最好的是不保护. 若需要保护,选择最容易上和脱的保护基,当几个保护基需要同时被除去时,用相同的保护基来保护不同的官能团是非常有效。
Ⅰ氨基酸的保护基(保护羧基)(一)叔丁基tBu - (tert-butyl) ester标准保护程序:在N-保护的氨基酸的溶液中,加入DMAP(0.5当量)和叔丁醇(1.2当量)在干燥的DCM (DCM是一氧化二碳?),0℃在惰性气氛下,加入EDCI(1.1当量),并搅拌2小时。
(二)苄基Bn - (benzyl) ester标准保护程序:氨基酸在惰性气氛下搅拌用无水THF和O的苄基N,N'-diisopropylisourea(见文献进行合成)在室温下,直到完成通过TLC(通常为2天)。
1.4.1 烯丙氧羰基的引入示例
1.4.2 烯丙氧羰基的脱去
Alloc保护基对酸、碱等都有较强的稳定性,它们通常只用 Pd(0),如Pd(PPh3)4或Pd(PPh3)2Cl2存在的条件去保护。
在异戊烯酯或肉桂酸酯存在下,可用Pd(OAc)2/TPPT /CH3CN/Et3N/H2O去保护,但随时间的增加,这些酯也会 反应,并且氨基甲酸异戊烯酯和烯丙基碳酸酯同样被断裂。
甲(或乙)氧羰基同前面提到的各种烷氧羰基不同,它对 一般的酸、碱和氢解等都很稳定,在它的存在下,Cbz、 Boc和苄基等可选择性去保护。
同Cbz、Fmoc 和Alloc的引入方法类似,用甲(或乙)氧 羰酰氯在有机溶剂/Na2CO3、NaHCO3或有机碱同氨基化 合物反应则可得到甲(或乙)氧羰基保护的氨基衍生物。
2.1.1 邻苯二甲酰基的引入
邻苯二甲酰基的引入 最先导入Pht基: 的方法是将邻苯二甲酸酐同氨基酸在145-150℃
进行熔融反应,但会引起一些氨基酸部分消旋作用,因而后来又 进行了一些改进,如邻苯二甲酸酐/CHCl3/70℃下反应。而最温 和的方法(见下式)是N-乙氧羰基邻苯二甲酰亚胺与氨基酸在 Na2CO3水溶液中于25℃反应10-15分钟,就可以得到85-95%的 Pht-氨基衍生物,并且可在仲胺的存在时选择性地保护伯胺。
对水较为敏感的氨基衍生物,采用Boc2O/TEA/MeOH or DMF 在40-50℃下进行较好。有空间位阻的氨基酸而言, 用Boc2O/Me4NOH.5H2O/CH3CN是十分有利的。
1.2.2 叔丁氧羰基的引入示例(一)
1.2.3 叔丁氧羰基的脱去
1. 脂肪酰氯法。
2. 丙二酰亚胺法。
3. 三氯甲烷法。
4. 肟醚法。
Monatsh. Chem., 1997, 128( 6-7), 725-732
ON H WO2004092166
1.1.4 苄氧羰基的脱去示例(二)
O OH Boc
NaHCO3, DMF (Fmoc-OSu) 78%
O FmocHN
OH Boc N
J. Or g. Chem., 2005, 68( 1), 195-197
1.3.3 笏甲氧羰基的脱去
Fmoc同前面提到的Cbz和Boc不同,它对酸稳定,较易通过简单的胺(而 不是水解)脱保护,被保护的胺以游离碱释出。Fmoc-ValOH在DMF中 用不同的胺碱去保护的快慢有较大的差异,20%的哌啶较快。Fmoc保 护基一般也能用浓氨水、二氧六环/4M NaOH(30:9:1)以及用哌啶、乙醇 胺、环己胺、吗啡啉、吡咯烷酮、DBU等胺类的50%CH2Cl2的溶液脱去。另 外,Bu4N+F-/DMF在室温的脱去效果也很好。叔胺(如三乙胺)的脱去效果
R2 N R1 Cbz
H2 Pd-C
CH3 +
N R1 R2
笏甲氧羰基的引入一般方法: 用笏甲醇在无水CH2Cl2中与过量的COCl2反应可以
Cbz N HBr N N H
化学合成部培训材料, 药明康德版权所有,
1.1.3 苄氧羰基的脱去示例(一)
O O HN O O O O H NHCbz O H O HCONH 4 O 10%Pd-C 98% HN O O O O H NH2 O O H O
Cbz-Cl R2 Base R1
R2 N Cbz
化学合成部培训材料, 药明康德版权所有,
1.1.1 苄氧羰基的引入示例
O OH NH 2 N H Br Cbz-Cl 10% aq. Na2 CO3, Et2 O 47.1% Br Tet rahedr on, 2002, 58( 39), 7851-7865 N H O OH O N H O
G N H Bo c
Boc N Base
化学合成部培训材料, 药明康德版权所有, 18
1.2.5 叔丁氧羰基的脱去
MeO OMe N Boc COOMe ZnBr2, CH2Cl2 NH COOMe MeO OMe
Synth. Commun.; 1989, 3139-3142.
+ RNH2.HCl
化学合成部培训材料, 药明康德版权所有,
1.2.3 叔丁氧羰基的脱去
一般选用酸性脱除: 用甲醇作溶剂,HCl/EtOAc的组合使 TBDMS和TBDPS酯以及叔丁酯和非酚类酯在Boc脱除时不 被断裂。当同时脱除分子中有叔丁酯基(可根据不同的酸性选 择性脱Boc)或分子中有游离羧酸基,千万记住不能用 HCl/MeOH,其可将羧酸变为甲酯。在Boc脱去过程中 TBDPS和TBDMS基相对是稳定的(在TBS存在,用稀一些 的10-20 %TFA)
➢ 中性条件TBSOTf/2.6-lutidine 的组合或ZnBr2/CH2Cl2 也可对BOC很好的脱除。如果底物对叔丁基碳正离子特 别敏感,也可以ZnBr2/CH2Cl2体系中加碳正离子清除剂
➢ 伯胺衍生物存在下, ZnBr2/CH2Cl2可以选择性的脱除仲
化学合成部培训材料, 药明康德版权所有,
4.酸解时产生的是叔丁基阳离子再分解为异丁烯,它一般不 会带来副反应;
苄氧羰基(Cbz) 、叔丁氧羰基(Boc) 、笏甲氧羰基(Fmoc) 、烯丙 氧羰基(Alloc) 、 三甲基硅乙氧羰基(Teoc) 、甲(或乙)氧羰基
U S 2 0 0 50 2 0 3 0 7 8
33% HBr EtOO C
AcO H, 91%
N H 2.H B r
H etero cycles, 2002, 58, 521
H 2, P dC l2
AcO Et
Br S
1.2.2 叔丁氧羰基的引入示例(一)
NaOH, t-BuOH, H2O 78%
Et3N 95%
DMAP, Et3N 83%
Bo c N
Boc N O
N Boc
H N Base G NHBoc Tetrahedron Lett.; 1995; 67-70
Boc N
H Bc o
Boc N
1.2.5 叔丁氧羰基的脱去
MeO OMe Boc
ZnBr2, C H 2C l2
S ynth. C om m un.; 1989, 3139-3142.
