



商务英语阅读知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新浙江水利水电学院绪论单元测试1.There are nine chapters in this online course.参考答案:对第一章测试1.When you are reading a train timetable, you apply the skimming strategy. ()参考答案:错2.You would expect to read a difficult economics textbook ______. ()参考答案:more slowly than you read a newspaper3.To improve your reading comprehension, you need to become a(n) ____reader ().参考答案:active4.Reading one word at a time is bad because ______. ()参考答案:it is more difficult to get the general idea of a passage5.The following is a newspaper content page. Which page would most likelygive you the names and telephone of people who have used cars for sales? ()参考答案:5-C第二章测试1.Guess the meaning of the underlined word in the following sentence:Today was a day of turmoil at work. The phones were constantly ringing,people were running back and forth, and several offices were being painted.()参考答案:confusion2.Which of following negat ive prefix can be added to “treat” and make anantonym? ()参考答案:mal-3.Choose a business English term and complete the following sentence:Organizations which aim at high market _________ generally have long product lines. ()参考答案:share4.Judge whether the following sentence is true or false according to wordanalysis.If they are co-producers, they produce something together.参考答案:对5.In the following sentence, the synonym of the underlined word is soothe.Although the salesperson tried to assuage the angry customer, there was no way to soothe her.参考答案:对第三章测试1.Jane Halton, currently Finance Director at Curtis Bank, is replacing JohnMurphy as Chief Executive at Boulder Insurance. ()Which of the following best expresses the essential information of thesentence? ()参考答案:Jane Halton is moving from banking to insurance.2.All price shown are inclusive of any promotional offer and tax at the currentrate.Which of the following best expresses the essential information of thesentence? ()参考答案:The price on the item is the final selling price.3.Meanwhile, the theft of information about some 40 million credit cardaccounts in America, disclosed on June 17th, overshadowed a hugelyimportant decision a day earlier by America’s Federal Trade Commission(FTC) that puts corporate America on notice that regulators will act if firms fail to provide adequate data security.According to the sentence, which of the following is not correct about thedecision? ()参考答案:It is disclosed on June 17th.4.Staying with a host family that gives participants even more time to practiseEnglish.Which word in the sentence is redundant? ()参考答案:That.5.Applicants must have qualified a research degree in Food Technology plus atleast four years’ industrial experience.Which word in the sentence is redundant? ()参考答案:Qualified.第四章测试1.Which of the following phrase is the most general one? ()参考答案:Running a country’s economy.2.Choose a supporting detail for the following topic sentence.Very few people in a new job could carry out their duties perfectly from thestart. ()参考答案:Employers understand that there is a learning curve in every position.3.Read the following paragraph and answer the question.Stereotyping consists of assigning traits to people solely on the basis of acategory. Some researchers suggest that stereotyping has four clear phases.First, a person distinguishes some category of people, for example,economists. Second, the person notes that one or more of the people in this category have certain traits, for example, dullness. Third, the persongeneralizes that everyone in this category has these characteristics, forexample, that all economists are dull. Finally, when meeting someone theperson is not acquainted with but knows to be, for example, an economist,the person stereotypes this individual as dull.Economists are used in the paragraph as______. ()参考答案:a minor detail4.Choose the sentence that best expresses the implied main idea of thefollowing paragraph.In the past it often took years to force a car company to make even small,inexpensive changes. In the 1960s, consumer advocate Ralph Nader had tofight for several years before Chevrolet stopped making the unsafe Corvair.But in recent years, customer complaints and publicity have led to quickcorrective actions. For example, the Consumers Union recently reported that all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) were unsafe when driven by untrained operators.Within eighteen months, ATV makers stopped making unstable three-wheeled models and set up an extensive customer training program. Morerecently, Consumer Reports magazine revealed safety problems in the FordBronco II. In response, Ford immediately announced a complete redesign and plans to market the re-engineered vehicle under a new name. ()参考答案:Because of customer complaints and publicity, car manufacturers arecorrecting car problems more quickly than they once did.5.Advertising affects our lives every day. Brand names are common householdwords. We start each day using the toothpaste, soap, and breakfast foodspromoted by advertisers. Ads have made the cars we drive signs of oursuccess. Our choices of food, dress, and entertainment are swayed by ads. Not one aspect of American life is untouched by advertising.The main idea of the paragraph is stated at the beginning of the paragraphand then restated at the end. ()参考答案:对第五章测试1.Which of the following is an example of a cause-and-effect structure? ()参考答案:Team X is quite bad; they lost last night by 40 points.2.In what way is this text mainly structured?Linux and Windows are both operating systems. Computers use them to run programs. Linux is totally free and open source, so users can improve orotherwise modify the source code. Windows is proprietary, so it costs money to use and users are prohibited from altering the source code. ()参考答案:Comparison and contrast.3.An economics textbook is best described as what type of writing? ()参考答案:Expository.4.An article begins with some background information leading to an issue, thenlists arguments for and against it, giving evidence for different points of view, and at last ends in a conclusion that sums up both sides or recommend one point of view. What’s the text type of the article? ()参考答案:Argumentative.5.The following are examples of expository text: ______. ()参考答案:USA Today, The Recipe of Cooking, British History Textbook1.Which of the following expression is an example of purpose in an essay? ()参考答案:To inform.2.Which of the following is a possible tone? ()参考答案:All of these.3.Which of the following statements shows a formal tone? ()参考答案:null4.The Social Security Act was passed during the Great Depression. Thisstatement is a fact. ()参考答案:对5.The Russia-Ukraine conflict has made the price of gas grow to become tooexpensive. This statement is a fact. ()参考答案:错1.What should you look for in a consumption habit study to make an accurateinference? ()参考答案:All of these.2.Not only are the beach hotels overpriced…What will the remainder of the sentence be about? ()参考答案:Something negative about the hotels.3.Strong reasons ____. ()参考答案:all of these4.Which part of an argument gives proof that your main point is correct? ()参考答案:Reason.5.Which of the following is an example of a logical fallacy? ()参考答案:If you have information missing from your argument, then myargument is right.1.What's the price/unit of blueberries? ()参考答案:$1.40.2.Which axis is the horizontal axis? ()参考答案:X axis.3.Which of the following should a business use when it wants to compareseveral products with each other? ()参考答案:Column chart.4.Which pet is more popular in Australia than in the US? ()参考答案:Fish.5.What is a work-flow chart? ()参考答案:A diagram showing a high-level business process.第九章测试1.Mark is a manager who needs to communicate a new policy to his teammembers. Which of the following form of communication should Mark use for this purpose? ()参考答案:Memo.2.Which section of the executive summary shows the important discoveriesmade during the research process? ()参考答案:Key findings.3.Which part of a business report sums up the main points of the report? ()参考答案:Executive summary.4.What kind of data might a business person want to look at if he wasgathering data for a new hotel? ()参考答案:All of these.5.The news headline “Mayor to Open Shopping Mall” applies the typicalgrammatical rule of infinitive to indicate future. ()参考答案:对。



知到网课答案英语阅读2020章节测试答案 问:八爪鱼采集器是一种网页数据采集工具。


答:错问:以下属于图形图像编辑工具的是( )。

答:Photoshop问:以下选项中属于数据的作用的是( )。

答:沟通 验证假设 建立信心问:为了避免认知偏差的影响,我们首先要()偏差。


答:错问:赵孟頫是哪个朝代的书法家:答:元代问:面色随四季时令不同而微有变化,夏天的面色相应为:答:稍赤问:在管理学发展的过程中,被誉为“组织理论之父”的是( )答:韦伯问:郑谷有《曲江红杏》“遮莫江头柳色遮,日浓莺睡一枝斜。


这里的“春风及第花”是指( )答:杏花问:下列关于爱的说法正确的是()。














参考答案:members3.特许经营中的两方为:( )。

参考答案:Franchisee;Franchiser4.The easiest way to become your own boss is to set up ()参考答案:a corporation5. A sole proprietor is not personally liable for the obligations of his/herbusiness. ()参考答案:错第二章测试1.When coming up with business ideas for a new product or service, the key is( )参考答案:to identify a market need that is not being met.2.If the start-up costs are more than you have on hand, and more than you willbe able to earn right out of the gate, what you should to do next is ( )参考答案:to find money to raise the differences.3.Of course, there are plenty of success stories in business, and many peoplewill tell you the truth: Business can’t fail. ()参考答案:错4.Every small business owner should prepare one, though in reality many don’t.()参考答案:对5.Generally speaking, most of the mail you receive is routine, and an ordinaryemployee can do it well. So you needn’t deal with these mails in person. ()参考答案:错第三章测试1.What are the major factors contributing to the emergence of corporateculture? ( )参考答案:All options are correct2.In corporate ethics, which one in business is an important ethical concern? ( )参考答案:Fairness and Honesty3.Corporate ethics are the evaluation of corporate activities and behavior asright or wrong. ()参考答案:对4.Corporate culture is a broad term used to define the unique personality orcharacter of a particular company or organization, and includes suchelements as core values and beliefs, corporate ethics, and rules of behavior.()参考答案:对5.Ethics are principles of behavior that distinguish between right and wrong.()参考答案:对第四章测试1.Planning is a dynamic decision-making function that focuses on .()参考答案:future performance2.At all levels of management, the greatest amount of time is spent on .()参考答案:directing.3.The functions of managers identified by management theorists include .()参考答案:planning;directing;organizing;Controlling4.The supervisor is located at the top of the managerial hierarchy.()参考答案:错5.The president or CEO is the top management.()参考答案:对第五章测试1.If the introduction of a new product will reduce sales of an existing productsold by a company, the new product should not be introduced.()参考答案:错2.Marketing managers are concerned with product promotion, but they leavethe actual design of the product to production managers.()参考答案:对3.The new product that your start-up company has developed appears to havesignificant market label potential in 30 countries around the world. Youshould introduce it in all 30 countries as soon as possible in order toestablish a foothold in the marketplace before the compensation can getestablished.()参考答案:错4. A company does not always price its products or services to cover total costsplus a reasonable profit margin.()参考答案:对5.It is not possible to "differentiate" products that are considered "commodity"items.()参考答案:错第六章测试1.The model for evaluating human resources include( ).参考答案:cost effectiveness;commitment;competence;congruence2.What are the procedures to determine the training needs of individuals intheir organization?( )参考答案:employee survey;organizational analysis;performance appraisal;analysis of job requirements3.What are the methods of training and developing?( )参考答案:management development programs;on the job mathod;off the job method4.We can hire people from( ) .参考答案:inside organization;business rivals;employment agencies;job advertisements5.What are the two factors for human resource planning?( )参考答案:null第七章测试1.Which is one of the benefits of E-governance EXCEPT()。











