
1. 为深入实施素质教育,武汉市中小学开设了丰富多彩的课后服务选修课程。
下表是某校课程安排(节选):时间周一周二周三周四周五课程书法国画蔬菜种植手工编织合唱管弦乐演奏太极拳花样跳绳面点制作家电维修其中,周二和周五的课程内容旨在引导学生()A. 传承传统文化,感受经典魅力B. 增强劳动意识,掌握劳动技能C. 培育音乐素养,提高审美能力D. 树立健康理念,养成运动习惯2. 以下是学校心理健康周“留下你的笑脸”留言墙摘录:◎参加跑步等体育活动能帮助我转移注意,化解烦恼。
这些留言的共同主题是()A. 悦纳生理变化B. 培养坚强意志C. 学会认识自我D. 学会调控情绪3. 在生活中经常可以看见如下标志(见下图),这些标志提示我们要()禁止烟火禁止吸烟禁止游泳禁止毒品①己所不欲,勿施于人②行己有耻,见贤思齐③遵守规则,承担责任④敬畏生命,守护安全A. ①②B. ①④C. ②③D. ③④4. 学校文学社举办“最美经典诵读员”竞选活动,普通话标准、喜爱文学的小静很想报名参加,但她性格内向、胆小害羞,不敢参与竞选。
如果你是她的好朋友,你会对她说()A. “要学会等待,等老师来找你吧!” B. “多浪费学习时间啊,还是不参加的好!”C. “要敢于迎接挑战,自信地展示自己!”D. “要学会竞争,不要把机会留给别人!”5. 学校法律社团举行模拟法庭活动,小法官作出如下“判决”:被告人冯某犯诈骗罪,判处有期徒刑八年,并处罚金人民币二十万元。
对此,下列分析正确的是()①该判决依据的法律是刑法②冯某的行为是严重违法行为③有期徒刑属于主刑,罚金属于行政处罚④刑事违法性是犯罪的最本质特征A. ①②B. ①④C. ②③D. ③④6. 八年级开展了“与法同行”系列主题活动。

2024年湖北省武汉市中考数学试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.现实世界中,对称现象无处不在,中国的方块字中有些也具有对称性.下列汉字是轴对称图形的是()A.B.C.D.【答案】C【分析】本题考查了轴对称图形的识别,根据如果一个图形沿一条直线折叠,直线两旁的部分能够互相重合,这个图形叫做轴对称图形,这条直线叫做对称轴进行分析即可.【详解】解:A,B,D选项中的图形不能找到这样的一条直线,使图形沿一条直线折叠,直线两旁的部分能够互相重合,所以不是轴对称图形,C选项中的图形能找到这样的一条直线,使图形沿一条直线折叠,直线两旁的部分能够互相重合,所以是轴对称图形.故选:C.2.小美和小好同学做“石头、剪刀、布”的游戏,两人同时出相同的手势,这个事件是()A.随机事件B.不可能事件C.必然事件D.确定性事件【答案】A【分析】本题考查的是必然事件、不可能事件、随机事件的概念.根据事件发生的可能性大小判断即可.【详解】解:两人同时出相同的手势,,这个事件是随机事件,故选:A.3.如图是由两个宽度相同的长方体组成的几何体,它的主视图是()A.B.C.D.【答案】B【分析】本题考查了三视图的知识,熟知主视图是从物体的正面看到的视图是解题的关键.按照主视图的定义逐项判断即可.【详解】解:从正面看该几何体,下面是一个大长方形,上面叠着一个小长方形,故选:B .4.国家统计局2024年4月16日发布数据,今年第一季度国内生产总值接近300000亿元,同比增长5.3%,国家高质量发展取得新成效.将数据300000用科学记数法表示是()A .50.310⨯B .60.310⨯C .5310⨯D .6310⨯5.下列计算正确的是()A .236a a a ⋅=B .()1432a a =C .()2236a a =D .()2211a a +=+【答案】B【分析】本题考查了完全平方公式,积的乘方,幂的乘方,同底数幂的乘法等,根据同底数幂的乘法,积的乘方,幂的乘方,完全平方公式运算法则分别判断即可.【详解】解:A.235a a a ⋅=,故该选项不正确,不符合题意;B.()4312a a =,故该选项正确,符合题意;C.()2239a a =,故该选项不正确,不符合题意;D.()22121a a a +=++,故该选项不正确,不符合题意;故选:B .6.如图,一个圆柱体水槽底部叠放两个底面半径不等的实心圆柱体,向水槽匀速注水.下列图象能大致反映水槽中水的深度h 与注水时间t 的函数关系的是()A.B.C.D.【答案】D【分析】本题考查了函数图象;根据题意,分3段分析,即可求解.【详解】解:下层圆柱底面半径大,水面上升块,上层圆柱底面半径稍小,水面上升稍慢,再往上则水面上升更慢,所以对应图象是第一段比较陡,第二段比第一段缓,第三段比第二段缓.故选:D.∠;②以点A为圆心,1个单位长为半7.小美同学按如下步骤作四边形ABCD:①画MAN径画弧,分别交AM,AN于点B,D;③分别以点B,D为圆心,1个单位长为半径画弧,∠的大小是()两弧交于点C;④连接BC,CD,BD.若44∠=︒,则CBDAA.64︒B.66︒C.68︒D.70︒【答案】C【分析】本题考查了基本作图,菱形的判定和性质,根据作图可得四边形ABCD是菱形,进而根据菱形的性质,即可求解.===【详解】解:作图可得AB AD BC DC8.经过某十字路口的汽车,可能直行,也可能向左转或向右转,这三种可能性大小相同.若两辆汽车经过这个十字路口,则至少一辆车向右转的概率是()A .19B .13C .49D .59共有9种情况,至少一辆车向右转有5种,∴至少一辆车向右转的概率是59,故选:D .9.如图,四边形ABCD 内接于O ,60ABC ∠=︒,45BAC CAD ∠=∠=︒,2AB AD +=,则O 的半径是()A B C D .2∵四边形ABCD 内接于 ∴ADC ABC ABC ∠+∠=∠∴ADC CBE∠=∠∵45BAC CAD ∠=∠=︒10.如图,小好同学用计算机软件绘制函数32331y x x x =-+-的图象,发现它关于点()1,0中心对称.若点()110.1,A y ,()220.2,A y ,()330.3,A y ,……,()19191.9,A y ,()20202,A y 都在函数图象上,这20个点的横坐标从0.1开始依次增加0.1,则1231920y y y y y +++++ 的值是()A .1-B .0.729-C .0D .1∵()0,1-关于点()1,0中心对称的点为()2,1,即当2x =时,201y =,∴12319201020011y y y y y y y +++++=+=+= ,故选:D .二、填空题11.中国是世界上最早使用负数的国家.负数广泛应用到生产和生活中,例如,若零上3℃记作3+℃,则零下2℃记作℃.【答案】2-【分析】本题考查了正数和负数的意义,在一对具有相反意义的量中,先规定其中一个为正,则另一个就用负表示.【详解】解:零上3℃记作3+℃,则零下2℃记作2-℃.,故答案为:2-.12.某反比例函数k y x =具有下列性质:当0x >时,y 随x 的增大而减小,写出一个满足条件的k 的值是.【答案】1(答案不唯一)【分析】本题考查的是反比例函数的性质,反比例函数的图象是双曲线,当0k >,双曲线的两支分别位于第一、第三象限,在每一象限内y 随x 的增大而减小,当0k <,双曲线的两支分别位于第二、第四象限,在每一象限内y 随x 的增大而增大.直接根据反比例函数的性质写出符合条件的的值即可.【详解】解:∵当0x >时,y 随x 的增大而减小,∴0k >故答案为:1(答案不唯一).13.分式方程131x x x x +=--的解是.【答案】3x =-【分析】本题主要考查了解分式方程,熟练掌握解分式方程的方法和步骤是解题关键.首先等号两边同时乘以()()31x x --完成去分母,再按照去括号,移项、合并同类项的步骤求解,检验即可获得答案.14.黄鹤楼是武汉市著名的旅游景点,享有“天下江山第一楼”的美誉.在一次综合实践活动中,某数学小组用无人机测量黄鹤楼AB 的高度,具体过程如下:如图,将无人机垂直上升至距水平地面102m 的C 处,测得黄鹤楼顶端A 的俯角为45︒,底端B 的俯角为63︒,则测得黄鹤楼的高度是m .(参考数据:tan632︒≈)【答案】51【分析】本题主要考查解直角三角形的应用,理解题意,作出辅助线是解题关键.延长BA 交距水平地面102m 的水平线于点D ,根据tan632︒≈,求出51m DC AD =≈,即可求解.【详解】解:延长BA 交距水平地面102m 的水平线于点D ,如图,由题可知,102m BD =,设AD x =,∵45DCA ∠=︒∴DC AD x==15.如图是我国汉代数学家赵爽在注解《周髀算经》时给出的“赵爽弦图”,它是由四个全等的直角三角形和中间的小正方形MNPQ 拼成的一个大正方形ABCD .直线MP 交正方形ABCD 的两边于点E,F ,记正方形ABCD 的面积为1S ,正方形MNPQ 的面积为2S .若(1)BE kAE k =>,则用含k 的式子表示12S S 的值是. 45PMN ∴∠=︒45EMG PMN ∴∠=∠=1EG MG ∴==在AEG △和ABN 中,16.抛物线2y ax bx c =++(a ,b ,c 是常数,0a <)经过()1,1-,(),1m 两点,且01m <<.下列四个结论:①0b >;②若01x <<,则()()2111a x b x c -+-+>;③若1a =-,则关于x 的一元二次方程22ax bx c ++=无实数解;④点()11,A x y ,()22,B x y 在抛物线上,若1212x x +>-,12x x >,总有12y y <,则102m <≤.其中正确的是(填写序号).三、解答题17.求不等式组3121x x x +>⎧⎨-≤⎩①②的整数解.【答案】整数解为:1,0,1-【分析】本题考查了解一元一次不等式组,分别求出每一个不等式的解集,根据口诀:同大取大、同小取小、大小小大中间找、大大小小找不到确定不等式组的解集,进而求得整数解.【详解】解:3121x x x +>⎧⎨-≤⎩①②解不等式①得:2x >-解不等式②得:1x ≤∴不等式组的解集为:21x -<≤,∴整数解为:1,0,1-18.如图,在ABCD Y 中,点E ,F 分别在边BC ,AD 上,AF CE =.(1)求证:C ABE DF ≌△△;(2)连接EF .请添加一个与线段相关的条件,使四边形ABEF 是平行四边形.(不需要说明理由)【答案】(1)见解析(2)添加AF BE =(答案不唯一)【分析】本题考查了平行四边形的性质与判定,全等三角形的判定;(1)根据平行四边形的性质得出AB CD =,B D ∠=∠,结合已知条件可得DF BE =,即可证明C ABE DF ≌△△;(2)添加AF BE =,依据一组对边平行且相等的四边形是平行四边形,即可求解.【详解】(1)证明:∵四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,∴AB CD =,AD BC =,B D ∠=∠,∵AF CE =,∴AD AF BC CE -=-即DF BE =,在ABE 与CDF 中,AB CD B D BE DF =⎧⎪∠=∠⎨⎪=⎩,∴()SAS ABE CDF ≌;(2)添加AF BE =(答案不唯一)如图所示,连接EF .