羟基保护方法总结保护醇类 ROH 的方法一般是制成醚类(ROR′) 或酯类(ROCOR′),前者对氧化剂或还原剂都有相当的稳定性。
1. 形成甲醚类 ROCH3可以用碱脱去醇ROH质子,再与合成子+CH3作用,如使用试剂NaH / Me2SO4。
也可先作成银盐 RO-Ag+ 并与碘甲烷反应,如使用 Ag2O / MeI;但对三级醇不宜使用这一方法。
醇类也可与重氮甲烷CH2N2,在Lewis酸(如BF3·Et2O)催化下形成甲醚.脱去甲基保护基,回复到醇类,通常使用Lewis酸,如BBr3及Me3SiI,也就是引用硬软酸碱原理(hard-soft acids and bases principle),使氧原子与硼或硅原子结合(较硬的共轭酸),而以溴离子或碘离子(较软的共轭碱)将甲基(较软的共轭酸)除去。
2. 形成叔丁基醚类 ROC(CH3)3醇与异丁烯在Lewis 酸催化下制备。
叔丁基为一巨大的取代基(bulky group),脱去时需用酸处理3. 形成苄醚 ROCH2Ph:制备时,使醇在强碱下与苄溴 (benzyl bromide)反应,通常以加氢反应或锂金属还原,使苄基脱除,并回复到醇类。
4. 形成三苯基甲醚 (ROCPh3)制备时,以三苯基氯甲烷在吡啶中与醇类作用,而以 4-二甲胺基吡啶(4-dimethyl aminopyridine, DMAP)为催化剂。
5. 形成甲氧基甲醚 ROCH2OCH3制备时,使用甲氧基氯甲烷与醇类作用,并以三级胺吸收生成的HCl。
7. 形成四氢吡喃 ROTHP制备时,使用二氢吡喃与醇类在酸催化下进行加成作用。
1. 醇保护基团醇保护基团是有机合成中最常用的保护基团之一。
2. 酰基保护基团酰基保护基团是保护羧酸的常用基团。
3. 氨基保护基团氨基保护基团常用于保护胺官能团。
4. 硅基保护基团硅基保护基团常用于保护醇和酚官能团。
要选择性去除保护基时,就只能采用不同种类的保护基(如一个Cbz保护的氨基可氢解除去,但对另一个Boc 保护的氨基则是稳定的)。
1. Cbz- 保护基应用范围:伯胺、仲胺、咪唑、吡咯、吲哚等引入条件:Cbz-Cl/Na2CO3/CHCl3/H2O脱去条件:H2/Pd-C,供氢体/Pd-C,BBr3/CH2Cl2 or TFA,HBr/HOAc等2. Boc- 保护基应用范围:伯胺、仲胺、咪唑、吡咯、吲哚等引入条件:Boc2O/NaOH/diox/H2O, Boc2O/ /MeOH, Boc2O/Me4NOH/CH3CN脱去条件:3MHCl/EtOAc, HCl/MeOH or diox, TosOH/THF-CH2Cl2, Me3SiI/CHCl3orCH3CN3. Fmoc-保护基应用范围:伯胺、仲胺等引入条件:Fmoc-Cl/NaHCO3,/diox/H2O脱去条件:20%哌啶/DMF,50%哌啶/CH2Cl2等4. Alloc-保护基应用范围:伯胺、仲胺、咪唑、吡咯、吲哚等引入条件:Aloc-Cl/Py脱去条件:Ni(CO)4/DMF/H2O; Pd(PPh3)4/Bu3SnH5. Teoc- 保护基应用范围:伯胺、仲胺、咪唑、吡咯、吲哚等引入条件:T eoc-Cl/碱/diox/H2O脱去条件:TBAF;TEAF6. 甲(乙)氧羰基- 保护基应用范围:伯胺、仲胺、咪唑、吡咯、吲哚等引入条件:ROCOCl/NaHCO3,/diox/H2O脱去条件:HBr/HOAc; Me3SiI; KOH/H2O/乙二醇7. Pht- 保护基应用范围:伯胺引入条件:邻苯二甲酸酐/CHCl3/70℃;邻苯二甲酰亚胺-NCO2Et/aq. Na2CO3脱去条件:H2NNH2/EtOH,NaBH4/i-PrOH-H2O(6:1)8. Tos- 保护基应用范围:伯胺、仲胺、咪唑、吡咯、吲哚等引入条件:T os-Cl/Et3N脱去条件:HBr/HOAc, 48%HBr/苯酚(cat)9. Tfa- 保护基应用范围:伯胺、仲胺、咪唑、吡咯、吲哚等引入条件:TFAA/Py; 苯二甲酰亚胺-NCO2CF3/CH2Cl2脱去条件:K2CO3/MeOH/H2O; NH3/MeOH; HCl/MeOH10. Trt- 保护基应用范围:伯胺、仲胺、咪唑、吡咯、吲哚等引入条件:Trt-Cl/Et3N脱去条件:HCl/MeOH, H2/Pd/EtOH, TFA/CH2Cl211.Dmb - 保护基应用范围:伯胺、仲胺、咪唑、吡咯、吲哚等引入条件:ArCHO/NaCNBH3/MeOH12. PMB- 保护基应用范围:伯胺、仲胺、咪唑、吡咯、吲哚等引入条件:PMB-Br/ K2CO3/CH3CN;PhCHO/NaCNBH3/MeOH脱去条件:HCO2H/Pd-C/MeOH; H2/Pd(OH)2/EtOH; TFA; CAN/ CH3CN13. Bn- 保护基应用范围:伯胺、仲胺、咪唑、吡咯、吲哚等引入条件:Bn-Br/Et3N or K2CO3/CH3CN;PhCHO/NaCNBH3/MeOH脱去条件:HCO2H/Pd-C/MeOH; H2/Pd(OH)2/EtOH; CCl3CH2OCOCl/CH3CN摘自:有机合成中的保护基欢迎加入“漫游药化交流10群”。
一、保护基团的种类及其应用1. 硅醚保护基团硅醚保护基团由于其稳定性和易去除性而在有机化学中得到广泛应用。
2. 酯保护基团酯保护基团可以保护羧酸和酮等官能团。
3. 酰基保护基团酰基保护基团可以保护胺基化合物中的氨基,常用的酰基保护基团有苯甲酰基(Boc)、三甲基乙酰基(TFA)、甲氧羰基(Fmoc)等。
2. 酯的去保护酯保护基团可以通过酸催化的水解或酸催化的醇ysis反应去除。
3. 酰基的去保护酰基保护基团可以通过使用酸或碱去保护试剂去除。
三、实例展示1. 硅醚保护例如,对于芳香醇类化合物,可以使用TMS作为保护基团,合成过程中保护羟基,避免其在反应中被氧化或其他官能团干扰。
氨基常用保护方法用化学方程式表示(最新版4篇)篇1 目录1.氨基保护的重要性2.常用氨基保护方法及其化学方程式2.1 对苯环硝化的同时保护氨基2.2 乙酸酐保护氨基2.3 氨基保护策略2.4 保护基的选择和匹配2.5 保护基的脱除2.6 几个代表性的常用氨基保护基篇1正文氨基常用保护方法用化学方程式表示在化学合成中,氨基的保护是非常重要的。
反应方程式如下:c6h5nh2 + ch3co-o-occh3 (乙酸酐) → c6h5nhcoch3在这个反应中,乙酸酐与氨基反应生成相应的氨基甲酸酯,从而实现对氨基的保护。
引入条件:Cbz-Cl + Na2CO3 + CHCl3 + H2O脱去条件:H2Pd-C,供氢体 Pd-C,BBr3 + CH2Cl2 或 TFA2.乙酸酐保护基:适用于对苯环硝化等反应。
引入条件:ch3co-o-occh3 + NH2-R脱去条件:NaOH + H2O总之,在化学合成过程中,选择合适的氨基保护方法及其化学方程式是非常重要的。
为了脱除氨基保护基,必须选择正确的脱除条件,主要有以下几种:碱性溶剂(如醋酸钠、乙醇和乙醚);碱性溶剂/醋酸盐(如:氢氧化钠溶液);酸性溶剂(如:醋酸、硫酸和氟酸);氯仿(DMSO);Gaseous Trifluoromethylsulfuric Anhydride(TFA);Xenon Fluoride(XeF2)。
最好的是不保护. 若需要保护,选择最容易上和脱的保护基,当几个保护基需要同时被除去时,用相同的保护基来保护不同的官能团是非常有效。
Ⅰ氨基酸的保护基(保护羧基)(一)叔丁基tBu - (tert-butyl) ester标准保护程序:在N-保护的氨基酸的溶液中,加入DMAP(0.5当量)和叔丁醇(1.2当量)在干燥的DCM (DCM是一氧化二碳?),0℃在惰性气氛下,加入EDCI(1.1当量),并搅拌2小时。
(二)苄基Bn - (benzyl) ester标准保护程序:氨基酸在惰性气氛下搅拌用无水THF和O的苄基N,N'-diisopropylisourea(见文献进行合成)在室温下,直到完成通过TLC(通常为2天)。
苄氧羰基用强酸或Lewis酸脱除时,会产生苄基的碳正离子,若分子中有捕捉碳正离 子的基团时,将得到相应的副产物。
叔丁氧羰基(Boc)是多肽合成中广为采用的氨基保护基,具有以下的优点: Boc-氨基酸除个别外都能得到结晶;易于酸解除去,但又具有一定的稳定 性; Boc-氨基酸能较长期的保存而不分解。 酸解时产生的是叔丁基阳离子再分解为异丁烯,它一般不会带来副反应。 对碱水解、肼解和许多亲核试剂稳定; Boc对催化氢解稳定,但比 Cbz对 酸要敏感得多。当Boc和Cbz同时存在时,可以用催化氢解脱去 Cbz,Boc保 持不变,或用酸解脱去Boc而Cbz不受影响,因而两者能很好地搭配使用。
2.1 烷氧羰基类氨基保护基 2.2 酰基类氨基保护基 2.3 烷基类氨基保护基 3、选择性保护举例
烷氧羰基类氨基保护基 苄氧羰基(Cbz) 、叔丁氧羰基(Boc) 、笏甲氧羰基(Fmoc) 、烯丙氧羰基 (Alloc) 、 三甲基硅乙氧羰基(Teoc) 、甲(或乙)氧羰基 酰基类氨基保护基 邻苯二甲酰基(Pht) 、对甲苯磺酰基(Tos) 、三氟乙酰基(Tfa)邻(对) 硝基苯磺酰基(Ns) 烷基类氨基保护基 三苯甲基(Trt) 、2,4-二甲氧基苄基(DMB) 苄基(Bn) 对甲氧基苄基(PMB) 、
对水较为敏感的氨基衍生物,采用Boc2O/TEA/THF or DMF 在40-50℃下进 行较好。
叔丁氧Cbz对酸敏感,酸解产物为异丁烯和CO2。在液相肽的合成中, Boc的脱除一般可用TFA或20-30%TFA(TFA:CH2Cl2 = 1:10,v/v)。
醚、氨基及氨基酸的各种保护基及去保护方法大全(整理有详细操作)[Acetate] [Benzoatel] [Pivaloate] [Levulinate] [Back to Carb.Synthesis]Ac - (acetate) esterStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside in dry pyridine (25 eq) under an inert atmosphere at room temperature, acetic anhydride (10 eq) is added and stirred until complete by TLC (usually 16 h). The reaction mixture is then poured into ice/water and extracted three times with chloroform. The combined organic layers are extracted with 3% HCl, saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate, and water. The organic layer is then dried and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in methanol and a solution of sodium methoxide in methanol (0.1 eq per -OAc) is added drop wise at 0°. The solution is warmed to room temperature and stirred under an inert atmosphere until complete by TLC (usually within a few hours). Amberlite cationic exchange resin is then added with vigorous stirring until the pH of the mixture is neutral. The mixture is then filtered and concentrated. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ORThe Glycoside is dissolved in methanol and hydrazine hydrate (15 eq per -OAc) is added in two portions over 1.5 hours. The solution is stirred at room temperature under an inert atmosphere until complete by TLC (usually 6 hours). The solution is then neutralized with glacial acetic acid. The mixture is filtered through celite and concentrated. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. ReferencesJ. Org. Chem., 1996, 61, 6442-6445."Synthetic Methods for Carbohydrates" Lemieux, Ch 6, pg. 90-115.J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1996, 985-993.Bz - (benzoate) esterStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside dissolved in dry pyridine (0.3M), benzoyl chloride (4 eq per -OH) is added at room temperature under an inert atmosphere and stirred until complete by TLC (usually 16 h). Methanol is added and the solution was concentrated in vacuo. The residue was dissolved in DCM and washed with water, saturated copper sulfate, and brine. The organic layer is dried and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in MeOH and a solution of NaOH (2.5 eq per -OH) in MeOH is added slowly. The mixture is stirred at room temperature under an inert atmosphere till complete by TLC (usually 1 h) and then concentrated in vacuo. The residue is dissolved in ethyl acetate and the organic solution is washed twice with water, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesTetrahedron, 1970, 26, 803-812.Carb. Res., 1993, 244, 237-246.Piv - (pivaloate) esterStandard ProcedureThe glycoside is dissolved in pyridine:DCM 2:1 and cooled to -20°. PivCl (1.2 eq per -OH) is then added drop wise under an inert atmosphere and the result is stirred at 0° until complete by TLC (usually 8 h). The mixture is then diluted with DCM and extracted with 5% HCl twice and once with water. The organic layer is then dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in MeOH, and a solution of sodium methoxide in methanol (10 eq per -OH) is added drop wise at room temperature under an inert atmosphere and stirred until the reaction is complete by TLC (usually 24 h). Aqueous HCl (10%) is added to the solution until neutral and theresulting mixture is concentrated in vacuo. The residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesTet. Asym. 2000, 295-303.J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1990, 112, 3693-3695.Lev - (levulinate) esterStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside in dry pyridine at room temperature under an inert atmosphere, levulinic anhydride (2 eq) is added drop wise. The reaction was stirred until complete by TLC (usually 24 h) and ice water is added. The mixture is extracted with chloroform and then the organic layer is back extracted with brine, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in pyridine and hydrazine hydrate (1M in pyridine:acetic acid 3:2) is added at room temperature under an inert atmosphere. After addition of hydrazine is sufficient to consume starting material completely by TLC (usually a few minutes),pentane-2,4-dione is added with cooling to quench the reaction. The mixture is diluted with chloroform and extracted once with water and once with brine. The organic layer is dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesJACS, 1975, 97, 1614-1615.Tet. Lett., 1976, 52, 4875-4878.