
In the third grade English curriculum, it is essential to focus on improving students' oral communication skills. This will require a lot of practice and effort from both the teacher and the students. In this article, we will be discussing a few practical techniques and strategies that can be used to improve a student's oral communication skills.1. Encourage students to speak upOne of the essential things that a teacher can do is to encourage the students to speak up in class. The teacher should create a comfortable and friendly learning environment where students feel comfortable expressing themselves. To do this, the teacher can start by asking open-ended questions, such as "How are you today?" or "What did you do over the weekend?" Students should be encouraged to answer these questions in complete sentences, using correct grammar and vocabulary.2. Role-playingRole-playing is an excellent way of practicing oral communication skills. The teacher can divide the class into pairs and assign each pair a situation to role-play. Forinstance, the teacher may ask the pairs to pretend that they are in a restaurant, and one student is the waiter while the other is the customer. This exercise will help students improve their conversational skills and develop their confidence in speaking in front of others.3. Vocabulary buildingStudents should also be taught new words and phrases that they can use to express themselves. The teacher can teach new vocabulary by introducing new words in class, explaining what they mean and how they can be used in sentences. The teacher should also encourage the students to use these new words in their conversations, both in class and outside of school.4. Peer reviewAnother way to improve oral communication skills is through peer review. This can be done by partnering the students, listening to each other, and providing feedback. Students can correct each other's pronunciation, grammar, and sentence structure. By doing this, students learn from their peers, and it also increases their confidence.5. Pronunciation exercisesFinally, pronunciation exercises are essential for any language learner. Teachers should focus on helping students to produce clear and accurate sounds when speaking. One way to do this is to play listening games in class, such as "Simon Says," where students follow spoken instructions. This helps students to develop their listening and pronunciation skills.In conclusion, oral communication skills are crucial for a student's success in the third grade English curriculum. Teachers should use various techniques and strategies to improve their students' language skills. By incorporating these approaches, students will be able to communicate better and have more confidence in their abilities. It is essential to provide plenty of practice opportunities for students to exercise their oral communication skills, both in class and outside of school.。

小学生英语口语教案教案标题:小学生英语口语教案教学目标:1. 培养学生对英语口语的兴趣和自信心。
2. 提高学生的英语口语表达能力。
3. 培养学生的听力和交流能力。
教学重点:1. 学习日常生活中常用的英语口语表达。
2. 培养学生正确的发音和语调。
教学难点:1. 帮助学生克服英语口语的紧张和害羞情绪。
2. 培养学生自主学习和运用口语的能力。
教学准备:1. 多媒体设备和教学素材。
2. 学生的英语口语练习材料。
教学过程:引入(5分钟):1. 利用图片或视频引入话题,激发学生对口语学习的兴趣。
2. 介绍本节课的学习目标和重点。
主体(30分钟):1. 分组活动:将学生分成小组,让他们进行日常对话练习,例如问候、自我介绍、询问问题等。
2. 角色扮演:安排学生在小组内进行角色扮演,模拟真实情境,如在商店购物、预约医生等。
3. 听力训练:播放录音或使用多媒体资源,让学生听懂并模仿口语表达。
4. 口语练习:老师示范口语表达,并让学生跟读和模仿,逐渐提高口语表达的流利度和准确性。
巩固(10分钟):1. 进行小组展示,让每个小组展示他们的角色扮演情景,其他小组进行评价和提出改进意见。
2. 提供反馈和鼓励,表扬学生的努力和进步。
拓展(10分钟):1. 布置家庭作业:要求学生在家中进行英语口语练习,如与家人进行英语对话或模拟情境对话。
2. 推荐相关学习资源和应用程序,鼓励学生继续提高口语能力。
教学评估:1. 观察学生在小组活动和角色扮演中的表现,评估他们的口语流利度和准确性。
2. 收集学生的口语练习作业,评估他们在家中的口语表达能力。
教学延伸:1. 组织英语角或英语口语比赛,鼓励学生展示他们的口语表达能力。
2. 提供更多的口语练习机会,如与外教或其他英语母语人士进行交流。
教学反思:1. 教师应根据学生的实际情况和进展,调整教学方法和内容。
2. 鼓励学生积极参与口语练习,创造轻松、积极的学习氛围。

二、教学目标1. 培养学生对英语口语的兴趣,提高自信心。
2. 初步掌握简单的日常对话表达能力。
3. 发展学生的听、说、读、写能力,提高英语综合运用能力。
三、教学内容1. 情景对话:针对学生日常生活中常见的情景,设计简单实用的对话练习,包括问候、介绍、购物、问路、约会等内容。
2. 语音语调练习:通过模仿、听力训练和口语练习,培养学生良好的语音语调习惯,提高口语表达自然度。
四、教学方法1. 任务型教学法:将对话划分为不同的任务,让学生在实际情境中运用语言进行交流,激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性。
2. 互动式教学法:采用小组活动、角色扮演等形式,增强学生的合作意识和团队精神。
3. 演示教学法:教师通过示范对话和模仿口音等方式,引导学生正确发音,培养语感。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过播放英语歌曲、引发相关话题等方式引起学生对英语口语学习的兴趣和注意力。
2. 对话练习:(1)教师指导学生进行基本问候和自我介绍的对话练习,让学生熟悉常用口语表达。
3. 语音语调练习:(1)教师通过模仿和示范,引导学生学习正确发音和语音语调。
4. 巩固练习:(1)设计听力练习,让学生通过听力材料理解并模仿对话内容。

