毕马威面试 案例分析case-2017
![毕马威面试 案例分析case-2017](
Case1:a. 我抽到的case是一个关于一家名为bifood的食品行业的龙头企业,主要是一个餐厅形式,旗下有三个比较知名的品牌,主要的case是讲了这个公司将会加强一个加盟店的形式,然后要拆分中国市场,把中国市场作为一个独立的市场进行战略规划,还有一些关于这个公司现有战略,和未来战略的一个介绍,case的最后有一个财务报告,然后我抽到的问题里面包含了四个主要问题:第一个是对这个公司进行一个swot分析,第二个是简述一下这个公司加强加盟许可与拆分中国市场的利弊,第三个是简要阐述一下这个公司的现有战略好不好,其实这个问题我觉得和第二个有点类似,因为整个case花了很大篇幅来讲加盟许可,和中国市场的一个分离,也可以结合他对未来的一个战略和财务数据做一下分析。
b. 我的案例是Bifoods Group,全球最长寿且最大的快餐连锁巨头,然后超级厉害,多少个国家,多少个店铺之类的,年收入15B,主要产品是Hot Chicken,pizza,印度风味食品。
Audrey TaylorWestern Washington University简介人物介绍:亨利·泰勒(Henry Taylor)——公司创始人、萨莫·泰勒(SummerTaylor)的父亲玛丽·泰勒(Marie Taylor)——创始人的妻子、萨莫·泰勒的母亲萨莫·泰勒——公司总裁爱德华·史密斯(Edward Smith)——研究开发部主任克莉丝·凯莉(Chris Kelly)——生产部主任蒙哥马利·布拉德福德(Montgomery Bradford)——负责营销的副总裁乔什瓦·西尔斯(Joshua Sears)——总会计师泰勒的减肥器械公司(Reduction Improvement Machines Inc.,TRIM)生产运动器械。
Swot Analysis
Mounting inflation and a swelling scale has been weakening its integral controllability. Besides, continuous large scale of financing will dilute the funder’s shareholding. Moreover, 5 years of low profits operation is in contradiction to the great business scale. So far, 360Buy’s wide sales scale has largely depended on lower pricing. However, since 3C commodities are in a high standardization level, but charged of an open and transparent price, the gross profit rate is fairly low.
In 3C business, Gome and Suning has joined hands for price controlling pointing against 360Buy’s low price. In book market, and Joyo Amazon has associated for strategic compression. Since 360Buy is still in early days of growth, a premature and chaotic strategy for diversification will weaken its core competitiveness and make enemies. The corporation should deeply revise its management pattern, other than in a hurry for the price war.
CaseStarbucks营销案例Market Research Case Study - Starbucks' Entry intoChinaThe Fine Art of Market Entry - Coffee for Tea-Drinking China Starbucks has developed an internationalization strategy to enable the company to open stores and franchises in countries across the globe. Market research is at the core of many of the market entry strategies Starbucks is employing. This case study will consider how market research has strengthened Starbucks entry into the Chinese markets.Starbucks articulated an entry strategy that would address the dominant Chinese markets and that was designed to be as inoffensive with respect to the Chinese culture as possible. Instead of taking the conventional approach with advertising and promotions - which could have been seen by potential Chinese consumers as attacking their culture of drinkingtea-they positioned stores in high-traffic and high visibility locations. Moreover, Starbucks very deliberately began to bridge the gap between the tea drinking culture and the coffee drinking culture by introducing beverages in the Chinese stores that included local tea-based ingredients.Market research supported the development of Starbucks' competitive internationalization strategy. The overarching competitive strategy was to create an aspirational brand. Prospective Starbucks customers in China could look forward to what Starbucks refers toas The Third Place experience. The Starbucks experience conveys status that is highly appealing to those aspiring to Western standards or to climbing the ladder in their own culture.Market research indicates that brand consistency is important to Starbucks' customers. When Starbucks opens a new store in an emerging market like China, the best baristas are sent for the launch and to conduct training of the baristas who will carry on when once the launch has completed.Market Research Addresses the Emerging Market Political EnvironmentMarket research helped to identify the attributes of capitalism in the Peoples' Republic of China (PRC). The middle class in China has rapidly accepted Western standards as an acceptable standard of the bourgeois class. Moreover, Chinese consumers accept purchases of luxury goods as a means to pursuing quality lifestyles, and no longer consider it to be decadent or indicative of a lack of a nationalistic orientation. Capitalism in The Peoples' Republic of China supports the status conscious population that manifests its interest in keeping up with the Jones' through excessive luxury consumption.The Chinese government's support of luxury consumption is particularly apparent in certain cities in China. The second-tier city of Chengdu serves as a market research case study in Chinese governmental support of capitalism. Chengdu promotes capitalism at a levelevidenced by the presence of stores like Louis Vuitton and Cartier in its downtown. According