Valeport 106水流仪简明操作手册
卓越 超薄 數碼 恒溫 氣體 熱 水 器 使用手冊说明书
超薄數碼恒溫氣體熱水器I n s t a n t a n e o u s G a s Wa t e r H e a t e r內容Content請確定遵從Please make sure to follow如何操作How to Operate當有需要時請查看Please read when necessary安全操作注意事項 ........................................................ 2Cautions for safety operations第一次使用熱水器 ..................................................... 10To operate the heater for the first time使用熱水器方法 .......................................................... 11Operating Instructions日常檢查及保養 .......................................................... 13Daily inspection and maintenance熱水器修理指南 .......................................................... 15Trouble shooting of the heater規格 ............................................................................... 17Specifications維修服務 ...................................................................... 18Repair service各部份名稱 ..................................................................... 9Parts identifications適用於香港根據香港法例第51章(氣體安全氣體裝置技工及氣體工程承辦商註冊)規例規定,任何人如非註冊氣體裝置技工而安裝/接駁或修理這件氣體爐具即屬違法。
流速测算仪使用说明书文章来源:/esite/detail10077395.htm目录1:技术要求2:测量原理3:仪器的操作使用4:数据的存储5:流量计算6:存储数据查询7:仪器的维护8:仪器的全套设备9: 流速仪型号、延时输入表10:仪器软件操作说明注:本说明书中的参数只供参考,使用时应按照鉴定证书的参数为准便携式流速测算仪便携式流速测算仪是专门为水文站,水文地质调查,环保监测、灌区等部门而专门研制的新型仪器。
一:技术指标▲流速范围:0.05~7m/s▲精度:<1.5%▲显示:汉字液晶显示,4行32位▲存储:可存储100个断面数据▲通讯:标准RS232接口▲无线:具有无线接口,可与缆道等配套使用▲工作温度:-10℃~50℃▲工作电源:7.2V\\4200mAh,可充电二: 原理流速、流量计算:测流速时,由于水力推动转子流速仪旋转,流速仪内部信号装臵产生转数信号,便携式流速测算仪接收信号,再根据下面公式计算流速: V = K •N/T + C(m/s)。
式中V:测流时段内平均流速K: 桨叶水力螺距C: 流速仪校订常数T: 测流时间(单位为S)N: 时段内信号数本仪器使用时,K、C均为校订常数,测流时,只要测出T和N,即可算出流速V。
依据流量公式Q=V•S而设计,只要计算出断面截面积S并臵入就可求得流量Q(m ³/s)注该机流量适合管道和标准小渠道和标准出水口用。
三: 仪器的操作使用:仪器开机显示如图1所示:请输入流速仪型号→1 2图1: 型号设臵本仪器共设3个操作按键,如图2所示:换屏臵数移位图2:如上所示3.1 参数设臵操作:3.1.1用臵数键和移位键将流速仪型号臵入, 黑色闪烁光标(z)在哪个位臵闪烁可按下臵数键修改该位臵数据,按一下换位键将光标移到下一位臵。
如1206B流速仪臵入12即可,(具体型号看说明书最后一页)显示如下:请输入流速仪型号→0 0图3:按“臵数”键到显示2为止请输入流速仪型号→1 2图4: 型号设臵型号臵好后按换屏键进入仪器参数设臵显示图面同时保存以上设臵(如下图)。
Flow-ADC-600 声学多普勒流速仪是应用当今最先进信号处理技术研发的多点、多层面流速分析仪,其最大特点是可任意按需要安装在被测河流或渠道侧面、底部或顶部,按现场情况任意设置向上、向下发射或向左、向右发射角度,从而准确测量出从水底到水面不同深层,从左到右不同距离上,根据多个流速数据、计算出平均流速。
Model 106自容式/直读式测流计安装& 8008 CDU操作手册VALEPORT LIMITED2013年5月目录Model 106 (1)自容式/直读式测流计 (1)安装& 8008 CDU操作手册 (1)1 简介 (3)1.1 一般描述 (3)2 系统描述 (3)2.1 设备 (3)2.2 甲板单元 (4)2.3 提供的设备 (4)2.4 客户供应 (4)3 安装 (4)3.1 机械安装 (4)3.2 电路连接 (5)3.3 串行数据格式 (6)3.4 电池 (6)4 USING 8008 CDU操作 (6)4.1 操作流程 (7)4.2 CDU记录的有关注意事项 (9)4.3 DATA REPLAY (9)4.4 外部连接 (9)4.5 打印机输出 (10)4.6 存储容量 (10)5 维护 (11)5.1 更换电池 (11)5.2 8008 CDU 电池更换 (11)5.3 螺旋桨 (12)5.4 一般说明 (12)5.5 O型圈尺寸 (12)5.6 备份锂电池 (13)6 校准 (13)附录 1 指标(见彩页) (13)附录 2 图解 (14)附录 3 接线图 (16)附录 4 发货前检查列表 (18)1 简介本手册涵盖了106型自容式/直读式测流计和8008显示控制单元配合使用的安装和操作手册。
1.1 一般描述106型是基于螺旋桨式测量流速和流向的海流计,可选温度和深度参数传感器。
直读式:RS232通讯可以通过外接4路Mil-Spec插头和电脑的短线(最大50m) 读取数据。
11 现场调节流量计出厂前,流量计参数已根据客户要求设置完毕,请勿随意改变流量计参数设置,以避免对流量计准确度造成影响。
流量计按键菜单结构如表11-1所示:菜单次级菜单1 次级菜单2 次级菜单3切换流量计显示(span键)瞬时流量累积流量电流值百分比浏览组态数据(zero键)单位量程上限量程下限报警上限报警下限阻尼液体参数液体密度气体参数气体密度压力温度累积流量清零组态设定(span键+zero键)输入密码:0000单位量程上限量程下限阻尼液体参数液体密度气体参数气体密度压力温度累计时间间隔(L2/L21)输入密码:1111 主变量调零11.2操作说明11.2.1切换LCD显示闭合SPAN按键,流量计显示在“电流→百分比→主变量→累积流量”之间循环切换,当显示期望设置的显示变量时,断开按键,显示变量设置成功。
各级对应的密码及功能如下:密码备注功能组态设定0000 单位、量程、阻尼、介质参数、累计时间间隔设定主变量调零1111 -注:请勿进入现场校准设定模式,进入此模式将会改变流量计校准数据,造成流量计不能使用。
11.2.4 LCD液晶各种显示页面图11-1 电流显示图11-2 百分比流量图 11-3 主变量(瞬时流量)图11-4 累积流量图11-5 单位图11-6 量程上图11-7位图 11-8量程上限图11-9 量程下限图11-10 报警上限图 11-11 报警下限图11-12 阻尼图11-13 气体密度图11-14 气体压力图11-5 气体温度图11-16液体密度图11-17 累积流量清零图11-18 密码输入图11-19 电流微调(4mA)图11-20 电流微调(20mA)12 开启12.1液体测量在开启阀门过程中,为避免突然打开阀门,形成水头冲击,损坏流量计,务必要缓慢地打开阀门!12.2气体测量在开启阀门之前,不要给管道加压,否则,如果阀门(例如:电磁阀)被突然打开,浮子将冲向上限位处,并可能损坏流量计,所以务必要缓慢地打开阀门!测量气体的流量计可以装配一个气动阻尼装置,以最大限度的减小浮子的震荡。
50 1.47%
CANCEL - hold 5 sec
A graph will be plotted during the test time (180 seconds for the EasySHIP Test and 120 seconds for the Reagent B Test).