∵四边形ABCD 是平行四边形,∴AD BC ∥,即AF BE ∥,当AF BE=时,四边形ABEF是平行四边形.19.为加强体育锻炼,增强学生体质,某校在“阳光体育一小时”活动中组织九年级学生定点投篮技能测试,每人投篮4次,投中一次计1分.随机抽取m名学生的成绩作为样本,将收集的数据整理并绘制成如下的统计图表.测试成绩频数分布表成绩/分频数4123a2151b06根据以上信息,解答下列问题:(1)直接写出m,n的值和样本的众数;(2)若该校九年级有900名学生参加测试,估计得分超过2分的学生人数.20.如图,ABC 为等腰三角形,O 是底边BC 的中点,腰AC 与半圆O 相切于点D ,底边BC 与半圆O 交于E ,F 两点.(1)求证:AB 与半圆O 相切;(2)连接OA .若4CD =,2CF =,求sin OAC ∠的值.AO BC ∴⊥,AO 平分BAC∠AC 与半圆O 相切于点DOD AC∴⊥由ON AB⊥ ON OD∴=21.如图是由小正方形组成的34⨯网格,每个小正方形的顶点叫做格点.ABC 三个顶点都是格点.仅用无刻度的直尺在给定网格中完成四个画图任务,每个任务的画线不得超过三条.(1)在图(1)中,画射线AD 交BC 于点D ,使AD 平分ABC 的面积;∠=∠;(2)在(1)的基础上,在射线AD上画点E,使ECB ACB(3)在图(2)中,先画点F,使点A绕点F顺时针旋转90︒到点C,再画射线AF交BC于点G;(4)在(3)的基础上,将线段AB绕点G旋转180︒,画对应线段MN(点A与点M对应,点B与点N对应).(2)如图,作OP(4)如图,作OP MN 即为所求作.22.16世纪中叶,我国发明了一种新式火箭“火龙出水”,它是二级火箭的始祖.火箭第一级运行路径形如抛物线,当火箭运行一定水平距离时,自动引发火箭第二级,火箭第二级沿直线运行.某科技小组运用信息技术模拟火箭运行过程.如图,以发射点为原点,地平线为x 轴,垂直于地面的直线为y 轴,建立平面直角坐标系,分别得到抛物线2y ax x =+和直线12y x b =-+.其中,当火箭运行的水平距离为9km 时,自动引发火箭的第二级.(1)若火箭第二级的引发点的高度为3.6km .①直接写出a ,b 的值;②火箭在运行过程中,有两个位置的高度比火箭运行的最高点低1.35km ,求这两个位置之间的距离.(2)直接写出a 满足什么条件时,火箭落地点与发射点的水平距离超过15km .23.问题背景:如图(1),在矩形ABCD 中,点E ,F 分别是AB ,BC 的中点,连接BD ,EF ,求证:BCD FBE ∽△△.问题探究:如图(2),在四边形ABCD 中,AD BC ∥,90BCD ∠=︒,点E 是AB 的中点,点F 在边BC 上,2AD CF =,EF 与BD 交于点G ,求证:BG FG =.问题拓展:如图(3),在“问题探究”的条件下,连接AG ,AD CD =,AG FG =,直接写出EG GF的值.∵E 是AB 的中点,H 是∴12EH AD =,EH AD ∥又∵2AD CF =,∴EH CF =,∵2AD CF CD ==,∴12AM MD FC AD ===设2AD a =,则MF CD =【点睛】本题考查了矩形的性质,相似三角形的性质与判定,平行四边形的性质与判定,直角三角形中斜边上的中线等于斜边的一半,全等三角形的性质与判定,熟练掌握相似三角形的性质与判定是解题的关键.24.抛物线215222y x x =+-交x 轴于A ,B 两点(A 在B 的右边),交y 轴于点C .(1)直接写出点A ,B ,C 的坐标;(2)如图(1),连接AC ,BC ,过第三象限的抛物线上的点P 作直线PQ AC ∥,交y 轴于点Q .若BC 平分线段PQ ,求点P 的坐标;(3)如图(2),点D 与原点O 关于点C 对称,过原点的直线EF 交抛物线于E ,F 两点(点E 在x 轴下方),线段DE 交抛物线于另一点G ,连接FG .若90EGF ∠=︒,求直线DE 的解析式.∴90T S EGF ∠=∠=∠=∴90EGT FGS ∠=︒-∠=∴ETG GSF∽∴ET TG GS FS=即ET FS GS TG⋅=⋅。

2024年湖北省武汉市中考物理试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单选题1.下列关于声现象的说法正确的是( )A.拨动张紧的橡皮筋,能听到声音,说明发声的物体在振动B.逐渐抽出真空罩内的空气,闹钟的铃声逐渐增强C.用大小不同的力敲击同一个编钟,发出声音的响度相同D.超声波清洗机清洗眼镜,说明声可以传递信息【答案】A【详解】A.用力拨动绷紧的橡皮筋时,橡皮筋会振动,而我们会听到振动的橡皮筋发出声音,说明声音是由物体振动发出的,故A正确;B.声音的传播需要介质,逐渐抽出真空罩内的空气,真空罩内的空气减少,闹钟的铃声逐渐减弱,故B错误;C.响度指声音的大小,与物体的振动幅度有关,用大小不同的力敲击同一个编钟,则物体振动的幅度不同,响度也不同,故C错误;D.声音可以传递信息和能量,超声波清洗机清洗眼镜,说明声可以传递能量,故D错误。
3.如图所示,为了探究光反射时的规律,把一个平面镜放在水平桌面上,再把一张纸板ENF 竖直地立在平面镜上,纸板ENF是用两块纸板连接起来的,纸板NOF可以向前或向后折。

每个问题后有三个答语, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。
听完每个问题后, 你都有5秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题。
1. A. I'm coming. B. Wuhan. C. Funnier.2. A. Talking. B. Well done. C. Thirteen.3. A. Dumplings. B. At home. C. Perfect.4. A. I remember. B. An hour ago. C. Come on.第二节(共8小题, 每小题1分, 满分8分)听下面8段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。
听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来作答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
5. How is the pocket park according to the woman?A. Nice.B. Big.C. Far.6. Which tie does the woman suggest?A. The red one.B. The blue one.C. The black one.7. What is the woman's favorite birthday present?A. The book.B. The watch.C. The shoes.8. Where are the two speakers probably going?A. To the woods.B. To the seaside.C. To the sports center.9. How long does it take to make the food crispy?A.5minutes.B.10 minutes.C.15minutes.10. Why is Mark so happy?A. He gets a good book.B. His novel is popular online.C. He has a surprising trip.11. What would Mr. Marley probably say to Betty next?A. Be prepared next time.B. Very good jab!C. Are you ready?12. Which picture shows Jimmy's dream?A. B. C.第三节(共13小题, 每小题1分, 满分13分)听下面4段对话或独白。

2023年湖北省武汉市中考英语真题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.—Do you understand what I mean?—________.I’m a bit lost.A.Very much B.I hope not C.Not really D.It’s nothing 2.—Mom,can I talk to you about my job offer,please?—________.A.Go ahead B.I see C.Much better D.Never mind 3.—What the headmaster said at the graduation must have stuck in the minds of many students.—________.It was very inspiring.A.I agree B.Thank you C.All right D.My pleasure 4.—The car will not start.What can I do?—Don’t worry.Tom and I________it a push.A.give B.gave C.have given D.will give 5.Jessica________every night before her Chinese test and got good results. A.studies B.studied C.has studied D.will study 6.—Who will talk about the development of American country music next week?—I suggest Brad.He________in Nashville,the home of country music,since he was a child.A.lives B.lived C.has lived D.will live 7.Please bring Ms.Steen to the welcome party________telling her so that she can be surprised.A.about B.from C.without D.for 8.—Peter was picked out to be on the school volleyball team.—His height gives him a big________.A.situation B.challenge C.achievement D.advantage 9.