与房屋有关的词汇House (房子)semi-detached house半独立式房子(一栋房子从中间隔开,成力两户人家,花园也川篱笆隔开)detached house独立式房子(一家拥有)terraced houses/ row houses连栋房屋(互相连接的一排房屋;两幢之间只有一层墙壁相陽)fence篱笆front door房子前门garage车库driveway牢库通向马路的空地Flat/Apartment (公寓)block of flats 公寓楼g round floor 第一层first fl oor 第二层lif t/elevator 电梯stairs 楼梯steps楼外的台阶balcony阳台Renting (租房)landlord 房东rent 房租House Leasi ng Contract 房屋合同deposit 定金furnished house/ 叩ar tment 有家具的房子/公寓unfurnished house/ apartment无家具的房子/公寓a va cant room/ a spare room 空房single ro om单人间doubl e room双人间utilities水、电、煤气和垃圾处理等货用flatmate合住一套公寓的人;合租者letting agency房屋中介agency fee中介费homestay寄宿家庭,指和房东住在一起,由房东提供食宿)uni versity acco mmodation学校宿舍(住在大学提供的宿舍里)private ac commodation 私人住房Room (房间)cozy 温馨的1 iving room/1 ounge 起居室;客厅bedroom 卧室main bedroo m 主卧carpet地毯coffee table (置于沙发前的〉茶儿armchai r 承人沙发remo te control 遥控器radiator 暖气八central heating 巾央供暖fridge/ fr eezer 冰箱ke ttle电烧水壶stool厨房高脚椅o ven跨箱dish washer洗碗机t ap水龙头sink洗碗池cupboard橱柜shower淋浴/冲凉bath浴缸bathroom 卫生间main bathroom 主卫toil et 马桶Buy a (an)flat/ ap artment 买房real estate 房地产mortgage按揭(指银行借长期抵押贷款,用来买房子)dow n payment 沒付completed apartment/fl at 现房(指已建好供销售的房子)forward housingdel ivery 期房re sold apartme nt 二手房afford able housing 经济造用房hous ing price 房价Financing is the key to most real es tate transac tions , so if you are bu ying real es tate for you r personal u se,consume r credit con siderations are of param ount importa nee . Unlike the standar d stock leve raging schem e,where th e debt is ca pped at 50 p ercent of th e principal value of the transaction,the stand ard debt-to-asset ratio in real estate or what the banks cal 1 the loan-to- value ratio,is 80 percent ,with a 20 percent down payment . In such an instance, the lender looks as much to the credit of the borrower as to the value of the property,to be sure of rep ayment. Hen ce,your re cord of paym ent of other debts,or lack thereof,will be a critical fa ctor in whet her or not y ou get credi t for a home purchase .Other factor s that come into play are your overall financial picture . I f you have large amounts of other as sets such as stocks,that will help. Retiremen t assets sue h as individ ual retireme nt accounts (IRAs) canno t be used to secure loan s,but even they may in directly cou nt in a borr ower’s favor a s evidence of astutene ss .If you are buying property for rental as a business .then more businesslike considerations apply . The bank will still want to evaluate 1 oan-to-value and income-to-debt serv ice ratios,but may giv e lesser wei ght to your personal fin ancial situa tion . Your past busines s experience, either in real estate or in other areas,wil 1 be taken i nto account,as will your business credit record . In unusual cases,the lender may require you to sign for loans personally,in which case y our personal financial s ituation wil I matter • T here are sev eral types o f lenders .The most com mon one is a financial i nstitution s uch as a ban k or a savin gs and loan . A second i s government agencies such as Veteran’s Administration or the Fede ral Ho using Authority • The th ird source o f financing is owner fin ancing .对于大多数房地产交易来说,关键在于资金问题的解决。
The forbidden city
SanShan Hall
Serious and tough(严肃、硬朗) Lack of romantic and gentle
How buildings in China used to be!
China is a country with a long history and a vast region.The buildings of different time and different regions have different characteristics.
intellectua l en智rg能y s化aving
enviromental protection
Thank you!
Beiing courtyard and Hakka(客家土楼) are two bright stars in the history of chinese architecture. To some extent , they represent the traditionl culture of china.therefore,good protection of them is very important for the heritage of chinese cult
Hakka tulou is famous in south china.It has two shapes; round and square.The circular are richer in traditional social colar.