to Chengdu Retail Industry Association, stores selling 80 percent of international luxury brands are located in Chengdu, and the city ranks just third in luxury sales after Beijing and Shanghai. It is easy to see how this national orientation toward luxury goods extends to the Starbucks brand, which is characterized by a certain degree of exclusivity.Market Research Reveals Attributes of Emerging Market Legal EnvironmentIt is essential to understand the intellectual property rights laws and licensing issues when planning market entry in an emerging market. Starbucks has used intellectual protection laws to prevent its business model and brand from being illegally copied in China. Four years after opening its first café in China - in 1999 - Starbucks had registered all its major trademarks in China. A number of Chinese businesses have overstepped legal bounds in their efforts to mimic the successful Starbucks model.The organization and structure of Starbucks' global operations was informed by market research. The organizational strategies employed by Starbucks were derived from Starbucks' experiences in other emerging markets supported an early recognition that China is not one homogeneous market. The organizational strategies employed by Starbucks addressed the many Chinese markets. The culture dominant in northern China differs radically from the culture in the eastern parts of China, as reflected in the differences in consumer spending power inland which is considerably lower than the spending power in in coastal cities. The complexity of the Chinese markets led to regional partnerships to aid in Starbucks' plans for expansion in China; the partnerships provided consumer insight into Chinese tastes and preferences that helped Starbucks localize to the diverse markets.Northern China - joint venture with Beijing Mei Da coffee companyEastern China - partnered with Taiwan-based Uni-President Southern China - worked with Maxim's Caterers in Hong KongStarbucks' competitive advantage is built on product, service,and brand attributes, many of which have been shown through market research to be important to Starbucks' customers. Western brands have an advantage over local Chinese brands because of a commonly accepted reputation for consistently higher quality products and services, a factor that establishes the Western brands as premium brands in the minds of consumers. When Western brands attempt to increase market share by cutting prices, they erode the very competitive strategy that gives them an edge in consumer perceptions. Moreover, Western brands cannot effectively maintain a lower pricing strategy than local Chinese brands. Maintain brand integrity in new markets. Starbucks' global brand is valuable and maintaining brand integrity is a fundamental focus in Starbucks' internationalization efforts. The baristas in China acted as brand ambassadors to help embed the Starbucks culture in the new market and ensure that high standards for customer service and product quality are maintained at each new and established local store.Starbucks' ability to address changing markets is honed by effective and ongoing market research. Establishing and maintaining a global Starbucks brand does not mean having a global platform or uniform global products. Starbucks marketing strategy in China was based on customization in response to diverse Chinese consumer target segmentation. Starbucks created extensive consumer taste profile analyses that are sufficiently agile to enable them to change with the market and to create an attractive East meets West product mix. Moreover, the localization effort is sufficiently flexible to permit each store to have the flexibility to choose from a wide beverage portfolio.Questions:1. Please use PETS to assess the China market potential forStarbucks2. Please explore the different market entrance options, and choose the best one forStarbucks.3. Please use STP tool to incept a China marketing strategy for Starbucks4. Please implement the China marketing strategy through a detailed plan of product,placement, price and promotion for Starbucks.。
Situation Analysis
Markets Analysis
Market Selection
natural beauty&care market by 2014 estimated by Kline Group
Cosmetics Industry Analysis
E. Strategy
Let’s welcome the Herborist’s chief marketing officer
◆Shanghai Jahwa company was founded back to 1889 and it's the largest domestic company for personal and household care products. ◆Established in1998, distinguished itself by using traditional Chinese herbal principles, targeted at high-end personal care with mid-high prices.
