



1. My view on…(就...问题,我的观点) Model 1 模板一 Para 1第一段 Different people have different views on... It is held/ believed/ thought/ recognized/ acknowledged that...But it is also held that ... 就 ...而言,不同的人有不同的观点(见仁见智)。大家都认为...但也有人认为... Those who hold the first opinion feel…In contrast/however/on the contrary, those who hold the second view believe/suggest/argue/believe/think that… 持第一个观点的人认为...相反地,持第二个观点的人认为 Para 2 第二段 As to me, I agree with the former/latter opinion. Admittedly… /后者 In my opinion, I am for From my standpoint / viewpoint, I am in favor of From my point of view, I am supportive of As far as I am concerned What’s more,… Moreover,… Furthermore,… ,… Para 3 结尾段 In a word, … In sum In brief In short It’s necessary to take a correct attitude to…. Only …, can we … In conclusion 对...持正确的态度是有必要的。只有...,我们才能... To sum up As is mentioned above, Taking all the above into consideration, Model 2 模板二 Para 1第一段 随着...到来/诞生,在我们生活/社会中...变得越来越... When asked about ..., different people will offer different opinions.


硕士课程论文 课程名称: 专业: 姓名: 学号:LAN ZHOU JIAO TONG UNIVERSITY Master Course Paper Paper Name: Course Name: Mayor: Name: Number:

ON-LINE DIAGNOSIS OF MARINE DIESEL CRANKSHAFT CRACK BASED ON MAGNETIC MEMORY LI HAN-LIN, LIN JIN-BIAO, CAI ZHEN-XIONG, LU YONG (Marine Engineering Institute, Jimei University, Xiamen, Fujian 361021) Abstract: This paper summarized recent diagnosis methods of marine diesel crankshaft crack and introduced the fundamental principle, development and application of metal magnetic memory testing (MMMT) diagnosis technology. Compared with other methods, a scheme developed from MMMT combined with torsional signal to make on-line diagnosis of crankshaft crack was proposed, and the on-line diagnosis experimental platform of diesel was designed. Finally, comments were also made on the on-line MMMT method. Keywords: marine diesel; crankshaft; crack; metal magnetic memory 1Introduction Most of the crankshaft cracks on ocean marine diesel are deeply latent and difficult to detect artificially. In general, while the crack develops to a certain extent it will rupture and cause destructive breakage1. If inchoate stress concentration and tiny crack of crankshaft are detected on-line by Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) methods, the diesel can be stopped before the full development of the crack and thus rupture can be avoided. A new NDT method, MMMT developed rapidly recent years with advantages in such areas as cheap and simple sensors, measuring without impacting diesel operation and long-term on-line detection. Therefore, there will be a great foreground to use MMMT in crankshaft crack detection. 2Dynamic Diagnosis of Crankshaft Crack 2.1 Static Diagnosis of Crankshaft Crack Crankshaft crack is one of the fatal faults in diesels. There are some static NDT methods to diagnose crankshaft crack2such as Ultrasonic Testing, Radiographic Testing, Magnetic Particle Testing, Penetrate Testing, Eddy Current Testing, Optical Holography,and Microwave Testing. These methods have taken an important part in crankshaft quality control and accident prevention. However, on the other hand there are several disadvantages of these methods. Firstly, all of them must find cracks already formed and can not detect unexpected ones. Secondly, they are unable to make on-line detection and fault diagnosis. Thirdly, most of them need surface pretreatment of the facilities before inspection. Finally, the accuracy of detection is affected by crankshaft configuration and personal skill. 2.2 Dynamic Diagnosis of Crankshaft Crack At present there are some methods to diagnose shaft cracks on-line: rotor engine vibration displacement method, train wheel shaft temperature testing, acoustic emission and tortional vibration signal testing. However, vibration displacement method is unfit for diesel crankshaft crack diagnosis due to the strong vibration from reciprocating movement which makes it difficult to survey displacement and acceleration. Although there is local high temperature on the cracks, it is hard to inspect the change of the crankshaft temperature due to the high temperature of the lube oil in the diesels. Acoustic emission method is still in developing as great noise from diesel operation makes it difficult to measure high frequency acoustic wave emitted by crack. Therefore at present it is feasible to diagnose crankshaft crack on-line by using torsional vibration signal. 2.3 Crankshaft Crack Diagnosis Using Torsional Vibration Signal Literature 3 brought forward a method using torsional vibration signal detected real-time from diesel to diagnose crankshaft fault. It studied crack fault diagnosis though measuring the characteristics of the torsional vibration of the shafting flywheel system, and presented that model frequency and damp were sensitive parameters of cracks. The torsional vibration measuring system of the diesel had several advantages such as: easy measuring, no direct contact, cheap sensor and longevity. It was a long-term reliable alarm method for diesel shafting crack. Research group in Marine Engine Institute of Jimei University has done the research of internal-combustion engine score fault with intelligent torsional vibration diagnosis system4, and it was a successful case of on-line fault diagnosis based on torsional vibration signal. 3Metal Magnetic Memory Testing Technique In the year 1997, Russian professor A. A. Dubov brought forward correlative theory of metal magnetic memory on the World Conference on NDT, developed MMM instruments and formed MMM NDT technique5. 3.1 Theory of Metal Magnetic Memory Testing Under the condition of the existence of the outside magnetic field, usually the magnetic field of the earth, there will appear a phenomenon in the stress concentration zone of ferromagnetic components with load that permeability of material besides the zone reduces and surface leak magnetic field increases, which is called magnetostriction. It will makes the surface magnetic field of the ferromagnetic accessory increase, and the magnetic field can remember the location of disfigurement and stress concentration zone, thus it is named metal magnetic memory.