[Benzyl] [Trityl] [PMP] [Allyl] [pMB] [Back to Carb. Synthesis] Bn - (benzyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of sodium hydride (1.3 eq per -OH) in DMF, the glycoside (dissolved in DMF) is added drop wise at 0° under an inert atmosphere. The mixture is stirred for 30 minutes at 0° and benzyl bromide (1.3 eq per -OH) is added drop wise. *Note - a catalytic amount of TBAI or crown ether can be added. The reaction is stirred at room temperature until complete by TLC (usually 16 h) and methanol is added slowly to quench the reaction. The solution is then diluted with chloroform and water, extracted 3 times with water and once with brine. The organic layer is dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ORTo a solution of the glycoside in DCM, benzyl trichloroacetimidate (2 eq per -OH) is added drop wise (as a solution in cyclohexane - see third reference) with TfOH (catalytic - >1mol%). The result is stirred at room temperature under inert atmosphere until complete by TLC (usually overnight). Saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate is added and the mixture is diluted with DCM. The organic layer is extracted once with water, once with brine, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in 1:1 MeOH:tBuOH and palladium hydroxide (0.1 eq) is added at room temperature. A hydrogen atmosphere is added (balloon pressure) and the reaction is stirred until complete by TLC (usually 16 h). The mixture is then filtered and concentrated. *Note - catalytic glacial acidic acid may be added if the reaction isn't complete. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesJ. Org. Chem., 1979, 44, 3442.J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1971, 93, 1746.Tr - (triphenyl methyl) or trityl etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside, trityl chloride (1.1 eq for primary over secondary, 1.5 eq for each -OH otherwise), and triethylamine (1.5 eq for primary over secondary, 2 eq for each -OH otherwise) stirring in DMF under an inert atmosphere at room temperature, DMAP (0.05 eq) is added. The reaction is stirred until complete by TLC (usually overnight)and then poured into ice-water. The mixture is extracted with chloroform and the organic layer is washed with saturated aqueous ammonium chloride and water, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in ethanol and 5% palladium on charcoal is added under a hydrogen atmosphere. The reaction is stirred until complete by TLC (usually overnight) and filtered. The solution is concentrated and the residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. ReferencesTet. Lett., 1979, 2, 95-98.JOC, 1978, 18, 2877-2881.pMB - (para-methoxy benzyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of sodium hydride (1.3 eq per -OH) in DMF, the glycoside (dissolved in DMF) is added drop wise at 0° under an inertatmosphere. The mixture is stirred for 30 minutes at 0° andpara-methoxybenzyl bromide (1.3 eq per -OH) is added drop wise. *Note - a catalytic amount of TBAI or crown ether can be added. The reaction is stirred at room temperature until complete by TLC (usually 16 h) and methanol is added slowly to quench the reaction. The solution is then diluted with chloroform and water, extracted 3 times with water and once with brine. The organic layer is dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in DCM/H2O 20:1 and DDQ (up to 10 eq) is added at room temperature under an inert atmosphere. The reaction is stirred until complete by TLC (usually 24 h, may require heat) and diluted with DCM. The solution is extracted with saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. Product can then be purified by column chromatography if necessary. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. ReferencesJACS, 1992, 114, 2524-2536.JACS, 1996, 118, 9265-9270.Allyl - (allyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of sodium hydride (1.3 eq per -OH) in DMF, the glycoside (dissolved in DMF) is added drop wise at 0° under an inert atmosphere. The mixture is stirred for 30 minutes at 0° and ally bromide (1.3 eq per -OH) is added drop wise. *Note - a catalytic amount of TBAI or crown ether can be added. The reaction is stirred at room temperature until complete by TLC (usually 16 h) and methanol is added slowly to quench the reaction. The solution is then diluted with chloroform and water, extracted 3 times with water and once with brine. The organic layer is dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ORTo a solution of the glycoside in DCM, benzyl trichloroacetimidate (2 eq per -OH) is added drop wise (as a solution in cyclohexane - see third reference) with TfOH (catalytic - >1mol%). The result is stirred at room temperature under inert atmosphere until complete by TLC (usually overnight). Saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate is added and the mixture is diluted with DCM. The organic layer is extracted once withwater, once with brine, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in AcOH:water 20:1 and Palladium chloride (1.5 eq) followed by sodium acetate (5 eq) is added. The mixture is stirred under an inert atmosphere at room temperature until complete by TLC (usually overnight). Ethyl acetate is added and the mixture is extracted 2 times with saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate. The organic layer is then extracted once with brine, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesTet. Lett., 1997, 40, 13,509-13,556.JOC, 1973, 18, 3224.J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I, 1985, 2247-2250.JACS, 1991, 113, 2092-2112.PMP - (p-methoxyphenyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside in THF under an inert atmosphere is added triphenylphosphine (1.3 eq), diethylazocarboxylate (1.3 eq), andp-methoxyphenol (3 eq). The resulting solution is heated to 80° and stirred until complete by TLC (usually 2 h). The mixture is concentrated in vacuo and purified by flash chromatography (SiO2).RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in acetonitrile:water 4:1 at room temperature under an inert atmosphere and CAN (5 eq) is added. The mixture is stirred until complete by TLC (usually less than 1 h) and diluted with chloroform. The resulting solution is washed with water and saturated sodium chloride solution. The organic layer is dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The residue can then be purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesTet. Lett., 1988, 29, 1389-1390.Heterocycles, 1990, 31, 1555-1563.[TMS] [TES] [TIPS] [TBS] [TBDPS] [Back to Carb. Synthesis] TMS - (trimethyl silyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside and triethylamine (2 eq) stirring in THF at 0° under an inert atmosphere, is added drop wise TMS-Cl (1.5 eq). The result was allowed to warm to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually 6 h). The solution is then concentrated in vacuo and the residue taken on directly to next step.