.Trademark - 商标3.Patent - 专利4.Infringement - 侵权5.Intellectual Property - 知识产权6.License - 许可证7.Royalty - 版税8.Invention - 发明9.Trade Secret - 商业秘密10.F r Use - 合理使用五、公司法pany - 公司2.Shareholder - 股东3.Director - 董事4.Merger - 合并5.Acquisition - 收购6.Incorporation - 注册成立7.Bylaws - 法规章程8.Share - 股份9.Dividend - 红利10.B oard of Directors - 董事会六、劳动法1.Employment - 就业2.Employee - 员工3.Employer - 雇主4.Discrimination - 歧视5.Overtime - 加班6.Termination - 解雇7.Retaliation - 报复8.Worker’s Compensation - 工伤赔偿9.Collective Bargning - 集体协商10.M inimum Wage - 最低工资结论以上展示了一个很全的法律英语词汇列表,覆盖了通用法律术语以及一些常见的法律领域术语。
法律英语词汇大全1. 引言在全球化的背景下,法律英语成为了越来越重要的一门专业。
2. 法律组织和机构以下是一些常见的法律组织和机构的英语词汇:•United Nations (联合国)•World Trade Organization (世界贸易组织) •International Court of Justice (国际法院)•International Criminal Court (国际刑事法院)•European Court of Human Rights (欧洲人权法院)•International Bar Association (国际律师协会)•American Bar Association (美国律师协会) 3. 法律原则和规则以下是一些常见的法律原则和规则的英语词汇:•Rule of Law (法治)•Due Process (正当程序)•Equality before the Law (法律面前人人平等)•Presumption of Innocence (无罪推定)•Double Jeopardy (双重危险)•Freedom of Speech (言论自由)•Right to Privacy (隐私权)4. 合同和协议以下是一些与合同和协议相关的英语词汇:•Contract (合同)•Agreement (协议)•Offer (要约)•Acceptance (承诺)•Consideration (对价)•Breach of Contract (违约)•Termination (终止)•Arbitration (仲裁)•Mediation (调解)•Force Majeure (不可抗力)5. 侵权和犯罪以下是一些与侵权和犯罪相关的英语词汇:•Tort (侵权行为)•Negligence (过失) •Damages (损害赔偿) •Fraud (欺诈) •Embezzlement (盗窃罪) •Money Laundering (洗钱) •Robbery (抢劫) •Murder (谋杀) •Burglary (入室盗窃) •Extortion (敲诈勒索)6. 知识产权以下是一些与知识产权相关的英语词汇:•Intellectual Property (知识产权)•Patent (专利)•Trademark (商标)•Copyright (版权)•Trade Secret (商业秘密)•Infringement (侵权)•Licensing (许可)•Royalties (版税)•Counterfeit (假冒)•Anti-Piracy (反盗版)7. 法律程序以下是一些与法律程序相关的英语词汇:•Trial (审判)•Defendant (被告)•Plntiff (原告)•Judge (法官)•Jury (陪审团)•Witness (证人)•Evidence (证据)•Verdict (裁决)•Appeal (上诉)•Settlement (和解)8. 法律职业以下是一些与法律职业相关的英语词汇:•Lawyer (律师)•Attorney (代理律师)•Judge (法官)•Paralegal (律师助理)•Barrister (大律师)•Solicitor (执业律师)•Legal Consultant (法律顾问)•Legal Secretary (法律秘书)•Legal d (法律援助)•Law Clerk (法官助理)9. 法律文书以下是一些常见的法律文书的英语词汇:•Affidavit (宣誓书)•Complnt (起诉书) •Indictment (起诉书) •Subpoena (传票) •Summons (传票)•Warrant (逮捕令)•Contract (合同)•Will (遗嘱)•Power of Attorney (授权委托书) •Lease (租约)10. 结论以上是一些常见的法律英语词汇,涵盖了法律领域中各个方面的词汇和术语。
Law 英文术语
法律英语常用词汇大全一、律师部分案件受理费court acceptance fee 案情重大、复杂important and complicated case案由cause of action 案子case 包揽诉讼monopolize lawsuits被告defendant(用于民事、行政案件); the accused (用于刑事案件)被上诉人appellee 被诉人respondent; defendant 本案律师councel pro hac vice本地律师local counsel 毕业证diploma; graduation certificate辩护词defense; pleadings 辩护律师defense lawyer 辩护要点point of defense辩护意见submission 财产租赁property tenancy 裁定书order; ruling; determination(指终审裁定)裁决书award(用于仲裁)裁决书verdict(用于陪审团)采信的证据admitted evidence; established evidence草拟股权转让协议drafting agreement of assignment of equity interests查阅法条source legal provisions 产权转让conveyancing出差go on errand; go on a business trip 出国深造further study abroad出具律师意见书providing legal opinion 出示的证据exhibit 出庭appear in court传票summons; subpoena 答辩状answer; reply 代理词representation代理房地产买卖与转让agency for sale and transfer of real estate代理公证、商标、专利、版权、房地产、工商登记agency for notarization, trademark, patent, copyright, and registration of real estate and incorporations 代理仲裁agency for arbitration代写文书drafting of legal instruments 待决案件pending case当事人陈述statement of the parties 第三人third party吊销执业证revocation of lawyer license 调查笔录investigative record调查取证investigation and gathering for evidence 调解mediation 调解书mediation二审案件case of trial of second instance 发送电子邮件send e-mail法律顾问legal consultants 法律意见书legal opinions 法律援助legal aid法律咨询legal counseling 法庭division; tribunal法学博士学位LL.D (Doctor of Laws)法学会law society 法学课程legal courses 法学硕士学位LL.M (Master of Laws)法学系faculty of law; department of law 法学学士学位LL.B (Bachelor of Laws) J.D ( Juris doctor缩写,美国法学学士) 法学院law school 法院公告court announcement反诉状counterclaim 房地产律师real estate lawyer; real property lawyer非合伙律师associate lawyer 非诉讼业务non-litigation practice 高级合伙人senior partner 高级律师senior lawyer 各类协议和合同agreements and contracts公安局Public Security Bureau 公司上市company listing 公诉案件public-prosecuting case 公证书notarial certificate 国办律师事务所state-run law office 国际贸易international trade 国际诉讼international litigation 国内诉讼domestic litigation 合伙律师partner lawyer合伙制律师事务所law office in