练习1 II冠词 1.Dr. Emmet graduated from Harvard University in 2001.(Emmet博士2001年毕业 于哈弗大学) 2.Professor Li earned his Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from the Xi’an University of Technology in 1988.(李教授1998年在西安理工大学获得机械工 程博士学位) 3.Now we shall turn to the discussion of local area networks.(现在我们转向(turn to)讨论一下局域网) 4.The Bainbridge mass spectrometer is as important an instrument as the optical spectrometer.(质谱仪是与光谱仪一样重要的仪器) 5.How long a time [或How much time] is required to this experiment?(做这个实验 需要多长时间?) 6.An increase in pressure always causes a decrease in volume.(压力的增加总会引 起体积的减少) 7.Fig. (2-5) shows what is expressed by Eq. (2-2).(图(2-5)画出了式(2-2)所表 示的情况) 8.The unit of inductance is the henry.(电感的单位是亨利) III、改错 1.The UASMA protocol employs a unique frame structure.(UASMA协议采用了 独特的帧结构) 2.Finally, a broad stepped impedance transformer is designed by this method.(最 后,用这种方法设计了宽带阶梯阻抗变换器) 3.Dynamic analysis and evaluation of the security of a proactive secret sharing system(先应秘密共享系统安全性的动态分析和评估) 4.The approach can be applied to the one-dimensional potential barrier with an arbitrary profile.(该方法适用于任意形状的一维势垒) 5.We propose a numerical method based on Newton’s iterative method.(我们提出 了一种基于牛顿地带发的数值方法) 练习2 1. This circuit consists of a battery, an inductor and a capacitor.(该电路是由一个电池、一个电感器和一个电容器组成) 2. Compute the electric fields at points a, b, and c.(试计算在a、b、c三点处的电场。) 3. This satellite is used for communications between the United States and Great Britain, France and Italy.(这颗卫星用于美国与英国、法国、意大利之间的通讯) 4. We assume that the antenna is vertical and that its loss is zero.(我们假设该天线是垂直的,并且其损耗为0)


Unit 2 Initiating Research Objectives - Understand what a research is - Become aware of two language features of academic writing - Initiate your research Contents - Reading and discussion: What is a research? - Language focus: personal pronoun and nominalization - Writing practice: topic selection; focus formulating; a working title; outlining - Research practice: start the research 1.Reading Activity This unit aims to describe what a research is, bring you an awareness of two language features of academic writing, and finally help you initiate a research of your own. 1.1 Pre-reading Task Before you learn the detailed steps to initiate a research, please discuss the following questions: What is the purpose of initiating a research? How do you select the topic? What kind of topic can be studied?