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in THF (~2M) and TBAF (1M solution in THF) is added drop wise at 0° under inert atmosphere. The reaction is allowed to warm to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually a few hours - if not complete in this time more TBAF solution may be added). *Note - equal volumes of glacial acetic acid (compared to TBAF solution.) may be added to prevent removal of acetates or other sensitive protecting groups. The reaction mixture is concentrated in vacuo and the residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesJACS, 1972, 94, 2549-2550.TES - (triethyl silyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside and imidazole (2 eq) stirring in DMF at 0° under an inert atmosphere, is added drop wise TES-Cl (2 eq). The result is allowed to warm to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually overnight). An equal volume of ether is added and the reaction mixture is extracted three times with water and once with brine. The organic layer is dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The product can then be purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in THF (~2M) and TBAF (1M solution in THF) was added drop wise at 0° under an inert atmosphere. The result is allowed to warm to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually a few hours - if not complete in this time more TBAF solution may be added). *Note - equal volume of glacial acetic acid (compared to TBAFsolution.) may be added to prevent removal of acetates or other sensitive protecting groups. The reaction mixture is concentrated in vacuo and the residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. ReferencesHelv. Chim. Acta, 1981, 64, 2002-2021.TIPS - (triisopropyl silyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside stirring in DMF at 0° under an inert atmosphere, TIPS-Cl (1.3 eq) and imidazole (1.5 eq) were added succinctly. The result was allowed to warm to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually overnight). The mixture is diluted with equal volume of chloroform and extracted three times with water and once with brine. The organic layer is dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in THF (~2M) and TBAF (1M solution in THF) was added drop wise at 0° under an inert atmosphere. The result is allowed to warm to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually a few hours - if not complete in this time more TBAF solution may be added). *Note - equal volume of glacial acetic acid (compared to TBAF solution.) may be added to prevent removal of acetates or other sensitive protecting groups. The reaction mixture is concentrated in vacuo and the residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. ReferencesJOC, 1980, 45, 4797-4798.TBS - (tert-butyl dimethyl silyl) etherStandard ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside in DMF at 0° under an inert atmosphere, TBS-Cl (1.1 eq for selective primary -OH protection, 1.3 eq otherwise) and imidazole (1.3 to 1.5 eq) were added succinctly. The result was allowed to warm to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually overnight). The mixture is diluted with equal volume of chloroform andextracted three times with water and once with brine. The organic layer is dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ORTo a solution of the glycoside and distilled 2,6-lutidine (2.1 eq) in dry DCM under an inert atmosphere at -78°, TBS-OTf is added drop wise over 30 minutes. The result is stirred until complete by TLC (usually 30 minutes - if not complete more TBS-OTf may be added) and methanol is added. The mixture is diluted with chloroform, washed with water and brine, dried over magnesium sulfate and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in THF (~2M) and TBAF (1M solution in THF) was added drop wise at 0° under an inert atmosphere. The result is allowed to warm to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually a few hours - if not complete in this time more TBAF solution may be added). *Note - equal volume of glacial acetic acid (compared to TBAF solution.) may be added to prevent removal of acetates or other sensitive protecting groups. The reaction mixture is concentrated in vacuo and the residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. ReferencesJACS, 1997, 119, 449-450.JACS, 1972, 94, 6190-6191.JOC, 1987, 52, 622-635.TBDPS - (tert-butyl diphenyl silyl) etherStandard ProcedureThe glycoside is dissolved in DMF at room temperature under an inert atmosphere and treated with imidazole (2 eq per -OH) followed by TBDPS-Cl (1.5 eq per -OH). The reaction mixture is stirred until complete by TLC (usually overnight), diluted with ether and washed with 1M HCl followed by brine. The organic layer is dried (magnesium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalTo a solution of the glycoside in THF at room temperature in a Nalgene container, commercially available 30% HF in pyridine is added drop wise under an inert atmosphere. The result is stirred until complete by TLC (usually 16 h) and diluted with slow addition of saturated sodium bicarbonate. Chloroform is added and the mixture is extractedsuccessively with water, saturated copper sulfate, and brine. The organic layer is then dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. ReferencesJACS, 1997, 119, 449-450.Alcohol protection - [MOM] [MEM] [BOM] [SEM]Diol protection - [Acetonide] [Benzylidene][p-Methoxybenzylidene] [DTBS(OR)2] MOM - (methoxy methyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside in DCM (approx. 0.1M) and Hunig's base (N,N-diisopropylethyl amine, 2.0 eq) at 0°, MOM-Cl (1.5 eq) is added under an inert atmosphere. The reaction is warmed to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually >8 h). Ether is added and the mixture is washed 3 times with water and once with brine. The organic layer is dried (magnesium sulfate), filtered and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in 1:1 THF:6N HCl and heated to 55° with stirring until the reaction is complete by TLC (usually 8 h). Saturated sodium chloride solution is then added and the reaction mixture isextracted three times with ether. The combined organic layers are dried (sodium sulfate), filtered and concentrated in vacuo. The residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesJACS, 1977, 99, 1275-1276.JOC, 1975, 40, 2025-2029.MEM - (methoxy ethoxy methyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside and MEM-Cl (1.5 eq) in dry DCM, diisopropylethylamine (1.5 eq) is added and stirred at room temperature under an inert atmosphere until complete by TLC (usually 5 h). The reaction is diluted with DCM and extracted twice with water, once with brine, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ORTo a mixture of NaH (1.2 eq) stirring in THF at 0°, the glycoside is added drop wise (as solution in THF). After stirring for 30 minutes, MEM-Cl (1.5 eq) is added drop wise and reaction is allowed to warm to roomtemperature. The mixture is stirred until complete by TLC (usually overnight) and diluted with DCM. The mixture is then extracted twice with water, once with brine, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The product is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in DCM and magnesium bromide etherate (excess) is added at room temperature under an inert atmosphere. The reaction is stirred until complete by TLC (usually >24 h), at which time water is added and stirred for 30 additional minutes. Aqueous HCl (1N) is added drop wise until the pH is 1-2 and the solution is clear. The resulting solution is extracted three times with ethyl acetate, dried (magnesium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesTet. Lett., 1976, 11, 809-812.JOC, 1994, 59, 2314-2323.J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I, 1985, 2247-2250.BOM - (benzyloxy methyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside in DCM (approx. 