



H开头的缩略词第五组HK:香港特别行政区Hongkong 香港特别行政区HKT:普吉PHUKET 普吉han:河内HANOI 河内HRG:古尔达卡HURGHADA 古尔达卡HBU:汉堡HARBURG 汉堡HOL:荷兰Holland 荷兰HOL:荷兰语holland 荷兰语Hma:(日)广岛Hiroshima (日)广岛HON:洪都拉斯Honduras 洪都拉斯HUN:匈牙利Hungary 匈牙利HA V:哈瓦那havana 哈瓦那HNL:檀香山Honolulu 檀香山HT:海地Haiti 海地HR:克罗地亚共和国Croatia 克罗地亚共和国HI:夏威夷Hawaii 夏威夷:香港商业电台Hong Kong Commercial Radio 香港商业电台HKBA:香港广播事务管理局Hong Kong Broadcasting Authority 香港广播事务管理局HEC:Header Error CorrectionHKAECO:香港飞机工程公司Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company 香港飞机工程公司HND:羽田机场HANEDA AIRPORT 羽田机场HAS:上海海华轮船有限公司SHANGHAI HAI HUA SHIPPING CO., LTD 上海海华轮船有限公司HAIX:上海海兴船务公司HAI XING SHIPPING CO., LTD 上海海兴船务公司HSBC:汇丰银行The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 汇丰银行HHH:西方国际航空公司AIR WEST INTERNA TIONAL INC. 西方国际航空公司HMINRB:德国柏林哈恩-迈特纳核研究所hahn-Meitner Institute for Nuclear Research in Berlin 德国柏林哈恩-迈特纳核研究所HBS : Harvard Business School哈佛大学商学院HEU:哈尔滨工程大学Harbin Engineering University 哈尔滨工程大学HKU:香港大The University of Hong Kong 香港大HKUST:香港科技大学The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology 香港科技大学HUST:华中科技大学Huazhong University of Science and Technology 华中科技大学HDU:杭州电子科技大学Hangzhou Dianzi University 杭州电子科技大学HKSE:香港证券交易所Hong Kong Stock Exchange 香港证券交易所HY:乌兹别克斯坦航空公司Uzbekistan Havo Yullary-Uzbekistan Airways 乌兹别克斯坦航空公司HAD:港龙航空公司Hong Kong Dragon Airlines Limited 港龙航空公司HKEA:香港考试局Hong Kong Examinations Authority 香港考试局HKIEd:香港教育学院the Hong Kong Institute of Education 香港教育学院HKSQC:香港品质管理学会Hong Kong Society of Quality Control 香港品质管理学会HPL:赫伯罗特船公司Hapag-lloyd 赫伯罗特船公司HPL:海尔地亚石化有限公司Haldia Petrochemicals Limited 海尔地亚石化有限公司HOCL:印度斯坦有机化学制品公司Hindustan Organic Chemicals 印度斯坦有机化学制品公司HSRC:美国:危险品研究中心Hazardous Substance Research Centers 美国:危险品研究中心HHS:美国健康与公共事业部United States of Department of Health and Human Services 美国健康与公共事业部HPECEPA:海南省节能环保协会Hainan Province energy conservation environmental 海南省节能环保协会HP:惠普公司Hewlett-Packard 惠普公司HRCC:加拿大人文学科研究委员会Humanities Research Council of Canada 加拿大人文学科研究委员会HAI:世界直升机协会Helicopter Association International 世界直升机协会HAMC:哈尔滨飞机制造厂Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Company 哈尔滨飞机制造厂HEFCE:英格兰高等教育基金管理委员会Higher Education Funding Council for England 英格兰高等教育基金管理委员会HEFCW:威尔士高等教育基金管理委员会Higher Education Funding Council for Wales 威尔士高等教育基金管理委员会HCCA : Health Care Compliance Association (Minneapolis, MN, USA)卫生保健合规协会,美国明尼苏达州HBR : Harvard Business Review《哈佛商业评论》HACA : Human Anti-Chimeric Antibody (medicine)人类Anti-Chimeric抗体(药)HBO : Home Box Office (premium movie channel on USA cable systems)家里票房(保费电影频道在美国有线电视系统)HC : High Capacity高容量HAZ : Heat Affected Zone热影响区HASAW A : Health And Safety At Work Act健康和工作安全的行为HAA : High Altitude Airship高海拔的飞船HACCP : Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point风险分析和关键控制点HAN : Home Area Network家庭局域网络HAIPE : High Assurance Internet Protocol Encryptor高保证网络协定位加密HAC : Honourable Artillery Company(英国)荣誉炮兵连...HAI : Helicopter Association International世界直升机协会HA : Hyaluronic Acid透明质酸HASL : High Availability Systems Laboratory高可用性系统的实验室HARP : Health Activities Recommendation Panel健康活动推荐面板HARS : HIV/AIDS Reporting System艾滋病毒/艾滋病报告体系HA TS : Hardware Acceptance Test Specifications硬件验收测试规格HA TT : Help Authoring Tools and Techniques (web forum)帮助创作工具和技术(网上论坛) HCA : Hospital Caterers Association (UK)医院的饭馆协会(英国)HCC : Healthy Communities Coalition (Nevada)健康的社会联盟(内华达)HAZOP : Hazard and Operability (Hazard and Operability Study)危险和可操作性(危险和可操作性研究)HAD : Hubble Data Archive哈勃望远镜数据档案HASP : Health and Safety Program (US OSHA)健康与安全程序(美国职业健康安全局) HAK : Hugs And Kisses拥抱及亲吻HAZCHEM : Hazardous Chemicals危险的化学品HAZCON : Hazardous Condition危险状态HART : Highway Addressable Remote Transducer可寻址远程传感器数据公路HASC : House Armed Services Committee众议院军事委员会HAEMP : High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse高海拔的电磁脉冲HACS : Hazard Assessment Computer System风险评估的计算机系统HALO : High Altitude Observatory高山观测台HAST : Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time Hawaii-Aleutian标准时间HA V A : Help America V ote Act帮助美国投票法案HBJ : Harvard Business Journal哈佛商业杂志HASE : HIV+ AIDS Search Engine人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)+艾滋病的搜索引擎H/O : Home Office n. (英国)内政部HC:下(议)院[英] House of Commons 下(议)院[英]HR:众议院[美] House of Representatives 众议院[美]HANDICP : handicapped障碍的,残废的HB/L : house bill of lading代理行提单h/lift : heavy lift重件货H. : HIPS坐围 : holder in due course正当持票人HAP : High Assurance Platform高保证平台HA/HO : Hatch/Holds舱口/舱HAHD : High AvaiMabiMity High Density高可用高密度HAH : High Altitude High Opening.高跳高开伞降方式.HBL : high school of basketball league高中篮球联赛HA VI : Home Audio-Video Interoperability家庭视听兼用设备HA T : Hardness Assurance Test硬度保证测试HACSG : Hyperalive Children's Support Group of EEC欧共体儿童保护集团HABD : Helicopter Air Breathing Device.直升机乘员使用的应急呼吸器HCD : Hard Copy Device硬拷贝设备H/STMG : Harbor Steaming港内航行H/C : Handling Charge代理费H/T : High Temperature Test高温测试HIV:人类免疫缺陷病毒human immuno-deficiency virus 人类免疫缺陷病毒HGP:人类基因组计划Human Genome Project 人类基因组计划HQ:高箱High cube container 高箱HPW:高性能工作站High Performance Workstation 高性能工作站HPS:高性能服务器High Performance Server 高性能服务器HPTC:高性能技术运算high performance technical computing 高性能技术运算HID:主机接口设备Host Interface Device 主机接口设备HID:人机对话接口设备Human Interface Device 人机对话接口设备HCT:硬件兼容性测试Hardware Compatibility Test 硬件兼容性测试HCI:主机控制接口Host Controller Interface 主机控制接口HLSO:去头带壳HEADLESS, SHELL ON 去头带壳Hem:大麻Hemp 大麻HW:高速信号线High Way 高速信号线HR:全垒打数Home Run 全垒打数HB/L:代理行提单house bill of lading 代理行提单HAs:最大无症状剂量Highest asymptomatic dose 最大无症状剂量HTD:人治疗剂量Human therapeutic dose 人治疗剂量Hem:血红蛋白Hemoglobin 血红蛋白HDLC:高密度脂蛋白High-density lipoprotein 高密度脂蛋白HCl:氢氯酸Hydrochloride 氢氯酸HWCI:硬件配置项HardWare Configuration Item 硬件配置项HP:高血压和蛋白尿hypertension and proteinuria高血压和蛋白尿HRS:肝肾综合征hepato renal syndrome肝肾综合征HDU:血液透析装置hemodialysis unit血液透析装置HTN.:高血压hypertension 高血压HBp.:高血压high blood pressure 高血压HR.:心率heart rate 心率ht.:身高height 身高Hx.:病历history 病历Hypo.:皮下注射hypodermic injection 皮下注射HTA:超文本应用程序HyperText Application 超文本应用程序HCFCs:氯氟烃hydrochlorofluorocarbons 氯氟烃HA:舱口HATCH 舱口HD:重柴油HEA VY DIESEL 重柴油HO:货舱HOLD 货舱hdlg:处理、手续handling 处理、手续HERMES:欧洲铁路运输信息交换系统Handling European Railway Message Exchange-System 欧洲铁路运输信息交换系统hgt:高度height 高度h/lift:重件货heavy lift 重件货HR:高分辨High Resolution 高分辨HCS:高阶连接监视Higher order Connection Supervision 高阶连接监视HD:感温探测器Heat Detecter 感温探测器H.:混合式Hybrid 混合式HEMS:高级实体管理系统High-level Entity Management system 高级实体管理系统HGRP:华为公司专用协议Home Optical Network 华为公司专用协议HIPPI:高性能并行接口High Performance Parrallel Interface 高性能并行接口HOA:高阶组装器High Order Assembler 高阶组装器HOI:高阶接口High Order Interface 高阶接口HWS:热水供应系统Hot Water Supply 热水供应系统HV AC:暖通空调Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning 暖通空调HPT:高阶通道终端High order path Termination 高阶通道终端HPP:高阶通道保护High-order path Protection 高阶通道保护HPOM:高阶通道开销监视器High-order Path Overhead Monitor 高阶通道开销监视器HPC:高阶通道连接High order path Connection 高阶通道连接HOVC:虚容器High Order Virtual Container 虚容器HCT:历史对照研究Historial Control Trial 历史对照研究HD:半双工Half Duplex 半双工HPPI:高性能并行接口High Performance Parallel Interface 高性能并行接口HTTP-NG:下一代超文本传送协议Hyper Text Transfer Protocol - Next Generation 下一代超文本传送协议HURDIT:工业科技的人力资源发展Human Resource Development in Industrial Technology 工业科技的人力资源发展HNN:Hopfield神经网络Hopfield Neural Network Hopfield神经网络HM:Hopfield模型Hopfield Model Hopfield模型HH:重氢, 氚Heavy Hydrogen 重氢, 氚HH:阁下,先生His Honour 阁下,先生HH:陛下His Holiness 陛下HH:殿下His[Her] Highness 殿下HH:半硬的Half Hard 半硬的HTS:热温度传感器Heat Temperature Sensor 热温度传感器HA V:甲型肝炎病毒hepatitis A virus 甲型肝炎病毒HBV:乙型肝炎病毒hepatitis B virus 乙型肝炎病毒HBAg:乙型肝炎抗原hepatitis B antigen 乙型肝炎抗原HBcAg:乙型肝炎核心抗原hepatitis B core antigen 乙型肝炎核心抗原HBeAg:乙型肝炎核心相关抗原hepatitis B e antigen 乙型肝炎核心相关抗原HBIG:乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白hepatitis B immunoglobulin 乙型肝炎免疫球蛋白HBsAg:乙型肝炎表面抗原hepatitis B surface antigen 乙型肝炎表面抗原HCV:丙型肝炎病毒hepatitis C virus 丙型肝炎病毒HDV:丁型肝炎病毒hepatitis D virus 丁型肝炎病毒HEV:戊型肝炎病毒hepatitis E virus 戊型肝炎病毒HCL:硬件兼容性列表Hardware Compatibility List 硬件兼容性列表HCL:高生活费High Cost of Living 高生活费HMAC:英国海军航空母舰Her(His)Majesty's Aircraft Carrier 英国海军航空母舰HF:玩的开心have fun 玩的开心HC:空心装药Hollow Charge 空心装药HC:高容量High Capacity 高容量HC:处理容量Handling Capacity 处理容量HC:高导电性High Conductivity 高导电性HC:圣餐Holy Communion 圣餐HD:海港防御[美] Harbor Defense 海港防御[美]HE:烈性炸药high explosive 烈性炸药HE:硬件鉴定器Hardware Evaluator 硬件鉴定器HE:热机Heat Engine 热机HE:重型设备Heavy Equipment 重型设备HF:无危险的Hazard Free 无危险的HF:测高器Height Finder 测高器HF:测高Height Finding 测高HF:高频(3-30兆周/秒) High Frequency 高频(3-30兆周/秒) HI:危险指数Hazard Index 危险指数HK:高位键High Key 高位键HL:上议院[英] House of Lords 上议院[英]HM:高模量High Modulus 高模量HM:重金属Heavy Metal 重金属HM:重介质, 重载体Heavy Media 重介质, 重载体HM:港务长Harbour Master 港务长HP:分期付款购买法Hire Purchase 分期付款购买法HP:大祭司High Priest 大祭司HP:高压High Pressure 高压HP:大功率High Power 大功率HP:高聚物High Polymer 高聚物HP:高性能High Performance 高性能HP:(滤波器)高通High Pass (滤波器)高通HQ:高质量(因素) High Quality 高质量(因素)HR:操纵室Handling Room 操纵室HR:耐热Heat Resisting 耐热HR:(雷达)高度范围Height Range (雷达)高度范围HR:高电阻High Resistance 高电阻HR:高分辨力, 高清晰度High Resolution 高分辨力, 高清晰度HR:命中率Hit Rate 命中率HR:地方自治Home Rule 地方自治HR:均匀反应堆Homogeneous Reactor 均匀反应堆HS:拍摄头部Head Shot 拍摄头部HS:心音Heart Sounds 心音HS:热屏蔽, 防热层Heat Shield 热屏蔽, 防热层HS:散热片Heat Sink 散热片HS:加热面积Heating Surface 加热面积HS:高稳定性High Stability 高稳定性HS:高硫High Sulphur 高硫HS:水平传感器Horizon Sensor 水平传感器HI:水平间隔Horizontal Interval 水平间隔HL:水平线Horizontal Line 水平线HR:水力研究Hydraulic Research 水力研究HS:水力供应Hydraulic Supply 水力供应HS:液压系统,水力系统Hydraulic System 液压系统,水力系统HT:装卸与运输Handling and Transportation 装卸与运输HT:热处理Heat-Treatment 热处理HT:高温High Temperature 高温HT:高张力的High Tensile 高张力的HT:高压(电) High Tension 高压(电)HV:超速Hyper-Velocity 超速HV:供暖与通风Heating and Ventilation 供暖与通风HV:高真空High Vacuum 高真空HV:高(电)压High V oltage 高(电)压HW:半波整流器Half-wave Rectifier 半波整流器HW:重水Heavy