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How to skim?
Skimming means to look at titles, headings, pictures and diagrams and certain sentences in a passage ( such as the first and last sentences).
How to scan?
Scanning means to search the parts for the information you need.
Keywords and headings can help you.
Step 3 Skimming
1.What type of the programme is being made in the television studio?
started, one of the _c_o_n_t_e_st_a_n_t__ _f_a_in_t_e_d____. The _ca_m__er_a_m_a_n
helped her off the __s_ta_g_e____. The director shouted to the _a_u_d_i_en_c_e___ who would like to be on TV. Angela raised her hand. A ___m_a_k_e_-_u_p_a_r_ti_st___ rushed forward and quickly _p_o_w__d_er_e_d__ her face and combed her hair after the director _s_ea_t_e_d_____ her. The announcer _b_o_o_m__e_d__ it was time for Travel Quiz and the__h_o_s_t__ came running out. Angela was soon _a_h_e_a_d_o_f______ the other two. She kept getting _th_e__q_u_e_st_io_n_s__ri_g_h_t_. Finally she won t_h_e_g_r_a_n_d_p_r_i_z_e--- a
A quiz programme.
2. Why did Mandy and Angela go there?
They went to watch the show.
3.What surprising thing happened in the story?
Angela won the grand prize.
• What about Mandy?
confident, calm, good at travel knowledge, very brave
worried, nervous, fainted, etc.
Step 5 Summary
Rearrange the sentences below to retell the story.
5 4
3 6 2
Step 5 Summary
Angela and Mandy were at a TV___s_tu_d_i_o____ to attend the __f_il_m_i_n_g___of a quiz program. 5 minutes before the show
Step 4 Scanning (T or F)
• 1. The cameraman helped the woman off the stage.
• 2. T_h_e__d_i_r_e_c_t_o_r rushed forward and quickly powdered Angela’s face and combed her hair.
Talk about your watching habits.
What different types of TV programs do you know?
TV drama weather
Types of TV Programmes
song contest concert
Step 1 Pair work A Survey
• 1. Do you like watching TV? • 2. What kind of TV programme do you
often watch? • How much time do you spend watching TV ?
Step 2 What do you know about…?
music drama news quiz
a _dqm_ruu_பைடு நூலகம்isz_mit_cha_epr_og_nre_awm_sm_e_
1.What’s the place where a TV program is filmed?
2.what’s needed for making a TV program at a studio?
trip for 2 to the lovely city of Paris.
Further reading
• What kind of personality does Angela have? And why ? Find out the descriptions about Angela in the text.
The make-up artist
• 3. ‘Travel Quiz’ is the name of the programme.
• 4. ‘_C_u__e_L__e_s_te_r_’ is the name of the host.
Lester Li
• Who are involved in the program? • Director • Contestants • Cameraman • Make-up artist • Audience • Announcer • host