0.1M) and Hunig's base (N,N-diisopropylethyl amine, 2.0 eq) at 0°, BOM-Cl (1.2 eq) is added under an inert atmosphere. The reaction is warmed to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually >24 h). Ether is then added and the mixture is washed 3 times with water and once with brine. The organic layer is dried (magnesium sulfate), filtered and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in EtOAc:Hex (1:2) and catalytic Pd(OH)2 is added (10mol%) under a hydrogen atmosphere. The reaction is stirred at room temperature until complete by TLC (usually a few hours). The mixture is then filtered and concentrated in vacuo. The residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesJACS, 1975, 97, 6260.JACS, 1994, 116, 4674-4688.Tetrahedron, 1987, 43, 4395-4406.SEM - (trimethylsilyl) ethoxymethyl etherStandard ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside under inert atmosphere at room temperature in DCM or THF (~2M), diisopropylethylamine (4 eq for each -OH) is added followed by the addition of SEM-Cl (3 eq for each -OH). The reaction is stirred until complete by TLC, at which time saturated ammonium chloride is added. The mixture is extracted with two portions of DCM and the combined organic layers are extracted twice with saturated bicarbonate and once with brine. The solution is then dried (magnesium sulfate), filtered, and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in a 0.5M solution of sulfuric acid in 2:1 MeOH:THF at 0° under inert atmosphere. The reaction is stirred untilcomplete by TLC (usually <3 h) and saturated sodium bicarbonate solution is added slowly. The mixture is then diluted with ethyl acetate and separated. The aqueous layer is back extracted twice with ethyl acetate and the combined organic layers are extracted with saturated sodium bicarbonate and brine. The organic solution is then dried (magnesium sulfate), filtered, and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesTet. Lett, 1993, 12, 1991-1994Tet. Lett, 1980, 21, 3343-3346Acetonide - (isopropylidene) ketalStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside stirring in DMF, p-toluenesulfonic acid (10mol%) and 2,2-dimethoxypropane are added. The result is stirred at room temperature under inert atmosphere until complete by TLC (usually >6 h). The reaction is neutralized with 5% aqueous sodium bicarbonate and concentrated in vacuo. The material is dissolved in ethyl acetate,washed with water, saturated sodium chloride, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The product is then purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in 80-90% AcOH in water and stirred at 60-90° until complete by TLC (usually <3 h). The solution is then concentrated in vacuo and purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. ReferencesChem. Pharm. Bull., 1990, 38, 3366-3372. Benzylidene AcetalStandard Protection ProcedureThe glycoside is dissolved in DMF and benzyaldehyde dimethyl acetal (5 eq) is added. To this solution stirring at room temperature under an inert atmosphere, toluene-p-sulfonic acid (0.3 eq) is added. After the reaction is complete by TLC (usually overnight), the mixture is neutralized with triethylamine. The solution is then concentrated in vacuo and purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ORThe glycoside is dissolved in acetonitrile and benzyaldehyde dimethyl acetal (5 eq) is added. To this solution stirring at room temperature under inert atmosphere, toluene-p-sulfonic acid (0.3 eq) is added. After the reaction is complete by TLC (usually overnight), the mixture is diluted with chloroform and extracted twice with water. The aqueous layer is then back extracted with chloroform. The combined organic layers are dried and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.Complete RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in 50-80% AcOH in water and heated to 60-70° with stirring until complete by TLC (usually >4 h). The solution is then concentrated and coevaporated with toluene 3 times. The residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ORTo a solution of the glycoside in methanol at room temperature under an inert atmosphere, toluene-p-sulfonic acid (0.3 eq) is added. The reaction is stirred until complete by TLC (usually overnight) and triethylamine is added to neutralize. The mixture is concentrated in vacuo and the residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ORTo a solution of the glycoside in methanol:t-butanol 1:1 at roomtemperature under a hydrogen atmosphere, Pd(OH)2-C (20mol%) is added. The reaction is stirred until complete by TLC (usually overnight, if not complete up to one eq of HCl may be added) and filtered washing with methanol. The solution is concentrated in vacuo and the resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.Partial RemovalFor primary benzyl and secondary -OH - To a solution of the glycoside in DCM under inert atmosphere at 0°, triethylsilane (5 eq) isadded. Trifluoroacetic acid (5 eq) is then added drop wise and the reaction mixture is allowed to warm to room temperature. The reaction is stirred until complete by TLC (usually <3 h) and diluted with DCM. The organic solution is then extracted twice with saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate solution, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.For secondary benzyl and primary -OH - To a solution of the glycoside dissolved in DCM under an inert atmosphere at room temperature, 4A molecular sieves are added and stirred for one hour. The mixture is then cooled to -78° and triethylsilane (3 eq) is added followed by PhBCl2 (3.4 eq). After stirring for one hour, triethylamine and methanol are added and the mixture is diluted with chloroform. The organic solution is washed with saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate solution, dried (sodium。
aq. NaHCO3, THF 82%
OH NHAlloc
J. Med. Chem., 2004, 47( 26), 6455-6458
1. HCl/EtOAc
N Boc
2. Alloc-Cl, Et3N
N Alloc
一般情况下,Teoc-Cl、Teoc-OSu或Teoc-OBt在有机溶剂,碱的存在下同氨基 化合物反应则可得到Teoc保护的氨基衍生物
通过在THF中用Teoc-Cl来 断裂N-Bn(甲基乙基亦可)
三甲基硅乙氧羰基(Teoc)脱除主要通过TBAF(四丁基氟化胺),TEAF (四 乙基氟化胺)或TMAF(四甲基氟化胺)来脱除,在脱除过程中,TBAF将 产生四丁基胺盐的副产物,常常不易除去,而且它的质谱丰度高,此时 可用TMAF或TEAF来代替。 也可以用三氟醋酸室温下除去,但该条件下Boc也会脱去。Boc基可在 Teoc基存在下用TsOH脱去。
Pht-氨基衍生物很容易用肼处理脱去。一般用水合肼的醇溶液回流2 小时或用肼的水或醇溶液室温放置1-2 天都可完全脱去Pht保护基。在 此条件下Cbz、Boc、甲酰基、Trt、Tos等均可不受影响。 在肼效果差的情况下,用NaBH4/i-PrOH-H2O(6:1)和AcOH在80℃反 应5-8小时是很有效的(见下式)。 另外,浓HCl回流也容易脱去Pht保护基。
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醚、氨基及氨基酸的各种保护基及去保护方法大全(整理有详细操作)[Acetate] [Benzoatel] [Pivaloate] [Levulinate] [Back to Carb.Synthesis]Ac - (acetate) esterStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside in dry pyridine (25 eq) under an inert atmosphere at room temperature, acetic anhydride (10 eq) is added and stirred until complete by TLC (usually 16 h). The reaction mixture is then poured into ice/water and extracted three times with chloroform. The combined organic layers are extracted with 3% HCl, saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate, and water. The organic layer is then dried and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in methanol and a solution of sodium methoxide in methanol (0.1 eq per -OAc) is added drop wise at 0°. The solution is warmed to room temperature and stirred under an inert atmosphere until complete by TLC (usually within a few hours). Amberlite cationic exchange resin is then added with vigorous stirring until the pH of the mixture is neutral. The mixture is then filtered and concentrated. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ORThe Glycoside is dissolved in methanol and hydrazine hydrate (15 eq per -OAc) is added in two portions over 1.5 hours. The solution is stirred at room temperature under an inert atmosphere until complete by TLC (usually 6 hours). The solution is then neutralized with glacial acetic acid. The mixture is filtered through celite and concentrated. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. ReferencesJ. Org. Chem., 1996, 61, 6442-6445."Synthetic Methods for Carbohydrates" Lemieux, Ch 6, pg. 90-115.J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1, 1996, 985-993.Bz - (benzoate) esterStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside dissolved in dry pyridine (0.3M), benzoyl chloride (4 eq per -OH) is added at room temperature under an inert atmosphere and stirred until complete by TLC (usually 16 h). Methanol is added and the solution was concentrated in vacuo. The residue was dissolved in DCM and washed with water, saturated copper sulfate, and brine. The organic layer is dried and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in MeOH and a solution of NaOH (2.5 eq per -OH) in MeOH is added slowly. The mixture is stirred at room temperature under an inert atmosphere till complete by TLC (usually 1 h) and then concentrated in vacuo. The residue is dissolved in ethyl acetate and the organic solution is washed twice with water, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesTetrahedron, 1970, 26, 803-812.Carb. Res., 1993, 244, 237-246.Piv - (pivaloate) esterStandard ProcedureThe glycoside is dissolved in pyridine:DCM 2:1 and cooled to -20°. PivCl (1.2 eq per -OH) is then added drop wise under an inert atmosphere and the result is stirred at 0° until complete by TLC (usually 8 h). The mixture is then diluted with DCM and extracted with 5% HCl twice and once with water. The organic layer is then dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in MeOH, and a solution of sodium methoxide in methanol (10 eq per -OH) is added drop wise at room temperature under an inert atmosphere and stirred until the reaction is complete by TLC (usually 24 h). Aqueous HCl (10%) is added to the solution until neutral and theresulting mixture is concentrated in vacuo. The residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesTet. Asym. 2000, 295-303.J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1990, 112, 3693-3695.Lev - (levulinate) esterStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside in dry pyridine at room temperature under an inert atmosphere, levulinic anhydride (2 eq) is added drop wise. The reaction was stirred until complete by TLC (usually 24 h) and ice water is added. The mixture is extracted with chloroform and then the organic layer is back extracted with brine, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in pyridine and hydrazine hydrate (1M in pyridine:acetic acid 3:2) is added at room temperature under an inert atmosphere. After addition of hydrazine is sufficient to consume starting material completely by TLC (usually a few minutes),pentane-2,4-dione is added with cooling to quench the reaction. The mixture is diluted with chloroform and extracted once with water and once with brine. The organic layer is dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesJACS, 1975, 97, 1614-1615.Tet. Lett., 1976, 52, 4875-4878.[Benzyl] [Trityl] [PMP] [Allyl] [pMB] [Back to Carb. Synthesis] Bn - (benzyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of sodium hydride (1.3 eq per -OH) in DMF, the glycoside (dissolved in DMF) is added drop wise at 0° under an inert atmosphere. The mixture is stirred for 30 minutes at 0° and benzyl bromide (1.3 eq per -OH) is added drop wise. *Note - a catalytic amount of TBAI or crown ether can be added. The reaction is stirred at room temperature until complete by TLC (usually 16 h) and methanol is added slowly to quench the reaction. The solution is then diluted with chloroform and water, extracted 3 times with water and once with brine. The organic layer is dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ORTo a solution of the glycoside in DCM, benzyl trichloroacetimidate (2 eq per -OH) is added drop wise (as a solution in cyclohexane - see third reference) with TfOH (catalytic - >1mol%). The result is stirred at room temperature under inert atmosphere until complete by TLC (usually overnight). Saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate is added and the mixture is diluted with DCM. The organic layer is extracted once with water, once with brine, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in 1:1 MeOH:tBuOH and palladium hydroxide (0.1 eq) is added at room temperature. A hydrogen atmosphere is added (balloon pressure) and the reaction is stirred until complete by TLC (usually 16 h). The mixture is then filtered and concentrated. *Note - catalytic glacial acidic acid may be added if the reaction isn't complete. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesJ. Org. Chem., 1979, 44, 3442.J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1971, 93, 1746.Tr - (triphenyl methyl) or trityl etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside, trityl chloride (1.1 eq for primary over secondary, 1.5 eq for each -OH otherwise), and triethylamine (1.5 eq for primary over secondary, 2 eq for each -OH otherwise) stirring in DMF under an inert atmosphere at room temperature, DMAP (0.05 eq) is added. The reaction is stirred until complete by TLC (usually overnight)and then poured into ice-water. The mixture is extracted with chloroform and the organic layer is washed with saturated aqueous ammonium chloride and water, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in ethanol and 5% palladium on charcoal is added under a hydrogen atmosphere. The reaction is stirred until complete by TLC (usually overnight) and filtered. The solution is concentrated and the residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. ReferencesTet. Lett., 1979, 2, 95-98.JOC, 1978, 18, 2877-2881.pMB - (para-methoxy benzyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of sodium hydride (1.3 eq per -OH) in DMF, the glycoside (dissolved in DMF) is added drop wise at 0° under an inertatmosphere. The mixture is stirred for 30 minutes at 0° andpara-methoxybenzyl bromide (1.3 eq per -OH) is added drop wise. *Note - a catalytic amount of TBAI or crown ether can be added. The reaction is stirred at room temperature until complete by TLC (usually 16 h) and methanol is added slowly to quench the reaction. The solution is then diluted with chloroform and water, extracted 3 times with water and once with brine. The organic layer is dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in DCM/H2O 20:1 and DDQ (up to 10 eq) is added at room temperature under an inert atmosphere. The reaction is stirred until complete by TLC (usually 24 h, may require heat) and diluted with DCM. The solution is extracted with saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. Product can then be purified by column chromatography if necessary. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. ReferencesJACS, 1992, 114, 2524-2536.JACS, 1996, 118, 9265-9270.Allyl - (allyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of sodium hydride (1.3 eq per -OH) in DMF, the glycoside (dissolved in DMF) is added drop wise at 0° under an inert atmosphere. The mixture is stirred for 30 minutes at 0° and ally bromide (1.3 eq per -OH) is added drop wise. *Note - a catalytic amount of TBAI or crown ether can be added. The reaction is stirred at room temperature until complete by TLC (usually 16 h) and methanol is added slowly to quench the reaction. The solution is then diluted with chloroform and water, extracted 3 times with water and once with brine. The organic layer is dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ORTo a solution of the glycoside in DCM, benzyl trichloroacetimidate (2 eq per -OH) is added drop wise (as a solution in cyclohexane - see third reference) with TfOH (catalytic - >1mol%). The result is stirred at room temperature under inert atmosphere until complete by TLC (usually overnight). Saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate is added and the mixture is diluted with DCM. The organic layer is extracted once withwater, once with brine, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in AcOH:water 20:1 and Palladium chloride (1.5 eq) followed by sodium acetate (5 eq) is added. The mixture is stirred