Evolution of the Computer

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Evolution of the Computer:


The first counting device was the abacus, originally from Asia. It worked on a place-value notion meaning that the place of a bead or rock on the apparatus determined how much it was worth.


1600s: John Napier discovers logarithms. Robert Bissaker invents the slide rule which will remain in popular use until 19??.

1600年代纳皮尔的对数约翰发现。罗伯特Bissaker发明计算尺它将始终在流行使用,直到19 ? ?。

1642: Blaise Pascal, a French mathematician and philosopher, invents the first mechanical digital calculator using gears, called the Pascaline. Although this machine could perform addition and subtraction on whole numbers, it was too expensive and only Pascal himself could repare it.

1642:Blaise帕斯卡尔,一个法国数学家和哲学家,发明了第一个机械数字计算器使用齿轮,叫做Pascaline。尽管这台机器能完成对整数加法和减法,它太贵了,只有自己能返修。帕斯卡1804: Joseph Marie Jacquard used punch cards to automate a weaving loom. 1804年约瑟夫玛丽提花用打孔卡,织布机自动化。

1812: Charles P. Babbage, the "father of the computer", discovered that many long calculations involved many similar, repeated operations. Therefore, he designed a machine, the difference engine which would be steam-powered, fully automatic and commanded by a fixed instruction program.


In 1833, Babbage quit working on this machine to concentrate on the analytical engine.


1840s: Augusta Ada. "The first programmer" suggested that a binary system shouled be used for staorage rather than a decimal system.


1850s: George Boole developed Boolean logic which would later be used in the design of computer circuitry.


1890: Dr. Herman Hollerith introduced the first electromechanical,

punched-card data-processing machine which was used to compile information for the 1890 U.S. census. Hollerith's tabulator became so successful that he started his own business to market it. His company would eventually become International Business Machines (IBM).


1906: The vacuum tube is invented by American physicist Lee De Forest.


1939: Dr. John V. Atanasoff and his assistant Clifford Berry build the first electronic digital computer. Their machine, the Atanasoff-Berry-Computer (ABC) provided the foundation for the advances in electronic digital computers. 1939年:博士约翰v•阿坦那索夫和他的助手克利夫•贝瑞建立第一电子数字计算机。他们的机、Atanasoff-Berry-Computer(ABC)提供了基础,电子数字计算机。

1941, Konrad Zuse (recently deceased in January of 1996), from Germany, introduced the first programmable computer designed to solve complex engineering equations. This machine, called the Z3, was also the first to work on the binary system instead of the decimal system.



1943: British mathematician Alan Turing developped a hypothetical device, the Turing machine which would be designed to perform logical operation and could read and write. It would presage programmable computers. He also used vacuum technology to build British Colossus, a machine used to counteract the German code scrambling device, Enigma.


1944: Howard Aiken, in collaboration with engineers from IBM, constructed a large automatic digital sequence-controlled computer called the Harvard Mark I. This computer could handle all four arithmetic opreations, and had special built-in programs for logarithms and trigonometric functions.


1945: Dr. John von Neumann presented a paper outlining the stored-program concept.


1947: The giant ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator) machine was developped by John W. Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert, Jr. at the