partner-ship; cooperating law office合同审查、草拟、修改contract review, drafting and revision 会见当事人interview a client 会见犯罪嫌疑人interview a criminal suspect 兼职律师part-time lawyer 监狱prison; jail 鉴定结论expert conclusion 缴纳会费membership dues 举证责任burden of proof; onus probandi决定书decision 勘验笔录record of request 看守所detention house 抗诉书protest 控告人accuser; complainant 跨国诉讼transnational litigation 劳动争议labor disputes 劳动争议仲裁委员会arbitration committee for labor disputes 劳改场reform-through-labor farm; prison farm 利害关系人interested party; party in interest 律管处处长director of lawyer control department 律师lawyer attorney; attorney at law 律师惩戒lawyer discipline 律师法Lawyer Law 律师费lawyer fee 律师函lawyer’s letter 律师见证lawyer attestation/authentication律师见证书lawyer certification/authentication/witness 律师卷宗lawyer’s docile; file律师刊物lawyer’s journal 律师联系电话contact phone number of a lawyer律师事务所law office; law firm 律师收费billing by lawyer 律师网站lawyer website律师协会National Bar (Lawyer) Association 律师协会会员member of Lawyer Association律师协会秘书长secretary general of Bar (Lawyer) Association律师协会章程Articles of Lawyer Association律师业务室lawyer’s office 律师执业证lawyer license 律师助理assistant lawyer律师资格考试bar exam; lawyer qualification exam 律师资格证lawyer qualification certificate 民事案件civil case民事调解civil mediation 民事诉讼civil litigation派出所local police station; police substation判决judgment(用于民事、行政案件); determination(用于终审);sentence(用于刑事案); verdict(由陪审团作出) 旁证circumstantial evidence企业章程articles of association; articles of incorporation; bylaw 企业重组corporate restructure 起诉状information; indictment 取消律师资格disbar全国律师代表大会National Lawyer Congress缺席宣判pronounce judgement or determination by default 人民法院People’s Court人民检察院People’s Procuratorate 认定事实determine facts上诉案件case of trial of second instance; appellate case 上诉人appellant上诉状petition for appeal 涉外律师lawyers specially handling foreign-related matters申请复议administrative reconsideration petition申请加入律师协会application for admission to Law Association 申请人petitioner; claimant 申诉案件appeal case 申诉人(仲裁)claimant; plaintiff申诉书appeal for revision, petition for revision 实习律师apprentice lawyer; lawyer in probation period 实习律师证certificate of apprentice lawyer视听证据audio-visual reference material 适用法律apply law to facts 受害人victim书证documentary evidence司法部Ministry of Justice 司法建议书judicial advise 司法局Judicial Bureau司法局副局长deputy director of Judicial Bureau 司法局局长director of Judicial Bureau司法统一考试uniform judicial exam 送达service of process 诉讼litigation; action; lawsuit 诉讼当事人litigation party; litigious party 诉讼业务litigation practice诉状complaint; bill of complaint; statement of claim推销法律服务promote/market legal service 外国律师事务所foreign law office委托代理合同authorized representation contract 委托代理人agent ad litem; entrusted agent委托授权书power of attorney 物证material evidence 嫌疑人criminal suspect 项目融资project financing 项目谈判project negotiating刑事案件criminal case刑事诉讼criminal litigation 行政诉讼administrative litigation 休庭adjourn the court; recess宣判pronounce judgement; determination 宣誓书affidavit业务进修attendance in advanced studies 一审案件case of trial of first instance与国外律师事务所交流communicate with foreign law firms 原告plaintiff证券律师securities lawyer 证人证言testimony of witness; affidavit执行笔录execution record 执业登记registration for practice执业范围scope of practice; sphere of practice; practice area 执业申请practice application执业证年检annual inspection of lawyer license 仲裁arbitration 仲裁案件arbitration case仲裁机构arbitration agency 专门律师specialized lawyer专职律师professional lawyer; full-time lawyer 撰写法律文章write legal thesis资信调查credit standing investigation 自诉案件private prosecuting case二、诉讼法律案件case 案件发回remand/rimit a case (to a low court) 案件名称title of a case案卷材料materials in the case 案情陈述书statement of case案外人person other than involved in the case 案值total value involved in the case败诉方losing party 办案人员personnel handling a case保全措施申请书application for protective measures 报案report a case (to security authorities) 被告defendant; the accused 被告人最后陈述final statement of the accused被告向原告第二次答辩rejoinder 被害人victim 被害人的诉讼代理人victim’s agent ad litem被上诉人respondent; the appellee 被申请人respondent 被申请执行人party against whom execution is filed被执行人person subject to enforcement 本诉principal action 必要共同诉讼人party in necessary co-litigation 变通管辖jurisdiction by accord辩护defense 辩护律师defense attorney/lawyer 辩护人defender辩护证据exculpatory evidence; defense evidence 辩论阶段stage of court