典范英语1a Lesson14 英文教案




典范英语a单词句型l e s s o nDocument serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】典范英语1aLesson1Whoisit? Whoisit?BiffandChip.MumandKipper.Floppyandaspaceman.No,it’sDad.生词:who,spaceman句型:Whoisit?Lesson2Sixinbed MumandDad.Mum,KipperandDad.Mum,Kipper,DadandChip.Biff,Mum,Kipper,Dad,ChipandFloppy.单词:six,bed句型&短语:sixinbedLesson3FunattheBeach DadandMum.MumandDad.Kipper,ChipandBiff.Kipper,BiffandDad.Mum,ChipandFloppy.Chip,BiffandKipper.DadandFloppy.OhFloppy!单词:fun,beach句型&短语:funatthebeachLesson4FloppyFloppyOh,Floppy!No,Floppy!Oh,Floppy!No,Floppy!FloppyFloppy.Lesson5AGoodTrickArug,asheet,abigbox,alittlebox,Kipper.单词:rug,sheet,box,little,big,trick句型&短语:agoodtrickLesson6ThePancakeThefryingpan,theflour,theeggs,themilk,thebutter,thepanc ake,thepancakerace.单词:fry,flying,pan,flour,egg,milk,butter,pancake,raceLesson7Isit?IsitKipper?Itiskipper.IsitBiff?ItisBiff.IsitChip?ItisChip?ItisChip.IsitFloppy?Yes.ItisFloppy!句型&短语:Isit?IsitChip?ItisBiff.Lesson8Geton Geton.geton,Biff.Biffgoton.geton,Chip.Chipgoton.Geton,Kipper.Kippergoton.Oh,no!句型&短语:Geton.Biffgoton.geton,Chip.Lesson9FloppyDidThis Chipdidthis.ItisBiff.Biffdidthis.ItisKipper.Kipperdidthis.ItisMum.Oh,no!Floppydidthis.句型&短语:ItisKipper.Kipperdidthis.Lesson10GetDad Goon,Dad!GetBiff.Goon,Dad!GetChip.Goon,Dad!GetKipper.Goon,Mum!GetDad.单词:get句型&短语:Goon,Dad!GetBiff.Lesson11UpYouGo Upyougo,Kipper.Go!Upyougo,Biff.Go,go!Chip,upyougo.Go,go,go!No,Dad.No,no,no!单词:up句型&短语:Upyougo,Kipper.Lesson12ISee IseeBiff.IseeChip.IseeMumandDad.WeseeKipper.WeseeFloppy.IseeBiffandChip.Iseeme.单词:see句型&短语:I/We/YouseeBiff.Lesson13AtthePark Everyonewenttothepark.Chipwentontheslide.Biffwentonthehorse.Kipperwentontheswing.Floppywenttosleep.单词:park,horse,swing,sleep,everyone句型&短语:wenttothepark,wentonthehorse,wentontheswing, wenttosleepLesson14FancyDress Mumwasascarecrow.Biffwasapirate.Chipwasapirate.Kipperwasanangel.Dadwasachicken.Everyonewashappy.单词:scarecrow,pirate,anangel,chicken,happy,everyone 句型&短语:FancyDress,Mum/Biff/Chip/Kipper/Dad/wasascarecrow.Ev eryonewashappy.。



典范英语1aLesson 1 Who is it? Who is it?Biff and Chip .Mum and Kipper.Floppy and a spaceman.No, it’s Dad.生词:who , spaceman句型:Who is it?Lesson 2 Six in bed Mum and Dad.Mum, Kipper and Dad.Mum ,Kipper ,Dad and Chip.Biff, Mum ,Kipper,Dad, Chip and Floppy. 单词:six ,bed句型&短语:six in bedLesson 3 Fun at the BeachDad and Mum.Mum and Dad.Kipper, Chip and Biff.Kipper, Biff and Dad.Mum, Chip and Floppy.Chip, Biff and Kipper.Dad and Floppy.Oh Floppy!单词:fun, beach句型&短语:fun at the beachLesson 4 Floppy FloppyOh, Floppy! No, Floppy! Oh, Floppy! No, Floppy! Floppy Floppy.Lesson 5 A Good TrickA rug, a sheet, a big box, a little box, Kipper.单词: rug,sheet , box , little, big , trick句型&短语: a good trickLesson 6 The PancakeThe frying pan, the flour, the eggs, the milk, the butter, the pancake, the pancake race.单词: fry,flying, pan ,flour ,egg ,milk ,butter ,pancake ,raceLesson7 Is it?Is it Kipper?It is kipper.Is it Biff?It is Biff.Is it Chip?It is Chip?It is Chip.Is it Floppy?Yes. It is Floppy!句型&短语: Is it? Is it Chip? It is Biff.Lesson 8 Get onGet on .get on, Biff.Biff got on .get on, Chip.Chip got on.Get on, Kipper.Kipper got on.Oh, no!句型&短语: Get on . Biff got on . get on, Chip.Lesson 9 Floppy Did ThisChip did this.It is Biff.Biff did this.It is Kipper.Kipper did this.It is Mum.Oh, no!Floppy did this.句型&短语: It is Kipper. Kipper did this.Lesson 10 Get Dad Go on, Dad!Get Biff.Go on, Dad!Get Chip.Go on, Dad!Get Kipper.Go on, Mum!Get Dad.单词:get句型&短语: Go on, Dad! Get Biff.Lesson 11 Up You Go Up you go, Kipper.Go! Up you go, Biff.Go , go!Chip, up you go.Go,go,go!No,Dad. No ,no,no!单词:up句型&短语: Up you go, Kipper.Lesson12 I SeeI see Biff.I see Chip.I see Mum and Dad.We see Kipper.We see Floppy.I see Biff and Chip.I see me.单词:see句型&短语: I /We/You see Biff.Lesson 13 At the Park Everyone went to the park.Chip went on the slide.Biff went on the horse.Kipper went on the swing.Floppy went to sleep.单词:park, horse ,swing ,sleep, everyone句型&短语: went to the park, went on the horse,went on the swing,went to sleepLesson 14 Fancy DressMum was a scarecrow.Biff was a pirate.Chip was a pirate.Kipper was an angel.Dad was a chicken.Everyone was happy.单词:scarecrow,pirate,an angel, chicken,happy,everyone句型&短语: Fancy Dress, Mum/Biff/Chip/Kipper/Dad/ was a scarecrow. Everyone was happy.。



