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. Drive axle as an one important part of the car chassiss, its performance directly influence on the entire automobile, especially for the truck .Because using the big power engine with the big driving torque satisfied the need of high speed, heavy-loaded, high efficiency, high benefit today` truck, must exploiting the high driven efficiency single reduction fina l drive axle is becoming the trucks’ developing tendency.Design a simple, reliable, low cost of the drive axle, can greatly reduce the total cost of vehicle production, and promote the economic development of automobile and automotive drive axle of the study and design practice, can better learn and to master modern automotive design and mechanical design of a comprehensive knowledge and skills, so the title of the fine structure of the design of a vehicle drive axle has a certain practical significance.

In this paper, first of all determine the structure of major components and the main design parameters, the analysis of the various parts of the structure of the bridge drive type, the form of the development process and its advantages and disadvantages of the past, determined on the basis of the design program, using the traditional design method of various parts of the drive axle Main reducer, differential, axle, axle housing was designed to calculate and complete the check. Finally complete the final assembly drawing by using AUTOCAD and mapping the main components.

Keywords: Drive axle; Truck; Single reduction final drive; Differential; Axle; Drive axle housing


摘要..................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。Abstract ................................................................................................................................ I I 第1章绪论 .. (1)

1.1选题的背景目的及意义 (1)

1.2国内外驱动桥研究状况 (1)

1.3 设计主要内容和预期结果 (3)

第2章驱动桥的总体方案确定 (4)

2.1驱动桥的种类结构和设计要求 (4)

2.1.1汽车车桥的种类 (4)

2.1.2驱动桥的种类 (4)

2.1.3驱动桥结构组成 (4)

2.1.4 驱动桥设计要求 (5)

2.2设计车型主要参数 (5)

2.3主减速器结构方案的确定 (6)

2.3.1主减速比的计算 (6)

2.3.2主减速器的齿轮类型 (7)

2.3.3主减速器的减速形式 (7)

2.3.4主减速器主从动锥齿轮的支承形式及安装方法 (8)

2.4 差速器结构方案的确定 (10)

2.5半轴的形式确定 (11)

2.6桥壳形式的确定 (11)

2.7本章小结 (12)

第3章主减速器设计 (13)

3.1概述 (13)

3.2主减速器齿轮参数的选择与强度计算 (13)

3.2.1主减速器计算载荷的确定 (13)

3.2.2主减速器齿轮参数的选择 (14)

3.2.3主减速器齿轮强度计算 (17)

3.2.4主减速器轴承计算 (23)