—There are many celebrations in the coming Dragon Boat Festival.—Sounds very interesting.I don’t want to miss________.A.it B.any C.none D.one10.—Mary is________about what she eats.She never has junk food.—A good habit.A.careful B.angry C.nervous D.relaxed 11.—The hair product is being________at present.—You mean if it’s up to the standard,it will be put on the market soon.A.used B.tested C.shown D.sold 12.—Excuse me,but we________wait in line to get on the subway.—I’m sorry.A.might B.would C.could D.should 13.—Sally________into the role of our group leader.—Really?I’m expecting fresh air and new ideas from her.A.ran B.broke C.stepped D.looked 14.—Hard to believe.Luke won the school speech contest!—He used to be shy,but his friends’support________his confidence.A.took away B.made up C.put away D.built up 15.This famous saying“When I walk along with two others,they may serve me as my teachers”tells us________.A.how should we treat people B.who we can learn from C.what did we say in public D.why we need teachers二、完形填空三、阅读单选news?HISTORY.D.ART.by scientistsA.he often gave speeches in publicB.he set up his“green”projectC.he became interested in swallowtailsD.he went on protecting insects37.Which of the following can be put in_________?A.Bert saved many swallowtailsB.Bert had a dull childhoodC.Bert found his love early in lifeD.Bert made a hard decision38.The underlined word“accessible”in paragraph2means“_________”. A.dangerous to feed B.easy to get close toC.hard to raise D.safe to reach39.The main reason for Bert to create a zinnia garden at school was_________.A.to watch students have funB.to make his school more beautifulC.to stop swallowtails from disappearingD.to help kids learn about swallowtails40.What would be the best title for the passage?A.A Bright Flower B.A Flying Project C.A Green Garden D.A Warning ActionWhen the famous scientist Albert Einstein was16years old,he imagined himself riding alongside a beam(束)of light.He used this picture in mind to help him when working out the “theory of relativity(相对论)”.“Imagination is more important than knowledge,”said Einstein.Daydreaming,called“thought experiments”by Einstein,can make you have wild imaginings,like flying around in space.It lets your mind walk slowly around ideas,memoriesand experiences that aren’t happening right now.It means thinking ahead to a holiday or remembering how much you enjoyed a birthday party.According to China’s health authorities(权威机构),daydreaming for a while each day can improve your health and creativity.Disappearing into a daydream lets your mind escape when things are difficult.It helps you deal with worries and fears.For example,imagining how you’re going to speak up in class is like practicing the scene in your head,which can make you feel calmer.Daydreaming also inspires creativity and lets you find new worlds where there are no limits(限制)to what you can do or who you are.Guo Qiang,an expert in thoughts and feelings,thinks we should all make time to daydream.“Thinking for pleasure can be a powerful tool to shape our feelings,”he said.However,try not to let your mind be absent when you need to focus(聚焦)in class or cross the road.Instead,find a time when you don’t have to focus on anything,like going for a walk or brushing your teeth.Guo suggests you can start by focusing on a happy memory or imagining a future success,like scoring a goal in the World Cup.To encourage creativity,think about interesting ideas and see where your mind takes you. Research shows that people often come up with more solutions to problems after they’ve taken a break.So next time you’re stuck with homework,stop for a moment and see where your daydreams take you.41.Which writing skill is used in paragraph1?A.Giving an example.B.Raising a question.C.Listing numbers.D.Comparing facts.42.Daydreaming can make people_________.A.fly around B.walk slowly C.think freely D.beabsent-minded43.Guo Qiang first suggests_________.A.escaping from the hard time B.looking for new worldsC.finding time to imagine D.focusing on success44.What is mentioned in paragraph4?A.The steps to daydream.B.The things to daydream of.C.The reasons for daydreaming.D.The meanings of daydreaming. 45.Daydreaming is talked about_________. A.to remind people to have a mind break B.to suggest living at the momentC.to find solutions to homework problems D.to show a science research result四、多句选词填空五、短文综合填空六、材料作文61.你的英语老师布置了一项体验式作业,希望你和家人假期时去一次公园,然后写一篇英文短文,向同学们介绍公园离你家有多远,能在公园内体验的活动项目及公园周边生活设施。

2023年湖北省武汉市中考数学试卷及答案解析(word版)考试时间:2023年6月考试科目:数学考试地点:湖北省武汉市一、选择题(共30题,每题2分,共60分)1. 在三角形ABC中,已知∠A=60°,AB=5cm,AC=8cm,则BC的长度是多少?A. 5 cmB. 8 cmC. 11 cmD. 13 cm2. 若一元二次方程ax^2+bx+c=0(a≠0)的两个根为x1和x2, 则x1 + x2 的值是多少?A. aB. bC. cD. -b/a...二、填空题(共20题,每题2分,共40分)1. 设直线k的斜率为3,且过点(-2, 4),则直线k的方程是__________。