.word 格式 .典范英语 1A-1B.word 格式 .目录目录1 A (7)Lesson 1 Who is it? (7)Lesson 2 Six in bed (7)Lesson 3 Fun at the Beach (7)Lesson 4 Floppy Floppy (8)Lesson 5 A Good Trick (8)Lesson 6 The Pancake (8)Lesson7 Is it? (8)Lesson 8 Get on (8)Lesson 9 Floppy Did This (9)Lesson 10 Get Dad (9)Lesson 11 Up You Go (9)Lesson12 I See (9)Lesson 13 At the Park (10)Lesson 15 Good Old Mum (10)Lesson 16 The Headache (11)Lesson 17 The Pet Shop (11)Lesson 18 Push! (11)Lesson 19 Making Faces (11)Lesson 20 Goal! (12)Lesson 21 The Journey (12)Lesson 22 Shopping (12)Lesson 23 Who Did That? (13)Lesson 24 What a Mess! (13)Lesson 25 Hide and Seek (13)Lesson 26 Reds and Blues (13)Lesson 27 Big Feet (14)Lesson 28 Look at Me (14)Lesson 29 Go Away, Floppy (14)Lesson 30 Kipper’ s......... D iary . (15)Lesson 31 What Dogs Like (15)Lesson 33 Go on, Mum! (16)Lesson 34 Look After Me (16)Lesson 35 Presents for Dad (16)Lesson 36 Top Dog (17)Lesson 37 The Ice Cream (17)Lesson 38 Can You See Me? (17)Lesson 39 Good Dog (18)Lesson 40 What a Din! (18)Lesson 41 See Me Skip day (18)Lesson 42 The Mud Pie (19)1B (19)Lesson 1 Floppy’ ........ s Bone . (19)Lesson 2 Hook a Duck (20)Lesson 3 Chip’ s ........ R obot. (20)Lesson 4 The Sandcastle (21)Lesson 5 The Box of Treasure (21)Lesson 6 One Wheel (22)Lesson 8 The Snowman (22)Lesson 9 Silly Races (23)Lesson 10 Picnic Time (23)Lesson 11 Dad’ s Birthday (24)Lesson 12 Mum’ s New Hat (24)Lesson 13 Hop! Hop! Pop! (24)Lesson 14 Catkin the Kitten (25)Lesson 15 In the Trolley (25)Lesson 16 The Trampoline (25)Lesson 17 The Enormous Crab (26)Lesson 19 The Picture Book Man (26)Lesson 20 In the Tent (27)Lesson 21 The Bag in the Bin (27)Lesson 22 Stuck! (27)Lesson 23 The Big Red Bus (28)Lesson 24 The Sock (28)Lesson 25 What a Bad Dog! (28)Lesson 27 The Go-kart (29)Lesson 28 A New Dog (30)Lesson 29 The Toys’ ...........Party (30)Lesson 30 New Trainers (31).word 格式 .1 ALesson 1 Who is it?Who is it? Biff and Chip . Mum and Kipper. Floppy and a spaceman. No, it’ s Dad.Lesson 2 Six in bedMum and Dad. Mum, Kipper and Dad. Mum ,Kipper ,Dad and Chip. Biff, Mum ,Kipper,Dad, Chip and Floppy.Lesson 3 Fun at the BeachDad and Mum. Mum and Dad. Kipper, Chip and Biff. Kipper, Biff and Dad. Mum, Chip and Floppy. Chip, Biff and Kipper. Dad and Floppy. Oh Floppy!Lesson 4 Floppy FloppyOh, Floppy! No, Floppy! Oh, Floppy! No, Floppy! Floppy Floppy.Lesson 5 A Good TrickA rug, a sheet, a big box, a little box, Kipper.Lesson 6 The PancakeThe frying pan, the flour, the eggs, the milk, the butter, the pancake, the pancake race.Lesson7 Is it?Is it Kipper? It is kipper. Is it Biff? It is Biff. Is it Chip? It is Chip? It is Chip. Is it Floppy? Yes. It is Floppy!Lesson 8 Get onGet on . get on, Biff. Biff got on . get on, Chip. Chip got on. Get on, Kipper. Kipper got on. Oh, no!Lesson 9 Floppy Did ThisChip did this. It is Biff. Biff did this. It is Kipper. Kipper did this. It is Mum. Oh, no! Floppy did this.Lesson 10 Get DadGo on, Dad! Get Biff. Go on, Dad! Get Chip. Go on, Dad! Get Kipper. Go on, Mum! Get Dad.Lesson 11 Up You GoUp you go, Kipper. Go! Up you go, Biff. Go , go! Chip, up you go.Go,go,go! No,Dad. No ,no,no!Lesson12 I See.word 格式 .I see Biff. I see Chip. I see Mum and Dad. We see Kipper. We see Floppy.I see Biff and Chip. I see me.Lesson 13 At the ParkEveryone went to the park. Chip went on the slide. Biff went on thehorse. Kipper went on the swing. Floppy went to sleep.Lesson 14 Fancy DressMum was a scarecrow. Biff was a pirate. Chip was a pirate. Kipper wasan angel. Dad was a chicken. Everyone was happy.Lesson 15 Good Old MumMum put on a big red nose. Mum put on a big pillow. Mum put on bigboots. Mum put on big eyebrows. She put on a big beard.