Water 重水HW:高潮High Water 高潮HW:热水Hot Water 热水HCS:组织化学学会Histochemical Society 组织化学学会HAC:分单费HAwb Charge 分单费HQF:卫检费HEALTH & QUARANTINE CHARGE 卫检费HG:标准德语High German 标准德语hfm:货币持有,保留货币hold for money 货币持有,保留货币HR:人力资源human resource 人力资源HEV:混合动力电动汽车Hybrid Electric Vehicle 混合动力电动汽车HSI:恒生指数(香港) Hang Seng Index 恒生指数(香港)HFC:高频电流High-Frequency Current 高频电流HEPA:高效率功率放大器High-Efficiency Power Amplifier 高效率功率放大器HDG:航向Heading 航向HS:热压纸Heatseal 热压纸HComic:色情漫画Hentai Comic 色情漫画HTO:高温工作(试验)High Temperature Operating 高温工作(试验)HTS:高温存储(试验)High Temprature Storage 高温存储(试验)HA:住宅自动化家庭自动化家居自动化House Automation 住宅自动化家庭自动化家居自动化HMRC:健康管理研究中心Health Management Research Center 健康管理研究中心HTN:高品质TN High-quality Twisted Nematic 高品质TNHTML:超文本标示语言HyperText Markup Language 超文本标示语言HTTP:超文本传送方式HyperText Transfer Protocol 超文本传送方式HA:混合接入Hybrid Access 混合接入HAM:超文本抽象机Hypertext Abstract Machine 超文本抽象机HB:家庭银行Home Banking 家庭银行HBR:高比特率High Bit Rate 高比特率HBS:家用基站Home Base Station 家用基站HC:主计算机Host Computer 主计算机HCD:高密度光盘High density Compact Disc 高密度光盘HCI:人机交互Human Computer Interaction 人机交互HCT:家庭通信终端Home Communication Terminal 家庭通信终端HDB:家庭数据库Home DataBase 家庭数据库HDB:超媒体数据库Hypermedia DataBase 超媒体数据库HDTV:高分辨率数字电视High resolution Digital TeleVision 高分辨率数字电视HDVS:高清晰度视频系统High Definition Video System 高清晰度视频系统HDVTR:高清晰度磁带录像机High-Definition Video Tape Recorder 高清晰度磁带录像机HFBC:高频广播会议High Frequency Broadcast Conference 高频广播会议HFT:免提电话Hands-Free Telephone 免提电话HiQNet:高智商网络High intelligence Quotient Network 高智商网络HIT:高速公路信息终端Highway Information Terminal 高速公路信息终端HIT:家用智能终端Home Intelligent Terminal 家用智能终端HIT:家庭交互终端Home Interactive Terminal 家庭交互终端HL:重负荷Heavily Loaded 重负荷HL:超文本链路Hypertext Links 超文本链路HLAN:高速局域网络High-speed Local Area Network 高速局域网络HLF:高层功能High Layer Function 高层功能HLN:高级网络High Level Network 高级网络HLPI:高层协议互通High Layer Protocol Interworking 高层协议互通HM:混合邮件Hybrid Mail 混合邮件HM:超媒体Hyper Media 超媒体HMR:高速多媒体环High-speed Multimedia Ring 高速多媒体环HMT:超媒体工具HyperMedia Tool 超媒体工具HNN:混合神经网络Hybrid Neural Network 混合神经网络HOC:最高输出信道Highest Outgoing Channel 最高输出信道HODC:转移专用信道HandOver Dedicated Channel 转移专用信道HPN:高通网络High Pass Network 高通网络HR:半速率Half Rate 半速率HSB:高速总线High-Speed Bus 高速总线HSC:家庭购物频道Home Shopping Channel 家庭购物频道HSD:高速数据High Speed Data 高速数据HSDB:高速数据总线High-Speed Data Bus 高速数据总线HSDS:高速数据系统High-Speed Data System 高速数据系统HSE:高速编码器High-Speed Encoder 高速编码器HSM:分级存储管理Hierarchical Storage Management 分级存储管理HSN:分级同步网络Hierarchically Synchronized Network 分级同步网络HSN:高速网络High Speed Network 高速网络HSOTN:高速光传送网络High-Speed Optical Transfer Network 高速光传送网络HSP:主机服务提供商Host Service Provider 主机服务提供商HSPD:高速分组数据High-Speed Packet Data 高速分组数据HSS:高速交换机High Speed Switch 高速交换机HSTR:高速令牌环网High Speed Token Ring 高速令牌环网HIWAS:飞行时遇危险天气的咨询服务Hazardous In-flight Weather Advisory Service 飞行时遇危险天气的咨询服务HT:手持终端Hand-held Terminal 手持终端HT:超文本Hyper Text 超文本HTBP:超文本广播协议Hyper Text Broadcasting Protocol 超文本广播协议HTU:家庭终端设备Home Terminal Unit 家庭终端设备HVI:高可见度图像High Visibility Image 高可见度图像HVP:高清晰度投影仪High Vision Projector 高清晰度投影仪HVS:人类视觉系统Human Vision System 人类视觉系统HWS:超级作业系统Hyper Works System 超级作业系统HA T:硬度保证测试Hardness Assurance Test 硬度保证测试HMS:(英国)皇家海军舰船His/her Majesty's Ship (英国)皇家海军舰船HMS:英国政府公务His/Her Majesty's Service 英国政府公务HPL:高压积层板High Pressure Laminate 高压积层板HPL:高血脂Hyperlipidemia 高血脂HPL:惠普实验室Hewlett Packard Laboratories 惠普实验室HPL:高压线high pressure line 高压线HPL:高概率High Probability 高概率homo:同性恋者homosexual 同性恋者HFF:高频电炉High-Frequency Furnace 高频电炉hm:五金机械Hardware Machinery 五金机械HD:肝管Hepatic Duct 肝管HVL:半值层Half-Value Layer 半值层HSR:高速打印机High-Speed Printer 高速打印机HSRO:高速重复操作(指计算机) High-Speed Repetitive Operation 高速重复操作(指计算机) HSMS:高速扫雷High-Speed Mine Sweeping 高速扫雷HSR:高速阅读器High-Speed Reader 高速阅读器HSS:高速钢High-Speed Steel 高速钢HST:高速试验机High-Speed Tester 高速试验机HSUS:美国仁慈协会Humane Society of United States 美国仁慈协会HTC:热传导系数Heat Transfer Coefficient 热传导系数HTD:高温分解High Temperature Decomposition 高温分解HET:重型设备运输车Heavy Equipment Transporter 重型设备运输车HER:高能射线High Energy Ray 高能射线HEPL:高能物理实验室High Energy Physics Laboratory 高能物理实验室HEPDEX:高能质子探测实验High-Energy Proton Detection Experiments 高能质子探测实验hp:生命值hip points 生命值H/C:代理费Handling Charge 代理费HSP:肩高点High Shoulder Point 肩高点Htr:加热器Heater 加热器HST:哈勃太空望远镜Hubble Space Telescope 哈勃太空望远镜Hp:手机号码hand phone 手机号码H/STMG:港内航行Harbor Steaming 港内航行HA/HO:舱口/舱Hatch/Holds 舱口/舱HSD:高级柴油High Speed Diesel 高级柴油HST:高速列车High Speed Train 高速列车HMO:卫生维护组织Health Maintenance Organization 卫生维护组织HMO:心脏每分钟搏出量Heart Minute Output 心脏每分钟搏出量HGC:人类基因组委员会Human Genetics Commission 人类基因组委员会HMIS:有毒物质身份识别系统Hazardous Materials Identification System 有毒物质身份识别系统HSB:色相、饱和度、明度Hue Saturate Bright 色相、饱和度、明度HC:高浓(度)high consistency 高浓(度)HUD:(美国)住房和城市发展部(Department of) Housing and Urban Development (美国)住房和城市发展部HB:高频带HighBand 高频带HGMP:人类基因组图谱计划Human Genome Mapping Project 人类基因组图谱计划HFS:哈特福德食品系统the Hartford Food System 哈特福德食品系统hippo:河马hippopotamus 河马H-O-S:赫克歇尔-俄林-萨缪尔森定理Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson 赫克歇尔-俄林-萨缪尔森定理HA:99.9999%的高可用性High Available 99.9999%的高可用性hitech:高科技,尖端科技high technology 高科技,尖端科技HSINT:翻盖接听,再合上盖挂机Hook Switch Int 翻盖接听,再合上盖挂机HRD:人力资源总监Human Resource Director 人力资源总监HPP:人类蛋白质计划Human Protein Program 人类蛋白质计划HR:水平线Horizontal Route 水平线HAZ:热影响区Heat Affected Zone 热影响区HW:手轮Hand Wheel 手轮HD:大剂量high dose 大剂量HPC:造血干细胞hematopoietic progenitor cell 造血干细胞HYIP:高收益投资项目High Yield Investment Program 高收益投资项目HTM:量度方法how to measure 量度方法hx:和谐he xie 和谐H : Hydrogen氢He:元素氦的简称Helium 元素氦的简称Hf:铪(化学元素)Hafnium 铪(化学元素)Ho:钬(化学元素)Holmium 钬(化学元素)Hg:汞(化学元素)Hydrargyrum 汞(化学元素)HSC:造血干细胞Hematopoietic stem cell 造血干细胞HGF:肝细胞生长因子Hepatocyte growth factor 肝细胞生长因子HNE:4-羟-2-壬烯4-hydroxy-2-nonenal 4-羟-2-壬烯HT:超级传输HyperTransport 超级传输hist:历史history 历史HV:有have 有hr:小时hour 小时HMM:隐马尔可夫模型Hidden Markov Models 隐马尔可夫模型HD:硬盘hard disc 硬盘HDD:硬盘驱动器hard disk drive 硬盘驱动器HIC:混合集成电路Hybrid Integrated Circuit 混合集成电路HO:总公司, 总店, (银行)总行Head Office 总公司, 总店, (银行)总行HPA:高功率放大器high-power amplifier 高功率放大器HQ:总部headquarters 总部HW:半波Half Wave 半波Hz:赫兹hertz 赫兹hentai:变态hentai anime;hentai movies;hentai games 变态Hb:血红蛋白Hemoglobin 血红蛋白HPF:高倍视野high power field 高倍视野Hi-Fi:高保真(音箱播放器等)High Fidelity 高保真(音箱播放器等)HR:携带式雷达Hand Radar 携带式雷达HRA:高超音速研究飞机Hypersonic Research Airplane 高超音速研究飞机HRD:高纤维素饮食High Roughage Diet 高纤维素饮食HRIP:在此安息(hic requiescit in pace) here rests in peace 在此安息HDLC:高级数据链路控制High-level Data Link Control 高级数据链路控制HDSL:高级数字用户线High speed DSL 高级数字用户线HRM:人力资源管理Human Resources Management 人力资源管理HTV:混合动力试验车hybrid test vehicle 混合动力试验车HV:混合动力车hybrid vehicle 混合动力车HIS:医院信息系统hospital information system 医院信息系统HGMR:人基因突变库human genetic mutant repository 人基因突变库HDOP:水平精度因子Horizontal Dilution of Precision 水平精度因子HIS:水平位置指示Horizontal Situation Indicator 水平位置指示HV:主机Host Vehicle 主机HDPE:高密度聚乙烯塑料High-density polyethylene plastics 高密度聚乙烯塑料HiFD:高容量软盘high-capacity floppy disk 高容量软盘HE:高等教育Higher Education 高等教育HND:国家高等教育文凭Higher National Diploma 国家高等教育文凭hv:光照Irradiation with light 光照HAB:航空托运单house air bill 航空托运单HAWB:航空托运单house air waybill 航空托运单HCA:历史成本会计historical cost accounting 历史成本会计hg.:一百公克hectogram 一百公克HIBOR:香港银行同业拆借利率Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate 香港银行同业拆借利率hifo:高入先出法highest-in, first-out 高入先出法正当持票人holder in due course 正当持票人Hi-Q:高质量high quality 高质量HIRCS:高利率货币high interest rate currencies 高利率货币hi-tech:高技术high technology 高技术HKD:港币Hong Kong dollar 港币HKI:香港指数Hong Kong Index 香港指数hl.:百公升hectoliter 百公升hldg.:控股holding 控股Hon'd:如期支付的honored 如期支付的HSCPI:恒生消费价格指数Hang Seng Consumer Price Index 恒生消费价格指数hosp:医院hospital 医院HS:高中(学历) high school 高中(学历)HRD:人力资源开发Human Resources Development 人力资源开发HRDWG:人力资源开发工作组Human Resources Development Working Group 人力资源开发工作组HD:重负荷(车辆或润滑油)Heavy Duty (vehicle or lubricant) 重负荷(车辆或润滑油)HDDEO:重负荷柴油机油Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil 重负荷柴油机油HVI:高粘度指数High Viscosity Index 高粘度指数HAL:高跳低开伞降方式. High Altitude Low Opening. 高跳低开伞降方式.HAH:高跳高开伞降方式. High Altitude High Opening. 高跳高开伞降方式.HRT:人质拯救小组Hostage Rescue Team 人质拯救小组HSPM:危害物质过程管理体系Hazardous Substance Process Management System Requirements 危害物质过程管理体系hw:家庭作业、硬件homework or hardware 家庭作业、硬件hth:希望这样有用hope this helps 希望这样有用hhos:哈哈,只是个玩笑ha 哈哈,只是个玩笑hand:祝你今天愉快have a nice day 祝你今天愉快hagd:祝你有美好的一天have a great day 祝你有美好的一天hak:拥抱及亲吻hugs and kisses 拥抱及亲吻HMI:人机界面Human Machine Interface 人机界面HVT:Headquarter Verification TestHAN:家庭局域网络Home Area Network 家庭局域网络HA VI:家庭视听兼用设备Home Audio-Video Interoperability 家庭视听兼用设备HBA:主机总线适配卡Hose Bus Adapter 主机总线适配卡HCI:人机接口Human-Computer Interface 人机接口HD:高密度High Density 高密度HDC:硬盘控制器Hard Disk Controller 硬盘控制器HDCD:高密度雷射盘片High Density Compact Disk 高密度雷射盘片HDDR:高密度数字录音机High Density Digital Recorder 高密度数字录音机HES:家用电子系统Home Electronics System 家用电子系统HHC:掌上型个人计算机Hand-Held Computer 掌上型个人计算机HI:人体接口Human Interface 人体接口HIS:家庭信息系统Home Information System 家庭信息系统HLL:高级语言High-Level Language 高级语言HMA:高层内存区High Memory Area 高层内存区HMD:头载式显示器Head-Mounted Display 头载式显示器HP:马力(1HP=746瓦特)Horse Power 马力(1HP=746瓦特)HPC:手提式个人计算机Handheld Personal Computer 手提式个人计算机HPC:高性能计算机、高阶计算机High Performance Computing 高性能计算机、高阶计算机HPFS:高效能档案系统High Performance File System 高效能档案系统HPGL:HP图形语言Hewlett-Packard Graphic Language HP图形语言HS:高速传输High Speed 高速传输HSP:高速打印机High Speed Printer 高速打印机HVN:家庭视讯网络Home View Network 家庭视讯网络HWID:防拷之硬件识别代码Hardware Identification 防拷之硬件识别代码HG:高度游标(卡)尺Height Gauge 高度游标(卡)尺hc:9.6尺高(集装箱) high cube 9.6尺高(集装箱)HLP:高High Level Protocol 高HWD:恶劣气候损坏heavy weather damage 恶劣气候损坏HD:钩损Hook damage 钩损H.Z:危险品Hazardous 危险品H.:坐围HIPS 坐围HL:坐围线HIPS LINE 坐围线HWDP:加重钻杆heavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆HTHP:高温高压high temperature high pressure 高温高压H/T:高温测试High Temperature Test 高温测试HHS:(美国)健康与人类服务部Department of Health and Human Services (美国)健康与人类服务部HS:手持式受送话器Handset 手持式受送话器。