()答:×问:导致规模递减的原因有()答:AD问:企业如果延长信用期限,可能导致的结果有答:延长平均收账期扩大当期销售增加收账费用增加坏账损失问:It was a good hotel ________ it was rather noisy. 答:except that问:必须在改革开放中坚持四项基本原则______。









第一章1.Wholesalers buy goods from manufacturers or importers and then sell themto the end customers in small quantities. ( )答案:错2.Your interest, expertise and experience are all very important when startingbusiness. ( )答案:对3.If you start a business selling services, you may or may not need a storefrontof some kind. In chinese, "storefront " is()答案:店面,店铺4.Not being complete independent is one of the advantages of the franchise . ( )答案:错5.Which of the following can be included into the body part of a job applicationletter? ( )答案:Personal information (gender, work experience, educationalbackground,etc.);Appreciation for being considered for the job.;The purpose of writing the letter.第二章1.In production process, lean manufaturing training is adopted to helpmanufacturers to improve greater markup. ( )答案:对2.The duties of the operations department are to find out what the consumerswant through marketing research. ( )答案:错3.The common aspects that need to be considered in operations managementare as follows_________? ( )答案:supply chain;inventorymanagement;production process4.Which of the following concept is commonly adopted to manage theinventory of a company? ( )答案:Just-in-time (JIT)5.The elements that need to be included in minutes writing are__________. ( )答案:time and place of the meeting;attendees and absentees of the meeting;afollow-up meeting schedule;topics discussed and resolutions made at themeeting第三章1.Mortgaging is a common way of startup fund raising. ( )答案:对2.It’s easy for startup companies to get bank loans nowadays. ( )答案:错3.Which of the following sources can provide new companies a hefty sum ofcapital?( )答案:Venture capital companies4.In what ways do angel investors make investments in a startup? ( )答案:Invest through crowd funding platforms;Invest through angel investorfunds;Invest through angel investor networks;Invest their money directlyinto a new company5.Which part can be omitted(去除) in memo writing? ( )答案:signature (签名/落款);salutation (问候语);letterhead (信件抬头)第四章1. A cus tomer’s knowledge about brand factors includes ___________. ( )答案:specifications ;reputation ;values;features2.Brand awareness is crucial in persuading, informing and reminding bothpotential and existing customers towards making a brand decision. ( )答案:对3.Brand recall refers to how well people connect a brand with products, ideas,taglines, and other attributes. ( )答案:错4.Extending your brand in every aspect of corporate life is the strategy of___________. ()答案:integrating your brand5.In writing a business proposal, it is important to remember not to turn theopening into an introduction to or overview of your company. ( )答案:对第五章1.Higher Engagement is one of the benefits of digital advertising. ( )答案:对2.The advance of high-speed mobile networks and the penetration of mobiledevices contributes to the the growth of online advertising.()答案:对3.Behavioral data providers can rely on _______ to collect a customer’sinformation. ( )答案:purchasing history;internet browsing habits;onlinesearches4._______ are generally used in e-commerce like eBay and Amazon. ( )答案:Promoted listings5.The language of notice and announcement should be straightforward,concise, simple, accurate and formal. ( )答案:对第六章1.Cross-border e-commerce involves the sale or purchase of products viaonline shops across national borders. ( )答案:对2.The main target markets of China’s cross-border e-commerce are Russia andBrazil. ( )答案:错3.Which of the following makes it convenient to deliver large goods from onecountry to another?( )答案:overseas warehouseser-generated content (UGC) is an effective way to improve customerexperience, which is delivered and shared in interactive ways like ? ( )答案:posts;live streaming;short videos;VR / AR5.Which of the following statements about email writing is not true? ( )答案:You can use the same closing sentences in formal and informal emails.第七章1.By handling potential undesirable situations, business travelers can developtheir_________. ( )答案:problem-solving skills2.If you travel by air, you are likely to be contributing to environmentalpollution. ( )答案:对3.Items such as spray paint and fireworks are not prohibited at security check.( )答案:错4.There is no need to put a power adapter in your suitcase before you travel toother countries because it is universal in most countries. ( )答案:错5.In writing a formal business letter, writers should add a comma aftercomplimentary close. ( )答案:对第八章1.Thanks to the technological advances, automated self-service systems canreplace humans in handling customer care issues. ( )答案:错2.Providing quality customer service is a win-win strategy for both businessesand customers. ( )答案:对3.An online business can build customer trust if it can().答案:add a physicaladdress4.An online customer community can be in the form of ( ).答案:messageboard;weibo group;wechat subscriptions ;webinar5.Replies to claims should always be courteous, even if the claim is unfounded.( )答案:对第九章1.There are various etiquettes in the world, like church etiquette, drinkingetiquette, concert etiquette, and so on. ()答案:对2.Mobile technology has led to the instant gratification generation and patienceis no longer a virtue. ()答案:对3.To be efficient, you can check your e-mail messages anywhere, even in theelevator. ()答案:错4.Business formal is appropriate for the professions EXCEPT ( )答案:techcompanies5.The elements that should be included in business invitation writing are ( )答案:reason or purpose of the business event;representative’s name,designation, and the name of the company ;more details such as specialguests or activities;date, time, and venue of the business event第十章1.Corporate culture is often called the character of an organization. ( )答案:对2.Which of the following descriptions about corporate culture is true? ()答案:Companies with adhocracy culture(发展式文化)value individuality.3. A company should keep its physical conditions pleasant. ( )答案:对4. A single poor performer in a team won’t result in low team morale. ( )答案:错5.What sections does a business report usually include? ()答案:Introduction;Findings;Recommendation;Conclusion。



北京语言大学智慧树知到“英语”《商务英语》网课测试题答案(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.综合考核(共15题)1.I had the lonely child’s habit of making up stories and holding conversations with imaginative persons.(语法上正确与否)A.正确B.错误2.at one’s own expense(选出与题干意义最接近的解释)________A.花费钱B.以代价C.费用自理D.以昂贵的价格购买3.prosperity的意思是:the state of being prosperous ()T.对F.错4.sophisticated的意思是:having, revealing or proceeding from a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture ()T.对F.错5.Up until that time, his interest had focused almost ______ on fully mastering the skills and techniques of his craft.A.restrictivelyB.radicallyC.inclusivelyD.exclusively6.aggregate (选出与题干意义最接近的解释)A.聚集B.使……加重C.赞同D.欣赏7.to conclude(选出与题干意义最接近的解释)________A.to give one’s place to eachB.to end or judge after some considerationC.to explainD.to contain8.It is ________ that women should be paid less than men for doing the same kind of work.A.abruptB.absurdC.adverseD.addictive9.to entertain a client(选出与题干意义最接近的解释)A.to cater forB.to treat sat the tableC.to launch a productD.to shorten a vacation10.Fortune-tellers are good at making _____ statements such as “Your sorrows will change.”A.philosophicalB.ambiguousC.literalD.invalid11.The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously _________ relations between the two countries.A.tumbleB.jeopardizeC.manipulateD.intimidate12.From a very early age, perhaps the age of five or six, I knew that when I grew I should bea writer.(语法上正确与否) ()T.对F.错13.This book is expected to ____________ the best-seller lists.A.promoteB.prevailC.dominateD.exemplify14.aggregate(选出与题干意义最接近的解释)________A.聚集B.使……加重C.赞同D.欣赏15.A corporation cannot come into existence on a handshake _______ a partnership can.A.the sameB.the wayC.in whichD.by way of第2卷一.综合考核(共15题)1.subscriber的意思是:a company or person that prepares and issues books, journals, or music for sale ()T.对F.错2.Demographic indicators show that Americans in the postwar period were more eager than ever to establish families. (语法上正确与否) ()T.对F.错3.The automatic doors in supermarkets ____________ the entry and exit of customers with shopping carts.A.furnishB.induceC.facilitateD.allocate4.We will make arrangements to _______ an all-risk insurance on the following consignments.A.make outB.get outC.put outD.take out5.underline的意思是:draw a line under to give emphasis or indicate special typeT.对F.错6.They quickly brought down the age at marriage for both men and women and brought the birth rate to a twentieth century height after more than a hundred years of steady decline.(语法上正确与否) ()T.对F.错7.You should _______________ to one or more weekly magazines such as Time or Newsweek.A.ascribeB.orderC.reclaimD.subscribe8.curtail的意思是:the process of promoting a cause or plan ()T.对F.错9.The paper _______our cartons is strong and damp-proof.A.liningB.linesC.linedD.to line10._______both parties have agreed on all the terms and conditions can we start to prepare the contract.A.Even ifB.Only whenC.Even thoughD.Only while11.reinforcement的意思是:the action or process of reinforcing or strengthening ()T.对F.错12.From the 1940s through the early 1960s, Americans married at a higher rate and at a younger age than their Europe counterparts.(语法上正确与否) ()T.对F.错13.Wheat prices were generally low in the autumn, so farmers could not wait for markets to improve.(语法上正确与否)A.正确B.错误14.These young adults established a trend of early marriage and relatively large families thatwent for more than two decades and caused a major but temporary reversal of long-term demographicpatterns.(语法上正确与否)T.对F.错15.violate的意思是:break or fail to comply with () T.对F.错第1卷参考答案一.综合考核1.参考答案:B2.参考答案:C3.参考答案:T4.参考答案:T5.参考答案:D6.参考答案:A7.参考答案:B8.参考答案:B9.参考答案:A10.参考答案:B11.参考答案:B12.参考答案:F13.参考答案:C14.参考答案:A 15.参考答案:B第2卷参考答案一.综合考核1.参考答案:F2.参考答案:T3.参考答案:C4.参考答案:D5.参考答案:T6.参考答案:F7.参考答案:D8.参考答案:F9.参考答案:A10.参考答案:B11.参考答案:T12.参考答案:F13.参考答案:B14.参考答案:F15.参考答案:T。