“ H Ho!Ho!” said Mum.Lesson 16 The HeadacheDad had a trumpet. Chip had a drum. Biff had a recorder. Kipper had aguitar. Mum had a headache.Lesson 17 The Pet ShopEveryone wanted a pet . chip wanted a rat.“ Oh no!” said eve wanted a spider.“ Oh no!” said everyone. Kipper wanted a snake.no! ” said everyone. Kipper wanted a snake.“ Oh no!” said eve Everyone wanted a goldfish.Lesson 18 Push!The car was stuck. Mum pushed it. Biff and Chip pushed it. Mum pulledit. The tractor pulled it. Oh no!Lesson 19 Making FacesDad was fierce. Chip was sad. Biff was good. Mum was frightened.Kipper was hungry.Lesson 20 Goal!It was a cold day. Everyone got wet. Everyone got cold. Floppy gottired. Kipper got miserable. Mum got cross. Dad got a goal.Lesson 21 The Journey“ I’ m bored,” said Kipper.“ I’ m hungry,” said Biff.““ I’ m cross,” said Dad.“ I’ m lost,” said Mum.“ Hooray!Lesson 22 ShoppingChip wanted some sugar. He went to the supermarket. He got somecrisps. He went to the shop. He got a comic. He went to the market. Hegot a ball. He forgot the sugar.Lesson 23 Who Did That?Mum was cross.“ Who did that?” she said.“ It was Chip,”Kipper,” said Chip.“ It was floppy,” said Biff.“ It wasn “ It was me.”Lesson 24 What a Mess!Mum made a dress. Dad made some jam. Chip made a scarf. Biff madea lorry. Kipper made a birthday card. Everyone made a mess.Can you see us? Yes, we can see see Dad.Lesson 25 Hide and SeekCan you see me? Yes, I can see you. Can you see me? you. Can you see me? Yes, we can see you. We can allLesson 26 Reds and BluesWe are all in red. We are all in blue. Come on the reds! Come on the blues! Who is in red? Who is in blue? We are all muddy.Lesson 27 Big FeetCome and look at this. Come and look at this. Is it a big monster? Come and look at this. Is it a big dinosaur? Come and look at this. Is it a big giant? No. it is Dad.Lesson 28 Look at MeLook at me, Mum. Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. Look at me, Mum. Look at me on my bike. Look at me, Mum. Oh, no! Look at me!Lesson 29 Go Away, FloppyGo away, Floppy. Go away, Floppy. We are skipping. Go away, Floppy. We are painting. Come back, Floppy. Floppy, come back. We are sorry.Lesson 30 Kipper’ s DiaryIt was a wet day. It was a windy day. I went to the shops. It was a sunny day. I went to the pool. It was a hot day. I went to the park. It was a fun day.Lesson 31 What Dogs LikeDogs like to play. They like to walk. Floppy likes to walk. They like to sleep. Floppy likes to sleep. They like to run. Floppy likes to run. Floppy hates this.Lesson 32 Go Away, Cat.word 格式 .Go way, little cat. Go way, little cat. A dog is coming. Go away, little cat.A big dog is coming. Go away, little cat. Floppy is coming. Oh, no!Lesson 33 Go on, Mum!“ Go on, Mum,” said Chip.“ Go on, Mum,” said Biff.“ I am Mum.“ Go on, Mum,” said Kipper.“ I am going,” she said.“ I am not going again. on, ” said Dad.“ I am going,” said Mum.Lesson 34 Look After MeThis is Kate. She went up the net.“ I like this,nt on”theshe said. Sh slide.“ I like this,” she said. She went up the ladder.““ We like this,” said Biff.Lesson 35 Presents for Dad.word 格式 .This is for Dad. This is for you, Dad. It is a bunch of flowers. This is for you, Dad. It is a box of chocolates. This is for you, Dad. It is a bunch of grapes. This is for the best Dad of all.Lesson 36 Top DogLook at all the dogs. We like this dog. This is a little dog. We like this dog. This is a big dog. We all like this dog. This is the top dog. We like Floppy best of all.Lesson 37 The Ice CreamCan I get an ice cream? Yes, I can! Come on run to the ice cream van.I want the big one. Look at that! Look out, Kipper! Oh no! splat!Lesson 38 Can You See Me?Can you see my teddy bear ? Can you see my dog? Can you see mypicture of a big , red frog? You can see my tiger, if you look in the tree.Are you looking? Can you see me?Lesson 39 Good DogI ’ m a good dog. Look at me. I’ m very good, as you can see. You say,“ Sit,” I sit. That’ s itget.If theyouballcall,.YouI say,“ Stay,” I stay. That ’ s that. But not if I can see a cat.Lesson 40 What a Din!Biff has a pan and a big, red pot. Chip has a tin. What has Kipper got?Kipper has a can. Dad has a bin. Bang, crash, bang! What a din! What adin!Lesson 41 See Me Skip day.See me skip. This is the way. I like to do this every day.Can you skip too?”