debate驳回反诉dismiss a counterclaim; reject a counterclaim 驳回请求deny/dismiss a motion驳回上诉、维持原判reject/dismiss the appeal and sustain the original judgement/ruling驳回诉讼dismiss an action/suit 驳回通知书notice of dismissal驳回自诉dismiss/reject a private prosecution驳回自诉裁定书ruling of dismissing private-prosecuting case 补充答辩supplementary answer 补充判决supplementary judgement 补充侦查supplementary investigation不公开审理trial in camera 不立案决定书written decision of no case-filing不批准逮捕决定书written decision of disapproving an arrest 不起诉nol pros不予受理起诉通知书notice of dismissal of accusation by the court财产保全申请书application for attachment; application for property preservation 裁定order; determination (指最终裁定)裁定管辖jurisdiction by order 裁定书order; ruling 裁决书award采信的证据admitted evidence 查封seal up 撤回上诉withdraw appeal撤诉withdraw a lawsuit 撤销立案revoke a case placed on file撤销原判,发回重审rescind the original judgement and remand the case ro the original court for retrial出示的证据exhibit 除权判决invalidating judgement (for negotiable instruments)传唤summon; call 传闻证据hearsay 答辩answer; reply 答辩陈述书statement of defence 答辩状answer; reply 大法官associate justices; justice 大检察官deputy chief procurator代理控告agency for accusation 代理申诉agency for appeal 代理审判员acting judge代为申请取保候审agency for application of the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving弹劾式诉讼accusatory procedure 当事人陈述statement of the parties当庭宣判pronouncement of judgement or sentence in court 地区管辖territorial jurisdiction地区检察分院inter-mediate People’s Procuratorate 第三人third party调查笔录record of investigation定期宣判pronouncement of judgement or sentence later on a fixed date定罪证据incriminating evidence; inculpatory evidence 冻结freeze督促程序procedure of supervision and urge 独任庭sole-judge bench独任仲裁员sole arbitrator对妨碍民事诉讼的强制措施compulsory measures against impairment of civil action对席判决judgement inter parties 二审trial of second instance二审案件case of trial of second insurance罚款impose a fine 法定证据statutory legal evidence 法定证据制度system of legal evidence 法官judges 法警bailiff; court police 法律文书legal instruments/papers 法律援助legal aid 法律咨询legal consulting 法庭辩论court debate 法庭调查court investigation法庭审理笔录court record 法庭审理方式mode of court trial法庭庭长chief judge of a tribunal 法院court 法院公告court announcement反诉counterclaim 反诉答辩状answer with counterclaim 反诉状counterclaim犯罪嫌疑人criminal suspect 附带民事诉讼案件 a collateral civil action附带民事诉讼被告defendant of collateral civil action 复查reexamination; recheck复验reinspect 高级法官senior judge 高级检察官senior procurator高级人民法院Higher People’s Court 告诉案件case of complaint告诉才处理的案件case accepted at complaint告诉申诉庭complaint and petition division工读学校work-study school for delinquent children公安部Ministry of Public Security 公安分局public security sub-bureau公安厅public security bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government 公开审理trial in public公开审判制度open trial system 公示催告程序procedure of public summons for exhortation 公诉案件public-prosecuting case 公诉词statement of public prosecution公证机关public notary office共同管辖concurrent jurisdiction 管辖jurisdiction国际司法协助international judicial assistance 海事法院maritime court合议庭collegial panel 合议庭评议笔录record of deliberating by the collegiate bench和解composition; compromise 核对诉讼当事人身份check identity of litigious parties恢复执行resumption of execution 回避withdrawal 混合式诉讼mixed action基层人民法院basic People’s Court 羁押期限term in custody级别管辖subject matter jurisdiction of courts at different levels监视居住living at home under surveillance 监狱prison 检察官procurator检察权prosecutorial power 检察委员会procuratorial/prosecutorial committee检察院procuratorate 检察院派出机构outpost tribunal of procuratorate简易程序summary procedure 鉴定结论expert conclusion 经济审判庭economic tribunal径行判决direct adjudication without sessions; judgement without notice纠问式诉讼inquisitional proceedings 拘传summon by force; summon by warrant拘留所detention house 举报information/report of an offence举证责任burden of proof; onus probandi 决定书decision 军事法院military procuratorate开庭审理open a court session 开庭通知notice of court session 勘验笔录record of inquest看守所detention house 可执行财产executable property 控告式诉讼accusatory proceedings 控诉证据incriminating evidence 控诉职能accusation function 扣押distrain on; attachment 扣押物distress/distraint 宽限期period of grace劳动争议仲裁申请书petition for labor dispute arbitration 劳改场reform-through-labor farm 劳教所reeducation-through-labor office类推判决的核准程序procedure for examination and approval of analogical