何晓春商务英语文选Unit 1Why China WorksExercisesL Answer the questions on the text:1)How does the author view the Chinese economy?It is the most important bright spot in the world economy under the global recession, the only major economy that is likely to show significant growth this year, and the only one that routinely breaks every rule in the economic textbook.2)According to the author, why can the Chinese economy perform so well? Because of:(1)the capacity for state control by the Chinese government.(2)its rejection of exotic financial innovations that are the melting core of the globalcredit crisis.(3)the integration of its economic policies between traditional market tools and statecontrol measures.3)In what way does the author imply that western economists are erroneous in their bias toward “China,s market economic system”?The United States and Europe are moving toward state control by nationalizing their banking and car industries, and imposing heavy new regulation on thefinancial industry.4)What is the view of Stephen Roach on the Chinese economy system?Investment is the backbone of sustainable growth in the Chinese economy, which works more effectively than other market based systems in times of economicstress・5)Why can China work in the eye of the author?It has followed a radical pragmatism focusing on a slow but steady shift toward freer markets.6)What is regarded as the strategic thinking of the Chinese leaders in market reforms?They understand even under the serious financial crisis that it can stabilize the Chinese market and economy to introduce more sophisticated forms of securitization, including stock index funds, corporate bonds and other debt products. They also realize that, in the course of doing this, they should learn from the mistakes the westerners have made.7)What is the example given to illustrate the steadiness of the Chinese leaders in their policy execution?They continue to allow the value of yuan to rise despite of the American charges and the need for export competitiveness by their own enterprises.8)What is “shock therapy”?It is the economic policy adopted in Russia from 1991 to 1992 that totally deregulated prices and lead to a runaway inflation. It proved to be all shock and no therapy.9)In what ways does the Chinese economic system work efficiently?It can get things done quickly, move in a coherent manner, and marshal its people and resources to a common target: economic growth and prosperity.11)What are the Internet and public opinion used for?For putting pressure on local officials and influencing policy decisions.2.Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the list given below. Make changes when necessary.1)At a time when the need is growing for mental health services, many countries areunfortunately cutting back on its spending.2)There is an increasing number of people out of work. But the western media oftenunfairly label them as lazy and reliable.3)Now that the flow of oil has been stopped by BP,the impact of all the spilled oiland natural gas is still being measured.4)Once again its ability to steer economic policy will be tested against the ability todeliveF on services and projects aimed at growing the economy and jobs.5)Housing prices are incredibly high today. But he bought his house for a SOURabout five years ago.6)As people are complaining high prices, especially those related to daily necessities,the government feels rather urgent to hold down inflation rate immediately.7)Under the new economy policy investors are invited to buy into state-ownedenterprises.8)Since a serious gun shooting occurred in Arizona last week, security concernshave trickled down to all places, including residential buildings・9)Social unrest is a daily occurrence in the countiy nowadays. It is in the last placewhen it comes to investment for multinational companies.10)Efforts to ban smoking in China arc so effective yet. Some chain smokers neverthink of quitting while many others have battled in vain to quit・3・ Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B:A1) financial innovationBA) A reduction in the general availability of loans (orcredit) or a sudden tightening of the conditionsrequired to obtain a loan from the banks.72) stimulus package B) A non-bank entity or organization such asinvestment companies and mutual funds thatinvests in large quantities. 83) overheating C)A legal entity created by a government to undertakecommercial activities on its behalf. 6D) The trading of a corporation's stock or other securities(e.g. bonds or stock options) by individuals with potentialaccess to non-public information.9E) An industry that requires large amounts of capital,machinery and equipment to produce goods. 5F) Generation of new and creative approaches tosecurities, money management or investing. 1G) An economy that is expanding so rapidly that toomuch money is chasing too few goods and economists fear a rise in inflation .^3H) tax levied on certain legal transactions such as thetransfer of a property such as building, copyright, land, patent, and securities. 4I) A plan or a series of measures taken by a governmentto jump-start its ailing economy, generally as a part of itsfiscal policy.2 4. Translate the following passage into Chinese.我们所面临的来自中国的真正挑战并不是他们向我们大量销售的货物,而恰 恰相反,是他们正在提升的价值链。



