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1. 码头船期信息-V essel information from terminals

2. 航次-V oyage

3. 船东(船代)-Ship Owner

4. 计划抵港日-Estimated Time Of Berthing

5. 计划离港日-Estimated Time Of Departure

6. 实际抵港日-Time Of Berthing

7. 实际离港日-Time Of Departure

8. 船公司船期动态信息-Sailing Information From Ship Owner

9. 船经营人-Shipping Agency

10. 航线代码-Line Code

11. 承运人-Carrier

12. 船舶及船期信息登记-Registered For Vessel Or Sailing Information

13. 宁波港务局集装箱船截关-Vessel Plan in NingBo Port

14. 出口集装箱进场信息-In-Gate Container of Exporting

15. 集装箱海关放行信息-Container Passing Information

•美国海关申报费ams fee = Automated Manifest System

•海运燃油附加费baf =bunkering adjustment fee

•并单费combination bill of lading fee

•出口报关费export customs declaration fee

•订舱费booking fee

•包干费all in charges

•保险费insurance premium


•仓储超期费warehouse overdue fee

•仓储费warehouse storage fee

•产地证certificate of original

•卡车费trucking fee

•冲港费special wharf charge

•出口操作费export handing charges

•重签费reseal fee

•拆箱费devanning fee

•查验费customs inspection fee

•操作费handing charges

•超重费over weight charges

•堆存费overtime storage charges

•目的港手续费destination delivery charges

•代垫费用other charges

•电放费surrender charges

•到付佣金collect commission

•地面服务费ground agent service fee

•文件费document fee

•待时费waiting fee

•倒箱费exchange container fee

•分单费house bill fee

•附加费additional charges

•放空费empty charge

•发票费invoice charges

•改单费amendment fee

•关封费seal charge

•改港费port name change charge


•换单费exchange d/o fee d/o= delivery order发货单,提货单•还箱费return container fee

•海运费ocean freight

•截关费cut of charge

•加急报关费declaration surcharge

•加急费emergency fee

•落箱费discharge container fee

•内陆包干费inland all in charge

•内陆拖卡费inland trucking fee

•输单费input data fee

•商检换单费commercial exchange document fee

•上下车费loading/unloading fee

•提箱费pick up container fee



NVOCC=non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier无船公共承运人

Booking Sheet订舱单

S/O=Shipping Order装货通知书




Notify Party通知人

Port of Loading装运港

Port of Discharge卸货港

Place of Delivery交货地

B/L=Bill of lading提单

Original B/L正本提单

Copy B/L副本提单

Shipped on Board B/L已装船提单

Received for Shipping B/L收迄待运提单或待运提单

Direct B/L直达提单

Through B L联运提单或称转船提单

MT B/L Multimode Transport B/L多式联运提单

Liner B/L班轮提单