Room/Double Room
大 床 间 Double , 高 级 间 Superior 城景房 City View 残 疾 人 客 房
King size or
Handicapped Room
Queen size Room 豪 华 间 Deluxe 园 景 房 Garden 带 厨 房 ecification
单 人 间 Single 经 济 间 Economic 朝 街 房 Front 不 限 房 型 Run of
Room the
双 人 间 Twin 普 通 间 Standard 背街房 Rear View 无 烟 标 准 间 Non-
标 准 间 Standard
Room with
(Single, Double 商 务 标 间 海 景 房 Sea View 相邻房 Adjoining
or Twin ) Business Room
三 人 间 Triple 行 政 标 间 湖景房 Lake View 连
介绍酒店房间 Introducing the hotel room
Category of Room(房间的类别)
按设施及规格分 按级别分
Divide according Divide according Divide according Particular
各类房屋的说法分类词汇表A la maison At home une maison houseun appartement apartmentune résidence universitaire university dorm une pièce a room (general term) une fenêtre windowun meuble / des meubles a piece of furniture / furniturele rez-de-chaussée ground floor, first floor un escalier staircase, stairs un balcon balcony une terrasse terrace un jardin garden, yard Les pièces Roomsune entrée entranceway un hall d'entrée foyerun séjour / un living / un salon / une salle de séjour living room unesalle à manger dining room une cuisine kitchen un couloir hallway une chambre bedroomune salle de bains bathroom des toilettes / des W.C. toilet une lingerie laundry room un grenier atticune cave cellar, wine cellar un garage garageQu'est-ce qu'on y trouve? What do we find there?Dans la chambre... In the bedroom... un lit bedune armoire armoireune commode chest of drawers un bureau desk un e étagère bookcase une lampe lamp un placard closetune moquette carpet (wall to wall) un ordinateur computer une cha?ne-stéréo stereo un téléphone telephone1Dans la salle de bains... In the bathroom ... une baignoire bathtub une douche shower un lavabo sink un miroir mirrorDans la salle de séjour... In the living room... un canap?/ un sofa couch un fauteuil armchairune table basse coffee table une télévision television un tableau painting un tapis area rug or carpetDans la salle ?manger... In the dining room... une table table une chaise chair un buffet hutch, buffetDans la cuisine... In the kitchen...un réfrigérateur / un frigo refrigerator / fridgeun congélateur freezer une cuisinière stove un four ovenun four à micro-ondes microwave un lave-vaisselle dishwasher un évier sink un placard cabinet une poubelle trash canDans la lingerie... In the laundry room... un lave-linge washing machine un sèche-linge dryerLes taches domestiques Household chores faire des achats to go shopping faire le marché to do the grocery shoppingfaire des courses to do errands faire le ménage to do housework faire la cuisine to cookfaire la vaisselle to do the dishes ranger to straighten up分类词汇表faire le lit to make the bedpasser l'aspirateur to pass the vacuum cleanerfaire la lessive to do laundry repasser to ironbricoler to make home repairs or improvementsAdjectifs Adjectives ancien(ne) old moderne modern sombre darkclair(e) bright, full of light en désordre messy en ordre straightened up propre clean sale dirtypratique practicalconfortable comfortableVerbes Verbsdéménager to move (change residences)Verbes réfléchis Reflexive verbs s'amuser to have fun s'ennuyer to be bored se dépêcher to hurry s'inquiéter to worry se facher to get angryse souvenir de to rememberVerbes réciproques Reciprocal verbsse disputer to argue (with one another) s'entendre to get along (with one another) se parler to talk to (one another) 2La ville The cityune place public square une rue streetun boulevard boulevard une avenue avenueun quartier neighborhood2l'arrondissement (m) administrative district in a large city (e.g. Paris) le centre-ville downtown la banlieue suburbs un batiment building un bureau officeun immeuble apartment building une maison house un h?tel hotelune boutique boutiqueun magasin (de musique, de vidéo, etc.) store (music, video, etc.)un centre commercial shopping center, mall un supermarché supermarket un café caféun restaurant restaurant un musée museum un cinéma movie theater une bo?te de nuit / une discothèque a nightclub, dance club un théatre theater un stade stadiumun parking parking lot un parc parkun jardin public park, large garden un fleuve river un pont bridge une banque bankun bureau de poste post office une bo?te aux lettres mailbox une cabinetéléphonique phone booth une laverie launderettelh?tel de ville (m) city hall, mayors office la mairie city hall, mayors office l'office du tourisme (m) chamber of commerce un h?pital hospital unaéroport airport une gare train station une école (6 ans ?11 ans) school un collège (11 ans ?15 ans) junior high, middle schoolun lycée (15 ans ?18 ans) high school une université university分类词汇表une bibliothèque library une église church une cathédrale cathedral une mosquée mosque une synagogue synagogue un temple templeLes petits commerces Small businesses une épicerie grocery store une boucherie butcher shopune charcuterie pork butchers shop, deli un traiteur deli, catering shop une boulangerie bakery une patisserie pastry shopun bureau de tabac tobacco shop une librairie bookstoreune papeterie paper/stationery store une pharmacie pharmacyS'orienter Getting your bearings Où se trouve... ? Where is... ?