sentence累积证据cumulative evidence 立案报告place a case on file 立案管辖functional jurisdiction 立案决定书written decision of case-filing 立案侦查report of placing a case on file利害关系人interested party 临时裁决书interim award律师见证书lawyer’s written attestation; lawyer’s written authentication律师事务所law office; law firm 律师提前介入prior intervention by lawyer免于刑事处分exemption from criminal penalty 民事案件civil case民事审判庭civil tribunal 民事诉讼civil action 民事诉讼法Civil Procedural Law扭送seize and deliver a suspect to the police 派出法庭detached tribunal派出所police station判决judgement; determination 判决书judgement; determination; verdict(指陪审团作出的) 旁证circumstantial evidence 陪审员juror 批准逮捕approval of arrest破案clear up a criminal case; solve a criminal case 破产bankruptcy; insolvency普通程序general/ordinary procedure 普通管辖general jurisdiction企业法人破产还债程序procedure of bankruptcy and liquidation of a business corporation起诉filing of a lawsuit 起诉sue; litigate; prosecute; institution of proceedings起诉状indictment; information 区县检察院grassroots People’s Procuratorate取保候审the bail pending trial with restricted liberty of moving 缺席判决default judgement人民调解委员会People’s Mediation Committee认定财产无主案件cases concerning determination of property as qwnerless认定公民无民事行为能力、限制民事行为能力案件cases concerning determination of a citizen as incompetent or with limited disposing capacity上诉appeal 上诉人appellant 上诉状petition for appeal 少管所juvenile prison社会治安综合治理comprehensive treatment of social security涉外案件cases involving foreign interests 涉外民事诉讼foreign civil proceedings涉外刑事诉讼foreign criminal proceedings申请人applicant; petitioner 申请书petition; application for arbitration申请执行人execution applicant 申诉人宣誓书claimant’s affidavit of authenticity申诉书appeal for revision; petition for revision 神示证据制度system of divinity evidence神示制度ordeal system 审查案件case review 审查并决定逮捕examine and decide arrest 审查起诉阶段stage of review and prosecution 审理通知书notice of hearing审判长presiding judge 审判长宣布开庭presiding judge announce court in session审判管辖adjudgement/trial jurisdiction 审判监督程序procedure for trial supervision审判委员会judicial committee 审判员judge 审问式诉讼inquisitional proceedings生效判决裁定legally effective judgement/order 胜诉方winning party省市自治区检察院higher People’s Procuratorate 失踪和死亡宣告declaration of disappearance and death 实(质)体证据substantial evidence 实物证据tangible evidence实在证据real evidence 示意证据demonstrative evidence 视听证据audio-visual evidence收容所collecting post; safe retreat首席大法官chief justice 首席检察官chief procurator受害人的近亲属victim’s immediate family 受理acceptance 受理刑事案件审批表registration form of acceptance of criminal case 受送达人the addressee书记员court clerk 书记员宣读法庭纪律court clerk reads court rules书证documentary evidence 司法部Ministry of Justice 司法机关judicial organizatons司法警察judicial police 司法局judicial bureau司法厅judicial bureau at the levels of provinces, autonomous regions, and cities under direct jurisdiction of central government 司法协助judicial assistance死缓的复核judicial review of death sentence with a retrieve死刑复核程序procedure for judicial review of death sentence 死刑复核权competence for judicial review of death sentence 送达service of process送达传票service of summons/subpoena 送达诉状service of bill of complaint 搜查search诉sue; suit; action; lawsuit 诉前财产保全property attachment prior to lawsuit诉讼litigation; lawsuit; sue; action 诉讼保全attachment 诉讼参加人litigious participants诉讼代理人agent ad litem 诉状complaint; bill of complaint; state of claim特别程序special procedures 提起公诉institute a public prosecution 铁路法院railway court 铁路检察院railroad transport procuratorate 庭审程序procedure of court trial通缉wanted for arrest 投案appearance退回补充侦查return of a case for supplementary investigation委托辩护entrusted defense 未成年人法庭juvenile court 无行政职务的法官associate judge 无正当理由拒不到庭refuse to appear in court without due cause无罪判决acquit tal, finding of “ not guilty ” 物证material evidence先予执行申请书application for advanced execution 先予执行advanced execution刑事案件criminal case 刑事拘留criminal detention刑事强制拘留criminal coercive/compulsory measures 刑事审判庭criminal tribunal刑事诉讼criminal proceedings 刑事诉讼法Criminal Procedural Law刑事自诉状self-incriminating criminal complaint 行政案件administrative case行政审判庭administrative tribunal 行政诉讼administrative proceedings行政诉讼法Administrative Procedural Law宣告失踪、宣告死亡案件cases concerning the declaration of disappearance and death宣判笔录record of rendition of judgement选民资格案件cases concerning qualifications of voters询问证人inquire/question a witness 训诫reprimand 