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 第9卷 第3期有色金属工程Vol.9,No.3 2 0 1 9年3月Nonferrous Metals EngineeringMarch 2019doi:10.3969/j.issn.2095-1744.2019.03.011


苏向东1,丁元法2,秦庆东1,吴海文3,李其贵3,李国乾3,李丹宁2,罗 源1,彭梯礼3(1.贵州理工学院贵州省轻金属材料制备技术重点实验室,贵阳550003;



摘 要:针对传统氧化铝晶种分解工艺长期采用全混合分解强力搅拌物料的技术路线,分析了当前国内外晶种分解工艺技术与装备能耗高、投入大的原因。通过研究晶种分解动力学与流体力学模拟计算,提出了氧化铝晶种分解过程中可以减弱搅拌强度,简化装备结构,从而实现节能降耗,节省投资的新路径。开发出微扰动平推流氧化铝晶种分解新技术及其装备,并应用于工业生产。结果与传统分解槽相比生产过程平均节能42.5%;分解槽运行周期平均延长2.5个月;底部结疤高度由2.5m降为0.5m;



中图分类号:TG146.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-1744(2019)03-0062-07

Research and Practical Application of Micro-perturbation Flat-flowing

Alumina Seed Crystal Decomposition Technology

SU Xiangdong1,DING Yuanfa2,QIN Qingdong1,WU Haiwen3,LI Qigui 3,LI Guoqian3,

LI Danning2,LUO Yuan1,PENG Tili 3

(1.Key Laboratory of Light Metal Materials Processing Technology of Guizhou Province,Guizhou Institute of Technology,Guiyang 550003,China;2.Guizhou Academy of Sciences,Guizhou R &D Center on Modern Materials,Guiyang 550002,China;3.Aluminium Corporation of China,Beijing 100082,China)

Abstract:In a long term,overall-mixing decomposition and strong agitation mode is employed in the traditionalalumina seed crystal decomposition technology.In this paper,the causes of the high energy consumption and highinvestment cost of the seed crystal decomposition process technology and equipment at home and abroad are studied.By studying the decomposition kinetics of the seed crystal and the simulation of fluid mechanics,a new path isproposed to reduce the stirring strength and simplify the equipment structure during the decomposition process ofalumina seed crystals,thereby achieving energy saving and saving investment.Based on this new technique,a newalumina seed crystal decomposition technique and equipment referred to as“micro-perturbation flat-flowing”ispresented and applied in the industrial level,correspondingly.The results of industrial application showed that theaverage power saving rate of 42.5%could be reached compared with the traditional decomposition tank,and theequipment operation cycle was extended by 2.5months on average;the bottom crusting height within thedecomposition tank was reduced from 2.5to 0.5m;the output yield of particle size distribution were normal.micro-perturbation,push-pull flow;seed crystal decomposition;industrial application

Key words:alumina;micro-perturbation flat-flowing;seed crystal decomposition;industrial application



Fund:National Science and Technology Support Project(2013BAC15B00);Engineering Research Center of Guizhou Province(Qian Jiao HeKY[2017]021)



SU Xiangdong,DING Yuanfa,QIN Qingdong,et al.Investigation on the Micro-perturbation Flat-flowing Alumina Seed Crystal DecompositionTechnology and Its Practical Application[J].Nonferrous Metals Engineering,2019,9(3):62-68.