高级英文写作教程Paraphrase the following selected sentences

Paraphrase the following selected sentences: On the basis of controlling purpose we traditionally divide all prose into three kinds: narration, description, and exposition. Seldom is any piece of writing pure exposition. Deciding upon reader and purpose is easily half the task of writing. The expository writer may throw new light upon two things by comparing and contrasting them, by showing how they are alike and yet different. Translate the following selected sections into Chinese: 1. Para. 4: Deciding up on … (till the end of the paragraph) 2. Para. 7: The expository writer, therefore, uses… by arguing from premise to conclusion. 2.1. Paraphrases 2.1.1. Paragraph 2, “No matter how many soothsayers ….. under the way”. 2.1.2. Paragraph 3, “Prosperity is more than and economic condition… mass emotion”. 2.2. Translation: Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2. 2.3. Based on the topic sentences that you had worked out, make a summary of the article with a maximum of 5 sentences. Begin your summary with “In “Big Bull Market”, Mr. Frederick Lewis Allen…” Paraphrases and Translations: Paragraph 1, “Yet the peculiar thing is… Oxford arises.” Paragraph 2, “It is these things indeed …the merest amateur.” Paragraph 3, “ But after all one might say this is only the mechanical side of education… more cultured studies.” Paragraph 4, "Again and again...Mandollin Club." 1. paraphrase 1: “for in spite of President… and usually are so.” 2. paraphrase 2: “First, granting that our graduates…direction to a life.” 3. translate the whole passage. Paraphrases 1. Paragraph 1, “If the human mind…… sense stimuli”. 2. Paragraph 1, “whenever the users of a language……in that language”. Translations Paragraph 2, “There are, as Professor……a cauliflower ear”.


作文范文 请以“How should parents help their children to be independent?”为题,按照以下要点写作: 1. 目前很多父母为子女包办一切 2. 其实父母应该。。。。。。 In recent years, the vast majority of Chinese parents tend to …… And most children …… According to a survey, of all the parents interviewed, over 80% ……and more than 85% ….. However, kids cannot depend on their parents forever because …… Besides, being independent …… Therefore, parents need to realize the importance of helping their children to be independent. Parents should encourage their children to …… By doing so, parents …… In addition, parents should urge their kids to …… For example, …… 范文 In recent years, the vast majority of Chinese parents tend to make arrangements and decisions for their children. And most children take such excessive attention for granted and depend on their parents for almost everything. According to a survey, of all the parents interviewed, over 80% still accompany their children to schools, even to examinations, and more than 85% do housework for their kids including cooking meals and washing clothes.


Unit 1 Understanding Academic English Objectives: - Learn the purpose of this course - Get to understand different voices that people often use in their communication - Understand features of academic English - Build your learning ability via the Internet - Meet your teacher and new classmates Contents - Teacher’s introduction - Reading and discussion: How’s your voice? - Language focus: word choice, and structural complexity - Writing practice: understanding different styles - Rewriting practice: consolidating academic English writing skills - Classroom extension: Internet survey on features of academic English

1.Reading Activity 1.1 Pre-reading Task Do you know how to write a paper with an academic voice? Most Chinese students use only the casual voice for their daily life purposes, which does not fit the academic writing style. When you can learn to use an academic voice and a formal writing style, you will gain authority and respect for yourself as a researcher as well as a research writer. Read the following three texts with different kinds of voice and tell what they differ in. 1.2 Reading Passage HOW’S YOUR VOICE? Casual Voice Hey, dude, no way you can sit here! Huzzah! We won! We beat ‘em! Ha! Blue Vampires. They think they’re so great. We showed ‘em. Go Aardvarks! Yuck! I hate broccoli with those nasty, stinkin’ mush-rooms. Why do we gotta have these things again, man?! www, we gotta cancel the Consultative Voice You’re not allowed to sit in this area, because it’s a safety concern. I’m so glad for our team, the great Fighting Aardvarks, and now together we celebrate this victory. I’d prefer not to have this particular vegetable again, if it’s possible. Does anyone really enjoy this combination of mushrooms and broccoli? It’s possible that our party might have to be postponed or canceled because of the Academic Voice This area must be kept clear for foot traffic. The Fighting Aardvarks claimed victory over the Blue Vampires in the final round tonight. Both teams competed well and the fans are enthusiastic. Very few people enjoy this broccoli and mushroom dish. Therefore, it will not be served again within this calendar year, or the servers will be killed. Due to the inclement weather, the Annual Tattoo Party will not