(Où se trouve la poste?) (Where is the post office?) à c?té(de) beside, next to à deux pas (de) just a step from à droite (de) on the right à gauche (de) on the leftau bout (de) at the far end ofau carrefour (de) at the intersection of au centre in the centerau coin (de) at the corner of chez at someones house derrière behind devant in front ofen face (de) facing, opposite en ville in the city loin (de) far près (de) near, close sous under sur onsur votre droite/gauche on your right/left tout droit straight ahead tout près nearbyLa ville The cityune place public square une rue streetun boulevard boulevard une avenue avenueun quartier neighborhoodl'arrondissement (m) administrative district in a large city (e.g. Paris) le centre-ville downtown la banlieue suburbs un batiment building un bureau officeun immeuble apartment building une maison house un h?tel hotelune boutique boutiqueun magasin (de musique, de vidéo, etc.) store (music, video, etc.)un centre commercial shopping center, mall un supermarché supermarket un café caféun restaurant restaurant un musée museum un cinéma movie theater une bo?te de nuit / une discothèque a nightclub, dance club un théatre theater un stade stadiumun parking parking lot un parc parkun jardin public park, large garden un fleuve river un pont bridge une banque bankun bureau de poste post office une bo?te aux lettres mailbox une cabine téléphonique phone booth une laverie launderettelh?tel de ville (m) city hall, mayors office la mairie city hall, mayors office l'office du tourisme (m) chamber of3分类词汇表commerce un h?pital hospital un aéroport airport une gare train station une école (6 ans ?11 ans) school un collège (11 ans ?15 ans) junior high, middle schoolun lycée (15 ans ?18 ans) high school une université university une bibliothèque library une église church une cathédrale cathedral une mosquée mosque une synagogue synagogue un temple templeLes petits commerces Small businesses une épicerie grocery store une boucherie butcher shopune charcuterie pork butchers shop, deli un traiteur deli, catering shop une boulangerie bakery une patisserie pastry shopun bureau de tabac tobacco shop une librairie bookstoreune papeterie paper/stationery store une pharmacie pharmacyS'orien ter Getting your bearings Où se trouve... ? Where is... ?(Où se trouve la poste?) (Where is the post office?) à c?té(de) beside, next to à deux pas (de) just a step from à droite (de) on the right à gauche (de) on the leftau bout (de) at the far end ofau carrefour (de) at the intersection of au centre in the centerau coin (de) at the corner of chez at someones house derrière behind devant in front ofen face (de) facing, oppositeen ville in the city loin (de) farprès (de) near, close sous under sur onsur votre droite/gauche on your right/left tout droit straight ahead tout près nearbyLes nombres ordinaux Ordinal numbers premier, première first deuxième second troisième third quatrième fourth cinquième fifth sixième sixth septième seventh huitième eighth neuvième ninth dixième tenth onzième eleventhdouzièmetwelfth treizième thirteenthquatorzième fourteenth quinzième fifteenth seizième sixteenthdix-septième seventeenth dix-huitième eighteenth dix-neuvième nineteenth vingtième twentiethVerbes qui prennent être au passé composé Verbs which take être in the pass?composé aller to go sortir to go out partir to leaverentrer to go home, to go back retourner to return arriver to arrive entrer to enter rester to staymonter to go up, to go upstairs, to climb descendre to go down, to go downstairs4分类词汇表tomber to fallpasser to pass, to go by (intransitive) na?tre to be born mourir to dieAutres verbes Other verbsse déplacer (en ville) to get around (town) prendre le métro, un taxi, etc. to take the metro, a taxi, etc.aller à pied to go on foot marcher to walk tourner to turn traverser to cross continuer to continue demander to ask (for) se trouver to be found, tobe located attendre to wait for entendre to hear perdre to loserendre to hand in, give back rendre visite à quelqu'un to visit someonerépondre to answer vendre to sellParticipes passés irréguliers (Irregular past particip les) avoir: j'ai eu... être: j'ai été. faire: j'ai fait... prendre: j'ai pris... mettre: j'ai mis... boire: j'ai bu... croire: j'ai cru... voir: j'ai vu...mourir: il est mort / elle est mort(e)... na?tre: il est né/ elle estné(e)...Le visage The face la tête headles cheveux (m) hair5le front forehead les sourcils (m) eyebrows les yeux (m) eyes le nez noseles joues (f) cheeks les oreilles (f) ears la bouche mouth