第一章1.The shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy isreferred to as().答案:Globalization2.In 2008 and 2009, the()became the forum though which major nationsattempted to launch a coordinated policy response to the global financialcrisis, which started in America. 答案:Group of Twenty (G20)3.Which of the following is a consequence of globalization? ()答案:Increasing outsourcing of services4.Critics of globalization argue that if proponents of globalization were correctabout the supposed benefits associated with free trade and investment, thenwhich of the following would have happened? ()答案:Factories based inMexico would not be cleaner5.Which of the following is not a risk associated with globalization? ()答案:Excessive market regulation;Restrictions on competition;Differentiationof markets6.Which of the following is FALSE of the IMF? ()答案:Its loans come with nostrings attached.;It is the less controversial of the two sister institutions, theIMF and the World Bank.;It is often seen as the lender of first choice tonation-states whose economies are in turmoil.7. A company does not need a large size to facilitate, and benefit from, theglobalization of markets. ()答案:对panies hope to lower their overall cost structure or improve the qualityor functionality of their product offering through globalization of production.()答案:对9.The World Bank has focused on policing the world trading system andmaking sure nation-states adhere to the rules laid down in trade treaties. ()答案:错10.The lowering of barriers to international trade enables firms to view theworld, rather than a single country, as their market. ()答案:对第二章1. A political system that prioritizes the needs of the society over individualfreedoms is called _____. ( )答案:collectivism2.Which of the following statements about individualism is true? ( )答案:Individualism advocates for a democratic political system.3.An economy in which the interaction of supply and demand determines thequantity in which goods and services are produced is called a _____. ( )答案:market economy4.Which of the following statements about the legal systems of countries is true?( )答案:They can affect the attractiveness of a country as an investment siteor market.5.Which of the following isn’t the reason why a common law system is differentfrom a civil law system: ( )答案:a common law system is very rigid, while acivil law system tends to be more flexible.;a common law system is based on religious teachings, while a civil law system is based on cultural traditions.;ina common law system a judge relies on legal codes to make rulings, while in acivil law system a judge relies on his intuition and moral reasoning to makejudgments.6.The social organization of Oriental society tends to emphasize on: ( ) 答案:collectivist values.;a group orientation.;work groups.7. A theocratic law system is one in which the law is based on religiousteachings. ()答案:对8.The objective of the government in a command economy is to encourage freeand fair competition between private producers. (()答案:错9.Norms are abstract ideas about what a group believes to be good, right, anddesirable. (()答案:错10. A caste system is a closed system of stratification in which social position isdetermined by the family into which the person is born. ()答案:对第三章1._____ supports the idea that countries should export more than what theyimport. ( )答案:Mercantilism2.David Ricardo’s theory of comp arative advantage explains: ( ) 答案:international trade in terms of international differences in laborproductivity.3.According to Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage, countries should: ( )答案:specialize in the production of those goods that it produces mostefficiently.4.Identify the theory that argues that advanced nations have an incentive todevelop a new offering and hence such nations always tend to create a goodor service for the first time. ( ) 答案:Product life-cycle5.What kind of products appears in the product life-cycle?( )答案:MaturingProduct;New Product ;Standardized Product6.Which of the following is not a statement that supports the theory ofcomparative advantage? ( ) 答案:International trade is a zero-sum gainwher e one nation’s gain is another’s loss.;Domestic industries are at riskwhen a country engages in free trade.;A country should maintain tradesurplus to succeed in global trade.7.The production possibility frontier will be parabolic if constant return tospecialization is observed. (()答案:错panies that trade small volumes of product can benefit from economiesof scale. (()答案:错9. A country has an absolute advantage in the production of a product when it ismore efficient than any other country in producing it. ()答案:对10.The theories of Smith and Ricardo show that countries should not engage ininternational trade for products that it is able to produce for itself. (()答案:错第四章1.Which of the following is one of the main instruments of trade policy? ( ) 答案:Tariffs2.Strategic trade policy suggests that a government should use _____ to supportpromising firms that are active in newly emerging industries. ( )答案:subsidies3.Which of the following statements concerning a voluntary export restraint istrue? ( ) 答案:It benefits domestic producers by limiting import competition.4.Foreign producers typically agree to voluntary export restrictions because: ( )答案:they fear far more damaging punitive tariffs or import quotas mightfollow if they do not.5.Which of the following is a non-tariff barrier? ( )答案:subsidies;local contentrequirement;administrative trade policies;import quotas6.Which of the following is not a consequence of subsidies? ( ) 答案:Subsidiesmake domestic producers vulnerable to foreign competition.;Subsidies leadto lowered production.;Subsidies produce revenue for the government.7.Antidumping actions are concentrated in certain sectors of the economy suchas basic metal industries, chemicals, plastics, and machinery and electricalequipment. ()答案:对8.Tariffs are unambiguously pro-consumer and anti-producer. (()答案:错9.Tariff barriers lower the costs of exporting products to a country. (()答案:错10.Local content regulations provide protection for a domestic producer of partsby limiting foreign competition. ()答案:对第五章1.For the home country, the current account of the balance of paymentsimproves if the purpose of the foreign investment is to serve the homemarket from a low-cost production location. ( )答案:Acquisition2.The largest source country for FDI has been _____. ( ) 答案:The United States3.The majority of cross-border investment in the developed world is in theform of _____. ( )答案:Mergers and acquisitions4._____ seeks to explain why firms often prefer foreign direct investment overlicensing as a strategy for entering foreign markets. ( ) 答案:Internalizationtheory5.What are the two forms of FDI?( )答案:Mergers and acquisitions ;Greenfieldinvestment6.When measuring the total foreign direct investment of a country, which twoindicators are often used? ( ) 答案:Foreign direct investment flow;ForeignDirect Investment Stock7.The amount of FDI undertaken over a given time period is known as the flowof FDI. ()答案:对8.FDI has been declining in the last few decades because protectionistpressures have become less intense. (()答案:错9.Mergers and acquisitions are quicker to execute than greenfield investments.()答案:对10.Licensing involves the establishment of a new operation in a foreign country.(()答案:错第六章1.The movement toward regional economic integration been most successfulin _____. ( )答案:Europe2.A(n) _____ has no barriers to trade between member countries, includes acommon external trade policy, and allows factors of production to movefreely between members. ( )答案:common market3.Linking neighboring countries economically and making theminterdependent: ( )答案:creates incentives to increase political cooperationas well.4._____ occurs when higher-cost external producers are replaced by lower-costexternal producers within the free trade area. ( ) 答案:Trade creation5.There are two main trading blocs in Europe, the _____ and the _____. ( )答案:European Free Trade Association;European Union6.Three long-term EU members, Great Britain, _____, and _____ , have notadopted the euro. ( )答案:Denmark;Sweden7.In a customs union, trade barriers are eliminated among member countries,and each country maintains its own external trade polices with nonmember countries. (()答案:错8.Regional economic integration involves agreements among countries in ageographic region to reduce, and ultimately remove, tariff and nontariffbarriers to the free flow of goods, services, and factors of productionbetween each other. ()答案:对9.The European Union is an example of a perfect economic union. (()答案:错10.Because of the fact that everyone benefits from economic integration, it iseasy to achieve and sustain. (()答案:错第七章1.The rate at which one currency is converted into another is known as the_____. ( )答案:exchange rate2. A _____ means the value of a currency is fixed relative to a reference currency.( )答案:pegged exchange rate3.The liquidity of the market is _____ in a purely domestic capital market. ( )答案:limited4.A(n) _____ is quoted for 30 days, 90 days, and 180 days into the future. ( ) 答案:forward exchange rate5.Market makers are the financial service companies that connect investorsand borrowers. Those who want to borrow money typically do not include: ( )答案:corporations with surplus cash;insurance companies ;pension funds 6.What are the two main functions of the foreign exchange market? ( )答案:Currency conversion;Providing some insurance against foreign exchangerisk7.The foreign exchange market is a market for converting the currency of onecountry into that of another country. ()答案:对8.Currency fluctuations can make seemingly profitable trade and investmentdeals unprofitable and vice versa. ()答案:对9.The international monetary system refers to the institutional arrangementsthat govern exchange rates. ()答案:对10.An investor purchases the right to receive a specified fixed stream of incomefrom the corporation when he purchases a share of stock. (()答案:错第八章1._____ is measured by the percentage increase in net profits over time. ( )答案:Profit growth2.The amount of value a firm creates is measured by the: ( ) 答案:Differencebetween its costs of production and the value that consumers perceive in itsproducts.3. A firm’s _____ determines where in its hierarchy the decision-making power isconcentrated. ( )答案:Vertical differentiation4.The costs and risks associated with doing business in a foreign country aretypically: ( ) 答案:Low in an economically advanced nation.5.What are the basic activities included in the express enterprise value chain?( )答案:Transport ;Delivery and after-sales service;Sorting ;Receiving6.What are the basic points of organizational culture? ( )答案:Integrity andwarmth;Rigorous and loyal ;Innovation and collaboration7. A firm’s strategy can be defined as the actions that managers take to attainthe goals of the firm. ()答案:对8.The preeminent strategic goal for most firms is to maximize the value of thefirm for its owners. ()答案:对9.For a firm, all positions on the efficiency frontier are viable. (()答案:错10. A decentralized organization allows managers to respond to environmentalchanges more quickly than in a centralized organization. ()答案:对第九章1._____ refers to the movement of raw material, component parts, and finishedgoods throughout the global supply chain. ( ) 答案:Transportation2.Which of the following situations would lead a firm to choose to decentralizeproduction? ( )答案:The production technology has low fixed costs and lowminimum efficient scale, and flexible manufacturing technology is notavailable.3.Cost and _____ are the two main drivers behind make-or-buy choices made byglobal companies when they engage in global supply chains. ( )答案:production capacity4._____ can be viewed as the decision-making process regarding the rawmaterials, work-in-process (component parts), and finished goods inventory for a multinational corporation. ( )答案:Global inventory management5.Decentralization of production is not appropriate when: ( )答案:a product’svalue-to-weight ratio is high.;the product serves universal needs.;barriers to trade are low.6.RSA is a bicycle manufacturing company. Which of the following is not amake-or-buy decision that the company will have to make? ( )答案:Whatshould be the pricing strategy of th e company’s product?;What are theproducts that the company should manufacture?;Should the companyincrease its responsiveness toward the retailers?7.Lowering the costs is one of the objectives of the production and logisticsfunction of an international firm. ()答案:对8.Other things being equal, a firm should locate its various manufacturingactivities where the relative factor costs are conducive to the performance of those activities. ()答案:对9.Global learning refers to the idea that valuable knowledge does not residejust in a firm’s domestic operations. ()答案:对10.Make-or-buy decisions are decisions that concern the components to be usedin a production process. (()答案:错第十章1.An organization’s norms and value systems are known as its _____. ()答案:corporate culture2. A firm with a(n) _____ staffing policy will fill all key management positionswith parent-country nationals. ()答案:ethnocentric3.A(n) _____ staffing policy can be expensive to implement because training anrelocation costs increase when transferring managers from one country to another. ()答案:geocentric4.Broadly speaking, a geocentric approach is compatible with: ()答案:bothglobal standardization and transnational strategies.5.The ability to understand why people of other countries behave the way theydo is not_____. ()答案:self-orientation;cultural toughness;others-orientation6._____ are not considered the language of world business. ()答案:Spanish;Chinese;Hindi7.An expatriate manager is a citizen of one country who is working abroad inone of the firm’s subsidiaries.()答案:对8.In the case of an ethnocentric approach, it is possible that managers maymake decisions that are ethically suspect because they do not understand the culture in which they are managing.()答案:对9. A firm that adopts a polycentric approach to staffing is likely to suffer fromcultural myopia.()答案:错10.Firms may choose an ethnocentric approach to staffing as opposed to apolycentric approach because of the cost savings it promotes.()答案:错。