under an inert atmosphere at room temperature until complete by TLC (usually overnight). Ethyl acetate is added and the mixture is extracted 2 times with saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate. The organic layer is then extracted once with brine, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesTet. Lett., 1997, 40, 13,509-13,556.JOC, 1973, 18, 3224.J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I, 1985, 2247-2250.JACS, 1991, 113, 2092-2112.PMP - (p-methoxyphenyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside in THF under an inert atmosphere is added triphenylphosphine (1.3 eq), diethylazocarboxylate (1.3 eq), andp-methoxyphenol (3 eq). The resulting solution is heated to 80° and stirred until complete by TLC (usually 2 h). The mixture is concentrated in vacuo and purified by flash chromatography (SiO2).RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in acetonitrile:water 4:1 at room temperature under an inert atmosphere and CAN (5 eq) is added. The mixture is stirred until complete by TLC (usually less than 1 h) and diluted with chloroform. The resulting solution is washed with water and saturated sodium chloride solution. The organic layer is dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The residue can then be purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesTet. Lett., 1988, 29, 1389-1390.Heterocycles, 1990, 31, 1555-1563.[TMS] [TES] [TIPS] [TBS] [TBDPS] [Back to Carb. Synthesis] TMS - (trimethyl silyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside and triethylamine (2 eq) stirring in THF at 0° under an inert atmosphere, is added drop wise TMS-Cl (1.5 eq). The result was allowed to warm to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually 6 h). The solution is then concentrated in vacuo and the residue taken on directly to next step.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in THF (~2M) and TBAF (1M solution in THF) is added drop wise at 0° under inert atmosphere. The reaction is allowed to warm to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually a few hours - if not complete in this time more TBAF solution may be added). *Note - equal volumes of glacial acetic acid (compared to TBAF solution.) may be added to prevent removal of acetates or other sensitive protecting groups. The reaction mixture is concentrated in vacuo and the residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesJACS, 1972, 94, 2549-2550.TES - (triethyl silyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside and imidazole (2 eq) stirring in DMF at 0° under an inert atmosphere, is added drop wise TES-Cl (2 eq). The result is allowed to warm to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually overnight). An equal volume of ether is added and the reaction mixture is extracted three times with water and once with brine. The organic layer is dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The product can then be purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in THF (~2M) and TBAF (1M solution in THF) was added drop wise at 0° under an inert atmosphere. The result is allowed to warm to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually a few hours - if not complete in this time more TBAF solution may be added). *Note - equal volume of glacial acetic acid (compared to TBAFsolution.) may be added to prevent removal of acetates or other sensitive protecting groups. The reaction mixture is concentrated in vacuo and the residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. ReferencesHelv. Chim. Acta, 1981, 64, 2002-2021.TIPS - (triisopropyl silyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside stirring in DMF at 0° under an inert atmosphere, TIPS-Cl (1.3 eq) and imidazole (1.5 eq) were added succinctly. The result was allowed to warm to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually overnight). The mixture is diluted with equal volume of chloroform and extracted three times with water and once with brine. The organic layer is dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in THF (~2M) and TBAF (1M solution in THF) was added drop wise at 0° under an inert atmosphere. The result is allowed to warm to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually a few hours - if not complete in this time more TBAF solution may be added). *Note - equal volume of glacial acetic acid (compared to TBAF solution.) may be added to prevent removal of acetates or other sensitive protecting groups. The reaction mixture is concentrated in vacuo and the residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. ReferencesJOC, 1980, 45, 4797-4798.TBS - (tert-butyl dimethyl silyl) etherStandard ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside in DMF at 0° under an inert atmosphere, TBS-Cl (1.1 eq for selective primary -OH protection, 1.3 eq otherwise) and imidazole (1.3 to 1.5 eq) were added succinctly. The result was allowed to warm to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually overnight). The mixture is diluted with equal volume of chloroform andextracted three times with water and once with brine. The organic layer is dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ORTo a solution of the glycoside and distilled 2,6-lutidine (2.1 eq) in dry DCM under an inert atmosphere at -78°, TBS-OTf is added drop wise over 30 minutes. The result is stirred until complete by TLC (usually 30 minutes - if not complete more TBS-OTf may be added) and methanol is added. The mixture is diluted with chloroform, washed with water and brine, dried over magnesium sulfate and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in THF (~2M) and TBAF (1M solution in THF) was added drop wise at 0° under an inert atmosphere. The result is allowed to warm to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually a few hours - if not complete in this time more TBAF solution may be added). *Note - equal volume of glacial acetic acid (compared to TBAF solution.) may be added to prevent removal of acetates or other sensitive protecting groups. The reaction mixture is concentrated in vacuo and the residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. ReferencesJACS, 1997, 119, 449-450.JACS, 1972, 94, 6190-6191.JOC, 1987, 52, 622-635.TBDPS - (tert-butyl diphenyl silyl) etherStandard ProcedureThe glycoside is dissolved in DMF at room temperature under an inert atmosphere and treated with imidazole (2 eq per -OH) followed by TBDPS-Cl (1.5 eq per -OH). The reaction mixture is stirred until complete by TLC (usually overnight), diluted with ether and washed with 1M HCl followed by brine. The organic layer is dried (magnesium sulfate) and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalTo a solution of the glycoside in THF at room temperature in a Nalgene container, commercially available 30% HF in pyridine is added drop wise under an inert atmosphere. The result is stirred until complete by TLC (usually 16 h) and diluted with slow addition of saturated sodium bicarbonate. Chloroform is added and the mixture is extractedsuccessively with water, saturated copper sulfate, and brine. The organic layer is then dried (sodium sulfate) and concentrated. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. ReferencesJACS, 1997, 119, 449-450.Alcohol protection - [MOM] [MEM] [BOM] [SEM]Diol protection - [Acetonide] [Benzylidene][p-Methoxybenzylidene] [DTBS(OR)2] MOM - (methoxy methyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside in DCM (approx. 