Natural cosmetic products are better
Organic cosmetics worth paying more 40% 33%
See it a nice cake and want Asia-Pacific 63% to have a share
globally 50%
Sephora has stores all over the world The increasing popularity of the Chinese culture The increasing desire for natural and organic products The cosmetics industry is still growing
Volume Rate in the Market
Amount of money earned in the market
100.00% 90.00% 80.00% 70.00% 60.00% 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00%
22 new stock-
keeping units has
emerged in 2008 and
2009. The whole
market is short of
which decreases the
bargaining power.
Paramount has a lot of advantages in the competition. Paramount has occupied a great status and has become a respected brand in the industry. Goal: Improve the competitive advantage and strengthen the best place in market.
A niche product position or a mainstream product position?
selling point).
Clean Edge
Question raising
Cleanof Paramount which is expected to be an innovation leader.
Clean Edge is faced with the fierce competition from other corporations.
Niche or Mainstream?
Question Rising
Case Analysis
Alternative Plans
Plan Implementation
Paramount is a global consumer products giant whose corporate divisions included Health, Cleaning, Beauty and Grooming. Paramount entered the nondisposable razor market in 1962 and quickly became a respected brand in the industry.
Starbucks毕马威复赛案例StarbucksProduct and pricing decisionsON THE JOB:FACING A BUSINESS CHALLENGE AT STARBUCKSBrewing Up Success NationwideHave you had your coffee yet today?If so,did you open a can of Folgers and brew it yourself,or did you hand $2 to a barista and ask for a "single tall skinny mocha no whip with extra cocoa"?More and more coffee drinkers are getting their daily dose of java from Starbucks Coffee Company. Founded in 1971,Starbucks originally sold its trademark dark-roasted coffee beans in a few Seattle stores. But everything changed when current chairman and CEO Howard Schultz took over in 1987. Schultz envisioned selling gourmet coffee beverages in hip neighborhood coffee bars like the ones he saw on every corner while vacationing in Italy. He wanted Starbucks to be a meeting place where people could exchange ideas and escape from everyday hassles. And from day one he wanted to go national.Schultz focused on building a competitive advantage through a loyal,well-trained labor force that delivers consistently superior products and service. He also fostered a company commitment to employer responsibility,environmental stewardship,passion for coffee,and integrity in customer relations. His efforts paid off. In a decade,Starbucks grew to over 1,100 stores in 22 states and 3 foreign countries. In the United States,Starbucks literally changed the defi1ition of "a good cup of coffee." Loyal customers are described as "religious" about the product. In fact,Starbucks is so highly regarded that the company is leveraging its reputation with brand extensions. Bottled coffee beverages,ice cream,music CDs,and a coffee-laced beer now bear the Starbucks logo and are available on grocery store shelves. In addition,the company receives hundreds of joint venture proposals for new products every week.But even though the success of Schultz's vision has led to unprecedented opportunities,it has also created new challenges. Rapid expansion has led some consumers to view Starbucks as a corporate villain that rides into town,throws down a lump of cash to get the best locations,and then drives the local cafes out of business. Locals fear that a Starbucks on the corner means the loss of a community's unique character. Brand extensions also raise new concerns;Although initial products have proven successful,they run the risk of diluting Starbucks' core identity as a premium coffee company. The company also faces the challenge of keeping quality consistent as the company continues to grow. Starbucks sets customers‘expectations high,and it must continue to meet those expectations to stay ahead of new competitors that enter the market almost daily.These concerns weighed heavily on the minds of Schultz's marketing team as Starbucks