2. 若两个互为倒数的有理数和为0,则这两个数分别是__________和__________。
...三、解答题(共2题,每题20分,共40分)1. 已知函数y=2x^2-5x+3,求其对称轴方程和顶点坐标。
将x=1和x=1.5代入函数y=2x^2-5x+3,求得顶点坐标分别为(1, 0)和(1.5, -0.75)。
所以,对称轴方程为x=1,顶点坐标分别为(1, 0)和(1.5, -0.75)。
2. 两条非平行直线分别是直线k1和直线k2,已知直线k1的斜率为2,过直线k1的一点(3,-2),直线k2经过(1, 4)且与直线k1垂直,求直线k2的斜率和方程。
解答:由直线k1的斜率为2,过直线k1的一点(3,-2),可得直线k1的方程为y-(-2)=2(x-3),整理得 y=2x-8。


2025年湖北省武汉市英语中考复习试题与参考答案一、听力部分(本大题有20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1、听力材料:A. Good morning, everyone. Today’s test is about English. Are you ready?B. I’m ready, but I’m a bit nervous.C. Don’t worry, we’ll all do our best.Question: What is the speaker doing at the beginning of the test?A. Giving a speechB. Asking for the test to startC. Checking if everyone is readyAnswer: CExplanation: The speaker is asking everyone if they are ready for the test, indicating that they are in the process of beginning the test.2、听力材料:A. I have two options for this question. Do you think the first one is correct?B. Let me think… I think the second one is more likely.C. I agree with you. The second one is the right answer.Question: What are the speakers discussing?A. A math problemB. A decisionC. A test questionAnswer: CExplanation: The speakers are discussing a question, indicating that they are likely in the context of a test.3.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer for the question.A. What is the man doing now?B. Why does the woman feel tired?C. What time does the woman usually wake up?D. How does the woman usually go to work?Answer: CExplanation: In the dialogue, the woman says, “I usually wake up at 7:00a.m. every day.” Therefore, the correct answer is C.4.Listen to the conversation and answer the following question.What does the man suggest doing after dinner?A. Watching a movieB. Going for a walkC. Staying at homeD. Eating outAnswer: BExplanation: The man says, “How about going for a walk after dinner? It’s a nice way to relax and enjoy the evening.” This indicates that he suggestsgoing for a walk, so the correct answer is B.5、You will hear a short conversation between two friends at a coffee shop. Listen carefully and answer the question.Question: What is the woman planning to do this weekend?A) Go hiking.B) Visit a museum.C) Go to the beach.D) Stay at home and read.Answer: B) Visit a museum.Explanation: The woman mentions that she has heard about the new exhibit at the museum and is thinking of visiting it this weekend, which indicates her plan.6、You will hear a short lecture about the importance of sleep. Listen carefully and answer the question.Question: According to the lecture, what is one of the major consequences of sleep deprivation?A) Improved cognitive function.B) Enhanced memory retention.C) Increased productivity.D) Decreased risk of heart disease.Answer: D) Decreased risk of heart disease.Explanation: The lecture mentions that sleep deprivation can lead to ahigher risk of heart disease, which is a negative consequence, not a positive one like the others listed.7.You will hear a conversation between two students discussing their weekend plans. Listen carefully and answer the question.Question: What activity do the students plan to do on Saturday afternoon?A. Go to a movie.B. Visit a museum.C. Go hiking.Answer: BExplanation: In the conversation, one student mentions, “I heard there’s a new art exhibit at the museum this weekend. How about we go check it out?” This indicates that their plan is to visit a museum on Saturday afternoon.8.You will hear a short passage about the importance of exercise. Listen carefully and answer the question.Question: According to the passage, what are the benefits of regular exercise?A. It helps improve sleep quality.B. It reduces stress levels.C. It increases energy levels.D. All of the above.Answer: DExplanation: The passage states that regular exercise can help improve sleepquality, reduce stress levels, and increase energy levels. Therefore, the correct answer is “All of the above.”9.You will hear a conversation between two friends about their weekend plans. Listen and answer the question.Question: What activity does the woman suggest they do on Saturday afternoon?A) Go to the movies.B) Visit a museum.C) Take a walk in the park.Answer: C) Take a walk in the park.Explanation: In the conversatio n, the woman mentions, “I think we should just relax and take a walk in the park. It’s been a busy week.”10.You will hear a weather forecast for the city of London. Listen and answer the question.Question: What is the expected temperature for tomorrow?A) 18 degrees Celsius.B) 