Section1Question 1:Part AGiven the competitive nature of the mobile telecommunications market analyse the likely advantages and disadvantages to Opal of establishing a partnership agreement with another company.12Advantages:Firstly, the partnership agreements can provide Opal with technology assistance. It allows Opal for the joint development of new products and the sharing of technology. Secondly, a Chinese partnership not only gives Opal access to local knowledge but also provides an air of acceptability that is important when conducting business in China. Thirdly, local firms’ well-reputation and wealth of experience will also help Opal to ensure that product development and customer service is specifically targeted at meeting the local needs and demands of the local market. Fourthly, companies in partnership can share the costs and reduce the risk.Disadvantages:As for the disadvantages, firstly, the own technology of Opal might be leaked because of the sharing of technology which may result in the loss of Opal’s competitive advantages. Secondly, in a partnership with others, the control power of Opal’s own company might be distributed because of the consideration of other partners’ benefits. Thirdly, firms need to share the profits and there might be conflicts since those companies are profitable organizations.PART BIdentify and justify possible options the senior management may have which will enable Opal to maintain its current levels of success and profitability. 8Firstly, since Chinese market has enormous potential, Opal needs continue to invest inChinese market to gain more market shares for its expansion.Secondly, Opal can sign the partnership agreements with more companies, to gain more comprehensive market information and share the technology and develop new products.Thirdly, in order to maintain the characteristics and good reputation, Opal needs to keep the strong stance in relation to the environment, use more green and environmental materials to produce ‘environmentally friendly’ products and services, and keep offering a comprehensive mobile phone recycling scheme.Fourthly, it is necessary to deepen the agreement with Huawei, since Huawei is a long established and well-respected player in the Chinese telecoms market. By doing so, Opal can achieve the further expansion.Question 2PART AAssess the strengths and weaknesses of Opal as they seek to expanding in the coming years. 12StrengthsFirstly, the further deregulation of the telecommunications markets enabled Opal to capitalize on a number of opportunities.Secondly, Opal has its core markets, and the recent ‘opening-up’ of the Chinese market is currently providing Opal with opportunities for further expansion. Thirdly, the mobile devices division has allowed Opal to sell their phones to competing networks allowing access to a much larger market.Fourthly, as their characteristic, Opal has adopted a strong stance in relation to the environment, and they were one of the first phone manufacturers in the world to offer a comprehensive mobile phone recycling scheme and offers environmentally friendly products and services.W eaknessesFirstly, the first hand-held phones were high priced because of the high research and development costs and the need for highly specialized production facilities. And this may cause the needs of a large amount of investment capital and the decrease in sales. Secondly, Opal is a medium sized producer of handsets, which means it owns limited produce resources and investment capital resources. It may not be able to meet the needs of cooperation with other companies.Thirdly, the regulatory complexities of operating within the Chinese market may hinder the development and expansion of Opal.Lastly, the regulatory complexities of operating within the Chinese market and the fierce competition may hinder the expansion of Opal and increase a certain level of risk.PART BChoose two Key values highlighted in Appendix 3 and for each, explain how it has impacted upon the company’s activities. 8Firstly, the customer deserves service excellence.Opal is a customer- focused organization. Enterprise's core value is to focus on customer service and its quality. By doing so, the customer satisfaction and loyalty can be established and then the growth of sales and profits can be achieved. According to the case, in order to enhance the quality and satisfaction of customer services, the Opal has established the Service Development Section and Customer Care Department. With the rapid development of technology, the Service Development Section is tasked to enhance the customer experience of the mobile and web-based services. And the Customer Care section is tasked to ensure that customer expectations are consistently met. Both of them are aim to provide customers with excellent services.Secondly, we accept that while we are driven by technology we will always aspire to drive technology.The development of technology can provide Opal with higher tech-competitiveness, and help it to develop new products and expand to larger market. As for Opal, they continue invest in other innovative products and market research, and has been very successful in identifying market trends and then using the latest technological developments to satisfy customer needs. And, there is a Special projects section in Opalwhich requires significant investment and provides the leading-edge technology required for mobile and others.Section 2Question1PART AEvaluate possible sources of finance that Gold could access as it seeks to expand its business operations.Firstly, issuing shares are a financing way that Opal can access. It can meet a part of the Opal’s capital needs during its expansion, even though the amount of share capital issued will be limited to the authorized share capital amount.Secondly, issuing debentures are a useful way too. Debentures are loans made to companies that carry a fixed rate of interest. However, the debenture holders need to repay the principles on time and they do not participate in the running of the company like shareholders do.Thirdly, even though both issuing shares and dividends are appropriate for Opal, there still some differences between them. The shareholders have the control right of the company, but the dividend holders do not. And, the dividends holders need to repay the principle on time, while it won’t be necessary for shareholders. Lastly, the shareholders can get benefits from the dividends while the debenture holders can get them from the interests.PART B找到一类可以同时满足Opal 公司股东和Opal 在中国市场合作伙伴用来检验企业效率的财务数据信息. 请解释这类数据是如何满足这些利益相关者要求的。



3.1※ whether to try to understand what the needs of the customers. Only find the needs of customer, there is possible to introduce the fittest products.※ Whether to find enough products to customer. Finding enough products, the customer can make comparison with each other, and can choose the best one.※ Whether the customer is satisfy to me. Only as possible as to thought for customer, there is has possible to make customer feel satisfied.※ Whether make a clear list to show the comparison with the chosen products.Because the customer is not professional, so with the help of me, they canchoose the best one for themselves.※Whether find the best one for themselves. It can explain I if try me best to thought for customer.3.2§ It is hard to know about the details of customer.Solution: spend more time to communicate with customer. Only find the needs of customer, there is possible to introduce the fittest products.§ It is hard make the customer trust me and the products of I suggest.Solution: choose enough products for them and make a clear list of show the details of the chosen products for them. And let themselves to make decision. § How to make the customer choose the products is best for themselves.Solution: I spend many time to find the products and compare the policies and details.§ It is hard to make a list to clear the same and difference with the chosen products.Solution: spend many time to know about the details about every products.3.3#The premise of make the customer to choose the best for themselves is as possible as know about the need of customers. I spent two days to finish this work. So this side is good.#I choose at last two company to compare the better one. And every products are chosen by the needs of customers. It also belong good job.#I choose many products and compare them in details. And make a clear list to tell the difference to customer. So I get the ensure of the customer. It is also good.#I use the as possible as sample knowledge to make the customer clear know the difference with the products. So it is ok.#I try my best to find products and make clear comparison with them. and tell customer all the things I know. I thought it is quiet good.。



HND金融大综合2.1 The demands of these consumer can divide into savings, mortgage needs and protection needs.2.11 The demands of savings. The cost of daily life, the cost of three children, the crowd of high income, The surplus income need to save. 2.12 The demands of protection needs. Flynn has an outstanding mortgage of £450,000, and this couple has recently decided to build an extension to their home at a cost of £300,000. The demands of protection needs. 2.13 The adults is more old than yesterday, and the state of health of them we all do not know. They all need some help to get guarantee to ensure their cause. The children of Janet need a good environment to grow. And their family should protect their property. 2.2~2.3 ◆ The cost of daily life. Every family all need this for spending. If there is not a particular plan, this family will be faced with many problem. So the current account is the best choose. ◆ The education cost of Flynn’s three children. All parents want to their children have a perfect childhood to the benefit of their future. So have a whole educat ion is necessary. So a good family affirm draw up a plan for their child ab ovo. We need to choose educational endowment. ◆ Janet work as Alexander’s personal assistant. As his assistant she is paid a salary of £550,000 per annum. So he is belong to the human of high income. They also need to rate payment very much. But we can take steps of avoid the tax, and find the product of tax exemption. So the fixed interest savings certificates is best fit for us. ◆Like the high income crowd. Then have a large of money can not use. So the last money we will save it. The best way is save it in fixed deposit. Fixed deposit is our good choice. ◆ Flynn has an outstanding mortgage of £450,000 on the property. And the loan of he has loss occurrence. So the best way perhaps change it to capital and interest mortgage. Because it can reduce the lose. ◆ Flynn has recently decided to build an extension to their home at a cost of £300.000. But he does not have mortgage to get loan. So he only to get it by himself. ◆ When the adults grow older. Everyone all want have a guarantee for themselves. Even if has an accident in the future. But can not get so much attack. So they need to buy the insurance of term insurance. ◆ Ditto. When the adults grow older. The health of themselves is more and more to hard to know. And their body can not get some serious attack. So they are better to buy the insurance of accident insurance. ◆ No matter what man or women. They have the cause of themselves. So they also need to buy the insurance of enterprise insurance. ◆ The three children of Janet. They are young. So they need a guarantee for their growth life. Prevent happen something we don not want. The accident insurance is very good. Because the children are very naughty. ◆ Every family has their own economy. And must protect their income to hold the cost of everything. I think the property insurance is the obbligato for every family. 2.4 ☆Alliance Leicester plc Alliance Leicester plc(LSE:AL) is a British bank, formerly a building society. It was formed in 1997 by the flotation of the former Alliance Leicester Building Society on the London Stock Exchange. It is listed on the FTSE 100. its headquarters are in Carlton Park, a business park in Nar borough, south of Leicester in England. ☆HSBC Headquartered in London, HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial services organizations’ in the world. HSBC's international network comprises around 7,500 offices in 87 countries and territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa. ☆Banco Santander Santander holds a unique position in international banking, with a solid base of recurrent retail commercial banking and a high degree of geographical diversification, which guarantees its future. Continental Europe, where the main commercial units are the Santander and Banesto Networks in Spain, Santander Totta in Portugal and Santander Consumer Finance, which has consumer finance operations in 19 countries. ☆ Lloyds TSB Black Horse isthe leading provider of finance at Point of Sale in the United Kingdom. Available through 13,000 dealers and retail stores around the country, every year Black Horse helps 1 million personal and business customers buy their car, caravan, motorhome, motorcycle or to fund the purchase of home improvements or something special, such as an exotic holiday. With the backing of the Lloyds Banking Group, Black Horse has over 50 years experience and is committed to customer satisfaction. ☆Halifax bank This site is intended for UK residents unless otherwise stated. Halifax is a division of Bank of Scotland plc. Bank of Scotland plc, HBOS Investment Fund Managers Limited, Halifax Life Limited and Halifax Share Dealing Limited and St Andrew’s Li fe Assurance plc are authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority, 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS. They are entered in the Financial Services Authority’s Register and their Register Numbers are 169628, 119223, 171881, 183332 and 189101. This is an English language site, all contracts will be in the English language only. Bank of Scotland plc, Registered in Scotland No. SC327000. Registered Office: The Mound, Edinburgh EH1 1YZ. Copyright ?? 2010. All rights reserved ☆ A VIV A Aviva is a leading provider of life and pension products in Europe (including the UK) with substantial positions in other markets around the world, making it the world’s sixth largest insurance group based on gross worldwide premiums at 31 December 2009. Our main activities are long-term savings, fund management and general insurance 1 . We have worldwide sales of ??45.1 2 billion and ??380 2 billion of funds under management. We have 46,000 employees serving over 53 million customers in 28 countries around the world. ☆AIG American International Group, Inc. (AIG) is a leading international insurance organization serving customers in more than 130 countries. AIG companies serve commercial, institutional and individual customers through one of the most extensive worldwide property casualty networks of any insurer. In addition, AIG companies are leading providers of life insurance and retirement services in the United States. AIG common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, as well as the stock exchanges in Ireland and Tokyo ☆ A V A In 1980, AXA did not exist. Over the next 30 years, the Group would grow to become a major international player. AXA announced the strengthening of its position in Central and Eastern Europe with the acquisition of minority interests held by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in AXA's Hungarian, Czech and Polish subsidiaries, and a transaction, currently under negotiation, pursuant to which AXA would acquire 100% of AXA Asia-Pacifi c Holding's (AXA APH) Asian businesses while an Australian partner would acquire 100% of AXA APH's Australia and New Zealand businesses. ☆ Barclays Since the business was established more than 300 years ago, Barclays has grown to offer a range of products and services tailored to meet the specific needs of its customers all over the world. As a responsible global citizen, Barclays is committed to ensuring the sustainability of the communities in which the business operates, and strives for sustainable relationships with cu stomers and clients worldwide. 2.5 definition ▼ current account: a current account is a money transmission service that allows funds to be transferred to another person or company. Most current accounts are either card-based or cheque-based accounts. Becau se it can be used any time. ▼ instant access savings: instant access savings accounts vary considerably in terms of the interest rates they pay to savers and the additional features they provide. It pays the saver to ’shop around’ for the best savings deal. Because their income is high, so they need choose a fixed interest to reduce their tax. ▼ fixed interest saving certificates: FISCs provide savers with a tax-free return and offer guaranteed interest rates over a fixed term. It can ensure that they will not fell trouble when they are in trouble. ▼ term assurance: term assurancepolicies are the most common and cheapest assurance contracts, and the oldest types of policies in existence. Everyone all need have a guarantee life. ▼capital and interest mortgag e: a capital and interest repayment mortgage facility is one that requires the borrower to repay a part of the capital borrowed and an interest payment charged on that capital each time a payment is made. ▼ personal accident: personal accident policies may be purchased to provide benefits when an individual is unable to work due to an accident. Because everyone possible get damage in their work. ▼ permanent health insurance: PHI products go future than personal accident polices by protecting against total disability resulting in a person being unable to carry on their occupation. Everyone all need have a guarantee life. ▼ income protection policies: these policies provide protection in the event of any of the following occurring during the term of a loan. So need something to give them a guarantee. ▼ whole of life: whole of life policies are provided by the same organizations as term assurance policies. It can ensure that they will not fell trouble when they are in trouble.。