celebrated its twenty-fifth birthday. Team members were developing a new marketing strategy that they hoped would establish Starbucks' image and assure its future success nationwide. If you were on that team,what would you do to maintain Starbucks' leadership position?How would you evaluate the potential of new products?How would you define your target markets?What image would you want consumers to have of Starbucks,and how would you maintain that image as the company continues to grow?On the Job:Meeting Business Challenges at StarbucksStarbucks entered its twenty-sixth year as the uncontested leader of the gourmet coffee market. The company had already experienced incredible growth,with sales approaching $700million in 1996,and Schultz had plans to continue expanding,opening almost 900 new stores over the next several years. But the coming years would undoubtedly prove challenging. Competitors like The Second Cup,Seattle's Best Coffee,and Barnie's had expansion plans of their own. And many companies imitated Schultz's formula for success with the hope of beating Starbucks at its own game. The Starbucks marketing team had to be savvy to stay on top.The team began by extensively researching both competitors' and Starbucks' stores. They brought in hidden cameras to document how well the employees knew their coffee,and they asked customers how they felt about theproducts,atmosphere,service,and coffee. The insights they gained became the foundation of their strategy.As with all good marketing strategies,the heart of the plan was a vision of how they wanted to position Starbucks in the coffee market. In addition to remaining the quality leader,they wanted Starbucks stores to appear more like local cafes than a national chain and more like a sanctuary from daily stresses than just a take-out coffee store. Other goals included boosting stagnant sales in older stores,establishing a central focus for all Starbucks products,and developing national advertising that would convey a consistent image. Achieving these objectives required making changes in products,distribution,and promotion.'Over the years,Starbucks core products,coffee beans and beverages,had already undergone changes to meet customerpreferences. But some merchandise,such as mugs and coffee makers,had been left untouched. Now new merchandise was planned for all stores. In addition,new food items were offered to attract customers throughout the day (because half the day's sales were typically made during the morning hours)。
STARBUCKSFROM Group6:房天仪,张思晗,何慧华Starbucks Corporation is an international coffee and coffeehouse chain based in Seattle, Washington, which opened its first store in 1971. The name comes from a classic American novel about the 19th century whaling industry. The seafaring name seems appropriate for a store that imports the world’s finest coffees to the cold, thirsty people of Seattle. Then, Starbucks expands beyond Seattle, first to the rest of the United States, then the entire world in 1990s. Starbucks entered China market in 1998 with the opening of its first store in Taipei, Taiwan. Since then, there are more than 750 Starbucks locations throughout China, including HongKong, Macao and Taiwan. With such a fast expanding speed (shown in the below graph), what makes Starbucks so successful? From our point of view, it lies in its strategies.Performance Comparison GraphFirst of all, what is strategy? According to the paper written by Michael E. Porter, strategy is the creation of a unique and valuable position, involving a different set of activities. Competitive strategy is about being different and choosing a different strategic positioning. From Porter’s view, there are three types of strategic positionings------variety-based positioning, needs-based positioning and access-based positioning. As to Starbucks, mainly on the basis of needs-based positioning, it effectively combines the other two strategic positionings.Needs-based positioning means serving most or all the needs of a particular group of customers. Just like the mission stated in its website, Starbucks is going to inspire and nurture the human