22 degrees Celsius.C) 15 degrees Celsius.Answer: C) 15 degrees Celsius.Explanation: The weather forecast states, “Tomorrow, expect a high of 15 degrees with some cloud cover and a slight chance of rain.”11.You will hear a short conversation between two friends. Listen and choose the best answer to the question.Q: What is the man planning to do over the weekend?A)Go to the movies.B)Visit his grandparents.C)Stay home and relax.Answer: B) Visit his grandparents.Explanation: In the conversation, the man mentions that he has not seen his grandparents for a while and plans to visit them this weekend. This indicates that he is going to spend the weekend with his grandparents.12.You will hear a short interview with a local musician. Listen and answer the question.Q: What inspired the musician to start playing the guitar?A) A family member who played the guitar.B)Listening to a famous guitarist on the radio.C)Watching a guitar performance in a concert.Answer: C) Watching a guitar performance in a concert.Explanation: During the interview, the musician talks about how he was inspired to start playing the guitar after watching a live guitar performance at a concert. This experience sparked his interest in learning to play the guitar.13、What time does the library close today?A. 5:00 PMB. 6:00 PMC. 7:00 PMCorrect Answer: B. 6:00 PMExplanation: In the recording, the librarian clearly states that on Thursdays the library remains open until 6:00 PM. Today is Thursday, so the correct closing time is 6:00 PM.14、Where did the woman say she left her keys?A. In the carB. On the kitchen tableC. In her purseCorrect Answer: C. In her purseExplanation: During the conversation, the woman mentions that she remembers putting her keys in her purse before leaving the house. Therefore, the keys were left in her purse.15.You will hear a conversation between two friends discussing their weekend plans. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the question that follows.Question: What does John plan to do on Sunday afternoon?A. Go to the movies.B. Visit his grandparents.C. Take a nap.D. Go hiking.Answer: BExplanation: In the conversation, John mentions that he wants to visit his grandparents on Sunday afternoon, which is option B.16.You will hear a short lecture about the benefits of reading. Listen carefully and answer the question that follows.Question: According to the lecture, what is one of the main benefits of reading?A. Improved concentration.B. Enhanced memory.C. Increased vocabulary.D. Better communication skills.Answer: CExplanation: The lecturer discusses that reading can help improve one’s vocabulary, which is option C. The other options are not mentioned in the lecture.17、You will hear a conversation between two friends discussing their holiday plans. Listen carefully and then answer the question that follows.Audio Transcript:•Friend A: Hey, I was thinking, since we both have some time off next month, how about we plan a trip together? I’ve always wanted to go somewhere with mountains and lots of hiking trails.•Friend B: That sounds great! I love the idea. Maybe we could visit the Rockies? But, I also want to make sure we can do other activities too, like maybe visiting some local museums or trying out new restaurants.•Friend A: Absolutely, it’s important to have a mix of things to do. TheRockies are perfect for that. We can spend our mornings in nature and our afternoons exploring the towns nearby.•Friend B: Perfect, let’s start planning this. I’m excited!Question:What type of holiday are the two friends planning?•A) A beach vacation•B) An urban exploration•C) A mountain retreat with varied activities•D) A historical tourAnswer: C) A mountain retreat with varied activitiesExplanation:The dialogue clearly indicates that the friends are interested in a holiday that combines outdoor activities in a mountainous area (hiking in the Rockies) with cultural experiences such as visiting museums and dining at new restaurants. This combination points directly to option C, which describes a mountain retreat enriched with a variety of activities.18、Listen to the announcement made by a school principal regarding an upcoming event. After listening, choose the correct statement based on the information provided.Audio Transcript:•Principal: Good morning, everyone. I hope you’re all doing well today. As we approach the end of the semester, I’d like to take this opportunity to inform youabout our annual Science Fair, scheduled for next Friday. This year, we’re particularlyexcited because we’ve partnered with the local university, and they will be sendingover some of their top scientists to judge the projects. Additionally, there will be aspecial workshop on renewable energy, led by Dr.Emily Stone, a renowned expert inthe field. All students are encouraged to participate, and remember, the deadline forproject submissions is this Wednesday. Don’t miss out on this wonderful learningexperience. Thank you.Question:Which of the following statements is true according to the announcement?