0.1M) and Hunig's base (N,N-diisopropylethyl amine, 2.0 eq) at 0°, MOM-Cl (1.5 eq) is added under an inert atmosphere. The reaction is warmed to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually >8 h). Ether is added and the mixture is washed 3 times with water and once with brine. The organic layer is dried (magnesium sulfate), filtered and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in 1:1 THF:6N HCl and heated to 55° with stirring until the reaction is complete by TLC (usually 8 h). Saturated sodium chloride solution is then added and the reaction mixture isextracted three times with ether. The combined organic layers are dried (sodium sulfate), filtered and concentrated in vacuo. The residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesJACS, 1977, 99, 1275-1276.JOC, 1975, 40, 2025-2029.MEM - (methoxy ethoxy methyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside and MEM-Cl (1.5 eq) in dry DCM, diisopropylethylamine (1.5 eq) is added and stirred at room temperature under an inert atmosphere until complete by TLC (usually 5 h). The reaction is diluted with DCM and extracted twice with water, once with brine, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ORTo a mixture of NaH (1.2 eq) stirring in THF at 0°, the glycoside is added drop wise (as solution in THF). After stirring for 30 minutes, MEM-Cl (1.5 eq) is added drop wise and reaction is allowed to warm to roomtemperature. The mixture is stirred until complete by TLC (usually overnight) and diluted with DCM. The mixture is then extracted twice with water, once with brine, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The product is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in DCM and magnesium bromide etherate (excess) is added at room temperature under an inert atmosphere. The reaction is stirred until complete by TLC (usually >24 h), at which time water is added and stirred for 30 additional minutes. Aqueous HCl (1N) is added drop wise until the pH is 1-2 and the solution is clear. The resulting solution is extracted three times with ethyl acetate, dried (magnesium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesTet. Lett., 1976, 11, 809-812.JOC, 1994, 59, 2314-2323.J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. I, 1985, 2247-2250.BOM - (benzyloxy methyl) etherStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside in DCM (approx. 0.1M) and Hunig's base (N,N-diisopropylethyl amine, 2.0 eq) at 0°, BOM-Cl (1.2 eq) is added under an inert atmosphere. The reaction is warmed to room temperature and stirred until complete by TLC (usually >24 h). Ether is then added and the mixture is washed 3 times with water and once with brine. The organic layer is dried (magnesium sulfate), filtered and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in EtOAc:Hex (1:2) and catalytic Pd(OH)2 is added (10mol%) under a hydrogen atmosphere. The reaction is stirred at room temperature until complete by TLC (usually a few hours). The mixture is then filtered and concentrated in vacuo. The residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesJACS, 1975, 97, 6260.JACS, 1994, 116, 4674-4688.Tetrahedron, 1987, 43, 4395-4406.SEM - (trimethylsilyl) ethoxymethyl etherStandard ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside under inert atmosphere at room temperature in DCM or THF (~2M), diisopropylethylamine (4 eq for each -OH) is added followed by the addition of SEM-Cl (3 eq for each -OH). The reaction is stirred until complete by TLC, at which time saturated ammonium chloride is added. The mixture is extracted with two portions of DCM and the combined organic layers are extracted twice with saturated bicarbonate and once with brine. The solution is then dried (magnesium sulfate), filtered, and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in a 0.5M solution of sulfuric acid in 2:1 MeOH:THF at 0° under inert atmosphere. The reaction is stirred untilcomplete by TLC (usually <3 h) and saturated sodium bicarbonate solution is added slowly. The mixture is then diluted with ethyl acetate and separated. The aqueous layer is back extracted twice with ethyl acetate and the combined organic layers are extracted with saturated sodium bicarbonate and brine. The organic solution is then dried (magnesium sulfate), filtered, and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ReferencesTet. Lett, 1993, 12, 1991-1994Tet. Lett, 1980, 21, 3343-3346Acetonide - (isopropylidene) ketalStandard Protection ProcedureTo a solution of the glycoside stirring in DMF, p-toluenesulfonic acid (10mol%) and 2,2-dimethoxypropane are added. The result is stirred at room temperature under inert atmosphere until complete by TLC (usually >6 h). The reaction is neutralized with 5% aqueous sodium bicarbonate and concentrated in vacuo. The material is dissolved in ethylacetate, washed with water, saturated sodium chloride, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The product is then purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in 80-90% AcOH in water and stirred at 60-90° until complete by TLC (usually <3 h). The solution is then concentrated in vacuo and purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary. ReferencesChem. Pharm. Bull., 1990, 38, 3366-3372. Benzylidene AcetalStandard Protection ProcedureThe glycoside is dissolved in DMF and benzyaldehyde dimethyl acetal (5 eq) is added. To this solution stirring at room temperature under an inert atmosphere, toluene-p-sulfonic acid (0.3 eq) is added. After the reaction is complete by TLC (usually overnight), the mixture is neutralized with triethylamine. The solution is then concentrated in vacuo and purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ORThe glycoside is dissolved in acetonitrile and benzyaldehyde dimethyl acetal (5 eq) is added. To this solution stirring at room temperature under inert atmosphere, toluene-p-sulfonic acid (0.3 eq) is added. After the reaction is complete by TLC (usually overnight), the mixture is diluted with chloroform and extracted twice with water. The aqueous layer is then back extracted with chloroform. The combined organic layers are dried and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.Complete RemovalThe glycoside is dissolved in 50-80% AcOH in water and heated to 60-70° with stirring until complete by TLC (usually >4 h). The solution is then concentrated and coevaporated with toluene 3 times. The residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ORTo a solution of the glycoside in methanol at room temperature under an inert atmosphere, toluene-p-sulfonic acid (0.3 eq) is added. The reaction is stirred until complete by TLC (usually overnight) and triethylamine is added to neutralize. The mixture is concentrated in vacuo and the residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.ORTo a solution of the glycoside in methanol:t-butanol 1:1 at roomtemperature under a hydrogen atmosphere, Pd(OH)2-C (20mol%) is added. The reaction is stirred until complete by TLC (usually overnight, if not complete up to one eq of HCl may be added) and filtered washing with methanol. The solution is concentrated in vacuo and the resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.Partial RemovalFor primary benzyl and secondary -OH - To a solution of the glycoside in DCM under inert atmosphere at 0°, triethylsilane (5 eq) isadded. Trifluoroacetic acid (5 eq) is then added drop wise and the reaction mixture is allowed to warm to room temperature. The reaction is stirred until complete by TLC (usually <3 h) and diluted with DCM. The organic solution is then extracted twice with saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate solution, dried (sodium sulfate), and concentrated in vacuo. The resulting residue is purified by flash chromatography (SiO2) if necessary.For secondary benzyl and primary -OH - To a solution of the glycoside dissolved in DCM under an inert atmosphere at room temperature, 4A molecular sieves are added and stirred for one hour. The mixture is then cooled to -78° and triethylsilane (3 eq) is added followed by PhBCl2 (3.4 eq). After stirring for one hour, triethylamine and methanol are added and the mixture is diluted with chloroform. The organic solution is washed with saturated aqueous sodium bicarbonate solution, dried (sodium。