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1.“(not) as (so) + a(n) + N.+ adj. + as ...”

This is as good an example as the other is.这个例子和另外一个一样好。

I can carry as much paper as you can.你能搬多少纸,我也能。

2. ”A is as much + N + as B is ..”【此句型意为“…和…同样…”。“as much+<名词>+as+(be)+<主词>”的 be 通常省略或放句末。

To eat too much is as much a bad thing as to eat nothing. (吃太多和什么都不吃同样是坏事。)

He is as much a member of the orchestra as Tom. (他和汤姆同样是管絃乐队的成员。)

3.."not so much...as..." 【此句型强调的是第二个as后面的成分。可译为:与其说...不如说...。相当於“<名词>+rather than+<名词>”。】

He is not so much a writer as a scholar. 与其说他是作家倒不如说他是学者。

The great use of a school education is not so much to teach you things as to teach you the art of learning.


4..... as ... as one can

Our teacher explained the lesson to us as clearly as he could. 我们的老师尽可能清楚地为我们解释这一课。

You should be as careful as you can in making friends. 在交朋友方面,你应该尽可能小心。


The landlord was as greedy as cruel.这个地主既贪婪又残忍。

It is as your fault as yourwife’s.这既是你的错误也是你妻子的错误。

6. A is to B what C is to D

The people is to the Party's army what/as water is to fish. 人民的军队离不开人民,就象鱼离不开水。

Leaves do for plants what/as lungs do for animals. 叶子对于植物的作用,正如肺对于动物的作用一样。

7."As X is to Y,so is A to B.":这个句型表示A与B之间的关系就像X与Y之间的关系,以人们所熟知的两个事物之间的关系说明一个不被熟知或被忽视的两事物之间的关系,是一种类比,可译成:"A对于B,犹如X对于Y"。例如:

As the house is to the man,so is the nest to the bird.鸟巢对于鸟的作用,就像房屋对于人的作用。

As food is to the body,so is reading to the mind.读书对于人的思想的作用,犹如食物对于人体的作用。

8."more A than B":表示与"not so much...as"类似的含义,肯定的是A,而在一定程度上否定B。可译成:"与其说是B,还不如说是A"。例如:

He is more brave than wise.他有勇无谋。

The child was more frightened than hurt.这孩子吓坏了,而没有受伤。

9."more than +名词/形容词/分词……":表示内容超出了后面词语所表达的范围,可译成"不只于,超过,极其"。例如:

If you tell your father what you’ve done,he’

ll be more than a little angry.如果你告诉你父亲你都做了些什么,他会非常生气。

I more than saw it;I touched it too!我何止看见了,我还摸了摸它!

We were more than happy to hear of your return.听说你回来了,我们极其高兴。

10."as likely as not":该结构并无否定含义,表示"很可能"之意,而且语气强烈。例如:

He will succeed as likely as not.他很可能会成功。

类似的用法还有:as often as not,more often than not,表示"经常"、"往往"之意。再如:

As often as not the buses are late in peak hours.公交车往往在高峰时间晚点。

More often than not conservative people look backward rather than fo rward.保守的人们往往不是向前看,而是往后看。

He comes to work early more often than not.他经常很早就来上班。

11 比较级句型表示最高级的含义

1)、直接使用比较级①How beautiful she sings! I've never heard a better voice. = She has the best voice I've ever heard. 她唱得多好啊!这是我听到的最美的歌喉。

②I have never read a more interesting novel. = It is the most interesting novel I've ever read. 这是我读过的最有趣的小说。

2)、比较级 + than + the other + 复数名词/ + any other + 单数名词/ + any of the other + 复数名词