les dents (f) teeth le menton chin le cou neckLes couleurs (f) Colors blanc / blanche white bleu / bleue blue gris /grise gray jaune yellowmarron (invariable) brown noir / noire blackorange (invariable) orange rouge redvert / verte green violet / violette purpleLe portrait physique Physical description Quelle est votre taille (f)?What's your height?Je fais 1 m. 60. I'm one meter 60.de taille moyenne of medium heightCombien pesez-vous? How much do you weigh?Je fais 55 kilos. I weigh 55 kilos. maigre thin, skinny mince thin, slenderDe quelle couleur sont vos cheveux? What color is your hair?J'ai les cheveux blonds / bruns / I have blond / brown /chatain (invariable) / roux. light brown, chestnut / red hair.Il est... Elle est... He is... She is... blond. blonde. a blond. brun. brune. a brunette. roux. rousse. a red-head.Comment est-il coiff? What is his hair like?感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
一、住宅(Residential)1. House:独立屋A house is a free-standing building that is designed for residential purposes. It typically consists of multiple rooms, including bedrooms, living areas, and a kitchen.2. Apartment:公寓An apartment is a housing unit within a larger building that is divided into multiple dwellings. It often includes various amenities, such as a shared gym or pool.3. Condominium:公寓房A condominium, commonly referred to as a condo, is a type of real estate that is individually owned but part of a larger complex. Condo owners share common areas and facilities with other residents.二、工业(Industrial)1. Factory:工厂A factory is a building or group of buildings where goods are manufactured or processed. It typically consists of assembly lines, machinery, and storage areas.2. Warehouse:仓库A warehouse is a large building used for the storage of goods, materials, or inventory. It often has high ceilings and multiple loading areas for trucks.3. Power plant:发电厂A power plant is a facility that generates electricity. It can be powered by coal, natural gas, nuclear energy, or renewable resources, such as solar or wind.三、商业(Commercial)1. Office building:办公楼An office building is a commercial building designed for various businesses and organizations. It often contains multiple floors with individual offices and common areas.2. Shopping mall:购物中心A shopping mall, also known as a shopping center, is a large indoor complex that houses multiple stores, restaurants, and entertainment options. It usually includes parking facilities.3. Hotel:酒店A hotel provides temporary accommodation to travelers. It typically offers rooms with attached bathrooms, amenities such as restaurants and gyms, and services like housekeeping.四、教育(Educational)1. School:学校A school is an institution where students receive formal education. It can range from preschools and elementary schools to high schools and universities.2. Library:图书馆A library is a building that houses a collection of books and other materials. It often provides study areas, computer access, and services such as borrowing and returning books.3. University:大学A university is a higher education institution that offers undergraduate and graduate programs. It typically consists of multiple faculties and departments.五、文化(Cultural)1. Museum:博物馆A museum is a building that showcases collections of art, historical artifacts, scientific exhibits, or other objects of cultural importance. It often provides educational experiences for visitors.2. Theater:剧院A theater is a building or space used for the performance of plays, musicals, or other live entertainment. It usually has a stage, seating areas, and backstage facilities.3. Gallery:画廊A gallery is a space where artworks are displayed or exhibited. It can be a stand-alone building or part of a larger cultural institution.这些英文单词描述了各种类型的建筑物,从个人住宅到商业大楼,从学校到博物馆。
2 3 4
Bent structure Shear wall structure
Tube structure
Frame structure 框架结构
Frame structure
Frame structure
The frame structure refers to the structure of the bearing system, which is formed by the connection of Liang Hezhu with steel bar, which is the horizontal load and vertical load which appear in the course of the use of Liang Hezhu. The housing wall frame structure not only plays the loadbearing, surrounding and separating effect, general use of aerated concrete, prefabricated expanded perlite, porous brick, hollow brick or pumice, vermiculite, ceramsite lightweight masonry or plate assembly. 框架结构是指由梁和柱以钢筋相连接而成,构成承重体系的结构,即由梁和柱组成框架共同抵抗使用过程中 出现的水平荷载和竖向荷载。框架结构的房屋墙体不承重,仅起到围护和分隔作用,一般用预制的加气混凝土、 膨胀珍珠岩、空心砖或多孔砖、浮石、蛭石、陶粒等轻质板材砌筑或装配而成。
Frame structure