VII. 实用英语写作 一、课程基本情况 1.学分: 1 学时:16 (理论学时:16 实验学时:0 )2.课程类别:限选课 3.适用专业:非英语专业本科 4.适用对象:非英语专业本科三年级学生(第五学期) 5.先修课程:大学英语 6.教材与参考书目: 教材:教师讲义 参考书:《新世纪实用英语写作》,张玉娟,陈春田,外语教学与研究出版社,2003 《英语应用文写作大全》,《英语应用文写作大全》编写组,社会科学出文献出 版社 《英语应用文写作》,杨晓钰,重庆大学出版社 《英语写作系列-英汉应用文手册》,傅似逸,北京大学出版社 《英语常用应用文写作》,韩铁椿、陈汉华,上海财经大学出版社 《实用英语写作教程》,李予军编著,国防工业出版社,2008年 《研究生英语写译教程》,杨若东、袁锡兴,中国人民大学出版社,2004 《英语论文写作》,石坚、帅培天,四川人民出版社,2005 《高级英语写作教程》,马红军、毛卓亮,中国对外翻译出版公司,2006 二、课程介绍 1.实用英语写作作为一种国际商贸动作和国际事务交往过程中必不可少的交际工具, 对贸易的缔结和双边关系的保持起着举足轻重的作用。随着全球经济一体化的迅速发展,国际商务交往日益频繁,为了增强学生在国际商务活动中的交际能力,培养复合型人才,本课程向学生提供了一个选材广泛和能体现各种商务情景的优秀范文资料库,帮助学生了解涉外英语中最常见的和最常用的各种信函的用途,使学生在学习各种信函的同时,不仅能够熟悉各种信函的英文表达法,而且能够广泛增加有关商务活动的知识,从而提高他们运用英语进行书面交际的能力。 2.本门课是专业教学计划中的普通教育必修课,与先前英语基础课的关系是其后续的专业英语课。 3.本课程的教学目的:旨在使学生掌握各类英语书信的语言特点及篇章结构;了解便条及卡片、社交信函、求职、求学申请信的起草方法和各类信件的写作方法;熟悉各类涉外证件、商务信函、对外经济贸易中的技术交流合同、保险、外贸业务相关的各类电传以及广告、产品使用说明及产品维护等信函的写作技巧等。

研究生学术英语写作教程Unit 5 Reporting Results

Unit 5 Reporting Results Objectives: -Understand the function and the major elements of the results section; -Learn the major steps to deal with the results section; -Use the tips for describing graphic information; -Grasp the tips for making comparison and contrast; -Learn the skills for choosing appropriate graphs and making graphs. Contents: - Teacher’s introduction; - Reading and discussion: Types of Language for Thinking and Lexical Collocational Errors; - Language focus: graphic description; comparison and contrast; -Writing practice: using graphs and describing graphs (tables and charts); - Rewriting practice: grasping the major moves for outlining the results section; - Classroom extension: descriptions of data and graphs when reporting results. 1.Reading Activity 1.1 Pre-reading Task Do you know how to report the results of your research? The standard approach to the results section of a research paper is to present the results with the statistical


《英语写作I》 课程简介 课程编号: 课程名称:英语写作I 英文名称:English writing I 课程性质:学科基础课 开课对象:非英语专业 课程学分: 前修课程: 主要参考教材: 1.丁往道等,《英语写作手册》,外语教学与研究出版社,1994 2.杨立民等,《现代大学英语(基础写作)》,外语教学与研究出版社,2005 3.吴文仲等,《实用英语写作》,外语教学与研究出版社,1997. 课程简介: 本课的目的在于培养学生初步的英语写作能力,包括提纲、文章摘要、短文以及简单的应用文。写作课的开设时间在三年级第二学期。内容的安排从如何用词和句子结构入手,要求学生根据提示作文,或模仿范文写作,或根据一定的情景进行串写,进而过渡到掌握段落写作技巧、篇章布局和短文写作。 理论教学大纲 课程性质: 中(英)文课程名称:英语写作I (English Writing I) 学分:4 学时:40 一、讲授部分 第一章文稿格式 教学目的与要求 学习写作,应明确什么是好的文稿格式。在标题的写法、纸边留空、段落开端的缩进、大写、词的移行等方面,都应遵照通行的规则。不管写什么,都要细致、认真,写得或打得整齐干净,还要尽可能避免错误。写好后,还要仔细校阅一两次,因为可能要做最后的改正或改动。经常这样练习写作,必然会取得进步。重点与难点 安排、标点 课时数:2 主要内容: (1)安排 (2)移行 (3)大写

