湖北省武汉市第六十三中学中考英语考前复习一 第4讲 七下 Units 7-12 课件 人教新目标版

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如:我花了10元钱买了这本字典。 I spent 10 yuan on the dictionary.
=I spent 10 yuan (in) buying the dictionary.
=I paid 10 yuan for the dictionary. =The dictionary cost me 10 yuan. =It took me 10 yuan to buy the dictionary. 5.... five kids went_shopping,and three went to the
=They made a decision/made up their minds not to go back
home during the summer holiday.
他们决定暑假不回家了。 ③decide on sth.决定/选定某事物
She has decided on Hainan Island for vacation.
”来表示。如: —How do you like this story?
=What do you think of this story? ——你认为这个故事怎么样?
—It's very interesting.
——非常有趣。 10.Find students who agree_with you. 找出同意你的观点的学生。(Unit 11) ①agree with sb./sb.'s words同意某人(的观点)
8.... so we decided_to_play tennis. „„所以我们决定去打网球。(Unit 10)
①decide to do sth.决定做某事
②decide的名词是decision make a decision to do sth.=decide to do sth. =make up one's mind to do sth. 如: They decided not to go back home during the summer holiday.
她已决定去海南岛度假。 9.What_do_you_think_of soap operas? 你觉得肥皂剧怎么样?(Unit 11) What do you think of...?用来询问某人对某事物的观点、看法、
态度等,意为“你认为„„怎么样?”,也可以用“How do you like...?
②agree to sth.(plan,idea,suggestion...)赞同„„
③agree on sth.商定„„;约定„„
④agree to do sth.同意做某事 ⑤agree+that从句 同意„„ 【拓展】 disagree为agree的反义词,意为“不同意”,其用法及搭 配与agree相同。 11.Do you have_to wear a uniform at school? 在学校里你们必须穿校服吗?(Unit 12) have to意为“不得不;必须”。如:
第四讲 七年级(下) Units 7~12
1.always→(反义词) never 2.curly→(反义词)adj.直的 straight 3.height→adj.高的 high 4.thin→(反义词)adj.胖的 fat→(反义词) adj.厚的 heavy/thick 5.remember→(反义词)v.忘记 forget 6.special→adj.特别的special→adv.尤其;特别 specially 7.visit→n.参观;访问 visit→n.参观者 visitor 8.suggestion→v.建议 suggest 9.rain→adj.下雨的 rainy→v.下雨 rain 10.expensive→(同义词) adj.昂贵的 dear→(反义词) adj.便宜的 cheap 11.crowded→n.人群 crowd→v.挤满;聚集 crowd
①would like to do sth. ②would like sb. to do sth. ③Would you like sth.?你想要„„吗?(客气请求)句中用some而 不用any。
【辨析】spend, pay, cost与take
词 spend (spent,spent) pay (paid,paid) cost (cost,cost) take (took,taken)
主语 sb.
常用结构 ①spend... on... 在„„上花费时间/金钱 ②spend... (in) doing sth.某人花钱/时间做 某事 ①pay for付款;赔偿 ②pay sb. (money) for...为„„付给某人钱 sth. cost sb.+money 某物花了某人„„钱 It takes/took sb. time/money to do sth.某人花 时间/金钱干某事
④Would you like to do sth.? 你愿意做某事吗?(表示邀请或建议)
肯定答语:Yes,I'd love/like to.
否定答语:I'd love to,but...(说明具体原因) 【辨析】 would like,want与feel like(想要) ①would like 和want 后接名词、不定式或复合宾语,而feel like后接名词或v.­ing形式。
1.look like 看起来像 2.medium build中等身材 3.a little bit一点儿;少许 4.not... any more不再 5.tell jokes讲笑话
重 点 短 语 记 忆
6.stop doing sth.停止做某事 7.have a new look有一副新形象 8.stay at home待在家里 9.do some reading阅读 10.go shopping购物 11.talk show访谈节目 12.go for a walk去散步 13.summer camp夏令营 14.think of思考;考虑 15.in fact实际上 16.the Great Wall长城 17.agree with赞同 18.have to不得不;必须 19.no talking不许讲话
2.She never stops_talking! 她从来都是喋喋不休!(Unit 7)
stop doing sth.意为“停止做某事”,指停止正在做的事。如:
Stop talking.Let's have a class. 别说了,我们上课吧。 【拓展】 与实义动词stop连用的固定短语有: stop to do sth.停下来去做某事(指停止手中的活去做另一件事);
重 点 句 型 整 理
1.—What does he look like? —He is of medium build. 2.What kind of noodles would you like? 3.What did you do last weekend? 4.How was your weekend? 5.—Where did you go on vacation? —I went to summer camp. 6.What do you think of soap operas? 7.What else do you have to do ?
1.What_does_he_look_like? 他长得什么样?(Unit 7)
What does sb. look like ?用来询问某人的外部特征,其中like是
介词,意为“如同;像„„一样”,后常接名词或代词。如: Tom looks like his father. 汤姆长得像他爸爸。 【拓展】 由look构成的常用短语有: look like看上去像„„;look forward to (doing) sth. 期待/期盼 (做)某事;look up查寻;抬头看;look after照顾,相当于take care of;look over过目;检查;look out 小心,相当于be careful;look around环顾四周;have a look看一看
stop sb./sth. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事/阻止某事发生,其同义
短语是:keep sb./sth. from doing sth. 或prevent sb./sth. from doing sth.。
3.What kind of noodles would you like? 你想要哪种面条?(Unit 8)
6.I found a small boy crying in the corner. 我发现有个小男孩在角落里哭泣。(Unit 10)
即: find sb./sth.+n./adj./介词短语/v.­ing。如: When she woke up,she found herself lying on the floor. 当她醒来时,她发现自己躺在地板上。
I often hear her sing after work. 下班后我经常听到她唱歌。 7.That made me feel very happy. 那使我感到很快乐。(Unit 10) make (made,made)在本句中意为“使;让”,是使役动词,后常接 复合结构,即“make+宾语+宾语补足语”,宾语补足语可由名词、动词 原形、形容词等充当。如:
„„五个孩子去购物,三个孩子去了图书馆。(Unit 9)
go shopping是固定短语,意为“购物”。如: Would you like to go shopping with me tomorrow?
【拓展】 “go+v.­ing”表示从事某种(户外)活动。类似短语有:
②would like比want语气更委婉。
We'd really like a holiday in Italy ,but it's so expensive.
我们真想去意大利度假,但是太贵了。 I don't want to go out tonight.
I feel like (having) a drink. 我想喝一杯(酒)。 4.How did kids spend the weekend? 孩子们是怎样过的周末?(Unit9)
Tom made his little sister cry. 汤姆把他小妹妹惹哭了。 The news made him sad.那个消息让他很伤心。
在主动语态中,作宾语补足语的动词用原形,但在被动语态中,则要 用不定式,即sb. be made to do sth.。如: The workers are made to work twelve hours a day. 工人们每天被迫工作12个小时。
【拓展】 hear,see,watch,feel,notice等感官动词,其后可接
hear/see/watch/feel/notice sb. doing do

重 点 词 汇 拓 展
重 点 词 汇 拓 展
重 点 短 语 记 忆
12.decide→n.决定 decision 13.discuss→n.讨论 discussion 14.agree→(反义词) v.不同意 disagree→n.同意 agreement 15.outside→(反义词) adv.在里面 inside 16.loudly→adj.大声的 loud