Chapter one 与房屋有关的词汇 House(房子)semi-detached house 半独立式房子(一栋房子从中间隔开,成为两户人家,花园也用篱笆隔开)detached house 独立式房子(一家拥有) terraced houses/ row houses 连栋房屋(互相连接的一排房屋;两幢之间只有一层墙壁相隔)fence 篱笆front door 房子前门garage 车库driveway 车库通向马路的空地Flat/Apartment (公寓)block of flats 公寓楼ground floor 第一层first floor 第二层lift/elevator 电梯stairs 楼梯steps 楼外的台阶balcony 阳台Renting (租房)landlord 房东rent 房租House Leasing Contract 房屋合同deposit 定金furnished house/ apartment有家具的房子/公寓unfurnished house/ apartment 无家具的房子/公寓a vacant room/ a spare room 空房single room 单人间double room 双人间utilities 水、电、煤气和垃圾处理等费用flatmate 合住一套公寓的人;合租者letting agency 房屋中介agency fee 中介费海外留学租房三攻略home stay 寄宿家庭,指和房东住在一起,由房东提供食宿university accommodation 学校宿舍(住在大学提供的宿舍里)private accommodation 私人住房Room (房间)cozy 温馨的living room/lounge 起居室;客厅bedroom 卧室main bedroom 主卧carpet 地毯coffee table (置于沙发前的)茶几armchair 单人沙发sofa 沙发remote control 遥控器radiator 暖气片central heating 中央供暖fridge/ freezer 冰箱kettle 电烧水壶stool 厨房高脚椅oven 烤箱dishwasher 洗碗机tap 水龙头sink 洗碗池cupboard 橱柜shower 淋浴/冲凉bath 浴缸bathroom 卫生间main bathroom 主卫toilet 马桶Buy a (an)flat/ apartment 买房real estate 房地产mortgage 按揭(指向银行借长期抵押贷款,用来买房子)down payment 首付completed apartment/flat 现房(指已建好供销售的房子)forward housing delivery 期房resold apartment 二手房affordable housing 经济适用房housing price 房价按揭贷款 mortgage loan按揭购房to buy a house on mortgage; to mortgage a house 房屋空置率 housing vacancy rate安居工程 Comfortable Housing Project板楼,板式楼 slab-type apartment building 搬迁户 a relocated unit or household财产税 property tax;estate(or capital) duty 拆迁补偿费 compensation for demolition拆迁费用 removal expense城镇住房公积金 urban housing provident fund 低价住房 low-cost housing二手房 second-hand house房产估价师 real estate evaluator房产证 property ownership certificate房屋置换 buy or exchange houses炒房者real estate speculator房改 housing system reform房管 real estate management房权证 property right certificate房产市场 real estate market房屋空置率 housing vacancy rate福利分房welfare-oriented public housing distribution system个人购房贷款 individual housing loan公房商品化commercialization of public housing集资房 houses built with funds collected by the buyers居民住房建设 residential construction人均住房per-capital housing现房 complete department (or flat)期房 forward delivery housing商品房 commercial residential building商品房空置 the vacancy problem in commercial housing政策性住房policy-related house, policy-based house住房补贴 rental allowance; housing allowance 住房分配货币化进程 capitalization process of housing distribution/allocationproperty 物业,资产interest 产权subsidiary 附属机构,子公司valuation 评估open market value 公开市场价值leaseback 售后回租(即租回已出售的财产)on a residual basis 剩余法capital value 资本价值cost of development 开发费(指拆迁费,七通一平费等)professional fee 专业人员费(指勘察设计费等)finance costs 融资成本(指利息等)sale proceeds 销售收益on the basis of capitalisation 资本还原法floor area 建筑面积title document 契约文书plaza 购物中心land use certificate 土地使用证commercial/residential complex 商住综合楼land use fee 土地使用费(获得土地使用权后,每年支付国家的使用土地费用)Grant Contract of Land Use Right 土地使用权出让合同plot ratio 容积率site coverage 建筑密度land use term 土地使用期project approval 项目许可planning approval 规划许可commission 佣金permit 许可证business license 营业执照strata-title 分层所有权public utilities 公共设施urban planning 城市规划state-owned land 国有土地fiscal allotment 财政拨款grant or transfer 出让或转让the Municipal Land Administration Bureau 市土地管理局infrastructure 基础设施financial budget 财政预算public bidding 公开招标auction 拍卖negotiation /agreement协议land efficiency 土地效益location classification 地段等级projecting parameter 规划参数government assignment 政府划拨administrative institution 行政事业单位key zones for development 重点开发区tract 大片土地biding document 标书prerequisitioned land 预征土地competent authorities 主管部门construction project 建设项目planning permit of construction engineering 建设工程规划许可证go through the formalities 办手续comprehensive sub-areas 综合分区reconstruction of old area 旧区改造purchasing power 购买力property trust 物业信托equity 权益cash flows 现金流量appreciation 增值disposition 处置hedge 保值措施income tax shelter 收入税的庇护downturn (经济)衰退wealth maximisation 最大限度的增加财产(同其他投资相比)forecast 预测rules-of-thumb techniques 经验法mortgage lender 抵押放贷者vacancy 空房discounted cash flow models 折现值现金流量模型expectation 期望值letting 出租equity reversion 权益回收bad debts 坏帐depreciation allowances 折旧费supplies 日常用品utilities 公共事业设备allowances for repairs and maintenance 维修费unpaid mortgage balance 抵押贷款欠额stamp duty印花税recession 衰退 <br>overproduction 生产过剩glut 供过于求high-technology 高科技investment strategy投资策略circulation 发行量entrepreneur 倡导者,企业家coliseum 大体育场,大剧院chambers (商业资本家联合组织的)会所arena 室内运动场socioeconomic status 社会经济地位amenities 便利设施condominium 个人占有公寓房,一套公寓房的个人所有权income bracket 收入档次tenement 分租合住的经济公寓area code (电话)地区代码community 社区assessment 估价downzone 降低区划规模housing residences住宅。
Describe the purpose and characteristics of the washbasin, such as for people to wash their hands, face, etc.
Detailed description
The washbasin is one of the important facilities in the bathroom, used for daily cleaning work such as washing hands, face, and teeth. In English, the word "washbasin" is commonly used to refer to a washbasin.
Detailed description
A bedside table usually has drawers and a countertop, which can hold items such as an alarm clock, water glass, books, etc. In English learning, students need to master basic vocabulary related to bedside tables, such as bedside table, drawer, etc.