spirit------one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time. They are geared to the needs of customers, and try to satisfy every customer even some potential customers who may just pass by.As is shown in their 10-K report in 2011 to the SEC, Starbucks has always believed thateffective innovation is about responding to, predicting and creating customers’ needs while staying true to their core values. Starbucks is dedicated to providing each customer a unique Starbucks Experience. The Starbucks Experience is built upon superior customer services as well as clean and well-maintained company-operated stores that reflect the personalities of the communities in which they operate, thereby building a high degree of customer loyalty.Firstly, what we want to say is its quality. Starbucks is passionate about ethically sourcing the finest coffee beans, roasting them with great care. According to their Form 10-K report to the SEC, to ensure compliance with their rigorous coffee standards, they control coffee purchasing, roasting and packaging, and the global distribution of coffee used in their operations. They purchase green coffee beans from multiple coffee-producing regions around the world and custom roast them to their exacting standards, for their many blends and single origin coffees. This king of high quality meets the demand of some specific customers who have a high request for the quality of the coffee. And there are few coffee stores can achieve such standard. From STARBUCKS CORPORATION Form 10-K for the Fiscal Year 2011, beverages account for most of Starbucks’ retail sales, as well as whole bean and soluble coffees also for a small part, which indicates its good performance of its coffee’s quality.Secondly, their considerate service and convenience is also of great importance. People have consumer packaged goods including both domestic and international sales of packaged coffee and tea to grocery and warehouse club stores. They can have breaks from the worries outside, so Starbucks have stores where you can meet with friends, enjoying the elegant environment intimate services, like the heat insulation paper and a variety of tables and chairs giving you a different mood. According to their Form 10-K report to the SEC in 2011, their mainly competitors are quick-service restaurants and specialty coffee shops. However, the combination of different kinds of service makes Starbucks an obvious advantage compared to them, as well as customers’ loyalty.Thirdly, Starbucks as a multinational corporation, their branch stores in different countries have their special products to meet local people’s demands. T ake their Chinese branch stores as an example, in order to gain a larger share in Chinese market, Starbucks has to work out plans to develop new products to cater to the consumer demands for Chinese and some traditional Chinese festivals. For instance, they combine Chinese tea to western coffee tocreate a wonderful flavor popular to both Chinese and westerners. What’s more, they also have Chinese Zongzi (traditional Chinese rice-pudding) on Dragon Boat Festival and Mooncakes on Mid-autumn Festival. All of these can measure their needs-based positioning.Besides the needs-based positioning, Starbucks also uses variety-based positioning. According to the Porter’s paper, variety-based positioning is based on the choice of products or service varieties, which makes economic sense when a company can best produce particular products or services using distinctive sets of activities. When it comes to Starbucks, although they have some other products to meet different demands of customers, they are still dedicated to providing high-quality green coffee, which is their most important business and they have a perfect coffee production chain.What’s more, Starbucks also uses the access-based positioning, which means having a different set of activities to reach customers in the best way. And this can be measured as follows. As is shown in the Form 10-K report to the SEC in 2011, Starbucks has both company-operated stores and licensed stores to make more people have access to its products. What we can know