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2. Lead in
A Gift From Grandpa
Quiz: What? Quiz: When?
Quiz: How?
Unit 4
Tips and Quiz
What is the gift the grandpa gave to his grandson? When did the boy meet the grandpa? How do you think about the boy?
The next morning, I got up very early. 第二天早上, 我起得很早。 I had enough time to do something before leaving for 4 Unit For 表示什 在去机场前我有足够的时间干什么 么? the airport. So I played a computer game online with Play with 于是 在网上与我的网友玩起了电脑游戏 和…一起玩 my e-pal. When we were playing in great joy, 当我们正玩儿得兴高采烈的时候 I suddenly remembered my grandpa. 我突然想起了爷爷。
Unit 4
Paragraph1: Unit 4
How did the boy feel when he
heard his grandpa would come?
One day, my father said to me, 这个句子是现在进 一天 我的爸爸 告诉 我 行时态吗? yes/no “Your grandpa is coming tomorrow by plane to see us. Unit 4 九点 你(的)爷爷 明天 乘飞机 来看我们。 半还 可以 Will you please get to the airport at nine thirty in the 怎样 morning to meet your grandpa on time?” 表达? 上午九点半你准时赶到机场去接爷爷好吗!
Listening & speaking
Unit 4
What time is it?
We get up at… It is time to do… It’s time for…
Unit 4
Date Weather
June July August September October November December
Jun. Jul. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
January February March April May Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May
Unit 4
Unit 4
Sunday,July 6
It was a fine day today. In the morning, I went to a park with my friends. We played tennis and went for a walk. In the afternoon, I went shopping. There were many things in the shop. I met my friend, Nancy. We spent 2 hours on shopping. At night, I watched an exciting game show. I was busy but happy.
My God! It was already 10 o'clock. 天哪! 已经十点了。 How terrible it was! I hurried to the airport, 太糟糕了 我急忙赶到机场, Unit 4 but I was two hours late. 但晚了两个小时。 迟到多长时间 Where to find my grandpa? 该怎么说? 到哪儿去找爷爷呢?
But it tells me more than that.
No matter what to do, just do it on time.
3. Sharing
A Gift From Grandpa
How to manage your time? Unit 4
A Gift from Grandpa
3. Reading
A Gift From Grandpa
Unit 4
3. Reading
A Gift From Grandpa
Unit 4
3. Reading
A Gift From Grandpa
People usually say tHale Waihona Puke Baidume is money.
Unit 4
4. Summary
A Gift From 1. Warming up Grandpa
be delighted to do… 1 NOTES 有时间做某事 来看某人 …… Unit 4 2. Lead in time is money. 喜欢,高兴做某事 …… 2 1 PARAGRAPH 1 be glad leave for to a do… place…
Unit 4
A Gift From 1. Warming up Grandpa
2. Lead in
3 3. Reading & Sharing What 4 are you going to say ? 4. Summary 5 Eg: The time table tell us
5. Homework when the plane will arrive.
Unit 4
Unit 4
Reading: Welcome to Our School A Gift From Grandpa
Unit 4
Listening & Speaking
Writing Reading & Writing
Game Center
1. Warming up
Unit 4
How did his grandpa come to the boy’s home form the airport?
Paragraph 3
It was after lunch when I got home. 过了午饭时间我才回到家, I found my grandpa was talking with my parents at home. Unit 4 看见爷爷正在家里和父母说话 My grandpa was delighted to see me and said, 爷爷见到我很高兴 然后说 “Hi, my dear grandson! 你好呀!亲爱的孙子!
I know you are busy with your work and study. 我知道你学习和工作很忙, “忙于干某事儿”还可以如 何表达? So I took a taxi to come here from the airport.” Unit 4 所以我乘出租车从机场来家了。” I was too ashamed to say a word. Too…to 我太惭愧了,一句话也说不出来。 …太…而 不能... My father looked very angry. 我爸爸看起来很生气。
My grandpa asked me to sit next to him. 爷爷叫我坐在他旁边 Here is …for “Here is a small gift for you,” you. Unit 4 这是给你的小礼物 是当面给人某物 的常用语 he gave his old watch to me said, 他把他的旧手表给了我 说 “It can tell you what the time is.” 它能告诉你钟点
4. Summary
4 无论什么 …… on PARAGRAPH How time terrible it 4 is! 5. Homework 羞愧的做不了某事……
按时,准时 太糟糕了。
Unit 4
数 词
Listening & speaking
Unit 4
Read the number given below as a station attendant.
What will the boy learn about the watch?
Unit 4
Paragraph 4
people usually say time is money. 人们常说时间是金钱 Unit 4 But this watch tells me more than that. 但是这块表告诉了我更多 让步状语 No matter what to do, just do it on time. 无论做什么 一定要准时 Yes, I will remember. “Thank you grandpa.” 是的 我记住了 , “ 谢谢您 爷爷。”
have come enough to seetime sb. … to do…
3 3 4
时间就是金钱。 be busy with 动身前往某处 sth … 乐于做某事 …… PARAGRAPH 2 3. Reading & Sharing No matter what look In great forward joy…to doing… 忙于某事…… PARAGRAPH 3 = whatever 期待做某事 兴高采烈 too ashamed to do… ……
1.Words and Expressions; 2.Translate the text.
Unit 4
1. To make a PPT to show your life by using the numbers. 2. Writing: A Dairy about your study life.
或would you please…?请你 做……好吗
Be glad to do sth高兴 去做 …… I was very glad to hear this because I was
我非常高兴听到这个消息,因为我正 looking forward to seeing my grandpa. 盼望见到爷爷。 一般都是to do sth 而这儿却是to Unit 4 “Ok. No problem.” I answered, doing sth why?类似的还有哪些动 词短语请尽量多的找出来。 “好的,没问题” 我 回答道, “ I will get to the airport before 9:30. Don’t worry.” 我会在九点半之前到达机场 别担心。
Game Center
Unit 4
Rules Regroup the right time with the right number. A Bay with a time sheet. Each man has a number from 0 to 9.
5. Homework
A Gift From Grandpa
1.What time should the boy get to the airport? 2.Did the boy get to the airport on time? 3.What gift did his grandpa give him?
4.What will the boy learn about the
Paragraph 2
What does he do before he leaving for the airport?
Unit 4
A. watch TV C. visit his best friend D. Talk with his parents
B. play a computer game online