Detailed description
Detailed description
Detailed description
The tea table is a small table that is typically used for serving tea and other benefits It is often placed in the living room and can be used as a prop for role playing activities or for displaying objects of interest The tea table can also be used as a writing surface for note taking or other learning activities
• 介绍人或者物品用This is / That is····
• 例:This is my house. • 变成一般疑问句:Is this your house ? • (第一人称变成第二人称) • My--your our--your
• 例:That is their bedroom . • 变成一般疑问句:Is that their bedroom ? • (第三人称不变化) • his—his her—her its—its • their—their
Hale Waihona Puke • 询问某个房间在哪? • Where is the + 房间 • 回答: • It’s +方位词+the+房间
• 例:Where is the kitchen ?
It’s next to the bathroom .
• 浴室在哪? • Where is the bathroom? • 它在卧室的旁边。 • It’s next to the bedroom.
• 肯:这是我的客厅 • This is my sitting room . • 疑:my—your • Is this your sitting room ?
• 肯:那是他的卧室 • That is his sitting room . • 疑:his—his • Is that his sitting room ?
• 书房在哪? • Where is the study? • 它在浴室和餐厅的中间。 • It’s between the bathroom and the dinning room .
英语各种房子的说法apartment阁楼,bedsit,bungalow,castle,cave,chalet,cottage,dacha,dome,duplex, farmhouse,flat,high-rise,houseboat,igloo,mansion,mobilehome,manor,ranch,row house,semi-detachedhouse,shack,shanty,shed,ski lodge,space station,split-level,studio,tipi,town house,tree house,villa,yurt 。
Apartment (公寓): an apartment or flat is a self-contained housing unit (a type of residential real estate) that occupies only part of a building.Bedsit (单间公寓): a bedsit is a small rented room in a larger house or flat which includes a bed, chair, table and cooking facilities.Bungalow (平房): a bungalow is a single-story house,typically with a low- pitched roof and wide-verandas.Castle (城堡): a castle is a large fortified building, built from the 11th century onwards, usually inhabited by the nobility.Cave (洞穴): a cave is a natural underground opening in the earth's surface.Chalet (小木屋): a chalet is a type of house or cottage that is usually built of wood and has a sloping roof.Cottage (小屋): a cottage is a small house, typically onefor a holiday or weekend getaway.Dacha (别墅): a dacha is a seasonal or year-round second home, often located in the countryside.Dome (圆顶建筑): a dome is a type of architectural structure that has a hemispherical roof.Duplex (复式住宅): a duplex is a building or house which has two floors of living space, usually connected by an internal staircase.Farmhouse (农舍): a farmhouse is a large house, usually situated on a farm, where the family or workers live.Flat (公寓): a flat is a type of residential real estatethat consists of one or more rooms, including a kitchen and bathroom.High-Rise (高层建筑): a high-rise is a building that has more than five or six stories.Houseboat (房船): a houseboat is a boat that is used as a home.Igloo (伊格卢): an igloo is a dome-shaped shelter made of snow, traditionally used by Inuit people in the Arctic.Mansion (豪宅): a mansion is a large and impressive house, usually belonging to a wealthy family.Mobile Home (活动住宅): a mobile home is a type of prefabricated building that is designed to be moved from one place to another.Manor (庄园): a manor is a large estate or property with a large house at its center, owned or leased by a wealthy family.Ranch (牧场): a ranch is a large farm that specializes in raising livestock such as cattle, sheep, and horses.Row House (连栋住宅): a row house is a type of housing where houses are built in a line, one after the other.Semi-Detached House (双排别墅): a semi-detached house is a type of housing where two houses are attached to each other,with a shared party wall.Shack (小屋): a shack is a small, crudely-built house or shelter, typically one made of wood.Shanty (茅屋): a shanty is a small, crudely-built dwelling, typically one made of discarded materials such as scraps of wood.Shed (棚屋): a shed is a small, single-room building that is used for storage or shelter.Space Station (空间站): a space station is an artificial satellite that is designed to be inhabited by humans in space.Split-Level (分层住宅): a split-level house is a type of house that has multiple levels, connected by a series of stairs.。
• 询问某个房间在哪? • Where is the + 房间 • 回答: • It’s +方位词+the+房间
• 例:Where is the kitchen ?
It’s next to the bathroom .
• 浴室在哪?
• Where is the bathroom?
• 肯:这是我的客厅
• This is my sitting room .
• 疑:my—your
• Is this your sitting room ?
• 肯:那是他的卧室
• That is his sitting room .
• 疑:his—his
• Is that his sitting room ?