讯问笔录record of interrogation询问犯罪嫌疑人interrogate criminal suspect 言词证据verbal evidence要求传唤证人申请书application for subpoena 一裁终局arbitration award shall be final and binding 一审trial of first instance 一审案件case of trial of first instance应诉通知书notice of respondence to action 有罪判决sentence; finding of “guilty”予审preliminary examinantion; pretrial 原告plaintiff 院长court president 阅卷笔录record of file review (by lawyers) 再审案件case of retrial 再审申请书petition for retrial责令具结悔过order to sign a statement of repentance 债权人会议creditors’ meeting侦查阶段investigation stage 侦查终结conclusion of investigation征询原、被告最后意见consulting final opinion of the plaintiff and defendant 证据evidence 证据保全preserve evidence 证据保全申请书application for evidence preservation证人证言testimony of witness; affidavit 支付令payment order/warrant知识产权庭intellectual property tribunal 执行程序procedure execution执行逮捕execution of arrest 执行和解conciliation of execution执行回转recovery of execution 执行庭executive tribunal 执行异议objection to execution 执行员executor执行中止discontinuance of execution 执行终结conclusion of execution指定辩护appointed defense指定仲裁员声明statement of appointing arbitrator 中级人民法院intermediate People’s Court 中途退庭retreat during court session without permission 仲裁arbitration仲裁被诉人respondent; defendant 仲裁裁决award 仲裁申请书arbitration仲裁申诉人claimant; plaintiff 仲裁庭arbitration tribunal 仲裁委员会arbitration committee 仲裁协议arbitration agreement; clauses of arbitration 仲裁员arbitrator主诉检察官principal procurator 助理检察官assistant procurator 助理审判员assistant judge 专门法院special court专门管辖specific jurisdiction 专属管辖exclusive jurisdiction追究刑事责任investigate for criminal responsibility 自首confession to justice自诉案件private-prosecuting case自行辩护self-defense 自由心证制度doctrine of discretional evaluation of evidence自侦案件self-investigating case 最高人民法院the Supreme People’s Court最高人民检察院the Supreme People’s Procuratorate 最后裁决书final award三、民事法律法律渊源source of law 制定法statute 判例法case law; precedent 普通法common law特别法special law 固有法native law; indigenous law 继受法adopted law实体法substantial law 程序法procedural law 原则法fundamental law 例外法exception law 司法解释judicial interpretation 习惯法customary law 公序良俗public order and moral 自然法natural law 罗马法Roman Law 私法private law 公法public law 市民法jus civile 万民法jus gentium 民法法系civil law system 英美法系system of Anglo-American law大陆法系civil law system 普通法common law 大陆法continental law罗马法系Roman law system 英吉利法English law 衡平法equity; law of equity日尔曼法Germantic law 教会法ecclesiastical law 寺院法canon law 伊斯兰法Islamic law 民法法律规范norm of civil law 授权规范authorization norm 禁止规范forbidding norm义务性规范obligatory norm 命令性规范commanding norm民法基本原则fundamental principles of civil law 平等原则principle of equality自愿原则principle of free will 公平原则principle of justice等价有偿原则principle of equal value exchange 诚实信用原则principle of good faith行为act 作为act 不作为omission 合法行为lawful act 违法行为unlawful act民事权利权利能力civil right 绝对权absolute right 相对权relative right优先权right of priority 先买权preemption 原权antecedent right救济权right of relief 支配权right of dominion 请求权right of claim物上请求权right of claim for real thing 形成权right of formation撤销权right of claiming cancellation 否认权right of claiming cancellation解除权right of renouncement 代位权subrogated right 选择权right of choice承认权right of admission 终止权right of termination 抗辩权right of defense一时性抗辩权momentary right of defense 永久性抗辩权permanent counter-argument right不安抗辩权unstable counter-argument right同时履行抗辩权defense right of simultaneous performance 既得权tested right期待权expectant right 专属权exclusive right 非专属权non-exclusive right人身权利personal right 人权human right 人格权right of personality生命健康权right of life and health 姓名权right of name 名称权right of name肖像权right of portraiture 自由权right of freedom 名誉权right reputation隐私权right of privacy 私生活秘密权right of privacy 贞操权virginity right身份权right of status 亲权parental power; parental right 亲属权right of relative探视权visitation right 配偶权right of spouse 荣誉权right of honor权利的保护protection of right 公力救济public protection 私力救济self-protection权利本位standard of right 社会本位standard of society 无责任行为irresponsible right正当防卫justifiable right; ligitimate defence 防卫行为act of defence自为行为self-conducting act 紧急避险act of rescue; necessity 自助行为act of self-help不可抗力force majeure 意外事件accident 行为能力capacity for act意思能力capacity of will 民事行为civil act 意思表示declaration of intention意思表示一致meeting of minds; consensus 完全行为能力perfect capacity for act限制行为能力restrictive capacity for act 