北京理工大学SQA HND留学问题解答

北京理工大学SQA HND留学问题解答

北京理工大学SQA HND留学问题解答1. SQA(苏格兰政府资格监管局)是一个什么机构?答:现将中华人民共和国驻英国大使馆教育处来信摘要如下:经查,苏格兰政府资格监管局(SQA---Scottish Qualifications Authority),由英国议会于1997年批准成立。



2.HND证书是一种什么证书?答:现将中华人民共和国驻英国大使馆教育处来信摘要如下:经查,苏格兰政府资格监管局(SQA---Scottish Qualifications Authority)所颁布、审定和鉴定的国家高等学历证书(SQA HND-----Higher National Diplomas)由英国学术认证信息中心所认证,相当于大专学历。教育部)留学服务中心·英国高等教育文凭毕业生,是不是只能去英国留学攻读学士学位?答:不是。





北航SQA HND项目专业介绍及就业分析北航HND项目介绍:2004年5月苏格兰首相、教育部长和苏格兰学历管理委员会主席访问北京航空航天大学,正式启动了北航英国高等教育文凭项目。









人大HND国贸大综合原题Attempt ALL questions. You have THREE hours in which to complete the paper.1 (a) Analyse the advantages and disadvantages to Barr’s of its product mix.(10分)(b) The demand for Barr’s products is probably price elastic. Explain how this may influence the way in which Barr’s markets it products.(5分)2 Barr’s has been in existence for over a century during whichtime many of its original competitors have disappeared.Making use of examples, analyse the various ways in which Barr’s interacts with its external environment.(12分)3 (a) Fidelity Growth Trust is a stakeholder in A G Barr plc. As such it may wish to make use of information such as that contained in the case study. Which information is likely to be of value to such an organisation and why? (10分)(b) Identify ONE item of information from Appendix 5which both Fidelity Growth Trust and seniormanagement in Barr’s could use as a measure tomonitor the effectiveness of the company. Explainhow the information you have chosen can meet therequirements of each of the two companies.(8分)4 Barr’s has several partnership agreements such as those withPepsi in Russia and with Pernod Ricard and Unilever in the UK. In the light of Barr’s experience of these agreements, analyse the likely advantages and disadvantages to Barr’s of concluding another partnership agreement with another company. (12分)5 Barr’s appears to have a traditional organisational structurebased on different functional areas. Analyse the extent to which a structure like this is likely to be effective helping Barr’s to co-ordinate its marketing and financial activities.6 (a) Analyse the main factors which affect the demand for Irn-Bru in the UK. (6分)(b) Discuss how these factors could influence Barr’s financial situation. (4分)(c) Explain how Barr’s can make use of these factors to predict the possible outcome of its advertising and promotional activity. You may use a diagram to illustrate your answer. (5分)7 Roger White has only recently been appointed as ChiefExecutive of Barr’s.(a) Discuss the main advantages and disadvantages of thecompany he has joined. (12分)(b) What, in your opinion, are the key things that he shoulddo in order to maintain the success of the company inthe future. Give reasons to justify your choice. (8分)。



