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必修1 Unit3

1、记日记keep a journal /diary

2、交通工具means of transport

3、宁愿…而不愿prefer to do rather than do; prefer doing sth to doing sth

偏爱,更喜欢show/have a preference for

学小提琴而不学钢琴learn the violin in preference to the piano

4、权衡利弊balance the advantages against the disadvantages

一个相当大的缺点/不利条件a considerable disadvantage

使他处于明显劣势put him at a distinct disadvantage

处于优势/不利地位be at an advantage/ a disadvantage

占对手上风gain an advantage over the opponents

他的身高使他比其他人有优势。His height gives him an advantage over the others.

对你有利be/ work to your advantage 利用;欺骗take advantage of

5、考虑交通费think about the fare 儿童旅游全票/半票Children travel at full /half fare.

6、湄公河流经的国家the countries that the Mekong River flows through

血从伤口流出Blood flowed from a cut. 她流泪了Her tears flowed.

车流不息Constant streams of traffic flowed past.

止住伤口流血stop the flow of blood from the wound

难民源源不断涌入这个国家an endless flow of refugees into the country

7、从那以后ever since 8、梦想伟大的自行车之旅dream about taking a great bike trip

9、劝服sb做…persuade sb to do/ into doing 劝阻sb做…persuade sb not to do/out of doing

10、大学毕业之后after graduating from college

11、正在计划我们的旅行日程be planning our schedule for the trip 准时on schedule/time

提前ahead of schedule/time; in advance 预定/按计划做某事be scheduled to do

12、一个严重的缺点one serious shortcoming 13、使××对…感兴趣get sb interested in

14、顽抗stubborn resistance 顽渍stubborn spots 久治不愈的感冒 a stubborn cough

15、合理组织/安排旅程organize the trip properly

一场组织很好的音乐会a well-organized concert 非盈利组织non-profit organizations

16、在乎细节care about details 喜欢;照顾care for

17、长江的源头the source of the Yangzi River 主要收入来源the main source of income

可靠信息来源a reliable source of information 可再生能源renewable energy sources

18、开发自然资源exploit natural resources

19、坚定的表情a determined look/ expression 决心做…be determined to do

20、改变主意change one’s mind 下决心make up one’s mind

21、在海拔超过5000米处at an altitude of more than 5000 metres

22、向…屈服give in to sb/sth 宁死不屈would rather die than give in

赠送;泄露;出卖give away 耗尽,精疲力竭;分发give out

23、以稳定的速度at a steady pace 跟得上时代的节奏keep pace with the times

向前走两步take 2 paces forward 来回踱步pace up and down

调整自己的工作节奏pace yourself

24、低头吻她bend his head and kiss her 弯腰捡报纸bend (over) to pick up the newspaper

致力于bend your mind/efforts to sth 歪曲事实bend the truth

屈服于××的意志bend sb to one’s will 转急弯take a sharp bend in the road

25、无论有多难no matter how hard it is 26、按计划进行/进展顺利run/go like clockwork

27、一大包暖和的衣服a large parcel of warm clothes

28、买一份保险take out an insurance 获得贷款take out a loan

29、穿着长长的羊毛外套的孩子children dressed in long wool coats

30、照常as usual 31、一位可信赖的朋友a reliable friend 可靠的消息来源a reliable source

32、搭建帐篷put up the tent 张贴海报put up posters 提高价格put prices up

提出建议put up a proposal 留××过夜put sb up for the night

忍受他的暴脾气put up with his violent temper

33、考虑到,鉴于in view of 进入视野come into view 将…视为view…as…

34、突然烧起来burst into flames/fire 35、高效地工作work efficiently

36、躺在星空下lie beneath the stars

埋在一堆树下的珠宝the jewellery buried beneath a pile of leaves

37、预测未来forecast the future 准确的天气预报the accurate weather forecast

38、很少按我自己的时间表seldom follow my own work schedule

39、我没那么开心I am not that happy. 40、你真走运!Lucky you!

41、留下leave sth behind 让其他学生远远落在后面leave the rest of the students far behind

42、有一只狗作伴have a dog for company 43、换一幢大房子change my house for

a larger one

44、恢宏的有银制地板的庙宇a great temple with floors made of silver

45、晚睡熬夜sleep late; stay up 46、开玩笑make jokes about sb

47、穿越边界cross the border 48、情绪高涨/低落be in high/low spirits

49、实现梦想make one’s dream come true;realize /live/achieve one’s dream