准禁治产人quasi-interdicted person保佐protection 自治产人minor who is capable of administering his own capacity无行为能力incapacity for act 禁治产人interdicted person 自然人natural person公民citizen 住所domicile 居所residence 经常居住地frequently dwelling place户籍census register 监护guardianship 个体工商户individual business农村承包经营户leaseholding rural household 合伙partnership 合伙人partner合伙协议partnership agreement 合伙财产property of partnership合伙债务debt of partnership 入伙join partnership 退伙withdrawal from partnership合伙企业partnership business establishment 个人合伙partnership法人合伙partnership of legal person 特别合伙special partnership普通合伙general partnership 有限合伙limited partnership 民事合伙civil partnership隐名合伙sleeping partnership; dormant partnership 私营企业private enterprise; proprietorship 法人legal person 企业法人legal body of enterprise 企业集团group of enterprise关联企业affiliate enterprise 个人独资企业individual business establishment国有独资企业solely state-owned enterprise 中外合资企业Sino-foreign joint venture enterprise 中外合作企业Sino-foreign contractual enterprise 社团法人legal body of mass organization财团法人legal body of financial group 联营joint venture法人型联营association of legal persons 合伙型联营coordinated management in partnership协作型联营cooperation-type coordinated management 合作社cooperative民事法律行为civil legal act 单方民事法律行为unilateral civil legal act双方民事法律行为bilateral civil legal act 多方民事法律行为joint act civil legal act有偿民事法律行为civil legal act with consideration无偿民事法律行为civil legal act without consideration; civil legal act without award实践性民事法律行为practical civil legal act 诺成性民事法律行为consental civil legal act要式民事法律行为formal civil legal act 不要式民事法律行为informal civil legal act要因民事法律行为causative civil legal act 不要因民事法律行为noncausative civil legal act 主民事法律行为principal civil legal act 从民事法律行为accessory civil legal act附条件民事法律行为conditional civil legal act 附期限民事法律行为civil legal act with term 生前民事法律行为civil legal act before death 死后民事法律行为civil legal act after death准民事法律行为quasi-civil legal act 无效行为ineffective act可撤销民事行为revocable civil act 违法行为illegal act; unlawful act 侵权行为tort欺诈fraud 胁迫duress 乘人之危taking advantage o f others’ precarious position以合法形式掩盖非法目的legal form concealing illegal intention恶意串通malicious collaboration 重大误解gross misunderstanding 显失公平obvious unjust 误传misrepresentation 代理agency 本人principal 被代理人principal 受托人trustee代理人agent 本代理人original agent 法定代理人statutory agent; legal agent委托代理人agent by mandate 指定代理人designated agent 复代理人subagent再代理人subagent 转代理人subagent 代理权right of agency 授权行为act of authorization 授权委托书power of attorney 代理行为act of agency 委托代理agency by mandate本代理original agency 复代理subagency 次代理subagency 有权代理authorized agency 表见代理agency by estoppel; apparent agency 律师代理agency by lawyer普通代理general agency 全权代理general agency全权代理委托书general power of attorney 共同代理joint agency 独家代理sole agency居间brokerage 居间人broker 行纪commission; broker house 信托trust时效time limit; prescription; limitation 时效中止suspension of prescription/limitation时效中断interruption of limitation/prescription 时效延长extension of limitation取得时效acquisitive prescription 时效终止lapse of time; termination of prescription期日date 期间term 涉外民事关系civil relations with foreign elements冲突规范rule of conflict 准据法applicable law; governing law 反致renvoi; remission转致transmission 识别identification 公共秩序保留reserve of public order法律规避evasion of law 国籍nationality 国有化nationalization 法律责任legal liability民事责任civil liability/responsibility 行政责任administrative liability/responsibility刑事责任criminal liability/responsibility违约责任liability of breach of contract; responsibility of default 有限责任limited liability无限责任unlimited liability 按份责任shared/several liability连带责任joint and several liability 过失责任liability for negligence; negligent liability过错责任fault liability; liability for fault 单独过错sole fault 共同过错joint fault混合过错mixed fault 被害人过错victi m’s fault 第三人过错third party’s fault推定过错presumptive fault 恶意bad faith; malice故意deliberate intention; intention; willfulness 过失negligence 重大过失gross negligence疏忽大意的过失careless and inadvertent negligence过于自信的过失negligence with undue assumption 损害事实facts of damage有形损失tangible damage/loss 无形损失intangible damage/loss财产损失property damage/loss 人身损失personal damage/loss精神损失spiritual damage/loss民事责任承担方式methods of bearing civil liability 停止侵害cease the infringing act排除妨碍exclusion of hindrance; removal of obstacle 消除危险elimination of danger返还财产restitution of property 恢复原状restitution; restitution