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catch one' s breat喘气松口气;屏息

catch one ' s 引y人注目catch sight of 看到,发现come into effect 生效;实施come into operation 施行,实行,生效come to one ' s serj S e悟;苏醒come true 实现could not help禁不住,忍不住cut short中断,打断do one 'best尽力,努力enjoy on eself过得快活fall in love with 爱上find fault(with)找岔gain an advantage over 胜过,优于get hold of得到,获得get rid of丢弃,摆脱, get the best of 战胜get the better of战胜,占上风get together会面,装配give rise to 引起,导致give way 让路,让步go ahead 开始,进行go into effect 施行,实行,生效go into operation 生效,实施go wrong出错,出故障had better 应该had rather 宁愿had rather …than愿…而不愿…

have an advantage over 胜过,优于have in mi nd 想至U ;记得;打算have nothing to do with 禾口… 毫无关系have(something/much/little)to do with 和•••(有些/有


help on eself自用,自取keep an eye on 留意,照看keep in mi nd i己住keep one ' s he保d持镇静keep one ' s wc守信用keep

pace(with)(与 ........ )齐步前进

lead the way引路,带路learn by heart 记住,背诵leave alone不打扰,不干预let alone更别提,不打扰let go (of)放松手lose heart失去勇气,丧失信心lose one ' s h慌乱,仓皇失措lose one ' s temp脾气,发努lose sight of 忘记忽略;看不见make a /the differenee 有影响,起作用make friends 交朋友make fun of取笑,嘲弄make one ' s wa去,前往make sense讲得通,言之有理


make sure查明;务必

make the best of 充分利用make the most of 充分禾U用make up one ' s mi而决心,打定主意make use of 使用,利用make way让路,让出地方may as well还不如,不妨never mi nd 不要紧;不用担心pay attention to 注意piece together 拼合play a part(in) 起作用,参于put into effect实施;使生效put into operation 实施;使生效put into practice 实施;实行put to use 使用see to it that注意,务必,保证see that注意,务必保证set fire to使燃烧,点燃take ... for把认为是take a cha nee冒险,投机

take (a) delight in 以... 为乐

take advantage of 利用,趁.. 之机

take care当心,注意

take care of照顾,照料take charge管理,接管take effect生效,起作用take into account 考虑take for gran ted认为理所当然

take one ' s tim^着急,不着慌take pains 努力,尽力,下苦功take part (in) 参力口,参于take place发生,进行举行take the place of 代替,取代take turns依次,轮流throw light on 阐明,使了解think better of 经考虑改变对…的看法try one ' s b尽力,努力


absent from 不在,缺席abundant in 富于alien to与.... 相反

angry with sb at/about sth 生气,愤怒anxious about/for 忧虑,担心appropriate for/to 适当,合适applicable to 适用于apt at聪明,善于apt to易于ashamed of羞愧害臊approximate to 近拟,接近aware of 意识至U available to sb for sth 可用,可供bare of几乎没有,缺乏bound for 开往capable of 能够careful of/about/with;小心,注意certain of /about 确信,肯定about/in doing characteristic of 特有,独特clear of没有,不接触clever at 善于close to 接近,亲近comparable to/with 可比较conscious of察觉至U,意识至U con seque nt on随之而来con siderate towards 体谅,体贝占con temporary with 与同时代

content with 满足于contrary to 违反counter to 与....相反

crazy about 热衷,着迷critical of 挑剔,批评curious about好奇,想知道distinet from 种类(风格)不同doubtful of

/about 怀疑east of在东面

equal to相等,胜任equivale nt to等于,相当于essential to/for 必不可少expert at/in/on 善于faithful to 忠实于familiar to sb 为 .... 所熟悉

familiar with sth 熟悉,通晓fatal to致命的favourable to 支持,赞成favourable for 有帮助的fearful of 惧怕fit for 适于foreign to 非所原有

fond of 喜欢free of /from 未受;免费free with康慨,大方guilty of有罪的hungry for 渴望ignorant of 不知道impatient at sth.不耐烦impatient of 无法容忍with sb independent of 不受............................ 支配己

impatient for 急切,渴望