一、教学目标1. 让学生能够听懂并模仿所学句型。
2. 培养学生的口语表达能力,提高学生的英语口语水平。
3. 激发学生对英语学习的兴趣,培养学生良好的英语学习习惯。
二、教学内容1. 单词:Hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, goodbye, please, thank you, yes, no, etc.2. 句型:How are you? I'm fine, thank you. And you? Goodmorning/afternoon/evening, Mr./Mrs./Miss.../Sir. Nice to meet you. Please sit down. Thank you for your help. Goodbye, see you tomorrow.三、教学重点与难点1. 教学重点:掌握基本的问候语、感谢语、告别语等。
2. 教学难点:正确发音,流利表达。
四、教学过程(一)导入1. 教师与学生用Hello, good morning/afternoon/evening打招呼,营造良好的课堂氛围。
2. 学生自由组合,互相用Hello, good morning/afternoon/evening打招呼。
(二)新课导入1. 教师用PPT展示单词和句型,让学生跟读。
2. 学生跟读后,教师检查发音,纠正错误。
(三)课堂活动1. 分组练习:每组选一名代表,用所学句型进行对话。
2. 教师随机提问,检查学生对句型的掌握情况。
3. 学生自由发挥,用所学句型进行情景对话。
(四)巩固练习1. 教师出示图片,让学生用所学句型进行描述。
2. 学生分组进行角色扮演,用所学句型进行对话。
(五)总结与反馈1. 教师对本节课所学内容进行总结,强调重点。
2. 学生分享学习心得,教师给予评价。
五、教学反思1. 教师要注重学生的发音,确保学生能够正确发音。

小学英语口语教案第一章:基本口语表达教学目标:1. 能够用英语进行简单的自我介绍。
2. 学会使用日常的英语问候语。
教学内容:1. 自我介绍:介绍自己的名字、年龄、年级和爱好。
2. 日常问候语:学会用英语问候别人,如“Good morning”、“How are you?”等。
3. 日常用语:学习一些常用的日常用语,如“Please”、“Thank you”、“Excuse me”等。
教学活动:1. 学生进行自我介绍,用英语表达自己的名字、年龄、年级和爱好。
2. 教师引导学生互相问候,使用日常问候语。
3. 教师出示一些日常用语的图片或卡片,学生模仿并练习使用。
第二章:家庭成员和职业教学目标:1. 能够用英语介绍自己的家庭成员。
2. 学会表达不同职业的英语单词。
3. 能够用英语询问并回答他人的家庭成员和职业。
教学内容:1. 家庭成员:学习如何用英语表达父母、兄弟姐妹、祖父母等家庭成员。
2. 职业:学习不同职业的英语单词,如医生、教师、工程师等。
3. 询问和回答:学会用英语询问他人的家庭成员和职业,并能够回答。
教学活动:1. 学生练习用英语介绍自己的家庭成员,教师给予反馈。
2. 学生学习不同职业的英语单词,并进行小组活动,互相练习表达。
3. 教师设计角色扮演活动,学生模拟询问并回答他人的家庭成员和职业。
第三章:日常饮食和饮料教学目标:1. 能够用英语表达日常饮食和饮料的名称。
2. 学会用英语描述自己喜欢的食物和饮料。
3. 能够用英语询问并回答他人的食物和饮料偏好。
教学内容:1. 食物和饮料名称:学习用英语表达常见的食物和饮料名称,如水果、蔬菜、肉类、饮料等。
2. 描述食物和饮料:学习使用形容词来描述自己喜欢的食物和饮料。
3. 询问和回答:学会用英语询问他人的食物和饮料偏好,并能够回答。
教学活动:1. 学生学习日常饮食和饮料的英语名称,并进行小组活动,互相练习表达。
2. 学生练习使用形容词来描述自己喜欢的食物和饮料,教师给予反馈。

一、测试目的1. 了解、检查小学各年级学生英语学习状况,着重考查学生口语表达及实际运用所学语言的能力。
2. 了解教师在使用教材,贯彻落实英语课程标准等方面的情况。
3. 优化评价方式。
二、事项说明1. 测试时间:每学年第二学期5月。
2. 被测学校:同类学校(或四类学校选同类学校抽测)。
3. 测试地点:被测学校(候测室与检测室)。
4. 被测学生:三~六年级随机抽测一个年段。
)5. 测试员(教师):全县安排13个监考组,每组3名监考教师,其中1名为组长,每组一天完成三所学校监考工作。
6. 测试内容:三个模块,包括自主展示、即时朗读、综合运用。
三、测试流程(一)测试准备1. 被测学校:准备两间教室(工作室),一间为测试室,一间为候测试。
2. 被测学生:测试前,测试教师组长随机抽取被测年段一个班,然后再从被测班级中抽取30名学生,男女生比例相等。
3. 测试教师:测试教师分工,每位教师负责检测一个模块并当场打分。