“ Yes, I can. I skip like you.”“ Look a go !”“ Look out, Dad!” Oh no! Oh no !Lesson 42 The Mud PieThis is mud in my hand. Put in water. Mix in sand. Tip it out. Pat it flat.This is a mud pie⋯not a hat.1BLesson 1 Floppy’ s BoneFloppy had a bone. A Dog took the bone. Floppy ran after the dog.“ Come back!” said Mum. She ran after Floppy.“ Come back,He ran after M um.“ Come back!” said Biff and Chip. They ran after Dad.The do stopped. A big dog took the bone. The big dog ate the bone.Oh no!Lesson 2 Hook a Duck“ Hook a duck,” said Mum. Chip had a go. He got a pen.“ Ha said Mum. Biff had a go. Biff got a cat.“ Go on. Hook a duck,” said Mu Kipper had a go. He got a dog. It was a big dog.“ What a big d Kipper.“ Grrr!” said Floppy.Lesson 3 Chip’ s RobotChip had a box.“ This is my robot,” he said.“ Can you see it? leg,” said Chip.you “seeCanthe robot?”“ This is an arm,” said C “ Can you see my robot?”“ Can you see it, yet?” said Chip.“ This is the head,” said Chip.“ Now can you see my robot?it now!” said Biff.Lesson 4 The SandcastleChip had a box. He put sand in it.“ Pat it flat,” he said. Kipper ha He put sand in it. Biff had a bucket. She put sand in it. Biff put thebucket on the top.”“ good,” she said. It was a sandcastle. It was a good sandcastle. It was the best sandcastle.Lesson 5 The Box of TreasureDad had a map. He hid the map in the sand. Biff found the map.treasure map,” she said. The map said, Chip dug in the sand. Chip found a box. said. No. It was a box of sweets!“ Dig here.”“ Dig h “ Is it a box of treasure?Lesson 6 One Wheel“ One wheel,”said Chip.“ Look,” said Chip.“ One wheel. Mum.“ I am on two wheels.”“ Look at me,” said Kipper.“wheels.”“ Look at me,” said Biff.“ I am on four wheels.said Mum.“ He is on one wheel.”“ Oh no,” said Dad.“ NoLesson 7 Funny FishKipper was fishing. He got a hat. Biff was a fishing. She got a crab. Chipwas fishing. He got an octopus! Mum was fishing. She got a bucket.Dad was fishing. He got a boot. SPLASH! Floppy got a fish!Lesson 8 The SnowmanWilma made a snowman. It had a red nose. It had a blue scarf. It hadgreen gloves. It had a black hat. The hat fell on floppy. Floppy ran. Ohno! No snowman.Lesson 9 Silly RacesKipper ran. Kipper got a banana. Mum ran. She got an apple. Biff andchip ran. They got an orange. Dad ran. Floppy ran. Oh no! Dad fell. Dadgot a duck!Lesson 10 Picnic Time“ Picnic time!” said Dad. Biff sat on a log. Some sheep came.Kipper. They sat on a bridge. Some ducks ca me.“ Run!” said Chip. Theysat on a wall. Some donkeys came.“ Run!” said Biff. They sat on a roc Oh no! The rain came!Lesson 11 Dad’ s BirthdayIt was Dad’ s birthday. Dad had a cake. He had a bike. He got on thebike.“ Go on, Dad,” said Biff.“ Go on, Dad,” said Chip. Kipper. Dad fell off! Oh no!Lesson 12 Mum’ s New HatMum had a new hat. The wind blew. It blew Mum’ s hat off.“hat,” said Mum. Dad ran. The wind blew. Oh no!“ Get that hat, Dad. Kipper ran. The wind blew. Oh no!“ Get that hat,” said Kipper. Biff ran. The wind blew. Oh no!