商务英语视听说智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下山东外国语职业技术大学山东外国语职业技术大学第一章测试1.Which of the following factors is not the necessary factor in a resume? ( )A:educationB:personal informationC:family backgroundD:skills and qualifications答案:family background2.Which of the following behaviors is proper? ( )A:keeping silent if the employer is having a phone call.B:not sitting down unless being invitedC:doing whatever you want.D:making eye contact with the employee答案:doing whatever you want.3.Which one is not true when answering questions during an interview?( )A:not asking the employers any questionsB:being polite and friendlyC:feeling free to turn the questions to the employerD:keeping your answers short答案:not asking the employers any questions4.When we have an interview , we could greet the interviewer .( )A:saying nothingB:saying whatever we want.C:with a firm handshakeD:with a small talk答案:with a firm handshake;with a small talk5.When having an interview, which of the following behavior are proper?( )A:dressing miniskirtsB:arriving a little bit early or at least on timeC:avoiding eye contactD:smiling and being polite答案:arriving a little bit early or at least on time;smiling and being polite6.When having an interview, we need to arrive on time, look professional anddress properly. ( )A:错 B:对答案:对7.We do not need to make eye contact with the employer when answeringtheir questions.( )A:对 B:错答案:错8.Leaving a good first impression to the employer is very important during thejob interview.( )A:错 B:对答案:对9.After the interview, it is not necessary to send a thank-you-note. ( )A:对 B:错答案:错10.If you need to take a moment to think about the questions, remember toavoid the pet phrases. ( )A:错 B:对答案:对第三章测试1. A factory tour is one of the most important parts of the assessment of apotential supplier.( )A:对 B:错答案:对2.Selecting the right suppliers is one of the most important conditions forsuccessful sourcing ( )A:对 B:错答案:对3.In a factory tour, the seller can get a comprehensive understanding of theproducts and the production process in the tour. ( )A:错 B:对答案:错4.At the end of a factory tour, the seller should express gratitude for the tour’sarrangements. ( ).A:错 B:对答案:错5.What kind of information you will want to see during a factory tour?( )A:product developmentB:working environment,C:the quality control andD:manufacturing systems.答案:product development;working environment,;the quality control and;manufacturing systems.6.How can you ask about the history of a factory ? ( )A:How long has your factory been established?B:When was the plant set up?C:When did you start operations?D:How large is the factory?答案:How long has your factory been established?;When was the plant set up?;When did you start operations?7.How can you ask about the quality control during a factory tour? ( )A:What kind of quality control do you operate?B:How do you control quality?C:What’s your usual percentage of rej ects?D:How do your quality control systems work?答案:What kind of quality control do you operate?;How do you control quality?;How do your quality control systems work?8.During the factory tour, you can ask the following information__ ( )A:ProductionB:The size of a factoryC:Quality controlD:The history of a factory答案:Production;The size of a factory;Quality control;The history of a factory9.How can you ask about the manufacturing process ?( )A:What kind of quality control do you operate?B:Is the production line fully automated ?C:Is production mechanised?D:Is the assembly line computer-controlled?答案:Is the production line fully automated ?;Is production mechanised?;Is the assembly line computer-controlled?10.After the factory tour, you should be able to come to a conclusion about thesupplier. The conclusion may be:______( )A:It has helped me to form a picture of your production process. Thank you for your kindness during the tour.B:The factory is considered a suitable supplier.C:The factory will not be considered as a supplier at this time.D:The factory will be considered as a potential supplier after you improve the conditions that are currently unsatisfactory.答案:The factory is considered a suitable supplier.;The factory will not be considered as a supplier at this time.;The factory will be considered as a potential supplier after youimprove the conditions that are currently unsatisfactory.11. A trade fair refers to an exhibition organized so that companies in a specificindustry can showcase and demonstrate their latest products, service, and examine recent market trends and opportunities. ( )A:对 B:错答案:对12.When you take part in a trader fair , you need to do your research on theinternet to select the best show for your business development.( )A:对 B:错答案:对13.When you participate in a trader fair, you can have multiple goals . ( )A:错 B:对答案:对14.When you choose the trade fairs , you need to think about which one will giveyour business the best in terms of your goals. ( )A:错 B:对答案:对15.If you are targeting multiple audiences, you don’t need to have appropriateinformation to meet the needs of each.( )A:错 B:对答案:错16.Advertising and publicity are a dispensable part of participation planning. ( )A:错 B:对答案:错17.Different audiences "shop" trade fairs differently and have different needs. ( )A:错 B:对答案:对18.Which of followings are the trade fairs in China ( )?A:Yiwu trade fairB:Canton FairC:Beijing international automotive exhibitionD:International Production & Processing Expo答案:Yiwu trade fair;Canton Fair;Beijing international automotive exhibition19.When you set goals for your trade fair participation. Which of followingquestions you need to think about? ( )A:How many attendees do you want to stop at your booth ?B:What do you want to get out of it ?C:How many products do you want to sell ?D:Are you focusing on promotion or hoping to launch a new product?答案:How many attendees do you want to stop at your booth ?;What do you want to get out of it ?;How many products do you want to sell ?;Are you focusing on promotion or hoping to launch a new product?20.A/An ( )is a request made by a buyer for goods or service he is interested in.A:offerB:inquiryC:counter-offerD:quotation答案:inquiry21.There is a steady market ( ) your products in our area.A:toB:byC:forD:with答案:for22.When an importer intends to make purchases of some goods, he sends aletter of ( ) to an exporter.A:counter-offerB:offerC:inquiryD:acceptance答案:inquiry23.The buyer indicates products he needs by asking for detailed information ina/an ( ).A:general inquiryB:specific inquiryC:true inquiryD:false inquiry答案:general inquiry;specific inquiry24.Inquiries generally fall into two categories: ( ).A:false inquiryB:specific inquiryC:general inquiryD:true inquiry答案:specific inquiry;general inquiry25.Which of the following are used to ask for materials? ( )A:Will you please send us your latest catalogue and price list?B:Please send us your catalogue and price list.C:We would be thankful if you could send your samples for our reference.D:We shall appreciate your price lists and samples.答案:Will you please send us your latest catalogue and price list?;Please send us your catalogue and price list.;We would be thankful if you could send your samples for our reference.;We shall appreciate your price lists and samples.26.An inquiry by the buyer means the will place a large order.( )A:对 B:错答案:错27.The buyer can only ask for catalogues and samples in an inquiry.( )A:错 B:对答案:错28.In trading activities, a letter of enquiry means a letter of inquiry. ( )A:错 B:对答案:对29.If the seller are not able to supply the goods inquired, he can recommend asubstitute. ( )A:对 B:错答案:对30.We agree to reduce our price ( ) USD 160 per piece FOB Sydney.A:withB:forC:toD:in答案:to31.The “firm” in “firm offer” has the same meaning with “firm” in ( ).A:The CEO said in a firm voice.B:This offer is firm for 10 days.C:Our firm is in the field of cotton products.D:She held firm to her principles.答案:This offer is firm for 10 days.32.Thank you for your inquiry ( )July 25.A:dateB:toC:ofD:dated答案:of;dated33.Which of the following are often used for negotiation by the seller? ( )A:We would like to ask for a 5% discount if we place an order over 500,000 yards.B:There is no room for reducing the price.C:The price has been reduced to the limit.D:Your price is much higher than that we can get from elsewhere.答案:There is no room for reducing the price.;The price has been reduced to the limit.34.The seller can cancel or change a non-firm without notice. ( )A:错 B:对答案:对35.There is no difference between a quotation and an offer.( )A:对 B:错答案:错36.Even though the counter-offer process is time-consuming, it should be dealtwith carefully and patiently. ( )A:错 B:对答案:对37.If the buyer is to place a large order, he can ask for a discount while the sellerhas right to decline.( )A:对 B:错答案:对38.Inner packing of the goods aims to . ( )A:make the goods identifiableB:promote sales of the goodsC:increase the cost of the goodsD:protect the goods答案:promote sales of the goods39.Generally speaking, there are two types of packing, inner packing andpacking. ( )A:improperB:outerC:insideD:proper答案:outer40.The silk blouses are packed in carton lined waterproof paper. ( )A:withB:toC:intoD:of答案:with41.Which of the following items are the fundamental parts of an order sheet? ( )A:mode of packingB:terms of paymentC:pricesD:descriptions of the goods答案:mode of packing;terms of payment;prices;descriptions of the goods42.What principles should we follow when writing an email to place an order? ( )A:concisenessB:clarityC:courtesyD:cooperation答案:conciseness;clarity;courtesy43.What are the specific details related to the description of goods? ( )A:article number of the goodsB:sizeC:quantityD:quality答案:article number of the goods;size;quantity;quality44.We should sign a sales contract before placing an order. ( )A:对 B:错答案:错45.There are different types of placing an order, such as fact-to-faceconfirmation, as well as confirmation through phones or email, etc. ( )A:错 B:对答案:对46.For the inner packing which is transparent plastic wrapper, there needs to bea proper design and some colour to make it attractive to promote sales. ( )A:错 B:对答案:对47.Sales contracts provide legal protection to both buyers and sellers. ( )A:错 B:对答案:对48.The stipulations in the letter of credit should be in strict accordance theterms and conditions in the sales contract. ( )A:onB:ofC:toD:with答案:with。



北京语言大学智慧树知到“英语”《商务英语》网课测试题答案(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.综合考核(共10题)1.The perspective adopted to view the acquiring of an additional language is that of an inpidual attempts to do so.(语法上正确与否) ()T.对F.错2._______ both parties have agreed on all the terms and conditions can we start to prepare the contract.A.Even ifB.Only whenC.Even thoughD.Only while3.set off 意思是:begin ()T.对F.错4.prosperity的意思是:the state of being prosperous ()T.对F.错5.The price of the coal will vary according to how far it has to be transported and how expensive the freight ______ are.A.paymentsB.chargesC.fundsD.prices6.Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, ___________ themselves. A.expandingB.stretchingC.prolongingD.extending7.astray的意思是:remain in the same place ()T.对F.错8.With the price of oil _______, the economy of oil-producing countries is expanding at a high rate.A.going upB.goes upC.gone upD.to go up9.Mr. Smith became very __________ when it was suggested that he had made a mistake.A.ingeniousB.empiricalC.objectiveD.indignant10.toll的意思是:a charge payable to use a bridge or roadA.正确B.错误第1卷参考答案一.综合考核1.参考答案:F2.参考答案:B3.参考答案:T4.参考答案:T5.参考答案:B6.参考答案:B7.参考答案:F8.参考答案:A9.参考答案:D10.参考答案:A。




答:海森堡问:电控汽油喷射系统由( )三部分组成。


答:追随者状况领导者状况群体氛围任务结构和面临的压力问:鞘翅目昆虫前翅类型是_______ ;后翅类型是_______( )答:鞘翅 、 膜翅问:柴油机 EGR 是采用( )利用排气管中的气体脉动进行的 EGR 方式,在某一缸进气过程中,排气门处出现正压力波,此时,如果能再次开启排气门就可实现 EGR 。

答:内部EGR问:脆弱(不稳定)高自尊的人容易有更高的自恋、偏见等防御性心理,他们()答:C 外显自尊高,内隐自尊低问:就业协议书一式三份,由毕业生、用人单位、学校保管。


以下选项不属于共享经济特点的是?答:包括产业渗透、产业交叉和产业重组三种基本形式问:Angela Duckworth提出的公式,成就=天赋*努力2,说明()答:C 天赋和努力程度对一个人的成就都重要,但努力更重要问:影响自律的生理因素是()答:D 以上三者都对问:第一个做到了将氮气和氢气合成氨的化学家是?()答:哈伯尔问:第一号《匈牙利舞曲》作于1869年,它是g小调,()。

答:2/4拍问:第一恒磨牙最适宜封闭的年龄是( )答:6-9岁问:第一家进入中国的外资企业是()。









北京语言大学智慧树知到“英语”《商务英语》网课测试题答案(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.综合考核(共15题)1.I think we need to see an investment __________ before we make an expensive mistake.A.guideB.entrepreneurC.consultantD.assessor2.All our T-shirts you saw at the fashion show _______in four sizes.A.becomeB.putC.gete3.The manager gave her his ______ that her complaint would be investigated.A.assuranceB.assumptionC.sanctionD.insurance4.toll的意思是:a charge payable to use a bridge or roadA.正确B.错误5.arduous的意思是:of little weight; not heavyA.正确B.错误6.Is it possible to acquire an additional language in the same sense one acquires a first language?(语法上正确与否)A.正确B.错误7.with respect to (选出与题干意义最接近的解释)ply withB.in relation toC.conform toD.coincide with8.to appoint(选出与题干意义最接近的解释)________A.to take back propertyB.to meet someone’s needsC.to choose someone officially for a jobD.to claim for something9.We are sorry to let you know that neither of the relative _______has reached us yet.A.letter of creditB.letter of creditsC.letters of creditD.letters of credits10.The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously _________ relations between the two countries.A.tumbleB.jeopardizeC.manipulateD.intimidate11.curtail的意思是:the process of promoting a cause or plan ()T.对F.错12._______both parties have agreed on all the terms and conditions can we start to prepare the contract.A.Even ifB.Only whenC.Even thoughD.Only while13.Psycho-linguistics is the name given to the study of the psychological processes involved in language. (语法上正确与否)T.对F.错14.Wheat prices were generally low in the autumn, so farmers could not wait for markets to improve.(语法上正确与否) ()T.对F.错15.esteem的意思是:respect and admirationT.对F.错第2卷一.综合考核(共15题)1.astray的意思是:remain in the same place ()T.对F.错2.for file (选出与题干意义最接近的解释)A.赔偿B.供参考C.供查找D.存档3.The designer has applied for a ______ for his new invention.A.tariffB.discountC.versionD.patent4.approach的意思是:start to deal with in a certain way () T.对F.错5.at one’s own expense(选出与题干意义最接近的解释)________A.花费钱B.以代价C.费用自理D.以昂贵的价格购买6.violate的意思是:break or fail to comply with ()T.对F.错7.to come into being (选出与题干意义最接近的解释) A.开始变化B.形成,成立C.发生质变D.进入8.During the early years of this century, wheat was seen as the very lifeblood of Western Canada. (语法上正确与否) ()T.对F.错9.to enforce(选出与题干意义最接近的解释)A.to break or act against a lawB.to cause a law or rule to be obeyedC.to prevent movement from happeningD.to direct something into a particular place10.Once you get to know your mistakes, you should ________ them as soon as possible.A.rectifyB.reclaimC.refrainD.reckon11.superior的意思是:low in rank, status or qualityA.正确B.错误12.esteem的意思是:respect and admirationA.正确B.错误13.A corporation cannot come into existence on a handshake _______ a partnership can.A.the sameB.the wayC.in whichD.by way of14.My sister is quite ____________ and plans to get an M. degree within one year.A.aggressiveB.enthusiasticC.considerateD.ambitious15.underline的意思是:draw a line under to give emphasis or indicate special type ()T.对F.错第1卷参考答案一.综合考核1.参考答案:C2.参考答案:D3.参考答案:A4.参考答案:A5.参考答案:B6.参考答案:B7.参考答案:B8.参考答案:C9.参考答案:C10.参考答案:B11.参考答案:F12.参考答案:B13.参考答案:T14.参考答案:F15.参考答案:T第2卷参考答案一.综合考核1.参考答案:F2.参考答案:D3.参考答案:D4.参考答案:T5.参考答案:C6.参考答案:T7.参考答案:B8.参考答案:T9.参考答案:B10.参考答案:A11.参考答案:B12.参考答案:A13.参考答案:B14.参考答案:D15.参考答案:T。