from the Investors section on Starbucks website and the Form 10-K report to the SEC in 2011, Starbucks has 10787 US stores and 6212 international stores, and licensed stores are accounted for nearly 50%. They vary the size and format of their stores, which allows them in or near a variety of settings, including downtown and suburban retail centers, office buildings, universities, campuses and in select rural and off-highway locations. And to provide a greater degree of access and convenience for non-pedestrian customers, they continue to selectively expand development of drive-thru retail stores. In addition, they also sell products in some supermarkets and shopping mall which makes Starbucks easier to reach more customers.Last but not least, according to The Social Responsibility section of Starbucks website, they are aimed to be a responsible company, which makes them gain a very good reputation. And we’re sure that this strategy is especially important in today’s China, of course, and many other countries. Starbucks makes every effort to have a positive impact on the communities they serve. They hold the view that every store is part of community and they take their responsibility to be good neighbors seriously. Besides, they’re committed to offering high-quality, ethically purchased and responsibility produced products by using ethical sourcing. What’s more, they try to minimize their environmental footprint, protecting the environment. In addition, they promise to have global responsibility report which is beneficial to the investors, society and some other shareholders.To sum up, Starbucks not only has a sustainable strategic position, but also has the fitamong their operating activities. All of these have substantially reduced their cost and increased their differentiation, making Starbucks a big success.We have talked about the strategy and the measurement of these strategies. Then we use the Porter's Five Forces Model to measure the force of this strategy.➢Bargaining power of suppliers:As having superior brand advantage, Starbucks suppliers benefit from a good brand. Long-term cooperation with Starbucks will enhance the reputation of the supplier, they may receive more orders. On the other hand, there are a plenty of Coffee bean suppliers in the that it’s easy for Starbucks to buy the best coffee beans in the world. So, for Starbucks, supplier's bargaining power is relatively weak.➢Bargaining power of buyers of customersBesides coffee market competition is intense, the world's coffee brand quality is also very good. Buyers’ choices are very big, so for Starbucks buyers bargaining power is relatively strong. In order to make up for the defect, as we said before, Starbucks cultivate loyal customers. According to Starbucks experience, walking into Starbucks customers can not only enjoy the delicious coffee, there will be a kind of very relaxed feeling. It is this high quality products and satisfactory service of Starbucks that making it to have a big share in the international coffee market.➢the threat of new entrants for an industryAlthough more and more famous coffee brands come up in the world, the consumers to choose coffee pay more attention to brand, so the industry barriers to entry is high.➢the threat of substitute productsThere are substitutes for coffee such as fruit juice, milk, soda, and tea, and so on. But because of Starbucks coffee can provide the experience, to provide customers leisure places. More importantly, in today’s china, Starbucks is luxury consumption for a small group of people, rather than the general public. So this power is weak too.➢the intensity of competitive rivalryAs we mentioned above, there are plentiful society competitors. It’s obvious that this competition is fierce. But as the same to the second point, Starbucks try to use its strategy to solve this problem.According to Porter's Five Forces Model, it’s easy for us to find out that the strategy of Starbucks is effective. However, more and more coffee brands pay attention to the customer experience, it’s essential for Starbucks to achieve strategic continuity.。