•A) The Science Fair is happening at the beginning of the semester.•B) Only senior students are allowed to participate in the Science Fair.•C) Project submissions for the Science Fair are due this Wednesday.•D) The special workshop will focus on space exploration.Answer: C) Project submissions for the Science Fair are due this Wednesday.Explanation:The principal specifically mentions that the deadline for project submissions is this Wednesday, making option C the correct choice. The other options either contain incorrect timing (A), inaccurate participation rules (B), or misidentify the topic of the special workshop (D). The actual workshop, as stated, will be about renewable energy, not space exploration.19.You will hear a conversation between two friends, Tom and Lisa, discussing their weekend plans. Listen carefully and answer the question.Question: What activity do Tom and Lisa plan to do together this weekend?A. Go to the movies.B. Visit a museum.C. Go hiking.Answer: CExplanation: In the conversation, Tom mentions, “I was thinking of goin g hiking this weekend, what about you?” indicating that they plan to go hiking together.20.You will hear a short speech given by a teacher, Ms. Johnson, about the importance of studying for exams. Listen carefully and answer the question.Question: What does Ms. Johnson emphasize in her speech about studying for exams?A. The importance of memorizing all the information.B. The need to start studying early.C. The role of good study habits.Answer: CExplanation: In the speech, Ms. Johnson says, “The key to performing well on exams is to develop good study habits, such as regular review and effective time management.” This indicates that she emphasizes the role of good study habits.二、阅读理解(30分)Part II Reading Comprehension (One Question)Read the passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow.The Mystery of the Missing CatIn the small town of Willow Creek, there was a cat named Whiskers who belonged to Mrs. Thompson, an elderly lady known for her kind heart and her love for animals. One day, Whiskers went missing, causing great distress toMrs. Thompson. The whole town rallied around her to help find Whiskers. Flyers were posted all over town, and children and adults alike joined the search.On the third day of Whiskers’ disappearanc e, young Timmy Johnson thought he heard meowing coming from the old mill by the river. He decided to investigate and took his bicycle down to the mill. When he arrived, he found the door slightly ajar. Inside, he discovered not only Whiskers but also a litter of kittens she had been secretly caring for in the mill. It turned out that Whiskers had been visiting the mill every day to feed the abandoned kittens.Timmy brought Whiskers and the kittens back to Mrs. Thompson, who was overjoyed. She adopted all the kittens, and soon enough, the old mill became a shelter for stray cats in Willow Creek. The story of Whiskers spread throughout the town, and everyone learned about the selfless actions of this one brave cat.Questions:1.What caused great distress to Mrs.Thompson?2.Who found Whiskers and where was she found?3.What happened after Whiskers was brought back to Mrs. Thompson?Answers:1.The fact that Whiskers went missing caused great distress to Mrs.Thompson.2.Timmy Johnson found Whiskers in the old mill by the river.3.After Whiskers was brought back to Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Thompson adopted all the kittens Whiskers had been caring for, and the old mill became a shelter for stray cats in Willow Creek.这道题目设计用于测试学生对短文的理解能力,包括主要情节和事件的结果。

1.本试卷由“阅读”和“表达”两部分组成,全卷共8 页,七大题,满分120分,考试用时150分钟。
2. 答题前,请将你的姓名、准考证号填写在“答题卡”相应位置,并在“答题卡”背面左上角填写姓名和座位号。
3. 作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目选项的答案信息点涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。
..“.试卷..”.上无效4. 非选择题必须用0. 5毫米黑色笔迹签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应位置上,答在..“.试卷...。
..”.上无效5. 认真阅读答题卡上的注意事项。
预祝你取得优异成绩!I 阅读(共55分)一、阅读下面的实用类文本,完成1~3题。
(10 分)“信用”的现代意义①诚实守信是中华民族的传统美德。