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小学英语口语训练教案Primary English Oral Training - Our ClassroomXXX:1.To be able to listen。
and recognize the main words related to our XXX.2.XXX on the topic of our classroom.XXX: XXX.Teaching Focus: To learn "What's in the classroom?" and use XXX such as "This is。
" "It is。
" "There are。
" to expressone'XXXTeaching Difficulty: To describe "our classroom" in simple English orally.XXX:1.XXX.2.XXX-made word cards.3.XXX and rewards.XXX:Warm-XXX:1.Greetings.2.n.3.XXX.XXX:1.Introduce the new lesson with the n "Where are you?" and write "Our Classroom" on the board.2.Show a large picture of a classroom with multimedia and say。
"This is a classroom。
What's in the classroom?" or "What can you see in the classroom?"3.After students understand。

如:“Hello! How are you?” “Nice to meet you” “Goodbye!”2、词汇与句型能够正确运用所学的单词和句型进行简单的交流。
例如:“What's your name?” “How old are you?” “I'm 年龄years old”3、话题表达围绕给定的话题,如家庭、学校、爱好等,进行简短的描述和表达。
比如:“My family has 家庭成员数量people They are” “I like 爱好because”4、儿歌或简单的英语故事朗诵要求发音准确、语调自然、有一定的节奏感。
四、考试形式1、一对一面试由教师与学生进行一对一的交流,时间约为 5 分钟。