Test complete
Always start the test with the highest range selected, when in doubt about the approximate amount of water in your test oil. Overpressure can occur if an oil sample is tested with a very high water content on the low range 100-3000ppm. This can cause permanent damage to the pressure sensor.
5)Replace Lid
NB: The amount of oil and reagent used changes with the range. Always use gloves when handling EasySHIP Sachets.
*Squeeze all of the EasySHIP Paste into the centre of the cell ** Range 100 - 3000ppm = Add 35ml ReagA
Range 0.02 - 1.0%
Range 0 - 10% Range 100 - 3000ppm
Proline Promass 100 PROFINET 微流计用户手册说明书
Products Solutions ServicesDescription of Device Parameters Proline Promass 100PROFINETCoriolis flowmeterGP01037D/06/EN/01.1571288055Valid as of version 01.00.zz (Device firmware)Proline Promass 100 PROFINET Table of contents Endress+Hauser 3Table of contents1Document information (4)1.1Document function .....................41.2Target group ..........................41.3Using this document ....................41.3.1Information on the document structure .......................41.3.2Structure of a parameter description .....................61.4Symbols used ..........................61.4.1Symbols for certain types of information ....................61.4.2Symbols in graphics (7)2Overview of the Expert operatingmenu (8)3Description of device parameters (10)3.1"System" submenu .....................133.1.1"Display" submenu ...............133.1.2"Diagnostic handling" submenu ......273.1.3"Administration" submenu .........343.2"Sensor" submenu ......................383.2.1"Measured values" submenu ........393.2.2"System units" submenu ...........463.2.3"Process parameters" submenu ......613.2.4"Measurement mode" submenu .....683.2.5"External compensation" submenu ...703.2.6"Calculated values" submenu ........753.2.7"Sensor adjustment" submenu .......793.2.8"Calibration" submenu ............893.2.9"Supervision" submenu ............903.3"Communication" submenu ...............913.3.1"Web server" submenu ............913.3.2"PROFINET configuration" submenu ..943.3.3"PROFINET information" submenu ...953.4"Application" submenu ..................963.4.1"Totalizer 1 to 3" submenu .........973.4.2"Viscosity" submenu .............1023.4.3"Concentration" submenu .........1023.5"Diagnostics" submenu .................1023.5.1"Diagnostic list" submenu .........1053.5.2"Event logbook" submenu .........1093.5.3"Device information" submenu .....1113.5.4"I/O module" submenu ...........1153.5.5"Sensor electronic module" submenu 1153.5.6"Display module" submenu ........1163.5.7"Min/max values" submenu .......1163.5.8"Heartbeat" submenu ............1253.5.9"Simulation" submenu .. (126)4Country-specific factory settings..1294.1SI units ............................1294.1.1System units (129)4.1.2Full scale values ...............1294.1.3On value low flow cut off .........1304.2US units ...........................1314.2.1System units ..................1314.2.2Full scale values ...............1314.2.3On value low flow cut off ........1315Explanation of abbreviated units..1335.1SI units ............................1335.2US units ...........................1335.3Imperial units .......................135Index (136)Document information Proline Promass 100 PROFINET 4Endress+Hauser1 Document information 1.1 Document function The document is part of the Operating Instructions and serves as a reference for parameters, providing a detailed explanation of each individual parameter of the Expert operating menu.1.2 Target group The document is aimed at specialists who work with the device over the entire life cycle and perform specific configurations.1.3 Using this document 1.3.1 Information on the document structure This document lists the submenus and their parameters according to the structure of the Expert menu (→ 8) menu that are available once the "Operator" user role or the "Maintenance" user role is enabled.1Sample graphic For information on the arrangement of the parameters according to the structure of the Operation menu, Setup menu, Diagnostics menu (→ 102), along with a brief description, see the Operating Instructions for the device.Proline Promass 100 PROFINET Document information Endress+Hauser 52Sample graphic For information about the operating philosophy, see the "Operating philosophy"chapter in the device's Operating InstructionsDocument information Proline Promass 100 PROFINET1.3.2 Structure of a parameter descriptionThe individual parts of a parameter description are described in the following section: Complete parameter name Write-protected parameter = Navigation Navigation path to the parameter via the local display (direct access code) or Web browserNavigation path to the parameter via the operating toolThe names of the menus, submenus and parameters are abbreviated to the form in which they appear onthe display and in the operating tool.Prerequisite The parameter is only available under these specific conditionsDescription Description of the parameter functionSelection List of the individual options for the parameter•Option 1•Option 2User entry Input range for the parameterUser interface Display value/data for the parameterFactory setting Default setting ex worksAdditional information Additional explanations (e.g. in examples):•On individual options•On display values/data•On the input range•On the factory setting•On the parameter function1.4 Symbols used1.4.1 Symbols for certain types of information6Endress+HauserProline Promass 100 PROFINET Document information1.4.2 Symbols in graphicsEndress+Hauser7Overview of the Expert operating menu Proline Promass 100 PROFINET 8Endress+Hauser2 Overview of the Expert operating menu The following table provides an overview of the menu structure of the expert operating