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Going to the theater is very popuar and shows are often sold out far in advance. It is a good idea to buy your tickets in advance if you want to see a particular show. It is not necessary to tip the person who shows you to your seat in a theater.

人们很喜欢看戏,而且戏票常常是很早就预售一空. 如果你想看某一场演出,最好是提前买票. 没有必要给剧院领座的人付小费.

1.A: I'd like to reserve two seats for tomorrow night.

B: Would you like orchestra seats?

A: Isn't there anything less expensive?

B: Not unless you want the matinee.

A: 我想预订明晚的两张票。

B: 您要正厅前排的座位吗?

A: 有其它更便宜的吗?

B: 没有,除非你买午间那场的。

2.A: Can I still get tickets for tonight's performance?

B: The front balcony is still availavle.

A: Aren't there any other seats?

B: No, I'm afraid that's it.

A: 我还能买到明晚表演的门票吗?

B: 前排的还有票。

A: 没有其它座位了吗?

B: 没有,恐怕只有前排的。

3.A: Are there any seats left for Saturday night?

B: I still have a few seats in the mezzanine.

A: I suppose there's nothing cheaper, is there?

B: No. Nothing. I'm sorry.

A: 周六晚上还有座位吗?

B: 包厢还有一些座位。

A: 我想没有更便宜的,是吗?

B: 是的。没有了。不好意思。

4.A: Is there anything available for tonight?

B: There are some seats in the rear mezzanine.

A: Isn't there anything else available?

B: No, the show is almost sold out.

A: 今晚还有位子吗?

B: 在后面包厢还有一些座位。

A: 没有其它空位了吗?

B: 没有,戏票几乎都卖光了。