2024年湖北省武汉市中考英语真题学校:姓名:班级:考号:一、未知1.—?—I'd like two teas,please.A.How are you doingB.Where's the tea houseC.What can I do for youD.Why do you like tea2.—We'll be high school students soon.Managing time is more important for us..Time is valuable.A.I think soB.Ifs nothingC.All right3.—Dad,I fail again.Ifs difficult for me to make a sky lantern.—!I'm sure you can.A.Well doneB.Hard to sayC.Take care4.一Have you set a on your new phone?一Certainly.I have to protect my personal information.A.dateB.lockC.wallpaper5.一Can you your new coach?一Hmm...I think he's very intelligent and humorous.A.believeB.describeC.support6.一What a team!They5re always pulling together.一Exactly.No force can them.A.separateB.pushC.guardD.Not at all D.Keep trying nguage D.followD.shape7.My neighborhood is very because it's near the shopping center and the bus station.A.smartB.peacefulC.friendlyD.convenient8.一More and more teenagers are becoming interested in Xiangsheng and Xiaopin nowadays.一Yeah,thafs because can give people a big laugh.A.allB.noneC.bothD.neither9.一Ben,help me—With pleasure.the book from the shelf,will you?It's out of my reach.A.take downB.throw awayC.look throughD.hand out10.The saying"'Knowledge starts with practice,,tells us.A.what is knowledgeB.how we can get knowledgeC.why is practice powerfulD.when we should start practicing阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

2024年湖北省武汉市中考语文试卷解析版第Ⅰ卷(选择题共30分)一、积累与运用(共12分,每小题3分)1.下列各组词语中加点字的书写或注音有误的一项是()A.浩瀚.虬.(qiú)枝磕绊.(pàn)弛.骋B.显赫.濡.(rú)染拮据.(jū)轮廓.C.殉.职骁.(xiāo)勇自艾.(yì)秀颀.D.斟酌.冗.(rǒnɡ)杂无垠.(yín)禁锢.【考点】易误读常见字.【分析】本题注音题要结合平常课文中所学词语来辩析字音,要结合汉字的拼法规则来驾驭字的读音,对一些多音字、形近字、形声字要能精确辨析;写汉字题要留意形近字、同音字辨析.此类题关键是平常的积累,积累生字词,要留意字词的音形义.【解答】A.有误,“磕绊”应读作“kē bàn”,“弛骋”应写作“驰骋”;B.正确,不要把“显赫”写作“显郝”;C.正确,不要把“秀颀”写作“秀欣”;D.正确,不要把“冗杂”的“冗”读作“róng”.故选:A.2.依次填入下面横线处的词语,恰当的一组是()对于作家而言,粉丝易得,知音难觅,粉丝,是为成名;知音,是为孤独.知音之珍贵,不但在于,能看出天才,而且在于,敢畅言所见.A.雪中送炭锦上添花慧眼独具胆识过人B.锦上添花雪中送炭慧眼独具胆识过人C.锦上添花雪中送炭胆识过人慧眼独具D.雪中送炭锦上添花胆识过人慧眼独具【考点】词义辨析.【分析】本题考查词义辨析,题干中的句中都是课文中出现的语句,只要多读课文都可正确作答.【解答】“锦上添花”的意思是:比方好上加好,美上添美.“雪中送炭”的意思是:比方在别人急需时给以物质上或精神上的帮助.对于作家而言,成名后粉丝会许多,所以第一个空选择“锦上添花”.作家的知音会很少,所以其次个空选择“雪中送炭”.“慧眼独具”的意思是:在视力或洞察力方面有独到之处.“胆识过人”的意思是:很有胆识,英勇的意思.依据句意寻找知音,不仅能发觉知音,更能有胆识识别作家,所以第三个空选择“独具慧眼”,第四个空选择“胆识过人”.故选:B.3.下列各句中有语病的一项是()A.武大、华科大效仿牛津、剑桥两校划船竞赛的做法,在东湖实行“同城双星”龙舟赛。

1.实数3的相反数是()A.3B.13C.-13D.-32.现实世界中,对称现象无处不在,中国的方块字中有些也具有对称性.下列汉字是轴对称图形的是()A. B. C. D.3.掷两枚质地均匀的骰子,下列事件是随机事件的是()A.点数的和为1B.点数的和为6C.点数的和大于12D.点数的和小于134.计算2a23的结果是()A.2a5B.6a5C.8a5D.8a65.如图是由4个相同的小正方体组成的几何体,它的左视图是()A. B. C. D.6.关于反比例函数y=3x,下列结论正确的是()A.图像位于第二、四象限B.图像与坐标轴有公共点C.图像所在的每一个象限内,y随x的增大而减小D.图像经过点a,a+2,则a=17.某校即将举行田径运动会,“体育达人”小明从“跳高”“跳远”“100米”“400米”四个项目中,随机选择两项,则他选择“100米”与“400米”两个项目的概率是()A.12B.14C.16D.1128.已知x 2-x -1=0,计算2x +1-1x ÷x 2-xx 2+2x +1的值是()A.1 B.-1 C.2D.-29.如图,在四边形ABCD 中,AB ∥CD ,AD ⊥AB ,以D 为圆心,AD 为半径的弧恰好与BC 相切,切点为E .若ABCD =13,则sinC 的值是()A.23 B.53C.34D.7410.皮克定理是格点几何学中的一个重要定理,它揭示了以格点为顶点的多边形的面积S =N+12L -1,其中N ,L 分别表示这个多边形内部与边界上的格点个数.在平面直角坐标系中,横、纵坐标都是整数的点为格点.已知A 0,30 ,B 20,10 ,O 0,0 ,则△ABO 内部的格点个数是()A.266B.270C.271D.285二、填空题(共6小题,每小题3分,共18分)下列各题不需要写出解答过程,请将结果直接填写在答题卡指定的位置。
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2010年武汉市中考数学试题亲爱的同学,在你答题前,请认真阅读下面以及“答卷”上的注意事项:1.本试卷由第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分组成.全卷共6页,三大题,满分l20分.考试用时120分钟.2.答题前,请将你的姓名、准考证号填写在“答卷”相应位置,并在“答卷”背面左上角填写姓名和准考证号后两位.3.答第Ⅰ卷(选择题)时,选出每小题答案后,用2B 铅笔把“答卷”上对应题目的答案标号涂黑.如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后。
再选涂其他答案.不得答在“试卷”上.4.第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)用0.5毫米黑色笔迹签字笔书写在“答卷”上,答在“试卷”上无效.预祝你取得优异成绩!第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共36分)一、选择题(共12小题,每小题3分,共36分) 下列各题中均有四个备选答案,其中有且只有一个正确,请在答卷上将正确答案的代号涂黑.1. 有理数-2的相反数是( ) (A )2 (B )-2 (C )12 (D )-122. 函数1y x =-中自变量x 的取值范围是( )(A)x ≥1. (B)x ≥-1. (C)x ≤1. (D)x ≤-1.3. 如图,数轴上表示的是某不等式组的解集,则这个不等式组可能是( )(A )x >-1,x >2 (B )x >-1,x <2 (C )x <-1,x <2 (D )x <-1,x >24. 下列说法:①“掷一枚质地均匀的硬币一定是正面朝上”;②“从一副普通扑克牌中任意抽取一张,点数一定是6”.(A) ①②都正确. (B)只有①正确.(C)只有②正确.(D)①②都正确.5. 2010年上海世博会开园第一个月共售出门票约664万张,664万用科学记数法表示为( )(A)664×104 (B)66.4×l05 (C)6.64×106 (D)0.664×l076. 如图,△ABC 内有一点D ,且DA =DB =DC ,若∠DAB =20°,∠DAC =30°,则∠BDC的大小是( )(A)100° (B)80° (C)70° (D)50°7. 若x 1,x 2是方程x 2=4的两根,则x 1+x 2的值是( )(A)8.(B)4.(C)2.(D)0.8.如图所示,李老师办公桌上放着一个圆柱形茶叶盒和一个正方体的墨水盒,小芳从上面看,看到的图形是(A) (B) (C) (D)9.如图,所有正方形的中心均在坐标原点,且各边与x轴或y轴平行.从内到外,它们的边长依次为2,4,6,8,…,顶点依次用A1,A2,A3,A4,…表示,则顶点A55的坐标是()(A)(13,13)(B)(―13,―13)(C)(14,14)(D)(-14,-14)10.如图,⊙O的直径AB的长为10,弦AC长为6,∠AC'B的平分线交⊙O于D,则CD 长为()(A) 7(B) 72(C) 82(D) 911.随着经济的发展,人们的生活水平不断提高.下图分别是某景点2007—2009年游客总人数和旅游收入年增长率统计图.已知该景点2008年旅游收入4500万元.下列说法:①三年中该景点2009年旅游收入最高;②与2007年相比,该景点2009年的旅游收入增加[4500×(1+29%)-4500×(1-33%)]万元;③若按2009年游客人数的年增长率计算,2010年该景点游客总人数将达到280255280(1)255-⨯+万人次。