毕马威商业案例分析篇一:KPMG无领导小组商量案例Case 4: NSM-North Sports MotorCase 内容:版本1:中国最大汽车制造商进入印度,进入高端汽车市场,可是遇到了质量和平安的问题。
版本2:我的case是个叫North Sports Motor的中国公司,在中国进展的不错,主打价格低廉的SUV,市场份额很高,公司在进军国际市场的初期还顺当,但品牌口碑并不好,产品平安问题,设计抄袭问题层出不穷。
现在公司要进行品牌的转型,给大家一个平安可靠的品牌感觉版本4:NMS是个中国的汽车生产商,,主打产品是SUV 和light vans 啥的,它的SUV在中国市场排名第一。
但是这个公司最近遇到了许多负面问题,后面第三页有写具体是那些负面问题,一个是被意大利的一个企业告他侵权,另一个是澳大利亚发觉他的toxic chemical不合格,然后发觉他的safety and health standard 低于澳大利亚的市场标准,被召回啥的。
还有就是它的发动机太小,然后性能也不太好,售后做的也不太好,消费者有许多complaint 。
它的reputation是:sellable but unsafety , 为了扭转现状,公司制定了新战略,即“quality,safety and reliability”版本5:以前这个car manufacturer进展很好,SUV销售量始终不错,后来消失质量上的问题。
分了三个region 说问题,一个是poor quality,一个是copyright的问题,还有一个是没有达到health and safety的standard,之后说这个公司准备转型进入luxury market神马神马的。
华东交通大学2014-2015学年第一学期《管理学》期末考试案例分析报告学院国际学院班级 ACCA(3)班姓名肖丽洒学号20141211030319成绩2015年 1 月 3 日毕马威的案例分析毕马威中国在北京、成都、重庆、佛山、福州、广州、杭州、南京、青岛、上海、沈阳、深圳、天津、厦门、香港特别行政区和澳门特别行政区共设有十六家机构 (包括毕马威企业咨询 (中国) 有限公司) ,专业人员约9,000名。
中国市场对毕马威来说是一个具有巨大潜力的市场毕马威在国际上颇具威望例如:OpRisk & Compliance 评选为2009年咨询服务排名第二- 表扬毕马威在风险管理此方面的经验。
《国际税务评论》亚洲税务奖项- 表扬毕马威全球转让定价服务的卓越表现。
2008年度房地产税务咨询服务最佳事务所- 表扬毕马威的房地产税务咨询服务深厚的本土知识和跨地域经验。
一、背景概述:(一) 行业背景:美国咖啡行业市场规模巨大。
(二) 公司历史:1992年,Keurig 公司成立,创始人为Ian Greenwood 和Peter Dragone ;1994年,Food Fund 小规模投资Keurig ,Keurig 用资金来制造咖啡机模型,与绿 山成为合作伙伴。
1995年4月,MDT 和FOOD FUND 成为主要投资方,占45%的股份; 1995夏末,Greenwood 辞去CEO ,成为首席工程师,Dragone 接任CEO;1996初,MDT 和FOOD FUND 扩大资产份额至58%;Sweeney 任首席工程师,Greenwood 为研发员;1996年6月,辞退Greenwood ;1996年12月, MDT 和FOOD FUND 扩大份额至75%;1997年2月,Nicholas Lazaris 成为新CEO ;新的管理团队建立。
1998年,与包装线生产设备供应商MTS 和咖啡机供应商Vandelay 发生矛盾,生产线的开拓以及咖啡机的投入出现问题。
(三) 公司主要产品:K-cup ,咖啡机。
K-cup :单杯咖啡包装杯子。
K-cup 具有抗氧化,防潮,方便冲泡,品种多样的特点。
咖啡机:与K-cup 配套,形成一个单杯咖啡冲泡系统。
咖啡机具有使用方便,准备时间短,冲泡时间短(30s ),低损耗,易清洁的特点。
二、 形势分析:(一)外部宏观环境分析:1. 咖啡行业呈现单杯咖啡消费,优质咖啡消费以及多品种咖啡消费的发展趋势。
employees (average of five giants); the companies in the industry need a world-wide management system. • Market barriers: Some giants in the industry like H&M and Inditex cause fierce competition.
3 Marketing Analysis
Branding Decision
• More than selling clothes but prompting a unique lifestyle.
Brand Diversification
Percentage of Sales(2011)
Rest of Europe 103.9(+10.7%)
103.9(+6.6%) Rest of the world
Market Targeting
Customer Targeting
Geographic Targeting
• Advertisements cause dispute. • Without a thorough understanding of the
Paramount lacks the experience on segment of Super-Premium Paramount has a limited capital budget Paramount has lower market share than Prince
The analysis of Five Powers Model
Bargaining Power of Customers Bargaining Power of Suppliers
Background Analysis of problems Analysis of strategies Strategy selection Specific plan
The analysis of competitors-2
Media Advertising Expenditures($in millions)
35 30 25
Analysis of problems Analysis of strategies Strategy selection Specific plan
Background Analysis of problems Analysis of strategies Strategy selection
Paramount has a long history and good reputation Paramount has abundant experience on the segment of Moderate and Value Paramount owns the most advanced technology
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StarbucksProduct and pricing decisionsON THE JOB:FACING A BUSINESS CHALLENGE AT STARBUCKSBrewing Up Success NationwideHave you had your coffee yet today?If so,did you open a can of Folgers and brew it yourself,or did you hand $2 to a barista and ask for a "single tall skinny mocha no whip with extra cocoa"?More and more coffee drinkers are getting their daily dose of java from Starbucks Coffee Company. Founded in 1971,Starbucks originally sold its trademark dark-roasted coffee beans in a few Seattle stores. But everything changed when current chairman and CEO Howard Schultz took over in 1987. Schultz envisioned selling gourmet coffee beverages in hip neighborhood coffee bars like the ones he saw on every corner while vacationing in Italy. He wanted Starbucks to be a meeting place where people could exchange ideas and escape from everyday hassles. And from day one he wanted to go national.Schultz focused on building a competitive advantage through a loyal,well-trained labor force that delivers consistently superior products and service. He also fostered a company commitment to employer