of original state赔偿损失compensate for a loss; indemnify for a loss支付违约金payment of liquidated damage 消除影响eliminate ill effects恢复名誉rehabilitate one’s reputation 赔礼道歉extend a formal apology物权jus ad rem; right in rem; real right物权制度real right system; right in rem system一物一权原则the principal of One thing, One Right物权法定主义principal of legality of right in rem物权公示原则principal of public summons of right in rem 物权法jus rerem物property 生产资料raw material for production生活资料means of livelihood; means of subsistence流通物res in commercium; a thing in commerce 限制流通物limited merchantable thing禁止流通物res extra commercium; a thing out of commerce 资产asset 固定资产fixed asset 流动资产current asset; floating asset 动产movables; chattel 不动产immovable; real estate特定物res certae; a certain thing 种类物genus; indefinite thing可分物res divisibiles; divisible things 不可分物res indivisibiles; indivisible things主物res capitalis; a principal thing 从物res accessoria; an accessory thing原物original thing 孳息fruits 天然孳息natural fruits 法定孳息legal fruits无主物bona vacatia; vacant goods; ownerless goods 遗失物lost property漂流物drifting object 埋藏物fortuna; hidden property 货币currency证券securities 债券bond 物权分类classification of right in rem/real right自物权jus in re propria; right of full ownership 所有权dominium; ownership; title所有权凭证document of title; title of ownership 占有权dominium utile; equitable ownership 使用权right of use; right to use of 收益权right to earnings; right to yields处分权right of disposing; jus dispodendi 善意占有possession in good faith恶意占有malicious possession 按份共有several possession 共同共有joint possession他物权jus in re aliena 用益物权real right for usufruct 使用权right to use; right of use土地使用权right to the use of land 林权forest ownership 采矿权mining ownership经营权managerial authority; power of management 承包经营权right to contracted management相邻权neighboring right; relatedright 地上权superficies永佃权jus emphyteuticum; right to landed estate granted in perpetuity through a contract地役权servitude; easement 人役权servitus personarum; personal servitude担保物权real right for security 物的担保security for thing物的瑕疵担保warranty against defect of a thing抵押权hypotheca; hypothecation; right to mortgage 抵押权的设定creation of right to mortgage 抵押人mortgagor 抵押权人mortgagee 抵押标的物collateral; estate under mortgage抵押权的效力deffect of right to mortgage 抵押权的次序sequence of right to mortgage抵押权的抛弃abandonment of right to mortgage 抵押权的让与alienation of right to mortgage抵押权的实现materialization of right to mortgage抵押权的消灭extinction of right to mortgageregistration of estate under mortgage抵押物登记registration of estate under mortgage 抵押优先权priority of mortgage留置权lien 一般留置权general lien 特别留置权special lien质权hypotheque; pledge; right of pledge 佃权tenant right债权jus in personam; right to give or pro cure; claim; creditor’s right债权人creditor 债务人debtor 相对人counterpart; offeree 给付give; pay债务debt; liability; obligation 债务的偿还payment of debt 债务的偿清discharge of debt债务的担保guarantee of debt 债务的合并consolidation of debt债务的给付日期debt maturity 债务的免除exemption of debt 债的分类obligatio; obligation 法定之债legal obligation 任意之债voluntary obligation 简单之债simple obligation选择之债alternative obligation 主债prime/principal obligation 从债accessory obligation单一之债single obligation 按份之债several obligation 连带之债joint obligation特定之债certain obligation 种类之债indefinite obligation 合同之债contractual obligation 侵权行为之债tort obligation损害赔偿之债obligation of compensation for injury; obligation of damages人身损害damage to person 精神损害moral/mental/spiritual damage医药费hospital treatment expense 医疗费medical charge 抚恤金pension慰问金consolation money 产品瑕疵defect of product 不当得利unjust enrichment无因管理voluntary service债的担保guarantee of obligation 财产担保property guarantee 信用担保credit guarantee让与担保alienation guarantee 保证guaranty 明示保证express guaranty默示保证implied guaranty 保证人guarantor 保证合同contract of guaranty/suretyship保证金guaranty bond; security deposit 押金deposit; foregift 预付款advanced payment定金earnest money; deposit 违约金liquidated damages法定违约金liquidated damages by law 约定违约金liquidated damages by agreement债的履行performance of obligation 实际履行原则doctrine of specific performance情事变更原则doctrine of change of circumstances 不当履行misfeasance清偿discharge; satisfaction提存debtor’s submission of the subject matter of obli gation to competent authority 抵销setoff知识产权intellectual property知识产权国际保护international protection of intellectual property国民待遇原则doctrine of national treatment 优先权原则a right of priority doctrine自动保护原则doctrine of automatic protection 特许权使用费royalties智力成果intellectual property 著作权copyright 版权copyright 著作权人copyright owner 创作creation 作品opus; product; work 著作人格权right of personality of copyright发表权right of publication 署名权right of authorship; right of paternity修改权right of modification; right of revision 完整性保持权right to maintain integrity不可侵犯权inviolability 收回权right of recall; right of retrieval自费出版publish a boo k at the author’s own expense 著作财产权property right in work使用收益分享权right to share usufruct 利用权right to make use of获得报酬权right to get payment 重播权right of rebroadcasting 录制权right of fixation。