小学生英语口语测试级教案小学英语口语交际测试题三年级上册U n i t11、.Hello/??Hi2、?Goodbye3、Hello, I’m Wu Yifan.4、This is John.5、What’s your name6、Happy Teacher’ Day!Unit 21、Nice to meet you.3、Good morning.4、Good afternoon!5、Let’s go to school.6、Where is your mouth7、Happy Halloween!Unit 31、How are you.2、I like blue and pink.3、Let’s paint.!Recycle11、Who are youUnit 4 新课标第一网1、 May I have a look2、Where is your nose3、Can I have some chicken4、Sure, here you are.5、Thank you.1、Have some French fries.2、What do you like3、Have some coke4、Can I have some chickenUnit 61、How many candles/cakes/gifts2、This is for you.3、Let’s eat the birthday cake!4、How old are you5、Happy Birthday.Recycle 21、Happy New Year!2、May I have a look3、I have a car!三年级下册Unit 11、Good morning!2、Good afternoon!3、What’s your name4、How are you.5、Here you are.6、How old are you7、Watch out!8、I am sorry!9、Where are you from10、This is my friend, John.11、Nice to meet you .Unit 21、Who’s that/this woman /girl/boy/woman2、Let’s watch TV!1、Look! I have a new kite!2、Who are you3、What’s in your box4、How many kites can you see/ do you have5、Look at my new crayons!Unit41、Do you like oranges2、What about pears?3、Can I have an apple4、Have some fruits!5、Can I have an apple ,please6、Have some more7、Lets have some peaches and pears!Unit51、Where is my car2、Under your desk/ In your toy box/under your chair?3、Can I use your pencil4、Happy Children’s Day!Unit 61、Look at the elephant!2、It has a long nose and a short tail.3、The giraffe is tall .Recycle21、I am tall. I can get the apple.2、Let’s count.四年级上册Unit11. What’s in the classroom2. This is Zhang Peng, our new classmate.to meet you !4. We have a new classroom.5、Where’s my seat6、Let’s clean the classroom.7、Look at the picture.8、This is my classroom. The wall is white. The desk is green…. What colour is the floorUnit21. What’s in your schoolbag2.How many books do you have3、How many English books can you see4.I have a new schoolbag.Really What colour is it5、May I have a look6、My schoolbag is heavy. What’s in it7、How much is itUnit31、Who’s your best friend2、What’s your friend like3、Who’s he / Who’s she4、I have a new friend.Guess, Boy or girl5、What’s his / her name8、My friend likes music. He likes sports. She likes painting. Let’s make friends.9、Let me help you.10、I hope you’ll like it.Recycle11、What’s 10 plus 10(…+…)Unit41、This is my home. You can see a bedroom, a living room, a study, a kitchenand a bathroom.2、There is a sofa, a TV, a phone and a table in the living room.3、Where’s the pen4、Is it in the pencil-case5、Where are the keys?6、Are they on the table/near the phone?7、Is this your bedroom8、Is she in the living room9、What can you see in my roomUint51、What would you like / What would you like for dinner2、Can I have some noodles, please3、What’s for dinner4、Can I help you5、Help yourself.7 、I can use the chopsticks. Let me try.8 、I like Chinese food. What about you9 、See you tomorrow.10、Can I have some noodles ,pleaseUnit61、How many people are there in your family2、Who are they3、What’s your father4、Is this your aunt5、Do you like sports6、Is she a dancerRecycle21、Merry Christmas!2、What would you like3、Where are they四年级下册Unit11、Is this/that a teacher’s desk2、How many students are there in your class3、Where is the canteen4、Do you have a library5、Your school is beautiful!Unit21、What time is it2、Is it time for math class3、It’s seven o’clock ,Let’s go to school.4、It’s ten –thirty .It’s time for English /math/music/Chinese/class.5、It’s 6:’s time to get up/go to bed/ go to school.6、Is it time to have dinnerUnit31、Is this your T-shirt2、Is the computer on the teacher’s des k3、What colour is it4、Whose cap is it5、Whose is it6、Where are my socks7、what are they8、These are my shoes .Those are your shorts.9、What colour are the shorts10、Are these your pants11、How much is it\ are theyUnit 41、Can I wear my T-shirt2、It’s c ool , Is it cold3、What’s the weather like in Beijing4、It’s warm today .Let’s play football.5、Can I help you6、What’s the matter7、What are you doingUnit 51、How much are they/is it/ is this dress/are those big shoes2、That’s expensive!/It’s too expensive!3、This sh irt is beautiful but it’s too big!4、What are those/they5、Look at that dress .It’s pretty .6、Can I help you7、I want a pair of shoes.8、How about this pairUnit 61、How many cows do you have2、Are those/they cows3、How many horses are there4、What’s in your schoolbag5、Are they ducksRecycle21、Tomorrow will be warm and sunny. What do you want to bring2、What do you have五年级上册Unit 11.Do you have new teachers2.Who’s your art teacher3.What’s your Chinese teacher like4.Who is that young lady5.Is she strict /activeUnit 21.What do you have on Wednesday2.What day is tomorrow3.What do you do on Saturdays4.What do you do on Sundays5.What about youUnit 31.What would you like for lunch on Mondays2.What do you have for lunch today3.What’s your favourite foodRecycle 11. Would you like some potatoes2. Can I interview you for the school newspaper3. Who is your favourite teacher4. Do you like grapes WhyUnit 41.Are you helpful at home2.What can you do3.You are helpful!4.Can you do housework5.Can you cook the mealsUnit 51.What can you see in your room2.Is this your bedroom3.What’s in your room4.Where is the trash binUnit 61.Is there a river in the park2.Do you like this park3.Are there any bridges in your villageRecycle 21.Is there a mountain2.Are there any rivers in your village五年级下册Unit 11.When do you get up2.When do you do morning exercises3.When do you eat breakfast4.When do you eat dinner5.What do you do on the weekend6.Thank you for telling me about your day.7.Let’s go hiking together next Sunday.Unit 21. What’s y our favourite season2. Which season do you like best3. Why do you like spring4. What would you like to do5. What’s the weather like in fall in Bei Jing6. I wear my sweater. It’s wi ndy. Which season is it Unit 31.When is your birthday2.What’s the date3.When is Children’s Day4.Is your birthday in February, too5.How many birthdays are there in January6.Who has a birthday in OctoberRecycle 11.When is your mother’s birthday2.How many holidays are there in spring in China What are theyUnit 41. What are you doing2. What is your father doing3. Can I speak to your mom, please4. Mom, there’s a call for you.Unit 51. What is it doing2. What is she doing3. What is he doing4. What are the elephants doing5. Can tigers swim6. Can they climb treesUnit 61.What is Mike doing2.What is Sarah doing3.Are you eating lunch4.Where are the elephants5.Are they eating the honey6.Is he playing chess7.Is she counting insectsRecycle 21.Is she listening to music2.Are they doing the experiment3.What do you usually do in the evening4.六年级上册Unit 11.How do you go to school2.Stop at a red light.3.Wait at a yellow light.4.Go at a green light.5.How can I get to Zhong Shan ParkUnit 21.Where is the cinema2.Is it far from here3.Is there a post office near here4.How can I get to the museum5.Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It’s on the left. Unit 31.What are you going to do this evening2.What are you going to do on the weekend3.When are you going4.Where are you going this afternoon5.What are you going to buyRecycle 11.Where do they live2.What are you going to do thereUnit 41.What’s your hobby2.He likes collecting stamps, too. Can he go with us3.Does your pen pal live in Shang Hai4.Does she teach EnglishUnit 51.What does your father do2.Where does he work3.How does he go to work4.What are you going to beUnit 61.Where does the rain come from2.How do you do that3.What should you do thenRecycle 21.Who is your pen pal2.What’s your favourite colour3.What does your mother do1.How tall are you2.How heavy are you3.Who is taller than you4.Who is heavier than you5.I am 164 cm tall. You’re shorter than me.6.I am thinner than you, and shorter.Unit 21.What’s the matter2.How do you feel3.How does he feel4.How does she feel5. How are you You look so happy/sad . Unit 31.What did you do last weekend2.What did you do yesterday3.What did Mike do last weekend4.Did you read booksUnit 41.Where did you go on your holiday2.What did you do on your holiday3.How did you go thereRecycle 11.Where are you going on your holiday2.Who are you going with3.What are you going to do there4.How are you going5.When are you goingRecycle 21.What can you do2.What’s y our hobby。