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• 介绍人或者物品用This is / That is····
• 例:This is my house. • 变成一般疑问句:Is this your house ? • (第一人称变成第二人称) • My--your our--your
• 例:That is their bedroom . • 变成一般疑问句:Is that their bedroom ? • (第三人称不变化) • his—his her—her its—its • their—their
Chapter one 与房屋有关的词汇House(房子)semi-detached house 半独立式房子(一栋房子从中间隔开,成为两户人家,花园也用篱笆隔开)detached house 独立式房子(一家拥有) terraced houses/ row houses 连栋房屋(互相连接的一排房屋;两幢之间只有一层墙壁相隔)fence 篱笆front door 房子前门garage 车库driveway 车库通向马路的空地Flat/Apartment (公寓) block of flats 公寓楼ground floor 第一层first floor 第二层lift/elevator 电梯stairs 楼梯steps 楼外的台阶balcony 阳台Renting (租房) landlord 房东rent 房租House Leasing Contract 房屋合同deposit 定金furnished house/ apartment有家具的房子/公寓unfurnished house/ apartment 无家具的房子/公寓a vacant room/ a spare room 空房single room 单人间double room 双人间utilities 水、电、煤气和垃圾处理等费用flatmate 合住一套公寓的人;合租者letting agency 房屋中介agency fee 中介费海外留学租房三攻略home stay 寄宿家庭,指和房东住在一起,由房东提供食宿university accommodation 学校宿舍(住在大学提供的宿舍里)private accommodation 私人住房Room (房间) cozy 温馨的living room/lounge 起居室;客厅bedroom 卧室main bedroom 主卧carpet 地毯coffee table (置于沙发前的)茶几armchair 单人沙发sofa 沙发remote control 遥控器radiator 暖气片central heating 中央供暖fridge/ freezer 冰箱kettle 电烧水壶stool 厨房高脚椅oven 烤箱dishwasher 洗碗机tap 水龙头sink 洗碗池cupboard 橱柜shower 淋浴/冲凉bath 浴缸bathroom 卫生间main bathroom 主卫toilet 马桶Buy a (an)flat/ apartment 买房real estate 房地产mortgage 按揭(指向银行借长期抵押贷款,用来买房子)down payment 首付completed apartment/flat 现房(指已建好供销售的房子)forward housing delivery 期房resold apartment 二手房affordable housing 经济适用房housing price 房价按揭贷款mortgage loan按揭购房to buy a house on mortgage; to mortgage a house 房屋空置率housing vacancy rate安居工程Comfortable Housing Project板楼,板式楼slab-type apartment building搬迁户a relocated unit or household财产税property tax;estate(or capital) duty 拆迁补偿费compensation for demolition拆迁费用removal expense城镇住房公积金urban housing provident fund 低价住房low-cost housing二手房second-hand house房产估价师real estate evaluator房产证property ownership certificate 房屋置换buy or exchange houses炒房者real estate speculator房改housing system reform房管real estatemanagement 房权证property right certificate房产市场real estate market 房屋空置率housing vacancy rate福利分房welfare-oriented public housing distribution system个人购房贷款individual housing loan公房商品化commercialization of public housing 集资房houses built with funds collected by the buyers 居民住房建设residential construction人均住房per-capital housing现房complete department (or flat) 期房forward delivery housing商品房commercial residential building 商品房空置the vacancy problem in commercial housing 政策性住房policy-related house, policy-based house住房补贴rental allowance; housing allowance住房分配货币化进程capitalization process of housing distribution/allocationproperty 物业,资产interest 产权subsidiary 附属机构,子公司valuation 评估open market value 公开市场价值leaseback 售后回租(即租回已出售的财产)on a residual basis 剩余法capital value 资本价值cost of development 开发费(指拆迁费,七通一平费等)professional fee 专业人员费(指勘察设计费等)finance costs 融资成本(指利息等)sale proceeds 销售收益on the basis of capitalisation 资本还原法floor area 建筑面积title document 契约文书plaza 购物中心land use certificate 土地使用证commercial/residential complex 商住综合楼land use fee 土地使用费(获得土地使用权后,每年支付国家的使用土地费用)Grant Contract of Land Use Right 土地使用权出让合同plot ratio 容积率site coverage 建筑密度land use term 土地使用期project approval 项目许可planning approval 规划许可commission 佣金permit 许可证business license 营业执照strata-title 分层所有权public utilities 公共设施urban planning 城市规划state-owned land 国有土地fiscal allotment 财政拨款grant or transfer 出让或转让the Municipal Land Administration Bureau 市土地管理局infrastructure 基础设施financial budget 财政预算public bidding 公开招标auction 拍卖negotiation /agreement协议land efficiency 土地效益location classification 地段等级projecting parameter 规划参数government assignment 政府划拨administrative institution 行政事业单位key zones for development 重点开发区tract 大片土地biding document 标书prerequisitioned land 预征土地competent authorities 主管部门construction project 建设项目planning permit of construction engineering 建设工程规划许可证go through the formalities 办手续comprehensive sub-areas 综合分区reconstruction of old area 旧区改造purchasing power 购买力property trust 物业信托equity 权益cash flows 现金流量appreciation 增值disposition 处置hedge 保值措施income tax shelter 收入税的庇护downturn (经济)衰退wealth maximisation 最大限度的增加财产(同其他投资相比) forecast 预测rules-of-thumbtechniques 经验法mortgage lender 抵押放贷者vacancy 空房discounted cash flow models 折现值现金流量模型expectation 期望值letting 出租equity reversion 权益回收bad debts 坏帐depreciation allowances 折旧费supplies 日常用品utilities 公共事业设备allowances for repairs and maintenance 维修费unpaid mortgage balance 抵押贷款欠额stamp duty印花税recession 衰退<br>overproduction 生产过剩glut 供过于求high-technology 高科技investment strategy投资策略circulation 发行量entrepreneur 倡导者,企业家coliseum 大体育场,大剧院chambers (商业资本家联合组织的)会所arena 室内运动场socioeconomic status 社会经济地位amenities 便利设施condominium 个人占有公寓房,一套公寓房的个人所有权income bracket 收入档次tenement 分租合住的经济公寓area code (电话)地区代码community 社区assessment 估价downzone 降低区划规模housing residences住宅。