(4)标点(结合教材第十章标点符号) (5)书法 第二章用词 教学目的与要求 从修辞学角度对词汇进行分类:一般/具体,正式/非正式,含蓄/非含蓄,文学/技术,修辞格,成语,典故,等等。在认识各类语汇性质的基础上学习不同性质语汇的具体运用。英语词汇极多:《牛津英语词典》收了四十多万个词。当然并没有人认识或需要使用这么多词。常人为了一般的目的只用其中很小的一部分。学习用英语写作的学生应先学会使用最有用也最常用的词来表达自己的思想。有时初学者会误用一些词,但他用的词往往并不全错,只是不恰当、不准确、不地道、或不生动有趣。因而对选词的方法有基本的了解是会有帮助的。 重点与难点 修辞格 课时数:6 主要内容: (1)词的类型 (2)词义 (3)一般词汇和具体词汇 (4)习语 第三章造句 教学目的与要求 写好句子是培养写作能力的基础,本章要求学生首先能写出语法正确,用词适当的句子,进而训练学生熟练掌握不同句型的运用。 重点与难点 本单元重点是英语的惯用法:固定句型,习惯用语。这是英语“地道”的重要因素。 课时数:8 主要内容: (1)完整句和不完整句 (2)句子的类型 (3)陈述句、疑问句、祈使句和感叹句 (4)简单句、并列句、复合句和并列复合句 (5)松散句、圆周句和对偶句 (6)短句和长句 (7)好的句子 (8)完整


要点:四级120-150六级150-180长短句交叉,不多次重复,高级词汇15个 被动句,插入语,定语从句,强调,名词从句,问句 句型 There is no denying the fact that......不可否认是It is undeniable that……毋庸置疑的是…… It is indisputable that......不可争辩是 when it comes to sth,the overwhelming majority of ......说到sth An increasi ng great number of……一个数目增加的…… It is,therefore,high time that same applicable approaches were implemented by……。Thus,its competetive edge will be sharpened effectively。适当方法被用,提高竞争力。 sth exert a tremendous fascination on sb某人对某物感兴趣 It is no exaggeration to sa y……说……是毫不夸张的 Recently the issue of the phenomenon of……has been brought into focus……问题已成为焦点 As the (classical)proverb goes,‘’……‘’正如谚语所说 With the rapid growth of……,随着……快速增长, 名词短语 fresh point/look新论点/看法 applicable/apposite/appropriate approaches恰当的方法an empty slogan一个空洞的口号 income/generation gap收入差距/代沟 a local point of view狭隘的看法 specialized knowledge and skills专业知识与技能sustainable/rapid development可持续/快速发展 Pandora's Box潘多拉的魔盒 international prestige国际地位 culture/economic globalization文化/经济全球化 vigor and vitality生机与活力 macro regulatory and control ability宏观调控能力Ivory Tower象牙塔 maintenance of ecological balance保护生态平衡 urban/affuent life城市/富足的生活 indispensable element不可或缺的要素 domin/experiential/rudimentary knowledge领域/经验/基础知识 merits and demerits优点和缺点 a two-edged sword双刃剑 动词短语 hatch and breed孕育与培养 seize the opportunities and rise to the challenges抓住机遇,迎接挑战 scrape up/reinfore one's knowledge积累/巩固知识 differentiate virtue from vice区分善恶 (be)despised and condemned被蔑视和谴责 take sth seriously严肃对待 pay a heavy price付出代价 be virtually impossible极不可能 focus attention on self-image注重自我形象 be proficient in精通于 reap the benefits of因/从……得到好处 be conducive to sth有助于 turn a bleed eye on无视 sharpen one' competitive edge提高某人竞争力 be inclined to do想要,倾向做 contribute directly to直接有助于 pray in aid of求助于 frown upon反对 ignite one's enthusiasm点燃热情 swarm into涌入 exert a positive/negative impact on对……有积极/消极影响discriminate against/(in favour of)歧视/偏爱 illustrate sth with sth用……解释……strengthen basic and public construction加强公共基础建设 google the Internet上网搜索 deliver emails发邮件 undertake correspondent obligation承担相应义务function in the disservice of对……有害 foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses扬长避短 连词 Ironically讽刺地说 Unquestionably毋庸置疑 on most occasions大多情况下 Specifically speaking具体地说 Conspicuously显然 as a consequence of由于……(不好)Confronted with sth(问题)面临...... In my perspective在我看来 whereas/howbeit=however as an illustration作为例子 in that=because principally最重要地 be the occasion of引起 futhermore/moreover/additionally另外,此外,而且 in consequence/consequently结果(不好)(be)in contradiction of与……矛盾 in the foreseeable future在可预见的将来 Albeit/notwithstanding虽然,即使