智慧树知到《商务英语》章节测试【完整答案】2020智慧树知到《商务英语》章节测试答案第一章1、The decision choosing a career is very easy, you can just do what you like.A:对B:错正确答案:错2、You can find a satisfied job by listening to your parents advice.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、Your past can provide important clues to your personality and character.A:对B:错正确答案:对4、____jobs involve researching new technologies and creating products in collaboration with sales and production divisions, within set schedules.A:PlanningB:SalesC:Technologies and researchD:Finance正确答案:Technologies and research5、___ are the external factors you need to investigate when you do self evaluation.A:Current job marketB:Economic needsC:Location preferences and family needD:All of the above正确答案:All of the above第二章1、While functional resume places emphasis on career progression, a chronological resume focuses on your abilities and skills.A:对B:错正确答案:错2、You”d better not to use a resume template, you need to make it unique.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、The three forms of resume introduction are_______________.A:qualifications summary, career objective, and professional profileB:qualifications and award, career profile, and professional profileC:character profile, career objective, and professional introductionD:qualifications introduction, career objective, and character profile正确答案:qualifications summary, career objective, and professional profile4、When gather information on the company”s profile and background, you can _.A:visit their website.B:read about them in the pressC:speak to others who either work there or know the company quite well.D:do all the above.正确答案:do all the above.5、The appropriate body language during an interview is _ . A:smileB:make eye contactC:sit or stand up straightD:lean back a little bit to show your interest 正确答案:smile,make eye contact,sit or stand up straight 第三章1、Although employees can choose when to start and when to finish their work in flexitime schedule, they have to put in the total number of hours required by the employer.A:对B:错正确答案:对2、If you work from home, you can do anything you like at anytime.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、Under __, the standard work week is compressed into fewer than five days.A:fewer work weekB:flexi work weekC:condensed work weekD:compressed work week正确答案:condensed work week+compressed work week4、The benefits of working from home for employee are ____. A:It can help people maintain a better work life balance and well beingB:It can minimize the stress associated with physical commutingC:They can retain trained staff who need flexible arrangementD:They can save money on office space and reduce office overheads正确答案:It can help people maintain a better work life balance and well being+It can minimize the stress associated with physical commuting5、_is an office organization system which involves multiple workers using a single physical work station or surface during different time periods.A:FreelanceB:Part time workC:Shift workD:Hot desking正确答案:Hot desking第四章1、Management is to attain organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner.A:对B:错正确答案:对2、Planning is the ability to influence people toward the achievement of goals.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、When a manager decides where he wants the company to be in the future and how to get it there, he is performing the__________ function.A:planningB:organizingC:leadingD:controlling正确答案:planning4、___ control is the heart of any control system andincludes directing, monitoring and fine-tuning activities as they occur.A:FeedforwardB:ConcurrentC:FeedbackD:On-time正确答案:Concurrent5、When a manager handles ceremonial and symbolic activities for the department or organization, he is performing the ____ role.A:spokespersonB:figureheadC:decisionalD:entrepreneur正确答案:figurehead第五章1、Organizational structure indicates how all the job responsibilities fit together and the deployment of organizational resources.A:对B:错正确答案:对2、An organizational chart shows the interaction among job positions, but can”t show relative ranks of its parts and positions.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、___ structure is organized around key functions or departments。



智慧树知到《国际商务英语》章节测试答案智慧树知到《国际商务英语》章节测试答案第一章1、A well-written company profile is important in that it makes it likely to quickly and easily present key information to the media, customers and the public.A.对B.错答案: 对2、A great company profile can be used as the only promotional tool for a business.A.对B.错答案: 错3、Naturally, a successful and attractive company profile sheet can elicit(引出)direct orders as well as requests for more detailed information.A.对B.错答案: 对4、With the rapid advance in modern technology, company profile videos have replaced the traditional company profiles.A.对B.错答案: 错5、In order to make a company profile more attractive, we should go for showy visual appeal instead of clean formatting.A.对B.错答案: 错6、The logo of a company can be included in its profile.A.对B.错答案: 对7、A written company profile should be as long and comprehensive as possible.A.对B.错答案: 错8、The company profile must be reviewed at any time when any change occurs in a company.A.对B.错答案: 错9、As for contact information, a company’s physical address, zip code, telephone number and website are often contained in its profile.A.对B.错答案: 对10、When introducing a company’s products, we shoul d provide a top-level description of the products or services it provides.A.对B.错答案: 对11、Even though the origin story of our company is not colorful, we should share it in our company profile.A.对B.错答案: 错12、When writing a company profile, photos of the staff or production process are often used to grab readers’ attention.A.对B.错答案: 对13、Before publishing our company profile, we should proofread it again and again to assure that it is free from mistakes.A.对B.错答案: 对14、We should focus on the experience of its founders and what inspired them to start the business when introducing the history of an established company.A.对B.错答案: 错15、Anything that does not help to build a company’s image should be removed from its profile.A.对B.错答案: 对16、Which of the following is NOT true about company profiles?A.Through company profiles, we can learn about the business condition, management and culture of a company.B.A company profile can help customers to understand the business as well as its approach, unique strengths, and relevant experience.C.It is unusual for a fax number to be contained in a company profile.D.A company profile plays an important role in establishing business image, promoting economic and cultural communication.答案: It is unusual for a fax number to be contained in a company profile.17、How should we understand “accuracy”, one of the characteristics of company profiles?A.The information in a company profile should be completely accurate.B.Grammar in a company profile should be correct./doc/bb9496530.html,ing as many industry-specific terms as possible can be helpful to achieve accuracy.D.Punctuation in a company profile should be right.答案: Using as many industry-specific terms as possible can be helpful to achieve accuracy.18、Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. A company profile needs to be created from a reader’s perspective and must be tailor-made for the target audience.B.The type of information a company profile includes and its length vary from company to company.C.When writing a company profile, headers and bullet points are often used to break up a long text.D.When writing a company profile, every possible detail about the company should be included.答案: When writing a company profile, every possible detail about the company should be included.19、What is the difference between the profiles of Starbucksand Philips?A.The profile of Starbucks is more concise.B.The profile of Philips is more visually striking.C.The profile of Philips is more comprehensive.D.The profile of Starbucks is more attention-grabbing.答案: The profile of Philips is more visually striking.20、How is Starbucks named?A.It’s named after a mate in White Jacket.B.It’s named after a mate in Moby Dick.C.It’s named after a mate i n Typee.D.It’s named after a mate in Omoo.答案: It’s named after a mate in Moby Dick.第二章1、The term e-business is connected with retailing and describes company to consumer communication using the Internet.A.对B.错答案: 错2、Online auctions are the most common forum for C2C e-commerce.。



智慧树知到《商务英语》章节测试答案智慧树知到《商务英语》章节测试答案第一章1、The decision choosing a career is very easy, you can just do what you like.A:对B:错正确答案:错2、You can find a satisfied job by listening to your parents advice.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、Your past can provide important clues to your personality and character.A:对B:错正确答案:对4、____jobs involve researching new technologies and creating products in collaboration with sales and production divisions, within set schedules.A:PlanningB:SalesC:Technologies and researchD:Finance正确答案:T echnologies and research5、___ are the external factors you need to investigate when you do self evaluation.A:Current job marketB:Economic needsC:Location preferences and family needD:All of the above正确答案:All of the above第二章1、While functional resume places emphasis on career progression, a chronological resume focuses on your abilities and skills.A:对B:错正确答案:错2、You’d better not to use a resume template, you need to make it unique.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、The three forms of resume introduction are_______________.A:qualifications summary, career objective, and professional profileB:qualifications and award, career profile, and professional profileC:character profile, career objective, and professional introductionD:qualifications introduction, career objective, and character profile正确答案:qualifications summary, career objective, and professional profile4、When gather information on the company’s profile and background, you can _.A:visit their website.B:read about them in the pressC:speak to others who either work there or know the company quite well.D:do all the above.正确答案:do all the above.5、The appropriate body language during an interview is _ .A:smileB:make eye contactC:sit or stand up straightD:lean back a little bit to show your interest正确答案:smile,make eye contact,sit or stand up straight第三章1、Although employees can choose when to start and when to finish their work in flexitime schedule, they have to put in the total number of hours required by the employer.A:对B:错正确答案:对2、If you work from home, you can do anything you like at anytime.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、Under __, the standard work week is compressed into fewer than five days.A:fewer work weekB:flexi work weekC:condensed work weekD:compressed work week正确答案:condensed work week+compressed work week4、The benefits of working from home for employee are ____.A:It can help people maintain a better work life balance and well beingB:It can minimize the stress associated with physical commutingC:They can retain trained staff who need flexible arrangementD:They can save money on office space and reduce office overheads正确答案:It can help people maintain a better work life balance and well being+It can minimize the stress associated with physical commuting5、_is an office organization system which involves multiple workers using a single physical work station or surface during different time periods.A:FreelanceB:Part time workC:Shift workD:Hot desking正确答案:Hot desking第四章1、Management is to attain organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner.A:对B:错正确答案:对2、Planning is the ability to influence people toward the achievement of goals.A:对B:错3、When a manager decides where he wants the company to be in the future and how to get it there, he is performing the__________ function.A:planningB:organizingC:leadingD:controlling正确答案:planning4、___ control is the heart of any control system and includes directing, monitoring and fine-tuning activities as they occur.A:FeedforwardB:ConcurrentC:FeedbackD:On-time正确答案:Concurrent5、When a manager handles ceremonial and symbolic activities for the department or organization, he is performing the ____ role.A:spokespersonB:figureheadC:decisionalD:entrepreneur正确答案:figurehead第五章1、Organizational structure indicates how all the job responsibilities fit together and the deployment of organizational resources.A:对B:错2、An organizational chart shows the interaction among job positions, but ca n’t show relative ranks of its parts and positions.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、___ structure is organized around key functions or departments。