menu and its parameters. The page reference indicates where the associated description of the submenu or parameter can be found.Proline Promass 100 PROFINET Overview of the Expert operating menuEndress+Hauser9Description of device parameters Proline Promass 100 PROFINET10Endress+Hauser 3 Description of device parametersIn the following section, the parameters are listed according to the menu structure of the local display. Specific parameters for the operating tools are included at the appropriate points in the menu structure.Direct accessNavigationExpert → Direct access PrerequisiteThere is a local display with operating elements.Description Input of the access code to enable direct access to the desired parameter via the local display. For this reason, each parameter is assigned a parameter number that appears in the navigation view on the right in the header of the selected parameter.User entry 0 to 65 535Additional informationUser entryThe direct access code consists of a 4-digit number and the channel number, which identifies the channel of a process variable: e.g. 0914-1•The leading zeros in the direct access code do not have to be entered.Example: Input of "914" instead of "0914"•If no channel number is entered, channel 1 is jumped to automatically.Example: Enter 0914 → Assign process variable parameter •If a different channel is jumped to: Enter the direct access code with the corresponding channel number.Example: Enter 0914-3 → Assign process variable parameterLocking statusNavigation Expert → Locking statusDescription Displays the active write protection.User interface•Hardware locked•Temporarily lockedAdditional information DisplayIf two or more types of write protection are active, the write protection with the highestpriority is shown on the local display. In the operating tool all active types of writeprotection are displayed.If additional write protection is active, this restricts the current access authorizationeven further. The write protection status can be viewed via the Locking statusparameter (→ 11)."Hardware locked" option (priority 1)The DIP switch for hardware locking is activated on the main electronics module. Thislocks write access to the parameters (e.g. via local display or operating tool).Information on access authorization is provided in the "User roles and associatedaccess authorization" and "Operating concept" sections of the Operations Instructionsfor the device."Temporarily locked" option (priority 2)Write access to the parameters is temporarily locked on account of internal processesrunning in the device (e.g. data upload/download, reset etc.). Once the internal processinghas been completed, the parameters can be changed once again.Access status displayNavigation Expert → Access stat.dispPrerequisite A local display is provided.Description Displays the access authorization to the parameters via the local display.User interface•Operator•MaintenanceFactory setting OperatorAdditional information DescriptionIf the -symbol appears in front of a parameter, it cannot be modified via the local displaywith the current access authorization.Access authorization can be modified via the Enter access code parameter(→ 12).For information on the Enter access code parameter, see the "Disabling writeprotection via access code" section of the Operating Instructions for the deviceIf additional write protection is active, this restricts the current access authorizationeven further. The write protection status can be viewed via the Locking statusparameter (→ 11).DisplayInformation on access authorization is provided in the "User roles and associatedaccess authorization" and "Operating concept" sections of the Operations Instructionsfor the device.Access status toolingNavigation Expert → Access stat.toolDescription Displays the access authorization to the parameters via the operating tool or Web browser.User interface•Operator•MaintenanceFactory setting MaintenanceAdditional information DescriptionAccess authorization can be modified via the Enter access code parameter(→ 12).If additional write protection is active, this restricts the current access authorizationeven further. The write protection status can be viewed via the Locking statusparameter (→ 11).DisplayInformation on access authorization is provided in the "User roles and associatedaccess authorization" and "Operating concept" sections of the Operations Instructionsfor the device.Enter access codeNavigation Expert → Ent. access codeDescription Use this function to enter the user-specific release code to remove parameter writeprotection.User entry0 to 99993.1 "System" submenuNavigation Expert → System3.1.1 "Display" submenuNavigation Expert → System → DisplayDecimal places 4→ 23Display interval→ 23Display damping→ 23Header→ 24Header text→ 24Separator→ 25Contrast display→ 25Backlight→ 26Access status display→ 26Display languageNavigation Expert → System → Display → Display languagePrerequisite A local display is provided.Description Use this function to select the configured language on the local display. Selection•English•Deutsch *•Français *•Español *•Italiano *•Nederlands *•Portuguesa *•Polski *•русский язык (Russian) *•Svenska *•Türkçe *•中文 (Chinese) *•日本語 (Japanese) *•한국어 (Korean) *•Bahasa Indonesia *•tiếng Việt (Vietnamese) *•čeština (Czech) *Factory setting English (alternatively, the ordered language is preset in the device)*Visibility depends on order options or device settingsFormat display Navigation Expert → System → Display → Format display Prerequisite A local display is provided.Description Use this function to select how the measured value is shown on the local display.Selection•1 value, max. size •1 bargraph + 1 value •2 values•1 value large + 2 values •4 values Factory setting 1 value, max. size Additional informationDescriptionThe display format (size, bar graph etc.) and number of measured values displayedsimultaneously (1 to 4) can be configured. This setting only applies to normal operation.