“ Look at my new hat! Said Mum.Lesson 13 Hop! Hop! Pop!Biff and Chip had hoppers. Biff and chip set off. Go on, Biff. Chip wins!The red hopper was big. Dad got on it. Dad and Kipper set off. Pop!Lesson 14 Catkin the KittenWilma had a kitten. Catkin ran off. Wilma had lost Catkin. She was not on the bed. She was not in the bin. She was not in the bag. But she was in the basket. Wilma put a bell on Catkin.Lesson 15 In the TrolleyMum and Kipper went shopping. Kipper got the trolley. Mum put cansin the trolley. She put bags in the trolley. Kipper put a big egg in the trolley. Mum did not see the big egg. Mum saw the big egg. Kipper had to put the egg back.Lesson 16 The TrampolineWilma and Wilf had a trampoline. Dad put the net up. Wilma got on.She went up and down. Wilf got on. Up and down he went. Dad got on the trampoline. Up he went⋯.⋯ but not down. Oh, Dad!Lesson 17 The Enormous CrabChip got a crab. Dad put it in the bucket. They got lots of crabs. Then Biff got an enormous crab. Dad held the enormous crab. The crabs got out. Did the enormous crab nip Dad? No! It did not.lesson 18 The CaterpillarKipper had a caterpillar. Kipper put the caterpillar in a box. He put leaves in the box. Then it was not a caterpillar. It was a chrysalis. But it was not a chrysalis. It was a butterfly.Lesson 19 The Picture Book ManThe man had a big pad. He had a pen. He did a picture of a cat. He did a picture of a dog. The cat ran. The dog ran. The man ran. He did a picture of a long dog. The picture man was fun.Lesson 20 In the TentLee and Kipper had a tent. Lee and Kipper had fun in the tent. It got cold⋯⋯ and it got wet. It was a lot of fun in the tent. It was not cold and wet!Lesson 21 The Bag in the BinMum got the shopping. Mum put it in a bag. Mum put the bag on the step. Dad put the shopping in the bin. The bin man took the bin. Mum ran to the bin men. The bin man got the bag. Oh no! scrambled eggs.Lesson 22 Stuck!Floppy was in his back garden. Button was in his back garden. Button dug and dug⋯Button was stuck. Button did not budge. Button did not budge. Floppy got a big bone and⋯He did it!Lesson 23 The Big Red BusKipper got on the bus. It was the big, red bus. The big, red bus set off.He went to Dinosaur Land. It had a lot of dinosaurs. He went toMonster Land. Kipper got off the bus.Lesson 24 The SockGrandpa Chen had a sock. Lee went to get buttons. Grandpa Chen put the buttons on the sock. Kipper got a red pen. Lin got a cowboy hat.The sock was a lot of fun. Is this it? It is a sock puppet!Lesson 25 What a Bad Dog!Floppy went on the concrete. Floppy went in the mud. Floppy pulledthe washing down. Floppy pushed and barked. Dad couldn’ t slee was cross.“ What a bad dog!said Dad.”The tray was on fire. What agood dog!Lesson 26 The DreamBiff couldn’ t sleep. Dad told her a story. The story was about a dragon.Biff dreamed about the dragon. It was a nasty dragon. It was a verynasty dragon. Biff had to fight it. Biff went downstairs. Mum told her astory. The story was about a dolphin. Biff dreamed about a dolphin.Lesson 27 The Go-kartDad made a go-kart. Biff wanted the go-kart. Chip wanted the go-cart.Biff wanted a go chip wanted a go. Biff pushed. Chip pulled. They had afight.“ Stop it,” said Dad.“ Stop it,” said -Mumkartaw.Dady. put the go They made a swing. Oh no!Lesson 28 A New DogKipper wanted a dog. Everyone wanted a dog. They went to the dogshome. They looked at the dogs. Kipper wanted this dog. It was too big.Biff wanted this dog. It was too little. Mum wanted this dog. It was toostrong. Everyone liked this dog. They took the dog home.Lesson 29 The Toys’ PartyKipper wanted a party. Nobody wanted to come. He got his toys. Hewanted a cake. He put in cornflakes. He put in tomato sauce. He put inmilk. He put in jam. He put in sugar. He put in baked beans. Mum wascross. Kipper was sorry..word 格式 .Lesson 30 New TrainersChip wanted new trainers. He liked this pair. Chip wore the new trainers. Chip went to play. The trainers got muddy. The trainers got wet. Dad was cross. Chip washed the trainers. Oh no!.专业资料.学习参考.。

