DL15 35: Financial Services: Group Award Graded Unit 2 (HND)1 IntroductionThis pack must be used in conjunction with a copy of the Graded Unit specification which details the standard of performance expected of the candidate. A copy of the Graded Unit specification can be obtained from SQA.This pack supplements the instructions for designing the assessment task and assessing candidates of the Graded Unit specification. It aims to provide an example of assessment that is valid, reliable and practicable. The assessment task(s) detailed in this pack corresponds to the instructions for designing the assessment task outlined in the Graded Unit specification.The example provided is intended for guidance only. It may be used in a variety of ways including, for example:♦to exemplify the standard of performance expected of candidates achieving the Graded Unit, ie as a benchmark♦to help you develop your own assessment for the Graded Unit♦to give you new ideas♦as a staff development toolPlease note: The subject material that is being delivered as part of this course is of a specialised nature. It is recommended that centres ensure that suitably knowledgeable and qualified staff be employed in delivering the programme. If the material is to be delivered on an open or distance learning basis, it is recommended that suitably knowledgeable andqualified staff be employed to develop the course support materials.It is important that you make sure that the assessment exemplar is used in a context appropriate to the delivery of the Graded Unit and to the Group Award of which it forms a part. It is also very important that you note that using this assessment exemplar does not automatically guarantee successful external moderation. It is still your responsibility to make sure that all the appropriate internal quality assurance procedures are satisfactorily completed. For example, a valid, effective and approved internal moderation system must be in use at your centre.Recommended readingBefore using this material you might find it useful to look at some of our other publications, in particular:♦Guide to Assessment and Quality Assurance for Colleges of Further Education (AA0841/3, September 2003)♦Guidance on Special Assessment Arrangements (AA0645/4, September 2003)♦Quality Assurance Principles, Elements and Criteria (A0798, December 1998)Details of these and other SQA publications are available in SQA Information, our publications catalogue which is updated and printed twice a year (telephone: 0845 279 1000). SQA Information lists all published HN assessment exemplars. You could also visit our website at . A free copy of this pack is available to all SQA approved centres at the time of initial distribution. Additional copies can be obtained, price £20.00 from SQA’s Customer Contact Centre, 24 Douglas Street, Glasgow, G2 7NQ (telephone:0845 279 1000 or fax: 0141-242 2123).Other related UnitsThis Graded Unit has been validated as part of the HND Financial Services at level 8 within the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF)1. Centres are required to develop the assessmentinstrument in accordance with the validated specification.It is recommended that the candidate should have completed, or be in the process of completing, thefollowing Units relating to these specific aims prior to undertaking this Graded Unit:DE5P 35 SCQF level 8 InvestmentDE5W 35 SCQF level 8 Pension ProvisionDE5R 35 SCQF level 8 Principles of InsuranceDE5V 35 SCQF level 8 Financial Services Regulatory FrameworkCore SkillsWhere Core Skills have been embedded in a Graded Unit specification and an Assessor wishes to use an alternative method of assessment, she/he must ensure that the assessment generates the EvidenceRequirements specified in the Graded Unit specification. It is recommended that the centre seek priormoderation for the alternative method to ensure that the Core Skill is still covered. The Graded Unitspecification will detail the Core Skills covered within the Graded Unit.There are no Core Skills embedded in this Graded Unit.1The SCQF provides the national common framework for describing all relevant programmes of learning qualifications in Scotland. The level a qualification is assigned within the framework is an indication of how hard it is to achieve. There are 12 levels, from level 1 for Access 1 through to level 12 for doctorates. For further information on the level and credit rated see the Unit specification.2 How to generate evidenceIntroductionThe Scottish Qualifications Authority’s system of assessment measures the evidence of a candidate’sattainment of knowledge, understanding and skills against defined criteria. The assessment process must allow for evidence of each candidate’s performance to be generated and collected. This evidence mustthen be judged against the standards set out in the Graded Unit specification. To achieve the Graded Unit the candidate must successfully meet the standards and there must be evidence to prove this.The Graded Unit specification defines the criteria you need to use to judge whether or not the candidatehas met the standards. All Graded Units have the following:Instructions for designing the taskThese tell you what the candidate actually has to do.Recommended prior knowledge and/or skillsThis section details the recommended knowledge and skills which the candidate should have completed or be in the process of completing prior to undertaking Graded Unit.Assessment guidelinesThis section should give guidance on how best to conduct the assessment to generate the evidence required.It is important to realise that it is up to the Assessor to judge when and if the candidate has satisfactorilymet the standards. This decision should be based on the quality and correct quantity of evidence collected, set against the standards in the Graded Unit.The assessment instrument in this pack should not create any unnecessary barriers to achievement foropen/distance learning delivery or candidates with special needs. However, you may need to adapt it sothat you can assess candidates with special needs or candidates who are undertaking the Graded Unit on an open/distance learning basis. Obviously, whilst taking into account the needs of the candidate concerned, the methods of assessment you choose must still be valid, reliable and practicable. If you have anyquestions or problems, or if you are in any doubt as to whether or not the alternative assessment you have chosen is still valid, please contact the Customer Contact Centre on telephone: 0845 279 1000.External Moderation — Guidance on Best PracticeIn order to increase the likelihood of successful external moderation it is strongly recommended that:♦Centres have their question papers with marking instructions prior moderated by SQA. Staff are advised to put the materials through an internal moderation process before submission to SQA. Staff are advised to submit these materials to SQA not less than eight weeks before their intended use to Assessment Moderation Unit, Scottish Qualifications Authority, Hanover House, 24 Douglas Street, Glasgow G2 7NQ.♦Question Papers are assigned a unique identifier (eg Lauder 5460352 May 2002) and this should be recorded against each candidate’s name. This should help to avoid candidates receiving the same question paper for re-assessment.♦Centres produce a coverage grid for each question paper to ensure that the paper is correctly balanced and in accordance with the Graded Unit. Questions and marks should be linked directly to therelevant Unit and Outcome in the Arrangements.♦Marking instructions are sufficiently detailed to indicate clearly how many marks are to be awarded for each response. Where appropriate, ‘or any other suitable response’ should be included if there is a wide range of possible answers. This will avoid penalising candidates for omissions in themarking instructions. If examples are to be provided by a candidate then examples should also be provided in the marking scheme.♦Half marks should not be used since, cumulatively, they inflate candidates’ scores artificially.♦For security purposes, question papers are counted out and counted back after the examination. They should then be shredded and only the master copy retained securely by centres.♦Markers write 0, 1, 2, 3, etc, on scripts to show where marks have (or have not) been awarded and these should relate directly to the marking instructions. ‘Global’ totals for questions are notuseful unless it is clear how they have been derived.♦Centres produce a summary list of candidates showing:i)centre name and numberii)candidate’s name with unique identifier of question paperiii)candidate’s date of birthiv)SQA candidate numberv)marks for both sections and total mark,vi)grade achievedThis should be enclosed with the scripts, question papers and marking instructions submitted for moderation.♦The question paper is drafted in accordance with these and any other guidance notes on writing an examination paper supplied by SQA .NB:F or security reasons, please note that an Assessment Exemplar for this Unit should not be used as an instrument of assessment. However,individual questions may be lifted (and amended slightly, wherepossible) and used to supplement centres’ own questions in theirquestion papers.♦Please provide clear instructions to candidates, amending the ‘instructions to candidates’ on the question paper as app ropriate. Ensure that candidates are informed how to change their answers, particularly to the multiple choice questions.NB: Answers may need to be changed more than once.♦Every question paper should indicate the originating centre’s name and number, and date of first issue (eg Lauder 5460352, May 2002).3 Assessment ExemplarAssessment tasksThe table below summarises how the assessment exemplar task is to be marked and also indicates theevidence which should be retained for external moderation.Suggested task Suggested evidence to be retainedWritten examinationAllThe examination will be marked out of 100.Assessors will aggregate the marks achieved by thecandidate to arrive at an overall mark for theexamination. Assessors will then assign a grade tothe candidate for this Group Award Graded Unitbased on the following grade boundaries:♦ A = 70% – 100%♦ B = 60% – 69%♦ C = 50% – 59%Conditions of assessmentThe design rules for HND programmes state that all Group Award Graded Unit Assessments must have a credit value of one credit.This Group Award Graded Unit Assessment has been designed to provide evidence that the candidate has achieved a number of the principal aims of the HND Financial Services programme. The aims can be found in the Validation Document and in the Graded Unit Specification.The intention of this Unit is to assess the knowledge and skills of the candidate in four of the core Units at level 8:♦Investment♦Pension Provision♦Principles of Insurance♦Financial Services Regulatory FrameworkIt is essential that candidates must have completed, or be in the process of completing, all of these core Units.The assessment will take place at the end of the academic year.The candidate must successfully complete all elements of the assessment to the required standards.A new examination covering significantly different areas of the knowledge and skills should be used for each reassessment.It is recommended that the examination should not assess knowledge and skills that have already been assessed earlier in the core Unit assessment.The examination will be based upon a case study that will be provided to candidates at least 10 days before the date of the examination. Questions will be based upon the given facts in the case study.The examination, which lasts three hours, is to be carried out under open-book conditions in controlled and invigilated conditions and candidates may answer questions with the aid of reference and/or source materials.The examination should be des igned to assess the candidate’s critical knowledge and understanding of the topics relating to the specific aims which this Group Award Graded Unit is designed to cover. The question and corresponding marks should be designed in accordance with the ranges indicated in the table that follows. However, the overall total mark for the examination is 100.Topic Level of knowledge/understanding Weighting/ mark allocationInvestment Analysis, calculation,recalling, explaining30 – 40% (Could involve:♦calculations relating to giltsyields or purchaseconsideration♦calculations relating to rightsor bonus issues, or investorratios♦stock market operations♦stock market participants♦methods of issue♦classes of share capital♦shareholder information♦managed funds)Principles of Insurance Analysis, calculation,recalling, explaining20 – 30% (Could involve:♦defining/explaining type, scope, function or purpose ofinsurance♦identifying or explaining products♦matching protection needs to relevant insurance orassurance products♦explaining elements within a life policy♦explaining premiums)Topic Level of knowledge/understanding Weighting/ mark allocationPension Provision Analysis, calculation,recalling, explaining20 – 30% (Could involve:♦explaining elements of thestate pension provision♦calculating Inland Revenuebenefits and limits♦explaining the operation ofemployer run occupationalschemes♦explaining the operations ofadditional contributions♦explaining the operations ofnon standard pensionschemes)Financial Services LegalFrameworkRecalling, explaining 10 – 20% (Could involve:♦role of FSA♦powers, functions,responsibilities of FSA♦market abuse♦risk factors♦categories of investor♦authorisation routes♦regulated and exempt activities♦documents used to obtain evidence♦ombudsman scheme♦compensation)The examination will be marked out of 100. Assessors will aggregate the marks achieved by the candidate for each stage to arrive at an overall mark for the examination. Assessors will then assign a grade to the candidate for this Group Award Graded Unit based on the following grade boundaries:♦A = 70% – 100%♦B = 60% – 69%♦C = 50% – 59%Grade A Grade CIs a coherent piece of work which:♦has sufficient evidence for the four phases of the examination and isproduced to a high standard♦demonstrates a clear and full understanding of the material, and isable to provide accurate calculationsto numerical questions♦is highly focused and relevant to the tasks associated with the examination♦is clear and well structured throughout and language used is of ahigh standard in terms of level,accuracy and technical content♦effectively consolidates and integrates required knowledge andskills Is a co-ordinated piece of work which:♦has sufficient evidence of the four phases of the project and is producedto an adequate standard♦demonstrates an acceptable interpretation of the material, and isable to demonstrate competence indealing with numerical questions♦is focused and relevant to the tasks associated with the examination♦is satisfactorily structured and language used is adequate in terms oflevel, accuracy and technical content♦consolidates and integrates knowledge and skills but this maylack some continuity and consistencyAssessment taskAssessment task instructionsCase studyAdam and Sylvia Freeman are long-standing customers of the Royal Bank of Clydesdale, Hometown Branch. The branch manager has referred them to you due to the fact that their financial needs are considerably more complex than she is able to deal with.Although employed by the Royal Bank of Clydesdale, you are an Independent Financial Adviser and able to discuss and offer advice on a range of products from a wide group of providers.Adam (37) is a freelance journalist who contributes stories to national and local newspapers. His main area of expertise is reporting on the war-torn parts of Africa. He earns an average of £60,000 per annum from his position but this can fluctuate. In the last four years he has earned as little as £45,000 and as much as £85,000. The higher figure was due to a short period of television reporting he undertook for the BBC due to the unexpected illness of their Chief Africa Reporter.His job takes him abroad constantly, although his expenses are met in full by the newspapers that commission him.The fact that he is out of the country so often means that it is difficult for Adamto find the time to deal with his finances.Sylvia (35) is a magazine photographer who specialises in ‘celebrity shoots’. She is very successful and is employed on a full-time basis by one of the better-known celebrity magazines. Her earnings from this employment total £58,000 per annum. She also benefits from membership of her company’s non-contributory pension scheme. The scheme offers defined benefits of 1/60th of final salary. She has been a member of the scheme for 10 years, and the scheme has a normal retirement age of 60 years.Both are high rate taxpayers.The couple live in Hometown in a six-bedroom detached bungalow valued at around £1m. They have a capital repayment mortgage of £220,000 outstanding, which matures in 14 years. However, neither is at home very often, with Adam in Africa five months of the year, and Sylvia in London four days a week.Recently, the couple have come to realise that their lives are about to change. Sylvia has become pregnant and their first child is due in four months time. Sylvia has decided to take the maximum time off work and only to consider whether to return to work once the baby has been born.Adam has decided to move back to the UK on a permanent basis to be near his wife and baby, although he realises that he will still need to travel within the UK on a regular basis.He has already discussed the matter with several of his clients who have agreed to continue to accept stories from him but which relate to UK politics. Fortunately this was the area that Adam trained in when he started in journalism 15 years ago. This change in working pattern will reduce his income by around£10,000 per annum on average.Sadly, Adam’s widowed mother died recently. As an only child all of her estate fell to him as sole heir. She was not a wealthy woman but she did leave property that is currently under offer at £170,000 and is expected to fetch about 20% above this offer price.Adam and Sylvia have little knowledge or experience of financial matters although they advise you that a few years ago Adam had invested £20,000 in a company in Africa that later collapsed. He lost his entire investment in the deal. He is now somewhat wary and concerned that investors like him have little or no protection against investment losses.Sylvia, by contrast, is a little more adventurous. A few years ago she invested in both ordinary and preference shares on the London Stock Exchange, and although they lost some money three years ago, they are now worth more than double the value of her original investment. She admits though to having little understanding of how they, or the markets, operate.Sylvia has also suggested that she might try her hand at investing overseas in some of the up and coming investment markets of the world.Sylvia mentions that at a recent dinner party he r best friend Amy’s husband Peter spoke about investments that would allow Adam to buy into the markets without the risk associated with shares. Peter also suggested that there might be some tax advantages in doing so. She cannot remember what these investments were called but she does remember that they had something to do with ‘fixed interest’.Adam and Sylvia view the future as a family with some trepidation. Adam as aself-employed individual has no pension and has made no provision for his future retirement. If Sylvia decides to give up work there will be even more pressure on him as the sole breadwinner. He confesses that he often worries about what might happen to his wife and child if he were to die early.Use the information provided above to prepare for your examination.The questions that you will be asked will be directly related to the facts in the given case study.ExaminationThis examination is open book and lasts for three hours. You should attempt all questions.Section A — Investment1Sylvia has mentioned that she does not understand what makes preference shares differ from ordinary shares.Explain how preference shares differ from ordinary shares.(10)2You realise that when Sylvia is talking about ‘fixed interest investments....that…do not have the risks associated with shares’, she is referring to Government Securities (Gilts).(a)Explain to Adam and Sylvia why gilts are considered to be ‘low risk’investments while shares are considered to be ‘medium to high risk’.(5)(b)Calculate the net redemption yield that Adam would receive if he wereto invest:(i)£20,000 in 5% Treasury Stock 2008 at £96 or(ii) £20,000 in 12% Treasury Stock 2012 at £120 (show your workings)(10)(c) Explain two of the methods that can be used by Adam to purchaseGovernment Securities.(6)3 Explain to Sylvia the advantages and disadvantages of investing overseas.(9)Total 40 marks Section B — Principles of insurance4 You identify that the couple will have the need for additional protectionproducts as a result of their changing lifestyles.(a) Explain to Adam the benefits and limitations of term life assurance,giving reasons for recommending this type of life cover.(10)(b) Suggest, with reasons, ONE type of term life assurance that youconside r to be suitable, given the couple’s circumstances.(5)5 You recommend that Adam should consider taking out Permanent HealthInsurance. Explain what this type of insurance is and give reasons for your recommendations.(15)Total 30 marks Section C — Pensions6 As a self-employed journalist Adam has mentioned that he has not madeany pension provision for himself.(a)Explain to Adam the main features of a Personal Pension Plan.(10)(b)Based on the expected future earnings that Adam will receive, what isthe maximum annual contribution that he could make to a PersonalPension Plan.(5)7 Sylvia has mentioned that she belongs to a non-contributory companypension scheme. Assuming that she earns £160,000 as a final salary at retirement, what is:(a) Her annual pension at retirement likely to be?(b) Her maximum tax free lump sum at retirement likely to be?(10)Total 20 marksSection D — Financial Services Regulatory Framework8 Adam’s reticence to invest in shares is due to the bad experience hereceived some years ago. His inheritance from his mother is quite considerable and you are keen to persuade him to set up his own portfolio of investments. Knowing that he has some concerns, explain to Adam how:(a)The Financial Services Compensation Scheme operates.(b)The protection that he can expect to receive from the FinancialServices Ombudsman should there be cause for complaint at a laterdate.10 marksTotal 10 marksTotal 100 marksAssessment taskSuggested solution and making an assessment decisionProject Stage Suggested markallocationSection A —Investment 1Preference Shares —candidates should identify that preferenceshares:♦provide dividends that are constant —expressed as apercentage♦have priority of dividend over ordinary shares♦have priority of repayment over ordinary shares onliquidation♦may offer cumulative dividends —unpaid dividends arebackdated when funds are available♦offer limited growth potential unless participating preferenceshares♦are only entitled to return of the nominal value of the shareson winding-up — not to any surplus♦may have reduced voting rights2(a) Low risk on gilts stems from the fact that gilts (governmentsecurities) are guaranteed by the UK government. As aconsequence it is not possible for the government to fail torepay an issue of gilts. It is simple for the government toborrow again to repay the gilt issue.Medium to high risks apply to shares due to the fact thatcompanies may suffer the ultimate risk of company failurethrough liquidation. Some company shares are less risky thanothers due to their financial strength and reputation.(b) i. 5/96 ⨯ 100 = 5.21% less tax 40% = 3.13% + 4/4 =4.13%ii. 12/120 ⨯100 = 10% less tax 40% = 6% − 20/8 = 3.5%(Candidates should show the workings)(c) Methods of purchasing Government SecuritiesFrom:♦direct from the Debt Management Office when a new issue ofstock is being sold:−prospectuses advertised in newspapers−applications available from DMO or Bank of EnglandRegistrar’s Department−investors can bid for £1,000 of stock and over−price paid will usually be average of prices paid by all of thecompeting bidders♦buying direct from the market2112121510Up to 3 marksfor each partallocation −access to the market for gilts sold by Gilt Edged MarketMakers is through a stockbroker or bank−banks will contact brokers on behalf of client−brokers will act as agent to obtain best price for gilts and willdeal with paperwork — in return for commission♦buying via the Bank of England Brokerage Service−postal system that allows private investor to buy or sell gilts−costs are lower for investor than through broker or bank−limited stocks are available and maximum amount per daycan be purchased or sold3 Investing overseas(a)Advantages♦provides diversification for the portfolio♦allows access to growing markets♦exchange rates may work in favour of the investor(b)Disadvantages♦exchange rates may work against the investor♦possible political uncertainty in the region♦possible introduction of exchange controls in the region♦difficulty and expensive to deal in another country♦more difficult to monitor the investments♦taxation may be a problem if the country of investmentdoes not have an agreement with the UK1 mark for eachSection B —Principles of Insurance 4 (a) Benefits of term life assurance:♦cheap form of insurance♦provide lump sum or annuity on the death of the assured♦may be taken out in joint names♦various types are available to suit the needs of theapplicant:−level term−increasing term−decreasing term suitable for mortgage protection−convertible term−renewable term−family income benefit♦term assurance might be useful for the couple in the casestudy for:−protection against death of either party —particularly important now that addition to thefamily is imminent−protection is against loss of either income over aprolonged period of time(b)Suitable type of life cover — choice from♦family income benefit♦level term♦increasing term♦convertible term5 Permanent Health Insurance (PHI)♦general insurance that provides for loss of income due toinsured being unable to work for a time due to illness orincapacity♦premiums are based on occupation and lifestyle rather thanage, gender and health121222up to 5 marks ifsuitable reasonsprovidedup to 15 marksfrom thefollowing (1 perpoint made)。