其中正确的个数是( )(A)0 (B)1 (C)2 (D)312.如图,在直角梯形ABCD 中,AD ∥BC ,∠ABC =90°,BD ⊥DC ,BE =DC ,CE 平分∠BCD ,交AB 于点E ,交BD 于点H ,EN ∥DC 交BD 于点N .下列结论:①BH =DH ;②CH =(21)EH +;③ENH EBH S EHS EC=. HN ECA D B其中正确的是( )(A)①②③ (B)只有②③ (C)只有② (D)只有③ 第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共84分)二、填空题(共4小题,每小题3分,共12分).下列各题不需要写出解答过程,请将结果宣接填写在答卷指定的位置.13.计算:sin30°=_________,(-3a 2) 2=_________,2(5)-=_________.14.某校八年级(2)班四名女生的体重(单位:kg)分别是:35,36,38,40.这组数据的中位数是_________.15.如图,直线y 1=kx +b 过点A (0,2),且与直线y 2=mx 交于点P(1,m ),则不等式组mx >kx+b >mx -2的解集是______________.(第15题图) (第16题图) 16.如图,直线33y x b =-+与y 轴交于点A ,与双曲线k y x =在第一象限交于B 、C 两点,且AB ·AC =4,则k =_________.三、解答题(共9小题,共72分)下列各题需要在答卷指定位置写出文字说明、证明过程、演算步骤或画出图形. 17.(本题满分6分)解方程:x 2+x -1=0. 18.(本题满分6分)先化简,再求值:53(2)224x x x x ---÷++,其中23x =-. 19.(本题满分6分)如图。
点B ,F ,C ,E 在同一条直线上,点A ,D 在直线BE 的两侧,AB ∥DE ,AC ∥DF ,BF =CE .求证:AC=DF .DBEAF C20.(本题满分7分) 小伟和小欣玩一种抽卡片游戏:将背面完全相同,正面分别写有1,2,3,4的四张卡片混合后,小伟从中随机抽取一张。
(1) 请用列表或画树形图的方法。
分别求出小伟,小欣获胜的概率; (2) 若小伟抽取的卡片数字是1,问两人谁获胜的可能性大?为什么?21.(本题满分7分) (1)在平面直角坐标系中,将点A (-3,4)向右平移5个单位到点A 1,再将点A 1绕坐标原点顺时针旋转90°到点A 2.直接写出点A 1,A 2的坐标;(2) 在平面直角坐标系中,将第二象限内的点B (a ,b )向右平移m 个单位到第一象限点B 1,再将点B 1绕坐标原点顺时针旋转90°到点B 2,直接写出点B 1,B 2的坐标;(3) 在平面直角坐标系中。
将点P (c ,d )沿水平方向平移n 个单位到点P 1,再将点P 1绕坐标原点顺时针旋转90°到点P 2,直接写出点P 2的坐标.22.(本题满分8分) 如图,点O 在∠APB 的平分线上,⊙O 与P A 相切于点C . (1) 求证:直线PB 与⊙O 相切;(2) PO 的延长线与⊙O交于点E .若⊙O 的半径为3,PC =4.求弦CE 的长.23.(本题满分10分)某宾馆有50个房间供游客住宿,当每个房间的房价为每天l80元时,房间会全部住满.当每个房间每天的房价每增加10元时,就会有一个房间空闲.宾馆需对游客居住的每个房间每天支出20元的各种费用.根据规定,每个房间每天的房价不得高于340元.设每个房间的房价每天增加x 元(x 为10的正整数倍).(1) 设一天订住的房间数为y ,直接写出y 与x 的函数关系式及自变量x 的取值范围; (2) 设宾馆一天的利润为w 元,求w 与x 的函数关系式;(3) 一天订住多少个房间时,宾馆的利润最大? 最大利润是多少元?24.(本题满分10分) 已知:线段OA ⊥OB ,点C 为OB 中点,D 为线段OA 上一点。
连结AC ,BD 交于点P .(1) 如图1,当OA=OB ,且D 为OA 中点时,求APPC的值; (2) 如图2,当OA =OB ,且AD 1AO 4=时,求tan ∠BPC 的值. (3) 如图3,当AD ∶AO ∶OB =1∶n ∶2n 时,直接写出tan ∠BPC 的值.(图1) (图2) (图3) 25.(本题满分12分) 如图.抛物线212y ax ax b =-+经过A (-1,0),C (2,32)两点,与x 轴交于另一点B . (1) 求此地物线的解析式;(2) 若抛物线的顶点为M ,点P 为线段OB 上一动点 (不与点B 重合),点Q 在线段MB上移动,且∠MPQ=45°,设线段OP =x ,MQ =222y ,求y 2与x 的函数关系式,并直接写出自变量x 的取值范围;(3) 在同一平面直角坐标系中,两条直线x=m ,x=n 分别与抛物线交于点E ,G ,与(2)中的函数图象交于点F ,H .问四边形EFHG 能否为平行四边形? 若能,求m ,n 之间的数量关系;若不能,请说明理由.备用图2010武汉市中考试题参考答案一、选择题:(共12小题,每小题3分,共36分)1.A2.A3.B4.D5.C6.A7.D8.A9.C 10.B 11.C 12.B 二、填空题:(共4小题,每小题3分,共12分) 13.12,9a 4,5 14. 37 15. 1<x <2 16. 3三、解答题:(共9小题,共72分) 17.(本题6分)解:∵a =1,b =1,c =-1, ∴∆=b 2-4ac =1-4×1×(-1)=5, ∴2511+-=x ,2512--=x . 18.(本题6分)解:原式=3)2(2)2524(2-+∙+-+-x x x x x =292+-x x 3)2(2-+∙x x=2)3)(3(+-+x x x 3)2(2-+∙x x=2x +6.当x =32-时,原式=2(32-)+6=22. 19.(本题6分)证明:∵AB //DE ,∴∠ABC =∠DEF , ∵AC //DF ,∴∠ACB =∠DFE , ∵BF =EC ,∴BC =EF , ∴△ABC ≌△DEF ,∴AC =DF .20.(本题7分)⑴ 可能出现的结果有16种,其中数字之和大于4的有10个,数字之和不大于4的有6个 1 2 3 4 123452 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 7 45678∴P (小伟胜)=851610= P (小欣胜)=83166=.或:根据题意,可画出如下的“树状图”11234432124321343214⑵P (小伟胜)=41, P (小欣胜)=43,∴小欣获胜的可能性大. 21.(本题7分)解:(1)点A 1的坐标为(2,4),A 2的坐标为(4,-2); (2)点B 1的坐标为(a +m ,b ),B 2的坐标为(b ,-a -m );(3)P 2的坐标为(d ,-c -n )或(d ,-c +n ). 22.(本题8分)(1) 证明:过点O 作OD ⊥PB 于点D ,连接OC .∵P A 切⊙O 于点C , ∴OC ⊥P A .又∵点O 在∠APB 的平分线上, ∴OC =OD .∴PB 与⊙O 相切.(2)解:过点C 作CF ⊥OP 于点F .在Rt △PCO 中,PC =4,OC =3, OP =22PC OC +=5,∵OC ∙PC =OP ∙CF =2S △PCO , ∴CF =512. 在Rt △COF 中,OF =22CF OC -=59.∴EF =EO +OF =524,∴CE =22CF EF +=5512.23.(本题10分)解:(1) y =50-101x (0≤x ≤160,且x 是10的整数倍). (2) W =(50-101x )(180+x -20)= -101x 2+34x +8000;(3) W = -101x 2+34x +8000= -101(x -170)2+10890,当x <170时,W 随x 增大而增大,但0≤x ≤160, ∴当x =160时,W 最大=10880,当x =160时,y =50-101x =34.答:一天订住34个房间时,宾馆每天利润最大,最大利润是10880元.ABC O EPFD24.(本题10分)解:(1) 延长AC 至点E ,使CE =CA ,连接BE ,∵C 为OB 中点, ∴△BCE ≌△OCA ,∴BE =OA ,∠E =∠OAC ,∴BE //OA ,∴△APD ∽△EPB ,∴EP AP =EBAD .又∵D 为OA 中点, OA =OB ,∴EP AP =AO AD =21.∴EP AP =AP PC AP +2=21,∴PCAP=2.(2) 延长AC 至点H ,使CH =CA ,连结BH ,∵C 为OB 中点, ∴△BCH ≌△OCA ,∴∠CBH =∠O =90︒,BH =OA .由AO AD =41, 设AD =t ,OD =3t ,则BH =OA =OB =4t .在Rt △BOD 中, BD =22)4()3(t t +=5t ,∵OA //BH ,∴△HBP ∽△ADP ,∴DP BP =AD BH =tt4=4.∴BP =4PD =54BD =4t ,∴BH =BP .∴tan ∠BPC =tan ∠H =BH BC =t t 42=21.(3) tan ∠BPC =nn.提示:可以获得PD =AD =1,仍有则∠BPC =∠DP A =∠A ,tan ∠BPC =tan ∠A =CO nAO n=. 25.(本题12分)解:(1)∵拋物线y 1=ax 2-2ax +b 经过A (-1,0),C (0,23)两点,∴⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧==++2302b b a a ,∴⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=-=2321b a ∴拋物线的解析式为y 1= -21x 2+x +23. DCOPHA BA BCD POE(2)作MN ⊥AB ,垂足为N .由y 1= -21x 2+x +23易得M (1,2), N (1,0),A (-1,0),B (3,0),∴AB =4,MN =BN =2,MB =22, ∠MBN =45︒.根据勾股定理有BM 2-BN 2=PM 2-PN 2. ∴(22)2-22=PM 2= -(1-x )2… ,又∠MPQ =45︒=∠MBP , ∴△MPQ ~△MBP ,∴PM 2=MQ ⨯MB =22y 2⨯22… . 由 、 得y 2=21x 2-x +25.∵0≤x <3,∴y 2与x 的函数关系式为y 2=21x 2-x +25(0≤x <3). (3)四边形EFHG 可以为平行四边形,m 、n 之间的数量关系是m +n =2(0≤m ≤2,且m ≠1).∵点E 、G 是抛物线y 1= -21x 2+x +23分别与直线x=m ,x=n 的交点,∴点E 、G 坐标为 E (m ,-21m 2+m +23),G (n ,-21n 2+n +23).同理,点F 、H 坐标 为F (m ,21m 2-m +25),H (n ,21n 2-n +25).∴EF =21m 2-m +25-(-21m 2+m +23)=m 2-2m +1,GH =21n 2-n +25-(-21n 2+n +23)=n 2-2n +1.∵四边形EFHG 是平行四边形,EF =GH .∴m 2-2m +1=n 2-2n +1,∴(m +n -2)(m -n )=0.由题意知m ≠n ,∴m +n =2 (0≤m ≤2,且m ≠1).因此,四边形EFHG 可以为平行四边形,m 、n 之间的数量关系是m +n =2 (0≤m ≤2,且m ≠1).P MQA B O yxNOE F GH xy。