•The Value 1 display parameter (→ 16) to Value 4 display parameter (→ 22) are used to specify which measured values are shown on the local display and in what order.•If more measured values are specified than the display mode selected permits, then the values alternate on the device display. The display time until the next change is configured via the Display interval parameter (→ 23).Possible measured values shown on the local display:"1 value, max. size" option"1 bargraph + 1 value" option"2 values" option3"1 value large + 2 values" option"4 values" optionValue 1 display Navigation Expert → System → Display → Value 1 displayPrerequisite A local display is provided.Description Use this function to select one of the measured values to be shown on the local display. Selection•Mass flow•Volume flow•Corrected volume flow•Target mass flow *•Carrier mass flow *•Density•Reference density•Concentration *•Dynamic viscosity *•Kinematic viscosity *•Temp. compensated dynamic viscosity *•Temp. compensated kinematic viscosity *•Temperature*Visibility depends on order options or device settings•Carrier pipe temperature *•Electronic temperature•Oscillation frequency 0•Oscillation frequency 1 *•Frequency fluctuation 0•Frequency fluctuation 1 *•Oscillation amplitude 0 *•Oscillation amplitude 1 *•Frequency fluctuation 0•Oscillation damping 0•Oscillation damping 1 *•Tube damping fluctuation 0•Tube damping fluctuation 1 *•Signal asymmetry•Exciter current 0•Exciter current 1 *•Sensor integrity *•None•Totalizer 1•Totalizer 2•Totalizer 3Factory setting Mass flowAdditional information DescriptionIf several measured values are displayed at once, the measured value selected here will bethe first value to be displayed. The value is only displayed during normal operation.The Format display parameter (→ 15) is used to specify how many measuredvalues are displayed simultaneously and how.SelectionThe unit of the displayed measured value is taken from the System units submenu(→ 46).•Oscillation frequencyDisplays the current oscillation frequency of the measuring tubes. This frequencydepends on the density of the medium.•Oscillation amplitudeDisplays the relative oscillation amplitude of the measuring tubes in relation to thepreset value. This value is 100 % under optimum conditions. The value can decrease inthe event of low 4 to 20 mA loop currents and/or difficult media (two-phase, highviscosity or high gas velocity).•Oscillation dampingDisplays the current oscillation damping. Oscillation damping is an indicator of thesensor's current need for excitation power.•Signal asymmetryDisplays the relative difference between the oscillation amplitude at the inlet and outletof the sensor. The measured value is the result of production tolerances of the sensorcoils and should remain constant over the life time of a sensor.*Visibility depends on order options or device settings0% bargraph value 1 Navigation Expert → System → Display → 0% bargraph 1Prerequisite A local display is provided.Description Use this function to enter the 0% bar graph value to be shown on the display for themeasured value 1.User entry Signed floating-point numberFactory setting Country-specific:•0 kg/h•0 lb/minAdditional information DescriptionThe Format display parameter (→ 15) is used to specify that the measured valueis to be displayed as a bar graph.User entryThe unit of the displayed measured value is taken from the System units submenu(→ 46).100% bargraph value 1 Navigation Expert → System → Display → 100% bargraph 1Prerequisite A local display is provided.Description Use this function to enter the 100% bar graph value to be shown on the display for themeasured value 1.User entry Signed floating-point numberFactory setting Depends on country and nominal diameter → 129Additional information DescriptionThe Format display parameter (→ 15) is used to specify that the measured valueis to be displayed as a bar graph.User entryThe unit of the displayed measured value is taken from the System units submenu(→ 46).Decimal places 1 Navigation Expert → System → Display → Decimal places 1Prerequisite A measured value is specified in the Value 1 display parameter (→ 16). Description Use this function to select the number of decimal places for measured value 1. Selection•x•x.x•x.xx••x.xxxxFactory setting x.xxAdditional information DescriptionThis setting does not affect the measuring or computational accuracy of the device.The arrow displayed between the measured value and the unit indicates that thedevice computes with more digits than are shown on the local display.Value 2 display Navigation Expert → System → Display → Value 2 displayPrerequisite A local display is provided.Description Use this function to select one of the measured values to be shown on the local display. Selection For the picklist, see the Value 1 display parameter (→ 16)Factory setting NoneAdditional information DescriptionIf several measured values are displayed at once, the measured value selected here will bethe second value to be displayed. The value is only displayed during normal operation.The Format display parameter (→ 15) is used to specify how many measuredvalues are displayed simultaneously and how.SelectionThe unit of the displayed measured value is taken from the System units submenu(→ 46).Decimal places 2 Navigation Expert → System → Display → Decimal places 2Prerequisite A measured value is specified in the Value 2 display parameter (→ 19). Description Use this function to select the number of decimal places for measured value 2. Selection•x•x.x•x.xx••x.xxxxFactory setting x.xxAdditional