2.下列哪些因素会影响到译文()答案:译者对译文读者的预期;译者的外语水平;译者的综合知识和素养;译者的个人文风;译者的母语水平3.You know, Linda is a blonde.你知道,琳达是位金发女郎,不过有点“二”。

()答案:对4.Don’t cough more than you can help.不要咳得比你能忍的更多。

()答案:错5.Tom, you’re old enough to know better.汤姆,你大得能了解更多知识了。

()答案:错第二章测试1.Business English is English with vocabulary of business. ()答案:错2.Everything can be translated into target language. ()答案:错3.We can use the same translation skills in whatever materials for translation.()答案:错4.We can do translation work well once we understand the meanings of wordsand expressions in the source language. ()答案:错5.Only when we do translation work word-by-word can the meaning beconveyed in a faithful way. ()答案:错6.What is right about business English? ()答案:Business English is ESP, English for specific purpose.7.Choose from the following the right version for “He (TV viewer) is completelypassive and has everything presented to him without any effort on his part”.()答案:看电视的人是被动的,他无需做任何努力,电视节目就将一切呈现在他面前。





A:对 B:错答案:对2.商务英语源于普通英语,不具有普通英语的语言学特征,是商务知识和英语的综合,因而具有其独特性。

()A:错 B:对答案:错3.商务英语的语言特点包括以下哪些?()A:表达简洁准确B:专业术语丰富C:程式化的套语应用广泛D:句子结构规范而复杂E:用词正式严谨而又灵活多样答案:专业术语丰富;程式化的套语应用广泛;句子结构规范而复杂;用词正式严谨而又灵活多样4.当前比较成熟的商务英语翻译标准是,做到译文与原文的“信息灵活对等”(Dynamic Message Equivalence),概括为“_______”翻译标准。



()A:对 B:错答案:对6.由于文化差异的存在,英汉互译时做到文化信息的对等是不可能的。

()A:对 B:错答案:错7.商务英语翻译的终极目标是()。


A:三B:六C:五D:四答案:四第二章测试1.组织机构尤其是国家机关、事业单位因其本身内涵的确定性及严肃性在翻译时应采用( )的方法,要注重法定依据或权威依据。

A:意译B:直译C:定译D:音意结合答案:定译2.组织机构名称的英译在书写上要求首字母大写,但是像of, the, and等虚词也要大写。

()A:对 B:错答案:错3.在翻译机构名称时,语序宜保持一定规范,不要随意改变。

()A:错 B:对答案:对4.汉语中哪些机构名称可以翻译为“Department”?()A:厅B:管委会C:部D:站答案:厅;部5.在翻译组织结构名称时,应树立一种跨文化、跨语际信息传播的翻译观,视具体情况,灵活采用各种翻译方法,实现翻译等效。



商务英语阅读(课后练习答案)Chapter One: EconomicsLesson OneI• Check your comprehension: Decide if the sentences are T or F. Write T or F before each sentence. Compare your answer with your pair.l.T 2.T 3. F 4. F 5. FII• Familiar yourself with the following key terms:A.Choose the statement that defines one of the business terms given below.L distribute 2. purchase 3・ loan4.resource5.interest6. supplierB.Identify the English expressions of the following Chinese terms.1.unemployment rate2.financial affairs3.auto loanitary pursuits5.civilian pursuits6.raise money7.medical careS.economic concernsIII.Vocabulary practice: Filling in the blanks with the proper words or expressions you have learned from the text given below to finish the following sentences.1.distributed2. varying3. economic4. purchasing5.resources 6・ exchange 7.campaign & issueIV・ Translation.1.人类有多种需耍和需求。



智慧树知到《商务英语》章节测试答案第一章1、The decision choosing a career is very easy, you can just do what you like.A:对B:错正确答案:错2、You can find a satisfied job by listening to your parents advice.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、Your past can provide important clues to your personality and character.A:对B:错正确答案:对4、____jobs involve researching new technologies and creating products in collaboration with sales and production divisions, within set schedules.A:PlanningB:SalesC:Technologies and researchD:Finance正确答案:Technologies and research5、___ are the external factors you need to investigate when you do self evaluation.A:Current job marketB:Economic needsC:Location preferences and family needD:All of the above正确答案:All of the above第二章1、While functional resume places emphasis on career progression, a chronological resume focuses on your abilities and skills.A:对B:错正确答案:错2、You’d better not to use a resume template, you need to make it unique.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、The three forms of resume introduction are_______________.A:qualifications summary, career objective, and professional profileB:qualifications and award, career profile, and professional profileC:character profile, career objective, and professional introductionD:qualifications introduction, career objective, and character profile正确答案:qualifications summary, career objective, and professional profile4、When gather information on the company’s profile and background, you can _.A:visit their website.B:read about them in the pressC:speak to others who either work there or know the company quite well.D:do all the above.正确答案:do all the above.5、The appropriate body language during an interview is _ .A:smileB:make eye contactC:sit or stand up straightD:lean back a little bit to show your interest正确答案:smile,make eye contact,sit or stand up straight第三章1、Although employees can choose when to start and when to finish their work in flexitime schedule, they have to put in the total number of hours required by the employer.A:对B:错正确答案:对2、If you work from home, you can do anything you like at anytime.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、Under __, the standard work week is compressed into fewer than five days.A:fewer work weekB:flexi work weekC:condensed work weekD:compressed work week正确答案:condensed work week+compressed work week4、The benefits of working from home for employee are ____.A:It can help people maintain a better work life balance and well beingB:It can minimize the stress associated with physical commutingC:They can retain trained staff who need flexible arrangementD:They can save money on office space and reduce office overheads正确答案:It can help people maintain a better work life balance and well being+It can minimize the stress associated with physical commuting5、_is an office organization system which involves multiple workers using a single physical work station or surface during different time periods.A:FreelanceB:Part time workC:Shift workD:Hot desking正确答案:Hot desking第四章1、Management is to attain organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner.A:对B:错正确答案:对2、Planning is the ability to influence people toward the achievement of goals.A:对B:错正确答案:错3、When a manager decides where he wants the company to be in the future and how to get it there, he is performing the__________ function.A:planningB:organizingC:leadingD:controlling正确答案:planning4、___ control is the heart of any control system and includes directing, monitoring and fine-tuning activities as they occur.A:FeedforwardB:ConcurrentC:FeedbackD:On-time正确答案:Concurrent5、When a manager handles ceremonial and symbolic activities for the department or organization, he is performing the ____ role.A:spokespersonB:figureheadC:decisional。