小学英文口语表达教案教案标题:小学英文口语表达教案教学目标:1. 学生能够熟练运用基本的英文口语表达,包括问候、介绍自己、询问他人信息、表达喜好等。
2. 学生能够在日常生活中运用所学英文口语表达进行简单的交流。
3. 学生能够通过练习和模仿提高英文口语的流利度和准确性。
教学准备:1. 教学材料:包括英文口语表达的词汇和句型的列表、图片或卡片等辅助教具。
2. 录音设备:用于录制和播放示范口语表达。
3. 活动和游戏素材:用于练习口语表达的游戏和活动。
教学步骤:引入活动:1. 利用图片或卡片展示一些常见的英文口语表达,如问候语、自我介绍等。
教学主体:2. 教师通过录音或示范口语表达,引导学生模仿并练习基本的英文口语表达。
例如:a. 问候语:Hello! How are you?(你好!你好吗?)b. 自我介绍:My name is [name]. I am [age] years old.(我的名字是……。
)c. 询问他人信息:What's your name? How old are you? Where are you from?(你叫什么名字?你几岁了?你来自哪里?)d. 表达喜好:I like [activity/food]. I don't like [activity/food].(我喜欢……。
)3. 将学生分成小组,进行角色扮演练习。
4. 利用游戏和活动加深学生对口语表达的理解和运用能力。
例如:a. 情景模拟:教师提供不同的情景,学生根据情景进行对话练习,如在商店购物、在学校问路等。
b. 翻译游戏:教师提供一些简单的中文句子,学生尝试用英文表达并进行翻译练习。
c. 句子接龙:学生依次说出一个句子,下一个学生接着说一个相关的句子,练习口语表达的流利度和连贯性。

教学对象:小学三年级教学目标:1. 让学生能够运用基本的英语问候语进行日常交流。
2. 培养学生英语口语表达的自信心和兴趣。
3. 提高学生的听力理解和口语表达能力。
教学重点:1. 学会使用问候语。
2. 能够进行简单的日常对话。
教学难点:1. 学生能够正确发音和语调。
2. 学生能够自然地运用所学词汇进行交流。
教学准备:1. 教学课件或黑板。
2. 英文卡片或图片。
3. 音频材料。
4. 小组活动材料。
教学过程:一、导入(5分钟)1. 教师用英语自我介绍,并引导学生用英语进行自我介绍。
2. 通过游戏或歌曲,让学生熟悉英语问候语。
二、新课学习(20分钟)1. 教师展示英文卡片或图片,引导学生说出相应的英语单词。
2. 教师播放音频材料,让学生跟读问候语。
3. 教师带领学生进行简单的对话练习,如:“Good morning, how are you?”4. 学生分组进行角色扮演,运用所学问候语进行对话。
三、巩固练习(15分钟)1. 教师出示情景图,让学生用所学英语进行描述。
2. 学生进行小组竞赛,看哪个小组能最快、最准确地完成对话。
3. 教师挑选几个学生进行个别展示,给予及时反馈和鼓励。
四、课堂小结(5分钟)1. 教师带领学生回顾本节课所学内容,强调重点词汇和句型。
2. 学生分享自己在课堂上的收获和感受。
五、课后作业1. 学生回家后,与家长用英语进行问候,如:“Good evening, how was your day?”2. 学生模仿课堂上的对话,与同学进行练习。
教学评价:1. 观察学生在课堂上的参与度和积极性。
2. 通过学生的口语表达,评价学生对所学内容的掌握程度。
3. 家长反馈,了解学生在家的英语运用情况。
备注:1. 教师在课堂上应注重培养学生的口语表达能力,鼓励学生多开口说英语。
2. 教师可根据学生的实际情况,适当调整教学内容和难度。
3. 教师要关注每个学生的进步,给予及时的鼓励和表扬。

三、教学目标1. 培养小学生的英语口语表达能力;2. 培养小学生的听、说、读、写综合能力;3. 培养小学生的合作与沟通能力;4. 培养小学生的学习兴趣与自信心。
四、教学内容与方法1. 教学内容:(1)基础句型和词汇;(2)日常对话和实际语境;(3)情境模拟演练;(4)朗读和听力活动;(5)游戏和音乐。
2. 教学方法:(1)情景模拟法:通过情境模拟创设真实的语言环境,鼓励学生自由表达;(2)多媒体教学法:利用图片、视频等多种媒体资源,激发学生学习兴趣;(3)游戏教学法:设计趣味游戏来激发学生的参与度和合作意识;(4)合作学习法:让学生之间互相合作,通过合作解决问题。
五、教学步骤1. 情景引入:通过播放英文儿歌视频,引起学生对英语的兴趣。
2. 基础词汇学习:以具体的实物或图片为依据,帮助学生熟悉基础英语单词。
3. 句型学习:通过模仿、操练和游戏等形式让学生掌握基础句型。
4. 对话练习:设计日常对话,让学生进行角色扮演,提高口语表达能力。
5. 听力活动:播放英语对话或短文,让学生进行听力理解和回答问题。
6. 朗读训练:通过集体或个别朗读练习,帮助学生发音准确、流利。
7. 游戏活动:设计多样化的游戏,如猜谜、单词接龙等,增加学生的参与度。
8. 合作学习:学生分组进行合作活动,提高他们的合作与沟通能力。
9. 讨论和展示:学生围绕某一主题展开讨论或展示,提高他们的思维能力和口语表达能力。
10. 情境模拟:创设真实的语言环境,让学生在模拟情境中运用所学知识进行口语表达。