information DescriptionThis setting does not affect the measuring or computational accuracy of the device.The arrow displayed between the measured value and the unit indicates that thedevice computes with more digits than are shown on the local display.Value 3 display Navigation Expert → System → Display → Value 3 displayPrerequisite A local display is provided.Description Use this function to select one of the measured values to be shown on the local display. Selection Picklist, see Value 1 display parameter (→ 16)Factory setting NoneAdditional information DescriptionIf several measured values are displayed at once, the measured value selected here will bethe third value to be displayed. The value is only displayed during normal operation.The Format display parameter (→ 15) is used to specify how many measuredvalues are displayed simultaneously and how.SelectionThe unit of the displayed measured value is taken from the System units submenu(→ 46).0% bargraph value 3 Navigation Expert → System → Display → 0% bargraph 3Prerequisite A selection has been made in the Value 3 display parameter (→ 20).Description Use this function to enter the 0% bar graph value to be shown on the display for themeasured value 3.User entry Signed floating-point numberFactory setting Country-specific:•0 kg/h•0 lb/minAdditional information DescriptionThe Format display parameter (→ 15) is used to specify that the measured valueis to be displayed as a bar graph.User entryThe unit of the displayed measured value is taken from the System units submenu(→ 46).100% bargraph value 3 Navigation Expert → System → Display → 100% bargraph 3Prerequisite A selection was made in the Value 3 display parameter (→ 20).Description Use this function to enter the 100% bar graph value to be shown on the display for themeasured value 3.User entry Signed floating-point numberFactory setting0Additional information DescriptionThe Format display parameter (→ 15) is used to specify that the measured valueis to be displayed as a bar graph.User entryThe unit of the displayed measured value is taken from the System units submenu(→ 46).Decimal places 3 Navigation Expert → System → Display → Decimal places 3Prerequisite A measured value is specified in the Value 3 display parameter (→ 20). Description Use this function to select the number of decimal places for measured value 3. Selection•x•x.x•x.xx••x.xxxxFactory setting x.xxAdditional information DescriptionThis setting does not affect the measuring or computational accuracy of the device.The arrow displayed between the measured value and the unit indicates that thedevice computes with more digits than are shown on the local display.Value 4 display Navigation Expert → System → Display → Value 4 displayPrerequisite A local display is provided.Description Use this function to select one of the measured values to be shown on the local display. Selection Picklist, see Value 1 display parameter (→ 16)Factory setting NoneAdditional information DescriptionIf several measured values are displayed at once, the measured value selected here will bethe fourth value to be displayed. The value is only displayed during normal operation.The Format display parameter (→ 15) is used to specify how many measuredvalues are displayed simultaneously and how.SelectionThe unit of the displayed measured value is taken from the System units submenu(→ 46).Decimal places 4 Navigation Expert → System → Display → Decimal places 4Prerequisite A measured value is specified in the Value 4 display parameter (→ 22). Description Use this function to select the number of decimal places for measured value 4. Selection•x•x.x•x.xx••x.xxxxFactory setting x.xxAdditional information DescriptionThis setting does not affect the measuring or computational accuracy of the device.The arrow displayed between the measured value and the unit indicates that thedevice computes with more digits than are shown on the local display.Display intervalNavigation Expert → System → Display → Display intervalPrerequisite A local display is provided.Description Use this function to enter the length of time the measured values are displayed if thevalues alternate on the display.User entry 1 to 10 sFactory setting 5 sAdditional information DescriptionThis type of alternating display only occurs automatically if the number of measuredvalues defined exceeds the number of values the selected display format can displaysimultaneously.•The Value 1 display parameter (→ 16) to Value 4 display parameter (→ 22)are used to specify which measured values are shown on the local display.•The display format of the displayed measured values is specified using the Formatdisplay parameter (→ 15).Display damping Navigation Expert → System → Display → Display dampingPrerequisite A local display is provided.Description Use this function to enter the reaction time of the local display to fluctuations in themeasured value caused by process conditions.User entry0.0 to 999.9 sFactory setting0.0 sAdditional information User entryA time constant is entered:•If a low time constant is entered, the display reacts particularly quickly to fluctuatingmeasured variables.