综合商务英语智慧树知到课后章节答案2023年下对外经济贸易大学对外经济贸易大学第一章测试1. In which of the following media can conservative voices most likely be heardin the US?A:NBC B:ABC C:CNN D:Fox News答案:Fox News2.Chomsky is a very important intellectual figure in America in the followingareas:A:history B:linguistics C:philosophy答案:history;linguistics;philosophy3.According to this passage, the function of a ‘filtering device’ in Americanuniversities is to remove:A:people who think independently. B:people who are not intelligent. C:peoplewho internalize social norms. D:people who are not hard working.答案:people who think independently.4.people who internalize social norms.A:There are no gender differences in the choice of tourist destinations. B:A five-percent increase in price will adversely affect the sale of this product.C:Power structures have a great effect on the media product. D:Milk drinking is positively related with the height of children.答案:There are no gender differences in the choice of touristdestinations.5.Which of the following sentences is incorrect?A:She fled with her family during the war and ended up in a remote village.B:If you do not study for the exam, you will definitely end up with a poorscore. C:If he carries on driving like that, he will end up dead. D:Someresearchers think most American people would end up to lose under the new tax plan.答案:Some researchers think most American people would end up to lose under the new tax plan.6. In the US, mainstream media is supposed to divert people with things like“professional sports, sex scandals, or the personalities and their problems,”according to What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream.A:对 B:错答案:错7. Dramas as a TV genre are usually fictional TV shows/programs that areabout serious subjects or issues, unlike comedies that are created to make people laugh.A:错 B:对答案:对8.Carefully considering who you are writing for will have an impact not only onthe content of your writing and the organization of your ideas, but also on the style of writing.A:错 B:对答案:对9.On a line chart, the x-axis is also called the dependent axis because its valuesdepend on those of the y-axis.A:对 B:错答案:错10.The business research process is about learning everything possible about acompany’s competitors and existing customers.A:对 B:错答案:错第二章测试1.All that Web2.0 really delivers is more dubious content from anonymoussources, __________ our time and __________ to our gullibility.A:hijacked, played B:to hijack, to play C:hijacking, playing D:hijacks, plays答案:hijacking, playing2.The Web 2.0 revolution comes __________ the cost of sacrificing truth and trust.A:in B:at C:by D:through答案:at3.These friends of multi–millionaire founder Tim O’Reilly are __________unconventionally rich and richly unconventional __________ harbor a messianicfaith in the economic benefits of the cult of the amateur and cultural benefits of technology.A:not only, but also B:rather, than C:as well, as D:not, but答案:not only, but also4.My dream of making the world a more musical place had fallen on deaf ears;the promise of using technology to bring more culture to the masses __________ by FOO Campers’ collective cry for a democratized media.A:had drowned out B:has drowning out C:has been drowned out D:had been drowned out答案:had been drowned out5. A lie can make its way around the world __________ the truth has the chance toput its boots on.A:unless B:before C:after D:until答案:before6.Brexit is the buzzword __________ with the UK Government still failing to agreeon an EU-Brexit divorce deal.A:in everyone's mouth B:for everyone's eyes C:to everyone's ears D:oneveryone's lips答案:on everyone's lips7. A negative mindset __________ your success and also your relationships as youdon’t show up as the best version of yourself.A:undermines B:harms C:endangers D:prevents答案:undermines8.He __________ to his murder of Lord Barton.A:confessed B:admitted C:acknowledged D:recognized答案:confessed9.Even though John's project was awful, I did not want to __________ his effortsso I went out of my way to pay him a compliment on his work.A:criticize B:belittle C:sour D:extol答案:belittle10.The US real estate sector has been __________ by the financial crisis.A:destroyed B:threatened C:decimated D:traumatized答案:decimated第三章测试1.“On National Prejudices” is a persuasive essay written by the Anglo-Irishwriter Oliver Goldsmith in the early 20th century.A:对 B:错答案:错2.According to “On National Prejudices”, the author thinks that all Europeannations are citizens of the world.A:对 B:错答案:错3.Among the three words Spaniard, Dutch and German, Spaniard is the onlyword that cannot be used to refer to a language.A:错 B:对答案:对4.The author thinks that the gentleman’s remark about the characters of someEuropean nations are ignorant and unfair.A:对 B:错答案:对5.It was the Greek philosopher Aristotle who proposed the concept of “thecitizen of the world”.A:对 B:错答案:错6.Which of the following words means “showing an unreasonably strong desireto obtain and keep money”?A:generous B:avaricious C:frugal D:gluttonous答案:avaricious7.Which of the following words is used in the essay as a positive description ofthe French people?A:haughty B:temperate C:sycophant D:staid答案:temperate8.As Nicolas Sarkozy’s prime minister, he has been seen as a safe pair of hands,a calming influence on the _____________ president.A:fatigue B:contemptuous C:sedate D:impetuous答案:impetuous9.Which of the following choices best explain what the underlined “which” inthe following sentence refers to?I accidentally fell into the company of half a dozen gentlemen, who wereengaged in a warm dispute about some political affair; the decision of which,as they were equally divided in their sentiments, they thought proper to refer to me, which naturally drew me in for a share of the conversation.A:The gentlemen’s sentiments. B:The gentlemen. C:The political affair. D:The dispute.答案:The dispute.10.Which of the following choices is grammatically similar to the underlinedpart of the following sentence?Did these prejudices prevail only among the meanest and lowest of thepeople, perhaps they might be excused, as they have few, if any,opportunities of correcting them by reading, traveling, or conversing withforeigners.A:Did they prejudice against the black candidate during the election? B:Even if we did prevail, the legal fees probably would exceed the damages we might reasonably expect to recover. C:They did prevail, and they were immediately ready to reap the benefits of that victory. D:Had I known the killer escaped, I would not have gone for a walk in the woods.答案:Had I known the killer escaped, I would not have gone for a walk in the woods.第四章测试1.Which of the following is NOT most governments’ practice to controlmonopolies?A:offering financial aids B:breaking big corporations into two or morecompeting firms. C:nationalization D:imposing price controls答案:offering financial aids2.Which of the following is NOT the reason accounting for economists’ changeof attitude towards antitrust policies nowadays?A:Some anti-trust acts failed to increase competition B:The monopoly can also benefit the economy C:Antitrust laws can prevent many useful mergers D:The anti-trust laws result in the worsening economic situation worldwide 答案:The anti-trust laws result in the worsening economic situationworldwide3.Why did the Microsoft lobbyists warn that Europe’s anti-monopoly squadwill now go after other technology firms with high market shares?A:To help the allies of Microsoft by providing more information B:Todiscourage the EU from staying on the case by stoking fear among thetechnology firms C:To gain the public support for the next litigation byexposing the plan of the Court D:To protect the technology firms from the punishment of the European Court答案:To discourage the EU from staying on the case by stoking fearamong the technology firms4.What is the major contention of Microsoft regarding the commission’srequest to release the communication protocols of Microsoft?A:It will greatly encourage competition which is a waste of social resources B:It will harm the national economy in a long run C:It cannot be realizedwithin several years due to technical problems D:It is an infringement of the intellectual property right of Microsoft答案:It is an infringement of the intellectual property right of Microsoft5.Microsoft was accused of maintaining its Windows monopoly in two ways:A:Variations in pricing and rebates in sales B:Charging excessive royalties and the bundling sale C:The technological lock-in and ruthless competitions D:The bundling sale and the technological lock-in答案:The bundling sale and the technological lock-in6.The “leniency policy” adopted by European Commission encouragescompanies to hand over inside evidence of cartels to the local court, which effectively destabilizes the cartel.A:错 B:对答案:错7.“Pass sentence” means a judge decides that the defendant is innocent so thepunishment like imprisonment can be passed or avoided.A:错 B:对答案:错8.In recent years, U.S. authorities enforce U.S. antitrust laws even againstconducts occurring entirely outside the United States. Individuals andcompanies that have never set foot on the United States can still get involved in anti-trust litigations in the U.S.A:错 B:对答案:对9.The Clinton White House had sought to negotiate a settlement with Microsoft,but the effort was thwarted by the new Republican president in power whodecided to pursue the case championed by Clinton.A:对 B:错答案:错10.According to the author, European regulators are unlikely to go after everytechnology firm with a big market share. One of the reasons is that there arenot so many large computer platforms like Windows.A:对 B:错答案:对第五章测试1.Talking about the dangers of protectionism can prevent a trade war.A:错 B:对答案:错2.The rise of China and India raised deep concerns over export penetration inthe U.S. and Europe.A:错 B:对答案:错3.Although America’s export declined 6 percent last year, China’s increased 9percent.A:错 B:对答案:错4.Detroit’s Big Three were rescued by the U.S. government because theyemployed tens of thousands of Americans.A:对 B:错答案:错5.Since 1947 discrimination has been an issue discussed in trade negotiations.A:对 B:错答案:对6.______ is the trend that will politicize economic policy decisions.A:The new fiscal stimulus plans launched to counter the economic downturn B:The bailout plans to protect national industries C:The massive intrusion of governments into national economies D:The global trade barrier答案:The massive intrusion of governments into national economies7.______ may lead to the most dangerous trade conflicts.A:Filing a large suit against the subsidization of exports B:Wrangling over traditional subsidies or tariffs C:Antidumping investigations around theworld D:The new fiscal stimulus plans答案:The new fiscal stimulus plans8.Are Asian countries faced with the same problem as Western countries interms of protectionism? If not, why are they special?A:No, because most Asian countries are developing countries and mostWestern countries are developed countries. B:No, because Asian countries are not active as the Western countries in protecting their domesticindustries. C:Yes, Asian countries are faced with the same problem asWestern countries in terms of protectionism. D:No, because the possibility of competitive currency devaluations could be particularly acute among Asian countries, which collectively rely on exports for more than 40 percent oftheir GDP.答案:No, because the possibility of competitive currency devaluations could be particularly acute among Asian countries, which collectively rely on exports for more than 40 percent of their GDP.9.The “monkey wrench” in the “Complex global supply chain s crisscross theworld, making discrimination on the basis of nationality a throwback toanother age and a monkey wrench in the machinery of modern globalcommerce.” means ________.A:The discrimination on the basis of nationality will greatly boost themodern global commerce. B:The discrimination on the basis of nationality will completely destroy the system of modern global commerce. C:Thediscrimination on the basis of nationality will be a hindrance to the system of modern global commerce. D:The discrimination on the basis of nationality will be of some help to the modern global commerce.答案:The discrimination on the basis of nationality will be a hindranceto the system of modern global commerce.10.“Meanwhile, there are straws in the wind.” means ______.A:There are signs of future protectionist measures concerning the economy.B:The air is filled with dried yellowish stalks from crops. C:The globaleconomy needs to cherish its one last chance to revive itself. D:There arestraws everywhere after people have their drinks.答案:There are signs of future protectionist measures concerning theeconomy.第六章测试1.Which of the following items is NOT a common measure of economicsanctions?A:Embargo B:Quota C:Exchange rate manipulation D:Tariffs答案:Exchange rate manipulation2.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about P5+1 countries?A:P5 +1 countries include Japan, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and theUnited States plus Germany. B:The countries include the five permanentmembers of the United Nations security council with the addition of Germany.C:The P5+1 countries are a group of world powers who are working on theIran Nuclear Deal. D:The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) wasreached between Iran and P5+1 in 2015.答案:P5 +1 countries include Japan, France, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States plus Germany.3.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about IAEA.A:IAEA reports to both the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council. B:The full name of IAEA is the International Atomic Energy Agency.C:Iran’s nuclear program is not subject to the IAEA's verification. D:IAEA is widely known as the world’s “Atoms for Peace and Development”.答案:Iran’s nuclear program is not subject to the IAEA's verification. 4.Attempts are being made to settle the dispute by _____ means.A:diploma B:diplomatic C:diplomacy D:diplomat答案:diplomatic5.There are ongoing ______ negotiations between the USA and China over tradeagreements.A:lateral B:unilateral C:multilateralD:bilateral答案:bilateral6.The US will launch an attack on Iranian nuclear facilities.A:对 B:错答案:错7.Iran argues that its nuclear programs is for peaceful purpose only.A:错 B:对答案:对8.France and Germany are the two close allies of the US, while Russia oftendisagrees with the US.A:错 B:对答案:对9.Carpet-bombing the economy with a series of sanctions is a winning strategy.A:错 B:对答案:错10.European countries are reluctant to endorse more sanctions only because oftheir economic interests.A:错 B:对答案:错。

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答:D-甘露糖醛酸 L-古洛糖醛酸

问:中央红军长征所经过的下列事件,按发生的时间排序正确的是( )