专业简介:国际经济与贸易主要课程:经济学导论(Economic Issues: An Introduction)、经济学1:微观和宏观的理论和应用(Economics 1: Micro and Macro Theory and Application )、商务会计(Business Accounting)、经济学2:世界经济(Economics 2: The World Economy)、国际贸易概论、国际贸易实务、国际结算、商法导论(Business Law :an introduction)、记分单元2(国际贸易与商务:大综合2)(Global Trade and Business :Grade unit 2 )、国际金融、国际商务组织(Global Business Organisations)、计量经济学、国际物流(International Logistics)信息与沟通技术在商务中的应用(Information and Communications Technology in Business) 、财务预算(Preparing Financial Forecasts)、商务文化与策略(Business Culture and Strategy)、商务行为技巧(Behavioral Skills for Business)、现代企业管理、国际经济合作、当代世界经济与政治。









1、按陆地面积(物理尺寸)划分的世界前10 大机场(以平方英里为单位):法赫德国王国际(DMM) —沙特阿拉伯达曼— 776 平方公里(299.61 平方英里)丹佛国际机场(DEN) — 科罗拉多州丹佛市— 135.7 平方公里(53.09 平方英里)达拉斯/沃思堡国际机场(DFW) — 德克萨斯州达拉斯美国— 69.6 平方公里(26.88 平方英里)奥兰多国际机场(MCO) — 佛罗里达州奥兰多美国— 53.8 平方公里(20.78 平方英里)华盛顿杜勒斯国际机场(IAD) — 美国华盛顿特区— 48.6 平方公里(18.75 平方英里)北京大兴国际机场(PKX) — 中国北京— 46.6 平方公里(18 平方英里)乔治布什洲际(IAH) — 德克萨斯州休斯敦美国— 44.5 平方公里(17.19 平方英里)上海浦东国际机场(PVG) — 中国上海— 39.9 平方公里(15.4 平方英里)开罗国际(CAI) — 埃及开罗— 36.3 平方公里(14 平方英里)素万那普国际(BKK) —曼谷,泰国— 32.4 平方公里(12.51 平方英里)就整体规模而言,沙特阿拉伯达曼的法赫德国王国际机场以压倒性优势成为世界上最大的机场。

这个前美国空军基地占地近300 平方英里,几乎与纽约市所有五个行政区的面积(302.6 平方英里)相匹配。

HND 大综合1 中文翻译

HND 大综合1 中文翻译

G -巴尔可编程序控制器(plc)的案例研究背景资料G制造、批发和巴尔可编程序控制器(plc)饮料,主要市场碳酸饮料。



























HND大二市场学导论考试报告Case案例DayDreamToyCompanyDay Dream Toy Company — A case studyBackground informationThe Day Dream Toy Company has a workforce of over 1,000 based in three different sites in the UK. The company was established in the early 1990s and its marketing activities are co-ordinated from its headquarters in Chester.The original company produced a limited range of wooden toys aimed at the pre-school market. Its range of products was originally limited to wooden building bricks, simple wooden jigsaws and a limited selection of wooden animals. As the company became more established, the product range was expanded to include dolls’ houses and wooden train sets.In the early days the company sold through small, independent toys shops, but despite numerous attempts, it was unable to persuade any of the large chain stores to stock its products. Despite this, the company maintained a reasonable turnover, and it slowly expanded its product portfolio to include a range for the 5–8 year old market.Disenchanted by its inability to become accepted by any of the larger chains, the company toyed with the idea of mail order selling. A catalogue was produced and distributed through some of the leading Sunday newspapers, and although sales increased, this was not a particularly successful venture.Mail order selling was dropped after only a year, but it did serve to bring the company’s name to the attention of the public, and more importantly to the toy industry. The company’s image of high quality toys, made from naturalproducts, appealed to the increasingly vocal environmental lobby, and at last, a leading department store chain agreed to stock Day Dream’s products. This proved to be a lucrative agr eement for Day Dream, and it helped the company expand during the late 1990s.The company’s big bre ak, however, came when the Welsh language TV channel SC4 introduced an animated series featuring an assortment of animal characters collectively known as th e ‘Country Cousins’. Against fierce competition, Day Dream won the contract to make a limited range of merchandise featuring the characters, and the popularity of the series resulted in sales which were way beyond Day Dreams most optimistic expectations. F ollowing the success of ‘Country Cousins’, ITV decided to give the series national airing, and in the lead up to the national launch, Day Dream expanded and developed its range of merchandise. At the same time, the company also introduced ‘Country Cousins’books and to this end, it acquired an ailing publishing company in Exeter.This was Day Dream’s f irst venture into publishing, but by retaining the existing expertise within the newly acquired company, and through its own established distribution network, this became a highly profitable part of the company’s portfolio.The books were sold principally through toy shops and department stores as part of the overall ‘Country Cousins’ package, and by concentrating on its established toy retailers rather than bookshops, Day Dream did not need to employ any additional sales representatives. This proved to be a successful and cost effective approach, which is still employed at the moment.As the business continued to expand, Day Dream boughtover a soft toy manufacturer which was initially devoted to the production of ‘Country Cousins’ figures.The ‘Country Cousins’ phenomenon reached its peak in the late 1990s, and although the company is still turning in reasonable profits, there are growing concerns for its future security. The success of ‘Country Cousins’, however, has given Day Dream a foothold in the market, and having firmly established its brand name and identity, Day Dream products are still stocked by some of the major toy retailers.Although the sales of ‘Country Cousins’ merchandise are declining, the range is still an important part of Day Dream’s business. The range currently includes wooden figures, cuddly figures, wooden play houses and scenery, a series of thirty ‘Country Cousins’ story books, a ‘Country Cousins’ Annual which has been produced each year since 1996, ‘Country Cousins’ stationery, pencil cases, note pads, cards, etc and ‘Country Cousins’ toiletries, including soap, shampoos, sponges, bath salts, etc.In addition to the ‘Country Cousins’ range, Day Dream still produces its traditional wooden jigsaws, wooden animals, wooden building blocks and various other wooden toys aimed at the pre-school market.A major turning point in the popularity of the ‘Country Cousins’ range came in 2008 when IT V decided to drop the programme from its schedules. The popularity of the series had been waning for a number of years, and its demise had been inevitable for some time. In the year following the programme’s withdrawal, sales of ‘Country Cousins’ merchandi se fell to 40% of the 2002 peak.Along with the decline in demand, the company has had tochange its pricing policies.During the boom period of the early 2000s, the price of the ‘Country Cousins’ range was set at a premium, but in order to maintain sales, the company was forced to reduce price to a much more competitive level. Retailers and other middlemen, realising the strength of their negotiating position, have been able to force Day Dream to accept their terms and prices, and with the decline in demand, Day Dream has had little alternative but to accept.The company’s 30-strong sales team has been charged with the responsibility of maintaining good relations with existing outlets to ensure their continued patronage. On occasions this patronage has been hard won, and in recent years has involved more and more price-cutting to ensure that the existing stores continue to stock Day Dream’s range.The industry is becoming ever more competitive, and without a leading product range, Day Dream is being forced to cut prices to retain its distributors, and to maintain its position in the market place.The reduced price to the retailer, however, is not always reflected in the price charged to the final consumer. Although Day Dream is selling to the middlemen at a considerably reduced price, the retailers are tending to sell at prices on a par with those charged during the height of the ‘Country Cousins’ boom.As sales of its traditional range has declined, the company has become involved in the ‘own label’ business, and 10% of its output is now supplied to the ‘For Toys’ retail chain which sells the products under its own name. The association with For Toys has been good for Day Dream, and there is the possibility that this relationship will be further developed in thefuture.For Toys is an expanding company, and although this relationship has been vital to Day Dream, For Toys has forced the manufacturer to produce at lower and lower prices over the years, and because of a lack of orders from other customers, Day Dream has been forced to accede to these demands. At the same time, the production of ‘own label’ merchandise may have contributed to the reduced demand for Day Dream branded products.The declining demand for ‘Country Cousins’ has also necessitated other cha nges. Cuddly toys’ production, which was previously exclusively devoted to ‘Country Cousins’ figures, has now been adapted to produce a range of more than forty different styles and types of bears and other creatures. Many of these are ‘own label’ products for Toys stores.Other alterations to the product mix include the introduction of larger toys such as play houses, climbing frames and slides. Day Dream is looking to find a way of gaining access to potential buyers such as playgroups, nurseries and even local authorities as well as its established consumer market.The publishing side o f the business has also had to adapt to the post ‘Country Cousins’ boom.A range of children’s stationery is available in a number of different styles, and this is being continually updated to meet the changing needs of the market. A new series of pre-school books has been produced, including a range called ‘Dolly the Dolphin’ for which the company has high expectations. The company also has plans for ‘Dolly the Dolphin’ cud dly toys.A new range of self-reading books has also been developed, and the company has been trying to encourage local authoritiesto buy them for their schools and libraries.During the early 2000s the company did not need to invest too heavily in advertising and promotion as the publicity generated by the ‘Country Cousins’ TV series was sufficient to keep the company’s merchandise in the public eye.In addition to this publicity, the company’s promotional effort had been principally aimed at retailers and other middlemen, and this had primarily involved personal selling through the sales team making regular visits to established clients. It was believed that by targeting the middlemen, and by getting the products in to as many stores as possible, sales would inevitably be generated. The emphasis on the sales team has been maintained, but in recent years this has been supplemented by advertising in children’s comics and magazines, and by a limited amount of advertising on Children’s TV, particularly in the run up to Christmas each year.Day Dream must now adjust to the post ‘Country Cousins’ boom, and although some changes have already been made, further developments are required. To do this, it is necessary to develop the company’s marketing mix, but before this is possible, the company must carry out some research to discover the most appropriate course of action.To date, the company has not felt the need to carry out extensive market research, and much of its decision-making has been based on informal feedback received from its sales team, andfrom secondary material derived from the industry trade association, and similar sources. Much has also depended on the marketing team’s own business acumen and knowledge of the market, and there has also been a reliance on internal data.Day Dream has therefore reached a vital crossroads, and important decisions must be made to ensure its future survival and prosperity. The company is still producing reasonably healthy profits each year, but these are much reduced from the heady days of the early 21st century, and if the current trends continue, there is a strong possibility that the company will not survive the next 10 years.The time has come to take some purposeful marketing action. The company now realises that it must adapt to the changing needs of the market, and by gathering more information about existing and potential customers and consumers, it will be in a position to make more reasoned and informed decisions.。



Attempt ALL questions. You have THREE hours in which to complete the paper.1 (a) Analyse the advantages and disadvantages to Barr’s of its product mix.10(b) The demand for Barr’s products is probably price elastic. Explain how thismay influenc e the way in which Barr’s markets it products.5(15)2 Barr’s has been in existence for over a century during which time many of itsoriginal competitors have disappeared. Making use of examples, analyse thevarious ways in which Barr’s inte racts with its external environment.(12)3 (a) Fidelity Growth Trust is a stakeholder in A G Barr plc. As such it maywish to make use of information such as that contained in the case study.Which information is likely to be of value to such an organisation and why?10(b) Identify ONE item of information from Appendix 5 which both FidelityGrowth Trust and senior management in Barr’s could use as a measure tomonitor the effectiveness of the company. Explain how the informationyou have chosen can meet the requirements of each of the two companies.8(18)4 Barr’s has several partnership agreements such as those with Pepsi in Russia andwith Pernod Ricard and Unilever in the UK. In the light of Barr’s experience of these agreements, analyse the likely advantages and disadvantages to Barr’s ofconcluding another partnership agreement with another company.(12)5 Barr’s appears to have a traditional organisational structure based on differentfunctional areas. Analyse the extent to which a structure like this is likely to beeffective helping Barr’s to co-ordinate its marketing and financial activities.(8)6 (a) Analyse the main factors which affect the demand for Irn-Bru in the UK.6(b) Discuss how these factors could influenc e Barr’s financial situation.4(c) Explain how Barr’s can make use of these factors to predict the possibleoutcome of its advertising and promotional activity. You may use adiagram to illustrate your answer.5(15)7 Roger White has only recently been appointed as Chief Executive of Barr’s.(a) Discuss the main advantages and disadvantages of the company he hasjoined. 12(b) What, in your opinion, are the key things that he should do in order tomaintain the success of the company in the future. Give reasons to justifyyour choice.8(20)。