与房屋有关的词汇 House(房子)semi-detached house 半独立式房子(一栋房子从中间隔开,成为两户人家,花园也用篱笆隔开)detached house 独立式房子(一家拥有)terraced houses/ row houses 连栋房屋(互相连接的一排房屋;两幢之间只有一层墙壁相隔)fence 篱笆front door 房子前门garage 车库driveway 车库通向马路的空地Flat/Apartment (公寓)block of flats 公寓楼ground floor 第一层first floor 第二层lift/elevator 电梯stairs 楼梯steps 楼外的台阶balcony 阳台Renting (租房)你如果打算租房子,不妨进来看一下这一段对话,看房的时候就知道跟房东说什么了。
landlord 房东rent 房租House Leasing Contract 房屋合同deposit 定金furnished house/ apartment有家具的房子/公寓unfurnished house/ apartment 无家具的房子/公寓a vacant room/ a spare room 空房single room 单人间double room 双人间utilities 水、电、煤气和垃圾处理等费用flatmate 合住一套公寓的人;合租者letting agency 房屋中介agency fee 中介费海外留学租房三攻略home stay 寄宿家庭,指和房东住在一起,由房东提供食宿)university accommodation 学校宿舍(住在大学提供的宿舍里)private accommodation 私人住房Room (房间)cozy 温馨的living room/lounge 起居室;客厅bedroom 卧室main bedroom 主卧carpet 地毯coffee table (置于沙发前的)茶几armchair 单人沙发sofa 沙发remote control 遥控器radiator 暖气片central heating 中央供暖fridge/ freezer 冰箱kettle 电烧水壶stool 厨房高脚椅oven 烤箱dishwasher 洗碗机tap 水龙头sink 洗碗池cupboard 橱柜shower 淋浴/冲凉bath 浴缸bathroom 卫生间main bathroom 主卫toilet 马桶Buy a (an)flat/ apartment 买房real estate 房地产mortgage 按揭(指向银行借长期抵押贷款,用来买房子)down payment 首付completed apartment/flat 现房(指已建好供销售的房子)forward housing delivery 期房resold apartment 二手房affordable housing 经济适用房housing price 房价Financing is the key to most real estate transactions , so if you are buying real estate for your personal use , consumer credit considerations are of paramount importance . Unlike the standard stock leveraging scheme , where the debt is capped at 50 percent of the principal value of the transaction , the standard debt-to-asset ratio in real estate or what the banks call the loan-to-value ratio , is 80 percent ,with a 20 percent down payment . In such an instance , the lender looks as much to the credit of the borrower as to the value of the property , to be sure of repayment . Hence , your record of payment of other debts , or lack thereof , will be a critical factor in whether or not you get credit for a home purchase . Other factors that come into play are your overall financial picture . If you have large amounts of other assets such as stocks , that will help . Retirement assets such as individual retirement accounts (IRAs) cannot be used to secure loans , but even they may indirectly count in a borrower’s favor as evidence of astuteness .If you are buying property for rental as a business , then more businesslike considerations apply . The bank will still want to evaluate loan-to-value and income-to-debt service ratios , but may give lesser weight to your personal financial situation . Your past business experience , either in real estate or in other areas , will be taken into account , as will your business credit record . In unusual cases , the lender may require you to sign for loans personally , in which case your personal financial situation will matter . There are several types of lenders . The most common one is a financial institution such as a bank or a savings and loan . A second is government agencies such as Veteran’s Administration or the Federal Housing Authority . The third source of financing is owner financing .对于大多数房地产交易来说,关键在于资金问题的解决。
I’ve got a lift, It goes up and down.
From my balcony, I can see the town. Home is home…, In a city or a village, In a house or a flat,
Home is home! It’s where it’s at.
What’s missing?
We’ve got a______, Under the_____,
It’s got ______stairs, And a purple_____. Home is home…, In a city or a village, In a_____ or a_____,
Home is home! It’s where it’s at.
What’s missing?
I’ve got a______, It goes up and down.
From my______, I can see the town. Home is home…, In a ____or a_____, In a house or a flat,
Unit 2 Home sweet home
house 2
city 10
town 11
village city