•On the other hand, the display reacts more slowly if a high time constant is entered. Header Navigation Expert → System → Display → HeaderPrerequisite A local display is provided.Description Use this function to select the contents of the header of the local display.Selection•Device tag•Free textFactory setting Device tagAdditional information DescriptionThe header text only appears during normal operation.1Position of the header text on the displaySelectionFree textIs defined in the Header text parameter (→ 24).Header text Navigation Expert → System → Display → Header textPrerequisite The Free text option is selected in the Header parameter (→ 24).Description Use this function to enter a customer-specific text for the header of the local display. User entry Max. 12 characters such as letters, numbers or special characters (e.g. @, %, /)Factory setting------------Additional information DescriptionThe header text only appears during normal operation.1Position of the header text on the displayUser entryThe number of characters displayed depends on the characters used.Separator Navigation Expert → System → Display → SeparatorPrerequisite A local display is provided.Description Use this function to select the decimal separator.Selection•. (point)•, (comma)Factory setting. (point)Contrast displayNavigation Expert → System → Display → Contrast displayPrerequisite A local display is provided.Description Use this function to enter a value to adapt the display contrast to the ambient conditions(e.g. the lighting or viewing angle).User entry20 to 80 %Factory setting Depends on the displayBacklightNavigation Expert → System → Display → BacklightPrerequisite Order code for "Display; operation", option E "SD03 4-line, illum.; touch control + databackup function"Description Use this function to switch the backlight of the local display on and off.Selection•Disable•EnableFactory setting EnableAccess status displayNavigation Expert → System → Display → Access stat.dispPrerequisite A local display is provided.Description Displays the access authorization to the parameters via the local display.User interface•Operator•MaintenanceFactory setting OperatorAdditional information DescriptionIf the -symbol appears in front of a parameter, it cannot be modified via the local displaywith the current access authorization.Access authorization can be modified via the Enter access code parameter (→ 12).For information on the Enter access code parameter, see the "Disabling writeprotection via access code" section of the Operating Instructions for the deviceIf additional write protection is active, this restricts the current access authorizationeven further. The write protection status can be viewed via the Locking statusparameter (→ 11).DisplayInformation on access authorization is provided in the "User roles and associatedaccess authorization" and "Operating concept" sections of the Operations Instructionsfor the device.3.1.2 "Diagnostic handling" submenuNavigation Expert → System → Diagn. handlingAlarm delay Navigation Expert → System → Diagn. handling → Alarm delayDescription Use this function to enter the time interval until the device generates a diagnosticmessage.The diagnostic message is reset without a time delay.User entry0 to 60 sFactory setting0 sAdditional information EffectThis setting affects the following diagnostic messages:•046 Sensor limit exceeded•140 Sensor signal•144 Measuring error too high•190 Special event 1•191 Special event 5•192 Special event 9•830 Sensor temperature too high•831 Sensor temperature too low•832 Electronic temperature too high•833 Electronic temperature too low•834 Process temperature too high•835 Process temperature too low•843 Process limit•910 Tubes not oscillating•912 Medium inhomogeneous•913 Medium unsuitable•944 Monitoring failed•990 Special event 4•991 Special event 8•992 Special event 12。
1HALO-H2O超高精度高纯气体微量水分仪用户操作手册指导手册 M7000 系列 版本 B2重要标识这个警告标志提醒用户人身安全这是高压标志提示有高压存在这个警告标志提醒用户有激光射线存在警告标签注意:在操作HALO-H2O之前请确认已阅读手册中所有的警告注释,为了您的使用方便我们已经列出所有的警示信息,您必须在操作仪器之前通读此手册,否则可能对仪器造成损害。
使用合格的独立电源线(1米,120V或220V, 2极3相电源,接地,耐压15A) 在进行任何维修维护装箱之前,请切断电源 3目录1.规格和图表1.1 规格 1.2 尺寸图1.3 单HALO-H2O 尺寸图 1.4 HALO-H2O 前面板 1.5HALO-H2O 后面板2.安装HALO-H2O2.1 总论 2.2 拆包2.3 产品序列号 2.4 采样管路的准备 2.5 组装采样管路2.6 采样管路渗漏试验 2.7 HALO-H2O 的放置 2.8 排空压力的考虑2.9 采样管路进口和出口的连接2.10 封盖采样管路进口和出口,防止污染 2.11连接考虑3.启动和操作3.1 介绍 3.2 用户界面 3.3 操作模式3.4 其他工具栏功能4.远程操作4.1 概述 4.2 界面连接 4.3 指令5.发现并修理故障及日常维护5.1 概述 5.2 定期检修 5.3 故障指南46. 水分测量的特殊考虑制表目录表 1-1 HALO-H2O 微量气体分析仪规格参数 表 2-1拆包表 2-2采样管路准备的手续 表 2-3采样管路渗漏试验步骤 表 2-4安放HALO-H2O表 2-5采样管路进口和出口的连接 表 2-6封盖采样管路进口和出口 表 4-1 RS-232 DB-9F 指示表 4-2连接PC 与HALO-H2O 主机 表 5-1故障解决图形目录图 1-1双HALO-H2O 尺寸图 图 1-2单HALO-H2O 尺寸图 图 1-3双HALO-H2O 前面板 图 1-4双HALO-H2O 后面板 图 2-1产品序列号图 2-2报警信号继电器和mA 输出连接器 图 2-3流程图 图 3-1虚拟键盘 图 3-2主显示界面图 3-3气体种类设置表及设置界面 图 3-4输出及通讯口设置窗口列表 图 3-7操作模式选择窗口 图 3-8趋势图 图 3-9衰荡信号51. 规格和图表1.1 规格表1-1 HALO-H2O 微量气体分析仪规格参数 性能最低检测极限 2 ppb 灵敏度 1 ppb 精度 读数的4%或±1ppb响应速度(典型) 由高水分浓度干燥到1ppm--终值的90%响应时间<3分钟由低水分浓度上升到1ppm--终值的90%响应时间<2分钟测量范围 0 – 20000 ppb 环境条件 10o - 40oC技术 原理方法 光腔衰荡光谱激光源 连续近红外光-红外二级发光管激光头 认证 CE 标识--LVD 和 EMC 核准 专利 美国专利号 5,528,040及未决专利样品气体条件样品气体入口压力 10 – 125 psig (1.7 – 9.6 bara) 样品气体出口压力 < 2.0 psig (或者真空) 流量最大可到 2.0 标准升/分钟样品气体种类Ar, H2, HBr, HCl, He, N2, O2, SF6 (附加其他样品气体请与Tiger Optics 公司联系*HBr, HCl 等腐蚀性气体推荐选用Hastelloy ®合金) 样品气体温度 最高到60oC气体管路系统仪器内部接触部件316L 不锈钢(选配:Hastelloy ®合金,Elgiloy 埃尔吉洛伊非磁性合金,PCTFE ,304不锈钢,熔融石英,镍合金不锈钢板,镀镍铜部件 部件表面光洁度 10 Ra 接口 ?” VCR泄漏测试 < 2 x 10-8 mbar · liter /sec 电器参数 电源要求 90-250 VAC 50/60 Hz 最大功率40 Watts6警报指示 用户可自行设定报警点 信号输出记录器 报警 独立4-20 mA 信号输出双联C 型继电器(用户可配)单联C 型继电器监测系统故障(激光及衰减状态) 802.11g 无线功能(用户选配) 用户界面 5.6”彩色触摸屏监视器 Ethernet,RS-232安放事项 外形 每个19”机柜2单元或移动货架车 单机尺寸 8.73”高 x 8.57”宽x 23.58”深 (22.2cm x 27.6cm x 59.9cm) 双机尺寸 8.73”高 x 17.5”宽x 23.58”深 (22.2cm x 44.5cm x 59.9cm) 单机重量28 lbs. (12.7kg)1.2 尺寸图HALO-H2O 前视图,后视图及右视图尺寸参照图1-1 两台HALO-H2O 水分仪可装入同一层标准19”机柜图1-1 HALO-H2O 双机尺寸图71.3 HALO-H2单机尺寸图图1-2 HALO-H2O 单机尺寸图1.4 HALO-H2O 前视图8图1-3 HALO-H2O 双机前视图1.5 HALO-H2O 后视图图1-4 HALO-H2O 双机后视图92. 安装HALO-H202.1总论当收到HALO-H2O 水分仪后,安装的基本步骤: ? 拆包并检查仪器 ? 确定产品序列号 ? 准备采样气体管路 ? 连接电源? 连接采样气体管路入口及出口2.2 拆包表 2-1拆包步骤 行动 1 开箱之前检查运输纸箱。
