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a function of 是…的函数,随…而变。

a master plan of operation 总体生产计划。

a multitude(n. 多数,多量)of 大量

adjacent to 邻近的

advancing support超前支护:

air bridge风桥:

air door风门:

air pipe 风筒

air shaft风井

air-jack leg drill气腿式钻机

air-jackleg气动轻型钻机,风钻alignment n.定线,准线,校正,定位ample 充足的,丰富的

anchored cable锚索:

angle of attack 冲角


area 盘区

armored chain conveyor 铠装运输机as well as 即…又…

auger mining 螺旋钻开采

auger mining 螺旋钻开采法auxiliary drives/units附属装置auxiliary hole辅助眼:

auxiliary operation辅助作业auxiliary shaft 副立井

auxiliary shaft副井

auxiliary transportation辅助运输available 有效的,可用的

axial flow fan轴流式风机

B barrier pillar 隔离煤柱;

basic map 底图,基本地图

basis 基础,根据,依据

battery locomotive蓄电池机车

be faced with 面临

be of +n. 具有…(性质)

bed separation 离层

bedplate 底盘、底座

belt stage-loader mechanism皮带输送机:


bit 截齿

blast mining technology 爆破采煤工艺

blasting excavation炮掘,爆破掘进:blasting n. 爆破

blasting 爆破

blasting 爆破explosives are loaded into each borehole and detonated n.起爆

bleeder entry:区段回风巷

bolting and injecting锚注:

bolting and metal mesh锚网:bolting and shotcreting锚喷:bolting support锚杆支护

borehole mining 钻井采矿法borehole钻孔

bottom hole底眼:

bottom-dump wagon底卸式矿车braking devices制动装置

breaking 破岩

bridge stage loader桥式转载机

butt entry 区段平巷;

by far 到目前为止


cage 罐笼

cage――hoist container罐笼canopy 顶梁

canvas stopping 帆布风帘

capital cost 基建费用

capital investment 基本建设投资。car dump 卸煤设备

cartel 企业联合,卡特尔

cave in 冒顶,垮落

caving shield 掩护梁

centrifugal fan离心式风机:;

chain 链条

chain conveyor 链式运输机

chain drive链式传动:双边链double strand outboard chain;三链triple strand chain;单中链single middle chain;双中链double middle chain

chain pillar 巷道煤柱

chain wheel / sprocket链轮


chock support 垛式支架


clearance 净空

clearance 空隙

cleat 解理

cleavage 解理;

coal loader:装煤机

coal mining machine, coal-getting machine 采煤机;

coal property 煤矿

coal reserve 煤矿

coal reserve 煤炭储量

coal-bearing measure含煤地层coalface:采煤工作面

coalfield 煤田coin v.创造,杜撰(新词)colloquial [ kE5lEukwiEl ] adj.口语的, 通俗的

commercial value 市场价值,商业价值。

commodity n.矿种,矿产

common practice 惯例communication n. 通讯compression strength 压缩强度compromise 折衷

concurrently n.同时发生地,并行地continuous miner 连续采煤机continuous miner 连续采煤机;continuous miner 连续采煤机continuous mining method.连续采煤方法(I continuous miner +shuttle car 连续采煤机+梭车工艺+section belt conveyor +roof bolting 间断运输工艺II continuous miner +(intermediate) conveyors 连续采煤机+输送机工艺+section belt conveyor +roof bolting连续的运输工艺)

control unit 控制装置conventional excavation of coal drift 传统的煤层平巷掘进法conventional mining method.普通采煤方法

conventionally mechanized mining technology 普通机械化采煤coordinate n. 坐标。v. (使)互相配合,(使)协调,调整。


cover 覆盖层;

cowl 挡煤板

crawler travel mechanism履带行走装置:


crosscut 联络巷、石门;