responsibility,environmental stewardship,passion for coffee,and integrity in customer relations. His efforts paid off. In a decade,Starbucks grew to over 1,100 stores in 22 states and 3 foreign countries. In the United States,Starbucks literally changed the defi1ition of "a good cup of coffee." Loyal customers are described as "religious" about the product. In fact,Starbucks is so highly regarded that the company is leveraging its reputation with brand extensions. Bottled coffee beverages,ice cream,music CDs,and a coffee-laced beer now bear the Starbucks logo and are available on grocery store shelves. In addition,the company receives hundreds of joint venture proposals for new products every week.But even though the success of Schultz's vision has led to unprecedented opportunities,it has also created new challenges. Rapid expansion has led some consumers to view Starbucks as a corporate villain that rides into town,throws down a lump of cash to get the best locations,and then drives the local cafes out of business. Locals fear that a Starbucks on the corner means the loss of a community's unique character. Brand extensions also raise new concerns;Although initial products have proven successful,they run the risk of diluting Starbucks' core identity as a premium coffee company. The company also faces the challenge of keeping quality consistent as the company continues to grow. Starbucks sets customers‘ expectations high,and it must continue to meet those expectations to stay ahead of new competitors that enter the market almost daily.These concerns weighed heavily on the minds of Schultz's marketing team as Starbucks celebrated its twenty-fifth birthday. Team members were developing a new marketing strategy that they hoped would establish Starbucks' image and assure its future success nationwide. If you were on that team,what would you do to maintain Starbucks' leadership position?How would you evaluate the potential of new products?How would you define your target markets?What image would you want consumers to have of Starbucks,and how would you maintain that image as the company continues to grow?On the Job:Meeting Business Challenges at StarbucksStarbucks entered its twenty-sixth year as the uncontested leader of the gourmet coffee market. The company had already experienced incredible growth,with sales approaching $700million in 1996,and Schultz had plans to continue expanding,opening almost 900 new stores over the next several years. But the coming years would undoubtedly prove challenging. Competitors like The Second Cup,Seattle's Best Coffee,and Barnie's had expansion plans of their own. And many companies imitated Schultz's formula for success with the hope of beating Starbucks at its own game. The Starbucks marketing team had to be savvy to stay on top.The team began by extensively researching both competitors' and Starbucks' stores. They brought in hidden cameras to document how well the employees knew their coffee,and they asked customers how they felt about the products,atmosphere,service,and coffee. The insights they gained became the foundation of their strategy.As with all good marketing strategies,the heart of the plan was a vision of how they wanted to position Starbucks in the coffee market. In addition to remaining the quality leader,they wanted Starbucks stores to appear more like local cafes than a national chain and more like a sanctuary from daily stresses than just a take-out coffee store. Other goals included boosting stagnant sales in older stores,establishing a central focus for all Starbucks products,and developing national advertising that would convey a consistent image. Achieving these objectives required making changes in products,distribution,and promotion.'Over the years,Starbucks core products,coffee beans and beverages,had already undergone changes to meet customer preferences. But some merchandise,such as mugs and coffee makers,had been left untouched. Now new merchandise was planned for all stores. In addition,new food items were offered to attract customers throughout the day (because half the day's sales were typically made during the morning hours)。