1. 看图说单词:每读错一个单词扣2分(读音准确、流利的加2分)。
2. 认读单词、句子:每读错一个单词扣4分,每读错一个句子扣2分(32分)。
3. 师生问答:能听懂老师的提问并做出正确的回答,语音、语调准确、自然。
4. 朗读课文(30分)
duck banana bag evening pig
1、Hello,I’m Helen.
2、Good morning,Su Hai.
3、Hi, this is my dad.
4、This is my book, Miss Li.
5、Is this a peach? Yes, it is.
6、What’s this? It’s a dog
2、Good morning,…
3、Is this a…?
4、What’s this?

二、目标通过这个教案,我们的目标是帮助小学生: 1. 建立自信心,流利地使用基础句型和词汇进行日常交流。
2. 提高听力和口语理解能力,在实际情境中灵活运用所学知识。
3. 培养和发展小学生的口头表达能力和沟通技巧。
三、教学内容及步骤Step 1: 句子模仿选择具有代表性的句子,要求学生模仿,并举例展示正确的发音、语调和情感表达。
可以通过以下方式实施: - 单独跟读:老师先读出一句话,然后请学生逐句模仿; - 对话模仿:两名或多名同学进行互动对话模仿; - 情景模拟:让学生在真实或虚拟情境中模仿日常英语对话。
Step 2: 练习口头表达为学生提供自由发言的机会,让他们根据给定的题目或情景用英语进行口头表达。
可以采用以下方法: - 想象练习:给学生展示一些图片或情景,并请他们描述所见内容;- 角色扮演:安排学生分组进行角色扮演,模拟真实对话场景;- 主题演讲:让学生选择一个自己感兴趣的主题进行短暂演讲。
Step 3: 听力和回答问题通过听力训练来提高学生的听力和理解能力,并培养他们回答问题的技巧。
可以使用如下教学方法: - 跟读练习:播放录音或老师朗读一段文字,要求学生跟着读出; - 理解问题:根据所听内容制作相关问题,要求学生通过听力理解并回答。
Step 4: 游戏和互动活动通过游戏和互动活动培养小学生英语口语能力。
以下是一些适合的活动: - 猜词游戏:给出一个单词的定义和提示,要求学生猜出正确的单词,并用句子进行使用;- 快速对话:给学生配对,要求他们尽快进行对话,提高口语流畅度;- 剧本演练:安排学生在小组中演练一个英语剧本,锻炼他们的表达和角色扮演能力。
四、评估和反馈为了评估学生的口语训练效果,教师可根据以下方法提供及时的反馈: 1. 听力测试:通过播放录音并设立相关问题来测试学生的听力技巧和理解能力。

小学英语口语训练教案第一章:问候与介绍1.1 教学目标:学会用英语进行基本的问候和自我介绍。
1.2 教学内容:学习常用的英语问候语,如“Hello”、“Good morning”、“Good afternoon”、“Good evening”等。
学习如何用英语进行自我介绍,如“My name is”、“I am years old”、“I like”等。
学习如何用英语询问他人的姓名、年龄和爱好,如“What is your name?”、“How old are you?”、“What do you like?”等。
1.3 教学活动:教师示范如何用英语进行问候和自我介绍,学生跟随模仿。
第二章:家庭成员2.1 教学目标:学会用英语称呼家庭成员,如“mom”、“dad”、“brother”、“sister”等。
2.2 教学内容:学习常用的英语家庭成员词汇,如“mom”、“dad”、“brother”、“sister”、“grandma”、“grandpa”等。
学习如何用英语描述家庭成员的外貌特征和性格特点,如“She has long hr.”、“He is very tall.”等。
2.3 教学活动:教师展示家庭成员的图片,学生用英语称呼家庭成员。
第三章:颜色3.1 教学目标:学会用英语表达基本的颜色词汇,如“red”、“blue”、“green”、“yellow”等。
3.2 教学内容:学习常用的英语颜色词汇,如“red”、“blue”、“green”、“yellow”、“purple”、“orange”等。

教案目标通过本次课程的有效安排,学生将能够: 1. 能够用简单的句子进行基本自我介绍; 2. 能够询问和回答日常生活中常见问题; 3. 能够与同伴进行简单对话,并展示一定的交流能力; 4. 培养对英语学习的积极态度和自信心。
教材准备•PPT演示文稿或白板•学习素材(图片、课程内容等)•录音设备(可选)教学步骤第一步:导入活动 (10分钟)•通过播放带有音频效果和图片的视频引起学生兴趣。
第二步:自我介绍 (15分钟)•以教师为范例,通过简单明了的句子进行自我介绍。
•指导学生依次进行自我介绍,可以引导他们使用以下句式:•My name is [name]. (我的名字是…)•I am [age] years old. (我[岁数]岁。
)•I like [hobby/activity]. (我喜欢…)第三步:日常生活问题 (20分钟)•将学生分成小组,每个小组选择一位代表。
•教师问一系列与日常生活相关的问题,例如:•What's your favorite color?(你最喜欢什么颜色?)•Do you have any pets?(你有宠物吗?)•What do you like to eat for breakfast?(早餐时你喜欢吃什么?)第四步:对话练习 (25分钟)•将学生再次分成小组,两个人为一组。
第五步:总结和评价 (10分钟)•向学生总结本课程的要点和重点内容。