Communication: Analyzing and Presenting Complex Communication DE3N 34 Outcome 1 Candidate Name: Fan Juntian Grade and Class: F2 Table of ContentsI. Planning--Action Plan.............................................................................. 11.1 Likely resources to be used ........................................................................ 11.2 Strategy for carrying out report 1.3 How the project will be managed ...................................................................... 1.4 Timescales for project ........................................................................................ ....................................................................................... 1.5 Sources of information Ⅱ. Developing—Case Study Report2.1 Key factors in case study ................................................................................... 2.2 Likely financial needs of the clients .................................................................. 2.2.1 Saving ......................................................................................................... 2.2.2 Mortgage needs ........................................................................................... 2.2.3 Protection needs .......................................................................................... ........................................................................... 2.3 Suggestions for improvements 2.4 Likely providers and Relevant product and services ......................................... 2.5 Benefit-needs analysis ....................................................................................... 2.6 Comparison among providers ............................................................................ 2.7 Effect on tax position ......................................................................................... .................................................................................. 2.8 Justification for selections Ⅲ. Evolution3.1 Criteria for Evaluation ....................................................................................... 3.2 Change made during project compared to original action plan ......................... 3.3 Effectiveness of process ..................................................................................... / http: /// / / / / /1.3 How the project will be managed Ⅰ. Individual Saving Accounts(ISA) Bank/Company Product National Savings and Investments 1:Cash ISA 2: Easy Access Savings Account 3: Premium Bonds 4: Guaranteed Income Bonds The Royal Bank of Scotland instant access ISA Standard Chartered Bank e-ISA Clydesdale Bank fixed rate bonus ISA HSBC Cash ISA Ⅱ. MortgageBank/Company ProductLloyds TSB Group 1.Fixed-Rate Mortgages 2. Buy-to-Let Mortgages Clydesdale Bank Fee free mortgages Standard Chartered Bank Personal pension Mortgages National Savings and Investments ISA Mortgage The Royal Bank of Scotland Fixed-Rate Mortgages Health Problems insurance Bank/Company Product Association of British insurers 1:Health and Protection Insurance 2:Holiday Insurance Legal & General 1:Health and Protection Insurance 2:Holiday Insurance Prudential 1:Health and Protection Insurance 2:Holiday Insurance Winston insurance Health and Protection Insurance Old Mutual Children's Health Insurance Ⅳ. Property damage insurance Bank/Company ProductOld Mutual Household Insurance Lloyds TSB Car Insurance Association of British insurers 1:Flooding and Insurance 2: Household Insurance 3:home contents insuranceLegal & General 1:Flooding and Insurance 2: Household Insurance 3:home contents insurancePrudential 1:Flooding and Insurance 2: Household Insurance 3:home contents insurance 4: Ideal life property insurance 5: Investment and wealth property insurance 6: Endless interest property insuranceDeath insurance Bank/Company Product Association of British insurers 1:Life Insurance 2:Endowent Insurance Legal & General 1:Life Insurance 2:Endowent Insurance PRUDENTIAL 1:Life Insurance 2:Endowent Insurance Lloyds TSB Life & Critical Illness Insurance 1.4 Timescales for project Time The things I do 4.27-5,4 I carefully read the information on Flynn, including his family, and learned that his company, his loan in the short term to meet him. I have a detailed understanding of the economic situation.5.4-5.11 Through the use of the Internet to find many excellent insurance companies and banks in the United Kingdom to learn about the best products of these institutions, I believe this information will make pressure on Alexander satisfaction.5.11-5.18 I started to do some substantial planning, I understand that Flynn for more information from their own savings, if there is no choice year must pay taxes a lot, so I will of tax avoidance products, a give some reasonable suggestions.5.18-5.25 Through case studies, the results of the survey according to the first two weeks, began specifically Flynn has his family to develop programs at the same time began to think of way to convince.5.25-6.2 Learn more about the loans measured by Mr. Flynn, of £ 450,000 is not a small sum, but at the same time, Flynn r not only to continue their investment, but also do some of the things they want. And develop a range of solutions based on detailed economic situation in Flynn.6.2-6.9 Study found that the insurance required by the Flynn and his family including his three children or adults need some insurance to protect they belong to minors, the value of the house of Mr. Alexander in 125 pounds very expensive house, so I recommend his family's home insurance.6.9-6.16 According to Mr. Flynn, he is the first two years of unemployment, I spent a long time derived Flynn is the economic pillar of the entire family, he needs a stable flow of funds, income protection insurance is worth I recommended to him6.16-6.22 I found Mr. Flynn can do better place, savings, insurance, mortgage, I will elect some of his savings, insurance, mortgage, good banks and insurance companies, they are very good financial products, I decided to before Flynn choose to buy or not buy.1.5 Sources of information Primary data or raw data refers to the enterprises for the first time in person to collect and scripted processing of the data, raw data is usually collected by the researchers for the immediate problem for this particular purpose. Primary data can answer the secondary data can not answer specific questions, and more timely and credible at the same time the company's own collection, belonging to the company, so easy to confidentiality The secondary data is for certain purposes, rather than the issues at hand collected data. Including the information provided by commercial and government agencies, marketing research firms and computer databases. Secondary data can provide economic, quick background information. The secondary data will help to quickly solve the problems faced by researchers, can save time and reduce costs at the same time help to regulate the expression in the form specified in the survey methodology, and other data needed to solve the problem, can also help researchers learn how to go close to the object of research to understand the research object position in the market which, as a basis for comparison with other data。

SQA HND 怎么选学校档

SQA HND 怎么选学校档

SQA HND 怎么选学校SQA HND项目介绍:SQA HND是由英国苏格兰学历管理委员会(又称苏格兰资格监管局,简称SQA)颁发的苏格兰高等教育文凭(Higher National Diploma,简称HND)。




以北京理工大学SQA HND为例介绍一下项目的优势该项目具有高质量的课程体系、先进的教学理念、学术与职业相结合的课程特色,得到世界上许多国家的承认。



北京理工大学SQA HND教学项目。


苏格兰学历管理委员会(Scottish Qualifications Authority,简称SQA)是唯一经中国驻英使馆教育处认证的、获准在中国境内进行合作推广高等教育文凭(Higher National Diploma 简称HND)项目的权威机构。





Evaluation1.How did we meet the original objectsIn a word, our investigation has achieved the aims we desired. In the process of setting goals, we designed some objects. One of the objects, analysis the company’s organisatoinal structure was given up, the reasons were: firstly, it’s difficult to collect data; then there is no much contact with big goals. So lack of this object will not affect the entire investigation. In addition, we have changed certain objects. Like analysis the sales volume of Hua Wei. Because we did not notice that the phone has not yet published, so we can not know the data. And this object has changed into another one which is compared with other operating system. We believe this one would be fit the theme better.In the investigation, we originally want to receive the primary data from a telephone interview. But consider of the given time of the interviewee, we had to give up. As a result, we chose questionnaires. Compare this method with telephone interview, it can be more objective. And we can obtain the more quantitative data needed. But in the other side, it spends more time, which including produce, find the test target, collect and sort out. We chose the places which the fluidity of people is not so fast as our collecting sites such as dining room. This can save some time, and test people will be more patience. So the data would be more accurate.2.An explanation of the effectiveness of the planning andimplementation stagesIn the planning part, it just set the framework and direction of the investigation. This step is very critical, it just like the foundation of the house. Only when the foundation is stable, the house would be strong. As the same way, how is the accuracy of setting project objects and how comprehensive of the references both are affect the investigation. We think our planning is not good enough, because the objects we set sometimes are too wide and can not get the point. This is the question we found during the investigation. Fortunately, we correct this problem in time and so that would not off the topic.In the investigation part, according to the intended target we carried out the project, steps by steps. We were totally satisfied with this part. Because the conclusion we wanted has came out. But this process, we have some shortcomings. For instance, in data collection we can not do very well. Firstly, the data we found are not so fresh; then the data are scattered, for example, we want to know the market share of Hua Wei from 2005 to 2007. But we can only found the information from 2006 to 2008. Thirdly, the date collect from written resources is too little. Most of the data are comes from internet.3.An assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the report Strengths are as followed:Firstly, the report is very specific and the structure is very clear so that is convenient to read. Besides setting headings, we also create a number of subheadings, which is conducive to found the items we need.Next, the report applies lots of details. This avoids the boring of reading and couldgive a clarity description of explaining the problem.Weaknesses:At first, the report has some limitations, such as the limitation of the investigate target people. These primary data may just reflect the situation around us or in China. Sometime they can not represent entire world.Then, there still have some shortcomings in designing sub-objects. We are not comprehensive enough.4.Recommendations for future investigationsThere are still many deficiencies in this report. Considering of these deficiencies, we want to be perfect in the following areas:We should enrich the primary resources. Not only the questionnaires, but also other methods such as observing and interview would be applied as the resources. We must ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the data. Next, it’s necessary to increase other relative report about the company. Look for other investigators’ comments and finding. I t’s just acquiring inspiration from other places. Especially in facing the difficult, we should stop and carefully thinking the structure from top to bottom. In addition, we must avoid setting the repeat objects in the investigation. So this would save lots of time and resources. Further more, time arrangement should be reasonable. We can design a schedule and perform the steps according to the plan. If completed one steps advanced, we would adjust the schedule and speed up the process. If there occurred delay, we could cost one more day to complete it.。



ContentsPersonal assessment of skills (2)Title of the project (2)Objectives of the project (3)Statement of issues of investigate (3)Reasons for the choice of issue (4)Justification for the choice of business (6)Primary and secondary sources of information (6)Primary information (6)Secondary information (7)Methods and Justification (8)Plan (8)Negotiated dates for the planning, development and evaluation of the project and timescales for conducting the investigation 。

















.. (7)Identification of the resources including time needed to carry out the investigation (9)Personal assessment of skillsI have a lot of advantage, such as honest and optimism. Due to good group consciousness, I can make contribute to cooperation and cohesion so that achieve organization's goal as early as possible。