《典范英语》(1a-L4)教学参考Floppy Floppy教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。


一、教学目标1. 语言能力目标:学生能够读懂故事情节;惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;初步掌握字母“o”的拼读规律。

2. 非语言能力目标:让学生体会一家人对淘气的Floppy的无奈和喜爱;培养学生观察人物表情从而判断人物情感的能力;培养学生敢读、敢表达的自信和勇气。





四、教学用具多媒体设备、CD机、课件(课题组提供)、故事原图、句子卡(“Oh, Floppy!”2张;“No, Floppy!”2张;“Floppy Floppy!”1张)。

五、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in):谈论与小狗相关的话题,引入故事情景通过展示小狗图片和提出相关问题,引起学生的兴趣,为进入故事做好铺垫。

教师通过PPT展示小狗图片(见课件),提问相关问题与学生互动:Do you like dogs?Do you have a dog?What’s your dog’s name?Is your dog good?Do you remember Kipper’s dog? Floppy.Do you like Floppy?Is Floppy good? Let’s learn the new story Floppy Floppy.2. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,观察一家人在Floppy淘气时的表情教师利用课件逐幅播放故事图片,并用丰富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,让学生体会淘气的Floppy在家庭聚会上捣乱的情景。



典范英语1a单词句型整理(lesson1-14)教学提纲典范英语1a单词句型整理(l e s s o n1-14)典范英语1aLesson 1 Who is it? Who is it?Biff and Chip .Mum and Kipper.Floppy and a spaceman.No, it’s Dad.生词:who , spaceman句型:Who is it?Lesson 2 Six in bed Mum and Dad.Mum, Kipper and Dad.Mum ,Kipper ,Dad and Chip.Biff, Mum ,Kipper,Dad, Chip and Floppy. 单词:six ,bed句型&短语:six in bedLesson 3 Fun at the Beach Dad and Mum.Mum and Dad.Kipper, Chip and Biff.Kipper, Biff and Dad.Mum, Chip and Floppy.Chip, Biff and Kipper.Dad and Floppy.Oh Floppy!单词:fun, beach句型&短语:fun at the beachLesson 4 Floppy FloppyOh, Floppy! No, Floppy! Oh, Floppy! No, Floppy! Floppy Floppy.Lesson 5 A Good TrickA rug, a sheet, a big box, a little box, Kipper.单词: rug,sheet , box , little, big , trick句型&短语: a good trickLesson 6 The PancakeThe frying pan, the flour, the eggs, the milk, the butter, the pancake, the pancake race.单词: fry,flying,pan ,flour ,egg ,milk ,butter ,pancake ,raceLesson7 Is it?。



《典范英语》(1a-L40)教学参考What a DIN!教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。


一、教学目标1.语言能力目标:学生能够读懂故事情节;惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;能看图说话;灵活运用“… has ...”的表达方式;初步掌握字母组合“in”的拼读规律。



三、教师要求1. 教师课前须熟读故事,了解故事内容。


3. 全英文授课。


五、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in):理解标题含义通过游戏让学生理解故事标题含义,为看图讲故事做好铺垫。


Look! I have a tin. I can make music with a tin.(2)请一名学生当指挥,全班学生拿出能敲出声音的物品,一起敲打,然后引导学生进入故事情境。

Let’s play. Oh! What a din!(教师用手捂住耳朵)Today, we are going to learn a new story What a DIN!. What would happen in the story? Let’s have a look.2. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,体会一家人其乐融融的氛围教师利用课件逐幅播放故事图片,并用丰富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,让学生观察孩子们的表情和动作,体会一家人组成乐队演奏时其乐融融的氛围。



《典范英语》(1a-L14)教学参考Fancy Dress教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。


一、教学目标1. 语言能力目标:学生能够读懂故事情节;惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;学生能够看图说出各种装扮的名称(scarecrow, pirate, angel, chicken)及相应的表达方式(… was a/an …);掌握字母组合“pp”的拼读规律。

2. 非语言能力目标:让学生感受一家人准备和参加化装派对的欢乐氛围;通过让学生用道具装扮人物图培养观察力;通过让学生尝试用简单道具给自己化装培养想象力和动手能力。


三、教师要求1. 教师课前须熟读故事,了解本课故事相关的文化背景:化装派对在英国称之为fancy dress party,在美国称之为costume party,最早可追溯到18世纪流行于欧洲上流社会的化装舞会。



2. 对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作和表情帮助学生理解。

3. 全英文授课。

四、教学用具多媒体设备、CD机、课件(课题组提供)、单词卡(Mum, Biff, Chip, Kipper, Dad, was, a scarecrow, a pirate, an angel, a chicken,句点)、人物图(Mum, Dad, Biff, Chip, Kipper, Floppy)、服装道具图(服装稻草人、鸡、海盗、天使的图片)、图片(苹果、笑脸)。

五、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in):观看视频,了解fancy dress party通过观看视频短片Fancy Dress Party,让学生了解何为fancy dress party,为看图讲故事做好铺垫。

三年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 14教案 人教新版

三年级英语上册 Unit 1 Lesson 14教案 人教新版

Unit 1 Hello!Lesson 14Teaching aims:1、Just speak:本部分通过刚飞临地球的机器人与师生对话的童话式的情景,让学生学习如何用How are you? Fine , thank you . 相互问候。

2、Just read:学习认读face , mouth ,能够听懂,会说,能在句子中应用。

3、Let’s sing:通过指令性游戏,以小组为单位,巩固复习教学内容。

Main and difficult points:1、熟练的使用“How are you? Fine , thank you . ”句型进行交流。

2、掌握face , mouth两单词。

Teaching aids:图片、录音机Teaching procedure:一、Revisiona、课前播放歌曲Hello! How are you?活跃课堂气氛。

b、唱歌曲Glad to meet you! 带入英语情境。


二、Presentationa、教师自然地走近学生,问候How are you?然后,转身站在学生一面,点点头,做感谢的表情并自答Fine , thank you .借助当时的情景,配以适当的手势,恰当的体态语言,多次重复,使学生理解句义。



教师要注意指导fine 中n的读音,不要吞音。

Thank的th 的发音,不要发成[s]。


d、教师边出示本课图片边说“Look at my picture . Wow ! It’s nice! ”接着,指着图中的人,“Who are they? This is a teacher. They are children. ”教师指着机器人“Who is this ? ”“It’s a robot .”然后,教师戴上机器人的头饰指着自己,“It’s me. I’m a robot. How are you? ”与学生们互相问候。



