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1. 击,打:hit, beat, defeat, strike

dress, put on, wear, have on

2. 穿:

3.适合:suit, match, fit

5. 参力口: atte nd, jo in, jo in in, take part in, en ter for

6. 毁坏:damage/destroy/ruin

7. 发现:find, find out, discover, invent


改变:cha nge, alter, vary, tur n

9 得至U : achieve, acquire, gain, obta in

10.要求:request, require, dema nd

12. 发生:take place, happen, occur, come about, break out

14. 建议:advise, suggest, persuade

看: gla nee, glare, glimpse, stare, peer, peep, gaze, gape

16. 宣布:declare, announ ce, proclaim

18. 辨析:represe nt/sta nd for/on behalf of


(1) He _____ and walked dow nstairs.

(2) They _____ glasses to their frien dship.

(3) Steam is _____ from the kettle.

(4) They have ______ up to 20,000 yua n for the Hope Project.

(5) When the question _____ , no now could solve it.

答案:(1) rose (2) raised (3) ris ing (4) raised (5) arose

He denied what he had done.

Don ' t deny yourself pleasure. 不要有乐不享。


(1) —Are you still mad at her?

—Not really, but I can ' t _______ t hat her remarks hurt me.

A. deny

B. refuse

C. reject

D. decli ne

(2) She ___ my in vitati on because of a previous appo in tme nt.

A. refused

B. decli ned

C. deny

D. reject

(3) _________________________________________ The soldiers were put into pris on because they to obey orders. A. rejected

B. decli ned

C. objected

搭配: desire to do sth.

desire sth.

hope to do sth. hope +that


wish to do sth.

wish sb to do sth.

wish that +

虚拟语气 wish sb sth.( 跟双宾语)

23. hurt, woun d, injure

注意:wound n. 创伤;伤口 v.伤,伤害 wou nded adj. 负伤的,受了伤(害)的 injured adj. 受伤的,受损害的


1.标记: sig n, sig nal, symbol, mark

D. refused

2. 道路,入口:way, means, method, manner, approach


way + to do/of doing ,前面接in(He did this in this way.)

method + of,前面接with(He earns money with the method of stealing money.) by means of(He went to school by means of taki ng a bus.)

approach to +

n. /do in g(the approach to the questio n)

3. 习屮贯:traditi on, habit, custom, practice

4. 事情,事件:affair, accide nt, i ncide nt, eve nt

5. 风景,景色:view, seene, seenery, sight

6. 位置, 条件:situati on, positi on, con diti on

Situati on: The comb in ati on of circumsta nces at a give n mome nt; a state of affairs. Positi on: A place or locati on; Social sta nding or status; rank.

Con diti on: A restrict ing or modifyi ng factor.

7. 薪水,收入:salary, pay, wage, income