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1.Planning—Action Plan1.1 Likely resources to be usedI am a bank's investment manager. Our target customers are David and his wife Martha Collins. This is the first phase of the report, including strategy, the main resources and the timing of the project. In this report I will use some resources are as follows : the main research: I will use surveys and observational studies, to David and Martha plan to close the lowest risk profit maximum programme. Secondary research: I will search for online information search, information books, buy a newspaper, the questionnaire survey way, I will also use ( questionnaire in the appendix), then I realized that any customer is old people who are over the age of 70to obtion low risk financial plan. Also researchers to generate a financial plan from 2011 to2013. I have a group, we will have a discussion group. This information can understand the new rate, new product information, some banks, I can with my group to provide the best customer project.1.2 Strategy for carrying out reportProduct life cycle is a marketing study, which can help customers know, they can get the maximum profit investment. In the first instance, I will consult by telephone to understand the idea of the David`s and Martha`s in mind and make a household survey. So that they may be more understanding of the financial construction order to understand their needs.On the one hand, according to their family is saving, pensions and any other expenditure. I will make a list of funds, then analyze and identify the financial risks and other kind of risk like this investment was failed and so on.Different portfolio based on different stages of lifetime, customers can choose according to their own situation of different products. Group discussion, there are many staff to customer service and we can discuss the best solution for customers1.3 How the project will be managedI spend 4 months to complete this report and make 3 year plan for them,In this project divided into three parts,planning,developing and evolution.In the plan I will introduce some basic information, such as the resources and strategies, I will use my report, structure, time for my report, I how to arrange a time to finish my report, and help resources. I will introduce some of the key factors in the situation, summary customer financial demand include deposit, loan demand, protection needs. Suggestions for improvement, potential suppliers, I will list relevant products and services, and benefit-need analysis, comparison between suppliers, for tax position, I'll give you a reason to choose. In the evaluation, an evaluation standard, in this part there is a standard to evaluate the financial planning can help clients to understand my planning more clearly, the changes made to the project than the original plan, and the effectiveness of the process. The last is the conclusion, in which I can ensure thatthe final financial plan for my clients.I got the information from newspapers and the Internet or other place, it can help me get good news, interested, I can better enable customers to maximize the benefits, according to all their money, I could help them do the low risk investment, I will know something about the phone, their family members and all of the assets and make a questionnaire survey, understand their needs,group discussion is a kind of can get some useful information from the different things, can you help me to put the best project, my client, these important information can be provided to couple to solve the problem quickly.questionnaire survey1: your general in what time period to the bank for business:A Monday to five9:00-12:00-14:00-16:30 17.69%B Monday to five12:00-14:00 0%C weekend or holiday 1076.92%D Other2: you choose which way for banking business?A go to the bank counter service 323.08%B in the Internet bank business0%C use ATM automatic teller machine for business3: Do you think the bank queue is serious?A yesB no4. How much returns of investment do you expect to obtain through the financial plan designed by us?A. ≤3%B. 3%-6%C. >6%2 .Developing—case study report2.1 Key factors in case study1. Fundament situation of clientsDavid Collins, who is 73 years old, he is a retired former Army Colonel.Martha Collins, Davids' wife,aged 70 and also retired, was formerly a legal secretary.Both of them keep in very good health and enjoy a good standard os living form their generous pensions.The couples have two grown-up children Jonathan and Jeanette.Jonathan is 51 years old and has never married. Jeanette is 48 years old having four children aged between 24 and 14 years of age2. Family statement of income and expenditureThe couples have a three-bedroom townhouse in a fairly popular part of town,which has been estimated at a value of 310,000 and which their own outright.They have 4,500 cheque account and 12.00 instant access savings accounts in Cadogan Bank.having 40,00 national saving capital bonds, 2500 national saving income bonds and 10,000 premium bonds. They couples also have treasury stoke which has had at a value 15,00 until 20143. Financial situationDavid retired former Army Colonel,his annual income is 70,000. Martha Collin retired form a legal secretary, her annual income is 50,00.Collin's annual income os 120.000.I will make a detail diagram.Annual income after tax Value PercentageDavid £70,000 58%Martha £50.000 41%Total income £120000 100%4. David and Martha Collins family tree5,According to the case ,taking some assumption(1)Inflation rateAccording to this year report,the highest inflation rate is 4.4% in February,but the government Controls great,so the rate fall to 1.9% just under the expectation. From my perspective, the inflation rate will be 3%during 2011 to 2013(2)Emerge cash available:Considering the Collin`s both senior,so they must keep some emerge cash to resolve accident.I argue they could keep £40,000.(3)Life expenses:I maintain the couple life expenses are £3600.(4)Bills:Collin is bill are £4800.(5)Traveling expenses:They traveling expenses are £3000(6)Some other expenditure is £1000.(7)The rent of three-bedroom townhouse in a fairly popular part of town is £12000(8)The two bedroom house value is £250000.2.2 Likely financial needs of the clients2.2.1 SavingsThe collins expect to have an additional 40,000 in cash available for savings, after purchase and all associated legal and removal costs, David and Martha both are senior so their financial portfolio are low risk and their have been careful savers throughout their lifetime and have tended to investments that carry any risk.2.2.2 Mortgage needsAccording to they relies that, as they are not getting any younger so they planning to move to sheltered accommodation and have identified a two-bedroom property nearer to Jeanette's home.2.2.3 Protection needsDavid and Martha are determined that their grandchildren should benefit form their estate when the couple die and are concerned that should they ever need to go into a nursing home, that their financial assets will be drained to pay for the costs. They do not wish to place the burden of paying for care on their children..they are aware that the value of their estate is such that this may lead to the payment of inheritance tax. They are anxious to avoid this.2.3 Suggestions for improvementAccording to David and Martha is financial needs ,I make this suggestions for three parts savings,Mortgage and their protection needs.Saving:For helping the couple know more about the risk of saving and the profit of saving,I make a list and a diagram.The types of savin Risk Profit interest rateChequy Account low low 0%Saving Account low low 0.50%Capital bonds middle middle 2.50%Income bonds middle middle 1.75%Treasury stock hight hight 10%Premium bonds low low 0.90%I will do some adjustment in their savings portfolio.I insist the couple leave £4000 in their Cheque Account because the couple need that in cash available. Leaving £5000 in their Instant Access Saving Account because the couple could handle some emerge things and withdraw all cash £10000 in Premium Bonds.Transferring all this cash in Capital Bonds and Treasury Stoke.The adjustment saving portfolio is:£4000Cadogan Bank Cheque Account£5000Cadogan Bank Instant Access Savings Account£60000National Savings Capital Bounds£5000National Savings Income Bounds£32500Treasury Stock 2014Total:£106500Mortgage:Strategy 1:The couples buy the second house which is sheltered accommodation and have identified a two bedroom property nearer to Jeanette is home and their do not move to nursing house.Strategy 2:The couples will nit buy the second house, they just move to the nursing house.Strategy 3:The couples buy the second house and the couple pay full, because they are not young to burden such loan, they do not suit have liability in this age .living in the house two years because they near to Jeanette is home and Jeannette don not married, so she can could company the couples and gives them best care and rent the first house. Nevertheless Jeannette is not younger, so I maintain that the couples go to the nursing house in the third years, that can save two years capital spending in nursing house, So the couple will not worry that their financial will be drained to pay for the costs.Strategy 4The couple mortgage their three bedroom house and loan 70% of the value of the three bedroom house. Their three bedroom value is £310000,so they can loan £210000 to the bank and the two bedroom house is £250000 the couple could pay 30% of the second house which is £80000 and I recognize the repayment will be handle by their grandchildren who are graduated. That means Jack and Church and I recommend that couple transfer the three bedroom to their another 2 children.ProtectionI make three strategies in Mortgage,if the couples choose 1 or 3 ,I insist their can register grandchildren is name to buy the second house. That can avoid the transfer fee and the high inheritance tax and they could buy some education insurance for their grandchildren. The couple also could buy some gold to deal with the inflation and sent them to their grandchildren.Other suggestions:The couples could open the e-bank in order to help them dealing with the varices bills, because they are old ,they don have physical power to handle such things.They could open a card which can transfer the other countries currency because the couple like travel.2.4 Likely providersBanks:BarclaysBarclays PLC is a global financial services company headquartered un London,United Kingdom.As of 2010,it is the world is 10th-largest banking and financial service group and 21st-largest company according to a composite measure by Forbes magazine.One of the four private banks in the United Kingdom, ranked third, is the world's largest banks. Barclays Capital, Barclays's investment banking department in 2008, the acquisition of old U.S. investment bank Lehman Brothers. The first quarter of 2012, Barclays Capital, M & A, second in Asia. 1896 Barclay, Bevan, Tritton, the Lanza Bull Fremont companies, banks merged the shares of Barclays Bank. After the merger and continue to other banks, the increasing scale of its current name in 1917. Operate a wide range of financial services, including clearing, investment, insurance, leasing, export credits, property management. London six clearing banks to issue credit cards in the UK in 1966. Has a number of subsidiaries of Barclays International Bank, Barclays Finance Corporation in the international community has a number of branches, and investing in Spain, Bermuda, Belgium, the big banks, the formation of a large international consortium of banks. In the domestic shipbuilding, shipping, machine manufacturing industry and the Press Trust of close ties.Company business: Barclays Bank through bank branches, ATMs, phone, Internet to UK personal customers and small business sector in Africa, some of the Group offers a range of services. In addition, Barclays Bank but also for the world of rich people to provide property management services, especially investment, asset evaluation, long-term financial planning business.Company size: Barclays Bank to Britain as the center, to provide financial services, is the main business of banking and investment. If the asset is measured, Barclays Bank is the UK's largest financial bank. The Barclays Bank in many other countries with branches, is a huge multinational bank. Barclays Bank PLC has a history of over 300 years, the business scope of coverage to more than 60 countries, including all of the financial center. By 2000June, Barclays Bank employees around the world about 70300, one of the 52300working in the uk.HSBC:Headquartered in London,HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial service organisations in the word.HSBC is international network comprises around 7500 offices in 87 countries and territories in Europe,the Asia-Pacific region,the Americas the Middle East and Africa.With listings on the London. HongKong,New York,Paris and Bermuda stock exchanges, shares in HSBC holdings plc are held by over 221.000 shareholders in 127 countries and territories. The shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange in the form of American Depositary Receipts.HCBC provides a comprehensive range of financial service to around 95 million customers through four customer groups and global businesses:Personal Financial service;Commercial Banking: Global Banking and Markets;Global Private Banking.City BankMidland BankMidland Bank Plc was one of the Big four banking groups in the United Kingdom for most of the 20th century. It is now part of HSBC The bank was founded as the Birmingham and Midland Bank in Union Street, Birmingham England in August 1836. It expanded in the Midlands absorbing many local banks, and merged with the Central Bank of London Ltd in 1891, becoming the London City and Midland Bank. After a period of nationwide expansion, including the acquisition of many smaller banks, the name Midland Bank Ltd was adopted in 1923. By 1934 it was the largest deposit bank in the world. It was listed on the London Stock Exchange and was once a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index but in 1992 it was taken over by HSBC Holdings plc.2.5 Relevant products and servicesI will give the details of the financial products as following. Two banks,a nursing home and a insurance company.Barclays:Foreign Currency Account·Bank in the currency of your choice·Make and receive foreign payments with case·Reduce your exchange rate risk·You need a Barclatys sterling account before you can open a Foreign CurrencyWhat can get·An account that helps you reduce the risk of fluctuating exchange rates·Choose from a wide range of foreign currencies·Cheque book·Regular statements to help you keep track of your moneyIn general, there are three types of property insurance coverage, LITE-ON and medical care. They have a wide range of coverage and effective transfer of risk to customers. It is particularly worth mentioning is, how to guarantee the life insurance, it is the only policy, make the elderly over 70 years old in Corinth insurance, although the insured amount shall not reached average level. In addition to ensure life insurance, private health insurance is what is believed to be necessary, because it can greatly reduce customer costs, medical care in light of its increasingdisease risk.2.6 Benefit-needs analysisIn this sector,I will give a lot of data and chat to analysis Collin`s benefit-needs.The chat of Collin is portfolio before adjustmentThe chat of Collin is portfolio after adjustment:The annual income and annual expenditure I mentioned in 2.1,so the saving rate is (120.000-96.000)/120.00=0.2 so the family could put 20% income in investment,but the family want buy second house, I do not suggest to increase the capital in some new investment plan.have no need to repay the loans. Their ability still during the three years plan, the finial assets reach at £181250.Annual surplus ratio:annual surplus/annual income ,so the ratio are 90.8%(2011),1.7%(2012),38.3%(2013),2.6%(2014)respectively.2.7 Comparison among providersFirstly, I will compare the mortgage loan repayment in different banksBank name type Rate Max LTV% Monthly repayment Repayment period Barclays 2year fixed 2.98% 70% £941.11 20yearsHSBC 2year fixed 3.89% 70%£1.020 20yearsNow I will focus on the format above to do the SWOT analysis to 2 banks respectivelySWOT graphStrength:the repayment is lower Opportunities:max LTV%can reach 70% Weak: web information is less Threaten:the form is simpleHSBCStrength:web information is adequate Opportunities:the form is detail,max LTV% reach 70%Weak: the repayment is higher Threaten:the rate also higherFor the collin is family, they must more concentrate on monthly repayment, Barclays monthly repayment is £941.11 which is lower than that HSBC bank.So I recommend choose Barclay to get the loan.2.8 Effect on tax positionAccording to HM treasury, inheritance Tax is usually paid on an estate when somebody dies. It is also sometimes payable on trusts or gifts made during someone is lifetime. Most estates do not have to pay Inheritance Tax because they are valued at less than the threshold.To illustration, the Collins possess assets is amount £395,425. According to the formula, the tax payable is 28.570That is huge money, so we should get some ideas to avoid that. Some cash gifts are exempt from tax regardless of the seven year rule. They include:wedding gifts of up to £5000 to each of your children:wedding gifts of £2500 to each grandchild, and wedding gifts of £1000 to anyone else:other gifts of up to £3000 a year :gifts of up to £250 each to any number of people each year: gifts to charities. The National Trust, national museums, the main political parties and most registered housing associations.Any gifts between husbands and wives are exempt from IHT whether they were made while they were both still living or left to the surviving spouse on the death of the first.Tax will be due eventually when the surviving spouse dies if the value of their estate is more than the combined, currently £650000Death within the seven year periodAccording Potential Exempt Transfers, If gifts are made that affect liability to IHT and the giver dies less than seven years later, a special relief known as taper relief may be available. The relief reduces the amount of tax payable on a gift.So i will draw the graph to show that clearly.Years after gift IHT payable0-3years 40%3-4yaers 32%4-5years 24%5-6years 16%6-7years 8%7years later exemption2.9 Justification for selectionsIn order to minimizing the inheritance tax, the Collin is must do several method to avoid the inheritance tax.Transfer the ownership of two housesCollin is should use their elder grandchildren is named Jack and Chuck to buy the two bedroom house.In addition, they also should transfer the ownership of their three bedroom house to their younger grandchildren Jim and BlairGive gift to the whole familyAccording to IHT, the gift send to family members up to £3000, but wedding gifts of up to £5000 to each of your children; wedding gifts of £2500 to each grandchild. So Collin should give £5000 to each of their children and give £2500 to each grandchild. To conclusion, the Collin is give £20000(£5000×2+£2500×4=£20000)Sent goldIn the 2.3, I have given suggestion the Collin is can buy gold to avoid the inheritance tax and in 2.6 the balance sheet I recommend the Collin is buy gold £30000 each year since 2012~2014, Send this gold this gold to their children and their grandchildren without tax.3 Evaluation3.1 Criteria for evaluationNow, the project's conclusion, we will provide the most comprehensive report. Should check the factors, as follows:Living standards and improve the quality of life, in order to create a good financial management to meet customer demand, I do Collins financial management, financial reporting. This management can guarantee the high quality of life, this strategy can get the family wealth maximization.Customer needs and requirements is correctly identified, advanced through the interviews with clients the preparation stage of the financial plan,I suggest that Collins may cancel the cheque account, capital, revenue bonds and bond premium bond. They want to buy a house, I suggest that they sell the house,Then buy second houses, to match the needs of relevant exemption of inheritance tax, second house to buy their granddaughter's name. If they do this, they will not have any loan.Life insurance senior people like Collins is very urgent and necessary to.The comparison of the policy, the insurance cover the growing health care costs due to common diseases and disorders, to ensure a one-time compensation to compensate for the loss of the family.Understanding of the couple is cautious investors through questionnaires,By sorting out the most reputable insurance providers, enabling comparison of the policy, the insurance cover thegrowing health care costs due to common diseases and disorders, to ensure a one-time compensation to compensate for the loss of the family.I plan to avoid all the risk, they also don't want to get any risk, I this plan can make no money to spend there won't be any special circumstances Collins. I this plan is can evade any risk plan 3.2 Changes made during project compared to original cation plan In order to make the plan is better, I did some optimization scheme.Buying or selling a homeIn the beginning of my plan, I'd like to suggest a house to buy mortgages. Collins house, but Collins is more than 70 years old, so it's best to let they don't have any loans, so if they sell a house, with the money earned bought the house can be a good way to help they don't have any loans. And then they can to nursing homes. When they buy a house should use the names of the children, it can avoid the estate tax-which they children a gift.Adjust customer combinationCollins have a checking account, capital bonds, debentures, bonds and 10% i asa treasury shares 2014, to adjust interest rates according to my portfolio Collins. I decided to check accounts and bond premium. Checking account and the bond interest rate of 0%, it has no profit Collins. But in the end I found through my capital bonds and bonds is of no use Collins. This is a better use of money to invest in other high interest rate, and some combination does not fit my two-year financial plan. So I decided to reduce the fourth results.Real estate 310,000 10,000As can be seen by comparing, asset decrease in total, this is because the Corinth financial plans don't earn much money, the purpose is to avoid the Corinth financial planning inheritance, so most assets into gold, charity, investment and insurance,We have reason to believe, they follow my plan to let them get their desired effectIn short, this is a feasible and effective financial plan,Sincerely hope Mr and Mrs Collins achieve the financial goals in future.4. ConclusionsFinancial plan design is a two-year plan before I carried out a series of studies, observational studies, and retrieve information from the Internet, looking for information books, surveys, and some of the strategic report on the financial analysis and risk analysis. Timescalse also report on the mission planning of this project. In the case of this report examines the factors of development, clear Collins needs for the needs of customers continue to report and planning. Understand their requirements, I have done a comprehensive analysis of background information on the couple and their family members and the collection of relevant data. Later, I came up with a complete blueprint for complex financial plan, after a week to consider the plan proposed the name of the customer to buy a house, their daughter, rather than buy their own homes so as not to inherit the house. Directional contour generation, focused on providing financial products. There is no doubt, I chose the most famous parts of the world's financial institutions such as Royal Bank of Scotland, HBOS, legal and general and sincere. , The choice of financial products, the benefit-needs analysis, ratio analysis and financial analysis of the specific numbers are involved. Later, I did a lot reference to genetic information and related tax provisions of exemption followed to improve the core strategy to address the inheritance tax. Finally, I suggest that Collins will continue to drink we keep in touch, according to the changing environment to constantly adjust the financial plan.Encountered in a timely manner to address and adjust.。