小学英语口语测试方案New Zheng City Primary School English Speaking Test Plan___ of primary school students' oral n abilities。
___ n of language。
and further value non-written n methods。
the Basic n Research Office of New Zheng City n and Sports Bureau has decided to carry out the end-of-term oral ___ grade students in all primary schools in the city。
The activity is guided by the people-oriented ___ students' actual oral n level and language n ability.I。
The Significance of ___The most basic n of language is ___。
In response to the current n where students are hesitant to speak out in English learning。
it is ___。
At the same time。
it can ___ of the "primary school English ___' learning interest and confidence" advocated in the "___ Curriculum Standards。
2011 n."II。
___All students in the third and fourth grades of primary school.III。
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小学英语口语交际测试题三年级上册U n i t11、.Hello! / Hi!2、 Goodbye3、Hello, I’m Wu Yifan.4、This is John.5、What’s your name?6、Happy Teacher’ Day!Unit 21、Nice to meet you.3、Good morning.4、Good afternoon!5、Let’s go to school.6、Where is your mouth?7、Happy Halloween!Unit 31、How are you?.2、I like blue and pink.3、Let’s paint.!Recycle11、Who are you ?Unit 4 新课标第一网1、May I have a look?2、Where is your nose?3、Can I have some chicken?4、Sure, here you are.5、Thank you.Unit 51、Have some French fries.2、What do you like?3、Have some coke?4、Can I have some chicken?Unit 61、How many candles/cakes/gifts?2、This is for you.3、Let’s eat the birthday cake!4、How old are you?5、Happy Birthday.Recycle 21、Happy New Year!2、May I have a look?3、I have a car!三年级下册Unit 11、Good morning!2、Good afternoon!3、What’s your name?4、How are you.?5、Here you are.6、How old are you?7、Watch out!8、I am sorry!9、Where are you from?10、This is my friend, John.11、Nice to meet you .Unit 21、Who’s that/this woman /g irl/boy/woman?2、Let’s watch TV!Unit 31、Look! I have a new kite!2、Who are you ?3、What’s in your box?4、How many kites can you see/ do you have?5、Look at my new crayons!Unit41、Do you like oranges?2、What about pears?3、Can I have an apple?4、Have some fruits!5、Can I have an apple ,please?6、Have some more?7、Lets have some peaches and pears!Unit51、Where is my car?2、Under your desk/ In your toy box/under your chair?3、Can I use your pencil?4、Happy Children’s Day!Unit 61、Look at the elephant!2、It has a long nose and a short tail.3、The giraffe is tall .Recycle21、I am tall. I can get the apple.2、Let’s count.四年级上册Unit11. What’s in the classroom?2. This is Zhang Peng, our new classmate.3.Nice to meet you !4. We have a new classroom.5、Where’s my seat?6、Let’s clean the classroom.7、Look at the picture.8、This is my classroom. The wall is white. The desk is green….What colour is the floor?Unit21. What’s in your schoolbag?2.How many books do you have?3、How many English books can you see?4.I have a new schoolbag.Really? What colour is it?5、May I have a look?6、My schoolbag is heavy. What’s in it?7、How much is it?Unit31、Who’s your best friend?2、What’s your friend like ?3、Who’s he? / Who’s she?4、I have a new friend.Guess, Boy or girl?5、What’s his / her name?8、My friend likes music. He likes sports. She likes painting.Let’s make friends.9、Let me help you.10、I hope you’ll like it.Recycle11、What’s 10 plus 10?(…+…?)Unit41、This is my home. You can see a bedroom, a living room, a study, a kitchen and abathroom.2、There is a sofa, a TV, a phone and a table in the living room.3、Where’s the pen?4、Is it in the pencil-case?5、Where are the keys?6、Are they on the table/near the phone?7、Is this your bedroom?8、Is she in the living room?9、What can you see in my room?Uint51、What would you like? / What would you like for dinner?2、Can I have some noodles, please?3、What’s for dinner?4、Can I help you?5、Help yourself.7 、I can use the chopsticks. Let me try.8 、I like Chinese food. What about you ?9 、See you tomorrow.10、Can I have some noodles ,please?Unit61、How many people are there in your family?2、Who are they ?3、What’s your father?4、Is this your aunt?5、Do you like sports?6、Is she a dancer?Recycle21、Merry Christmas!2、What would you like ?3、Where are they ?四年级下册Unit11、Is this/that a teacher’s desk?2、How many students are there in your class?3、Where is the canteen?4、Do you have a library ?5、Your school is beautiful!Unit21、What time is it?2、Is it time for math class?3、It’s seven o’clock ,Let’s go to school.4、It’s ten –thirty .It’s time for English /math/music/Chinese/P.E/class.5、It’s 6:30.It’s time to get up/go to bed/ go to school.6、Is it time to have dinner?Unit31、Is this your T-shirt?2、Is the computer on the teacher’s desk?3、What colour is it?4、Whose cap is it5、Whose is it?6、Where are my socks?7、what are they?8、These are my shoes .Those are your shorts.9、What colour are the shorts?10、Are these your pants?11、How much is it\ are they?Unit 41、Can I wear my T-shirt?2、It’s cool , Is it cold?3、What’s the weather like in Beijing ?4、It’s warm today .Let’s play football.5、Can I help you ?6、What’s the matter?7、What are you doing ?Unit 51、How much are they/is it/ is this dress/are those big shoes?2、That’s expensive!