Definition of tort侵权的定义Categories of tort侵权行为的分类Intentional torts故意侵权Meaning of intent意向书的含义The main intentional torts主要的故意侵权Defenses to intentional torts故意侵权的抗辩Cases for in-class discussionNegligent tort *过失侵权*Meaning of negligence疏忽的含义Components of a negligent tort: Duty of care 疏忽侵权的组件:注意义务Defenses to negligent torts过失侵权行为的抗辩Cases for in-class discussionStrict liability *严格责任*Meaning of strict liability严格责任的含义The main torts where strict liability applies 主要侵权,严格责任的适用范围Limitations on strict liability 严格法律责任的限制Cases for in-class discussionGeneral IntroductionThe definition of tort侵权的定义A civil wrong wherein one person's conduct causes a compensable injury to the person, property, or a recognized interest of another, in violation of a duty imposed by law.一个人的行为引起了一种损害他人的人身,财产,公共利益,或违反法律所规定的义务的可赔偿的民事错误。
Tort 侵权法律英语术语
Tort 侵权-法律英语术语Tort 侵权-法律英语术语由站整理。
1.In tort law the duty is imposed by the law.在侵权法中,责任是由法律规定的。
2.Some jurisdictions have established this tort to provide a remedy for malicious deeds.有些司法管辖区规定了此种侵权行为,目的是对恶意行为受害人提供救济。
3.Such tort-feasors are jointly and severally liable.此种侵权行为为要承担共同和连带责任。
4.The law of tort provides rules of conduct that regulate how members of society interact and remedies if the rules are breached and damage is suffered.侵权行为法提供行为规那么,标准社会成员的互相交往以及在该规那么被违背和损害发生是,如何进展救济。
5.The law of tort aims to compensate those who have suffered as a result of a tort.侵权行为法的目的在于补偿被损害人。
6.Tort law is a branch of civil law that is connected with civil wrongs,but not contract actions.侵权法属于民法的一部分,其与民事过错相关,与合同行为无关。
7.Tort liability for negligence presupposes causality between the negligent act and the injury to person or property.过失侵权责任以过失行为与对人身或财产的侵权之间的因果关系为前提。
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superseding cause替代原因
intervening event/force介入事件/因素
a foreseeable risk可预知危险
an unreasonable hazard不合理危险
jury instruction陪审团指示
false imprisonment非法监禁
false arrest非法拘留
reasonable grounds/probable cause合理的理由(充分的证据)
the appellate court上诉法院
infliction of mental distress故意施加精神痛苦
nominal damages名义赔偿
substantial damages实质损害
indirect invasion间接侵害
judicial proceedings/legislative proceedings司法程序/立法程序
(invasion of)the right to privacy(侵犯)隐私权
agency/agent of principal代理关系/代理中的当事人
but for test检验法(若无法则)
confirmed banker’s letter银行保兑信用证
a bill of lading提单
policy of insurance保单
insurance premium保险费
insurance proceeds保险金赔偿
documentary sale跟单买卖
right of action诉讼权
reversed and remanded撤销原判、发回重审
in good-faith善意
good intention良好的意图(好心)
be good赔偿
trademark/service mark商标/服务商标
trespass to land侵犯他人土地
trespass to personal property/ trespass to personalty侵犯他人动产
(interest in) exclusive possession排他性占有(权)
the interest in use and enjoyment用益物权
slander of title/disparagement of goods贬低物品
legally recognized defenses法定抗辩理由
legally recognized right法律认可的权利
a legally protected interest法定权益
an absolute defense绝对抗辩
prima facia基本初步证据
purported owner虚假声称人
intentional meddling故意干涉
causation in fact/actual cause事实上的因果关系
proximate cause近因(legal cause)
defamation by computer计算机诽谤
freedom of speech言论自由
public officials政府工作人员
official duties公务;公职
public figure社会名人
actual malice实际恶意
compensatory damages补偿性赔偿
punitive damages惩罚性赔偿
a reasonable person理性人
the reasonable-person standard理性人标准
right to personal security and safety人身安全权
the doctrine of transferred intent目的推定原则
right of publicity公开权、形象权、形象宣传权
justifiable reliance合理信赖
real property/realty不动产
personal property/personalty动产
tort law侵权法
business tort商业侵权
unfair competition不正当竞争
legally recognizable harms/injury/damage法定损害
a jury verdict(陪审团做出的)判决、裁决
reverse a verdict推翻判决
post-trail motion审后动议
statute of limitations诉讼时效
bring anaction起诉