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1.gaze at 凝视

2.stare at 凝视

3.catch a glimpse of sb 看了……一眼

4.peer over one's shoulder 回头看

5.gape at sb 目瞪口呆地看着……

6.feast one's eyes on 尽情欣赏

7.cast a look at sb 朝……看了一眼

8.stare sb up and down 上下打量某人

9.exchange a glance 交换眼色

10.raise/lift one's eyes 抬起眼睛

11.one's eyes widen 瞪大眼睛

12.blink one's eyes 眨眼

13.wink at sb 眨眼

14.glare at sb 怒视着……

15.peek at sb 偷看……

16.glance at sb 看了……一眼

17.take one's eyes off 把视线从……移开

18.shut one's eyes 闭眼

19.squint one's eyes 眯着眼睛

20.steal a glance at 偷看一眼

21.roll one's eyes 翻了翻眼

22.one's eyes scan the room 扫视房间


1.gather sb into arms 把……抱在怀里

2.reach into sb's pocket 把手伸进口袋

3.lift the lid 打开盖子

4.clap warmly 热烈鼓掌

5.point to 指着……

6.give sb a slap 给……一个耳光

7.smash one's fist down on the desk 把拳头砸在桌子上

8.open one's arms 张开双臂

9.rub one's hands together a few times 搓了几下手

10.one's hand ball into fist 攥起拳头

11.hide one's face in one's hands 用手捂住脸

12.one's hands bury in the pockets 把手插在口袋里

13.cup one's hands around one's mouth 双手拢在嘴边

14.rest one's chin on the fist 一个拳头支着下巴

15.rub the back of one's neck 揉搓后脖颈

16.rub one's eyes 揉眼睛

17.grab one's arms 抓住……的手臂

18.pound one's doorbell 敲门铃

19.hold one's hand tightly 紧紧握住……的手

20.pat one's head 拍拍……的脑袋

21.squeeze one's wrist 握住……的手腕

22.stroke fingers through one's hair 用手指抚摸着……的头发

23.pull out one of the napkins 拿出一张餐巾纸

24.hold out one's hand 伸出……的手

25.grip one's bag 紧抓住包

26.shake one's fist 挥拳(警告)

27.stretch out a hand 伸出一只手

28.roll up one's sleeves 挽起袖子

29.tie one's hair 绑头发

30.knock on the table 敲桌子

31.wipe one's hands on sth 用……擦手

32.wind a bandage firmly around the wounded leg 用绑带紧紧地裹住受伤的腿

33.give sb a wave 向……挥手

34.mop up 擦干净

35.hold one's knees 扶着膝盖

36.sit sb up 扶某人坐了起来

37.cling on to his sleeve 拉着他的袖子

38.scratch at 扒,挖

39.put up an umbrella 撑开伞

40.throw up one's hands 举起双手

41.tap sb on the shoulder 轻拍某人的肩膀

42.spread one's arms 张开双臂

43.sink one's head in one's hands 双手捂头

44.give/make a thumbs-up sign 竖起大拇指

45.scratch one's head挠头

46.salute the flag 向国旗行礼

47.rest one's chin in one's hands 双手托着下巴

48.slam one's fist on the desk 捶打桌子

49.dab one's brow 轻轻擦了擦额头

50.hold sth in one's hand 手里拿着……

51.cup my hand over the phone 用手捂住电话


1.make one's way through the crowd toward sb 穿过人群向……走来

2.stand on tiptoe 踮着脚

3.hurry along the road 匆匆地沿路而行

4.slide into the room 溜进房间

5.climb down the stairs 走下台阶

6.creep into one's tent 爬进帐篷

7.jump to one's feet 站起来

8.trot along the road 沿路小跑

9.sneak out of one's house 偷偷溜出家

10.sneak up the stairs 蹑手蹑脚上了楼

11.stagger to one's feet 摇摇晃晃站起身来

12.hobble across the road 一瘸一拐地穿过马路

13.stroll along the beach 在海滩漫步

14.wander around the street 在大街上闲逛

15.with a swagger 神气十足地

16.slip out of the house 溜出房子

17.stand rooted to the spot 站在原地不动

18.burst into the room like a whirlwind 像旋风一样冲进房间