典范英语1aLesson1Whoisit WhoisitBiffandChip.MumandKipper. Floppyandaspaceman.No,it’sDad.生词:who,spaceman句型:WhoisitLesson2SixinbedMumandDad.Mum,KipperandDad.Mum,Kipper,DadandChip.Biff,Mum,Kipper,Dad,ChipandFloppy. 单词:six,bed句型&短语:sixinbedLesson3FunattheBeach DadandMum.MumandDad.Kipper,ChipandBiff.Kipper,BiffandDad.Mum,ChipandFloppy.Chip,BiffandKipper.DadandFloppy.OhFloppy!单词:fun,beach句型&短语:funatthebeachLesson4FloppyFloppyOh,Floppy!No,Floppy!Oh,Floppy!No,Floppy!FloppyFloppy. Lesson5AGoodTrickArug,asheet,abigbox,alittlebox,Kipper.单词:rug,sheet,box,little,big,trick句型&短语:agoodtrickLesson6ThePancakeThefryingpan,theflour,theeggs,themilk,thebutter,thepancake, thepancakerace.单词:fry,flying,pan,flour,egg,milk,butter,pancake,race Lesson7IsitIsitKipperItiskipper.IsitBiffItisBiff.IsitChipItisChipItisChip.IsitFloppyYes.ItisFloppy!句型&短语:IsitIsitChipItisBiff.Lesson8GetonGeton.geton,Biff.Biffgoton.geton,Chip.Chipgoton.Geton,Kipper.Kippergoton.Oh,no!句型&短语:Geton.Biffgoton.geton,Chip. Lesson9FloppyDidThis Chipdidthis.ItisBiff.Biffdidthis.ItisKipper.Kipperdidthis.ItisMum.Oh,no!Floppydidthis.句型&短语:ItisKipper.Kipperdidthis.Lesson10GetDadGoon,Dad!GetBiff.Goon,Dad!GetChip.Goon,Dad!GetKipper.Goon,Mum!GetDad.单词:get句型&短语:Goon,Dad!GetBiff. Lesson11UpYouGo Upyougo,Kipper.Go!Upyougo,Biff.Go,go!Chip,upyougo.Go,go,go!No,Dad.No,no,no!单词:up句型&短语:Upyougo,Kipper. Lesson12ISeeIseeBiff.IseeChip. IseeMumandDad. WeseeKipper. WeseeFloppy. IseeBiffandChip. Iseeme.单词:see句型&短语:I/We/YouseeBiff. Lesson13AtthePark Everyonewenttothepark. Chipwentontheslide. Biffwentonthehorse.Kipperwentontheswing.Floppywenttosleep.单词:park,horse,swing,sleep,everyone句型&短语:wenttothepark,wentonthehorse,wentontheswing, wenttosleepLesson14FancyDressMumwasascarecrow.Biffwasapirate.Chipwasapirate.Kipperwasanangel.Dadwasachicken.Everyonewashappy.单词:scarecrow,pirate,anangel,chicken,happy,everyone 句型&短语:FancyDress,Mum/Biff/Chip/Kipper/Dad/wasascarecrow. Everyonewashappy.。

典范1a 14课教案

典范1a 14课教案

典范1a 14课教案第一部分,教学目标。

1. 知识目标,学生能够掌握课文中的重点词汇和句型,了解课文的内容和主题。

2. 能力目标,培养学生的阅读理解能力,提高学生的口头表达能力。

3. 情感目标,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。


1. 教学重点,重点词汇和句型的掌握,课文内容的理解。

2. 教学难点,学生对课文内容的理解和运用,口头表达能力的提高。


1. 导入新课,通过图片、视频或者小故事等方式引入新课,激发学生的学习兴趣,引起学生的好奇心,为学习新知识做好铺垫。

2. 学习新课,通过阅读课文、听录音等方式,让学生了解课文内容,掌握重点词汇和句型。


3. 合作学习,组织学生进行小组讨论或者合作活动,让学生在交流中加深对课文的理解,提高口头表达能力。

4. 拓展延伸,教师可以设计一些拓展延伸的活动,让学生在课外进行更多的阅读和练习,加深对课文的理解,提高英语水平。


1. 教学过程中,教师要注重激发学生的学习兴趣,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学习英语。

2. 教师要关注学生的学习情况,及时发现学生的问题并给予指导和帮助。

3. 教师要注重培养学生的合作意识和团队精神,让学生在合作中相互学习,共同进步。

4. 教师要不断反思教学过程,总结经验,不断提高教学水平,为学生提供更好的教学服务。

典范1a 14课教案的设计旨在通过多种教学方法和手段,激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的口头表达能力,培养学生的合作意识和团队精神。




《典范英语》(1a-L21)教学参考The Journey教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。


一、教学目标1.语言能力目标:学生能够读懂故事情节;惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;认读“bored, hungry, thirsty, cross, lost”等单词;运用“I’m…”描述人物的状态或情绪;了解引号的作用;初步掌握字母组合“th”的拼读规律。






四、教学用具多媒体设备、CD机、课件(课题组提供)、单词卡(bored, hungry, thirsty, cross, lost)、图片(故事原图1-4,人物图)。


(1)播放视频Wheels on the Bus(见课件),让学生跟唱,边唱边做动作。

唱完后,教师提问,与学生互动:Do you like journeys?Where have you been?How did you go there?(BQ: Did you go there by bus/plane/car/train…?)(2)展示故事第一幅图,引入故事情景,自然过渡到讲故事环节:Look at this picture. Kipper’s family went on a journey. Where did they go? Did they take abus or a car? Let’s learn the storyThe Journey.2.看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,观察一家人在旅途过程中的心情变化教师利用课件逐幅播放故事图片,并用丰盛的表情、生动的英文和合适的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,引导学生观察图片中每个家庭成员的表情,感受一家人在旅途过程中的心情变化。



Pirate Adventure
Teaching aims:
1.Aims on the knowledge:
2.Aims on the emotion:



3.Teaching methods:
4.Aims on students’ thinking ability and quality:

