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19.我喜欢唱歌和跳舞。I, singing, dancing

20.丽丽喜欢看电视,但是她不喜欢听音乐。Lily, watch TV, not, listen to music

21.比起读书,玛丽更喜欢游泳。Mary, swim, read books

22.鲍勃的书包在桌子下面。Bob’s, school bag, chair, under, be

23.床上没有杂志。Magazines, there be, not, any, on the bed


Be, between, the computer, the lamp, the radio, and

25.你的小狗在哪里?your, little, dog, be, where

26.露西的吉它紧挨着书橱。Next to, guitar, bookcase, be, lucy’s, the 27.我的床上有一幅中国地图。A map of china, above my bed

28.磁盘和电脑在书桌上。Disks, computer, on the desk

29.那本书在地板上吗?book, on the floor

30.在书包和电脑之间有一张磁盘。The school bag, computer, disk

31.这套房子有几间卧室?the house, how many, in, there, be, bedrooms 32.玛丽家有浴室吗?any, bathrooms, are there, Mary’s house, in

33.我们喜欢在客厅读书。Like, we, reading books, living room, in, the

34.我不喜欢在卧室里练英语。Like, practice, English, one’s bedroom, in, not, I

35.衣柜里有只小黑猫吗?in the closet, a little black cat

36.在房间的另一个角落有张桌子。A table, in the other corner of the room

37.餐厅里有几张桌子,几把椅子?tables, chairs, in the dining room

38.桌子里有其它的铅笔盒吗?any other pencil-boes, in the desk

39.这附近有邮局吗?a post office, near here ,there be

40.在华盛顿街上有几家银行?banks, there be, how many, on Washington Street

41.我妹妹的书包在椅子下面。My sister’s bag, be, under the chair

42.在我房间里没有任何家具。Any furniture, there be, in my room


Between, our school, the hospital, a library, there be, and

44.我哥哥的吉它在椅子和床之间。Guitar, the chair, the bed, my brother

45.在你家附近有公园吗?Any parks, near, your house

46.在你邻近的地区,你最喜欢什么地方?what, place, in your neighbourhood

47.你喜欢你的房子吗?它附近都有什么?your house, what, near

48.百货商场的隔壁是电影院。Movie theatre, department store

49.这附近有一个书店。A book store, there be, near, here

50.我怎样到邮局呢?get to, how, post office, I, can, the


Across from, the street, post office, next to, shoe store, the, be, the


Turn right, on Chang’an street, a library, there be, and


Between, our school, the hospital, a library, there be, and

54.我哥哥的学校在医院的后面。My brother, school, the hospital

55.劳驾,请问博物馆在哪儿?where, museum

56.在你邻近的地区,你喜欢什么地方?what, place, in your neighbourhood 57.鞋店在服装店的旁边。Shoe store, clothing store

58.百货商场和旅馆之间是电影院。Movie theatre, department store, hotel UNIT 4 59.我们不需要糖,但是我们需要盐。Sugar, salt, need, don’t, but, we, need, any, some

60.我们不需要买多纳圈。Don’t, to, need, buy, donuts, we, any


But, there, be, isn’t, juice, cheese, there, any, some

62.这里有鸡蛋吗?不,没有。There, eggs, any, be, no, aren’t, there

63.这里有牛奶吗?有。Milk, be, there, any, there, is, yes

64.我们需要买一些香蕉。We, bananas

65.这里没有炸土豆条。Potato, chips

66.这里有小甜饼吗?没有。Cookies, no