/It’s too expensive!3、This shirt is beautiful but it’s too big!4、What are those/they ?5、Look at that dress .It’s pretty .6、Can I help you ?7、I want a pair of shoes.8、How about this pair?Unit 61、How many cows do you have?2、Are those/they cows?3、How many horses are there?4、What’s in your schoolbag?5、Are they ducks?Recycle21、Tomorrow will be warm and sunny. What do you want to bring ?2、What do you have?五年级上册Unit 11.Do you have new teachers?2.Who’s your art te acher?3.What’s your Chinese teacher like?4.Who is that young lady?5.Is she strict /active?Unit 21.What do you have on Wednesday?2.What day is tomorrow?3.What do you do on Saturdays?4.What do you do on Sundays?5.What about you?Unit 31.What would you like for lunch on Mondays ?2.What do you have for lunch today?3.What’s your favourite food?Recycle 11. Would you like some potatoes?2. Can I interview you for the school newspaper?3. Who is your favourite teacher?4. Do you like grapes? Why?Unit 41.Are you helpful at home?2.What can you do?3.You are helpful!4.Can you do housework?5.Can you cook the meals?Unit 51.What can you see in your room?2.Is this your bedroom?3.What’s in your room?4.Where is the trash bin?Unit 61.Is there a river in the park?2.Do you like this park?3.Are there any bridges in your village?Recycle 21.Is there a mountain?2.Are there any rivers in your village?五年级下册Unit 11.When do you get up?2.When do you do morning exercises?3.When do you eat breakfast?4.When do you eat dinner?5.What do you do on the weekend?6.Thank you for telling me about your day.7.Let’s go hiking together next Sunday.Unit 21. What’s your favourite season?2. Which season do you like best?3. Why do you like spring?4. What would you like to do?5. What’s the weather like in fall in Bei Jing?6. I wear my sweater. It’s windy. Which season is it? Unit 31.When is your birthday?2.What’s the date?3.When is Children’s Day?4.Is your birthday in February, too?5.How many birthdays are there in January?6.Who has a birthday in October?Recycle 11.When is your m other’s birthday?2.How many holidays are there in spring in China?What are they?Unit 41. What are you doing?2. What is your father doing?3. Can I speak to your mom, please?4. Mom, there’s a call for you.Unit 51. What is it doing?2. What is she doing?3. What is he doing?4. What are the elephants doing?5. Can tigers swim?6. Can they climb trees?Unit 61.What is Mike doing?2.What is Sarah doing?3.Are you eating lunch?4.Where are the elephants?5.Are they eating the honey?6.Is he playing chess?7.Is she counting insects?Recycle 21.Is she listening to music?2.Are they doing the experiment?3.What do you usually do in the evening?4.六年级上册Unit 11.How do you go to school?2.Stop at a red light.3.Wait at a yellow light.4.Go at a green light.5.How can I get to Zhong Shan Park?Unit 21.Where is the cinema?2.Is it far from here?3.Is there a post office near here?4.How can I get to the museum?5.Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It’s on the left. Unit 3 1.What are you going to do this evening?2.What are you going to do on the weekend?3.When are you going?4.Where are you going this afternoon?5.What are you going to buy?Recycle 11.Where do they live?2.What are you going to do there?Unit 41.What’s your hobby?2.He likes collecting stamps, too. Can he go with us?3.Does your pen pal live in Shang Hai?4.Does she teach English?Unit 51.What does your father do?2.Where does he work?3.How does he go to work?4.What are you going to be?Unit 61.Where does the rain come from ?2.How do you do that?3.What should you do then?Recycle 21.Who is your pen pal?2.What’s your favourite colour?3.What does your mother do?六年级下册Unit 11.How tall are you?2.How heavy are you?3.Who is taller than you?4.Who is heavier than you?5.I am 164 cm tall. You’re shorter than me.6.I am thinner than you, and shorter.Unit 21.What’s the matter?2.How do you feel?3.How does he feel?4.How does she feel?5. How are you? You look so happy/sad . Unit 3 1.What did you do last weekend?2.What did you do yesterday?3.What did Mike do last weekend?4.Did you read books?Unit 41.Where did you go on your holiday?2.What did you do on your holiday?3.How did you go there ?Recycle 11.Where are you going on your holiday?2.Who are you going with?3.What are you going to do there?4.How are you going?5.When are you going?Recycle 21.What can you do?2.What’s your hobby?。