Lesson 14 Pirate Adventure。



典范英语1a单词句型整理(l e s s o n1-14)典范英语1aLesson 1 Who is it? Who is it?Biff and Chip .Mum and Kipper.Floppy and a spaceman.No, it’s Dad.生词:who , spaceman句型:Who is it?Lesson 2 Six in bed Mum and Dad.Mum, Kipper and Dad.Mum ,Kipper ,Dad and Chip.Biff, Mum ,Kipper,Dad, Chip and Floppy. 单词:six ,bed句型&短语:six in bedLesson 3 Fun at the Beach Dad and Mum.Mum and Dad.Kipper, Chip and Biff.Kipper, Biff and Dad.Mum, Chip and Floppy.Chip, Biff and Kipper.Dad and Floppy.Oh Floppy!单词:fun, beach句型&短语:fun at the beachLesson 4 Floppy FloppyOh, Floppy! No, Floppy! Oh, Floppy! No, Floppy! Floppy Floppy.Lesson 5 A Good TrickA rug, a sheet, a big box, a little box, Kipper.单词: rug,sheet , box , little, big , trick句型&短语: a good trickLesson 6 The PancakeThe frying pan, the flour, the eggs, the milk, the butter, the pancake, the pancake race.单词: fry,flying,pan ,flour ,egg ,milk ,butter ,pancake ,raceLesson7 Is it?Is it Kipper?It is kipper.Is it Biff?It is Biff.Is it Chip?It is Chip?It is Chip.Is it Floppy?Yes. It is Floppy!句型&短语: Is it? Is it Chip? It is Biff.Lesson 8 Get onGet on .get on, Biff.Biff got on .get on, Chip.Chip got on.Get on, Kipper.Kipper got on.Oh, no!句型&短语: Get on . Biff got on . get on, Chip.Lesson 9 Floppy Did ThisChip did this.It is Biff.Biff did this.It is Kipper.Kipper did this.It is Mum.Oh, no!Floppy did this.句型&短语: It is Kipper. Kipper did this.Lesson 10 Get Dad Go on, Dad!Get Biff.Go on, Dad!Get Chip.Go on, Dad!Get Kipper.Go on, Mum!Get Dad.单词:get句型&短语: Go on, Dad! Get Biff.Lesson 11 Up You GoUp you go, Kipper.Go! Up you go, Biff.Go , go!Chip, up you go.Go,go,go!No,Dad. No ,no,no!单词:up句型&短语: Up you go, Kipper.Lesson12 I SeeI see Biff.I see Chip.I see Mum and Dad.We see Kipper.We see Floppy.I see Biff and Chip.I see me.单词:see句型&短语: I /We/You see Biff.Lesson 13 At the Park Everyone went to the park.Chip went on the slide.Biff went on the horse.Kipper went on the swing.Floppy went to sleep.单词:park, horse ,swing ,sleep, everyone句型&短语: went to the park, went on the horse,went on the swing,went to sleepLesson 14 Fancy DressMum was a scarecrow.Biff was a pirate.Chip was a pirate.Kipper was an angel.Dad was a chicken.Everyone was happy.单词:scarecrow,pirate,an angel, chicken,happy,everyone 句型&短语: Fancy Dress, Mum/Biff/Chip/Kipper/Dad/ was a scarecrow. Everyone was happy.。

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Good English
Lesson 14
教学目标: 了解costume party及相关装扮的英文意思
Welcome to the class for Good English.
Now, be quiet and listen to me carefully.
If you know the answer, put up your hand and tell me.
Here we go.
Today, we are talking about the costume party.
In the costume party, you can put on many different clothes to make you look like many figures, like the scientist, the bleach,the witch. So what else figure can you dress like?
This is prince.
When you put on beautiful shirts, jacket and cape, as well as a golden crow over your head You will look like a price
This is angle.
When you put on long robe and have a pair of wings on your back and a halo over your head. Then, you will be an angel.
This is scarecrow.
You can put some shredded and patched clothes to make yourself look like a scarecrow.
These are pirate. You can take the eye patch to cover one of your eyes and hold a knife. Then, you’ll lo ok like a pirate.
Okay, now let’s read the story about the costume party.
1. 每张图片的讲课顺序要重复,方面孩子感知和记忆
2. 指图要准确,图片没有的信息避免表达出来,导致孩子因为无法对应而走神
3. 多进行互动问答交流
The story is called Fancy Dress.
Look at the picture.
The Kipper family is having a costume party (指图).
Mom is putting on some shredded clothes
What did Mom look like?
She looked like a scarecrow (指图)
What about the others.
How did they look like?
In the costume party, the kipper family has different look.
This is Biff.
She’s wearing the jacket and a captain cap. And she’s holding a knife. What did she look like?
She looked like a pirate.
What about the others?
This is Chip.
He's joining the Kipper Family Costume Party (指图)
What is he wearing?
He's wearing some headband, one eye patch and he has a hook in one hand. What does he look like?
He looks like a pirate, too.
What about Kipper?
Look, this is Kipper for the costume party.
What did he dress?
He puts on a white robe and he has a halo over his head as well as a pair of wings on his back.
What does Kipper look like?
He looks like an angle.
Look, the Kipper family get all dressed up.
They look like a scarecrow, a fat chicken, a pirate, and another pirate and an angel. What fancy dress.
Everyone is happy.
Okay, let’s listen to the audiobook and read the book after me. 教师播放录音,带着孩子把这几句话读一遍。