Thermo Scientific Thermo Scientific AquaPro AquaPro™™ 多通道在线测量仪操作手册目录1.介绍 (3)1.1基本资料 (3)1.2用途 (3)1.3安全指示 (3)1.4停止服务和正确的处理方法 (4)2.产品描述 (5)2.1概括 (5)2.2AquaPro测量仪平台传感器兼容性 (5)2.3AquaPro测量仪产品配置选型表 (7)2.4AquaPro测量仪的安装 (8)2.4.1安装 (8)2.5电源、继电器、电流输出接线 (13)2.5.1接线孔的准备 (13)2.5.2接线 (13)2.5.3功能卡的类型 (15)2.6传感器接线 (15)2.6.1Analog模拟量传感器——pH、ORP、臭氧、溶解氧(极谱式) (15)2.6.2复合pH传感器接线 (15)2.6.3差分pH传感器接线 (16)2.6.4差分ORP传感器接线 (16)2.6.5AnalogPlus臭氧传感器接线 (17)2.6.6AnalogPlus溶解氧传感器接线 (17)2.6.7模拟量传感器——二环电导率/电阻率传感器和环形电导率传感器 (17)2.6.8AnalogPlus环形电导率传感器接线 (18)2.6.9AnalogPlus二环电导率传感器接线 (18)2.6.10DataStick传感器接线 (19)2.6.11DO功能卡只能与RDO Pro探头连接 (19)2.7继电器接线 (20)2.7.1继电器功能卡 (20)2.8主机通讯接线 (20)2.8.1主机数字通讯功能卡 (20)2.9现场更换/添加传感器功能卡和其它功能卡 (21)2.10测量屏幕显示 (22)3.菜单设置 (24)4.校正菜单 (27)4.1pH校正 (27)4.1.11点pH校正 (28)4.1.22点pH校正 (28)4.2ORP(氧化还原电位)校正 (28)4.2.1 1点ORP校正 (28)4.3接触式电导率 (28)4.3.11点接触式电导率校正 (28)4.4环形电导率 (28)4.5AnaLogPlus DO或DataStick DO校正 (29)4.5.11点DO校正 (29)4.6RDO Pro荧光法溶解氧 (29)4.6.11点RDO校正 (29)4.7DataSticks (30)5.诊断菜单 (31)5.1系统信息 (31)5.2校正记录 (31)5.3事件日志 (31)5.4模拟量输出状态 (31)5.5继电器状态 (31)6.设置菜单 (32)7.PID功能 (34)8.继电器 (36)9.主机通讯 (37)10.故障排除 (38)11.订货信息 (39)12.技术规格 (40)12.1传感器测量范围 (40)12.2功能特点 (40)12.3安装方式 (41)12.4操作界面 (41)12.5环境要求 (41)12.6可更换模块 (41)12.74-20mA电流输出 (41)12.8继电器 (42)12.9通讯协议 (42)12.10电源 (42)1. 介绍1.1 基本资料感谢您选择Thermo Scientific AquaPro 系列多通道在线测量仪。
Millipore Elix Advantage 10纯水系统操作规范
潍坊医学院医学研究实验中心仪器简明操作规程汇编Millipore Elix Advantage 10纯水系统简明
1. 按一下“-”“+”键,面板显示“ L”,键入需
2. 取水完毕,盖上盖子。
Valeport SWiFT CTD多参数声速测深仪说明书
DATA SHEETProduct DetailsMULTI-PARAMETERCTDSOUND SPEEDSWiFT CTDCTD ProfilerDesigned from the outset with the intention of a seamless workflow, the SWiFT CTD profiler provides survey-grade sensor technology coupled with the convenience of Bluetooth connectivity and rechargeable batteries. An integral GPS module, to geo-locate each profile, completes the package. Data can be easily and quickly downloaded and reviewed wirelessly, via Bluetooth, using Valeport’s new O cean software for Windows and Connect Pathway Edition for iO S and Android and instantly shared, in industry standard data formats through email and cloud services. A USB Cable and Bluetooth adapter are provided. In addition to the directly measured Conductivity, Temperature and Depth measurements, Salinity, Density and Sound Velocity is calculated using the UNESCO international standard algorithm and Chen and Millero equation.With an operational battery life of up to 5 days and the convenience of OCEAN & CONNECT PATHWAY EDITIONSOFTWAREDatasheet Reference: SWiFT CTD | May 2021As part of our policy of continuing development, Valeport Ltd. reserve the right to alter at any time, withoutnotice, all prices, specifications, designs and conditions of sale of all equipment - Valeport Ltd © 2021MaterialsHousing - Titanium | Sensor Guard - Acetal |Temperature Sensor - Titanium | Pressure Sensor - Titanium |Conductivity Sensor - Polyurethane coated titanium with ceramic core Depth Rating 500mDimensions ø78mm x Length 350mm Weight2.7kg (in air) / 1.65kg (in water)0660049-50SWiFT CTD ProfilerTitanium housing rated to 500mSupplied withPC Bluetooth adapterUSB interface and charging cable 1.5 A charger Valeport Ocean software Operating manual System transit caseBattery indicator GPS StatusBluetooth commsOperationalstatus。
报警输出:2点继电器触点开关输出(常开+常闭),触点容量220V AC/2A或24VDC/2A。
电源:开关电源100~240V AC(50/60Hz),功率≤5W。
三、仪表选型四、仪表接线1、-1型仪表接线图2、-3、-4、-5型仪表接线图3、-6型仪表接线图3、-6型仪表接线图五、操作说明(1) 参数设置说明仪表的每个参数在第六节《参数速查表》中列出。
(2) 报警设定值的设置方法①按住设置键“SET”2秒以上不松开,进入设置状态,仪表显示AH②单次按下“SET”键可以顺序选择本组其它参数③按移位键调出当前参数的原设定值,闪烁位为修正位④通过移位键移动修改位,加键增值、减键减值,将参数修改为需要的值⑤按“SET”键存入修改好的参数,自动转到下一参数。
Model 106自容式/直读式测流计安装& 8008 CDU操作手册VALEPORT LIMITED2013年5月目录Model 106 (1)自容式/直读式测流计 (1)安装& 8008 CDU操作手册 (1)1 简介 (3)1.1 一般描述 (3)2 系统描述 (3)2.1 设备 (3)2.2 甲板单元 (4)2.3 提供的设备 (4)2.4 客户供应 (4)3 安装 (4)3.1 机械安装 (4)3.2 电路连接 (5)3.3 串行数据格式 (6)3.4 电池 (6)4 USING 8008 CDU操作 (6)4.1 操作流程 (7)4.2 CDU记录的有关注意事项 (9)4.3 DATA REPLAY (9)4.4 外部连接 (9)4.5 打印机输出 (10)4.6 存储容量 (10)5 维护 (11)5.1 更换电池 (11)5.2 8008 CDU 电池更换 (11)5.3 螺旋桨 (12)5.4 一般说明 (12)5.5 O型圈尺寸 (12)5.6 备份锂电池 (13)6 校准 (13)附录 1 指标(见彩页) (13)附录 2 图解 (14)附录 3 接线图 (16)附录 4 发货前检查列表 (18)1 简介本手册涵盖了106型自容式/直读式测流计和8008显示控制单元配合使用的安装和操作手册。
1.1 一般描述106型是基于螺旋桨式测量流速和流向的海流计,可选温度和深度参数传感器。
直读式:RS232通讯可以通过外接4路Mil-Spec插头和电脑的短线(最大50m) 读取数据。
在这两种配置中,微处理器转换非线性输入信号从线性0-5 VDC4-20 mA输出流量变送器信号。
各种其他可选的通信协议,包括RS232/RS485,火线红外模块,数据记录与EPICommunicator 和Modbus或HART兼容模块。
主触摸流量计“AC115”选项电源要求115 VAC,50/60赫兹标准,或220 VAC,50/60赫兹“AC230”选项。
KAD 系列便携多普勒流量计~单声道在线多普勒流量计使 用 说 明 书(触摸屏)^MC量 制 00000251号目录…第一章概述----------------------------------2第二章性能参数------------------------------6第三章外形及安装尺寸------------------------6第四章传感器的安装--------------------------7第五章主机安装------------------------------10第六章按键与显示----------------------------11第七章功能/参数窗口详解---------------------12第八章一般故障及排除方法--------------------12、,;第一章概述1-1简要说明KAD系列在线超声多普勒流量计是一种根据多普勒方法进行测量的超声波流量计,它适用于测量含有大量杂质的液体和浆体。
WPR(T)-1XX在线便携式水分仪表软件操作说明书(V1.0)西安荣森电子有限责任公司2016年1月5日星期二0、注意事项................................................................................................................................ - 3 -1、按键说明................................................................................................................................ - 4 -2、操作显示................................................................................................................................ - 4 -2.1显示主界面................................................................................................................... - 4 -2.2、密码界面.................................................................................................................... - 5 -2.3、主要功能菜单............................................................................................................ - 6 -3、详细操作指导........................................................................................................................ - 7 -3.1、 Calibration//标定子菜单.................................................................................... - 7 -3.1.1 Apend items //新增表格或者新增标定点.............................................. - 7 -3.1.2 Modify items //修改标定点...................................................................... - 9 -3.1.3 Delete items ,//删除表定点.................................................................. - 10 -3.1.4 Parameters.................................................................................................... - 11 -3.1.5 Calc. method //计算方式........................................................................ - 12 -3.2、System info //系统信息 ........................................................................................... - 12 -3.3、Comm. set //端口设置 ............................................................................................. - 13 -3.3.1、ComPort choose.......................................................................................... - 13 -3.3.2、Baudrate set.............................................................................................. - 13 -3.3.3、Slave ID get.............................................................................................. - 13 -3.4参数设置菜单............................................................................................................. - 14 -3.5时间设置菜单............................................................................................................. - 14 -3.6标定表切换................................................................................................................. - 14 -3.7背光灯开、关或自动开关......................................................................................... - 15 -4、其他...................................................................................................................................... - 15 -0、注意事项注意事项说明:当使用分离式显示仪器时,与传感器的物理连接都应在断电情况下进行,否则会烧坏对应的RS232或RS485硬件接口。
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3.1、清洗.......................................................................................................... 8 3.2、电池更换................................................................................................... 8
上海精导科学仪器有限公司 Shanghai P-NAV Scientific Instruments, Co.,Ltd. E-mail:sales@
记录模式 直读 记录 直读及自容方式
Mode工作模式设置 Dir直读方式,仪器实时将测量数据输出给电脑来显示 Log记录模式,仪器将测量数据记录在内存中,而不把数据传给电脑来显示 Dir & Log 直读和记录模式,测量数据同时记录在内存和传输给电脑
3. 入水测量 仪器设置完毕后,便可以进行测量工作。仪器尾部带有入水开关,入水后自动开 启。
4. 清水冲洗 测量完毕后,应用清水冲洗仪器,因海水中含有盐分、泥沙等,如不及时清洗, 日积月累会对仪器产生损害。
5. 数据下载
数据下载为文本文件,可用 Excel 等文本编辑工具打开进行相应处理,提取需要的数据。
系统带 512k 内存,可存储 8000 组流速流向数据,若也同时采集温度及压力数据, 可记录 4000 组数据。
如果仪器上螺丝丢失,请用 M3 x 6 型钛金属的螺丝更换,如果采用其他材料的螺丝, 产生 galvanic 腐蚀的可能性很大,会破换仪器钛金属外壳的外观甚至密封性。
上海精导科学仪器有限公司 Shanghai P-NAV Scientific Instruments, Co.,Ltd. E-mail:sales@
若流速非常低,如只有几个厘米/秒,则有必要设置多一点的平均处理时间,以提高 水流测量精度。
文件 设置 显示 选项
设备的外部组件都采用钛金属或聚合物材料做成,这些材料都具有防腐蚀性能。 螺旋桨及尾部传感器端应该保持清洁。每次使用后,用淡水清洗。
螺旋桨应该能够自由转动,可以将仪器竖直放,用手转动来测试它。建议卸下螺 旋桨进行清洗,已避免泥沙淤积的螺旋桨内部影响测量精度。 取下螺旋桨:
1) 轻轻转动卸下螺旋桨防护罩 2) 转动卸下螺旋桨前段的鼻子(黄色) 3) 取下转轴上的两个螺帽 4) 将螺旋桨从转轴上卸下 清洗: 清洗螺旋桨及转轴上的泥沙残渣
窗口 关于
设置 Setup
Port 端口设置 Connect 连接 Run 运行 Stop 停止
显示 Display
Brief 简明数据显示窗口 Full 全数据显示窗口 Scroll 数据列表窗口 Graph 时序图 ScatterPLot 流速流向分布图
上海精导科学仪器有限公司 Shanghai P-NAV Scientific Instruments, Co.,Ltd.
窗口 Window
Cascade 层叠 Tile 平铺
2.2、取样模式设置(Sample setup)
Model106水流仪的取样模式只有基于时间TIME这一种模式。仪器最还采样周期为1 秒,用户可以在Sample Period(采样周期)设定。如该值为10,则表示每10秒采集 一次。
取样周期 每多少秒取样一次
10Leabharlann 2.5、其他设置信息设备信息 内存:总量/空余 设备时间: 电池电压: 固化软件版本:
波特率设置 波特率默认为 4800,建议不要修 改
上海精导科学仪器有限公司 Shanghai P-NAV Scientific Instruments, Co.,Ltd. E-mail:sales@
上海精导科学仪器有限公司 Shanghai P-NAV Scientific Instruments, Co.,Ltd. E-mail:sales@
2.4、数据下载 Logged data
数据下载 Logged data 下载 Extract 清除文件 Clear Files
Valeport Model106 螺旋桨式水流仪 简明操作手册
2008 年 10 月
Shanghai P-NAV Scientific Instruments, Co.,Ltd 地址:上海市北渔路 28 弄长宁馥邦 8 号 1202 室 电话:021-32525022、29050682 传真:021-52177887 邮箱:sales@ 网址:
上海精导科学仪器有限公司 Shanghai P-NAV Scientific Instruments, Co.,Ltd. E-mail:sales@
1. 仪器连接 如图所示,将 Y 电缆一端与仪器数据端口想连,另一端 RS232 串口与电脑串口 相连
2. 仪器设置 如需要对仪器当前的设置进行修改,则需要连接仪器,对采样周期及平均数等进 行处理。了解仪器工作是否正常、内存使用及电池电量等基本情况。
平均数 设定多少个取样 值平均计算后记 录
设置 取消 时间设置 取样模式
平均数 Averaging period 如设定6,表示取6个采样数计算平均后记录一个值。如果采样周期设定为10秒一次, 那么仪器每记录一个数需要60秒即一分钟时间。 备注:记录和显示的数据为平均值,所以如果您需要记录每个一个采样值,则将平均 数设定为1.
2.1、总菜单 ...................................................................................................... 3 2.2、取样模式设置(Sample setup)............................................................... 5 2.3、记录模式设置(Mode) ........................................................................... 6 2.4、数据下载 Logged data ............................................................................. 7 2.5、其他设置信息............................................................................................ 7
四、注意事项 .......................................................................................10
4.1、电池........................................................................................................ 10 4.2、内存........................................................................................................ 10 4.3、螺丝........................................................................................................ 10
上海精导科学仪器有限公司 Shanghai P-NAV Scientific Instruments, Co.,Ltd. E-mail:sales@
一、一般操作步骤..................................................................................2 二、仪器设置 .........................................................................................3
1) 将电缆插头与悬挂支架中间的 4 个螺丝旋出
上海精导科学仪器有限公司 Shanghai P-NAV Scientific Instruments, Co.,Ltd. E-mail:sales@
2) 将两节轻轻脱开,将电池仓拖出来
3) 将旧电池取出,把新电池装进去
Brief 简明数据显示窗口
Full 全数据窗口
Scroll 列表窗口 Graph 时序图 Scatter Plot 流速流向分布图
上海精导科学仪器有限公司 Shanghai P-NAV Scientific Instruments, Co.,Ltd. E-mail:sales@
上海精导科学仪器有限公司 Shanghai P-NAV Scientific Instruments, Co.,Ltd. E-mail:sales@
当采用内部 1.5V 一号碱性电池供电时,在 10 秒一次的取样频率下,可使用 30 天, 5 分钟一次的采样频率,可连续使用 56 天。采用 3.6 伏一号锂电池,10 秒采样率下, 可使用 90 天,5 分钟采样率下,可使用 180 天。 如以实时(直读)方式工作时,因 RS232 数据通讯模块会消耗电流,所以若采用内 部电池供电,电池的使用时间会缩短,建议采用外部供电,外部供电电源范围是 12-30VDC,电流在 40 毫安左右。Y 电缆的红色线为正极,黑色为负极。